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carswell to f marion mcneill24april 1928 and 30 april
said in holyrood magazine of24april 2000 that this bill
policy review public petitions committee24april 2001 6th meeting 2001
committee meetings justice 2 committee24april 2001 7th meeting 2001
official report meeting 7 200124april 2001 contents tuesday 24
24 april 2001 contents tuesday24april 2001 justice 2 committee
parliament justice 2 committee tuesday24april 2001 morning the convener
s awareness week lodged on24april 2001 ms margo macdonald
motorola plant bathgate lodged on24april 2001 ms margo macdonald
of motorola plant lodged on24april 2001 ms margo macdonald
breastfeeding awareness week lodged on24april 2001 ms margo macdonald
and community care committee by24april 2001 on the feeding
and community care committee by24april 2001 on the feeding
meeting 2001 session 1 tuesday24april 2001 present fergus ewing
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 16224april 2001 rural development subject
meeting with justice 1 committee24april 2001 scottish parliament justice
from pain campaign lodged on24april 2001 tricia marwick s1m
wednesday 27 february 2002 wednesday24april 2002 2 30 pm
may education culture and sport24april enterprise and lifelong learning
april enterprise and lifelong learning24april equal opportunities 24 april
learning 4 april equal opportunities24april european 24 april finance
learning 24 april equal opportunities24april european 24 april finance
equal opportunities 24 april european24april finance 24 april health
equal opportunities 24 april european24april finance 3 april health
april european 24 april finance24april health and community care
of information scotland bill passed24april land reform scotland bill
1 evidence justice 2 committee24april leasehold casualties scotland bill
see section a justice 224april local government 24 april
2 24 april local government24april procedures 1 may public
procedures 1 may public petitions24april rural development 24 april
procedures 3 april public petitions24april rural development 3 april
petitions 24 april rural development24april social justice 25 april
social justice 17 april standards24april subordinate legislation 16 april
standards 25 april subordinate legislation24april transport and environment 25
supplement to business bulletin no241999 business bulletin 24 1999
no 24 1999 business bulletin241999 revised 1 30 pm
meeting 30 june business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
scottish executive business business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
pm decision time business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
selection supplement to business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
to mallaig road business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
18 roseanna cunningham business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
pm decision time business bulletin241999 thursday 24 june 1999
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 announcements amendment to
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 business bulletin no
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section a daily
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section a daily
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section b business
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section e written
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section f motions
business bulletin 24 1999 thursday24june 1999 section i progress
development subject to annulment until24may 2001 the nhs 24
24 orders and regulations amendment24moved angus mackay and agreed
official report meeting 13 199924november 1999 contents wednesday 24
24 november 1999 contents wednesday24november 1999 standards committee 13th
mackay and agreed to section24orders and regulations amendment 24
24 may 2001 the nhs24scotland order 2001 ssi 2001
local government 17 september procedures24september public petitions 24 september
procedures 24 september public petitions24september rural development 17 september
june 1999 business bulletin no241999 revised 1 30 pm
of parliamentary business business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
available on request business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
plan for change business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
by members business business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
the year appropriately business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
mr alex salmond business bulletin242001 wednesday 7 february 2001
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 announcements question time
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 announcements section b
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section b business
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section e written
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section f motions
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section g bills
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section h new
business bulletin 119 2001 friday24august 2001 section k progress
of business bulletin for thursday24february 2000 3 10 pm
of business bulletin for thursday24february 2000 3 10 pm
4 30 pm on friday24january 2003 business bulletin no
to enforce those rights lodged24september 1999 business bulletin 65
adults with incapacity se 19992423 august statement of guarantee
761 reforesting scotland 22 199924a waesum wumman li po
886 by donald dewar on24august 1999 what the current
887 by susan deacon on24august 1999 whether it will
by john home robertson on24august 1999 who is representing
the consultation was published on24december 1999 a good day
order 1999 ssi 1999 19624december 1999 committee business dates
government subject to annulment until24january 1999 the non domestic
and throb throb throbbing drums24june 1999 cusco festa do
from monday 21 to thursday24june 1999 in kingston upon
members allowances scheme lodged on24june 1999 jamie mcgrigor s1m
new housing partnership lodged on24june 1999 mr keith raffan
revised 1 30 pm thursday24june 1999 section a daily
current employment crisis lodged on24may 1999 supported by alex
current employment crisis lodged on24may 1999 supported by alex
following programme of business wednesday24november 1999 2 30 pm
for 15 november 1999 wednesday24november 1999 2 30 pm
scottish parliament standards committee wednesday24november 1999 morning the convener
hepatitis c inquiry lodged on24november 1999 robin harper s1m
scottish parliamentary spending lodged on24november 1999 robin harper s1m
glynn assistant clerk alastair goudie24november 1999 scottish parliament standards
of stb 14th june 199924scottish tourism strategic plan interim
and warrant sales bill introduced24september 1999 adults with incapacity
to enforce those rights lodged24september 1999 supported by kate
1999 27 for approval by24september the food protection emergency
deb 31 march 1999 c776w24serving scotland s needs cm
monday 5 november 2001 thursday24january 2002 9 30 am
no 47 session 1 thursday24january 2002 the meeting opened
a daily business list thursday24june 9 30 am motion
by 12 noon on thursday24june in order to be
followed by members business thursday24may 2001 9 30 am
meeting of the parliament thursday24may 2001 note dt signifies
that decision time on thursday24may 2001 shall begin at
one section for perth thursday24[note: first line scored out] rbc bingo call cancelled
on strike industrials only thursday24rbc bingo call friday 25
sky fine up abeen thursday24temp 3 0 fyte is
wi a blustery win thursday24temp 9 11 dry is
nice crowd plenty of fun24thursday park hotel [illegible] 7
outlook very dicey for christmas24thursday plumbers finish checking pipes
coat front room no heat24thursday snow today heavy finish
well mr mccabe calls evening24thursday we try out raft
care subject to annulment until24february 2001 the national assistance
sport subject to annulment by24february 2003 the regulation of
sport subject to annulment by24february 2003 the regulation of
government subject to annulment until24january 2000 the non domestic
affairs subject to annulment until24january 2001 act of sederunt
development subject to annulment until24january 2002 the miscellaneous food
development subject to annulment until24january 2002 the miscellaneous food
development subject to annulment by24january 2003 the removal and
development subject to annulment by24january 2003 the removal and
development subject to annulment by24january 2003 the removal and
development subject to annulment by24january 2003 the removal and
development subject to annulment until24june 2002 the community care
development subject to annulment until24june 2002 the community care
2 subject to annulment until24march 2002 the domestic water
2002 subject to annulment until24march 2002 the domestic water
sport subject to annulment by24march 2003 the sea fish
sport subject to annulment by24march 2003 the sea fish
sport subject to annulment by24march 2003 the sea fish
sport subject to annulment by24march 2003 the sea fish
sport subject to annulment by24march 2003 the sea fish
care subject to annulment by24may 2003 the pollution prevention
care subject to annulment by24may 2003 the pollution prevention
2003 subject to annulment by24may 2003 the pollution prevention
instruments subject to annulment by24november 2002 the bovines and
development subject to annulment by24november 2002 the bovines and
affairs subject to annulment until24october 2000 the tetrachloroethylene in
affairs subject to annulment until24october 2000 the tetrachloroethylene in
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 39224october 2001 subject to annulment
sports ministers in brussels on24and 25 february 2003 to
the battle of roslin on24february 1303 notes that what
participation in planning lodged on24february 2000 cathy jamieson s1m
order 2000 ssi 2000 3524february 2000 committee business dates
order 2000 ssi 2000 3524february 2000 committee business dates
participation in planning lodged on24february 2000 donald gorrie s1m
and inverness west lodged on24february 2000 donald gorrie s1m
support grant scotland order 200024february 2000 the following reports
support grant scotland order 200024february 2000 the following reports
order 2000 ssi 2000 3324february 2000 the food peanuts
order 2000 ssi 2000 3324february 2000 the food peanuts
and fishing scotland bill committee24february 2003 1st meeting 2003
34021 by iain gray on24february 2003 how many claims
34021 by iain gray on24february 2003 how many claims
and lower clyde lodged on24february 2003 jackie baillie cathie
the justice 1 committee by24february 2003 on the draft
the justice 1 committee by24february 2003 on the draft
chewing gum disposal lodged on24february 2003 robin harper mr
iraq collateral damage lodged on24february 2003 robin harper r
order 2003 ssi 2003 10024february 2003 rural development subject
order 2003 ssi 2003 10024february 2003 rural development subject
order 2003 ssi 2003 10024february 2003 rural development subject
order 2003 ssi 2003 10024february 2003 rural development subject
order 2003 ssi 2003 10024february 2003 rural development subject
to approval by resolution by24february 2003 the draft proceeds
to approval by resolution by24february 2003 the draft proceeds
to approval by resolution by24february 2003 the draft proceeds
34019 by iain gray on24february 2003 whether the estimate
navigation and fishing scotland bill24february rural development 11 february
navigation and fishing scotland bill24february rural development 18 february
navigation and fishing scotland bill24february rural development 25 february
navigation and fishing scotland bill24february rural development 4 february
and fishing scotland bill committee24february salmon and freshwater fisheries
and fishing scotland bill committee24february salmon and freshwater fisheries
and fishing scotland bill committee24february salmon and freshwater fisheries
and fishing scotland bill committee24february salmon and freshwater fisheries
and fishing scotland bill committee24february salmon and freshwater fisheries
jack mcconnell on 1 february24january and 1 february 2000
fae alan sent wednesday july242002 11 15 am subject
sunday 21 to inverkeithing wednesday24fine practise at choir jack
following programme of business wednesday24january 2001 2 30 pm
agreed by the parliament on24june wednesday 1 september 2
evening st paul s glenrothes24monday writing writing 26 wednesday
november the morning of wednesday24november is no use for
tuesday 23 november or wednesday24november the morning of wednesday
agreed by the parliament on24october 2001 wednesday 31 october
pool wednesday 23rd temp 1224sultry affa balmy nae a
audience but they enjoy it24wednesday mary caroline in bed
schedule 12 page 85 line24after 18b insert 18c mr
section 12 page 7 line24after writing insert or by
section 30c page 34 line24at end insert 5a no
schedule 12 page 84 line24at end insert and in
section 7 page 5 line24at end insert includes headrigs
section 12 page 7 line24at end insert the protection
kerr supported by peter peacock24in schedule 2 page 18
21 lord james douglas hamilton24in section 21 page 9
local authorities mr andy kerr24in section 25j page 29
section 89 page 69 line24leave out from and to
section 56 page 53 line24leave out from in to
schedule 4 page 39 line24leave out from paragraphs to
section 39 page 22 line24leave out not all of
section 90a page 72 line24leave out of it to
schedule 2 page 156 line24leave out scottish ministers and
144 in section 41 page24line 1 leave out subsection
140 in section 41 page24line 13 at end insert
228 in section 50 page24line 16 at end insert
52 in section 27 page24line 18 at end insert
28 in schedule 4 page24line 22 leave out paragraphs
154 in section 42 page24line 23 at end insert
215 in section 42 page24line 23 at end insert
141 in section 42 page24line 25 leave out subsection
142 in section 42 page24line 26 at end insert
143 in section 43 page24line 32 leave out may
144 in section 43 page24line 33 after made insert
145 in section 43 page24line 33 after persons insert
51 in section 27 page24line 7 after serving insert
47 in section 34 page24line 8 leave out subsection
227 in section 50 page24line 9 after way insert
malcolm chisholm 132 in section24page 19 line 16 at
hugh henry 49 in section24page 21 leave out lines
hugh henry 50 in section24page 22 line 3 leave
such as this the simple24page account of burns s
i spak aboot afore page24this particular machine was made
older people of scotland nhs244 karen whitefield airdrie and
02 se 2002 171 nhs24annual accounts 2001 02 se
the scottish executive why nhs24free personal care and the
scottish executive what impact nhs24has had on primary and
currently employed on the nhs24helpline s1w 19672 mr adam
to someone who phoned nhs24in glasgow the information from
that the advent of nhs24is eagerly awaited by rural
path for example with nhs24or in specialist nursing grades
am utterly confident that nhs24provides a good service because
fishing livestock auction markets nhs24public private partnerships hospitals recycling
by private consultants on nhs24s1o 3285 6 phil gallie
the roll out of nhs24s1o 6026 the minister for
scottish executive why the nhs24scotland order 2001 ssi 2001
minister to a report of24september to the borders nhs
community care malcolm chisholm nhs24was launched in grampian in
staff who work for nhs24whom i was pleased to
he assure me that nhs24will be able to deliver
in my first answer nhs24will be rolled out across
will apply throughout scotland nhs24will have particular advantages for
msps by henry mcleish on24october 2000 and any subsequent
for mesothelioma sufferers lodged on24october 2000 dr elaine murray
of medical equipment lodged on24october 2000 michael matheson ms
police complaints tribunal lodged on24october 2000 ms sandra white
amendment no 2 order 200024october 2000 negative instruments subject
1272 govan shipyard lodged on24october 2000 nora radcliffe mr
in the herald newspaper on24october 2000 that the case
amendment no 2 order 200024october 2000 the scotland act
marchmont house greenlaw lodged on24october 2001 alex fergusson s1m
national theatre company lodged on24october 2001 david mcletchie lord
marchmont house greenlaw lodged on24october 2001 david mcletchie lord
institute in govan lodged on24october 2001 dorothy grace elder
order 2001 ssi 2001 39124october 2001 health and community
order 2001 ssi 2001 39124october 2001 health and community
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 39224october 2001 justice 1 subject
institute in govan lodged on24october 2001 ms sandra white
of ulla roder lodged on24october 2001 ms sandra white
seekers and health lodged on24october 2002 donald gorrie s1m
salisbury road south edinburgh on24october 2002 expresses its disgust
caused by seagulls lodged on24october 2002 mr brian monteith
of el alamein lodged on24october 2002 phil gallie donald
local government 19 september procedures24october public petitions 26 september
equal opportunities 1 october european24september finance 18 september health
careers in childcare s1o 585024alex johnstone to ask the
the scottish executive s1o 38924bill aitken to ask the
published and where s1o 21624donald gorrie to ask the
of the m8 s1o 182624dr sylvia jackson to ask
fifth of households s1o 331124fergus ewing to ask the
national cycling strategy s1o 153124fergus ewing to ask the
loss of life s1o 25324fiona hyslop to ask the
and 2001 2002 s1o 33524george lyon to ask the
patients in glasgow s1o 378924iain smith to ask the
women s centre s1o 491024ian jenkins to ask the
landfill on communities s1o 641624irene oldfather to ask the
common fisheries policy s1o 541224karen whitefield to ask the
and mouth disease s1o 324624margaret jamieson to ask the
in scottish schools s1o 10724mr brian monteith to ask
in scottish schools s1o 10724mr brian monteith to ask
fees for 2003 s1o 638224mr jamie stone to ask
from timber traffic s1o 275124mr john mcallion to ask
and personnel issues s1o 175224mr john munro to ask
public water supply s1o 631124mr kenneth macintosh to ask
looked after children s1o 385024mr mike rumbles to ask
sustainable rural development s1o 42824mr murray tosh to ask
newport on tay s1o 486124ms sandra white to ask
lice amongst schoolchildren s1o 535224murdo fraser to ask the
farms s1o 4686 23 withdrawn24roseanna cunningham to ask the
among women aged 15 to24s1o 1835 10 bruce crawford
effort limitation measures s1o 577624scott barrie to ask the
in deprived areas s1o 649924shona robison to ask the
was last reviewed s1o 320224withdrawn 25 phil gallie to
17277 by ross finnie on24august 2001 when decisions will
evidence at the sessions on24and 31 january and 7
by ms wendy alexander on24january 2000 a whether the
car park charges lodged on24january 2000 fiona mcleod s1m
by ms wendy alexander on24january 2000 to identify all
3637 by sarah boyack on24january 2000 whether it is
by mr jack mcconnell on24january 2000 whether it will
3614 by ross finnie on24january 2000 whether it will
11138 by susan deacon on24january 2001 how successful the
centre woolmanhill aberdeen lodged on24january 2001 mr kenny macaskill
health and community care on24january 2001 notes that it
11138 by susan deacon on24january 2001 what measures are
11138 by susan deacon on24january 2001 whether the code
announced by the executive on24january 2001 which set out
announced by the executive on24january 2001 which set out
questions selected for answer on24january 2002 first minister s
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 1524january 2002 local government subject
applications scotland amendment regulations 200224january 2002 transport and the
group of msps lodged on24january 2003 not current as
order 2003 ssi 2003 4224january 2003 parliament subject to
order 2003 ssi 2003 4224january 2003 parliament subject to
ldeucom 128 12801 htm accessed24january 2003 social protection committee
to approval by resolution by24january 2003 the draft scottish
introduced by susan deacon on24september 2001 supported by henry
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 32024september 2001 transport and the
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 32024september 2001 transport and the
at present sp or pe24september 2002 col 2229 current
388 408 sp or pe24september 2002 col 2229 sp
royal society of edinburgh on24september meeting closed at 14
hamilton south by election on24september on bbc tv which
hamilton south by election on24september on bbc tv which
education culture and sport committee24september public appointments and public
local government 3 september procedures24september public petitions 10 september
local government 3 september procedures24september public petitions 10 september
1 evidence justice 1 committee24september tobacco advertising and promotion
20841 by wendy alexander on24december 2001 whether higher education
20841 by wendy alexander on24december 2001 whether it plans
31 july 2000 se 200124glasgow college of building and
31 july 2001 se 200224inverness college report of the
and sport committee 7 p24ltscotland 2001 education for citizenship
hospital industrial action lodged on24may 2001 colin campbell s1m
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 19024may 2001 justice 2 subject
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 19024may 2001 justice 2 subject
regulations 2001 ssi 2001 19024may 2001 justice 2 subject
donibristle pit disaster lodged on24may 2001 shona robison s1m
15739 by sarah boyack on24may 2001 what the remit
and 11m in 2001 0224the latest cost estimates imply
19 20 21 22 232425 and 26 the following
7 b 23 3 b246 b 25 10 b
and 23 agreed to section24building warrant enforcement notices the
european council meeting lisbon 2324march 2000 online available from
14 22 ibid 23 ibid24meeting of the scots cpg
a enterprise and lifelong learning24november equal opportunities 23 november
see section a local government24november procedures 23 november public
sector see section a standards24november subordinate legislation 23 november
nothing in section 23 or24of this act applies to
repeals 23 guidance and directions24short title and commencement __________
recruit is aged 23 or24we recruited a number of
himself 14 friday dad easier24at troop quite a good
meet cath kdy 11 324friday nice to be home
29 down 30th lawyer pleased24friday travel home 25 saturday
relief friday 8th temp 1424oot o the sooth ere
years of happiness 4 friday24present at troop must get
triple train crash 10 friday24present at troop this is
begins tae rain tee friday24temp 6 10 rainfall 6
it dis us greet friday24temp 6 12 here is
november it now provides a24hour service to some 1
industries gourock ltd lodged on24november 2000 david mundell s1m
industries gourock ltd lodged on24november 2000 rhoda grant maureen
13 will be considered on24november have the petitioners been
report will be out by24november pauline mcneill this is
committee will consider it on24november which seems rather a
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30024june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30224june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30024june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30024june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30224june 2002 health and community
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 30224june 2002 health and community
of the parliament lodged on24june s1m 74 mr murray
s legislative programme lodged on24june supported by john young
on the subject of s1m24dr sylvia jackson to be
3738 fame academy lodged on24december 2002 pauline mcneill s1m
borders railway funding lodged on24july 2000 tommy sheridan s1m
and art gallery lodged on24july 2002 bill butler s1m
media group dispute lodged on24march 2000 alex neil mr
dorothy grace elder lodged on24march 2003 donald gorrie s1m
amendments to bills lodged on24may 2000 ethical standards in
office pension fund lodged on24may 2000 fergus ewing andrew
equal pay act lodged on24may 2000 fergus ewing janis
the scottish executive lodged on24may 2000 fergus ewing mr
east sutherland economy lodged on24may 2000 mr jamie mcgrigor
lodged with the parliament on24may 2000 pe205 petition by
e written questions lodged on24may 2000 s1w 7098 colin
e written questions lodged on24may 2000 section f motions
3147 suez medal lodged on24may 2002 alex fergusson s1m
small borders businesses lodged on24may 2002 andrew wilson s1m
1st temp 7 12 rainfall2416 gale force win the
maker saturday 19th temp 924eence mair the day turns
bye sunday 10th temp 1224rainfall 2 16 driech mornin
m ill at ease saturday24temp 0 4 ere s
i hiv tae try tuesday24temp 0 5 noo this
hae tae be sna tuesday24temp 2 16 north win
is hard tae believe tuesday24temp 3 8 win is
in their sark sleeve saturday24temp 4 16 rainfall 2
wrang as cood be monday24temp 5 15 rainfall 2
sin dis us greet sunday24temp 8 15 rainfall 2
shoor roon aboot nicht sunday24temp 9 19 dour dull
mair than ae midge wednesady24temp rainfall 1 16 fae
to make final arrangements monday24to bowling club tuesday 25
mary is nt so well24tuesday mary still in bed
still no word of loan24tuesday norman arrives wife daughters
speedwords shorthand very interesting inte24tuesday opening our lady lourdes
flu rheumatic pains too bad24tuesday still feel as if
at end insert in section243 of that act circumstances
will insert proposed new subsection245 into the agricultural holdings
2 to end of line24and insert evacuation of buildings
leave out 20 and insert24section 2 linda fabiani 8
and line as in section24of the salmon and freshwater
revocation order 2003 ssi 200324laid under section 1 10
in section f of monday24march 2003 2 30 pm
business for the week commencing24march 2003 for text of
to approval by resolution by24march 2003 the draft landfill
to approval by resolution by24march 2003 the draft landfill
to approval by resolution by24march 2003 the draft landfill
to approval by resolution by24march 2003 the draft landfill
salmon fishing paras 1 4624salmon fisheries scotland act 1824
may be entitled under section241 of this act to
section 1 a2 b or242 of this act is
corrects cross references in section243 a on order making
mcnulty and agreed to section24as amended agreed to section
an incorrect cross reference amendment24corrects cross references in section
on the standard scale section24malcolm chisholm 132 in section
scotland bill stage 3 section24mr jim wallace supported by
the 1968 act and section24of the 1995 act and
for subsection 1 of section24of the 1995 act right
the 1968 act or section24of the 1995 act that
human intelligence sources under section24of the regulation of investigatory
by mr sam galbraith on24july 2000 whether it will
7079 by peter peacock on24july 2000 whether the information
by mr jim wallace on24march 2000 what the additional
welcome back date sent tue24oct 2000 17 43 05
may spor vol 1 col2418 the snp has sometimes
such as new deal 1824and training for work scottish
spear 10 boat 18 sea24hall 27 god 19 king
it more socially inclusive 1824it is essential for languages
for writers in scots lallans24whitsuntid pp 18 20 williamson
executive how many 18 to24year olds left the new
rd 17 50 grosvenor dr2450 20 monday to barrow
sets a good day monday24hat night very cold we
call again at bedford road24monday cath phones she is
do a fowl backwoods style24monday cub gets hurt duncan
present laying linoleum in evening24monday the rooms are finished
their clients will suffer 1624cathy peattie falkirk east lab
for a future census 1624elaine smith coatbridge and chryston
and glasgow from 16 to24however for overseas tourists the
debates in the parliament 1624mr jamie mcgrigor highlands and
published a report 16 containing24proposals 17 for modernising the
assist homeless people aged 1624to find employment training or
volunteering specifically among 16 to24year olds it creates opportunities
for psychological services for 1624year olds s1w 28468 mr
stage will be taken on24march by a house of
and primary 7 children and24staff took part in 6
2002 motion agreed to 1224meeting suspended until 14 30
during the past 12 to24months at a uk level
with fred b i spend24on utensils 12 sunday to
speak to the motion 1224the deputy minister for parliamentary
best jim date sent thu24jan 2002 09 48 42
about being assaulted by 200224per cent of scottish old
debate meeting of the parliament24may protection of wild mammals
a policy memorandum sp bill24pm were printed to accompany
usage jim christian writes on24jan 02 at 9 31
mair socially inclusive forby 924leids maun hae an integral
correspondents especially with florence mcneill24see daily record 26 9
opened the meeting at 1424the convener alex johnstone i
the community association including 2624in cash the bowling carpet
under sections 27 8 and243 of the transport act
by a succession of acts24culminating in the salmon act
the public sector b creating24000 jobs by legislating for
to dt by division for24against 80 abstentions 1 the
juice 4 oz dried apples24fl oz water 1 tblspn
corer 1 5l fruit juice24plastic cups and one tablespoon
and bodies of any function24short title and commencement 1
director of education for aberdeenshire2411 98 appendix iii 2
14 2 jobs offshore and245 jobs onshore both fte
2 action plans hmso london24reynolds jc and tapper sc
we get hammered our rink2410 very cold not bowling
on t v news 1024by a judge in parliament
by lord forsyth of drumlean24but was opposed by lord
for connected purposes sp bill24executive bill introduced by susan
duties were performed by the24officials with responsibilities relating to
george lyon margaret smith s1m24dr sylvia jackson that the
delivered within local communities develop24hour mental health services including
and industry department paragraph 32438 policy and financial review
104 v 14 15 proverbs24v 3 ___ strynd inherited
according to our preceptresses 424not to be confused with
make a fruit salad serves24you will need 4 bananas
natal in patient care and24hour cover at montrose commends
other accompanying documents sp bill24en and a policy memorandum
and are on call virtually24hours a day seven days
a hole rain evening saturday24on repair all day a
farmers union of scotland pe24pesticides tax submission on veterinary
all day on window frames24saturday finish off windows paint
will move on to petition24which is from the national
to the question in paragraph24which is on the means
scots language society in lallans24whitsuntid 1985 on the basis
on the agenda i spent24years in the european parliament
committees between westminster and edinburgh24similarly the parliament s current
in their later years 1124alex neil central scotland snp
to scotland and notes that24feature length productions have been
to scotland and notes that24feature length productions have been
scotland and backbenchers at westminster24it also compounds inaccuracies such
at the tender age of24he had been appointed professor
the address while at least24hours notice of an interpretation
members must give at least24hours notice of their request
interest to the scottish executive2434 a useful input to
speak to amendments 22 and24angus mackay these are technical
to be looked after for24hours a day i could
integrated service in the past24hours i have spoken to
correspondence pages of the paper24in a letter to s
ref no 9400 01 copen24is that recommendation agreed to
confusion add insult to injury24lord forsyth had declared his
appearing under orleans charles d24rls wrote to colvin in
per hunt as opposed to24staff per hunt in northumberland
goes to the mennonites in24states mexico and canada pennsylvania
force me to give up24sunday scouts cubs guides put
presents what a crowd sunday24to edinburgh car behaves well
the proposed repeal of sections24and 26 of the criminal
108 children were studied from24families and the speaker selection
been expressed in the past24hours and that it will
feeling of oppression and tension24hours later miscellaneous all sorts
and efficiency in the eu24how can the authority and
were overturned recently and within24hrs the council had been
problem in the future 1724mary scanlon highlands and islands
tourism strategy interim review report24understanding and communicating with existing
robertson smith and was only24when george grove published in
people aged between 13 and24who have used this service
toun 60p for ilka caird2400 plenishin 40 scots tung
an therefore uisin the leid2472 apparent fae the submissions
daith fuyo dokai 1042 110724a simmer s day li
the commission throughout the autumn24but early in 1876 the
does it matter now oc24but it does matter it
during tape recorded interviews with24children within one edinburgh primary
took ower as presenter a24eer syne i dasht near
scotia illustrata sibbald 1684 ii24from old norse or middle
the original meaning is lost24giving yet another account in
such communities this is a24hour a day operation seven
continuous periods of more than24hours it offers a comprehensive
egg dried chestnuts soak for24hrs simmer in water till
from here these parts ol24in interview with rebecca e
liu yu hsi 772 84224infant bairns po chü i
the absence of fox predation24others suggest that since the
headlamp bowl rusted through sunday24pa ma kyle for tea
the dundee rep theatre a24per cent increase for the
1997 there has been a24per cent increase in recorded
particular recommendation of sutherland s24recommendations was not a priority
willie gowans good with them24saturday [note: first line scored out] visit raf leuchars
scots was published in lallans24scots language society 1985 these
comment from any other scouter24sunday birthday party ma pa
nature aug 20 1874 31924the religion of the semites
po chü i 772 84624view frae the hichts tu
stand there the sum of24was raised for the summer
of youth activists aged 1524years from 150 countries it
do you know we are24years in this house but

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