See this word as a collocate cloud

an bricht friday 20th temp1214 rainfall 2 16 hale
13th temp 2 5 rainfall1216 affa coorse wither i
21st temp 5 7 rainfall1216 at lang last quait
30 temp 9 20 rainfall1216 fule an weet is
5th temp 2 5 rainfall1216 maistly dry cauld north
8th temp 4 6 rainfall1216 mornin jist aboot dry
9th temp 5 8 rainfall1216 mornin sae quait cood
9th temp 16 25 rainfall1216 wid ere be rain
heavy rain thursday 17th temp1218 rainfall 3 16 great
the sin thursday 24th temp1219 rainfall 2 16 lichtsome
a spree friday 25th temp1220 rainfall 1 16 affa
like ata sunday 6th temp1222 rainfall 1 16 here
dis rain thursday 13 temp1222 rainfall 1 16 jist
late efterneen monday 28th temp1223 rainfall 1 16 dry
or twa wednesday 16th temp1223 rainfall 3 16 maistly
drifts bye sunday 10th temp1224 rainfall 2 16 driech
greet sunday 13 temp 712rainfall 1 16 mornin starts
pelt thursday 12th temp 912rainfall 14 16 fermer makin
get monday 19th temp 612rainfall 14 16 rain aye
try tuesday 7 temp 712rainfall 2 16 cauld is
april tuesday 1st temp 312rainfall 2 16 day richt
sair thursday 3rd temp 112rainfall 2 16 flurries o
fair tuesday 28 temp 212rainfall 2 16 gran day
july tuesday 1st temp 712rainfall 24 16 gale force
inches saturday 1 temp 812rainfall 3 16 affa dull
try sunday 26 temp 812rainfall 3 6 mair than
soor tuesday 14 temp 812rainfall 32 16 look oot
try wedesday 21 temp 212rainfall 4 16 athing is
try tuesday 21 temp 1112rainfall 4 16 dry at
1998 sunday 15 temp 512rainfall 4 16 fer sup
will tuesday 20th temp 612rainfall 5 16 athing jist
rare friday 23 temp 712rainfall 6 16 fine warm
track thursday 3 temp 1112rainfall 6 16 rainin bonny
drap friday 13th temp 912rainfall 9 16 day starts
hae tae be sna sunday12temp 1 6 rainfall 2
on then rain again saturday12temp 3 15 rainfall 2
s nae been mony saturday12temp 3 3 rainfall 2
gang aboot twa fauld monday12temp 4 6 rainfall 9
at s the cry monday12temp 4 8 rainfall 3
with rainfall around average although12wet days is still rain
hay wire monday 6th temp1212 dull an grey an
sae braw sunday 3rd temp1218 sin dis shine fae
coodnae get monday 9th temp1220 anither day sae affa
gweed within tuesday 11 temp1222 quait an sultry fresh
dis shine wednesday 6th temp1223 rise in the mornin
a pool wednesday 23rd temp1224 sultry affa balmy nae
the grain tuesday 8th temp1226 sin in the mornin
o sinshine tuesday 28 temp1228 dull an quait nae
gear monday 22 temp 1012affa het an sultry wi
november tuesday 24th temp 612affa sultry an gey heavy
sicht saturday 13 temp 312anither day sae fine an
time wednesday 26 temp 612cauld fit a shock it
fair tuesday 2 temp 512chilly for june his been
sair thursday 4 temp 212cracker o a mornin wi
feel thursday 12 temp 812crocus dis look sae bonny
ata thursday 8 temp 512damp mornin en it brichtens
sin wednesay 2nd temp 512day is fine wi a
dry monday 14th temp 312day turns oot richt fine
sodden tuesday 13th temp 412dry day bit sooth win
wire monday 6th temp 1212dull an grey an affa
feel wednesday 29 temp 612dull an grey an affa
last thursday 2nd temp 612dull an grey bit affa
saft saturday 14 temp 812eence mair the day is
inches sunday 16 temp 712ere s a autumn feel
october wednesday 1st temp 612fae the north east a
raw sunday 3 temp 412fine day bit still a
1998 tuesday 28 temp 412fine dry day bit affa
again friday 22 temp 512first it s mist en
blast sunday 5th temp 612fowk gang aboot in simmer
again saturday 23 temp 812fule an weet the day
haein tuesday 17 temp 112gran day bit blustery win
began tuesday 18th temp 512gran day feel the heat
time tuesday 5 temp 212gran mornin aye wi sin
greet friday 24 temp 612here is a day wi
try thursday 10th temp 512mair than a blustery win
quiz thursday 9th temp 512richt fine day wi a
tare sunday 20th temp 112richt fine day wi some
mair thursday 25th temp 812roon the corner is winter
bye thursday 18 temp 612swipe an swat curse an
i m nae keen wednesday12temp 10 19 affa quait
a bad day ata thursday12temp 2 6 saft blustery
the month o june friday12temp 3 15 cauld mornin
oot brichtens up again thursday12temp 3 3 jist as
throo tae nicht time tuesday12temp 6 15 nae a
the air we feel thursday12temp 8 12 crocus dis
day withoot a doot sunday12temp 8 20 cool an
say friday 25 temp 912weet in the momin quiat
try monday 20 temp 512weet the hale day the
feel tuesday 7th temp 612wither in a richt dithery
bare wednesday 16th temp 312wither is affa dull an
schedule 1 page 17 line12after appointed insert or elected
schedule 3 page 43 line12at end insert foster children
schedule 3 page 68 line12at end insert qualified persons
action schedule mr jim wallace12in the schedule page 16
schedule 3 page 36 line12leave out paragraph 2 and
delivery or registered post schedule12mr jim wallace 148 in
entry the burdened property schedule12mr jim wallace supported by
hugh henry 238 in schedule12page 79 line 7 after
hugh henry 239 in schedule12page 79 line 8 leave
jim wallace 149 in schedule12page 84 line 14 after
jim wallace 148 in schedule12page 84 line 14 leave
jim wallace 150 in schedule12page 84 line 15 leave
jim wallace 151 in schedule12page 84 line 23 after
jim wallace 152 in schedule12page 84 line 24 at
jim wallace 153 in schedule12page 84 line 27 leave
jim wallace 154 in schedule12page 84 line 38 leave
jim wallace 155 in schedule12page 85 line 24 after
jim wallace 156 in schedule12page 85 line 31 after
jim wallace 157 in schedule12page 85 line 34 after
jim wallace 158 in schedule12page 85 line 36 leave
jim wallace 159 in schedule12page 85 line 40 after
jim wallace 160 in schedule12page 85 line 41 at
jim wallace 162 in schedule12page 86 line 10 at
jim wallace 163 in schedule12page 86 line 15 at
jim wallace 165 in schedule12page 86 line 16 after
jim wallace 164 in schedule12page 86 line 16 leave
jim wallace 166 in schedule12page 86 line 17 at
jim wallace 167 in schedule12page 86 line 17 at
jim wallace 161 in schedule12page 86 line 3 leave
jim wallace 169 in schedule12page 87 line 26 leave
jim wallace 170 in schedule12page 87 line 28 after
jim wallace 168 in schedule12page 87 line 8 after
jim wallace 171 in schedule12page 92 line 2 at
agreed to schedule repeals amendments12to 18 moved angus mackay
tuesday fairly dull up to121 then one bright period
sent tuesday june 21 20051216 am subject re muckle
january 2002 business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
scott barrie business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
january 2002 business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
borders council business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
december 2001 business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
s1f 1584 business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
parliamentary business business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
of interest business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
2482 withdrawn business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
s intranet business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
december 2001 business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
1 report business bulletin no122002 tuesday 22 january 2002
lifelong learning business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
january 2003 business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
has been business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
affairs department business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
insert ensure business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
s1f 2419 business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
january 2003 business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
january 2003 business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
http intranet business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
parliamentary business business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
murray tosh business bulletin no122003 tuesday 21 january 2003
after tuesday 31 august 19991230 pm decision time business
sent tuesday august 17 20041258 pm subject visit jim
night triples we lose 1812cloudy but dry tuesday 4
meeting 2000 session 1 tuesday12june 2000 present malcolm chisholm
meeting 2001 session 1 tuesday12june 2001 present mr david
walsham return via coast tuesday12quiet day walking morning to
rod phil furniture arr tuesday12tuesday furniture arrives chaos reigns
monday to lathalmond still cold12tuesday in house at night
msp the meeting closed at1201pm alasdair rankin clerk to
bill the meeting closed at1215 pm shelagh mckinlay clerk
recess the meeting closed at1218 pm callum thomson clerk
to the meeting closed at1221 pm p e grice
bill the meeting closed at1222pm bill thomson head of
outcome the meeting closed at1223 pm steve farrell clerk
council the meeting closed at1225 pm martin verity clerk
the office room 131 at1230 to find it closed
required the meeting closed at1232pm martin verity clerk to
candidates the meeting closed at1237pm jennifer smart clerk to
1 the meeting closed at1241 pm gillian baxendine clerk
these the meeting closed at1244 pm john patterson clerk
report the meeting closed at1250 pm andrew mylne clerk
much when that closed at12we went and drank scotch
drugs posted by dee rimbaud1200 am 2 comments wednesday
on 6 december 2001 wednesday12december 2001 2 30 pm
report meeting no 31 200112december 2001 contents wednesday 12
and the environment committee wednesday12december 2001 morning the deputy
12 december 2001 contents wednesday12december 2001 transport and the
the holyrood project on wednesday12december at 6 30 pm
following programme of business wednesday12february 2003 9 30 am
monday 20 january 2003 wednesday12february 2003 9 30 am
following programme of business wednesday12february 2003 9 30 am
monday 3 february 2003 wednesday12february 2003 9 30 am
agreed by the parliament on12february 2003 wednesday 19 february
2 days uncert sick wednesday12feel better to choir thursday
on 16 december 1999 wednesday12january 2000 2 30 pm
on 16 december 1999 wednesday12january 2000 2 30 pm
monday 27 may 2002 wednesday12june 2002 2 30 pm
monday 16 december 2002 wednesday12march 2003 9 30 am
3691 in section f wednesday12march 2003 9 30 am
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 announcements snp business
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 contents announcements section
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section a daily
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section b business
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section e written
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section f motions
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section g bills
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section h new
bulletin no 48 2003 wednesday12march 2003 section k progress
report vol 1 no 112may 1999 contents wednesday 12
12 may 1999 contents wednesday12may 1999 scottish parliament staff
registration will take place from12noon on wednesday 21 august
followed by members business wednesday12september 2001 2 30 pm
followed by members business wednesday12september 2001 2 30 pm
official report meeting 11 200112september 2001 contents wednesday 12
scottish parliament standards committee wednesday12september 2001 morning the convener
12 september 2001 contents wednesday12september 2001 standards committee 11th
agreed by the parliament on12september 2002 wednesday 18 september
evening possibly a chill wednesday12stay off lie in bed
he is getting worse wednesday12we paint the utility room
the parliament vol 4 no12wednesday 4 september 2002 note
weather holds tiring but good12wednesday beautiful day 15 saturday
11 20am comfortable easy journey12wednesday dad ill with stomach
of work pancakes for tea12wednesday up to church evening
soon at home with us12wednesday we are very busy
b 1 p t milk12wednesday whist drive 5th h
affirmative instruments for approval by12december 1999 the food protection
the study visit european committee12december 2000 21st meeting 2000
health and community care committee12december 2000 27th meeting 2000
enterprise and lifelong learning committee12december 2000 31st meeting 2000
transport and the environment committee12december 2000 31st meeting 2000
this subject local government committee12december 2000 32nd meeting 2000
in scotland rural affairs committee12december 2000 36th meeting 2000
forward programme subordinate legislation committee12december 2000 36th meeting 2000
justice and home affairs committee12december 2000 37th meeting 2000
less favoured areas lodged on12december 2000 mr jamie mcgrigor
scrapping of trident lodged on12december 2000 mr lloyd quinan
1454 hepatitis c lodged on12december 2000 mr lloyd quinan
poverty press release se3192 200012december 2000 s1w 12129 robert
by mr jim wallace on12december 2000 what assessment it
11597 by jackie baillie on12december 2000 who are the
stage 1 social justice committee12december 2001 28th meeting 2001
enterprise and lifelong learning committee12december 2001 30th meeting 2001
transport and the environment committee12december 2001 31st meeting 2001
health and community care committee12december 2001 31st meeting 2001
coal development justice 2 committee12december 2001 35th meeting 2001
official report social justice committee12december 2001 c 2722 although
alastair macfie location the hub12december 2001 scottish parliament transport
evening times by smg thursday12december 2002 9 30 am
on 5 december 2002 thursday12december 2002 after business motion
scottish ministers etc order 200312december 2002 justice 1 negative
scottish ministers etc order 200312december 2002 justice 1 negative
scottish ministers etc order 200312december 2002 justice 1 subject
no 37 session 1 thursday12december 2002 note dt signifies
monday 18 november 2002 thursday12december 2002 the clerk has
december enterprise and lifelong learning12december equal opportunities 19 december
a enterprise and lifelong learning12december equal opportunities see section
equal opportunities 19 december european12december finance 19 december health
1 health community care committee12december freedom of information scotland
a health and community care12december justice 1 see section
december health and community care12december justice and home affairs
december justice and home affairs12december local government 12 december
see section a justice 212december local government see section
affairs 12 december local government12december procedures 19 december public
and it meets again on12december some of the people
see section a social justice12december standards 19 december subordinate
justice committee s meeting on12december the then deputy minister
day 1 justice 2 committee12december tobacco advertising and promotion
standards 19 december subordinate legislation12december transport and environment 12
day 1 rural affairs committee12december transport scotland bill stage
on the morning of thursday12december will be children and
3 december 2001 lodged on12november 2001 dennis canavan s1m
s acting head teacher 31298 during the months of
were approved in the first12months after 18 months 710
warrant sale for up to12months after the bill is
deal with serious crime almost12months ago i took up
in each of the last12months and how many in
in each of the last12months and what the results
the budgets for the following12months beyond that we review
for an assessment up to12months but sometimes longer it
been broken in the past12months by a politician in
could proceed to sale even12months down the line the
and financial statements for the12months ended 31 july 2001
insert throughout the period of12months ending with jackie baillie
for a period not exceeding12months from the date of
proof has to take place12months from the date on
has happened in the past12months george macbride said a
positive developments in the past12months has been that as
whom have waited more than12months if the executive does
not be apparent over the12months if the successes are
have been in the last12months in respect of kerb
that any extension beyond those12months is unlikely it is
any occasions in the last12months it has used alternatives
any occasions in the last12months it has used the
was required to report within12months on long term care
have had in the past12months people who are thinking
per cent during the past12months s1o 2176 the minister
places refused in the last12months s1w 34351 dennis canavan
they did in the first12months some authorities particularly glasgow
no applications in the first12months that may be explained
management plan for the current12months the ingredients of the
a recession for the past12months the strategy a smart
if at the end of12months they do not see
people to wait more than12months to get into hospital
them to wait more than12months to get out in
were received in the first12months were approved in that
gained prominence during the past12to 24 months at a
page 39 leave out line12and insert after subsection 1
section 1 page 1 line12at end insert and new
section 51 page 31 line12at end insert dangerous building
section 25a page 20 line12at end insert in section
section 34 page 37 line12at end insert joint fire
board section 1 euan robson12in section 1 page 1
16 lord james douglas hamilton12in section 16 page 8
section 18 mr andy kerr12in section 18 page 13
joint board mr jim wallace12in section 2 page 3
residential accommodation mr kenneth gibson12in section 4 page 3
kerr supported by peter peacock12in section 4 page 4
section 98 page 53 line12leave out from conservation to
8 in section 18 page12leave out line 12 section
21 in section 23 page12leave out lines 36 and
section 29 page 26 line12leave out on or after
section 5 page 4 line12leave out shall and insert
section 9 page 7 line12leave out subsection 5 brian
section 77 page 37 line12leave out the ownership of
8 in section 11 page12line 15 after court insert
20 in section 21 page12line 15 leave out 14
9 in section 11 page12line 16 at end insert
10 in section 12 page12line 23 at beginning insert
58 in section 16 page12line 3 at end insert
11 in section 12 page12line 30 at end insert
257 in section 17 page12line 32 leave out this
144 in section 26 page12line 4 after development insert
what we said on page12of the report we said
jim wallace 10 in section12page 12 line 23 at
jim wallace 11 in section12page 12 line 30 at
douglas hamilton 2 in section12page 7 line 11 leave
douglas hamilton 3 in section12page 7 line 24 after
bill aitken 43 in section12page 7 line 24 at
mary scanlon 20 in section12page 9 line 2 leave
long in comparison with a12page form in 1991 which
page 12 leave out line12section 45 john farquhar munro
page 27 leave out line12title conditions scotland bill stage
bureau 15 january 2002 at1215 pm members presiding officer
commons journal 28 january 168812coronation oath act 1688 1
future business local government committee12january 2000 1st meeting 2000
of committee meetings standards committee12january 2000 1st meeting 2000
health and community care committee12january 2000 1st meeting 2000
housing and voluntary sector committee12january 2000 1st meeting 2000
enterprise and lifelong learning committee12january 2000 1st meeting 2000
the consultation paper issued on12january 2000 regarding high hedges
2877 by sarah boyack on12january 2000 whether it will
and the environment committee by12january 2001 on the financial
sport subject to annulment until12january 2002 the import and
instruments subject to annulment by12january 2003 the potatoes originating
instruments subject to annulment by12january 2003 the potatoes originating
government subject to annulment by12january 2003 the potatoes originating
inclusion housing voluntary sector committee12january adults with incapacity scotland
inclusion housing voluntary sector committee12january adults with incapacity scotland
a enterprise and lifelong learning12january equal opportunities 18 january
january enterprise and lifelong learning12january equal opportunities 18 january
january health and community care12january justice and home affairs
january health and community care12january justice and home affairs
affairs 11 january local government12january procedures 18 january public
see section a local government12january procedures 18 january public
inclusion housing and voluntary sector12january standards 12 january subordinate
inclusion housing and voluntary sector12january standards 12 january subordinate
voluntary sector 12 january standards12january subordinate legislation 11 january
voluntary sector 12 january standards12january subordinate legislation see section
30 january 4 march and12march 2003 in each year
27 january 2000 how the12million business growth fund will
positions and longer opening hours12on 3 january 2002 douglas
on 22 january before section12roseanna cunningham 92j as an
5 received royal assent on12april 2001 business bulletin 62
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 contents section b
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section b business
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section e written
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section f motions
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section g bills
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section h new
bulletin no 110 2002 friday12july 2002 section k progress
of the business bulletin for12march 2003 2 procedural motions
of business bulletin for thursday12september 2002 3 10 pm
poems edinburgh polygon 1984 p127 william wallace ed robert
wallace and agreed to section12appeals against decisions by surveillance
by mr jim wallace on12march 2002 whether it will
authorisations to take effect amendment12moved mr jim wallace and
advocate or a solicitor section12mr jim wallace 10 in
win but a poor match12saturday m wallace f reilly
of the notional amount of12000 per financial year 16
without division 3 10 111213 14 15 16 17
7 8 9 10 111213 14 15 16 30
subsisting marriage items 7 111213 14 16 17 in
subsisting marriage items 7 111213 14 16 17 in
subsisting marriage items 7 111213 14 16 17 in
airson an chànain 1612irene mcgugan north east scotland
voluntary sector in scotland 1612miss annabel goldie west of
october recess i think that12october is the date 16
16 4 how much for12pencils at 2 1 2
to be a substate 1612sarah boyack edinburgh central lab
procedure is as before 1612the presiding officer members have
the working groups at its1213 september session the convention
art exhibition c s college12atholl cresc 7 9pm september
scottish textile forum met on12june and 12 september and
meeting of the committee on12september 2000 4 transport scotland
2000 answered by henry mcleish12september 2000 i announced the
scotland answered by henry mcleish12september 2000 i refer to
departmental public bodies lodged on12september 2000 mike watson mr
environment subject to annulment until12september 2000 the meat enhanced
environment subject to annulment until12september 2000 the meat enhanced
2000 answered by henry mcleish12september 2000 the scottish executive
cancer awareness week lodged on12september 2000 trish godman s1m
holyrood park amendment regulations 200112september 2001 education culture and
holyrood park amendment regulations 200112september 2001 education culture and
courses for nurses lodged on12september 2001 irene mcgugan s1m
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30612september 2001 justice 1 the
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30712september 2001 justice 1 the
johnston location committee room 312september 2001 scottish parliament standards
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30712september 2001 subject to approval
14 september 2001 lodged on12september 2001 tavish scott s1m
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 30612september 2001 the criminal legal
in the period 1 to12september a 2001 and b
next meeting is planned for12september and the forum plans
met on 12 june and12september and the next meeting
on the relevant subject audit12september education culture and sport
learning 6 september equal opportunities12september european 5 september finance
3 meeting of the parliament12september mortgage rights scotland bill
3 meeting of the parliament12september police and fire services
local government 5 september procedures12september public petitions 12 september
procedures 12 september public petitions12september rural affairs 5 september
stage 2 rural affairs committee12september standards in scotland s
social justice 5 september standards12september subordinate legislation 4 september
voluntary sector 4 september standards12september subordinate legislation 5 september
stage 2 rural affairs committee12september transport scotland bill stage
scotland bill stage 2 completed12september transport scotland bill stage
11 30 am ministerial statement1200 pm procedures committee motion
11 30 am ministerial statement1200 pm procedures committee motion
between 11 45 am and1210pm 10 write in figures
the singing of nichole robertson1211 2000 doon the centuries
the annual report in private1211 meeting continued in private
11 the said sum of1213 11 had been handed
of 22 4 5 was1213 11 the said sum
35 11 00 11 251250 5th year students thurs
904 11 1 280 acres1280 pages 13 90 days
11 pilot study booklet iii12amended booklet iii 13 data
5 7 9 11 and12as noted above 15 island
is thereby vacant 11 on12february a declaration was drawn
see figures iii 11 iii12iii 13 all 119 subjects
was concluded at the 1112july plenary session phase two
november 2002 at the 1112july plenary session the convention
with honours in english paper12literary theory question 19 11
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2001 to 11 may
magistrates s1o 5354 11 withdrawn12sarah boyack to ask the
11 sca 1999 personal communication12scottish hill packs association information
ibid 41 11 ibid 5512the oed s first citation
to the provisions in section12therefore section 11 would not
pronounced at around 11 or12those bridges will be very
on 8 may 02 at1246 jim wrote eleanor lawson
no electricity 3 6 912saturday 12 to kdy jim
jim jo leave a m12saturday working most of day
3 6 9 12 saturday12to kdy jim jo s
the ego penguin freud library12154 26 totem and taboo
vol 607 col 918 21299 26 the theological and
fine day 26 sunday to12mass breaking furniture a m
26 sunday frustrating day to12mass then i f calls
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
report for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
report for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
report for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
report for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
committee for the parliamentary year12may 2002 to 26 march
conference european university institute florence1213 april 2002 begg i
sweat it off slimmersuit tc1213 but mcseveney s girls
of passion s thaw o1213 in mother and child
now move into private session1213 meeting continued in private
end of the public session1213 meeting continued in private
14 act of settlement 17001213 will 3 chap 2
fu hsuan 3rd century northwords121997 13 ma pairtie ch
that was the reason amendment12agreed to amendment 13 moved
ministers in line with recommendations12and 13 of the ssstf
being met in relation to12and 13 year olds but
financial implications of the bill12consultation responses 13 geographical dimension
and 13 of the ssstf12district salmon fishery boards should
routledge 1972 pp 4 6212ibid p 64 13 both
st andrews 1995 p 10112ibid pp 102 100 13
england show up as about12million or 13 million its
bens chang chi 8th century12nicht at anchor do 13
learning 13 november equal opportunities12november european 5 november finance
a certain age but around12or 13 the girls want
good job 13 sunday to12write stories in afternoon later
31 march 2004 se 200312committee reports the following report
regulations 20901 ssi 2001 8912march 2001 health and community
regulations 20901 ssi 2001 8912march 2001 health and community
dumfries and galloway lodged on12march 2001 mr brian monteith
dumfries and galloway lodged on12march 2001 richard lochhead mr
arrested at faslane lodged on12march 2001 tricia marwick s1m
s1m 2880 palestine lodged on12march 2002 bill butler s1m
2885 hamish henderson lodged on12march 2002 bill butler tommy
s1m 2889 screentime lodged on12march 2002 elaine smith s1m
s1m 2880 palestine lodged on12march 2002 elaine smith susan
vulnerable adults scotland regulations 200212march 2002 justice 2 the
to north ayrshire lodged on12march 2002 kay ullrich s1m
gm trials newport lodged on12march 2002 michael matheson ms
rural postal services lodged on12march 2002 mr keith raffan
refrigerators and freezers lodged on12march 2002 mr kenneth gibson
rural postal services lodged on12march 2002 mr kenneth gibson
nuclear power stations lodged on12march 2002 ms sandra white
vulnerable adults scotland regulations 200212march 2002 negative instruments subject
that in a letter of12march 2002 the director of
national health service lodged on12march 2002 tommy sheridan s1m
of credit laws lodged on12march 2003 donald gorrie s1m
report is being published on12march 2003 equal opportunities committee
to in his letter of12march 2003 placed in the
day will take place on12march 2003 recognises that tobacco
meeting of the parliament on12march 2003 section 31 fergus
agricultural holdings scotland bill passed12march budget scotland no 4
debate meeting of the parliament12march budget scotland no 4
debate meeting of the parliament12march budget scotland no 4
debate meeting of the parliament12march budget scotland no 4
agricultural holdings scotland bill passed12march building scotland bill passed
scotland bill stage 2 completed12march freedom of information scotland
national galleries of scotland bill12march procedures 18 march public
national galleries of scotland bill12march procedures 18 march public
national galleries of scotland bill12march procedures 25 february public
galleries of scotland bill committee12march prostitution tolerance zones scotland
galleries of scotland bill committee12march protection of children scotland
galleries of scotland bill committee12march protection of children scotland
the primary english magazine vol12no 4 march april sheffield
and to end of line12and insert 1a each local
39 line 29 leave out12and insert 6 mr adam
38 line 6 leave out12and insert 6 mr adam
38 line 8 leave out12and insert 6 section 68
39 line 31 leave out12and insert 6 section 77
conservation to redemption in line12and insert personal real section
the to end of line12and insert regulations made by
line 31 at end insert12during any period before a
sunday 1st of may from1200 2 00pm gow meeting
should the committee investigate that1200 andrew normand i am
the matter to be reconsidered1200 bristow muldoon i am
communities that feel most threatened1200 des mcnulty i agree
if they will be brief1200 donald gorrie central scotland
in the social rented sector1200 gavin corbett yes the
stage shall not be taken1200 if amendment 4 is
on the definition of disability1200 james o rourke yes
the bill or their implications1200 mark turley city of
to operate hmo licensing schemes1200 mr gibson i note
talk at the same time1200 mr hamilton that brings
some of those other parents1200 mr monteith your submission
the meeting was adjourned between1200 noon and 12 07pm
debate on borders rail link1200 pm business motion followed
followed by parliamentary bureau motions1200 pm decision time followed
the committee will meet at1200 pm in the chamber
the committee will meet at1200 pm in the chamber
economic development services in scotland1200 pm ministerial statement followed
for monday 5 june 20001200 pm ministerial statement on
2002 the meeting opened at1200 pm motion of condolence
convener in preparing the paper1200 the convener i have
again that advice was ignored1200 the convener is an
a solution can be reached1200 the deputy presiding officer
between 12 00 noon and1207pm 7 community care inquiry
00 high interest a c12160 00 mrs [censored: surname] advises
new one current a c12345 00 jubilee fund 1
the presiding officer on monday12august at 3 00 pm
to tampere came in at1215 and we ate our
for the committee to determine1215 bill aitken the process
date that is further away1215 i am sure that
a consequence of the bill1215 ian williamson i should
regarding the quality assurance procedures1215 mr stone do you
like to develop that further1215 mrs mcintosh i want
is almost in post now1215 mrs mcintosh i want
fold in raisins spoon into1215 muffin tins bake at
possibility of a tour for1215 people in the summer
business scottish conservative unionist party1215 pm ministerial statement followed
business scottish conservative unionist party1215 pm ministerial statement followed
am scottish national party business1215 pm ministerial statement followed
non executive business conservative party1215 pm ministerial statement followed
report is being published at1215 pm on 14 february
that agreed members indicated agreement1215 the convener given the
motion and act on it1215 the deputy minister for
angus mackay and agreed to1215 the deputy presiding officer
misuse by school children aged1215 will be available as
floor of parliament headquarters between1230 pm and 2 15
for presiding officer runs from1230 pm to 2 15
roup broadcast sowing machine 2126 horserake 10 rollers 15
area of aberdeen on 181298 and 15 1 99
1 monday start piano lessons12friday 15 present fr byrne
15 pm in room 212parliamentary headquarters edinburgh 1 robin
song of songs 2 v12psalm 104 v 14 15
cook 15 mins add 612tablespoons brandy parsley butter inside
up to 64 in the12to 15 age group and
later than 3 hours group12to group 15 no later
later than 3 hours group12to group 15 no later
memorandum of understanding and concordats1220 pm business motion 2
followed by no later than1220 pm business motion 2
the executive s expenditure plans1220 pm business motion 2
motion on structural funds programmes1220 pm business motion 2
followed by no later than1220 pm business motion 2
followed by no later than1220 pm business motion 2
9 30 am executive business1220 pm business motion 2
followed by no later than1220 pm business motion by
all of scotland s peoples1220 pm business motion s1m
for lunch at or around1230 pm and will resume
to be taken without debate1230 pm decision time followed
followed by no later than1230 pm ministerial statement on
on the hci hospital at1230 pm section a of
the committee will meet at1245 pm in committee room
the committee will meet at1245 pm in committee room
a daily business list revised1245 pm meeting of the
thursday 25 may 2000 revised1245 pm section a daily
a daily business list revised1245 pm section b business
pm to 5 18 pm12visitscotland funding of dumfries and
1999 subject to annulment until12february 2000 the hill livestock
1653 young people lodged on12february 2001 bruce crawford tricia
school swimming lessons lodged on12february 2001 david mundell s1m
22478 by patricia ferguson on12february 2002 how many joint
commonwealth day 2002 lodged on12february 2002 john scott s1m
order 2002 ssi 2002 5512february 2002 local government subject
order 2002 ssi 2002 5112february 2002 rural development the
order 2002 ssi 2002 5512february 2002 subject to annulment
relief cancer talk lodged on12february 2002 susan deacon s1m
order 2002 ssi 2002 5112february 2002 the ethical standards
news release se0324 02 of12february 2002 what budget has
meetings have been convened since12february 2002 where each meeting
laid before the parliament on12february 2003 and is not
amendments to bills lodged on12february 2003 criminal justice scotland
draft before the parliament on12february 2003 for approval by
tax expenses scotland regulations 200312february 2003 justice 2 subject
tax expenses scotland regulations 200312february 2003 justice 2 subject
tax expenses scotland regulations 200312february 2003 justice 2 subject
tax expenses scotland regulations 200312february 2003 justice 2 subject
connections 10th anniversary lodged on12february 2003 mr gil paterson
tax expenses scotland regulations 200312february 2003 negative instruments subject
lodged with the parliament on12february 2003 pe606 petition by
bills introduced or reprinted on12february 2003 protection of children
e written questions lodged on12february 2003 questions marked with
connections 10th anniversary lodged on12february 2003 robin harper s1m
e written questions lodged on12february 2003 section f motions
section i petitions lodged on12february 2003 section k progress
section i petitions lodged on12february 2003 the following petition
environment subject to annulment by12february 2003 the seeds miscellaneous
environment subject to annulment by12february 2003 the seeds miscellaneous
environment subject to annulment by12february 2003 the seeds miscellaneous
environment subject to annulment by12february 2003 the seeds miscellaneous
environment subject to annulment by12february 2003 the seeds miscellaneous
is during the week between12february and 19 february miss
education culture and sport committee12february freedom of information scotland
of children scotland bill passed12february public appointments and public
of children scotland bill passed12february public appointments and public
of children scotland bill passed12february public appointments and public
3 debate meeting of parliament12february public appointments and public
of children scotland bill passed12february public appointments and public
of children scotland bill passed12february public appointments and public
of children scotland bill passed12february robin rigg offshore wind
09 may 2002 12 43120000 subject re lilt salt
on the morning of the1212 92 demonstration for democracy
all members every best wish1212 linda fabiani central scotland
sent thu 09 may 20021243 12 0000 subject re
the morning of the 121292 demonstration for democracy as
this 12 1 94 glasgow1293 dear joan this is
12 literary theory question 1912gates jr 1993 p 146
members every best wish 1212linda fabiani central scotland snp
with honours in english paper12literary theory question 19 12
here overnight getting colder thursday12fine weather just cold enough
with the chamber office by12noon on thursday 24 june
happy cath not too good12thursday receive ok for loan
order 2002 motion agreed to1224 meeting suspended until 14
of amendments to the bill1230 meeting suspended until 14
agreed to motion agreed to1235 meeting suspended until 14
members business motion agreed to1240 meeting suspended until 14
convener opened the meeting at1251 the convener mike watson
reporter to leave the chamber1253 meeting continued in private
of last week s meeting1254 meeting continued in private
debate meeting of the parliament12june subordinate legislation in progress
mum dad 28 sunday to12mass ma heps afternoon still
anything else 8 sunday to12mass with caroline then to
patent fireplace collapses during demonstration12sunday st margarets guild at
weather very mild and sunny12sunday to 10 mass out
i spend 24 on utensils12sunday to 8 mass comm
leaves having enjoyed her holiday12sunday to bidston hall we
liverpool v chelsea great game12sunday to [illegible] church in
s1m 1938 adult learners week1218 may 2001 lodged on
june european 18 june finance12june health and community care
34 laid under section 1812of the agriculture act 1986
grouped with amendments 9 1012to 18 and 20 to
of their duty under section121 arranging for provision of
a local authority under section121 of the 1968 act
any regulations made under section124 c of the community
where by virtue of section124 c of this act
changed by virtue of section124 c of this act
2001 152 laid under section126 of the superannuation act
2000 444 laid under section126 of the superannuation act
of period for paying section12allows a fixed penalty notice
harding and agreed to section12as amended agreed to section
section 52 john farquhar munro12before section 52 insert agreements
on on that land section12bill aitken 43 in section
flora or fauna after section12bill aitken 44 after section
for seeking to clarify section12but there is still a
b were omitted b section12c of that act comes
bill aitken 44 after section12insert suspension of access rights
and insert lord advocate section12lord james douglas hamilton 2
revised carer identification strategy section12mary scanlon 20 in section
had been withdrawn under section12notwithstanding that we are conscious
providing residential accommodation in section12of the 1968 act general
in relation to a section12of the 1968 act i
by collaborative agreement under section12of the police scotland act
same way as in section12of this act 4 the
in subsection 1 of section12of this act are to
subsection 4 a of section12of this act if in
issue fixed penalty notices section12outlines certain circumstances in which
a notice were withdrawn section12provides that a fixed penalty
not been withdrawn under section12section 10 provides that the
section 10 to after section12up to 55 minutes section
section 10 to after section12up to 55 minutes section
harding and agreed to section12withdrawal of fixed penalty notice
in section 3 applied amendment12would clarify that by substituting
affairs subject to annulment until12may 2000 the local government
development subject to annulment until12may 2001 the valuation for
development subject to annulment until12may 2001 the valuation for
development subject to annulment by12may 2003 feeding stuffs scotland
development subject to annulment by12may 2003 feeding stuffs scotland
development subject to annulment by12may 2003 feeding stuffs scotland
development subject to annulment by12may 2003 feeding stuffs scotland
development subject to annulment by12may 2003 feeding stuffs scotland
care subject to annulment by12october 2002 the road traffic
viewing ruins and churches at1220 or so we were
close now malcolm chisholm okay1220 tommy sheridan glasgow ssp
sent monday june 20 20051225 am subject itchy coo
june enterprise and lifelong learning12june equal opportunities 20 june
do 20 sit ups and12press ups and if i
petersberg tasks be updated 2012should a more integrated approach
research pdf_res_brief sb02 20 pdf12the official report of the
sent mon 30 jun 20031238 37 0100 am hoping
to approval by resolution by12may 2003 the sea fishing
to approval by resolution by12may 2003 the sea fishing
the uk national action plan12preparations for the 2003 national
data protection arrangements s1o 540712alex johnstone to ask the
tourists visiting scotland s1o 23312bill aitken to ask the
housing stock transfer s1o 485412bill butler to ask the
longriggend remand centre s1o 42912brian adam to ask the
and 2005 06 s1o 632212brian adam to ask the
for care leavers s1o 319312bristow muldoon to ask the
to deer farmers s1o 32712david mundell to ask the
scotland s railways s1o 25212dennis canavan to ask the
on this issue s1o 491712iain smith to ask the
of its appeal s1o 467412john young to ask the
central heating initiative s1o 274512lewis macdonald to ask the
for commercial enterprises s1o 183912linda fabiani to ask the
the fishing fleet s1o 175812lord james douglas hamilton to
to tenant participation s1o 326212mr adam ingram to ask
caused by sellafield s1o 151412mr gil paterson to ask
issues were discussed s1o 640712mr john home robertson to
at work week s1o 377312mr john mcallion to ask
and secondary levels s1o 639512mr keith raffan to ask
pregnancies in scotland s1o 7412mr kennt macaskill to ask
pregnancies in scotland s1o 7412mr kenny macaskill to ask
industry in scotland s1o 39812mr murray tosh to ask
persistent young offenders s1o 583512nora radcliffe to ask the
fireworks task group s1o 578712rhona brankin to ask the
in other countries s1o 647412rhona brankin to ask the
dumfries and galloway s1o 328612richard lochhead to ask the
water regulation requirements s1o 385312tavish scott to ask the
by brian adam lodged on12april 2002 not current as
gorrie tricia marwick lodged on12april 2002 not current as
established in scotland lodged on12april 2002 not current as
blockade of cuba lodged on12april 2002 not current as
victims in glasgow lodged on12august 2002 robin harper s1m
35 in 2000 2001 and12in 20001 2002 and to
in brussels from 9 to12july 2002 and enabled young
for mental disorder lodged on12june 2002 christine grahame s1m
to titanic historian lodged on12november 2002 alasdair morgan s1m
31153 by malcolm chisholm on12november 2002 what the current
shellfish poisoning west coast no12scotland order 2002 revocation order
shellfish poisoning west coast no12scotland order 2002 ssi 2002
shellfish poisoning west coast no12scotland partial revocation order 2002
immediately 14 an amount of12000 for each constituency member
england appears to be doing1214 hugh henry it is
mornin isiah verse 14 chapter12her faither made repon ay
what i experienced during the12hour and 14 hour days
guidelines english language 5 1412scots office education depairtment curriculum
at o of l monday12hat night at rosyth good
family it is a pleasure12monday get tackle ready for
the first oath of may121999 did not contain any
wood hall glasgow on may12and the whitehall theatre dundee
functions as may be prescribed12delegation etc between local authorities
office audit adviser dave ferguson12may 1999 a adam brian
presiding officer deputy presiding officers12may 1999 scottish parliament staff
1 no 1 scottish parliament12may 1999 the temporary clerk
new telecommunications masts lodged on12may 2000 cathie craigie s1m
new telecommunications masts lodged on12may 2000 dr elaine murray
ict in scotland lodged on12may 2000 fergus ewing mr
marymass festival irvine lodged on12may 2000 mr kenneth gibson
30 mins chicken salad for122 oz butter 6 oz
under standing orders rule 9126 inquiry into resource accounting
half bottle of whisky cost126 up to the beginning
of kincardine o neil 171298 appendix iii 6 responded
33 kupper pp 55 612friedrich schiller über naive und
2001 02 from 6 to12historic scotland s education service
restrictions of the 6 and12mile fishing limits and the
restricting access to the 612mile zone around the coasts
4 5 for about 1012mintues 6 cool and ice
to close gibson st from12noon until 6 00pm on
decorate with choc sultana cake12ozs s r flour 6
6 marg 6 c sugar12ozs sultanas 5 eggs
roughly as follows 74 singhalese12tamil 6 indian tamil 7
on 3 june 1999 s1m122 dr elaine murray as
for the first time on12june 2000 are henry mcleish
textile forum was established on12june 2000 depends on the
national diabetes week beginning on12june 2000 recognises its achievements
and coalfield regeneration lodged on12june 2000 trish godman business
establishment of the forum on12june 2000 two other companies
the scottish textile forum on12june 2000 was welcomed by
on tackling sectarian behaviour lodged12june 2001 supported by nora
on tackling sectarian behaviour lodged12june 2001 supported by nora
for the textile industry on12june comprehensive information on the
enterprise and lifelong learning committee12june ethical standards in public
the four textiles champions on12june in se press release
the scottish grand committee on12june made clear his view
press release 1687 2000 of12june the scottish textile forum
d h lawrence iii 12512letter of 29 june 1914
amendments to bills lodged on12april 2001 convention rights compliance
bridge toll regime lodged on12july 2000 brian adam dorothy
of new deal lodged on12july 2000 brian adam dorothy
criminal justice system lodged on12november 1999 christine grahame ms
accommodation at holyrood lodged on12november 1999 mr brian monteith
a heart paisley lodged on12october 2001 ms sandra white
enquiry into organ retention since12april 2001 how many it
of the forum scheduled for12november 2001 4 governance in
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 42112november 2001 rural development subject
order 2001 ssi 2001 41912november 2001 social justice the
to question s1w 18874 on12october 2001 whether all design
and sub judice 8 rule123 1 setting of committee
crowded home at 8 from1235 27 friday to 3
acres in 2 sq ml12jean reads 1 8 of
1 pt stock salt pepper12ozs cooked beef 8 veg
into a rectangle 8 x12put on baking tray greased
whether that can be done1230 a number of other
to catch the bus at1230 back onto the sun
not a static annual exercise1230 christine grahame i have
them how to use it1230 david elliot the users
about the situation in edinburgh1230 mark turley the bill
a committee is that agreed1230 members indicated agreement access
to aberdour 9 off at1210 reach morpeth at 4pm
9 is not specific enough1245 the convener i agree
previous standing orders rule 9125 and agreed that the
renewable energy and how the129 million allocated to the
and 9 as noted above12west kilbride scotland s craft
for 45 50 mins in12x 9 x 3 in
and his amendment business motion1234 the deputy presiding officer
private business in scotland on12july who pay 35 or
2000 436 ec ojl 1721207 2000 pp26 27 available
out in 1998 99 and12in 1999 2000 we must
extended opportunities national cultural strategy12in august 2000 the executive
extendit opportunities national cultural strategy12in august 2000 the executive
order 2000 ssi 2000 35912october 2000 health and community
order 2000 ssi 2000 35912october 2000 the food protection
inquiry into aquaculture not before1245pm 7 water industry scotland
appendix iii 7 replied 11298 that he was happy
m m s m 71299 dr robert mccoll millar
m m s m 71299 horsbroch 1997 described the
m m s m 71299 murison 1963 198 also
m m s m 71299 murison 1963 202 analyses
r m m sm 71299 that the initial switchover
r m s m 71299 the idea that the
staff s chief weapon 712the concoction most one graders
will consider sections 4 to12and then sections 41 51
where scots is used 312conclusion chapter 4 pages 84
4 communal backcourts 1st prize12even nos melrose gardens wilton
cooper 1946 4 x 512liber extra decretales gregorii ix
1 2 d each and12notebooks at 3 1 4
10 4 3 hl deb12november 1997 c230 4 the
killed one king 4 abbots12scots earls 17 lords 400
going to ireland paragraph 412states that the foreign and
affairs to scotland s benefit1210 christine grahame south of
is precisely what must happen1210 david mcletchie lothians con
the 6th in lines of12and 10 syllables after the
by about 10 minutes to12at the latest because proceedings
comprised of 10 girls and12boys the head teacher understood
with anything up to 1012children many then had no
from within a 10 or12mile radius jist fit wis
sticks fontina dip cook 1012mins 1 tablesp butter french
cover tightly cook for 1012mins game or turkey pie
merchant s hall from 1012noon committee were asked to
those conferred by sections 1012of the salmon and freshwater
failed about 10 out of12of this term s 1013
on christmas day christmas cake12oz currants 10 oz sultanas
10 a wheen words explainit12scottish democracy in action whit
more 10 some words explained12scottish democracy in action why
will of the parliament 1012tommy sheridan glasgow ssp shona
what it did 10 or12years ago the fundamental question
group were born about 1012years ago there was a
hospitals aberdeen music hall 31204 a wagtail an a
committees should be decided rule123 1 of the standing
what has been said rule123 of standing orders on
3 individual backcourts 1st prize12[censored: house number] queen margaret road mrs
the urban pilot study 312conclusion having assembled the raw
1946 and articles 3 and12of the scotland act 1998
2 1 hour ginger bread12ozs p flour 3 marg
influence as a variable 212summary and conclusion chapter 3
democrats support the sewel motion1202 pauline mcneill glasgow kelvin
to speak to the motion1224 the deputy minister for
motion was agreed to dt12decision time euan robson on
motion was agreed to dt12decision time the parliament took
motion was agreed to dt12decision time the parliament took
amendment to the motion s1m12in the name of david
motion was agreed to dt12scottish executive s nominations to
emissions of greenhouse gases to125 below 1990 levels by
on the tweed brought in125 million to the borders
scotland act 1892 s7 512allotments scotland act 1892 s8
local government 5 november procedures12november public petitions 5 november
into wedges serve chocolate mousse12oz plain choc 5 oz
i m now booked up122 with a japanese visitor
custard christine s christmas cake12oz raisins sultanas currants 2
mins more 2 oz raisins12oz tomatoes quartered add cook
spread 1 lb fresh strawberries12oz unsweetened pie apple 2
in response to pictures 212summary and conclusion the milroy
1 treasury stock 200812value 1117 59 2 107
murray tosh phil gallie s1m121 dr elaine murray as
persons co operative housing associations121 this paragraph applies where
will be two sittings between12noon and 1 30pm approx
boiled eggs 1 raw egg12oz sausagemeat browned breadcrumbs cook
spotlight poets and canvases 112published by malfranteaux fine art
auchenderran dinner time was about12to 1 o clock there
chieftain 59 warrior 42 comrade12troop 17 1 using klaeber
paragraph 1 above being exceeded12where the spcb has made
vol 1 pp 31 4412windsor m hutchison p 1994
each financial year shall be12000 and the maximum members
together the notional amount of12000 per financial year in
the capital city who had12excuses a year to dress
year if i sleepet through12o clock and got up
this ettles tae estaiblish whit12year auld pupils in edinburgh
this seeks to establish what12year old pupils in edinburgh
remember many years ago two12year olds who had been
place by each committee audit12november education culture and sport
the committee considered possible action12selection of an adviser private
as an act of incorporation12the committee on higher education
borders after securing funding of12million from the department for
of work after having wrought12weeks to the great mr
scotland bill royal assent received12april mortgage rights scotland bill
andrew welsh bruce crawford s1m12david mundell that the parliament
robert brown euan robson s1m12david mundell that the parliament
aspirations of people in scotland1206 george lyon argyll and
scotland for empowering local communities1235 elaine thomson aberdeen north
word sections there is inserted123a national health service scotland
those categories dental services borders12christine grahame south of scotland
scotland show an increase of12over the same period further
scotland show an increase of12over the same period further
role should be for scotland12this was based on the
of access legislation in scotland12will tackle problems relating to
138 million in scotland over12years which is a relatively
an average day is about12000 the average daily sale
afternoon plant some seed potatoes12saturday all day filling in
session of the scottish parliament1250 richard lochhead north east
on it to the commissioner12other reports to the parliament
funding of local voluntary organisations1248 mr tom mccabe hamilton
visit to mr burns jl11112in which since the poet
gardens tenemental property 1st prize12mr [censored: surname] [censored: house number] kelvinside gardens
to come caledonian macbrayne meetings12mr duncan hamilton highlands and
otherwise we strongly support amendment12mr harding i am grateful
at about a quarter past12mr monteith i intended to
its own mr harding amendment12would clarify who has the
night time for bed at1235am just a few hours
with those at the school12a o b the royal
on tour lunch starts at12b lunch and wine orange
david has written at least12books on a variety of
the sun was more than12degrees below the horizon at
in the chamber start at12i therefore apologise to our
1927 at the age of12isobel eggo from craighead was
on the institute at around12noon there various english speaking
denton corker marshall international melbourne12there was some criticism at
at the games aged from12to 74 and the sports
cottages at the age of12was evacuated from glasgow to
executive amendment dealt with the12week consultation period at local
consultation period of at least12weeks b during the consultation
nhs bodies on prescribed functions12delegation etc between local authorities
rug on winny days nummer12his got a babby see
will be time limited part12makes extensive provision on sentencing
prisoners on remand the further12month postponement of the end
carried on the easy going12o clock upward drift of
due to take place on12october included an alternative to
children and young people article12of the un convention on
and on the stroke of12we saw red square to

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