See this word as a collocate cloud

tumlin doon monday 14th temp1010 rainfall 2 16 dull
gey swear friday 4 temp1011 rainfall 2 16 weet
a breet friday 31 temp1011 rainfall 3316 in the
could greet monday 7 temp1014 rainfall 1 16 hair
cood be friday 17th temp1015 rainfall 2 16 dull
gey near monday 29th temp1015 rainfall 3 16 a
the sin thursday 23 temp1015 rainfall 4 16 dry
div say monday 15th temp1015 rainfall 5 16 jist
a sigh monday 20 temp1015 rainfall 7 16 noo
6th temp 0 1 rainfall1016 frosty day en licht
29 temp 3 5 rainfall1016 oot throo the nicht
10 temp 5 7 rainfall1016 rain in the mornin
him so tuesday 8 temp1016 rainfall 1 16 anither
day ana wednesday 2nd temp1016 rainfall 10 16 rise
2nd temp 10 16 rainfall1016 rise in the mornin
26th temp 9 21 rainfall1016 rise in the mornin
8 temp 3 5 rainfall1016 strong sooth win his
bide fair monday 17 temp1017 rainfall 3 16 rise
aboot nicht wednesday 4 temp1018 rainfall 1 16 gran
nae surprise wednesday 30th temp1020 rainfall 4 16 noo
silage crap friday 26 temp1020 rainfall 4 16 noo
rainfall inches thursday 16 temp1023 gran day fae mornin
wi sin saturday 30th temp1023 rainfall 2 16 day
the day friday 29th temp1023 rainfall 2 16 weet
fair sunday 7th temp 710rainfall 1 16 affa mild
rare monday 30 temp 610rainfall 1 16 ere s
soor saturday 10th temp 410rainfall 1 16 noo at
rain tuesday 26 temp 510rainfall 2 16 aboot this
sin monday 7th temp 310rainfall 2 16 affa quait
bare monday 4 temp 510rainfall 2 16 at last
last thursday 11 temp 310rainfall 2 16 bricht in
na wednesday 18 temp 210rainfall 2 16 cauld strong
fine friday 9th temp 210rainfall 2 16 day starts
doon monday 14th temp 1010rainfall 2 16 dull an
range saturday 21 temp 310rainfall 2 16 ere s
ava monday 9 temp 910rainfall 2 16 gale force
heat sunday 11 temp 510rainfall 2 16 mornin is
appeal saturday 8th temp 110rainfall 3 16 aye ere
rain friday 20 temp 610rainfall 3 16 cauld an
see saturday 31 temp 310rainfall 3 16 coorse mornin
feel saturday 18 temp 610rainfall 3 16 fule weet
rare tuesday 18th temp 810rainfall 3 16 gale force
see monday 24th temp 410rainfall 3 16 noo this
nicht monday 14 temp 710rainfall 3 16 poorin o
bricht sunday 12th temp 410rainfall 3 16 weet spleetry
look wednesday 19th temp 810rainfall 4 16 fin i
breet monday 23 temp 710rainfall 4 16 noo o
1998 monday 16 temp 610rainfall 4 16 very first
1998 thursday 1 temp 910rainfall 5 16 fin we
sna wednesday 7th temp 010rainfall 5 16 the wither
sicht thursday 23 temp 510rainfall 6 16 day starts
sky thursday 22 temp 310rainfall 6 16 great day
spree tuesday 9 temp 710rainfall 6 16 rain an
tee friday 24 temp 610rainfall 6 16 richt bonny
sicht friday 17 temp 610rainfall 7 16 eence mair
poor monday 26th temp 710rainfall 7 16 ere been
braw saturday 5th temp 110rainfall 9 16 in the
coorse maun be sna tuesday10temp 1 3 rainfall 15
lichtnin rain dis poor thursday10temp 13 15 rainfall 4
o sleet an sna friday10temp 2 6 rainfall 2
note is gey soor wednesday10temp 5 7 rainfall 10
nae gweed tae see saturday10temp 6 11 rainfall 4
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are advised to
2 00 pm rule 9102 members are strongly advised
2 00 pm rule 9102 the committee will only
of business bulletin for monday10february 2003 2 00 pm
on 20 december 2000 wednesday10january 2001 2 30 pm
are good 9 sunday to10mass walk dog after pm
of business bulletin for thursday10may 2001 3 10 pm
meri in the evening smashing10monday jessie arrives 9 pm
following programme of business wednesday10november 1999 2 30 pm
quite specific private viewing at10pm admit one only it
members may nominate from 310pm dr ewing i move
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
thursday 27 february 2003 310pm first minister s question
s golf s1o 4877 310pm first minister s question
thursday 24 february 2000 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 24 february 2000 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
these elections s1o 1511 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
prison kilmarnock s1o 5791 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 12 september 2002 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
pm open question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 10 may 2001 310pm first minister s question
thursday 25 october 2001 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 6 march 2003 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 20 february 2003 310pm first minister s question
in schools s1o 4675 310pm first minister s question
thursday 20 june 2001 310pm first minister s question
on roads s1o 6448 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
thursday 5 december 2002 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 21 november 2002 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 1 june 2000 310pm first minister s question
thursday 17 january 2002 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 9 january 2003 310pm first minister s question
thursday 27 february 2003 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
north ayrshire s1o 1805 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
is available s1o 3808 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 1 november 2001 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 30 january 2003 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
pm open question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 1 february 2001 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
29 withdrawn 30 withdrawn 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
public bodies s1o 5351 310pm first minister s question
questions see section d 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 26 october 2000 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
grant offers s1o 6321 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
thursday 6 december 2001 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm first minister s question
30 pm question time 310pm open question time 3
30 pm question time 310pm open question time 3
get relief sunday 27 temp1010 haar close in as
fresh air wednesday 30 temp1011 rainfal 5 16 fule
simmer gear monday 22 temp1012 affa het an sultry
a doot wednesday 22 temp1013 fine day wi a
i declare wednesday 9 temp1014 dull an warm it
bein wild friday 3rd temp1015 day turns oot sae
an rare friday 19th temp1015 dry or rain noo
his say tuesday 29 temp1015 dull an foggy is
taewards nicht sunday 6 temp1015 it s affa thick
purple hue friday 11th temp1018 dry an sinny wi
we feel saturday 12th temp1018 haar is affa swear
nae keen wednesday 12 temp1019 affa quait an sultry
simmer time tuesday 10th temp1019 eence mair the wither
sin ana friday 10 temp1019 fine an warm en
in sicht monday 16th temp1019 watch the cloods move
ivver sa sunday 8th temp1020 blustery win sae saft
ivver sa wednesday 11th temp1020 sinny warm day en
sae braw sunday 13th temp1020 wid it rain or
a fling tuesday 5th temp1021 anither day sae het
s glory tuesday 22nd temp1025 fine breeze maks the
o sin thursday 25 temp1025 here is a day
a spree saturday 20 temp1027 for the day sin
underneath sunday 16th temp 510a strong warm sooth win
day thursday 17th temp 510affa dull an close aye
surprise saturday 3 temp 510day turns oot richt fine
inches monday 1 temp 410dry day bit tae rain
stand thursday 30th temp 010dry noo o days like
again friday 2 temp 510dull an damp is the
see thursday 19 temp 310eence mair a day at
ring tuesday 10 temp 310fae the start o the
well monday 9 temp 610fine an mild wi warmth
wye monday 12th temp 310fine mornin bit ere s
time friday 9 temp 010frost dis loup oot throo
appeal tuesday 11th temp 310glorious glorious bonny sinny day
nicht wednesday 18 temp 610glorious glorious is the day
near saturday 27th temp 810gweed bit cooler bit still
relief sunday 27 temp 1010haar close in as the
be friday 18th temp 510hale day lang damp wi
saft wednesday 25 temp 310i m affa thrawn tae
hue tuesday 28th temp 210it s a richt fine
fair monday 27th temp 510it s mild affa close
bricht tuesday 27th temp 510mornin starts awa gey dull
shoor tuesday 21 temp 410nae a bad day it
doot thursday 26 temp 310near gale force win blaws
again monday 5 temp 610noo wid it rain or
bittie bare saturday temp 310north win the hale day
seen monday 28th temp 610on comes the rain jist
sna friday 27 temp 010rain fall 5 16 oot
sin wednesday 7 temp 510rainfal 1 16 gran day
blast saturday 21 temp 210richt fine day aye jist
fettle tuesday 6 temp 510richt fine day wi a
try thursday 22nd temp 210richt fine day wi plenty
air wednesday 25 temp 210rise in the mornin tae
1998 thusday 16 temp 210rise in the mornin the
again thursday 17 temp 310strong roch sooth win intae
wild sunday 13th temp 410tae rain the hale day
wi some sin ana friday10temp 10 19 fine an
ther s nae sin monday10temp 11 18 wull it
warnin bells div ring tuesday10temp 3 10 fae the
s affa affa raw thursday10temp 4 6 fin we
fine i div say sunday10temp 5 19 nae haar
day efter a a tuesday10temp 5 6 fine tae
sinshine sunday 29 temp 510this day is fine an
on saturday 6 temp 710this day turns oot a
relief monday 8th temp 710wither for the day dry
fair saturday 15th temp 310wither this day tae me
ana thursday 19 temp 010yon strong north win dis
fower saturday 22nd temp 210you can feel the warmth
9 30 am question time1000 am open question time
9 30 am question time1000 am open question time
arises in relation to regulation10and there is a question
to question s1w 32000 on10december 2002 what the names
9 leonard 2003 p 6410exam question taken from university
bad question that is worth10marks out of 100 will
minister s question time 1510prime minister meetings 1 mr
9 30 am ministerial statement1000 am committee business followed
9 30 am ministerial statement1000 am executive business followed
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1000 am in council chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in room g2
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1000 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1000 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1000 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1000 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1000 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1000 am in the scottish
programme wednesday 19th may 19991000 am motion of the
9 30 am ministerial statement1000 am stage 1 debate
desk will be open from1000 am to 4 00
relevant person cannot be traced1000 des mcnulty the amendment
the bill at stage 11000 fiona mcleod west of
intention is to prevent that1000 gordon jackson from what
convener opened the meeting at1000 houses in multiple occupation
implemented at the uk level1000 maureen moore we are
provisions i move amendment 271000 michael matheson central scotland
shall simply note the paper1000 mr paterson i would
and write to the committee1000 nicola sturgeon could you
committees that is our aim1000 the convener methods of
we mention anything about that1000 the convener we have
and devolved area series 0010gaelic gaidhlig provide more detail
gaidhlig devolved area series 0010gaelic medium education rn 01
briefing devolved area series 0010p6 and the forthcoming spice
ilka caird 2 00 plenishin10scots tung cairds bairns o
ilka caird 3 00 plenishin10scots tung cairds thochts o
ilka caird 5 00 plenishin10scots tung cairds tree wi
ilka caird 18 00 plenishin10scots tung yule cairds snaw
ilka caird 20 00 plenishin10scots tung yule cairds the
ilka caird 5 00 plenishin10scots tung yule cairds thochts
library5 social siod 00 asp10the working group on participation
too much airy fairy concealment1030 although photocopies of the
the water industry not before1030 am 2 item in
wednesday 9 june 1999 at1030 am a statement by
the race relations amendment bill1030 am debate on rural
1999 meeting of the parliament1030 am debate s on
the committee will meet at1030 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1030 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1030 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1030 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1030 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1030 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1030 am in the council
the committee will meet at1030 am in the town
each bring a traybake at1030 am mrs a [censored: surname]
that she gets home at1030 and is up again
when i left for a1030 appointment with ksenia at
vote among the state parties1030 dr brown articles 40
want to have a future1030 elaine thomson i apologise
public and private outside organisations1030 euan robson roxburgh and
are arguments from different perspectives1030 geoff huggins it is
not in that time frame1030 george macbride to borrow
me that it might be1030 gordon nardell the definition
the cost implications of upgrading1030 i interviewed by phone
would still be quite significant1030 i wear another hat
discretion over what is included1030 it strikes me that
msps a little more guidance1030 john young if one
between 8 30 p m1030 p m chips were
questions at the appropriate moment1030 peter wood dtz pieda
six minutes for closing speakers1030 robert brown glasgow ld
undertaken to improve the system1030 the committee then agreed
attending the committee subordinate legislation1030 the convener item 5
of the whole world story1030 the convener we will
minister to accept the amendment1030 the deputy presiding officer
nick who came round at1030 to collect them we
to be here by about1030 we think that annabel
tea and chatted until about1030 when at last i
campaign in westminster on wednesday10april 2002 which involved 30
section 30 page 22 line10at end insert any person
line 20 john farquhar munro10in section 45 page 30
by edinburgh bus wars thursday10january 2002 9 30 am
is hot 30 sunday to10mass comm with catherine mary
for 30 years lodged on10may 2000 fergus ewing s1m
of scottish youth hostels thursday10may 2001 9 30 am
debate of this parliament 1310meeting suspended until 14 30
cuts 4 804 miles 510men would be paid 30
30 mins then 375 for10mins ratatouille 3 aubergines salt
scottish crop research institute on10september 2001 s1o 3799 30
2 hours 30 minutes group10to group 13 3 hours
have increased student bursaries by104 per cent and there
have a minority stake of10per cent and will i
has chosen a target of10per cent by 2005 and
are from england and about10per cent come from abroad
straightforward population comparison although the10per cent figure is not
those calculations are wrong the10per cent figure relates to
we make sure that the10per cent from abroad appear
within that programme of which10per cent go directly to
us to take up to10per cent if the money
to reduce the target to10per cent in order to
that area in the worst10per cent in scotland characteristics
education varies from just over10per cent in some areas
the number of homes by10per cent in the next
an increase of more than10per cent in the number
cent 8 per cent or10per cent in the organisation
job is really about a10per cent increase in student
puk this is straightforward arithmetic10per cent is one fifth
wages did not rise by10per cent last year the
professions their starting salary is10per cent lower than that
we intend to take the10per cent maximum stake as
standardised mortality rates among the10per cent most deprived local
mr mcconnell as i said10per cent of 49 per
work forces with fewer than10per cent of employees over
employees over age 50 and10per cent of employers had
worth only 1 25 about10per cent of its original
two years between 7 and10per cent of older people
survey showed that just over10per cent of over 60s
take in the fact that10per cent of the scottish
the executive taking up to10per cent of the total
we had received only about10per cent of the total
executive to take up to10per cent of the uk
are already producing 9 or10per cent of their food
value of landings was up10per cent on the previous
based on current figures plus10per cent or are they
proposal is to us a10per cent shareholding of between
executive should take the full10per cent the paper mentions
in enterprise in education from10per cent to 100 per
of adults switching brands at10per cent we also argue
that would be up to10per cent we will involve
between 5 per cent and10per cent we will seek
per cent in the next10years the present levels of
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 20031010 january 2003 education culture
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 20031010 january 2003 education culture
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 20031010 january 2003 education culture
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 20031010 january 2003 education culture
order 2003 laid under section102 of the rehabilitation of
committee official report meeting no102003 25 february 2003 contents
sent tue 01 jul 20031054 22 0000 subject fwd
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 committee business dates
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 7510february 2003 education culture and
services in scotland lodged on10february 2003 kay ullrich michael
forest enterprise headquarters lodged on10february 2003 kay ullrich michael
scottish economic growth lodged on10february 2003 michael matheson s1m
forest enterprise headquarters lodged on10february 2003 mr gil paterson
of business bulletin for monday10february 2003 wednesday 26 february
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 announcements council of
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 contents announcements section
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1010january 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1010january 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1010january 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1010january 2003 education culture and
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 910january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 910january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 910january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 910january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1110january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1110january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1110january 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 1110january 2003 health and community
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section b business
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section c agendas
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section e written
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section f motions
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section g bills
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section h new
bulletin no 5 2003 friday10january 2003 section k progress
report is being published on10january 2003 subordinate legislation committee
to approval by resolution by10january 2003 the food protection
9 leonard 2003 p 13410leonard 2003 p 64 11
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15810march 2003 act of sederunt
the charlotte dundas lodged on10march 2003 donald gorrie s1m
of business bulletin for monday10march 2003 followed by parliamentary
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14910march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15010march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15510march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14810march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15310march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14810march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15810march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15210march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15610march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15110march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15610march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14910march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15810march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15410march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15410march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15310march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15010march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15210march 2003 health and community
order 2003 ssi 2003 15110march 2003 health and community
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15510march 2003 health and community
by mrs elish angiolini on10march 2003 how many cases
to in the resolution of10march 2003 in the european
amendment 2003 ssi 2003 16210march 2003 justice 1 the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16310march 2003 justice 1 the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16310march 2003 justice 1 the
amendment 2003 ssi 2003 16210march 2003 justice 1 the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14710march 2003 local government the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14710march 2003 local government the
6 march 2003 lodged on10march 2003 michael matheson irene
order 2003 ssi 2003 16610march 2003 rural development subject
order 2003 ssi 2003 16610march 2003 rural development subject
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16510march 2003 rural development the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16410march 2003 rural development the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16510march 2003 rural development the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16410march 2003 rural development the
the charlotte dundas lodged on10march 2003 stewart stevenson michael
order 2003 ssi 2003 16610march 2003 subject to annulment
order 2003 ssi 2003 15410march 2003 the adults with
amendment 2003 ssi 2003 16210march 2003 the advice and
care subject to annulment by10march 2003 the civil legal
care subject to annulment by10march 2003 the civil legal
care subject to annulment by10march 2003 the civil legal
care subject to annulment by10march 2003 the civil legal
care subject to annulment by10march 2003 the civil legal
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16310march 2003 the common agricultural
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14610march 2003 the council tax
to approval by resolution by10march 2003 the draft budget
to approval by resolution by10march 2003 the draft civil
to approval by resolution by10march 2003 the draft civil
to approval by resolution by10march 2003 the draft regulation
to approval by resolution by10march 2003 the draft regulation
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15310march 2003 the health education
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15510march 2003 the national assistance
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15610march 2003 the national health
order 2003 ssi 2003 15210march 2003 the nhs health
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16410march 2003 the products of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 16510march 2003 the prohibition of
order 2003 ssi 2003 15110march 2003 the regulation of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 15010march 2003 the regulation of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14910march 2003 the regulation of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14810march 2003 the regulation of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14710march 2003 the regulation of
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14610march 2003 transport and the
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 14610march 2003 transport and the
of business bulletin for monday10march 2003 wednesday 19 march
by mrs elish angiolini on10march 2003 what the reporting
by mrs elish angiolini on10march 2003 what the resources
by mrs elish angiolini on10march 2003 what the technology
2 subject to annulment by10may 2003 the sea fish
2 subject to annulment by10may 2003 the sea fish
2 subject to annulment by10may 2003 the sea fish
2003 subject to annulment by10may 2003 the sea fish
2 subject to annulment by10may 2003 the sea fish
in 2003 implied by article10of the amended proposal for
2003 laid under section 6210of the health act 1999
of poverty in this process10scottish preparations for the 2003
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 200310the intercountry adoption hague convention
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 200310the national health service general
amendment regulations 2003 ssi 200310the national health service general
consistently used the figure of10000 a year for cases
the swift delivery of the10000 all seater stadium that
a salary system providing a10000 and b 15 000
one for 5 000 to10000 and so on duncan
fish they said there was10000 boats fan they were
east further notes that the10000 competitors are expected to
warren in attempting to demand10000 court costs from glasgow
warren in attempting to demand10000 court costs from glasgow
but as they cost around10000 each i think that
first my local authority has10000 employees and a turnover
large local authority that has10000 employees many of those
would cut waiting lists by10000 he has broken that
numbers alone have halved to10000 in only two years
accounts by scottish enterprise and10000 individual learning accounts by
in communities with more than10000 inhabitants it is generally
costs 650 000 a further10000 is estimated for staff
like forestry which supports over10000 jobs in scotland and
preparing an edition of the10000 letters in the whistler
trade and industry estimate of10000 licence applications for exemptions
be in a relationship with10000 maniacs singer merchant now
have driven up student intakes10000 more nurses will qualify
sufficient public investment to deliver10000 new or improved houses
m insured for up to10000 not including dentistry or
told that there are about10000 of them dr murray
not have had before nearly10000 pensioners in scotland have
since april 2001 more than10000 pensioners throughout scotland have
is further concerned about the10000 people awaiting an occupational
concern that there are currently10000 people carrying hepatitis c
to communities of up to10000 people the countryside agency
assessment we said that about10000 private sector hmos will
and reach out to the10000 qualified nurses who are
had to be banned over10000 square miles of sea
we have been given around10000 through the european year
income threshold was raised from10000 to a 19 000
new dentists and up to10000 to dentists who take
of small grants typically around10000 to voluntary and community
mark hazelwood the figure of10000 was used for a
first human beings in galloway10000 years ago the evidence
age groups is 32 and10respectively per 100 000 and
the committee will meet at1015 am in the chamber
the committee will meet at1015 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1015 am in the hub
the committee will meet at1045 am in committee room
the committee will meet at1045 am in committee room
that to help meet the10annual expenditure for maintaining the
arrangement to meet at 810i wandered into the institute
he got to meet his10month child for the first
some things when we meet10one senses with him that
ploughmen was 47 cattlemen 5010by december 1918 the wage
southern england gibier faune sauvage10december 1993 pp319 334 5
in convention item 4 on10december 1999 and if not
uk 6 see sp wa10december 1999 s1w 01894 for
2002 col 2229 sp wa10december 1999 s1w 01894 spice
of business bulletin for monday10december 2001 business bulletin no
amendments to bills lodged on10december 2001 community care and
days campaign 2001 25 november10december 2001 lodged on 22
e written questions lodged on10december 2001 section f motions
justice subject to annulment until10december 2001 the import and
stage 1 report audit committee10december 2002 17th meeting 2002
of committee meetings procedures committee10december 2002 18th meeting 2002
day 7 public petitions committee10december 2002 19th meeting 2002
education culture and sport committee10december 2002 32nd meeting 2002
day 2 local government committee10december 2002 32nd meeting 2002
external research rural development committee10december 2002 33rd meeting 2002
s report subordinate legislation committee10december 2002 35th meeting 2002
2002 540 justice 1 committee10december 2002 42nd meeting 2002
power sharing justice 2 committee10december 2002 48th meeting 2002
the rural development committee on10december 2002 and therefore regrets
and external affairs council 910december 2002 environment council 9
december 2002 environment council 910december 2002 justice and home
old town edinburgh lodged on10december 2002 linda fabiani s1m
http www linguapax org accessed10december 2002 parliamentary publications scottish
that we timetable witnesses for10december and 17 december and
busy we will be on10december and 17 december with
proceedings will be on tuesday10december and therefore that the
unclasps four bright nails saturday10december belyaevo 9 28pm we
stage 1 justice 1 committee10december criminal justice scotland bill
stage 1 justice 1 committee10december criminal justice scotland bill
day 7 justice 2 committee10december debt arrangement and attachment
point is a query on10december douglas ansdell the head
place by each committee audit10december education culture and sport
december education culture and sport10december enterprise and lifelong learning
stage 1 local government committee10december gaelic language scotland bill
education culture and sport committee10december homelessness etc scotland bill
children scotland bill especially on10december i suggest that we
care 11 december justice 110december justice 2 10 december
1 10 december justice 210december local government 10 december
2 10 december local government10december procedures 10 december public
1 evidence rural development committee10december proportional representation local government
stage 1 local government committee10december prostitution tolerance zones scotland
scotland bill stage 2 completed10december public appointments and public
scotland bill stage 2 completed10december public appointments and public
education culture and sport committee10december public appointments and public
scotland bill stage 2 completed10december public appointments and public
scotland bill stage 2 completed10december public appointments and public
local government 10 december procedures10december public petitions 10 december
day 2 local government committee10december robin rigg offshore wind
procedures 10 december public petitions10december rural development 10 december
e written questions lodged on10december s1w 20827 bristow muldoon
petitions 10 december rural development10december social justice 11 december
in convention item 4 on10december that ten years ago
standards 18 december subordinate legislation10december transport and environment 11
day 1 justice 1 committee10december water environment and water
december 1999 and again on10february 2 march and 9
5 december 2002 european commission10october 2001 social exclusion commission
extraordinary and unprecedented price of1012s 6d per 1lb my
up to a maximum of10260 per session to a
ice cream van is 510miles per hour committee agreed
results in the destruction of10million hectares per year threatening
pages per individual taking around10minutes to complete is proposed
for car parking it charges10per day compared to the
in their application or paying10per day monday to friday
of a taxi fare exceeding10per journey written justification for
there were 20 or even10years ago and 97 per
in each of the last10years per capita in each
the meeting was adjourned from1016 am to 10 17
s1m 3125 national carers week1016 june 2002 lodged on
in private at 09 451016 meeting continued in public
golden opportunity at our peril1016 mr kenneth macintosh eastwood
adam ingram mental health week1016 october 2001 that the
from 10 16 am to1017 am 4 reports on
in the inverbervie total of10307 16 6 mr blades
will be taken forward 1610brian adam north east scotland
january enterprise and lifelong learning10january equal opportunities 16 january
development 16 january social justice10january standards 31 january subordinate
men terrible 16 sunday to10mass dad worse today call
agreed by the parliament on10may 2001 wednesday 16 may
time be moved to 1610mr mccabe motion agreed to
forgaitherin o the scots cpg10september 2002 16 welsh language
agreed to decision time 1610the deputy presiding officer mr
5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15
incompatible commencement provisions rule 91011 of standing orders states
is grouped with amendments 91012 to 18 and 20
community care committee rule 9102 notice of lodging amendments
the executive that rule 9102 should not apply to
½ 9 1 500 seconds105 210 904 11 1
admissibility of amendments rule 9105 states that an amendment
manuscript amendment under rule 9106 schedule 6 bruce crawford
manuscript amendments under rule 9106 section 1d fergus ewing
manuscript amendments under rule 9106 section 46 john scott
manuscript amendment under rule 9106 the convener of the
manuscript amendments under rule 9106 the convener of the
manuscript amendment under rule 9106 the presiding officer has
manuscript amendment under rule 9106 the presiding officer has
iii 9 and figure iii1070 of urban subjects reported
2000 438 laid under section109 of the family law
narrator 8 narrator 9 narrator10actors to represent factory machines
items 3 7 8 910and 11 as noted above
5 6 7 8 910and 11 other amendments were
the border in parts 910and 13 the bill makes
leave out lines 9 and10and insert or the specified
amendment 9 agreed to section10as amended agreed to section
2 4 5 9 and10as noted above 14 european
6 7 8 9 and10as noted above the meeting
9 writing to the parliament10background note languages used in
9 employment patterns rural iii10employment patterns urban iii 11
asked about section 9 and10funding section 9 grants are
issue of section 9 and10grants and hugh henry dealt
on section 9 and section10grants did not go out
with section 9 and section10grants there is something fundamentally
9 have been withdrawn adoption10hugh henry paisley south lab
aboot i chaipters 9 an10i the beuk o ezekiel
items 2 8 9 and10in private 2 questions for
section 9 agreed to section10increase in fixed penalty 14
australia 8 italy 9 spain10japan the parliament has published
in edinburgh on 9 and10july 2001 s1w 16789 robin
22 9 ibid p 12310kathleen jamie in monsters pp
762 9 drouthie cronies do10lown eild po chü i
route 9 a96 fochabers bypass10m74 northern extension 11 m77
around house 8 sunday to10mass comm to joes 9
described by narrators 9 and10narrator 5 narrator 6 narrator
mart it left between 910o clock in the morning
election under section 9 or10of the scotland act 1998
9 teacher s questionnaire iii10pupils questionnaire iii 11 pilot
aberdour 9 off at 1210reach morpeth at 4pm run
economic impact 9 executive response10references 11 key points of
machine 2 12 6 horserake10rollers 15 binder 19 9
line 9 leave out subsection10schedule 3 des mcnulty 91
6 2 9 2 and10should be subject to affirmative
9 from 7 january 200210spokespeople from the scottish centre
427 9 puir burds do10the ferr traivlar ho hsun
manuscript amendment under rule 910the presiding officer has agreed
6 7 8 9 and10were agreed to without amendment
communication 9 travel and transport10work 11 leisure department of
agreed to without division 31011 12 13 14 15
s parliament cm 3658 paras102 to 10 4 3
holiday saturday 3 start at1020 get stuck at perth
at his door in section103 a for example a
kanani head of cre scotland103 this report seeks to
3658 paras 10 2 to104 3 hl deb 12
for this meeting not before1045 am 3 governance in
ballater 2 3 99 crathie105 99 finzean 1 3
were 15 swedes 13 americans10british 3 scottish 5 finns
issue of asylum seekers s1f10business bulletin 3 2000 tuesday
or richard hough room 310extn 85047 the clerks should
85054 irene fleming room 310extn 85220 or richard hough
again 3 friday lounge finished10friday catherine elizabeth arrive the
3 foxes on each outing10from this information it can
hutchison 1928 pp 3 410hans hecht robert burns the
section 2 mr jim wallace10in section 2 page 3
kerr supported by peter peacock10in section 2 page 3
section 4 mr kenneth gibson10in section 4 page 3
section 3 1 are repealed10in section 65 1 interpretation
or impracticable to do so10in subsection 3 d above
licence hmos of up to10individuals but 3 700 for
of business bulletin for monday10january 2000 business bulletin 3
3 in section 15 page10line 15 leave out to
25 in section 22 page10line 3 leave out scottish
a spot 3 sunday to10mass fred takes us to
to come 3 sunday to10mass then back to getting
of butter bake nº 310mins reduce nº 2 1
scotland bill stage 3 section10mr andy kerr 5 in
and a grill ingredients c10new potatoes 3 rashers of
minutes group 6 to group10no later than 3 hours
7180 by henry mcleish on10november 1999 and 3 july
construction week from 3 to10october 2002 and recognises the
livingstone national construction week 310october 2002 that the parliament
2002 107 laid under paragraph10of schedule 3 to the
and car parking charges is10or less 4 paragraph 3
equal opportunities 3 september european10september finance 10 september health
equal opportunities 3 september european10september finance 10 september health
procedures 24 september public petitions10september rural development 3 september
procedures 24 september public petitions10september rural development 3 september
results of t test 310the kin link categories 3
impact on language differentiation 310the kin link categories third
this all the time 310the staff s chief weapon
over 1 3 billion within10years in its housing stock
up to six minutes each1010 mr kenny macaskill lothians
in a barrel for about1015 minutes before touchdown and
salad chicken noodle soup time1015 minutes but can be
10 minutes if you wish1050 the deputy minister for
move the motion you have10minutes 09 31 bruce crawford
bring to boil boil for10minutes add condensed milk boil
different subjects rolled together however10minutes before the debate the
debate to finish five or10minutes before then motion moved
no confidence being raised every10minutes but in practice that
the debate be extended by10minutes dr winnie ewing motion
no later than 1 hour10minutes groups 10 to 17
no later than 1 hour10minutes groups 10 to 17
minister but you can have10minutes if you wish 10
cannellini beans on toast time10minutes ingredients half a tin
the result that i was10minutes late for class i
for saturday evening we were10minutes late for the rendezvous
finally breathless we arrived only10minutes late the theatre is
debate for no more than10minutes motion moved that the
the party no matter after10minutes of stv s hogmanay
and mix well omelette time10minutes one frying pan the
onions fry turning once approx10minutes part cook pots quarter
turning and stirring frequently for10minutes potatoes with egg melt
and tomato sauce time 510minutes prepare sauce while pasta
to stand for more than10minutes s1w 34764 stewart stevenson
has to finish by about10minutes to 12 at the
i have been waiting for10minutes to get in and
i may take up to10minutes to skip through some
saucepan and fry onions for10minutes until pale golden in
a hot oven for about10minutes until the cheese melts
beans with bacon time 510minutes uses one pan ingredients
to six minutes each 1010mr kenny macaskill lothians snp
bacon salad time 15 minutes10of which is cooking potatoes
back into public session in10to 15 minutes time 09
1 hour 10 minutes groups10to 17 no later than
1 hour 10 minutes groups10to 17 no later than
up to 40 minutes section10to after section 12 up
up to 40 minutes section10to after section 12 up
five minutes mr sheridan 1510tommy sheridan glasgow ssp i
committee official report meeting no102002 26 march 2002 contents
on the 16th march at1045 a quiet affair and
languages ets no 148 paragraph10in march 2000 the uk
by mr jack mcconnell on10march 2000 and mr andy
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5010march 2000 health and community
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5410march 2000 health and community
order 2000 ssi 2000 4710march 2000 health and community
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 6110march 2000 health and community
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 6210march 2000 health and community
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 4910march 2000 justice and home
order 2000 ssi 2000 5710march 2000 local government the
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 4810march 2000 local government the
order 2000 ssi 2000 5110march 2000 local government the
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5610march 2000 local government the
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5510march 2000 local government the
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5810march 2000 local government the
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5210march 2000 rural affairs the
order 2000 ssi 2000 5310march 2000 rural affairs the
care subject to annulment until10march 2000 the sea fishing
care subject to annulment until10march 2000 the sea fishing
scotland regulations ssi 2000 6010march 2000 transport and environment
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 5910march 2000 transport and the
care subject to annulment until10march 2001 the smoke control
spar combines with post office10march 2002 8 scotland on
in the sunday herald on10march 2002 s1f 1743 5
is to press reports on10march 2002 that the lord
government subject to annulment until10march 2002 the national health
building university of strathclyde on10march 2005 welcome the president
and community care committee is10march if members want to
report on the regulations is10march if members want to
before the end of march10motion without notice alasdair morrison
motion was agreed to dt10approval of ssi mr tom
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 610january 2001 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29310june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28810june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29310june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28810june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29310june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28810june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29310june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28810june 2002 education culture and
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28210june 2002 enterprise and lifelong
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28210june 2002 enterprise and lifelong
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28210june 2002 enterprise and lifelong
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28210june 2002 enterprise and lifelong
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28510june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28510june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28310june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28410june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28410june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28510june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28310june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28510june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28410june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28310june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28410june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28310june 2002 health and community
amendment 2002 ssi 2002 28010june 2002 justice 2 the
order 2002 ssi 2002 28110june 2002 justice 2 the
order 2002 ssi 2002 28110june 2002 justice 2 the
order 2002 ssi 2002 28110june 2002 justice 2 the
amendment 2002 ssi 2002 28010june 2002 justice 2 the
amendment 2002 ssi 2002 28010june 2002 justice 2 the
order 2002 ssi 2002 28110june 2002 justice 2 the
amendment 2002 ssi 2002 28010june 2002 justice 2 the
order 2002 ssi 2002 29010june 2002 transport and the
order 2002 ssi 2002 29010june 2002 transport and the
order 2002 ssi 2002 29010june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28910june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29210june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28910june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29210june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28910june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29210june 2002 transport and the
order 2002 ssi 2002 29010june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 29210june 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 28910june 2002 transport and the
order 2001 ssi 2001 17510may 2001 subject to annulment
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 22410may 2002 health and community
order 2002 ssi 2002 22310may 2002 rural development the
shellfish poisoning west coast no10scotland order 2002 ssi 2002
shellfish poisoning west coast no10scotland order 2002 ssi 2002
shellfish poisoning west coast no10scotland revocation order 2002 ssi
shellfish poisoning west coast no10scotland revocation order 2002 ssi
shellfish poisoning west coast no10scotland revocation order 2002 ssi
regulations 1999 ssi 1999 5710september 1999 health and community
regulations 1999 ssi 1999 5710september 1999 health and community
order 1999 ssi 1999 5810september 1999 transport and environment
order 1999 ssi 1999 5810september 1999 transport and environment
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30310september 2001 health and community
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30310september 2001 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 41810september 2002 rural development the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 41810september 2002 rural development the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 41910september 2002 transport and the
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 41910september 2002 transport and the
thursday 13 in bed till10get up lie in garden
of business bulletin for monday10january 2000 thursday 13 january
scottish parliament official report vol10no 06 contents thursday 25
no 23 session 1 thursday10october 2002 note dt signifies
people had forgotten about thursday10thousands of workers being sent
go out for walk evening10thursday cath jim jo over
without youngsters scouts in evening10thursday take a special bus
tuesday mr wishart 17th fife10thursday to bowhill for scout
at smallburgh on thursday sunday10to church at st josephs
sent monday november 04 20021001 am subject re a
meri 4 monday receive cheque1070 from w d b
up at tvj s monday10get a helper at work
around house 5 sunday to10mass 6 monday funeral crem
of fordell troop am disgusted10monday a rare day at
jim jo s good time10monday travel back with yank
to the great hall monday10on leave stewart [censored: surname] seriously
but recovers for evening monday10replies to catherines wedding invitations
report 18 january 2001 vol10c 427 the minister for
p 37 6 letter of10january 1928 letters of d
draft before the parliament on10january 2000 for approval by
e written questions lodged on10january 2000 s1w 3610 mr
e written questions lodged on10january 2000 section f motions
education culture and sport committee10january 2001 1st meeting 2001
enterprise and lifelong learning committee10january 2001 1st meeting 2001
meeting 1 2001 contents wednesday10january 2001 health and community
and community care committee wednesday10january 2001 morning the convener
2000 subject to annulment until10january 2001 the education provision
new variant cjd lodged on10january 2002 alex fergusson john
the scottish borders lodged on10january 2002 mr keith raffan
new variant cjd lodged on10january 2002 stewart stevenson mr
of the draft order on10january almost all comment has
parliament today was lodged on10january before the equal opportunities
january education culture and sport10january enterprise and lifelong learning
enterprise and lifelong learning committee10january family homes and homelessness
january health and community care10january justice i 17 january
debate meeting of the parliament10january mortgage rights scotland bill
information gathered by it on10january the deputy first minister
this episode was handled since10january the executive has refused
prisoner to serve their sentence1015 christine grahame south of
practical experience in an msc1015 dr murray my knowledge
the suggestion would be workable1015 michael russell i am
hawick airt owre the laist1015 yeir or sae a
5 in section 15 page10line 23 leave out to

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