Document 1427

BBC Voices Recording: Inverurie

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): BBC, SCOTS Project

Audio transcription

F1053 Right okay eh right, Peter, name, where you stay, what you do.
M999 Right, eh so, my name is Peter [CENSORED: surname], eh I stay beside eh I stay in Aquithie eh near Kemnay, and I'm an agricultural consultant and part-time farmer.
F1001 I'm Kay [CENSORED: surname] and I live at Mackstead beside Daviot and I'm a project manager.
M1000 I'm Alexander [CENSORED: surname], Mosshead, Kemnay, eh supposedly retired farmer but still on the go.
M1002 I'm Jim [CENSORED: surname], of Nether Coullie, Kemnay, also a farmer.
F1053 //Okay.//
M1000 //[inaudible]//
F1053 Fine, right, so eh let's start with eh we were gonna start with //eh what were we gonna start with?//
M1002 //How ye, how ye feel.//
F1053 How you feel. So Peter, "unwell".
M999 Well I, there's there's nothing really eh unusual aboot that. Eh eh I would just say, I would just say "nae weel". It's as simple as that. Ehm eh, so that's as far as I've got in that ane actually, I dinnae ken eh if I'm daein onything different fae that I don't know.
M1002 Got "nae weel" as well.
M1000 Aye just the same, "nae weel", //mmhm.//
F1001 //"Nae weel" or "nae great".//
M999 //Aye, that's right, I did write "spewin"//
M1000 //uh-huh.//
F1053 //[laugh]//
M999 //eh eftir for further on than nae weel eh but eh but that was aboot it.//
M1002 Aye.
F1053 And "hot"?
M1002 I put doon "het" for that.
M999 Aye.
M1000 Or just "het" it's just a different spellin but eh instead o hot it's het.
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Or bilin.//
M1000 Aye.
M999 Bilin. If ye're, if ye're, if ye're daein something an ye get affa het a lot o folk would say, "Cor, I'm jist bilin". Eh but het is a local word. //It's just just the wey it's pronounced, isn't it?//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M999 Ehm,
F1053 When would you use that, just eh for yourself?
F1001 "I'm bilin, I'm het, het-tempered".
M999 Aye, that's right. //Bilin, you would say, hell of a het.//
F1001 //Hell of a het.//
M999 Eh het is used for onything, it's used for eh something you were eatin an aathing as weel. It's funny an bilin I would just use it as eh mase- masel actually, if I was, which seems funny actually cause it's boiling which should be ehm eh just onything, but I would just say bilin if it was a personal thing. Aye.
F1001 Or "the kettle's bilin".
M999 //Oh aye no, that's right, aye, I would say that. [laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M1000 [laugh]
F1053 Ehm "cold"?
M1000 Well I've nothing else but eh a- anither wey o spellin [inaudible] cauld, C.A.U.L.D. an again if I'd to write hoo I'd spelt, //mmhm, mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
F1001 //That's what I've got, cauld.//
M1002 //That's what I've got, I just//
F1053 Would you have ranges o coldness? Would you?
M1002 Ye'd then pit anither word like gey cauld, affa cauld, //[inaudible] rather than eh use a different word, I think.//
M999 //Aye, I ken, ye ken ye're right actually, the//
F1001 //Hell of a cauld, [laugh] hellish cauld.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 the nuances are mair in the in the eh eh in the word you use wi it, //actually.//
M1002 //Uh-huh.//
M999 //it's gey cauld, it's affa cauld, it's hella of a cauld, it's it's eh//
F1001 //Mmhm mmhm an the emphasis on that word.//
M1002 Aye.
M999 Aye that's right, aye.
F1053 "Annoyed"?
M1002 Well for that I put het up, //roused,//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //words like that you'd be usin.//
F1001 Fair mad.
M999 Aye aye.
M1000 I didnae come up wi onything for annoyed, no
M999 //No [laugh] never annoyed [laugh] but het up,//
F1001 //You're maybe never annoyed!//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 //het up is a eh riled, aye, roused,//
F1001 //Riled. Roused.//
M999 //a lot o folk say 'I'm r-', would say roosed, fizzin mad//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1001 Mmhm.
M999 eh or fizzin, eh you'd hear a lot o folk sayin 'I'm fizzin', //fit ye'd hear a lot o folk say//
M1000 //Aye,// //mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //if they're really angry aboot something.//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1002 [cough]
F1053 "Pleased"?
M999 It's the North East, we're never pleased. //[laugh] That's a difficult word that!//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
F1001 Well we're fair chuffed to be here the nicht.
M999 Chuffed, that's what I wrote.
F1001 //I wrote chuffed.//
M1000 //Well I'd chuffed,// //chuffed, aye.//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye.//
M1002 //I just put doon fine pleased.// //I mean again it's just puttin the word afore it, that's the//
M999 //[inaudible] aye.//
F1001 //Fine pleased, again, aye it is.// //fine. Mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //Ken that's a very North East thing tae tae hae two words thegither that mean something// a bit different, fine pleased, aye.
M1000 Aye.
M999 Aye.
F1053 "Tired".
M1000 Deen or ca deen.
F1001 Scunnered. //Dependin on what context ye look at tired.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 I am tired of, I'm scunnered of, scunnered o.
M999 Aye.
F1053 //So when would you use//
F1001 //I'm tired as in I'm sleepy.// I'm deen, or //I'm near deen. [laugh]//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //[laugh]//
F1053 //So aye, so when would you use it, you would//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 Well I would say scunnered if I'm fed up o something, tired o something, I'm just absolutely fair scunnered, that's what I would say.
M999 Aye.
M1000 Aye.
M999 An that's scunnered is is nae physically tired, that //that's you're you're tired of something, but you're tired o somebody spikkin aa the time or//
F1001 //It's that, it's a bored or a fed up mmhm mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 eh tired o the wey the weather is, ye're fair scunnered. Eh //so to aye, it's a different meaning. [throat]//
F1001 //So I probably looked at tired in a different context.//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M999 Aye, aye I know that's right, but deen.
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye,// scunnered o food I think it //eh can be anither erm erm interpretation.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 It's gonna be scunnered o work, scunnered o food as a kid, you know, definitely //aye, certain//
F1053 //When what ki-//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 certain foods, you know like, mmhm aye.
F1053 What kind o foods would you be scunnered of?
M1000 [laugh] Well that's for ever more porridge. //I'm quite fond o porridge but nae seven days a week.//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M1000 [laugh] Oh no. //I I//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 spoke to a a buddy quite recently an sh- she said, "Since I was married I've never cooked porridge, I've never had a rabbit, I've never had a hare", she was one o a family o fourteen, an she said, "We lived on that confounded stuff aa the time so", //mm.//
M999 //[laugh] So she was scunnered.//
F1001 //That is scunnered, definitely.//
M1002 //Scunnered. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] Aye that's right.//
M1000 //Aye mmhm.//
M999 What else did we pit there? //I put foonert.//
F1053 //Whos-//
M999 //Eh an that's nae a word ye ye dinnae hear that often,//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M999 noo, really, foonert. //But but ye dinnae hear folk sayin that often noo,//
M1000 //Aye.// //No an//
M1002 //I would use lared// for a ye know when you're just kinda stuck at something //along that lines.//
M999 //Aye, aye lared.//
M1000 //Aye.//
F1001 //Well my shop foonered.//
M1002 //Aye.// But
M999 //Yer shop foonered?//
F1001 //Aye.// She got aff her legs.
M999 Recently? //Oh//
F1001 //No a long time ago. She's deid now.//
F1053 //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //Oh aye.// //Foonert mair in relation tae a beast maybe, aye.//
M999 //[laugh] That's that's//
F1001 //I would, I would say that ye see I would say foonert mair aboot a beast.// //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Yeah, a foondered horse, foondered coo, aye.//
M1002 //Aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Uh-huh.//
M999 Aye an lared.
M1002 That's when you are //totally stuck [inaudible].//
M999 //That's when you're really, aye, that's stuck,// //that's really stuck, isn't it?//
M1002 //Mm.//
F1001 When you lare your tractor or //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.// Mmhm.
F1053 Which word were we on, annoyed? //What was that?//
M999 //Eh we did eh that was tired.//
M1002 //That was//
F1053 That was tired.
M999 Ye hear some folk sayin, "Oh, I'm fair ferfochen", but they're layin it on a bit, ye ken? It's nae really a- it's nae really a a local eh eh //word or whatever,//
F1001 //No.//
M999 I wouldnae think. I see Lynn's written 'peely-wally' here on top o mine, //but eh//
F1001 //Probably for unwell, is it?//
M1002 //That'd be for unweel.//
M999 oh that's for nae weel, sorry, aye, peely-wally, but that's a look //that's a look o bein unweel, isn't it?//
F1001 //A peely-wally look aboot ye.//
M999 Aye.
F1053 Have we gone round that circle? //I'm gonnae have tae,//
M999 //I think we did.//
M1002 //Aye.// //Mmhm.//
F1053 //I'm gonnae have to cross them off//
M999 //We did.// //Aye we've been roon that [throat].//
F1053 //I'm gettin confused as to what we've done [inaudible]. Have we? Wait a minute I'd better, just nae very organised here.//
M1002 //[cough]//
F1053 I'll get a pen. [laugh]
M999 I'll gie ye a pen [inaudible].
F1053 Oh have you got one there? //Is that one workin?//
M999 //Aye.// Aye it is that ane is.
F1053 Right. //Ye reckon we've been round that circle, have we?//
M999 //Aye.//
F1053 //Right okay.//
M1002 //Yes.//
F1053 //Moving on! Ehm,//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1053 "to throw".
M1002 Chuck, //would be the the one I think most people would use.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Aye I wrote chuck as well.// //Mmhm yeah.//
M999 //Aye chuck is what I put, to throw.//
M1000 I dinnae hae onything for that. //I couldnae think o onything.//
M1002 //Ye could hae hurl.//
F1001 Aye.
M999 Chuck.
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye aye definitely, mmhm.//
M1002 //Chuck or hurl or//
F1053 What would you chuck?
M999 Oh a stane.
M1002 Chuck a stane, chuck chuck a ba, //in a game.//
M999 //Aye, aye, chuck a ba, chuck a stane,// //eh.//
F1001 //Chuck up.//
M999 //[laugh] That's right, that's right.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 "Chuck that ower here", that's a //Aye.//
F1001 //Or ye might say, "Gie's a haud o that".//
M1000 //Aye, "chuck [?]ower that thing[/?]".//
M999 Aye.
F1001 But then that's kinda mair give than throw.
M999 Aye, aye, aye.
F1053 To play truant.
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Well skive eh aye,// //uh-huh.//
F1001 //Aye, that's what I put for that.// //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye it's the only word that I// could either think on usin or heard bein used or //skivin.//
M999 //Aye, skivin.//
F1053 Would you have skived yourselves?
M1002 Micht hae deen.
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //Fae the scuil.//
M1000 //Of course.// //It could apply til a lad nae workin ye see, skivin, nae only//
M1002 //Uh-huh.//
M1000 nae only //playin truant.//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye, that's right.//
F1001 //If ye're nae a worker ye'd be a skiver.//
M1000 //Eh,// //yeah.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 Yep.
M999 That's right, it's a word that can be a noun, it's eh a skiver //is a buddy, ehm.//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Uh-huh.//
M1002 //Aye.//
M999 Eh so it's nae just truant.
F1053 What about "to sleep"?
M1000 No.
M1002 Just gang to bed, that's //but that's nae actually sleepin itself.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //I, awa tae yer bed, awa tae rest,// //kip, some folk say kip, which is nae I wouldnae say a really North East,//
M1002 //Aye.//
F1001 folk'll say awa for a kip.
M1000 A kip, aye I I suppose it's //Scottish really.//
F1001 //I suppose it would be Scottish but I wouldnae say it was for this area really.//
M1002 //Aye I would.//
F1001 //That's maybe something that's come in.//
M1000 //Nae really but,// that's right. //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye.// Ye ken there's I, I mean
F1001 Ye speak aboot somebody bein kippit up.
M1000 Mmhm, //mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, that's right, aye.// But it but it no I dinnae ken for sleep. Sleep it's just it like that, got snooze but that's nae that's nae it ye ken that's different that's a different kinda meanin really //for actually sleepin it's just sleepin.//
F1053 //If you went,// if you went to your bed in the afternoon for a short nap would that be anything different there?
F1001 Forty winks.
M999 Aye, forty winks, that might be a snooze.
M1000 A snooze. //Aye.//
M999 //If ye were gaein tae sleep in the efternuin whit would ye ca that?//
M1000 Oh a bad habit.
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //Well I would say siesta but that'll be as a result o my Spanish holiday.//
F1053 To play, to play a game.
M1000 Good, eh n- no, //no, no.//
M999 //[?]Nothing[/?].//
F1001 //Take pairt.// //I put caperin because that's playin,//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 but it's nae tae play a game.
M999 No. No. No no, caperin, that's right enough, aye.
F1001 That's like playin
M999 Caperin aboot, playin aboot. But to play a game,
M1002 No.
M999 //there's nae local eh kinda expression for that I dinnae think//
F1001 //Just take pairt, yeah, no [?]word[/?].//
M1002 I I just did play. //We we just use play,//
M999 //Aye.// //You would just say play, aye.//
M1002 //when when you're sayin somethin,// //"can you play fitba?", ken//
M999 //Play fitba, play the// mmhm.
F1053 What about ehm "to hit hard"?
M1002 Skelp.
F1001 Skelp.
M1000 Mmhm.
F1001 Definitely. //Good skelp.//
M1002 //Yeah, a good guid skelp.//
F1053 Who would you s- who would you skelp?
M1002 Eh it could be anything, ye know, just anything that's that's not agreein or even a machine, or a eh you werena workin right ye gie a good skelp or something just to shut it richt, there's
M1000 Mmhm. //mm mm.//
M1002 //ehm,//
M999 Aye. Aye.
M1000 Aye.
F1053 When would ye use skelp?
M1000 I would do.
F1053 You would?
M1000 Aye.
F1053 An when when would you use it?
M1000 Mm now eh [exhale] Probably ah. //Aye, oh aye.//
M999 //Well ye gie a beast a skelp,//
M1000 Nae bother. //[laugh]//
M999 //that's it, that's right, no no, we didnae get skelped, no no, no.// We got bashed. [laugh] Gied a bash. Eh eh but that's nae a eh a kinda localism but
F1053 Kay, would you have been skelped?
F1001 Oh definitely, definitely skelped.
F1053 Who would have skelped you?
F1001 Oh ma mother or ma father probably //for bein//
F1053 //Tell me//
F1001 for misbehavin. I would say probably I would have got a skelp maybe when I was aboot three or four when I was bein eh learned aboot the rudiments o good behaviour I would have gotten a skelp.
F1053 Peter?
M999 A skelp. Well I dinnae think we got skelped a lot actually to be honest, ehm eh but ehm //I was certainly aware of the the possiblity an the term onywey, [throat] that's for sure.//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M999 Erm, I canna think o another word for hit hard, there must be, goodness me we s- we hit things hard a lot o the time but it's it's just a skelp or a bash, a skelp or a bash or a whack or a, aye, no.
F1053 Right, if we go onto what you wear, what would you what would you call clothes, clothes, what would //what would you//
M999 //Aye claes.//
M1000 //Claes, aye mmhm aye.//
M1002 //Claes, claes is the just the general word for them.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1001 //But would you say claes or claeys?//
M1000 //[inaudible] aye just claes mmhm.// //Aye.//
M999 //Oh we would say claes.//
F1001 Claes or claeys?
M1000 C.L.A.E.S. Would that be the wey tae spell it?
M999 //That'd be as good as ony, as good as ony I think.//
F1001 //I think the spellin would be right.//
M1002 //[cough]//
M999 //You say claeys,//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 //nae claes.//
F1001 //Well I think abody would say claeys.//
M999 [throat] Aye, ye see.
F1001 It's maybe just a slightly different pronunciation maybe.
F1053 An would all yer, all yer clothes would be claes, yer good clothes //an yer workin clothes what would//
F1001 //Aye wo-wo-//
M1002 //[inaudible]// //scuil claes and then ye gang hame an ye wo- put on workin claes an//
M999 //Workin claes.//
F1001 //workin claes.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
M1002 //it jist wis that but I mean,// //athing is claes, yer good claes tae wear on a Sunday or whatever it used tae be.//
M999 //Aye.// Aye. //Yer guid cla- I was gonna say yer guid claeys,//
M1002 //[inaudible]//
M999 ye know it's funny in a different context aye.
M1000 Used tae be a word used eh aboot claes, this is the lads that painted, they had scuddlin claes, which was the the claes that they put on when they were gaun awa nae for workin, mm an that was scuddlin claes. //Mmhm mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //Oh I see.//
F1001 //Well I would hae scuddlin claes.// //Mmhm that was a term that my parents used a lot,//
M999 //Have you heard o that, scuddlin? Is that right?//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm aye.//
F1001 an still do.
M1000 Aye. //Uh-huh.//
M999 //Scuddlin claes.//
F1001 //Yer scuddlin claes.// //[?]One day[/?] you would wear yer scuddlin claes for for eh daein yer hoosework,//
M999 //Is there a scu-//
F1001 so nae yer best claes.
M999 //Oh,//
M1000 //No that's right,// aye. //Oh aye inatween claes [inaudible] cup- cupboard aye, uh-huh uh-huh yeah.//
M999 //oh aye aye aye aye right.//
F1001 //Aye inatween aye, aye.//
M999 Uh-huh. //Interestin.//
M1000 //Uh-huh.//
F1053 Trousers?
M1002 Well breeks.
F1001 Mmhm.
M1000 Aye //breeks.//
M1002 //Well breeks, that what I would say.// //I would say breeks wi mair a//
M999 //Briks.//
F1001 //Breeks, troosers.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 //Oh, oh?//
F1001 //I would say, aye I would most definitely say briks.//
M1002 //emphasis on the E., [inaudible] different, just breeks.//
M999 Aye, I would say briks, nae breeks. Eh eh aye that's right, aye, interestin.
F1053 An would ye have particular words for particular kinds o trousers, are all trousers briks? Like jeans, are these jeans or are they briks or //an have ye flannels?//
M1002 //[inaudible]//
F1053 An are flannels briks or are flannels
M1000 Could be [?]either[/?].
M1002 Aa aa aa trousers are briks.
F1001 Well I would say that ye'd hae guid briks, ye'd hae best briks
M999 Aye.
F1001 ye'd hae suit briks,
M999 Aye.
F1001 for gaun tae weddins an funerals wi.
M1000 But actually used in that in that context they would hae said, "Oh she wears the briks", this is a couple an she obviously that was denotin she was the boss, she wore the breeks, //nae literally like but jeez, maybe literally an aa. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh] No sure.//
M999 Absolutely.
M1000 Aye.
M999 Aye, no that's right I, no I think they would aa be briks for a- athing actually. //Yer short briks, aye.//
M1002 //Short briks, lang briks, there's aa kind o briks.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //I've kent ye since ye were in short briks,// //something you may- maybe say tae somebody that ye'd//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 kent for a lang time.
M999 Aye. Mmhm.
F1053 Ehm, //child's soft shoes worn for P.E.?//
M1000 //Oh aye ji- jimmies.//
M1002 Yer jimmies.
M1000 Mm jimmies mm.
M1002 It was aye jimmies when I was at school anywey. //I suppose trainers an athing now, but jimmies when we.//
M999 //Aye it was aye jimmies.//
M1000 //That's right, aye.//
M999 //Aye, "dinnae forget yer jimmies".//
F1001 //Jimmies.// //[laugh]//
M999 //Eh foo mony times was that said, when ye're gaun awa tae scuil wi yer scuilbag, "Dinnae forget yer jimmies",// eh but they've got a lot o different words up in ither bits o the North East, up on the coast an athing, don't they? Eh I cannae mind fit ehm, oh Lynn's friend's fae Buckie, fit do they ca them again? They ca them eh oh gee, I've completely forgotten, //but they've diff- completely different words.//
F1001 //Well in the Central Belt they're caed gutties.//
M999 Gutties?
F1001 Drillies, [?]what else[/?]?
M999 Drillies? //Oh aye, aye, aye.//
F1001 //But again nae here, well drill shoes I suppose it would hae been lang ago.//
M999 Aye, aye.
F1001 But I think just jimmies for here aboot.
M999 //Yep, mmhm.//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M999 There's a lot o ither claes, //eh words in the North East, isn't there? Ye ken aa the stuff, sarks an//
F1001 //Aye?// //frocks an semmits.//
M999 //semmits,//
M1002 //Semmits.//
M999 eh ehm, fit else is there?
F1001 So yer semmit would be yer vest.
M999 Aye yer vest, aff yer shirt eh beets an sheen. //[?]Pint[/?] are laces, aye that's right.//
F1001 //An tyin yer [?]pints[/?] for tyin yer laces.//
M999 Here's a thing Harry aa used tae ca, he used tae aye used tae ca his socks his hose.
M1000 Aye.
M999 Harry used tae d- dae that, which I aye thought was affa unusual; there's nae y-y- ye, I never cam across onybody else caen their socks their hose.
M1000 No, that's right enough.
F1001 But a hosiery department might be whaur ye would buy it.
M999 Well that's right.
M1002 I've heard aboot yer kilt, yer kilt hose. //That's a different thing, same ski- sock thing, that's//
M999 //Oh aye aye aye aye, oh right, aye.//
F1001 //Kilt hose.//
M999 But it's funny it's a kinda left ower isn't it? //Eh fae an age an//
M1002 //Aye.//
M999 ye ken it would hae been caed that like, aye ehm, aye.
F1053 Any other clothing words that come to mind? When would you have worn your jimmies, come to think of it? Would that, would you have worn them just to gym at school or would you have worn them in the house or when whe- would you have worn them to parties? When did you wear your jimmies?
F1001 Well just at gym at school //is when I would have worn mine.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M999 Aye. Black jimmies. //[laugh]//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 I've a recollection o if ye went tae something ye took yer jimmies wi ye //ee-//
F1001 //That was play school Peter.//
M999 It's [laugh] no but like Sunday School things or party things, ye took yer jimmies. Fit why did ye tak yer jimmies tae that an then if ye flew aboot an played games an ye put on //jimmies, for what?//
F1001 //Aye but you see,//
M1002 //So ye dinnae scra the flair or somethin,// //somethin like that, aye, aye maybe you're right.//
M999 //Aye, aye that's right, aye, it's like a kinda portable slipper or somethin, it's funny,//
F1001 //took aff yer sheen an put on yer jimmies.//
M999 funny, kids, well ye dinnae dae, dinnae dae that noo would ye, ye'd ye'd put on trainers an ye'd just go. Aye but jimmies were a totally different article. Their whole use has disappeared.
F1053 Right, what you call them: "mother"?
M1000 [?]jeez[/?].
M999 //Aye, aye, mither.//
F1001 //Or mam, mam.//
M1002 //Just mither, just a different spellin [inaudible].//
M999 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye.// //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, aye, very straightforward.//
M1002 //Usually faither was just faither so it's just mither an faither.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1053 Baby?
F1001 //A bairn or or or a baba.//
M1000 //Aye, bairn, mmhm.// //Aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 Bairn, wean, wean wisnae used in this area really, //nae, more, well, very little, mair bairn, aye.//
M999 //No, no oh no, aye, aye.//
F1001 //No, that would've been mair Central Belt probably.//
M999 I mind Billy Reid used tae come up //in eh in fae Dundee.//
M1000 //That's right, fae Dundee.//
M999 An he used tae speak aboot the weans an athing. //I used tae think, "Blimey, what a funny wey o speakin like, it's affa unusual", I never used tae hear that.//
M1000 //Oh aye uh-huh.//
M1002 Instead o somebody sayin they've got a baby it's aye either got a loon or a quine, //dependin on boy or girl.//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //That that's mair why, ye ken,// //[inaudible] a loon//
M1000 //Aye, yes.// //Aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //rather than ca it a baby.//
M999 //Aye that's right.//
M1000 //That's right enough.// //Mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //Aye aye I ken.//
F1001 //If a friend o mine has a baby, a new baby I'll say// well for example I'm gaun tae see Peter's new baba, //that's what I would say, mm.//
M999 //Is that right?//
M1000 //Aye.// //Uh-huh.//
M999 //Aye interestin.// Aye, loons an quines is still used a lot.
M1002 Aye.
M999 //Eh that's kinda s-//
F1001 //And really ordinarily.//
M999 Aye that's kinda stuck, eh for sure. [inaudible] your [?]father[/?] come fae, cause I think he's similar to that thing, loons, quines, //loons, quines, that's nae a//
M1000 //Mmhm// //loons an qui-, that's a bit o all o them.//
M999 //a ehm//
M1000 Uh-huh. Suppose.
M999 Maybe aye, aye, mmhm.
F1053 What about female partner?
M1002 I just think that would be bidie-in. //Probably gey general but [laugh].//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1053 An, what would you define a bidie-in as?
M1002 Usually not married but just eh female partner is a as good a description o that as I think you'll get, //mmhm.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //So living together.//
M999 Aye, aye livin in.
F1001 Because very often you'll say to somebody here, eh say tae a a a young man, "Have ye a blon?" //derivative of blonde, meanin "have you got a a girlfriend"?//
M999 //[laugh] Aye that's right.// //That's right, that's right, that used to be used a lot,//
M1000 //That's right.// //Mmhm.//
M999 //folk say, "Oh well, better ging hame an see the blonde, I suppose",// //you know, "that's the blonde on the phone".//
F1001 //Whether she's blonde or no.//
M1002 //[laugh]// //[inaudible]//
M999 //An ye kent an ye kent fa fa they were speakin aboot, ye think, "Well// //blimey that's th- she's certainly nae a blonde" [laugh]//
M1000 //[laugh] No.// //Erm//
F1001 //Or a deem?// //Again derivative of dame, I suppose it would have been.//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
M1002 //Uh-huh.//
M999 //Deem, deem.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M999 I mean that would hae been used, deem would hae been used a lot mair //in the past ye ken eh kitchie deem, or//
F1001 //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye, that's what// aye that's that's what I would ca it, horrible name, deem, uh-huh. Aye. //Mm [inaudible].//
F1053 //Was it quite//
M999 //No.//
M1000 //Wasnae very complimentary really, no, no.// No wasn't er //kitchie dame, mmhm//
F1001 //Certainly.//
F1053 What did it, what did it mean when they said deem? What what what did it mean when they said deem?
M1000 It it was a, the female worker in the kitchen, eh did aa the rough work an eh generally had to dee with feedin the single men, eh or helped tae feed the single men, ehm aye that's right.
M999 Aye. //[laugh]//
M1000 //Oh she was blamed for a lot o ither things which wisnae fair I'm sure, mmhm no, no, no, mmhm, uh-huh.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M1000 Ehm.
F1053 So "a young person, a young person in cheap trendy clothes and jewellery"?
M999 //[laugh] What a funny thing, I mean. [laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 I have, whit have you got?
F1001 Well ye see I'd circled that because I was a bit concerned aboot it, now hereaboots I wouldnae say there was a word for it as such or a phrase that I could think o, but ye'll often hear o young folk that's particularly modern in their dress, //jewellery etcetera,//
M999 //Uh-huh?//
F1001 that are maybe just hungin aroond, bein referred tae as neds, //but that's, I dinnae think that's a North East thing.//
M999 //Oh aye!//
M1002 dismissive wey o describin them is just gype. //"he's a fuil gype", but I cannae come wi a word that's just.//
M999 //Aye, "just a gype, bit o a gype".// The [laugh] one that I wrote an it's nae right at aa, I put minker, //eh but min-//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M1000 //Well I had doon// tart, but that could apply tae half the the lassies in in the the, dressin like that it's //it's nae fair sayin that like, no. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] No, that's right.//
F1053 What would what would tart mean mean for you?
M1000 Eh just maybe a wee bit ower on the shady side, //eh,//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //A woman of ill repute.//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //[laugh] but still that- that's maybe unfair,//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M1000 that maybe is unfair. Eh dress isnae anythin tae be the denotin o a person's character ava, although eh [laugh] ehm somebody seein me in my workin claes would get the wrong impression, //mmhm aye uh-huh.//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //[laugh]//
M999 I dinnae ken whit they were fishin for there wi that ane. They must be l- expectin well I suppose they ge- did get a lot o maybe really uppity terms //across the the//
F1053 //Mmhm.//
M999 the country actually, //but I like to think.//
M1002 //I [throat] dinnae think it's a major thing in the North East like// //goin aboot in cheap, trendy claes an jewellery,//
M999 //[laugh]// //[laugh] No that's right that's right, never seen ye,//
M1002 //nae nae for the fairmers anywey!//
M999 that's the problem never seen onybody like that.
F1053 Mm.
M999 //Yeah.//
F1001 //It's aye cheaper tae lead fashion than follow it,//
M1000 //Mm.//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //so that's aye definitely, definitely.//
F1053 //Eh right.//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1053 "kit of tools", "kit of tools"?
F1001 Oh that would be your kist.
M999 Oh aye well maybe, //a kist//
M1000 //Aye// //could be uh-huh couldnae think o onything else.//
F1001 //An when ye flitted fae ae fee tae the next//
M1002 //[cough]//
F1001 //ye had yer kist.//
M1000 //Yeah, ye had yer kist.//
M999 Aye.
F1001 When ye were movin fae like fae fae one employment in a farm tae another fee as you would say here, which is like another job, tae another farmer //then ye would hae yer kist would be collected an taken tae yer new employ.//
M1000 //Mm mmhm.//
M1002 Tae me, kist's just the box that would haud athing, //I mean for for the, I've got tools themselves//
M999 //Aye a kist is//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 //No.//
M1002 //I canna think o a separate word for that I would just ca them tools.// //Cannae mind, athing's individual, yer haimmer, yer saw, yer//
M999 //Just say a tool-, toolbag, aye.//
F1001 //Toolbag.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye I ken.//
M1002 //mmhm.//
M999 I ken, no //a jiner's you would say a a jin- a jiner's,//
M1002 //Jiner's// //[inaudible]//
M999 //jiner's box.//
F1001 //A toolbox just.//
M999 Aye. //I cannae think, no.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1053 Word for something, word for something whose name you've forgotten?
M1002 It's nae one word, it's a whit-dae-ye-ca-it.
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //A thingmebob.//
M999 [laugh] That's right, a thingymijig. //A//
F1001 //A thingy.//
M999 //a thingymijig, a thingymibob or a fit-dae-ye-ca-it, aye.//
M1000 //Aye somethin like that, mmhm.// I dinnae ken if I r- I really know the answer. //No.//
M999 //No.//
F1053 Grandfather?
M1002 Well for me that was aye just grandpa.
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm.// Mmhm.
M999 Well dad tends tae be caed pop. [laugh] Pop.
M1000 Well it can be a family name, aye, //pop, aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 Aye. //Well in oor family this is pop, aye.//
M999 //Aye that's right.//
F1001 An I had a granda on my father's side an a papa on my mother's side.
M1000 That's right noo, yes. //Aye.//
M999 //Ah right?// //A papa, that's quite unusual.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1001 For hereaboots probably, //aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1001 Granda and grandpa would be //a lot mair common.//
M999 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.// //Mmhm.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1053 A friend, a friend?
M1000 Freen, well freen, aye.
M999 A freen.
F1001 But that has two meanins in the North East, "a far aff freen" could be "a far aff relation",
M1000 Mmhm. //Mmhm.//
F1001 //or "a close freen" could be a close friend or a close relation.//
M1000 Mmhm. That's right, aye. //Mmhm.//
M999 //Is that right?// I never understood it like that, aye. //Freen?//
F1001 //I'll often maybe say it as somebody,// "that's a freend o my father's", meanin it's a cousin or a second cousin or somethin like that. //I would often use that term.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 Is that right? If you said, have you heard o that Dad? //Where somebody's sayin their freen an it's a relation?//
M1000 //Aye well I, that's a blood relation,// //freen it u- it//
F1001 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M1000 of course I suppose ye hear often //mean somebody else that's nae related an a freen o yours,//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye.//
M1000 //uh-huh.// //Aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //I've never heard it used as relations.// //It's aye just your freens.//
M999 //No neither have I, just your freens, aye.//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M999 Aye meanin friends that are nae relations, thing, aye mmhm.
F1053 Male, male partner?
M1000 Male partner, oh God I've nae idea.
F1001 Well again afore I was married folk would often say to me usually, Peter, "Have ye a lad just noo?"
M999 A lad, that's right Kay actually, "Have ye a lad?" eh that would be used a lot actually.
M1002 If ye're spikkin aboot somebody "that's her man" but //that could be the very//
M999 //Aye, aye that's right.//
F1001 //That's right, mmhm.// //Or again bidie-in, which is suitable for either//
M999 //Ye're right actually. [laugh]// //Well that's for a stage beyond.//
F1001 //male or female.//
M1002 //That's right.//
F1001 But that's when cohabiting.
M999 That's right. Aye.
F1053 Grandmother?
M999 //Just grunnie.//
M1000 //Aye, grunnie.// //G.R.U.N.N.I.E.//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1002 Grunnie's fit I aye used.
M999 Aye.
F1001 Well I had a slightly unusual one on my father's side, a gamma. //But that was my cousin's fault because when he was born he, well when he was//
M999 //Oh!//
F1001 learnin tae speak he couldnae say grandma. //He said gamma an half the bairns in the village still ca her that yet.//
M1000 //[inaudible]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 //Is that right?//
F1001 //It's just something that stuck, an on my mother's side I had a nana.//
M1000 //That's it uh-huh.// //Uh-huh uh-huh.//
M999 //Aye, aye nan,// eh would be common, enough wouldn't it actually? Nana or nan as weel, aye.
M1000 Mmhm. an expression that's disappeared, it's a good job, was speakin aboot the auld man an the auld wife, wh- which wasnae very complimentary it was just a a [laugh] eh it it was a designation right enough, but that was a, mmhm, yeah.
M999 Aye no that was ma auld man, //eh used tae be used quite a lot actually but I//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 //dinnae hear that nowadays. Is it?//
F1001 //I think it I think it is still used, ma auld man,// mair so than ma auld wife. //Auld man mair common but it's nae a//
M1000 //Aye, auld man, yes.//
F1001 it's nae a phrase that I would ever use tae describe my father, //but he might of to describe his.//
M1000 //No.// That's right, mmhm. //That's right.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1001 //So it's probably lessened wi time.//
M999 //Aye I think that's right.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M999 Used tae be quite common, //aye mmhm.//
F1001 //Aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm.// This is maybe beside the point but my wife Mary's mother always spoke aboot her husband as their father, ne- never his name or or or, she just said, "Their father said, //their father did this or that",//
M999 //Their father?//
M1000 which is which is unusual unusual but that's that's aw I. //That's right aye.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Might hae been the aulder-fashioned wey would it?//
M999 //So she said//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 th- so if she was speakin tae you she would say,"'Their father said that"
M1000 Aye, she didnae say "Harry" or or "my husband" or or "him" //eh which was just as weel [laugh] eh,//
M999 //[laugh] I see.// //Aye, interestin it's fo- it's for- fo- formal, ken? Aye.//
M1000 //aye mmhm.//
M999 Aye.
M1000 Mmhm.
F1053 "The main room of the house"?
M1000 Well,
M1002 The sittin room was the the one where
M999 Aye.
M1002 ye'd aye, ye know, ye'd aye gang if ye were gaun intae somebody else's house, //normally, sittin room.//
M999 //Aye, if ye were gaun intae somebody else's hoose it'd be the sittin room.//
F1001 The livin room //would aye be likely what I would say.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 Aye.
F1001 but then you'll whiles hear o folk sayin the front room, an this here might be your front room.
M999 //Aye oh aye, well important guests see?//
M1000 //An the front room was the parlour.// //That was, that was, aye.//
F1001 //Oh that would hae been the maid's room though, parlour, would it nae?//
M999 //Oh no I dinnae ken.//
M1000 //They they wouldnae hae bidden in the parlour.//
M999 Fit was the parlour?
F1001 //Nae the maid's parlour? Or the best room maybe?//
M1000 //[laugh] I I'm askin almost, I I really dinnae ken.// //The best room, that's right.//
F1001 //The best room.// Well my nana did hae a best room.
M1000 Mmhm.
M999 Aye a best room.
F1001 I'm tryin tae mind if they caed it a parlour, ye ken. I think they just caed it the best room.
M999 The best room would hae been som- aye the be- best room would hae been a parlour, //some folk would hae caed their best room a parlour.//
F1001 //Aye.//
M1000 //I, aye, I would believe so.// //It certainly wouldnae have had a T.V. in't.//
M999 //Cause we did it.// //No, no.//
F1001 //No.//
M1000 //Eh well nae exactly,// //but aye, uh-huh.//
M999 //That's for the livin room, T.V.s aye.//
F1001 //But the at that time o day folk had great big hooses,//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1001 an I suppose ye would have had twa rooms, public rooms if you like, at the front o the hoose, an one maybe the best room, //an the ither would be a sittin room.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Yes mmhm mmhm mmhm.// //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1001 //The sittin room would probably often be jined tae the kitchen.//
M999 Aye. Fit did you at Mossheid,
M1000 Aye well, aye the the parlour was reserved for special occasions, oh me I cannae mind, aye, //certainly visitors eh were taen ben tae the parlour, aye starvin cauld, ken, oh.//
M999 //It would hae been, aye. [laugh]// That's my memory as a kid.
M1000 Aye. //[laugh]//
M999 //eh, they went through there, it was [laugh] it would always be freezin and eh,//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 but that was aye an then the //the kinda livin room, it was the ki- it was really like a ki-. Aye.//
M1000 //Aye aye aye the cooker was there, aye.// //An then there was eh//
M999 //Fit did you ca it, that room?// Fit did you ca that room? //That was that livin room.//
M1000 //It was, that was the livin room, aye,// //because it was warmer for ae thing.//
M999 //Aye.// [laugh] Aye. An then the next ane ben was the scullery.
M1000 Aye the scullery, aye.
M999 Aye. //[laugh]//
M1000 //Ye could dae onything you likit ben there, aye, if you shut the door like, mmhm, [laugh] uh-huh mmhm.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
F1053 Running water smaller than a river?
M1000 Oh, that's a burn. I suppose.
M999 Aye.
F1001 //I've written burn.//
M1002 //Burns, burn would be fit ye'd use.//
M999 Aye just a burn. //Ditches, burns, there's nae ither.//
M1002 //Ditches, burns.//
F1001 Quite often here ye'll find folk'll pit on an I.E. so it'll be a burnie.
M999 Aye if it's little. //If it, aye.//
F1001 //If it's sma, aye.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Mmhm.// //Mmhm.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1001 //So a burn or a burnie.//
M999 //Ye could just aboot dae that tae every word with//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 //with [laugh].//
F1001 //A beast or a beastie,// //ye could, aye, a hoosie, a mannie, a wifie.//
M999 //That's right, hoosie, mannie, quinie, wifie,// eh brookies even.
F1053 So what does the what does the I.E. do to it?
F1001 I dinnae ken if it softens it maybe? //It's a mair couthie wey o spikkin probably.//
M999 //Well someti-.// Aye.
M1002 Somethin ye're mair acquainted wi, //ye ye ye would put an I.E.//
F1001 //Aye a bairnie, a bonny bairnie.// //Ye might say for that.//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye that's right.//
F1001 //Aye.//
M1002 //Somethin ye dinnae ken// no- nothin about ye would ye would leave it aff I would think.
M999 Aye ye're right. It's familiar.
F1001 Och, maybe it is och maybe is the the thing then that's maybe it.
M999 Aye. Aye I think that's right. An sometimes it is just cause something's little, ken like a burn, a burnie, or a or a hoosie.
F1001 Or a quinie, //so fan fan would ye stop bein a quinie an start bein a quine?//
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //Or a calfie.//
M999 When ye become a big quinie then ye become a quine. [laugh] There's, then ye become a lassie or a, I don't know.
F1053 So would a calf aye be a calfie?
M1002 I would tend tae use calfie just //but that's cause//
F1001 //Oh I would definitely.//
M1002 workin with them aa the time, it's familiarity I think, you know?
M999 Aye. //That's right ye would aye s- ye would aye say calfie.//
F1001 //A calfie.//
M1002 //I would ha//
M999 Ye would hardly ever say calf.
M1000 No, calfie, it's right enough, aye. //Right enough, I.E.//
F1001 //Ye might only hae said calf if ye were goin tae the calf sale,// //tae buy a calfie.//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M1002 //Tae buy a calfie.//
M999 //That's right, an why dae they dae that, because it's formal,//
F1001 //Aye.// //Aye.//
M999 //isn't it?// //Ye ging tae something formal like a calf sale, calf,//
F1001 //It's organised.//
M1000 //Oh aye.//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M1000 Aye.
M999 but ye'd eh ye'd come hame wi calfies.
F1001 //It's like ye go to a fat stock sale tae buy fat nowt.//
M1000 //Mm.//
M999 That's right, aye. //Fat stock, I ken the formal [laugh] the formal English word and abody gings an buys nowt.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 Aye, God.
M1000 Cannae use fat nowadays cause that's an un-health business, //I think it's prime, prime cattle.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 //That's right, that's right, ye ging to a prime stock sale an come hame wi fat nowt.//
F1001 //Prime's the very word that's right, prime stock.//
M1000 //[laugh]//
M999 [laugh]
F1053 So what would you call cattle then?
M999 Cattle what d'ye ca cattle?
M1000 A cattle, nowt, //nowt.//
M999 //Nowt.//
F1001 //Nowt.//
M999 //The beasts.//
M1000 //Uh-huh.//
M1002 //Nowt or the beasts, ye can gang oot tae feed the beasts, it'd be the beasts.//
M999 Aye. //Aye.//
M1000 //That's right.//
M1002 //Ehm,// but ye ca- ye can get kye as well, that tae me that's mair milkin cause the house coos were aye kye //[inaudible] but that's different.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 Aye like ye were sayin afore, see that's unusual, I'd never heard it used like that. Kye, would ony ony o oor folk hae said kye?
M1000 Kye, ehm aye a bittie back I ce- I certainly u- didnae use masel but aye that's right, aye aa that crofters in in these little places there that was [?]somethin[/?] right enough, kye. They they spoke aboot kye. //Aye, mmhm.//
M999 //Did they?//
M1000 mmhm
M999 Oh fit wey fit wey was that?
M1000 I'm nae sure whether it was because, no I couldnae tell ye why. //Aye just just exactly,//
M999 //Cause they would aa hae been milkin coos, aye, so I wonder// //if the- if there is a milkin coo kinda thing til//
M1000 //aye.//
M999 eh but nowt I would definitely, //def-//
M1002 //Ye've ye've an affa range richt// as a beast gets aulder, aa the different words aa the wey through fae bein a calfie an it's stirks an it's a //stot or a heifer an//
F1001 //Stot.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //That's right.//
M1002 //coo,// //bull, it's eh//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye.// Aye. //uh-huh//
M999 //I ken, I ken, I ken.//
M1002 //just change aa the time [laugh] in different stages.//
M999 An ye get intae this problem about the definition o a s- ye ken folk say what's the definition o a stirk? Eh well it's eh something between calfie an a stot maybe, but it can be a heifer, eh fae the ages o well ye ken ehm.
M1002 That's anither thing up here [throat] it's aye heifer we say. Ye gang further south an it's heifer, ye ken whether it's just a different pronunciation, //ye dinnae get heifers//
M999 //Aye I ken, no, no.// //No ye dinnae,//
M1002 //really much oot o Aberdeenshire.// //Well certainly me.//
M999 //Ye dinnae cause it surprises me some o the advisers an things comin up,// they aye comment on heifers, //it's aye it's aye what they comment on that Aberdeenshire folk say heifers,//
M1002 //Heifers, aye.//
M999 eh an it's nae far, ye're right it's nae far sooth that they're sayin heifers.
F1001 An we wonder why folk dinna understand agriculture, //that's maybe the why.//
M999 //[laugh] Aye, it's the terminology,// typical terms keep us richt.
F1053 A long soft seat in the main room?
M1000 That was a I would ca it a dees.
M999 A dees?
M1000 Mmhm. It's eh a didnae hae an end, //Aye.//
M999 //Oh right.// //I see, aye, so it'd just be//
M1000 //Aye.// //Mmhm well if it had an end it could come doon.//
M999 //flat.//
M1000 An it an it could be used as a bed //Mmhm.//
M999 //Oh right.// //I've never heard that.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1001 Well I've definitely learned something the night, //cause that's nae something I've ever heard o.//
M999 //No.//
M1000 //No.// Eh a dees, aye. I am sure I've h- Mary spiks aboot that //sometimes yeah mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, aye, aye.// //Aye aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm.// //Mmhm.//
M1002 //I just ca it a couch or a settee,// //one or other.//
M999 //Aye settee.//
F1001 //Or sofa.//
M999 Aye.
F1001 A sofa but that's maybe mair a modern term, a sofa.
M999 //We would, I think we would say s- aye.//
M1000 //Sofa no. Aye.//
M1002 //Couch was would hae been the one I think I would go for most.//
M999 Settee, I think, we would, we'd use.
F1001 It was aye a settee when I was at hame.
M999 Oh aye.
F1001 That's anither funny thing noo, "at hame",
M999 At hame.
F1001 folk all he- folk hereaboots'll say, "When I was at hame" meanin "when I lived wi my parents",
M999 Aye. Aye.
F1001 which is a funny thing.
M999 Aye I ken that's right, aye. //Doesnae actually just mean bein at hame.//
F1001 //Or again a a a member o the family that worked on the family farm would be workin at hame,// //so maybe nae bidin at hame at that time.//
M999 //Aye that's right.// Aye. Aye. Aye.
F1053 A narrow walkway between or alongside buildings?
M999 See that's a funny thing, I think in some bits o the country there's lots o funny words for that things like vennels an aa this kind o stuff. I mean we dinna I dinna ken I dinna hae there's in Aberd- ye ken there's lots o roads caed wynds, //that are mair roadies an I suppose that would hae been a, but I would just say I would just say//
M1000 //Oh aye uh-huh uh-huh.// //Aye.//
M999 //roadie.//
F1001 I would say a pathie or a walkie.
M1000 Aye.
M999 Aye.
M1000 I've doon closie but a a closie's a is a a kind o a bit that that kids played in, wasn't it?
F1001 Well I suppose a tenement close would hae been, but again at my father's, mither an father's, we spoke aboot the car bein in the close. //An the close//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye.// //That's right.//
F1001 //was the bit atween the fairmhoose, the milkhoose an the steadin,// //that was the close.//
M999 //Aye an wee//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 //yeah, you//
M1002 //I still spik aboot the close, the [inaudible], the fairm.//
M999 //aye sae dae we, we spik aboot the close//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M999 meanin that. //Meaning the big a- the big area that's eh between the hoose an the an the steadin,//
M1000 //Aye that mmhm mmhm uh-huh.//
M999 ehm that's right. //I get irked when folk start spikkin aboot yards//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 an stuff eh rather than sayin close. //Eh. [laugh] Aye that's right.//
F1001 //There's a lot o people have a drive nowadays, nae a close. Things are movin on.//
M1002 It's never the fairm road noo either, it's often a track or a lane, //which is something, aye.//
M999 //Oh aye.//
F1001 //Very often a lane an I think that's I think that's// south o England, //they had lanes.//
M999 //Oh I cannae be deein wi that.// There's a lot o folk o the road at Rocky's, ye ken, l- it's a lang road an a lot o folk, they aa speak aboot the folk in the co- the in the cotter hooses, there's anither ane, cotter hooses, the folk in the cotter hooses aye speak aboot the lane //for the Road at Rocky's eh and I aye think, "Oh God,//
M1000 //Oh no, lane, aye, no.// //No a lane's up a toon hooses.//
M999 //lane? Fit's that that's a wee bit".// //Aye.//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M1002 //Well I actually put lane doon for this narrow walkway between buildings,// //that would be whit I would ca a lane.//
M999 //Aye in fact, aye.//
M1000 //Aye.// //Aye.//
F1001 //A lane or a lanie.//
M999 Aye that would be mair oor understandin, some narrow kinda thing between places, nae a ro- nae an actual roadie like. We had a lot o r- there was aye a lot o green roadies. I dinnae ken if you had, we aye spoke aboot green roadies
M1000 Aye.
M999 when we were kids, there were green roadies aa ower the place.
M1000 That's right which werena th- they werena metalled oot, they were //they were just grass like, aye, that's right.//
M999 //Aye, aye.// //Yeah roon aboot here lots o green roadies, short-cuts, little roadies.//
M1000 //Aye there was a short-cut. Mmhm.// Mmhm.
F1053 An what about these cotter hooses, what are what are cotter hooses?
M999 Eh well [throat] eh so eh the cotter hooses are attached tae the farm an that's where the, whaur the the cotters would have lived eh the cotters bein married farm-servants, eh unmarried fairm-workers would have bed in the bothy or the chaumer, eh which were eh accommodation right beside the farm, but if they were mairried then eh stay, they bed in the cotter hooses ehm. And eh roond aboot the countryside there's still heaps an heaps o cotter hooses but maist o them are occupied by [laugh] non eh workers nooadays of course. //But that would hae been cotter hooses I mean it would hae been aye, whit aboot ch- chaumer an bothy?//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm mmhm.//
M999 At Mossheid there was a chaumer.
M1000 There was a chaumer, that's right. That's right, a both-, well a chaumer was generally, my designation it was a bit that you stayed in, the a lot o places had a bothy which was quite separate,
M1002 Aye.
M1000 ehm generally pretty good buildin //eh but but standing by itsel.//
M999 //Aye.// //Mmhm mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M1002 //Well we- we'd a chaumer on the fairm,// an eh I can still mind people bein in there, an fan fan they were workin, the fowk in the chaumer got their meals inside the fairmhoose.
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //That's right, that's right.//
M999 //Aye that would mean ither ither//
M1002 //The fowk in the cottages// they aye had their ain, //but they'd tae look after themselves.//
M999 //Aye, aye.// //Aye aye, aye the folk in the chaumer ate in the hoose.//
M1002 //Yeah.//
M1000 Aye, generally the bothy boys made their ain grub, but it was most unusual in this area, although there wis some places aboot Meldrum whaur there wis lad's bothy, //aye an they made their ain food.//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye, aye. [laugh]//
M1000 //Aye an pastit it aa ower the place like mmhm.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
F1001 Well my father slept in the chaumer even though he worked at hame, he slept in the chaumer wi somebody that worked, but I think at the time my father's sister had gotten married an they didnae hae a hoose so they came to bide in the fairmhoose wi my grandparents, so my father gaed tae bide in the //chaumer wi the feed man.//
M999 //In the chaumer aye aye, wi the feed man, aye aye.// //Aye aye. [laugh]//
M1000 //That's right, uh-huh.//
F1001 But they had box beds which I think still exist tae this day.
M999 Is that right, are they still in there? Gee whizz! //Aye.//
F1001 //As far as I ken they're still there, mm.//
M999 It's amazi- on Deeside there's a lot o bothies left. You can have little built bothies, little hoosies where you can see a little hoosie wi a lum, //eh an a lot o them on Doonside Estate, places like that you still see these,//
M1000 //Aye.//
M999 eh whaur the single feed-men would hae bed like.
F1053 Toilet?
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //Oh God [laugh]//
M1002 //I just caed it the lavvy,// //gaun tae the lavvy.//
M999 //The lavvy.// //[laugh]//
F1001 //Well I wrote doon the lavvy as weel.//
M1000 I had doon loo but that's eh I've also doon a name here which has nathing tae dae with it, a "shittenhassen", which is German, we'd a prisoner of war a while, a German lad, an the first question he asked was where was the shittenhassen, //so eh he was duly directed tae the timmer [inaudible].//
M999 //[laugh] That's right, I'd forgotten.// //That word was used a lot at Mossheid actually.//
F1001 //But ye kent what he meant aa the same.//
M1000 //Aye mmhm. Oh yeah.// Was a huge load o words in in German that fitted North East Scots, //nae doot aboot it, aye.//
M999 //Aye, aye.// Aye, even s- even simple things like coo, //coo an hoose an//
M1000 //Aye, yeah.// //Yeah.//
M999 //just pronunciation,// aye, w- would be //in [laugh] an shittenhassen of course.//
M1000 //But eh oh there's [exhale],// "john gonn" was a name that was eh used for the lavvy, eh the the lads at Mossheid eh in white letters they'd this "john gonn". Far that come fae I've nae idea but it was that was whit it was caed.
M999 Is that right?
M1000 Aye.
M999 I've never heard that.
M1000 Gonn was two Ns. //eh I [laugh] oh dear.//
M999 //[laugh], No? Oh// aye.
F1053 What about "to rain, to rain heavily"?
M999 //Pourin//
F1001 //Lashin.//
M1000 //That'd be pourin, as far as I'm concerned.//
M1002 //Pourin or chuckin it doon.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1001 //Lashin rain.//
M1000 //Aye, aye.//
M999 I've written doon here dingin doon, but that's mair sna.
M1002 Ye ye get the richt description o hellwater //just athin comin at ye, [inaudible].//
M999 //Hellwater, God aye, hellwater.//
F1001 //Hellwater, that's a right ane.// //Hellwater.//
M999 //It's hellwater oot there,//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 Aye, that that is a right expressive [laugh] kinda word, isn't it? [laugh]
F1053 Is that words you would have used recently, would you still be using //these words?//
M1002 //Aye.//
M999 Aye, aye, aye ye would. Aye. Aye, dingin doon an pourin an //hellwater, hellwater, aye, aye.//
F1001 //Lashin, teemin.//
M1000 //Hellwater, hellwater's a better, aye.//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M999 //There's quite a few sna words, I was thinkin blindrift an//
M1000 //Yeah.//
M999 //aye blin smoor, smoorin.//
F1001 //Blin smoor.// //Snavie, snavie the day.//
M999 //Eh eh s- snavie.// That's a funny word smoorin, actually, smoorin //cause ye can smoor wi sna but nae maybe//
F1001 //Well I think a bli- blin smoor would hae been aboot// //actually bein smothered.//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
F1001 The expressions you said, really is very wild you would speak aboot blin smoor.
M999 Aye, aye. //No, no.//
F1001 //Which we dinnae see here just an affa lot.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M999 No.
F1053 What about raining lightly?
M1000 Be a drizzle. //Uh-huh.//
M999 //Smirr, aye.//
M1002 //How about a smirr? But that tends tends tae be on a windscreen but it's//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Smirr's nae a word I would say, that's nae a word I ken at aa.//
M999 I had that doon as weel, smirr, drizzle, just a smirr.
F1001 Often in the springtime ye'll say it's a growfie shower //ken when the grass is just startin to grow?//
M999 //Aye mmhm.//
M1000 //Mmhm mmhm mmhm.//
M999 An fowk say that aboot days, //it's growfie weather.//
F1001 //Aye.// //When it's a kinda warm an weet.//
M999 //Ye ken that kinda warm,// //aye, warm an moist uh-huh.//
F1001 //Aye.//
M1002 //A bitty close,// //close [inaudible], just a, mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, a bitty close, aye.//
F1001 //Aye.// //A heavy kinda,//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye.//
F1001 //bit drizzly we would say maybe,// //it's a drizzly kinda day.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
F1053 Eh right, pregnant?
F1001 Expectin.
M999 Aye. There's a lot o derogatory eh terms, ye ken, up the duff an //up the stick ehm.//
F1001 //Up the spoot.//
M999 Up the spoot, eh ehm, ehm ehm eh eh, an then there's a lot o things that are nae really very local, ken?
F1001 Well I dinnae suppose any o that's local.
M999 No.
F1001 An then maybe kind of expectin would be a local thing, it's it's a you'll often hear folk, "Oh did ye ken sic-an-sic was expectin?"
M999 Aye. No. //No nae ither have you got any ither anes for that one? No?//
F1001 //No.//
M1002 //No.//
M999 No.
M1002 No.
F1053 Drunk?
M999 //Bleezin, fu.//
M1002 //Bleezin, or fu.//
M999 Bleezin fu is whit I put.
F1001 Bilt.
M1000 Fu, aye. //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] Aye.//
M1000 //Yeah.//
M1002 //Ye get a different stages in that, just how fu ye can be.// //[laugh] Fair fu, affa fu. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] Aye.// //He was, he was, he was affa fu, he was gey fu.//
F1001 //Hellish fu, helluva fu. [laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
F1053 When would you use it, who would you refer to as fu?
F1001 I suppose on- just onybody that was worse for drink.
M999 Aye.
F1001 //Yer- yersel//
M1000 //Awa wi the [?]weather[/?].//
F1001 a friend, a relative, somebody you didnae know, somebody just in the corner in the pub, "michty, he's affa fu", //might be somethin that you would say.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1053 An how would they be behavin if they were fu?
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //Well they could be singin.//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M999 Stottin aboot. //Aye [laugh] aye.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M1002 //Ye've got different stages in that ane again an it's a hale different subject. [laugh]// //[laugh] An us- usually the answer is I cannae mind.//
F1001 //[laugh] You're an expert I can tell.// //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] That's right. [cough]//
M1000 //[laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
F1053 Eh attractive?
F1001 Bonny.
F1053 Attractive?
M1000 Oh God, I couldnae, no, I just couldnae come up wi onything.
M999 Aye I I've just got the same as you Kay, bonny. //Just bonny.//
M1002 //I thought bonny was the// //word I would use.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Bonny or braw.//
M1000 //Very bonny.// Braw. //Uh-huh.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Because I've got "it's a bonny day, it's a braw day"//
M1000 //Aye.//
M1002 //Aye.//
F1001 Again braw's a word that's used kinda toward Dundee a lot. //Aye, fine maybe,//
M999 //Yes, it's eh//
M1002 //Fine would be what I would use, that's the adjective.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //or graun for grand.// //It's a graun day.//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
M1000 You are haein tae haud that thing,
F1053 //It's alright. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1053 //I'm gettin stiff [laugh] no I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll break when it ehm//
M1000 //Do you need a break? Uh-huh.// //Aye [inaudible].//
F1053 //when we run out o card, so "attractive", would you ehm,// bonny, would bonny be, you know, a film-star, a celebrity or somebody down the road? Would you have different words for
F1001 Mair likely tae be somebody ye //ken, whit I would say,//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 ken if ye said somebody was bonny. //Or a baby, maybe it's a bonny bonny bairnie or somethin like that.//
M999 //Mair likely tae be a beast,// //a bonny beast eh eh.//
F1001 //Or a bonny beastie?//
M1002 //A bonny beast like yersel.//
F1001 Rosie's a bonny beastie.
M999 //Aye bonny beastie.//
M1000 //Of course you could, an attractive, ye could hae an attractive hoose//
F1001 A bonny hoose //mm,//
M1000 //or or a bonny hoose.//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //or a braw hoose,// //or a gran hoose.//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 Aye.
M1002 In fact ye, what we would use mair often is probably just "nae bad", //[inaudible] cause cause we we dinnae//
M999 //[laugh]//
F1001 //Aye aye that's the North East culture.//
M999 //You're right, aye.//
M1002 //come oot an say it looks great,// //that's a nae bad somethin.//
M999 //Cause folk eh eh,// it's funny see in translation ye see, "nae bad", because in Eastern Europe ye used tae gang intae ye ken ye gang intae the office ye're workin in an eh they'd say, "How are you today?" and eh I'd say an I'd want to say, "Nae bad" but fit ye say is "Not bad", an they'd think, "Oh God, //Fit- it's nae, it's what's wrong?"//
F1001 //Whit's tae dae? Whit's tae dae?//
M999 An an ye'd realise that eh, no no, that's good, because what ye're daein is ye're translatin "nae bad".
M1002 That's like when ye're speirin, "Hoo're ye daein?" //I mean we're nae wantin tae ken hoo ye're daein//
M999 //Aye.// //[laugh] Aye, fit like, hoo're ye daein?//
M1002 //[laugh] it's just, "Fit like?" [laugh]// //"Nae bad".//
M999 //That's right an if ye replied tae that ye would just say, "Nae bad, nae bad",// mmhm.
M1002 An if somebody did come up an say what they've been daein ye would just //[laugh] you wouldnae care, [inaudible], aye.//
M999 //It's funny though cause [laugh] aye, it's funny though, ye dinnae say, good, ye say, nae bad,// that ye ken ehm mm.
F1001 I think it's done a deficit model. //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
M999 //Aye, [?]something's up[/?] [laugh]//
F1001 //Focus on the negative. [laugh]//
F1053 Ehm, insane? Insane?
M1002 Feel.
M999 Aye.
F1001 Glaikit.
M999 Aye.
M1002 I- I'd glaikit doon for unattractive.
F1001 Aye.
M999 //Aye.//
M1002 //But it it's a word ye can use// //in a lot o weys again.//
M999 //Aye.// Cause glaikit is to me is a kind o a look. //Aye, "he's an affa glaikit lookin chiel",//
F1001 //A vacant kinda look, a gawpit kinda.//
M999 eh "affa glaikit lookin quine". Eh glaikit is a bit o a look, //glaikit, if you say glaikit,//
M1002 //Aye.//
M999 //eh it actually it's in in s- feel//
M1000 //Glaikit aye, mmhm.//
M999 is in there in yer heid.
F1001 An very often if somebody hereaboots is said tae be insane, ye would just say, "they're nae very richt".
M999 //Aye, aye.//
M1000 //That's right,// //mmhm.//
M999 //Aye, "he's nae just richt".//
F1001 Or gypit, gypit, ken.
M999 Aye gype, what's a gype? [laugh] Cause a gype's nae feel, //well, "he's a feel gype", [laugh] aye if he's a feel gype then//
M1002 //Yeah, a feel gype.//
M999 then eh then that's fine, then he is feel an he's a gype, but what's a gype?
F1001 Well it could be somebody that capers aboot a lot //which doesnae necessarily mean they're nae richt.//
M999 //Aye, no,// that's right it's somebody that eh that's right that plays the feel an maybe isnae the fee- a feel, they could be a gype.
F1053 Moody, moody?
M1000 Moody oh that's nae an easy, nuh.
F1001 Queer humoured vratch.
M1000 No.
M1002 Girnin, //which is bein moody.//
M999 //Oh aye, aye,// aye that's maybe right, girnin, a girner. I did write ill-trickit but it's nae, that's nae right for moody, ill-trickit is is mair mischievous, but eh ehm what do you think eh and eh. Aye.
F1053 What would ill-trickit be to you? Ill-trickit.
M1000 Mm. //Mm.//
M999 //Ill-trickit,// would you use that word, Dad? //No.//
M1000 //Nae really, nuh, no.// //No, no.//
F1001 //I would use that but//
M1002 //It's nae ane I would use much like.//
F1001 I think it is different things tae different folk, an I would use that for mair somebody that was maybe a bit, bit of a maybe //bit mischievous, bit, but nae coorse.//
M1000 //Mmhm.// //Nae coorse, no,//
M1002 //Ill-trickit would be sleekit,// //meaning [inaudible].//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //But then you would you would think mair sleekit ye see an I wouldnae associate ill-trickit wi sleekit.//
M1000 //aye, mmhm.//
M999 Aye, ye see I would cause I wrote ill-trickit an I wrote I wrote sleekit kind o aside it cause it was on that vein. Ehm vratch is a good word actually. //Now that's a that's a really North East thing because it's//
F1001 //A queer humoured vratch.//
M999 it's wretch, isn't it, ye could say if ye if ye looked for the the the English for that. //But the Ws in a V.//
M1002 //That's the same wey for work, ye ken?// //Vrocht.//
M999 //Aye, vrocht.//
F1001 //Vrocht.//
M999 Aye. There's a lot o things, ye ken W goin intae V. I aye mind Grandma speakin aboot the the vricht, //a jiner.//
M1000 //The vricht, aye, jiner.//
M999 Eh an of course the English bein wright, //like wheel-wright ehm,//
M1000 //Aye aye the vricht,// //aye, think it must be, aye.//
M999 //an it's such a North East thing tae hae the W intae a V an there's// //ken vrocht, vrecht, vratch.//
M1000 //Aye.// Aye.
M999 In f- in fit in fit in in the eh //fan an aa the rest o it I suppose is a bit like that except the Ws turned into an F really,//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M999 //in "far aboot" instead o "where" it's "far".//
F1001 //Far aboot is why.// //Fit do ye mean?//
M999 //Aye.// An ye forget that in eh //in eh no!//
F1001 //It's nae a thing ye necessarily are giein a lot o thocht til as ye're usin.//
M999 An it's v- it's affa unusual, ye ken ower the country the the the "Wh" sound, it turned into an F //I mean I- I've never heard onywhere else,//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
M999 eh that they dee that an it's so common to us, "foo, fit, fan, far" eh eh it's it's like a feature. //[laugh]//
M1002 //It's a bit o a shock when ye gae intae scuil an ye've tae learn hoo tae write doon.// //They dinnae look onything like whit ye say. [laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] Aye, no, I ken.//
F1053 So give us a sentence where ye'd be usin the the F rather than a WH.
M999 //Oh Jeez, heaps. "Fit like a day?"//
F1001 //Fit like a day?//
M999 Nae bad, fit like yersel?
F1001 Oh nae nae bad.
M999 Aye.
M1002 Far aboot's ye fae?
M999 Aye, far aboot ye fae? //Aye, aye.//
F1001 //Far dae ye come fae?//
M999 Far are ye gaun fan ye're finished here?
F1001 When ye're throu.
M999 When you're throu.
F1053 //Was tha-//
M1002 //The best ane, a good ane o that is a lad in the ski shop,// he tries on the ski- well he's aa these beets lined up in front o him, he's workin oot fit tae dae cause he's never been in skis before an somebody comes up an says, fit fit fits fit beet? //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //[laugh]//
M1002 It's the three different uses o the the ane word like.
M999 //Perfect, "fit fit fits fit beet", brilliant!//
F1001 //Fit fit fits fit beet?//
M999 There ye go, that's I would say that's the Doric in aboot five words.
M1000 Aye.
F1001 An if somebody had said that tae me in a ski shop I wouldnae have cracked a smile, //because I would've just answered the question.//
M999 //No you would hae just, aye.// [laugh] That's right. //"Fit fit fits fit beet?" an then ye would say, "Fat?" Fit?//
F1053 //Now was that ins-//
F1001 //[laugh] No, I'd say "Fit?" [laugh]//
M1000 //[laugh]//
M1002 //[laugh]//
M1000 [throat]
F1053 //Was that insane or moody, whit were we doin there, was that ins-//
M999 //We were daein moody,// //insane was feel.//
F1053 //I think we were on moody. What's contermacious?//
M1002 //Moody, aye, that was moody.//
F1053 //Oh aye.//
M999 //Contermacious?// //Aye it is it's contradictory.//
F1001 //Oh that would be er very contradictory, contrary.//
M1000 //Oh.//
M1002 //That's bein, that's bein aye.//
M1000 Aye.
M999 Aye.
F1053 Rich.
F1001 Loaded. Weel aff.
M1000 //Weel aff, aye.//
M1002 //Plenty o siller.//
M1000 Aye. //Mmhm.//
M999 //Plenty o siller, aye.// Aye, cause for lack o money, lack o money I put skint an nae siller.
M1000 Uh-huh.
F1053 When would you use skint?
M999 Skint.
M1002 Skint would really be, "I havenae got, I canna buy this because I'm skint, //I just//
M999 //Aye.// //Aye, aye, aye, that's right.//
M1000 //Aye, mmhm mmhm.//
M1002 //I dinnae hae ony siller", that that's athin gone like [laugh]//
F1053 An how much, how rich would they have to be to have plenty o siller?
F1001 //Oh well.//
M1002 //Foo lang's a bit o string?//
M999 Plenty siller is I'd say, enough, I //[inaudible]//
F1001 //A fine a fine big car an// a fine big hoose.
M999 Aye.
F1001 Twa three exotic holidays every year, ilka year I should say.
M999 Ilka year. That's ehm aye. I cannae think o a richt ane for r-r- rich actually. //I cannae think o ony North East kinda words really for rich, it's funny actually ye'd have thought there'd be mair.//
M1000 //No, no [?]nary[/?].// Nae just one specific word, no. Mmhm.
F1053 How would you refer to somebody that had plenty o money then?
F1001 Well ye micht say it was a gentleman fairmer if it was somebody that was agriculturally orientated.
M999 [laugh] Aye that's right, //[laugh] aye that's right.//
F1001 //He doesnae like tae, an he doesnae like, an doesnae like tae get his hands fuil//
M1002 //That could be that could be just puttin it on [laugh] maist o them are, I think! [laugh]//
M999 //Aye that's right.//
F1001 //or it might be something else.//
M999 Ye just say, just say "Well he's //"he's got plenty siller, he's weel aff, he's got plenty siller",//
M1002 //Weel aff.//
M999 eh mair siller than he kens whit tae dae wi. //Mm?//
F1001 //Rollin, rollin.//
M999 Rollin.
F1001 Loaded, I've written.
M999 Aye loaded, rollin in siller. Aye.
F1053 What about unattractive?
M1000 Mm gee.
F1001 Nae affa bonny.
M1002 I put doon glaikit an nae bonny, so.
F1001 Grim, I've written an aa.
M1002 That's a good ane. Now that's a an affa good descri- "Gosh, it's grim". //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh] That's right, grim's a good word,//
M1000 //It is, it is//
M1002 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
M999 //cause it's a funny word grim, isn't it?//
M1000 //[inaudible].// //Plain jane.//
M999 //You can-//
M1000 A plain jane that applies til a person just.
M999 Aye.
M1000 Eh,
F1001 Orra, would be anither ane maybe, could be orra-lookin.
M999 //Oh aye orra-lookin, aye. [laugh]//
M1000 //Mmhm.//
F1001 My granny would hae said "an affa lookin ticket".
M999 Oh an affa lookin ticket. Aye, no, we certainly use that word every noo an then. "Oh look at ye, ye're an affa lookin ticket", oh I dinnae say that often tae you, //but if ye're but if ye're if ye're covered in strae an eh//
F1001 //I'm affa pleased tae hear it!//
M999 an eh stuff eh if ye're lookin dishevelled, you're actually you're an affa lookin ticket.
F1053 What about left-handed?
F1001 //Well my//
M1000 //No.//
F1001 cousin was left-handed an abody in the family said he was just awkward.
M999 Aye.
F1001 But he wisnae really.
M999 No.
M1000 No.
M999 I tell ye something that ha- that some folk aye say if it's eh for awkward that Harry aye used tae say, "it's aginst ma haun", //ye ken he says, "it's aginst ma haun", it is, meanin it's it's wrang, the wrang wey for my haun,//
M1000 //Oh aye, aye, me- meanin, aye.//
M999 eh.
M1002 Aye, like tools //ye get tools for a left-handed person, ye ken the//
M999 //Aye, aye.//
M1002 left-handed cannae work them naturally, //they've got to be//
M999 //Aye, that's right.// //If he wis reachin//
M1002 //[inaudible].//
M999 in tae get at somethin an it was the wrang wey, he says, "It's I //just cannae get it, it's against my hand",//
M1000 //Aye, against you.// //Awkward, uh-huh,//
M999 //eh meanin it's it's it's workin against my hand or something, or it's awkward aye,// ehm.
M1000 Mmhm //mmhm mmhm.//
M999 //But ye dinnae hear folk sayin that a l- a lot, that's certainly something Harry used tae say.//
F1053 What about unwell? Unw- unwell?
M1000 Well, peely-wally, that that's nae just unwell it's just off-colour a bit.
F1053 //When when would you use peely-wally?//
M999 //Aye.//
M1000 Nae a lot, no. No.
M999 //No.//
F1001 //I would use that quite often for somebody that was pale-faced.//
M999 //Aye, somebody that'd lost colour.//
M1000 //Oh aye, mmhm.// //Aye.//
M999 //Eh.//
F1001 //Or somebody that'd maybe thinner than they're in the// in the wey o bein, you micht say "Oh, you're affa peely-wally whit's a dae?"
M999 //Aye,//
M1002 //Ye're a piner then,// //if somebody's nae weel ye're a piner, mmhm.//
M999 //[laugh] aye, ye're ye're a piner, ye're pinin,//
F1001 //Aye.//
M999 aye. //Aye.//
F1053 //Wha- what would you say about animals that aren't well then?//
M1002 Well if you got a a calf that's nae daein weel it's //affa behind the rest that's the piner, it's, ye [?]pint at it and say that's it[/?].//
M999 //Aye.//
F1001 //Or the or the runt.// //Sharger is a is a common ane, aye, sharger.//
M999 //Or the sharger, sharger aye, aye.//
M1002 //Sharger, aye.//
M999 Mmhm.
F1053 Tired, tired?
M1000 We already done them.
F1053 //Eh?//
F1001 //Oh I thought we had.//
M1002 //Aye, aye.// //[inaudible]//
F1053 //Oh God we have haven't we, that was the first one we started with, we have, we've done them all now.//
M999 //I think we have, aye.//
F1001 //Have we done them aa?//
F1053 //Oh that's okay though, [laugh]//
M999 //Did we?//
F1053 //yeah we have cause I didn't, that's the ones I didnae didnae stroke off,//
F1001 //Aye we have.//
M1002 //Aye we did aye we did.//
F1053 //cause that was where I started before I had the pen so I've gone back to the top. [laugh]//
M999 //Aye aye aye, that's right, aye.//
F1001 //[inaudible] a young// a young person in cheap trendy clothes an jewellery.
F1053 We've done that one.
M999 //What would you say?//
F1001 //I just wondered whit Lynne would think o that.// What would ye say for that? [someone else in room answers 'I don't think I mean I don't think we have a word for that']. No.
M999 No. //A bit o a gype,//
F1001 //I was really strugglin wi that eh I didnae. [other person in room answers 'I think they're lookin for chav']//
M1002 //Gype, that's a a bloke like.//
F1053 //And bling, aren't they? Yeah, it's that, yeah.//
M999 //aye.//
F1001 //[other person in room continues 'or bling or that kind of word there'].// //You should talk about chav.//
F1053 //Here [laugh] yeah//
M999 //Chav here is//
M1002 //Chav's somethin totally different.//
F1053 So aye. So chav, what does chav mean in the North East?
M1002 Chav is work, you're chavin awa, //just keep workin, just//
F1001 //You're strugglin, it's a struggle.//
M1000 //Aye.//
M1002 a car gaun up a brae an it's slowin doon as it gets near the top it's chavin as it slows.
M999 Aye. //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Aye nae [?]gaein[/?] easy, that's right.//
M1002 //Mmhm.//
M999 //Mmhm.//
M1000 //Uh-huh.//
F1053 When would you use it?
M1000 Aye oh chavin aye, "I'm just chavin", mea- meanin that ye're nae deein affa weel or makin a rough [laugh] or slow job o it, somethin like that, aye, mmhm. //Mmhm.//
F1053 //Peter?//
M999 //Aye.// It's eh the funny thing is when, f- folk'll sometimes say, "Hoo're ye daein?", an folk'll reply, "Oh I'm chavin", eh an they're //an they're nae actually chavin but they just like, it's just it's a funny North East thing tae say,//
M1000 //That's right.//
M999 //say, "Aye just, I'm chavin awa", you know?//
F1001 //Chavin awa.//
M1002 //Ye're tryin tae think o an answer or somethin ye cannae come up wi, that's a gey chav.//
M999 [laugh] Aye, that's right. [laugh]
M1000 We're nae affa good at admittin that athing's aricht oh no, aye, so //chavin's a kinda//
M999 //No.// //[laugh]//
F1053 //[laugh]//
M1000 //halfwey atween you know? [laugh]//
M1002 //A hundred words for things gaun wrong an only one for the day it bein richt.// //[laugh]//
M999 //[laugh]//
M1000 //mmhm.//
F1053 //So that's us, is it? Have we done them all? I think we have.//
M999 //I think it's aboot it, we've been roon it.//
F1001 //Mmhm.//
F1053 //Oh I just hope I've recorded it [?]Lynn, many[/?]. [laugh]//
M999 //Aye.//
F1053 I think so.

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BBC Voices Recording: Inverurie. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 13 March 2025, from

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Information about Document 1427

BBC Voices Recording: Inverurie


Audio audience

Adults (18+)
General public
Informed lay people
For gender Mixed
Audience size 1000+

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Spontaneous but discussing a list of words they had thought about previously.

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2005
Recording person id 1060
Size (min) 74
Size (mb) 358

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in BBC Voices Recordings -

Audio medium

Web (e.g. audio webcast)

Audio setting

Recording venue Living room, private house
Geographic location of speech Aquithie, Inverurie

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Not previously acquainted
Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Family members or other close relationship

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 631
Year of transcription 2006
Year material recorded 2005
Word count 12014

Audio type

General description Conversation centred around a pre-prepared list of words for discussion


Participant details

Participant id 999
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1960
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Agricultural Economist
Place of birth Inverurie
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Inverurie
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Farmer
Father's place of birth Inverurie
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Office worker
Mother's place of birth Kintore
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All, mainly work
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes All, mainly home


Participant details

Participant id 1000
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1920
Educational attainment GCSEs/O-Grades
Age left school 13
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Farmer
Place of birth Inverurie
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Kemnay
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Farmer
Father's place of birth Clatt
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Clatt
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes In presence of people who don't speak Scots
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes At work and at home


Participant details

Participant id 1001
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment University
Age left school 16
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Project Manager
Place of birth Insch
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Inverurie
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Farmer / livestock buyer
Father's place of birth Insch
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Office administrator / paralegal
Mother's place of birth Alford
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes At work
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Scots and Doric, at home


Participant details

Participant id 1002
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1960
Educational attainment University
Place of birth Inverurie
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Inverurie
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's place of birth Inverurie
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's place of birth Forres
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Official, business etc.
Scots Yes No No Yes At work and home


Participant details

Participant id 1053
