Document 1605

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 2: trip to the chemist's

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith

Audio transcription

F1102 I've got sore legs the day, Mum. //[exhale]//
F1101 //Oh there's the back laney.// //What way are we going?//
F1102 //Huh?// [sobbing] I've got sore legs.
F1101 Come on we'll go into the doctor's the day and get some medicine. //Aye,//
F1102 //That ain!//
F1101 and we'll mak some lasagne.
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Cause you like that, don't you?
F1102 Mmhm. Mum.
F1101 What?
F1102 I've got sair legs, [panting], I canna walk, I've got sair //legs!//
F1101 //[CENSORED: forename],// stop it.
F1102 No, I've got sair legs, //I've got i-//
F1101 //Do you want to go back home?// //The car's only up here,//
F1102 //I canna help it. [sob]//
F1101 and then we'll be there.
F1102 [sob] [sob]
F1101 [inaudible]
F1102 No.
F1101 Can you nae?
F1102 No.
F1101 You can.
F1102 I canna.
F1101 [inaudible] I should have put on my gloves an aa, it's freezing.
F1102 I'm warming up your, my gloves now, amn't i?
F1101 Look at Sadie's Santa in her window. See it? Cute, eh?
F1102 Mum, I canna [inaudible].
F1101 Haud onto my hand cause your gloves is keeping my hands cosy.
F1102 Look at this Mum! Did you see my smoke? Look.
F1101 [laugh]
F1102 Did you see my smoke air?
F1101 [inaudible] [inaudible]
F1102 Look at that girl's hoose. Mum, look at that girl's hoose.
F1101 Mmhm. They've all got lights on their hoose noo.
F1102 Fitt? Fitt?
F1101 See the lights on [inaudible].
F1102 Fitt? Fitt?
F1101 Watch that ice cause it's slippy.
F1102 Mum, look at that reindeers,
F1101 Mm.
F1102 flying up in the sky wi Santa. Santa's nae on his sledge, is he? Santa's in his hoose, isn't he? Mum.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 Santa's in his hoose. [exhale] Have they got nae mair smoke noo?
F1101 [inaudible] Into the car, get my [inaudible] on, go up and see [inaudible] till Mam gets her prescription. Okay?
F1102 I willna need a -scription, will I?
F1101 No.
F1102 [exhale] I'm freezing.
F1101 Aye, me an aa.
F1102 Here's Granny's!
F1101 Aye.
F1102 That's me and [CENSORED: forename]'s granny.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 That's Dad's mum.
F1101 I think she's maybe working, hey, her car's still here.
F1102 That's Mum, Dad's mum. That's Dad's mum.
F1101 Dad's granny.
F1102 Uh-huh. And that's your granny an aa. That's me and [CENSORED: forename]'s granny. That's me and [CENSORED: forename]'s granny.
F1101 Right in you go and get your belt on.
F1102 I'm goin in the front. I'm goin in the front.
F1101 Okay, but get your belt on.
F1102 I'm taking off my gloves, I'm too hot. I'm too hot wi my gloves on. Mum, I canna sit doon. Mum, I'll have to go like this. [panting] The seat. Mum, look, your seat. Mum, do your [inaudible] your seat anoo.
F1101 [inaudible]
F1102 [panting] Mum, do you see my smoke? Look. //[exhale]//
F1101 //It's nae smoke, it's your breath.// Cause your breath's aa nice and warm and the car's, and the ootside's aa freezin.
F1102 Mum, [?]do these[/?].
F1101 Haud on till this windaes clear up a bittie.
F1102 Mum, can we go noo?
F1101 Aye, //haud on, aye.//
F1102 //It's too freezin.//
F1101 Just need tae wait till the windaes clear, for me to drive. Canna drive when the windaes is aa steamed up, can I? Cause I winna be able to see nothing.
F1102 I've got sair eyes.
F1101 Sair eyes? //No,//
F1102 //Aye.//
F1101 you havenae. //Are you bein a lazybones?//
F1102 //[sniff]// Have you washed them noo? Fitt's that Mum?
F1101 That'll dae us, eh?
F1102 Did you wash my my h-, my erm gloves wi the windae? //Did you wash my gloves wi the windae?//
F1101 //Aye.// Oh that sun's bright.
F1102 Look at Davy [CENSORED: surname]! We havenae been down to Davy [CENSORED: surname]'s afore, have we? Mum, we havenae been down to Davy [CENSORED: surname]'s afore, have we?
F1101 No. That's where he bides though, isn't it?
F1102 Can we go to Davy [CENSORED: surname]'s a long long day?
F1101 We'll see.
F1102 See if we're goin in to Davy [CENSORED: surname]'s? [CENSORED: forename]'s nae seen Davy [CENSORED: surname] afore, has he, has she?
F1101 Aye.
F1102 When?
F1101 When he comes roond wi his sweetie van and we aa get ice-cream.
F1102 Ken the last time when I was sleeping at Granny's?
F1101 Aye.
F1102 I got ice-cream. //Aye.//
F1101 //Did ye? Did Granny buy you ain fae Davy [CENSORED: surname]?//
F1102 No, Granda.
F1101 Did you get ain wi a flake in it?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Aye.
F1102 It was a stick.
F1101 Ah.
F1102 When I do that I want the stick. Now farr else are we goin?
F1101 To get wir prescription.
F1102 Uh-huh, I cannae get oot. Uh!
F1101 Come on then. //Well//
F1102 //Can you help me oot noo?//
F1101 climb over. Oh. //[inaudible]//
F1102 //Can you haud my hand?// Will you haud my hand? That's for some, people needing help, see that [inaudible] bus? See that bus ower?
F1101 I thought there might some Christmas trees an aa. [inaudible]
F1102 Uh-huh.
F1101 Mmhm. //[inaudible] toys?//
F1102 //I play with, uh-huh.//
F1101 Was Santa good to you? [noise from shop]
F1102 Mum, I cannae get up on this horse! Mum, can you put me up on the horse? Can you put me up on the horse?
F1101 Eh?
F1102 Can you put me up on the horse?
F1101 Right, a wee shottie then afore we go, okay?
F1102 Okay.
F1101 Lift you up? One, two, three! Right, gotta, whee!
F1102 Make me go [inaudible].
F1101 [CENSORED: forename] got one o them for Christmas.
F1102 Have you got a [inaudible]?
F1101 Uh-huh.
F1102 Go on, sit on the chair.
F1101 I'll just wait here. //Hurry up!//
F1102 //I want to play wi a toy noo, I want to play wi a toy noo.//
F1101 Oh we'll need to go home and get this, we're comin back the morrow, and you can dae it the morrow. [inaudible]
F1102 Mmhm. How are we gonna go on noo. How are we gonna go on noo?
F1101 We'll need to go ower to the chemist's wi this.
F1102 [panting] [panting] Mum, I'm goin in the back this time. Cannae get, Mum, how are you [inaudible] in here? Mum, how are the
F1101 Mm?
F1102 Are you gonna take it? Mum, take a photo o you, yeah? Can I get a photie taken, Mum?
F1101 No, cause my hair's a mess. //No.//
F1102 //Mum, can I get that [inaudible] there?//
F1101 I'm goin awa hame to hae a bath and wash my hair.
F1102 Mum, will you get your -scription? When you've got your inscription. //Yeah.//
F1101 //Once I've got my prescription.// //Fitt?//
F1102 //Aye.// Then you're goin to hae a bath.
F1101 Aye, then I'll go hame. It's been a busy morning, hasn't it?
F1102 Aye. Mum, [?]I'm sad[/?].
F1101 Oh aye, the sun's strong the day.
F1102 I canna see naebody. Mum, I canna see naebody.
F1101 That's cause you've got your hat ower your face, you [?]nugget[/?].
F1102 [laugh] Mummy! //Can you see my hand?//
F1101 //Hello!// Aye.
F1102 Farr? [?]You my[/?] twinkling? Can you see my twinkling? Can you see my twinkling?
F1101 Aye.
F1102 Farr? Mum, here's the park [inaudible] in there.
F1101 That's right.
F1102 Fitt?
F1101 I'm saying that's right.
F1102 Mum, when can you take me to the park? What?
F1101 You've been to the park.
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Aye. The problem, it's aafa cauld to go the day, it's absolutely freezing. //Maybe go next week when it warms up a bit.//
F1102 //Can you tak-?// Okay.
F1101 I was goin to see if we can go to the pictures the day.
F1102 Oh must be [inaudible]. We'll get [CENSORED: forename] and Dad to go to the pictures. Will [CENSORED: forename] go to the pictures.
F1101 [CENSORED: forename] an aa?
F1102 Do you wanna go to the pictures wi us, Mum?
F1101 Aye, we'll see, see what Dad says when we go home, okay?
F1102 Okay. Look, that's the that's the guys walking doon. There's guys and their granny. There's girls and their granny. That must be [CENSORED: forename] walking doon there. //That must be//
F1101 //Never noticed if it was [CENSORED: forename] or no.// Did she have her hat on?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Mm, I think it was then.
F1102 She had on her glasses. So it must be [CENSORED: forename]. It must be [CENSORED: forename]. //Well we saw [CENSORED: forename].//
F1101 //You've to go in and thank her for your// your sweeties that you got for your Christmas, haven't you?
F1102 Aye. [CENSORED: forename] [inaudible].
F1101 Aye, he bides next door.
F1102 Bide next door to Trevor?
F1101 Aye.
F1102 [?]Aye[/?].
F1101 That was nice o her to gie you a wee parcel, wasn't it?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Gosh the street's busy.
F1102 Oh, it must be blocked up there.
F1101 Aye.
F1102 We might, me see my school. We might see my school. Mum, there's my playgroup!
F1101 That's right.
F1102 I hate [CENSORED: forename].
F1101 That's nae a nice thing to say. You dinna hate him at aa. That's your cousin.
F1102 He didna play wi him in school. He always plays wi [CENSORED: forename] at his school.
F1101 Mm.
F1102 He always, J- [CENSORED: forename] always play wi [CENSORED: forename].
F1101 Well, but boys like to play wi boys.
F1102 [CENSORED: forename] is a coorse boy. [CENSORED: forename] is a coorse boy.
F1101 Dinna speak horrible, that's your friends that you're speakin aboot. Are you gonna sing me a song?
F1102 No. //Mam, we'll have, can we, I was walking doon the street//
F1101 //Come in here wi Mummy.//
F1102 wi [CENSORED: forename].
F1101 Uh-huh.
F1102 E-, goin doon here, //up to here.//
F1101 //Mmhm.//
F1102 A a a bee went in my eye.
F1101 Did it? //Did you get//
F1102 //It was sair.//
F1101 a fleg?
F1102 Aye, and it was sair. //It was sair.//
F1101 //Did it-// Aye.
F1102 Did you nae ken that?
F1101 No.
F1102 I can't, you get me oot.
F1101 One, two, three!
F1102 Mum, [inaudible] playing wi the toys in here.
F1101 Aye.
F1102 Are toys in here?
F1101 [inaudible] aye.
F1102 I'm goin to play wi them in here.
F1101 [says hello to other people]
F1102 You have to open that door, and here to get in. Mum, will you open the door so I can get in here, //in aside the toys.//
F1101 //Mmhm.// Press the button, don't you?
F1102 Aye. I want to press the button.
F1101 [?]Go on, go on then[/?]. Hey!
F1102 Mum, can I go in there? Can you open that for me?
F1101 Mmhm. //I'll be two seconds.//
F1102 //Uh-huh.// [inaudible] [child noises] Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! [exhale] Mum, you can sit here if you want to. Mum, look! Can sit ower here.
F1101 [CENSORED: another customer speaking]
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Where's that from? Where's your wheels? Have you lost them? Is there a shopping trolley like what you got from Santa?
F1102 Aye. Here's a seat for the baby, here's a [inaudible]. [inaudible] you be her auntie.
F1101 I'll be her auntie, aye. Farr is the baby? Is the baby in the pram? //[inaudible]//
F1102 //Aye, look.//
F1101 give her a cuddle.
F1102 That's her there. That's her here. That's the baby.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 There you go, Mum.
F1101 Aw, she's bonny, isn't she?
F1102 Aye. Mum, you tie buttons for me? You put her back in her bed. Put her back in her bed, Mum. And tie the buttons. You tie buttons for her. Hae to put on her covers. [inaudible] you put on [inaudible], look. And we'll take her a walk. [inaudible]
F1101 We canna take her oot a walk if there's nae wheels.
F1102 No?
F1101 You'll be knackered, humping that great big thing aboot with ye.
F1102 Fitt thing? Fitt thing?
F1101 That. You need to hae wheels so you can push it, don't you?
F1102 Aye. And fitt's this? Fitt's this? Fitt's this?
F1101 Ironing board. [cough]
F1102 No, it must be for, for
F1101 [inaudible] you're ironing them.
F1102 No, for the baby.
F1101 I'm nae ironing the baby's claes.
F1102 No, Mum, tie the buttons for me, tie the buttons. Once erm [CENSORED: forename] was coming here, cause he had popcorn.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 Mum, can you dae that for me? Tie the buttons. These ladies and boys have to get wheels, new wheels, don't they?
F1101 Aye.
F1102 Aye, can you tie that button there? See, look.
F1101 That ain?
F1102 Aye. //Look.//
F1101 //I canna,// sure, I canna get it. //Right, I'll//
F1102 //Look.//
F1101 go and see if my prescription's ready now, //okay?//
F1102 //Okay.// I want to come wi ye!
F1101 [NOTE: to chemist] Thank you very much. Bye.
F1102 Fitt? Is y- is yours ready noo?
F1101 The lady's puttin it in.
F1102 Uh.
F1101 [CENSORED: speaking with pharmacist]
F1102 Mum, can we go and play noo? Mum, can we go and play? [child noises] [inaudible] the door. //Come on then, Mum.//
F1101 //[cough]// [CENSORED: other speakers in chemist's]
F1102 Is that for [CENSORED: forename]?
F1101 No, it's for me.
F1102 Oh.
F1101 [CENSORED: other speakers in chemist's]
F1102 Mum, I just got Tigger.
F1101 [CENSORED: other speakers in chemist's]
F1102 Mum, I wanna press the
F1101 You only press the button going in. Come on then.
F1102 Mum.
F1101 [inaudible] [CENSORED: forename]! Come on. //There's lots of cars here, be careful.//
F1102 //Mum.// [exhale] Mummy! A handie! Mum, remember, [inaudible] silver car? You [inaudible] silver car awa.
F1101 Aye.
F1102 Cause there was, we had it for two days. //Had it for two//
F1101 //[inaudible]// two days. //My licence [inaudible].//
F1102 //What is it?//
F1101 [?]Our car's seen better[/?].
F1102 Mum, look, I shut the do-, I locked my door.
F1101 Sit doon then.
F1102 [laugh] It's okay, isn't it?
F1101 Aye. We're going to go hame noo.
F1102 So naebody gets in my car. Mum! I canna lock naebody's doors. [inaudible] car.
F1101 Mm.
F1102 I'll hae their car key and lock them oot. I'll hae their car keys and lock them oot.
F1101 Will ye?
F1102 Aye. I'll lock them oot their cars.
F1101 Is your belt on?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 Sit on your bottom //please.//
F1102 //And give it Mum.//
F1101 Sit on your bottom //please.//
F1102 //I canna!//
F1101 [CENSORED: forename], //I'm nae drivin along.//
F1102 //I canna!//
F1101 Put doon this leg.
F1102 I canna!
F1101 Right then, I'll stop the car. Right, that's you. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
F1102 [inaudible] nae no the doors.
F1101 Well, you canna sit in the car, you've got to sit properly in a car. Or the bobbies'll come and Mum'll get a row.
F1102 I'm crossing my legs!
F1101 Oh.
F1102 [exhale] [?]No I will see[/?] the doors.
F1101 [cough] I'll need to get Dad to tune back in wir radio. It's nae working. I was gonna listen to music. I like hearing you singing in the car.
F1102 Fitt?
F1101 What was it that you was singing the last time wi this ain? //"Dancing in the Moonlight".//
F1102 //Er.// Aye. Can you put on "Dancing in the Moonlight"?
F1101 We'll see if it works. [inaudible]
F1102 [inaudible] ain's [inaudible]. [inaudible]
F1101 [inaudible] isnae workin onywey.
F1102 You'll have to get the bobby to come to wir car to fix it.
F1101 [laugh] The bobbies dinna fix your car, the garage fixes your car.
F1102 Fitt?
F1101 The garage fixes your car. [noise of car] No, I canna get it goin. Are you gonna sing it to me onywey?
F1102 We'll have to sing it in the hame, won't we? "Dancing in the Moonlight". You have to take "Dancing in the Moonlight" inside, so we can si-, we can hear it, okay?
F1101 Aye, maybe the CD player will come on later.
F1102 In wir car. Mum, I like my shoes.
F1101 They're gorgeous, aren't they? Are you chuffed wi that ains?
F1102 I will say thank you for [CENSORED: forename] for from from my shoes.
F1101 She picked them for you at Asda's, didn't she?
F1102 Aye. I want to say thank you.
F1101 Aye. Granny must be awa early. //The car's nae//
F1102 //Fitt?// //Fitt?//
F1101 //there the day.// Granny and [?]Gran[/?] must be awa early, cause her car's nae there.
F1102 How?
F1101 She must be awa tae her work.
F1102 How was you going to go, how was you going to do it [inaudible]? S- so what was you goin to dae? What was you goin to dae?
F1101 What's that?
F1102 Can we go to [CENSORED: forename]'s?
F1101 Nae the noo.
F1102 Can we go when I've fini-, can we go when I've had my my erm my breakfast?
F1101 Your lunch.
F1102 Can we go when I've had my lunch?
F1101 Maybe. We'll see. Dad'll maybe take you over.
F1102 No he will not. Mum, can you get
F1101 Well Mum winna hae time, because we've gotta get tidied up [cough] and then we might be goin to Elgin the day.
F1102 But Mum, we better go to the pictures the day. It'll be shut. Won't it?
F1101 Will we be going to see Brother Bear?
F1102 Will we? Haven't seen Brother Bear afore.
F1101 No. Neither have I. There's nae point in goin to the pictures to see a film you've seen already though, is there? No.
F1102 And I havenae seen Harry Potter at hame afore,
F1101 Come on then.
F1102 hiv I? //I've nae s-//
F1101 //One, two, three!//
F1102 I've nae seen Harry Potter at wir hoose afore, have I? It [inaudible], Mum I've seen, nae seen Harry Potter [inaudible] hiv we, hiv ye?
F1101 You've watched Harry Potter a hundred times.
F1102 When? //Look fitt Dad's deed.//
F1101 //Oh,// clever, isn't he?
F1102 Look what Dad, Mum, can I go and play [inaudible].
F1101 Haud on a sec, in you go.
F1102 Oh can you take off my shoes.
F1101 Aye. Mm one. Two!
F1102 Jacket!
F1101 Take that off then.
F1102 Jacket!
F1101 Right, jacket. [inaudible] thing.
F1102 [exhale]
F1101 Right, okay.
F1102 Fitt's happened?
F1101 Nothin, I was just checking it, and mak sure it's okay.

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Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 2: trip to the chemist's. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 11 March 2025, from

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Information about Document 1605

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 2: trip to the chemist's


Audio audience

For gender Mixed
Audience size 2

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Participants asked to wear microphone while going about daily life

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2003
Recording person id 509
Size (min) 31
Size (mb) 119

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in Set of recordings made in Buckie of mothers and children

Audio setting

Recording venue Participants' house
Geographic location of speech Buckie

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Family members or other close relationship

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 718
Year of transcription 2007
Year material recorded 2003
Word count 2689

Audio type

General description Dialogue while going about daily life


Participant details

Participant id 1101
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment College
Age left school 16
Occupation Beauty Therapist
Place of birth Buckie
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Support worker
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1102
Gender Female
Decade of birth 2000
Occupation schoolchild
Place of birth Elgin
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Roofer
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Beauty Therapist
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland
