Document 602
By the burnie that feeds the muckle DEE
Author(s): Maureen Sangster
Copyright holder(s): Maureen Sangster
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far I aften saw a bairnie
swimmin throu the watter
an fechtin wi the fish.
He blethered wi the fishermen
nicked the ham frae oot their sandwiches
weel, he grew plump an bonnie
an oh, I wanted him fur me
So I took tae standin patient
on the bank, laden wi a thermos
an ither temptin goodies,
I thocht I'd get him throu his greed
But he pit oot his tongue rudely
an passed by ma misfortune
an I've heard, syne, that he crawled oot
at the Palace up the DEE.
I've still nae got a bairnie
I keep ma vigil by the burnie
an I try nae tae bear a grudge
agin the Prince, the faither up the DEE
but if bairnies are gettin choosey
fur status an fur money
there'll be get mony left standin
by the burnie that feeds the muckle DEE.
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By the burnie that feeds the muckle DEE. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 10 September 2024, from
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"By the burnie that feeds the muckle DEE." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 10 September 2024.
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