Document 1596

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 06, recording 2: having a bath

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith

Audio transcription

F1097 Right, okay. This is your last bookie. 'A' is for a-?
M1098 A crocodile.
F1097 No, alligator.
M1098 Alligator.
F1097 'B' is for?
M1098 A chicken.
F1097 Ball.
M1098 Ball.
F1097 'C' is for cl-?
M1098 Clown.
F1097 'D' is for dr-?
M1098 Dragon.
F1097 'E' is for?
M1098 E- elephant.
F1097 'F' is for //fai-?//
M1098 //Eh,// fairy.
F1097 'G' is for? //G-?//
M1098 //Er, g- giraffe.// //H.//
F1097 //'H' is for?//
M1098 H-h- helicopter.
F1097 Helicopter. 'I' is for? //Insect.//
M1098 //Bee.// Insect.
F1097 'J' is for ju-?
M1098 Jug.
F1097 Juggler.
M1098 Juggler.
F1097 'K' is for ka-?
M1098 Kangaroo.
F1097 'L' is for?
M1098 Eh, tiger.
F1097 Lion.
M1098 Lion.
F1097 'M' is for?
M1098 Mummy!
F1097 Yay! 'N' is for n-?
M1098 [?]Mest[/?].
F1097 Nest. Nae mest! //'O' is for?//
M1098 //Ne- nest.// Eh, oranges!
F1097 Aye. 'P' is for?
M1098 Eh a panga!
F1097 Panda.
M1098 Panga.
F1097 'Q' is for qu-?
M1098 Er, queen. //Robot.//
F1097 //'R' is for robot.// 'S' is for?
M1098 A sun. //-pet.//
F1097 //'T' is for trumpet.// 'U' is for a umb-?
M1098 Umbrella! //Aye.//
F1097 //Umbrella.// 'V' is for vi-?
M1098 Er, violin. [musical noises]
F1097 'W' is for wa-?
M1098 Water.
F1097 Walkie-talkie.
M1098 Talkie.
F1097 'X' is for x-? //Xylophone.//
M1098 //[musical noises]//
F1097 'Y' is for yo-?
M1098 Yo.
F1097 Yo.
M1098 Yo.
F1097 'Z' is for ze-?
M1098 Zebra.
F1097 Hey!
M1098 Yay! Hey, get that ain now.
F1097 Right, okay. //Wait till we see.//
M1098 //Mm.// [child noises] //[child noises].//
F1097 //Right, what's the time?// I think it's bath time, munchkin. Come on then.
M1098 [child noises].
F1097 Take this. No, pick up your book. And dinna just throw them in. No, no. Wait here, don't take that off. Wait a minute. Leave it on.
M1098 I want it off.
F1097 Aye, you'll get it off in a wee bit. Just leave it on till Mam runs your bath. //Come on!//
M1098 //No, please.//
F1097 Farr you gaun?
M1098 Awa doon the stairs.
F1097 No no. Come on, come in here with me. Look at this [CENSORED: forename].
M1098 [child noises] Please.
F1097 I'll take it off anoo. Just wait.
M1098 I'll take it off.
F1097 No, Mam'll dae it. [water running for bath] Right, come on and get your clothes off. You stand over there. Take your troosers off, stand there. Wait a minute, it's hot. Hands up. I telt you it's hot.
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Need your hair washed tonight?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Right, in you go then. It's a bittie better. It's nae so hot. Is that better?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Hair washed the night? Oh you're a dirty boy. Right, is it hair washed tonight?
M1098 Broken. I broke it! //Look.//
F1097 //Aye.//
M1098 [inaudible]. //[inaudible].//
F1097 //Eh?// Is it hair wash tonight, aye? Right. Right, [inaudible]. Is that your [inaudible]? Mind your eyes then, come forward. Head back. //Head.//
M1098 //[laugh]// Hot! [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1097 //Oh is it hot?// Is that better?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Right, head back. Just wait now.
M1098 No. This shower's baddie, this shower's baddie.
F1097 Right.
M1098 This shower's baddie.
F1097 Eh?
M1098 Cauld. Shivery.
F1097 Cauld shivery?
M1098 Mmhm.
F1097 Oh, right, shampoo. Come here. I'll wash your heid.
M1098 My heid! [laugh]. Mam, watch eyebrows.
F1097 I'm nae touchin your eyebrows.
M1098 [inaudible].
F1097 Eh?
M1098 [inaudible].
F1097 [inaudible].
M1098 No! You mak it hot.
F1097 I'm nae making it hot.
M1098 Cauld.
F1097 Aye, I'm making it cauld. Right come on then. It's cauld, see. Come forward, head back. Keep your head back.
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Head back.
M1098 [laugh] [inaudible].
F1097 Wait a minute. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! //[CENSORED: forename]! Hey no! Leave that!//
M1098 //[laugh]// I've found it. I've found it. [shriek]
F1097 Aye, I'm just filling up your bath. [running water] Is that enough water for you?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 That's you now.
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Right, you get washed then. Okay?
M1098 Aye. [child noises] You fill it up.
F1097 Yes.
M1098 [CENSORED: forename] fill it up.
F1097 [CENSORED: forename] fills it up.
M1098 My bottle.
F1097 Ah, dinnae drink that water. Keep the water in the bath, [CENSORED: forename].
M1098 [inaudible]. That's it. [inaudible]. [exhale]
F1097 Fitt's wrong? Fitt's wrong?
M1098 [child noises] [child noises]
F1097 [nose blowing]
M1098 [blows water out of mouth]
F1097 [CENSORED: forename] don't be stupid.
M1098 Don't be stupid! Washing! I'm washing.
F1097 Eh?
M1098 I ken.
F1097 You get washed then.
M1098 That mine, that mine!
F1097 Aye.
M1098 I ken. Don't use it, [?]afore[/?], you cheeky rascal!
F1097 Oi! Keep the water in the bath. And get washed, behave yourself.
M1098 You get washed.
F1097 [CENSORED: forename], keep the water in the bath!
M1098 Keep wa-.
F1097 [exhale]
M1098 Come on. I'm gaun to wreck this hoose.
F1097 You what?
M1098 I'm gaun to wreck this hoose.
F1097 You're gaun to wreck this hoose?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 You're evil.
M1098 [laughs] You're evil. I'm gaun to move that road and aa. You winna get oot.
F1097 [laugh] You're gaun to move the road so that I cannae get oot?
M1098 No.
F1097 Where you gan to move the road to?
M1098 [CENSORED: forename]'s.
F1097 Up to [CENSORED: forename]'s?
M1098 Aye. Erm, I can no.
F1097 You're nae a nice boy at aa, are ye? You've got an evil streak.
M1098 Streak. //I'm nae that.//
F1097 //Aye,// you're evil! Will you sit doon on your bum? [?]Like you are[/?]. Go an spell some names wi your letters on the tiles.
M1098 Oh.
F1097 They're in your bucket, look. There, I'll put them in the water for you.
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Is that cauld?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Right, you sp- spell some, spell cat. Right, 'C'.
M1098 'C'.
F1097 It's yellow.
M1098 Yellow.
F1097 That's an 'I' you've got, you'll need that, so you stick that on the tiles. That's it. Stick it on. Right, you need a 'C', look. It's yellow, curly C, a curly C. No, no, no, no. Look, there's a curly C. A 'C', 'A' and a red 'T'. Cat!
M1098 Cat!
F1097 Now, spell dog.
M1098 Dog.
F1097 You need a 'D'.
M1098 'D'. //That's it.//
F1097 //'D'.// 'O', a 'G'.
M1098 Is that it?
F1097 Dog, no. That's a cat and dog.
M1098 That, and that //[inaudible].//
F1097 //That's a 'K'.//
M1098 'P'.
F1097 You could have 'P', 'E', 'T'. Spells 'pet'. Put an 'S' on the end of it and it spells 'pets'.
M1098 That's it doon there. Hm. [inaudible]. 'G'!
F1097 That's a 'Z'.
M1098 'Z'.
F1097 And it's round the wrong way. No, turn it round the other way. No, take it off the tiles and turn it round the other way.
M1098 That's it.
F1097 That way it goes on. That's it. It's a 'Z' for a zebra.
M1098 That ain noo.
F1097 What letter have you got noo? That's a 'L', it's round the wrong way. That's a 'L' for [CENSORED: forename].
M1098 Is not.
F1097 It is sut.
M1098 That one of me, look. That one of me.
F1097 That's a 'H'.
M1098 I, is got //that.//
F1097 //A 'H'.// It's a 'H' for head.
M1098 'H', head.
F1097 It's a 'M'
M1098 'M'.
F1097 for menace.
M1098 Menace.
F1097 A 'R' for rascal. It's round the wrong way. //That's it.//
M1098 //Oh, that's it.//
F1097 Aye. //That's a 'A' for apple.//
M1098 //That's// Apple. Is that a 'Y'?
F1097 Mmhm.
M1098 That 'N'?
F1097 That's a 'W' for window.
M1098 Window. [exhale] 'T' for tree.
F1097 Mm. It looks like a tree. It could be a shape of a tree, but it is a 'Y' for yo-yo.
M1098 A yo-yo. [inaudible]
F1097 That's a 'J' for jungle.
M1098 Jungle.
F1097 It's upsides down.
M1098 Up, that's it?
F1097 No, it's upsides down. //No, round the//
M1098 //That's it.//
F1097 other way. No, mum show you, see, it goes up that way. That's it. It's a 'J' for Julie. But, it's roond the wrong way. Gies it to mam. No, turn it round. //No.//
M1098 //That's//
F1097 You had it right. It goes up, that way. //That's it.//
M1098 //That//
F1097 It's a 'J' for Julie.
M1098 'J', Julie. That's a G for Granda.
F1097 No, that's a 'X' for x-ray.
M1098 X-ray. That's a mm. //Mm no.//
F1097 //Let's see fitt letters have you got left.// That's a 'F', that's an 'N' for Neil.
M1098 That Granda.
F1097 No, that's an 'N' for Neil. It's round the wrong way.
M1098 That's
F1097 That's it.
M1098 Oh, jeepers creepers!
F1097 See, it's round the wrong way. No, it's upsides down. That's it. That's a 'F' for [CENSORED: forename]!
M1098 'F', [CENSORED: forename]. Two more for us. Oh God! [inaudible]
F1097 It's a 'S' //for sugar.//
M1098 //'S'// for sugar.
F1097 Or snake.
M1098 Snake. [?]'X'[/?], 'S', nine, six, eight, nine, six, eight, nine, six, eight, nine, six, eight, nine, six, eight, six, six and three. 'G'. 'G'. Mm. [inaudible] [?]Dumpty[/?]. Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty. Dumpty.
F1097 How aboot the rest of the letters in the bath?
M1098 What's in the bath. //'K'.//
F1097 //That's a 'K' and a 'E' and they're both wrong the round way.//
M1098 That's it.
F1097 Aye. Sort your 'K', it's round the wrong way. No, that's it. What's that you've got? That's a 'Q', no, turn it round. No, turn it round. That's the right way, put it up that way, look.
M1098 Farr?
F1097 The bulgy bit goes in the bottom. No, it's round the wrong way. It's round, no, it's round the wrong way. Round the wrong way. Turn it round.
M1098 That's it.
F1097 Cause it goes up that way.
M1098 No, look!
F1097 That's it.
M1098 That way.
F1097 That's it.
M1098 Here, wash that bit.
F1097 [exhale]
M1098 That's it.
F1097 Mmhm. That's it.
M1098 That's it.
F1097 That's round the wrong way.
M1098 That's it. That's it. That's it. That's the wrong way.
F1097 That's the wrong way.
M1098 That's it.
F1097 That's the wrong way
M1098 It's not the wrong way. What's that? What's that? Aboot it.
F1097 Watch what you're daein wi that water? It'll soon be time to come oot cause your water will be gettin cauld. [CENSORED: forename], behave.
M1098 [splashing noises] Look! [splashing noises] Oi! That's my water!
F1097 Aye, but it's time to tidy up noo. Your water's getting cold and it's time. //You want-. Stop splashing!//
M1098 //[splashing noise]// Aye, stop splashing.
F1097 Look, do you want you and me to fall out?
M1098 No.
F1097 Well, behave.
M1098 [splashing noises]
F1097 No, they'll have to go in the bag, that's it. Right.
M1098 [splashing noises] [child noises]
F1097 Right, sit down. I'll get you washed, come on.
M1098 [splashing noises] I dae it.
F1097 No, Mam will dae it first and then you can dae it. And mak sure you're properly clean. Turn roond.
M1098 No, you willna do it right.
F1097 I will get it right.
M1098 No. //[whimper]//
F1097 //Well, ah [tut] [tut] now now.//
M1098 [whimper]
F1097 Now, now, now. //Mam will wash you properly.//
M1098 //[child noises]//
F1097 Right, here then.
M1098 [splashing noises]
F1097 [exhale] Right, rinse the soap off. Put your sponge in the water and runs it over your arms, and your belly and your back. Rinse oot the soap first. In the water.
M1098 Look! I dae it [inaudible]. [laugh]
F1097 Oh come on, don't laugh. [inaudible].
M1098 Hey you, no!
F1097 [inaudible]. Stop splashing now!
M1098 Watch, I broke that toes!
F1097 You're what?
M1098 I broke my toes!
F1097 You broke the toes. [laugh]
M1098 Aye.
F1097 Oh dear, [CENSORED: forename].
M1098 Look!
F1097 Fitt?
M1098 Look.
F1097 Fitt have you done noo?
M1098 Look at sore bits.
F1097 Oh well, you see.
M1098 That water, look. I see.
F1097 Come on [inaudible]. Right, come on then, oot you come. Come on!
M1098 No, want to rest a wee filie.
F1097 You want to what?
M1098 Rest a wee filie!
F1097 You want to rest a wee whilie?
M1098 Aye.
F1097 What are you wantin to rest in an empty bath for?
M1098 Want the water go back.
F1097 The water's away. Right, come on then. Well, you bide there and I'll go get your jammies then.
M1098 Granda! [child noises] [inaudible] [child noises]
F1097 You wanting on your Nemos the night?
M1098 Aye. //[humming]//
F1097 //Right, come on then. The water's gone, oot you come before you get cauld.//
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Right, come on then.
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 O-U-T, out.
M1098 [blows water out of mouth]
F1097 My oh, jeepers!
M1098 Brak the hoose!
F1097 Aye, you'll brak the hoose jumping aboot like that. This is your new towel that you got from [CENSORED: forename] fae his holidays.
M1098 That's not a new ain!
F1097 It is.
M1098 That's a new new ain.
F1097 That an auld ain.
M1098 Is not.
F1097 It is.
M1098 Nae! Is not such.
F1097 It is.
M1098 That a- that an auld ain?
F1097 Okay, it's an auld ain. Come on, let's get you //dry.//
M1098 //That's a good ain.//
F1097 Aye, come on, till I get you dried.
M1098 That's a [?]blackish one[/?]. [?]Block ye[/?].
F1097 Okay.
M1098 Blocked ye. //I do that.//
F1097 //Right, turn round. I'll dry your back.//
M1098 I'll dae it, right.
F1097 [exhale] Is that it?
M1098 Uh-huh.
F1097 Who's supposed to be there? You doughball!
M1098 You [?]Dougal[/?].
F1097 You're a doughball!
M1098 Dougal! //[child noises]//
F1097 //Dry your hair.//
M1098 Nae that.
F1097 Eh?
M1098 Nae that!
F1097 Right come on, get on your jamas then.
M1098 [exhale]
F1097 Right, we'll go down and get your milk and then it'll be goodnight [CENSORED: forename].
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Oh wait and I'll help you. //Goodness. [inaudible].//
M1098 //Oh!// //[squeal]//
F1097 //Oh, st-, wait a minute. Just pull oot your airms.// //That's it.//
M1098 //[sob]// No.
F1097 Sake!
M1098 No. That's too wet.
F1097 Eh?
M1098 That's too wet.
F1097 Fitt's too wet?
M1098 Me.
F1097 You?
M1098 No.
F1097 Well, you were supposed to have dried yourself. Wait now. Just stick it on there. Right, come on then.
M1098 [whimper]
F1097 Well, you carry your one. Aye, through to the bedroom. [inaudible]. Right, lie down on the floor, please. //[inaudible]. Lie down.//
M1098 //[hiccup]// [cough]
F1097 Right. Come on then. Lie.
M1098 [yawn]
F1097 Are you sleepy?
M1098 No.
F1097 Why are you yawning then? Right, come on then. Get your jammy bottoms on.
M1098 Oh!
F1097 That leg first. That's it. Hear that wind? It's wild oot there.
M1098 Wild oot there.
F1097 Aye, it's wild.
M1098 Wild.
F1097 Wild, wild, wild out. There your jammy top. Now, wait a minute.
M1098 Mm.
F1097 [exhale] Right, hold on to that. You take it down the stair for Mam. Come on then. Right, we'll gonna get your milkies.
M1098 Milkies.
F1097 Then go to your beddie.
M1098 [child noises]
F1097 Come on then, to the kitchen. Soon get nice warm milk. Dinna press anything now. Just hold on to it. You managed to get your milk oot the fridge? I think it's a new bottle.
M1098 New bottle.
F1097 I think it's a new ain. Aye.
M1098 Aye, it's too heavy.
F1097 Too heavy for you, look. Right, put that in the bucket for Mam, please. Thank you. In the bucket.
M1098 [inaudible] milk. //[child noises]//
F1097 //Open the door.// Do you want to open the door? Do you want to open the door?
M1098 Aye. [raspberry]
F1097 [microwave turned on] Now. [exhale]
M1098 Broke my nail.
F1097 [CENSORED: forename]!
M1098 [yawn] Broke your bucket!
F1097 Stop it!
M1098 No, no.
F1097 Why have you to be so horrible at times?
M1098 Pu-. Gie that.
F1097 I'll hold it.
M1098 I hold it, look. You just press it and brak it.
F1097 You'll just press it and brak it. No, leave that up! [microwave bleeps]
M1098 [raspberry] [squeal] [child noises]
F1097 Now, stop it!
M1098 [raspberry]
F1097 Look!
M1098 Look. Huh! //[raspberry]//
F1097 //[inaudible]// You stand there away from me. Is your milk okay? Answer me. Is your milk okay? Say yes or no. Is your milk okay?
M1098 Uh-huh.

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Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 06, recording 2: having a bath. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 10 September 2024, from

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Information about Document 1596

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 06, recording 2: having a bath


Audio audience

For gender Mixed
Audience size 2

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Participants asked to wear microphone while going about daily life

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2003
Recording person id 509
Size (min) 36
Size (mb) 140

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in Set of recordings made in Buckie of mothers and children

Audio setting

Recording venue Participants' house
Geographic location of speech Buckie

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Family members or other close relationship

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 1170
Year of transcription 2007
Year material recorded 2003
Word count 2291

Audio type

General description Dialogue while going about daily life


Participant details

Participant id 1097
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment GCSEs/O-Grades
Age left school 16
Occupation Homecarer
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Rathven
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Lorry Driver
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Secretary
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1098
Gender Male
Decade of birth 2000
Occupation schoolchild
Place of birth Elgin
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Rathven
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Steward offshore
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Homecarer
Mother's place of birth Aberdeen
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland
