1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 421 - 440 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Chrysants Purves, David 2,567
The Fower Quarters: 20 - Missing the Bus Blackhall, Sheena 2,562
Scots Tung Wittins 85 Fairnie, Robert 2,560
Scots Tung Wittins 122 Fairnie, Robert 2,558
Scots Tung Wittins 149 Fairnie, Robert 2,552
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 16, recording 2: playing match the pairs and doing a jigsaw N/A Audio 2,549
From Parsing to Politics: A Brief History of School Grammar Teaching McGonigal, James,
Philp, Andrew
Scots Tung Wittins 90 Fairnie, Robert 2,540
Scots Tung Wittins 124 Fairnie, Robert 2,538
Letter from an Island in the Middle of an Unknown Sea Rimbaud, Dee 2,534
Scots Tung Wittins 135 Fairnie, Robert 2,534
Synonym Clustering in Beowulf Kay, Prof Christian 2,531
Scots Tung Wittins 140 Fairnie, Robert 2,530
Scots Tung Wittins 171 Fairnie, Robert 2,524
Teaching Secondary Modern Languages in Scotland Templeton, Brian C 2,514
Scots Tung Wittins 86 Fairnie, Robert 2,513
Gowd Tree an Siller Tree Purves, David 2,511
Scots Tung Wittins 137 Fairnie, Robert 2,511
Scots Tung Wittins 68 Fairnie, Robert 2,509
Scots Tung Wittins 150 Fairnie, Robert 2,508

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