Document 456
A Small Book of Translations: 08 - Catullus 7
Author(s): Alexander Hutchison
Copyright holder(s): Alexander Hutchison
This document contains strong or offensive language
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It canna maitter, michty me
whither Dodie's moo or airse
lats flee - it's a toss-up for
sotter atween the twa.
Nae doot ees shitehole's
a sicht easier t' thole:
nae teeth there.
The trap's got fangs as lang's
yer airm, gums lik a dungcairt
an crackin lik a cuddie's cunt
pishin oot in simmer.
O bit he's the bees' knees:
the blaegart rides aathin
(hud him tee t' the millstane).
Ony limmer glaums on t' that
quid easy sook plooks aff a
scaffie's backside.
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A Small Book of Translations: 08 - Catullus 7. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 31 March 2025, from
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"A Small Book of Translations: 08 - Catullus 7." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 31 March 2025.
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