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predictable and pedestrian or lessaccuratebut more enterprising and fluent
described as being either moreaccuratebut predictable and pedestrian or
satisfied that these costings areaccuratewhether the costings have been
they should be amenable toaccuratequantitative explanation and even at
centres both to arrive ataccurateestimates of their students likely
told that they must beaccuratein their estimates for the
contained in your estimates areaccuratelindsay manson it is clear
government s 1996 estimates areaccuratemany of us were brought
depend on schools estimates beingaccurateschools estimates for standard grade
to the language being sufficientlyaccurateto convey meaning clearly and
eal learning depend upon anaccurateassessment of the bilingual pupils
be used to provide anaccurateand defensible estimate of employment
could you give us anaccurateestimate of the figures that
c 2546 remains the mostaccurateestimate what the reasons were
arrive at a much moreaccuratepicture that we can compare
standard grade examinations are exceedinglyaccuratewe rely on them strongly
agree that that is anaccuratereflection mr mcaveety the percentage
mcaveety the percentage figures areaccuratethey will be taken into
from the 1450s contains anaccuratereflection of the original text
as a vehicle for anaccuratereflection of the ways of
sqa about each candidate areaccuratecentres have already reported a
picture to see exactly howaccurateit is perhaps chris naldrett
paragraph 3 15 gives anaccuratepicture of the steps that
accuracy of that figure howaccurateis it i hae grave
mainly for hunting it seemsaccuratetherefore to adjust the figures
considered manner and with anaccurateresponse from parents supported by
dialects is certainly less thanaccuratethe most noticeable feature of
need dates times places awaccuratetae the nth degree mocking
out to reach a moreaccuratefigure we can have a
a range of strategies foraccuratewriting in the foreign language
check that and become moreaccuratein it similarly the the
the other hand were 94accuratein their assessment of their
the language should be mostlyaccuratetherefore while some errors will
s position were almost certainlyaccuratemeanwhile the portpatrick lifeboat fought
and officials receive full andaccuratereports regarding local authority service
unnerstaun english an uise itaccuratelike uphaud pupils personal oncome
upon access to good andaccurateinformation is vital and through
their work and produce anaccuratepiece of writing that will
well researched and are asaccurateas possible and i have
working days is not veryaccuratemight it have been possible
could provide the basis foraccurateresearch into religious bigotry and
this through the provision ofaccurateinformation about options and outcomes
a pressing need for moreaccurateinformation on the continuity of
work on social inclusion moreaccuratetargeting of resources to areas
that it may be moreaccurateto suggest that scottish hunts
to him for being absolutelyaccuratei am not currently a
the language structure leading toaccurateparaphrase with due attention to
she has a good andaccuratecopy once this process has
memory may not have beenaccuratebecause a source of 1923
however this may not beaccuratesince the number of followers
the official report are quiteaccurateshe might have gone on
cell or to use theaccuratename its occupants use the
these manuscripts by a scrupulouslyaccuratetranscription printed for publication by
should come forward with anaccurateappraisal of the investment available
forces and fire brigades areaccurateand consistent s1o 4704 25
payments to general practitioners areaccurates1w 24867 mary scanlon to
know whether that s totallyaccurateor not but f745: well
matter and that robust andaccurateprocedures were in place to
that that was maybe mairaccuratefor what it would mean
parliament this is not strictlyaccurate14 see further para 6
that have not been entirelyaccurateat this stage we think
i think that that isaccuratebut i think that we
seemed to be sound andaccurateyet the directly opposite view
photocopied and circulated it isaccurateand comes straight from the

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