
See this word as a collocate cloud

paterson mr adam ingram brianadamandrew wilson mr kenny macaskill
adam ingram alex neil brianadamchristine grahame shona robison mr
adam ingram shona robison brianadamelaine smith mr murray tosh
jane lothians snp i ingramadamhamilton south of scotland snp
convener des mcnulty patricia fergusonadamingram 1 models for investigation
interests of the child mradamingram 148 after section 19
sex ward section 36 mradamingram 149 in section 36
patient s primary carer mradamingram 150 in section 36
primary carer section 39 mradamingram 151 in section 39
to subsection 2a below mradamingram 152 in section 39
the responsible medical officer mradamingram 153 in section 39
the patient section 42 mradamingram 154 in section 42
the patient section 50 mradamingram 155 in section 50
including the section 53 mradamingram 156 in section 53
insert carers including the mradamingram 157 in section 53
5b below are met mradamingram 158 in section 53
respect of that patient mradamingram 159 in section 53
care of the patient mradamingram 160 in section 53
other person section 54 mradamingram 161 in section 54
considers appropriate section 62 mradamingram 162 in section 62
into effect section 66 mradamingram 163 in section 66
12 and insert 6 mradamingram 164 in section 66
insert 6 section 68 mradamingram 165 in section 68
12 and insert 6 mradamingram 166 in section 68
insert 6 section 77 mradamingram 167 in section 77
the after section 185 mradamingram 168 after section 185
this act section 65 mradamingram 218 in section 65
primary carer section 69 mradamingram 219 in section 69
primary carer section 72 mradamingram 220 in section 72
primary carer section 83 mradamingram 221 in section 83
primary carer section 86 mradamingram 222 in section 86
primary carer section 87 mradamingram 223 in section 87
including the section 188 mradamingram 224 in section 188
primary carer section 110 mradamingram 225 in section 110
primary carer section 130 mradamingram 226 in section 130
primary carer section 131 mradamingram 227 in section 131
primary carer section 133 mradamingram 228 in section 133
primary carer section 142 mradamingram 229 in section 142
primary carer section 145 mradamingram 230 in section 145
primary carer section 148 mradamingram 231 in section 148
primary carer section 156 mradamingram 232 in section 156
2 after section 19 mradamingram 4a as an amendment
douglas hamilton alex neil mradamingram alasdair morgan tommy sheridan
kay ullrich john young mradamingram alex fergusson trish godman
cathy peattie phil gallie mradamingram alex neil brian adam
cathy peattie phil gallie mradamingram alex neil michael russell
douglas hamilton david mcletchie mradamingram alex neil mr david
brian monteith nick johnston mradamingram alex neil mr duncan
lord james douglas hamilton mradamingram alex neil mrs lyndsay
tommy sheridan michael russell mradamingram alex neil ms sandra
parliament earlier this week isadamingram also considering petitioning the
reid apologies were received fromadamingram and des mcnulty the
interest are members agreed thatadamingram and nora radcliffe will
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram andrew wilson lord james
kenny macaskill michael matheson mradamingram andrew wilson mike rumbles
kenny macaskill michael matheson mradamingram andrew wilson mike rumbles
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram andrew wilson mr kenneth
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram andrew wilson mr kenneth
roseanna cunningham alex neil mradamingram andrew wilson s1m 188
elaine smith also present mradamingram apologies were received from
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram bill aitken mr duncan
gibson mr gil paterson mradamingram brian adam andrew wilson
february 2003 michael russell mradamingram brian adam michael matheson
macaskill mr lloyd quinan mradamingram brian adam nicola sturgeon
margaret ewing bruce crawford mradamingram brian adam shona robison
margaret ewing bruce crawford mradamingram brian adam shona robison
grahame mr lloyd quinan mradamingram cathy jamieson tommy sheridan
harper mr kenny macaskill mradamingram colin campbell fiona hyslop
harper mr kenny macaskill mradamingram colin campbell fiona hyslop
davidson mrs margaret ewing mradamingram colin campbell s1m 3881
adam ingram s1m 738 mradamingram dairy industry that the
march 2001 donald gorrie mradamingram david mundell bill aitken
on 16 november 2000 mradamingram david mundell s1m 1362
on 15 march 2001 mradamingram david mundell s1m 1763
2001 mr david davidson mradamingram david mundell tricia marwick
march 2001 richard lochhead mradamingram david mundell tricia marwick
wilson donald gorrie alex neiladamingram dennis canavan robert brown
mary scanlon s1m 1003 mradamingram dog fouling that the
fiona hyslop michael matheson mradamingram donald gorrie shona robison
supported by alex neil mradamingram dorothy grace elder mr
margaret ewing robin harper mradamingram dorothy grace elder mr
levels now supported by mradamingram dorothy grace elder mr
radcliffe mr john swinney mradamingram dorothy grace elder robin
march 2001 donald gorrie mradamingram dr elaine murray scott
margaret jamieson donald gorrie mradamingram dr elaine murray tommy
mr david davidson donald gorrieadamingram dr richard simpson elaine
richard lochhead fiona hyslop mradamingram dr winnie ewing mr
ullrich lloyd quinan gil patersonadamingram duncan hamilton colin campbell
gil paterson s1m 938 mradamingram expenditure on beach and
sandra white tricia marwick mradamingram fergus ewing mr kenny
by mrs kay ullrich mradamingram fergus ewing mrs margaret
michael russell ms margo macdonaldadamingram fiona hyslop andrew wilson
neil michael russell margo macdonaldadamingram fiona hyslop business bulletin
margaret ewing irene mcgugan mradamingram fiona mcleod mr lloyd
issue the convener i thankadamingram for his comments we
mcgugan brian adam lloyd quinanadamingram gil paterson bruce crawford
the petitions before us asadamingram has arrived to speak
where it has been generatedadamingram has come along to
struck as nora radcliffe andadamingram have said there is
another example from my colleagueadamingram i may be wrong
the finance committee along withadamingram i produced a report
the matter to a voteadamingram i think we should
speeches from bristow muldoon andadamingram i understand the interests
patricia ferguson would it helpadamingram if we took out
white mr gil paterson mradamingram irene mcgugan andrew wilson
gibson mr gil paterson mradamingram irene mcgugan andrew wilson
quinan mr gil paterson mradamingram irene mcgugan christine grahame
by mr kenny macaskill mradamingram irene mcgugan mr john
dennis canavan nora radcliffe mradamingram irene mcgugan mr mike
margaret ewing colin campbell mradamingram irene mcgugan nora radcliffe
murray tosh christine grahame mradamingram irene mcgugan s1m 114
convener there is a differenceadamingram is talking about complaints
dennis canavan cathy peattie mradamingram karen whitefield mr lloyd
margaret smith s1m 2121 mradamingram kilmarnock football club that
in the name of mradamingram leave out from recognises
in the name of mradamingram leave out from recognises
would have been appropriate wouldadamingram like to say something
andrew wilson mary scanlon mradamingram linda fabiani cathy peattie
ullrich mr keith harding mradamingram linda fabiani michael russell
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram linda fabiani pauline mcneill
gil paterson bill aitken mradamingram lord james douglas hamilton
murdo fraser david mcletchie mradamingram lord james douglas hamilton
gallie mr kenneth macintosh mradamingram malcolm chisholm mr lloyd
alasdair morgan brian adam mradamingram mary scanlon nick johnston
november 2002 rhoda grant mradamingram maureen macmillan fiona mcleod
and mouth disease and bseadamingram may be able to
kenny macaskill s1m 1189 mradamingram mental health carers that
hash symbol s1m 2237 mradamingram mental health week 10
should be the ppp routeadamingram mentioned road building there
des mcnulty yes john youngadamingram mentioned the point about
shona robison donald gorrie mradamingram michael matheson andrew wilson
supported by alex neil mradamingram michael matheson andrew wilson
welsh kenneth gibson lloyd quinanadamingram michael matheson fiona mcleod
rumbles dorothy grace elder mradamingram michael matheson marilyn livingstone
matheson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram michael russell kay ullrich
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram michael russell mr gil
hamilton mr john swinney mradamingram michael russell ms sandra
hamilton mr john swinney mradamingram michael russell ms sandra
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram michael russell nick johnston
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram michael russell richard lochhead
26 november 2001 supported byadamingram michael russell robin harper
andrew wilson michael matheson mradamingram mr duncan hamilton ms
kenny macaskill richard lochhead mradamingram mr duncan hamilton s1m
supported by nicola sturgeon mradamingram mr gil paterson alex
cathy peattie richard lochhead mradamingram mr gil paterson johann
cathy jamieson cathy peattie mradamingram mr gil paterson karen
michael russell linda fabiani mradamingram mr gil paterson kay
mike rumbles kate maclean mradamingram mr gil paterson lodged
alex neil euan robson mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
douglas hamilton david mcletchie mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
michael russell tommy sheridan mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
lloyd quinan nora radcliffe mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
bruce crawford andrew wilson mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
lloyd quinan alex neil mradamingram mr gil paterson mr
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson ms
harper mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson ms
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson ms
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson ms
2000 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram mr gil paterson s1m
june 2001 alex neil mradamingram mr gil paterson shona
oldfather mrs kay ullrich mradamingram mr gil paterson shona
on 6 december 2000 mradamingram mr gil paterson tommy
baillie ms linda fabiani mradamingram mr gil paterson tommy
sandra white richard lochhead mradamingram mr gil paterson tricia
alex neil phil gallie mradamingram mr gil paterson tricia
margaret ewing robert brown mradamingram mr gil paterson tricia
cunningham mr kenny macaskill mradamingram mr gil paterson tricia
christine grahame irene mcgugan mradamingram mr john munro mr
grace elder christine grahame mradamingram mr john swinney richard
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram mr kenneth gibson tricia
gibson mr gil paterson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill andrew
russell mr gil paterson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill andrew
trish godman colin campbell mradamingram mr kenny macaskill fergus
michael mcmahon marilyn livingstone mradamingram mr kenny macaskill fergus
fiona hyslop alex neil mradamingram mr kenny macaskill fergus
rhoda grant alex neil mradamingram mr kenny macaskill fergus
sandra white michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill irene
alex neil irene mcgugan mradamingram mr kenny macaskill linda
ewing mr gil paterson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill michael
richard lochhead alasdair morgan mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
shona robison richard lochhead mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
russell mr gil paterson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
wilson mr michael mcmahon mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
paterson mr michael mcmahon mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
donald gorrie michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
adam mr gil paterson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
michael matheson bristow muldoon mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
davidson ms pauline mcneill mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
andrew wilson alex neil mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
alex neil michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
michael matheson tricia marwick mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
neil mr michael mcmahon mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
alasdair morgan michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
alex neil fergus ewing mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
grace elder donald gorrie mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
alasdair morgan michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
murray tosh michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
sandra white michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
lochhead ms sandra white mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
sandra white michael matheson mradamingram mr kenny macaskill mr
paterson mr michael mcmahon mradamingram mr kenny macaskill trish
lochhead mrs margaret ewing mradamingram mr lloyd quinan dorothy
christine grahame scott barrie mradamingram mr lloyd quinan dr
of urgency supported by mradamingram mr lloyd quinan irene
sheridan mrs kay ullrich mradamingram mr lloyd quinan karen
on 19 june 2001 mradamingram mr lloyd quinan mr
michael matheson donald gorrie mradamingram mr lloyd quinan mr
mary mulligan fergus ewing mradamingram mr lloyd quinan mr
on 22 june 2001 mradamingram mr lloyd quinan mr
june 2001 colin campbell mradamingram mr lloyd quinan mr
duncan hamilton tommy sheridan mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
2002 mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
2003 mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
sheridan mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
hyslop mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
2002 mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
2002 mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
2002 mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
raffan mr gil paterson mradamingram mr lloyd quinan s1m
fiona mcleod alex neil mradamingram mr lloyd quinan tricia
russell mr gil paterson mradamingram mr mike rumbles donald
michael russell phil gallie mradamingram mr murray tosh marilyn
sandra white richard lochhead mradamingram mrs margaret ewing dorothy
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram ms margo macdonald s1m
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram ms margo macdonald s1m
harper mr lloyd quinan mradamingram ms margo macdonald s1m
gorrie mrs nora radcliffe mradamingram ms pauline mcneill lodged
stevenson mr gil paterson mradamingram ms sandra white brian
sheridan ms margo macdonald mradamingram ms sandra white david
murray tosh phil gallie mradamingram ms sandra white michael
sheridan ms margo macdonald mradamingram ms sandra white nora
alasdair morgan euan robson mradamingram ms sandra white richard
2003 mr gil paterson mradamingram ms sandra white s1m
2002 mr andrew welsh mradamingram murdo fraser s1m 2610
lloyd quinan linda fabiani mradamingram nicola sturgeon mr duncan
cathy peattie phil gallie mradamingram nora radcliffe mr jamie
minister phil gallie i congratulateadamingram on making such a
am prepared to work withadamingram on the issue if
alasdair morgan fiona mcleod mradamingram phil gallie alex neil
pauline mcneill richard lochhead mradamingram phil gallie robert brown
wilson linda fabiani cathie craigieadamingram proposed leasehold casualties bill
young irene mcgugan dennis canavanadamingram proposed leasehold casualties bill
situation must be investigated isadamingram proposing going further than
hash symbol s1m 2373 mradamingram psychiatric hospital closures that
kenneth gibson s1m 1028 mradamingram road traffic fine revenue
lochhead mrs mary mulligan mradamingram robert brown alex neil
richard lochhead nicola sturgeon mradamingram robert brown mr gil
donald gorrie tricia marwick mradamingram robert brown nicola sturgeon
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram robin harper cathy jamieson
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram robin harper donald gorrie
tricia marwick alasdair morgan mradamingram robin harper irene mcgugan
paterson mr kenny macaskill mradamingram robin harper richard lochhead
gil paterson margaret smith mradamingram roseanna cunningham mr lloyd
to this matter anyway perhapsadamingram s point can be
raised in the press firstadamingram s point is about
who need it and toadamingram s remarks on facilitate
alex neil margaret smith mradamingram s1m 1252 fergus ewing
2001 mr brian monteith mradamingram s1m 1790 definition of
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 1888 glasgow rent
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 1899 american strategic
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 1900 voices of
2001 mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 1904 replacement of
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2106 arbuthnott formula
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2107 foot and
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2108 number of
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2109 govanhill pool
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2111 support for
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2113 disabled access
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2115 wildlife legislation
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 2116 multiple sclerosis
2002 mr gil paterson mradamingram s1m 2605 retain clive
hyslop mr gil paterson mradamingram s1m 2612 1 congratulations
dennis canavan nora radcliffe mradamingram s1m 281 proposed accommodation
gil paterson tommy sheridan mradamingram s1m 3872 limited partnership
2003 mr gil paterson mradamingram s1m 3881 relocation of
gil paterson tommy sheridan mradamingram s1m 3883 catholic education
deacon mr lloyd quinan mradamingram s1m 3925 white ribbons
macdonald mr gil paterson mradamingram s1m 57 mr kenny
phil gallie david mundell mradamingram s1m 69 mr mike
followed by motion by mradamingram s1m 738 mr adam
town lodged on 2 julyadamingram s1m 84 warrant sales
tommy sheridan s1m 1265 mradamingram school milk that the
welsh mr lloyd quinan mradamingram scott barrie michael russell
the subject of s1m 2637adamingram scottish agricultural college auchincruive
the subject of s1m 2637adamingram scottish agricultural college auchincruive
hash symbol s1m 3390 mradamingram scottish mental health week
colin campbell scott barrie mradamingram shona robison brian adam
grahame mr kenny macaskill mradamingram shona robison linda fabiani
in scotland supported by mradamingram shona robison nicola sturgeon
are coordinated s1m 2063 mradamingram sign guidelines on attention
if not more important mradamingram south of scotland snp
robin harper lothians green mradamingram south of scotland snp
west of scotland con mradamingram south of scotland snp
to take that course mradamingram south of scotland snp
could not make it mradamingram south of scotland snp
douglas hamilton lothians con mradamingram south of scotland snp
convener that is fine mradamingram south of scotland snp
dr richard simpson ochil labadamingram south of scotland snp
want to make progress mradamingram south of scotland snp
hazelwood ms society scotland mradamingram south of scotland snp
to offer 16 47 mradamingram south of scotland snp
are happy with that mradamingram south of scotland snp
highlands and islands lab mradamingram south of scotland snp
with special educational needs mradamingram south of scotland snp
go down the road thatadamingram suggests and define professional
internet s1f 2424 5 mradamingram to ask the first
the parliament s1w 15130 mradamingram to ask the presiding
board area s1w 15129 mradamingram to ask the presiding
committee meetings s1w 15131 mradamingram to ask the presiding
funding is s1w 17591 mradamingram to ask the scottish
to date s1w 29292 mradamingram to ask the scottish
3782 18 withdrawn 19 mradamingram to ask the scottish
capital projects s1w 7142 mradamingram to ask the scottish
by prison s1w 29294 mradamingram to ask the scottish
what extent s1w 10886 mradamingram to ask the scottish
victoria quay s1w 17644 mradamingram to ask the scottish
medicines consortium s1w 19671 mradamingram to ask the scottish
other roads s1w 7139 mradamingram to ask the scottish
are arranged s1w 4779 mradamingram to ask the scottish
private companies s1w 17589 mradamingram to ask the scottish
occupation s1o 388 9 mradamingram to ask the scottish
act 2001 s1w 33005 mradamingram to ask the scottish
hyperactivity disorder s1w 19670 mradamingram to ask the scottish
24 helpline s1w 19672 mradamingram to ask the scottish
bank accounts s1w 10885 mradamingram to ask the scottish
december 2000 s1w 17758 mradamingram to ask the scottish
march 2002 s1w 15153 mradamingram to ask the scottish
information centre s1w 19677 mradamingram to ask the scottish
services fund s1w 15154 mradamingram to ask the scottish
funding is s1w 17590 mradamingram to ask the scottish
the parliament s1w 31814 mradamingram to ask the scottish
scotland s1o 5806 14 mradamingram to ask the scottish
participation s1o 3262 12 mradamingram to ask the scottish
projects launch s1w 28589 mradamingram to ask the scottish
authority area s1w 34390 mradamingram to ask the scottish
their certificates s1w 15128 mradamingram to ask the scottish
backed viasystems s1w 10883 mradamingram to ask the scottish
geriatric patients s1w 17585 mradamingram to ask the scottish
young men s1w 28587 mradamingram to ask the scottish
funding is s1w 17588 mradamingram to ask the scottish
three years s1w 19669 mradamingram to ask the scottish
in administration s1w 28586 mradamingram to ask the scottish
2 status s1w 7141 mradamingram to ask the scottish
is provided s1w 28590 mradamingram to ask the scottish
telecommunication masts s1w 1987 mradamingram to ask the scottish
people s1o 5845 19 mradamingram to ask the scottish
breathing space s1w 28588 mradamingram to ask the scottish
three years s1w 7140 mradamingram to ask the scottish
their crime s1w 29291 mradamingram to ask the scottish
funding is s1w 17586 mradamingram to ask the scottish
to date s1w 17646 mradamingram to ask the scottish
clinical quality s1w 17593 mradamingram to ask the scottish
selective assistance s1w 31815 mradamingram to ask the scottish
medicines consortium s1w 17594 mradamingram to ask the scottish
funding is s1w 17587 mradamingram to ask the scottish
each application s1w 17645 mradamingram to ask the scottish
so doing s1w 10884 mradamingram to ask the scottish
will receive s1w 17592 mradamingram to ask the scottish
urban areas s1w 10887 mradamingram to ask the scottish
the studies s1w 29293 mradamingram to ask the scottish
for edinburgh s1w 34389 mradamingram to ask the scottish
15 the convener i askadamingram to make his question
following change to committee membershipadamingram to replace kenny macaskill
robert brown ian jenkins mradamingram tommy sheridan cathy jamieson
john swinney michael matheson mradamingram tommy sheridan christine grahame
gibson mr alex neil mradamingram tommy sheridan donald gorrie
tosh mr kenneth gibson mradamingram tommy sheridan john scott
barrie kate maclean bristow muldoonadamingram tommy sheridan mrs kay
barrie kate maclean bristow muldoonadamingram tommy sheridan mrs kay
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram tommy sheridan s1m 3926
paterson mr lloyd quinan mradamingram tommy sheridan s1m 3928
grahame ms sandra white mradamingram tommy sheridan s1m 3937
michael russell fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick alex fergusson
michael russell richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
fiona mcleod richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
irene mcgugan richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
gibson ms sandra white mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
gibson ms sandra white mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
cathy peattie richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick alex neil
1999 supported by john mcallionadamingram tricia marwick andrew wilson
kenneth gibson michael russell mradamingram tricia marwick christine grahame
macaskill mr gil paterson mradamingram tricia marwick dorothy grace
nora radcliffe ian jenkins mradamingram tricia marwick dr richard
white mr gil paterson mradamingram tricia marwick fiona hyslop
supported by shona robison mradamingram tricia marwick fiona mcleod
ewing mr kenneth gibson mradamingram tricia marwick irene mcgugan
quinan mr kenny macaskill mradamingram tricia marwick irene mcgugan
quinan dorothy grace elder mradamingram tricia marwick john scott
fiona mcleod pauline mcneill mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
fiona hyslop michael russell mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
fiona hyslop fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
bruce crawford richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
tommy sheridan fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
fiona hyslop fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
cathy jamieson cathy peattie mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
grace elder michael russell mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
fiona mcleod richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
michael russell fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick mr gil
pauline mcneill richard lochhead mradamingram tricia marwick nora radcliffe
irene mcgugan pauline mcneill mradamingram tricia marwick nora radcliffe
david mcletchie fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick nora radcliffe
supported by nick johnston mradamingram tricia marwick phil gallie
john scott fiona mcleod mradamingram tricia marwick phil gallie
9 september 1999 supported byadamingram tricia marwick robin harper
on 14 march 2001 mradamingram tricia marwick s1m 1755
macaskill mr gil paterson mradamingram tricia marwick tommy sheridan
on 16 november 2000 mradamingram trish godman david mundell
10 45 the convener doesadamingram want to reopen that
avoid that i agree withadamingram we need to state
alex neil irene mcgugan brianadamlloyd quinan adam ingram gil
ingram ms sandra white brianadammichael matheson mr duncan hamilton
russell mr adam ingram brianadammichael matheson robin harper elaine
keith harding alasdair morgan brianadammr adam ingram mary scanlon
quinan mr adam ingram brianadamnicola sturgeon mrs margaret ewing
crawford mr adam ingram brianadamshona robison dorothy grace elder
crawford mr adam ingram brianadamshona robison s1m 1115 protection
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp jackson
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnston
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnston
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnston
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnston
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnstone
robin lothians green ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnstone
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp johnstone
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
kenneth glasgow snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
kenneth glasgow snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp lochhead
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp macaskill
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp macaskill
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp macaskill
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp macaskill
fiona lothians snp ingram mradamsouth of scotland snp macaskill
leave out subsection 5 brianadam120 in section 9 page
cessation of that conduct brianadam128 in section 13 page
the parties section 14 brianadam129 in section 14 page
or principal section 15 brianadam130 in section 15 page
court 6 schedule 3 brianadam136 in schedule 3 page
sex in line 22 brianadam138 in schedule 3 page
lines 25 to 27 brianadam139 in schedule 3 page
a written section 27 brianadam145 in section 27 page
to the other person brianadam147 in section 27 page
the exchange takes effect brianadam149 in section 28 page
national boundaries s1m 1282 brianadamaberdeen alternative festival that the
fiona hyslop s1m 1119 brianadamaberdeen angus cattle that the
offshore workers s1m 1119 brianadamaberdeen angus cattle that the
fiona mcleod s1m 182 brianadamaberdeen city council lobbyist that
scott barrie s1m 3686 brianadamaberdeen council housing debt that
nora radcliffe s1m 1262 brianadamaberdeen sunday car parking charges
or i say to brianadamabout understanding the scots language
tommy sheridan s1m 1052 brianadamaccess to wipll and other
brian adam s1m 183 brianadamadvisory committees that the parliament
margo macdonald michael russell brianadamalasdair morgan colin campbell s1m
colin campbell roseanna cunningham brianadamalasdair morgan mr lloyd quinan
2001 ms margo macdonald brianadamalasdair morgan pauline mcneill s1m
their existence supported by brianadamalasdair morgan richard lochhead alex
grahame mr jamie mcgrigor brianadamalex johnstone mr murray tosh
irene mcgugan linda fabiani brianadamalex neil business bulletin 120
nicola sturgeon shona robison brianadamand susan deacon the meeting
kenneth gibson richard lochhead brianadamandrew welsh bill aitken robin
winnie ewing irene mcgugan brianadamandrew welsh s1m 10 1
kenneth gibson richard lochhead brianadamandrew welsh s1m 2 mr
donald gorrie tricia marwick brianadamandrew wilson dr richard simpson
paterson mr john munro brianadamandrew wilson michael matheson mr
gil paterson tricia marwick brianadamandrew wilson mr brian monteith
margaret ewing christine grahame brianadamandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
irene mcgugan christine grahame brianadamandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
tricia marwick irene mcgugan brianadamandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
christine grahame tricia marwick brianadamandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
john munro tricia marwick brianadamandrew wilson mr lloyd quinan
ben wallace michael matheson brianadamandrew wilson ms sandra white
irene mcgugan colin campbell brianadamandrew wilson roseanna cunningham fiona
no it will not brianadamare you able to predict
lawyers interests s1m 2064 brianadamauchmill road chaos that the
neil mr gil paterson brianadamben wallace s1m 943 david
in scotland s1m 1633 brianadambooking fees for arts and
ferguson 12 may 1999 aadambrian james north east scotland
north east scotland con againstadambrian north east scotland snp
motion should press yes foradambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
highlands and islands snp abstentionsadambrian north east scotland snp
allan cunninghame north lab abstentionsadambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
amendment should press yes foradambrian north east scotland snp
allan cunninghame north lab againstadambrian north east scotland snp
allan cunninghame north lab againstadambrian north east scotland snp
allan cunninghame north lab abstentionsadambrian north east scotland snp
west of scotland con abstentionsadambrian north east scotland snp
west of scotland con againstadambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
west of scotland con againstadambrian north east scotland snp
will be a division foradambrian north east scotland snp
west of scotland con againstadambrian north east scotland snp
west of scotland con abstentionsadambrian north east scotland snp
mcallion ms sandra white brianadambruce crawford mr gil paterson
welsh mr duncan hamilton brianadambruce crawford mr john swinney
swinney ms sandra white brianadambruce crawford ms roseanna cunningham
2000 dr richard simpson brianadambusiness bulletin 96 2000 wednesday
money for improvement grants brianadamcan you give us an
shona robison donald gorrie brianadamcathie craigie christine grahame fiona
radcliffe mr mike rumbles brianadamcathy jamieson dr elaine murray
radcliffe dr elaine murray brianadamcathy jamieson richard lochhead mr
tommy sheridan s1m 3942 brianadamchewing gum disposal that the
donald gorrie michael russell brianadamchristine grahame fiona hyslop elaine
donald gorrie michael russell brianadamchristine grahame fiona hyslop robert
alex neil donald gorrie brianadamchristine grahame fiona hyslop shona
tricia marwick michael russell brianadamchristine grahame fiona hyslop shona
gil paterson tricia marwick brianadamchristine grahame fiona hyslop shona
quinan mr duncan hamilton brianadamchristine grahame fiona mcleod ms
trading sector supported by brianadamchristine grahame linda fabiani dorothy
lloyd quinan michael russell brianadamchristine grahame mr kenny macaskill
grace elder shona robison brianadamchristine grahame nicola sturgeon mr
alex neil michael russell brianadamchristine grahame tricia marwick andrew
kenneth gibson fergus ewing brianadamcolin campbell fiona mcleod andrew
tricia marwick christine grahame brianadamcolin campbell fiona mcleod andrew
kenneth gibson christine grahame brianadamcolin campbell mr john swinney
grahame mr kenneth gibson brianadamcolin campbell mr john swinney
have any further questions brianadamcurrently there is an interesting
tosh mr duncan hamilton brianadamdavid mundell mary scanlon michael
build affordable rented housing brianadamdemand will not be even
alex neil lloyd quinan brianadamdennis canavan mike russell shona
wilson dorothy grace elder brianadamdennis canavan mrs margaret ewing
police forces s1m 193 brianadamdetoxification and rehabilitation services in
shows in the accounts brianadamdoes it not appear in
in mind as well brianadamdoes the bill offer any
present murray tosh convener brianadamdonald gorrie patricia ferguson frank
gorrie mr gil paterson brianadamdorothy grace elder andrew wilson
sturgeon dr winnie ewing brianadamdorothy grace elder andrew wilson
paterson mr duncan hamilton brianadamdorothy grace elder andrew wilson
neil mr gil paterson brianadamdorothy grace elder andrew wilson
ewing mr duncan mcneil brianadamdorothy grace elder fiona mcleod
nicola sturgeon linda fabiani brianadamdorothy grace elder fiona mcleod
john munro fergus ewing brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
on 12 july 2000 brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
on 10 july 2000 brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
this project supported by brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
by ms margo macdonald brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
on 12 july 2000 brianadamdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
marwick mrs margaret ewing brianadamdorothy grace elder murdo fraser
on 4 july 2000 brianadamdorothy grace elder s1m 1080
on 3 december 2002 brianadamdorothy grace elder s1m 3672
ian jenkins christine grahame brianadamdorothy grace elder scott barrie
michael matheson tricia marwick brianadamdr winnie ewing dennis canavan
munro dr sylvia jackson brianadamdr winnie ewing mr gil
hamilton mr kenneth gibson brianadamdr winnie ewing s1m 348
hash symbol s1m 1317 brianadamdrugs detoxification rehabilitation and throughcare
jamie stone s1m 270 brianadameast coast electrification that the
tommy sheridan s1m 1279 brianadameast coast mainline rail services
systems have been checked brianadamelectronic tagging is not prison
colin campbell bruce crawford brianadamfergus ewing mr duncan hamilton
lord james douglas hamilton brianadamfergus ewing mr keith harding
hamilton mr brian monteith brianadamfergus ewing mr keith harding
barrie mr jamie mcgrigor brianadamfiona hyslop david mundell maureen
david mundell tricia marwick brianadamfiona hyslop michael russell ms
john scott tricia marwick brianadamfiona hyslop mr brian monteith
gil paterson tricia marwick brianadamfiona hyslop mr duncan hamilton
roseanna cunningham tommy sheridan brianadamfiona hyslop mr lloyd quinan
michael matheson tricia marwick brianadamfiona hyslop tommy sheridan mr
grace elder donald gorrie brianadamfiona mcleod irene mcgugan dr
duncan hamilton christine grahame brianadamfiona mcleod michael matheson mr
hamilton mr jamie mcgrigor brianadamfiona mcleod ms sandra white
fergus ewing kay ullrich brianadamfiona mcleod tommy sheridan alex
sandra white sarah boyack brianadamfiona mcleod tommy sheridan michael
further with the minister brianadamgeoff huggins kindly gave us
number of points that brianadamgot wrong in his speech
michael russell s1m 2123 brianadamgrampian university hospitals nhs trust
45 cathie craigie as brianadamhas already touched on some
her speech and as brianadamhas explained aberdeen has a
s policy richard lochhead brianadamhas outlined the snp s
to alleviate fuel poverty brianadamhas the institute a particular
donald gorrie s1m 323 brianadamhepatitis c inquiry that the
tenants choice is concerned brianadamhow will the bill help
move to a close brianadami am just about to
have given you figures brianadami am not suggesting that
by malcolm chisholm and brianadami guarantee the inclusion of
not in the least brianadami have not heard any
to you on that brianadami know that it will
is a brief intervention brianadami love the emotive language
suit their best interests brianadami readily acknowledge that that
is not the proposal brianadami want to develop that
represent very acute cases brianadami want to move on
raffan mr kenneth gibson brianadamiain smith ian jenkins paul
donald gorrie s1m 370 brianadamintergrated detoxification and rehabilitation centre
michael russell richard lochhead brianadamirene mcgugan mr duncan hamilton
sandra white michael russell brianadamirene mcgugan mr lloyd quinan
sandra white michael russell brianadamirene mcgugan mr lloyd quinan
duncan hamilton fiona mcleod brianadamirene mcgugan mr lloyd quinan
elder ms sandra white brianadamirene mcgugan mr lloyd quinan
donald gorrie michael russell brianadamirene mcgugan ms sandra white
ultimate objective however if brianadamis looking for reassurance ministers
plans to change them brianadamis the minister satisfied with
to meet that demand brianadamit would be interesting to
margaret smith nora radcliffe brianadamjohn home robertson robin harper
on 13 december 2002 brianadamjohn scott s1m 3688 general
gibson mr jamie mcgrigor brianadamjohn young dorothy grace elder
shona robison michael matheson brianadamkate maclean s1m 264 ms
roseanna cunningham andrew wilson brianadamkay ullrich mr duncan hamilton
or elsewhere supported by brianadamkay ullrich mr duncan hamilton
macaskill mr jamie stone brianadamlinda fabiani fiona mcleod alasdair
robin harper tommy sheridan brianadamlinda fabiani nicola sturgeon christine
on television supported by brianadamlodged on 12 april 2002
brian monteith christine grahame brianadamlord james douglas hamilton ian
colin campbell shona robison brianadammargaret smith mr kenneth gibson
douglas hamilton pauline mcneill brianadammarilyn livingstone cathy jamieson mr
malcolm chisholm pauline mcneill brianadammarilyn livingstone janis hughes dr
johnston mr kenneth gibson brianadammary scanlon s1m 1183 tommy
alex neil michael russell brianadammaureen macmillan dr sylvia jackson
on 28 october 2002 brianadammaureen macmillan trish godman mr
this burden s1m 387 brianadammedical use of cannabinoids that
change elaine thomson and brianadammentioned several projects that have
pauline mcneill ben wallace brianadammichael matheson kay ullrich mr
marwick mr gil paterson brianadammichael matheson linda fabiani mr
gil paterson nicola sturgeon brianadammichael matheson mr kenny macaskill
gil paterson johann lamont brianadammichael matheson mr kenny macaskill
john swinney nicola sturgeon brianadammichael matheson mrs margaret ewing
cathy peattie fiona hyslop brianadammichael matheson ms sandra white
by mr kenny macaskill brianadammichael russell fiona mcleod mr
by mr kenny macaskill brianadammichael russell fiona mcleod mr
by mr kenny macaskill brianadammichael russell fiona mcleod mr
supported by kenneth gibson brianadammichael russell kay ullrich richard
keith raffan alex fergusson brianadammichael russell mr david davidson
kay ullrich colin campbell brianadammichael russell nicola sturgeon s1m
margo macdonald alex neil brianadammichael russell shona robison dr
by mr kenny macaskill brianadammicheal russell fiona mcleod mr
winnie ewing lloyd quinan brianadammike russell duncan hamilton tommy
sarah boyack i think brianadammisunderstands the purpose of sips
cathy peattie s1m 1039 brianadammoratorium on gm crop farm
outwith edinburgh supported by brianadammr alex neil shona robison
fiona mcleod michael russell brianadammr andrew welsh mr kenneth
linda fabiani michael matheson brianadammr brian monteith mary scanlon
john swinney tommy sheridan brianadammr brian monteith mr david
christine grahame andrew wilson brianadammr brian monteith mr duncan
harper ms sandra white brianadammr brian monteith mr george
11 february 2003 present brianadammr david davidson alasdair morgan
gallie mr kenneth gibson brianadammr david davidson christine grahame
harper ms sandra white brianadammr duncan mcneil mr kenny
michael russell nick johnston brianadammr gil paterson mary scanlon
supported by fergus ewing brianadammr gil paterson mr adam
kenneth gibson mary scanlon brianadammr gil paterson robert brown
on 25 october 2001 brianadammr jamie mcgrigor mr murray
alex neil bruce crawford brianadammr jamie stone dr winnie
on 11 march 2002 brianadammr jamie stone tavish scott
christine grahame fergus ewing brianadammr john swinney fiona mcleod
bruce crawford irene mcgugan brianadammr kenneth gibson kate mclean
bruce crawford irene mcgugan brianadammr kenneth gibson s1m 32
harper ms sandra white brianadammr kenneth gibson s1m 928
fiona mcleod colin campbell brianadammr kenneth gibson shona robison
of iraq supported by brianadammr kenny macaskill michael matheson
marwick mr gil paterson brianadammr kenny macaskill ms sandra
donald gorrie michael russell brianadammr lloyd quinan alex neil
fabiani ms sandra white brianadammr lloyd quinan michael russell
alex neil irene mcgugan brianadammr mike rumbles alex johnstone
harding mr jamie mcgrigor brianadammr murray tosh mr duncan
wilson dr richard simpson brianadammr murray tosh ms margaret
in scotland supported by brianadamms margo macdonald alasdair morgan
jamie stone michael russell brianadamms margo macdonald andrew wilson
lloyd quinan alex johnstone brianadamms sandra white dorothy grace
michael russell fiona mcleod brianadamms sandra white mr lloyd
fergus ewing linda fabiani brianadamms sandra white robin harper
on 17 january 2003 brianadamms sandra white s1m 3779
stone mr andrew welsh brianadamms sarah boyack robert brown
of these legislative proposals brianadammy experience of churn was
mcgugan dr elaine murray brianadamnick johnston cathy jamieson lodged
quinan mr gil paterson brianadamnicola sturgeon linda fabiani colin
quinan mr gil paterson brianadamnicola sturgeon linda fabiani colin
shona robison donald gorrie brianadamnicola sturgeon mr duncan hamilton
alex neil donald gorrie brianadamnora radcliffe ian jenkins mr
robin harper christine grahame brianadamnora radcliffe mr kenneth gibson
alex neil shona robison brianadamnora radcliffe mr mike rumbles
glasgow snp committee members brianadamnorth east scotland snp bill
taken forward 16 10 brianadamnorth east scotland snp fit
future programme of works brianadamnorth east scotland snp how
to nurse 16 45 brianadamnorth east scotland snp i
to make 12 42 brianadamnorth east scotland snp i
post of deputy convener brianadamnorth east scotland snp i
further questions about that brianadamnorth east scotland snp i
investment appraisal per se brianadamnorth east scotland snp i
thomson aberdeen north lab brianadamnorth east scotland snp iain
glasgow snp committee substitutes brianadamnorth east scotland snp ian
sylvia jackson stirling lab brianadamnorth east scotland snp johann
thomson aberdeen north lab brianadamnorth east scotland snp mr
north lab committee members brianadamnorth east scotland snp mr
tommy sheridan glasgow ssp brianadamnorth east scotland snp sarah
angus snp committee members brianadamnorth east scotland snp scott
have them 16 37 brianadamnorth east scotland snp thank
north east scotland con brianadamnorth east scotland snp the
future supervision costs 9 brianadamnorth east scotland snp to
of staff and patients brianadamnorth east scotland snp will
minister to resist it brianadamnorth east scotland snp will
donald gorrie s1m 324 brianadamoil and gas centre of
access harder to navigate brianadamone cannot get a library
of answer we like brianadamone of the consequences of
ben wallace michael matheson brianadamphil gallie fergus ewing tommy
douglas hamilton shona robison brianadamr mr kenneth gibson mr
robison dr winnie ewing brianadamr mr kenny macaskill alex
henry mr duncan mcneil brianadamr nora radcliffe maureen macmillan
fergus ewing robin harper brianadamrobert brown alex neil dr
kenneth gibson irene mcgugan brianadamrobert brown donald gorrie fergus
on 5 february 2003 brianadamrobert brown mr david davidson
tommy sheridan andrew wilson brianadamrobin harper dennis canavan mr
andrew wilson malcolm chisholm brianadamrobin harper mr kenneth gibson
michael russell john swinney brianadamroseanna cunningham s1m 31 mr
duncan hamilton andrew wilson brianadamroseanna cunningham shona robison alasdair
delivered in the city brianadams second point was that
on 3 july 2000 brianadams1m 1063 voting rights for
on 3 august 2000 brianadams1m 1096 sbg and transport
july 2000 malcolm chisholm brianadams1m 1096 sbg and transport
on 6 july 2000 brianadams1m 1098 asylum seekers lodged
bruce crawford andrew wilson brianadams1m 13 1 george lyon
alex neil fergus ewing brianadams1m 13 mr alex salmond
on 6 march 2001 brianadams1m 1707 closure of lews
march 2001 tricia marwick brianadams1m 1748 scottish executive expenditure
tricia marwick david mcletchie brianadams1m 1756 scottish working people
on 19 march 2001 brianadams1m 1763 specialist clinic for
in aberdeen supported by brianadams1m 183 brian adam advisory
on 19 february 2002 brianadams1m 2731 macmillan cancer relief
on 6 march 2002 brianadams1m 2843 family history tourism
marwick mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3102 mr andy kerr
on 17 may 2002 brianadams1m 3130 victims of asbestos
2002 mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3132 energywatch stop now
2002 mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3133 water connection charges
on 21 may 2002 brianadams1m 3136 royal opening of
2002 mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3145 legislation for increased
2002 mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3159 appointment of the
2002 mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3185 scotland s industrial
on 13 june 2002 brianadams1m 3213 faslane peace camp
on 18 june 2002 brianadams1m 3217 dalmellington area centre
grahame mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3240 health in developing
on 21 june 2002 brianadams1m 3242 scottish place names
grahame mr keith raffan brianadams1m 3254 action plan on
on 25 june 2002 brianadams1m 3255 william topaz mcgonagall
june 2002 christine grahame brianadams1m 3257 death of mrs
fiona mcleod irene mcgugan brianadams1m 3590 delivery of family
on 19 november 2002 brianadams1m 3593 st andrew s
on 28 november 2002 brianadams1m 3657 trade for life
on 3 december 2002 brianadams1m 3664 race equality training
on 3 december 2002 brianadams1m 3674 cairngorms national park
kenny macaskill richard lochhead brianadams1m 3821 crime in the
supported by nora radcliffe brianadams1m 66 mr brian monteith
mcintosh ms sandra white brianadams1m 808 fergus ewing shinty
on 9 may 2000 brianadams1m 824 breast cancer awareness
on 10 may 2000 brianadams1m 830 racing pigeons lodged
may 2000 cathie craigie brianadams1m 892 saltmarket centenary lodged
harding mr jamie mcgrigor brianadams1m 895 expansion of signum
may 2000 roseanna cunningham brianadams1m 898 scottish tomato industry
on 25 may 2000 brianadams1m 909 post office pension
roseanna cunningham andrew wilson brianadams1m 917 glasgow rape crisis
marwick mr john munro brianadams1m 919 fergus ewing scottish
macaskill ms sandra white brianadams1m 927 robin harper bagyeli
christine grahame andrew wilson brianadams1m 933 crown prosecution and
gibson mr jamie mcgrigor brianadams1m 948 hosting the european
wilson dr richard simpson brianadams1m 949 greenock morton football
kenneth gibson roseanna cunningham brianadams1m 952 dementia awareness week
subject of s1m 3430 brianadamsafety campaign on diesel spills
am sorry but what brianadamsaid was absolute nonsense the
smith ms sandra white brianadamscott barrie bill butler dr
7 march 2000 present brianadamscott barrie cathie craigie miss
supported by karen whitefield brianadamscott barrie robert brown bill
lyndsay mcintosh s1m 1053 brianadamsheltered housing wardens night time
by dorothy grace elder brianadamshona robison christine grahame fiona
gorrie dorothy grace elder brianadamshona robison christine grahame mr
supported by irene mcgugan brianadamshona robison colin campbell alasdair
christine grahame fergus ewing brianadamshona robison dorothy grace elder
andrew wilson linda fabiani brianadamshona robison fiona mcleod donald
be assisted supported by brianadamshona robison mr kenneth gibson
ewing mr lloyd quinan brianadamshona robison robin harper christine
tricia marwick alex neil brianadamshona robison robin harper donald
consider all those issues brianadamshould not there be an
it is important as brianadamso adequately showed to give
started the year with brianadamso are you saying that
into the next millennium brianadamso could the 434 million
per cent of it brianadamso it might get 12
to support through it brianadamsome concerns were raised about
actively to refine it brianadamsome housing associations have schemes
be brought into play brianadamsouth lanarkshire council has submitted
increased number of houses brianadamsouth lanarkshire council s written
a very difficult area brianadamspoke about the churn at
wilson mr kenny macaskill brianadamstewart stevenson fiona hyslop dennis
wilson mr kenny macaskill brianadamstewart stevenson fiona hyslop dennis
irene mcgugan michael matheson brianadamstewart stevenson s1m 2236 2
6 months ending with brianadamsupported by bill aitken 140
robin harper stewart stevenson brianadamsusan deacon fiona hyslop s1m
the benefit of it brianadamthat is an extremely interesting
to produce on demand brianadamthat will become a requirement
to labour the theme brianadamthe convener may have used
the community ownership initiative brianadamthe housing scotland act 1987
from the source authority brianadamthe initial motivation behind the
about doing so now brianadamthe intention is to designate
to be divided up brianadamthe scottish executive has undertaken
have only five minutes brianadamthere will be no debate
running in the systems brianadamthey must incorporate date and
trying to scrutinise today brianadamthis is the only place
under social security legislation brianadamthose moneys are often loans
rather than finance areas brianadamthose were concerns of councils
hospitals s1f 1590 4 brianadamto ask the first minister
areas s1f 258 4 brianadamto ask the first minister
assault s1f 959 4 brianadamto ask the first minister
beekeepers association s1w 8744 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
dental service s1w 9190 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16763 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
cereal farmers s1w 9189 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
the a80 s1w 27417 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
the elderly s1w 16758 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
appropriate licence s1w 33548 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
will receive s1w 3612 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16765 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
of service s1w 1972 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
union countries s1w 1973 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
legal profession s1w 33291 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
landfill sites s1w 14985 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
in england s1w 14984 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
nhs dentist s1w 9196 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16767 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
be kept s1w 14986 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
more informative s1w 19652 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16766 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
trial crop s1w 8745 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
nhsis services s1w 13103 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
industry s1o 3257 19 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 9222 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
own records s1w 33549 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 101 22 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 101 22 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16759 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
policies s1o 5432 20 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
of jurors s1w 13104 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
gap s1o 6471 9 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this expenditure s1w 13102 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16764 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
such research s1w 8743 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 14983 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
06 s1o 6322 12 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
centre s1o 429 12 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
nhs dentist s1w 9195 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
such routes s1w 10877 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
dental service s1w 9194 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
1999 2000 s1w 1064 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
east scotland s1w 10879 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16761 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
do so s1w 7113 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
and shopping s1w 1425 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
are located s1w 9193 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
scotland bill s1w 1065 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
parliament s1o 3848 10 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16760 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
be announced s1w 10878 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
hearing screening s1w 8742 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
specific grant s1w 7114 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
nhs dentist s1w 9192 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
warrants s1o 5359 6 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
for littering s1w 1066 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
is not s1w 33290 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
museum s1o 294 18 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
nhs dentist s1w 9191 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 307 25 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
board area s1w 27418 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
residential care s1w 9187 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
disposal scheme s1w 14982 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
necessary s1o 377 17 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
this budget s1w 16762 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
october 2000 s1w 9188 brianadamto ask the scottish executive
mcgugan mr mike rumbles brianadamtommy sheridan s1m 187 mr
concessionary tickets supported by brianadamtommy sheridan shona robison fiona
on 9 august 2000 brianadamtommy sheridan shona robison s1m
irene mcgugan dennis canavan brianadamtricia marwick kenny macaskill duncan
on 28 october 2002 brianadamtricia marwick ms sandra white
opportunity for social empowerment brianadamwe probably agree on the
two way exercise if brianadamwere a 17 year old
the bill is progressing brianadamwhat improvements does the bill
the board for tenants brianadamwhat is the view of
churn will be reduced brianadamwhy do you believe that
further in aberdeen as brianadamwill know that forms part
progress to be made brianadamwill margaret smith give way
significant impact on viability brianadamwill the bill help to
a sea of affluence brianadamwill the member take an
operate are positive steps brianadamwill the minister give way
investment as it were brianadamwith respect mr wood the
is an inexact science brianadamwould i be right in
budget for future years brianadamwould it also be fair
in detail 14 30 brianadamwould it be fair to
is happening already exists brianadamwould it be sensible for
thair twae bairns tricia anadamahint thum it ae boarding
tricia marwick my sincere apologiesadamif you feel that i
whether the policy of mradamand his party was that
be reflected in budgets mradamis correct to say that
answer as i said mradamshould address the question to
sensible thinkers such as mradamsmith argue that this is
deputy presiding officer if mradamthe snp s tail end
i indicated although perhaps mradamwas not listening there are
is okay george lyon mradamwill understand that the endowment
pipe seen at dancing displayadamsmith halls 20 monday east
leith er er name calledadamadam [censored: surname] erm and he
but adam isnae heedin lookadamat thae borders get oot
er er name called adamadam[censored: surname] erm and he had
wha gies the orders butadamisnae heedin look adam at
guy that replaced him wasadammacnaughton and adam macnaughton s
him was adam macnaughton andadammacnaughton s done a lot
into the huge pool thatadamis suggesting 10 15 john
1872 deeside tales aberdeen johnadammiddleton j 1888 ye thrie
capability scotland children in scotlandadamgaines disability rights commission heather
by our common ancestry inadamand eve we are reminded
and imitation by rough scotsadamsmith rhetorician as well as
ca ed him posh voiceadama the wye through i
me feel like god creatinadamaa god hid tae wirk
proof we re needin oadaman his eve an eden
religion of the semites londonadamand charles black 1927 p
this nebulous sphere would youadamand eve it lust is
time o the day andadamand his guidwife coorit doon
the lord god caad taeadamand said tae him whaur
afore she comes tae griefadamangry yer impidence is fair
eneuch noo as ye areadamat last began tae stir
pick it penalties unkent anadamcanny man took tent tae
daein a forbidden deed hereadamcome ower here she cried
did a get here saidadamdinnae greet ma dear the
muther s faither the umwhileadamelliot joiner deanburnhaugh deyd whan
it so wull i saeadamfearfu took a nibble though
living flames in the replicaadamfireplace santy claus wid hiv
himsel a maun consult wiadamfirst in case a fearfu
o man s disgrace whauradamfirst wis sent tae dwell
he made a wife furadamflawless an complete an beautiful
an a ve won itadamgazing at eve och eve
yer main attractions serpent ayeadamhere a ll gie a
gairden again a laboured likeadamin eden an then a
his line right back toadam[inhale] erm so that kind
eve efter she d temptitadaminno etten the aipple o
niver in ma plan butadamis a lanely man a
to do with the petitionadamis free to stay and
the convener i think thatadamis right to flag the
weedin but dour an sulkyadamis tempted tae rebel if
alone until the appointment ofadamj aitken in 1948 craigie
christians said it wis faradamlandit fin he wis sent
with urquhart and begins withadam[laugh] so he traces his
silk here is the edenadamleft behind mount lavinia restaurant
here a go again sweiradamma darlin wife is gairden
him whit tae dae nooadamman she s tellt ye
stick on the tree bitadamman the warld is wide
was developed we re standinadammcbride barbara mcbride that s
mccoll jack webster robert lovieadammcnaughton an glenfiddich fiddle champion
of the jeely piece songadammcnaughton s lament about similar
fur him tae eat furadamniver tastit meat bit here
fae auchterarder through tae perthadamno eve we daurna be
tae tak aw the restadamoch aye he thinks its
an dinnae tak aw nichtadamoch weel then jist a
greet ye they ca meadampleased tae meet ye eve
o a tent an theadams aipple in his thrapple
knotted around the drunk sadams apple its ends hanging
sae that wis eve anadams fate bit as they
sae that wis eve anadams fate god set an
greet an kneelin doon atadams feet she cried oh
she d suddenly myndit onadams peak at the fit
risin inno the lift likeadams peak despite aa tellins
fair heezed wi butterflees didadams peak fur ower a
o naethin she d sclimmedadams peak in her birthlan
skinklin linns i m furadams peak masel quo nava
gap they didna win taeadams peak nor glesga nor
the shadow of sri padaadams peak sri pada is
fit kinno a place isadams peak the sangsters winted
an his eve an edenadams rebellion it s eve
ll tak this rib faeadams side an mak o
improvisin like ad lib faeadams side he took a
sicht this heavenly power sawadams state an takin peety
who come to us ifadams suggestion is taken to
talking about many more peopleadams suggestion would bind our
hale position she saw thatadams urgent need fur her
basis i recognise that asadamsays there are people who
reputed to be the mountainadamsheltered on after being cast
outweighed their english counterparts humeadamsmith and other enlightenment philosophers
eden in eden eve anadamspent mony a year in
consequences he d hae brochtadamtae his senses an tellt
him tell the same taleadamtae yersel an sae they
all the way back toadamthe second ekskubalauron now known
a hinnied jupartous tung anadamthe stodgin crafter chiel eydent
she took a look atadamthen she looked an looked
pit the blame on meadamwaking guid help ma conscience
as the place to whichadamwas banished out of paradise
because my uncle my uncleadamwas givin my dad a
recognises his universal stature noadamwas responsible for me a
somethin new madam a madamwha are you the lassie
a daurna tell eve anadamwhen a look at you
it be she saw anadamwhen he looked at her
let god begin god lookadamwhit a ve got fur
your bite next eve ochadamye re a cooardy custard
tae jeer an scoff nooadamyou an eve be off

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