Document 583


Author(s): Wendy de Rusett

Copyright holder(s): Wendy de Rusett


Choose a few verses of this poem to recite. Make cue-cards of the last lines so the audience can join in. Rearrange the verses and write additional ones from the Glossary or a Scots Dictionary.

1. You say town, We say toon
You say round, We say roon.
You say about, We say aboot
You say thousand, We say thoosan
You say house, We say hoose
There’s roon aboot a thoosan hooses in the toon.

2. You say shoes. We say sheen,
You say above. We say abeen.
You say moon. We say meen.
You say jump. We say loup.
You say cow. We say coo.
The coo loupèd ower the meen.

3. You say where. We say faur.
You say who. We say fa.
You say when. We say fan.
You say what. We say fit.
You say How are you? We say Fit like?
You say know. We say ken
Fit like? Faur ye gaun? I dinna ken.

4. You say girl. We say quine.
You say boy. We say loon.
You say child. We say bairn.
You say woman. We say wifie.
You say man. We say mannie.
Fit like, quines an loons? Fine.

5. You say fed up. We say scunnert.
You say scared. We say feart.
You say yuk. We say gyads.
You say an earwig. We say a forkytail.
You say soup. We say broth.
Gyads! There’s a forkytail sweemin in ma broth!

6. You say stream. We say burn
You say lake. We say loch.
You say house. We say hoose.
You say mouse. We say moose.
You say big. We say muckle.
There’s a moose loose aboot the hoose,
An a muckle monster in the loch. (Scream!)

7. You say light. We say licht
You say night. We say nicht.
You say bright. We say bricht.
You say sight. We say sicht.
You say right. We say richt.
You say fight. We say fecht.
It’s a braw bricht meenlicht nicht, the nicht.

8. You say poor. We say peer.
You say potato. We say tattie.
You say turnip. We say neep.
You say head. You say heid.
You say scarecrow. We say tattibogle.
Peer Tatttiebogle has a neep for a heid.

9. You say eye. We say ee.
You say mouth. We say mooth or moo.
You say arm. We say airm.
You say ear. We say lug.
You say hit. We say skelp,
You say nasty. We say coorse.
If you’re coorse tae yer granny she’ll skelp yer lug.

10. You say not or no. We say nae.
You say don’t. We say dinna.
You say can’t. We say canna.
You say won’t. We say winna.
You say give. We say gie.
Dinna say ye “canna” spik Scots. Gie’t a go!

11. You say toe. We say tae
You say fell over. We say cowpèt ower
You say stone. We say steen.
You say sore. We say sair.
You say made. We say gart.
You say cry. We say greet
I cowpet ower a steen an hurt ma tae.
It wis sae sair it gart me greet.

12. You say grumpy. We say crabbit.
You say old. We say aal.
You say such. We say sic.
You say sour-faced. We say soor-faced
You say creature. We say craiter.
The crabbit aal mannie is sic a soor-faced craiter

Glossary: Choose from the words below to make up your own verses. Also look in the Scots Dictironary for more words and ideas.

You say now. We say noo.
You say most. We say maist.
You say both. We say baith.
You say live. We say bide.
You say yes. We say ay.
You say always. We say aye/wis.
You say away. We say awa.
You say not/no. We say nae.
You say fool. We say feel.
You say dirty. We say fool.
You say empty. We say teem.
You say pocket. We say pooch.
You say trousers. We say breeks.
You say Infuse the tea. We say Mask the tae.
You say grass. We say girse.
You say church. We say kirk.
You say yard. We say yaird.
You say dead. We say deid.
You say good. We say guid.
You say lost. We say tynt.
You say beautiful. We say bonnie.
You say give. We say gie.
You say have. We say hae.
You say any more. We say ony mair.
You say two. We say twa.
You say a wall. We say a waa.
You say away. We say awa.
You say brown. We say broon.
You say red. We say reid.
You say wet. We say weet.
You say drenched. We say drookit.
You say wipe. We say dicht.
You say dull. We say dreich.
You say a mess. We say a sottar or a cowp.
You say a dung-heap. We say a midden.
You say a muddle. We say a boorach.
You say confused. We say raivelt.
You say demented. We say dottled.
You say scruffy. We say strushal.
You say tomboyish. We say halleyracket.
You say tired. We say wabbit.
You say lacking in energy. We say fusionless.
You say a shock, a scare. We say a fleg.
You say stubborn. We say thrawn.
Exhausted foonert
A cyarn

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Scotspik. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 21 October 2024, from

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"Scotspik." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 21 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Scotspik," accessed 21 October 2024,

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. 2024. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Information about Document 583



Text audience

Children (under 13s)
General public
Other Children as performers, general public as audience
Audience size 100+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2004
Word count 890

Text medium

Other Primary school drama day.

Text performance/broadcast details

Where performed/broadcast Aberdeenshire Primary Schools 'Doric Day'
When performed/broadcast 2003-10-10
Performed/broadcast by Author with audience participation.

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 733
Forenames Wendy
Surname de Rusett
Gender Female
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism with a strong agnostic background.
Occupation Drama teacher in Primary Schools
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Father's occupation University Lecturer
Father's country of birth England
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
Arabic Yes Yes Yes Yes A little.
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Mother tongue, daily use.
French Yes Yes Yes Yes Fluent, used for teaching drama
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic No Yes No No A little, mainly for singing
German Yes Yes Yes Yes A little.
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Learner, in community, occ. for literature
Turkish Yes Yes Yes Yes A little.
