Thomas Crawford's Diary, 1825

Home Diary Entries About the Voyage

“The Triton had arrived”

Entry for 28/10/1825

Friday 28th. Sweet on deck in the morning about 7 oClock & we were then close to [unclear] past a very high rocky Land, where a number of the Natives had kindled fires; & on reaching the point of the rock on land were saluted by the natives who set up the most hideous yells on perceiving the ship. We saw them with the Glass standing on the point of the rock. About tea time we were close by under the Light house on the heads, where we were boarded by the Pilot who took us up till within a short way of the Cove, [unclear] we were obliged to Anchor on account of a heavy tide against us & a wind. The Pilot sent up word to town by the [unclear] boat to Robert that the Triton had arrived. He immediately came down with his Servant & roused me from bed, where I had not properly fallen asleep; it was then about mid night, & I put on my clothes & went up to town.

We leveled at the Dock yard & walked up to the house at Cockle Bay.
