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comparative and superlative forms ofadjectivesand adverbs the contexts within
comparative and superlative forms ofadjectivesthe emphasis on an increased
detail through the use ofadjectivesadverbs or more extensive noun
of a text with certainadjectivesadverbs or verbs deleted or
occur with similar meanings otheradjectivesand adverbs applied to the
the text by substituting differentadjectivesand adverbs so as to
then brainstorm the different verbsadjectivesand adverbs that would be
then categorised into those withadjectivesor numbers before the noun
then categorised into those withadjectivesor numbers before the noun
by the various combinations ofadjectivesbefore the noun modifiers in
more to descriptive texts thanadjectivesthe density of noun phrases
books to focus prominently onadjectivesalthough it is worth remembering
are in fact ranges ofadjectivesnouns verbs and other words
in gaps for the originaladjectivesor verbs might focus on
precision in the choice ofadjectivesepithets comparisons and proverbs to
alphabetical order describing cartoon charactersadjectivespupils are given pictures of
mean i can think ofadjectiveslike trendy or wee phrases
how this affects markers andadjectivespronouns direct indirect and reflexive
to write s beside thoseadjectiveswhich they believed described the
crayon la règle les stylosadjectivesconcept of gender singular and
classes can collect examples ofadjectivesassociated with particular words e
the sentences and how theadjectivesare used in them if
were given a list ofadjectivesand asked to write s
they do make use ofadjectivesbut not to the extent
coyote they should use theadjectivesin predicates as in the
than the ye know theseadjectivesbut eh that s that

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