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the scottish children s reporteradministrationc the scottish qualifications authority
reporter scottish children s reporteradministrationon its inquiry into the
dispersing departments of the scottishadministrationand any new operations it
dispersing departments of the scottishadministrationand any new operations it
the operations of the scottishadministrationtogether with non departmental bodies
the operations of the scottishadministrationtogether with non departmental bodies
rural affairs the council taxadministrationand enforcement scotland amendment no
rural affairs the council taxadministrationand enforcement scotland amendment no
september 2000 the council taxadministrationand enforcement scotland amendment regulations
september 2000 the council taxadministrationand enforcement scotland amendment regulations
september 2000 the council taxadministrationand enforcement scotland amendment regulations
regulations enforcement of the legislationadministrationof salmon fishing the river
satisfied that after the labouradministrationhas been in power for
weeks ago that any futureadministrationin which labour is involved
the end of the labouradministrationjust as at the beginning
years of the uk labouradministrationmiss annabel goldie west of
the decision by the labouradministrationrunning stirling council to send
consistent theme in the labouradministrationsince the establishment of the
end of the next labouradministrationthere will be less than
not think that the labouradministrationwould be failing if higher
those departments of the scottishadministrationdealing with industry and development
the scottish parliament commissioner foradministrationand if so whether these
care the commissioner for localadministrationin scotland designation order 2000
care the commissioner for localadministrationin scotland expenses regulations 2000
msp the commissioner for localadministrationin scotland mr ian fraser
the scottish parliamentary commissioner foradministrationto supply to complainants all
never by a liberal democratadministrationthere were guidelines caps clawbacks
the liberal democrat independent counciladministrationto withdraw free school transport
by the liberal democrat independentadministrationwhich will see children s
long been associated with theadministrationof city justice in 1394
associated with decentralising the scottishadministrationthroughout scotland s towns and
associated with decentralising the scottishadministrationthroughout scotland s towns and
the present or a futureadministrationb statutory definitions 1 the
to the statutory term scottishadministrationit is also being used
for rural affairs 6 scottishadministrationthis is a statutory term
1998 staff of the scottishadministrationby contrast are civil servants
on matters relating to theadministrationof civil and criminal justice
on matters relating to theadministrationof civil and criminal justice
to make further comment theadministrationhas a good record of
increased costs arising from theadministrationof criminal record checks and
regrets that the last conservativeadministrations record of resisting these
council derek miller is theadministrationmanager of dundee city council
is head of law andadministrationnorth for aberdeenshire council i
immediate discussions with the counciladministrationwith a view to providing
council s minimalist approach toadministrationwould you please take me
years ago when the toryadministrationintroduced responsibility for local government
in the area of publicadministrationwas introduced to the scottish
in the area o publicadministrationwis introduced tae the scots
alan bowman head of financialadministrationlifelong learning department officials mr
clinical genetics department and nursingadministrationthe salary for that full
for the department of theadministrationwhat was in pre devolution
of resources by the scottishadministrationand certain bodies whose expenditure
scottish executive what the estimatedadministrationcosts are of the proposed
the issues of costs andadministrationwould the inclusion of a
they serve and the termadministrationto mean the scottish executive
for staff of the scottishadministration4 the spcb shall uprate
whole nhs team including essentialadministrationsecretarial and laboratory staff let
the staff of the scottishadministrationwill be corporately known see
complexities inherent in the integratedadministrationand control system iacs and
166 mr john munro integratedadministrationand control system iacs that
the developing crisis in theadministrationof scotland s justice system
system through the scottish courtsadministrationwhich is blue compliant that
in all public business andadministrationof justice current scottish executive
of military service and theadministrationof justice were the primary
i expenditure of the scottishadministrationand audit scotland in consequence
see the entries for scottishadministrationand the scottish executive above
looking to me to thisadministrationand to the scottish parliament
items a breakdown of theadministrationbudgets for scottish enterprise and
junior scottish ministers 6 scottishadministrationc political official media definitions
is obviously for the newadministrationfollowing the scottish parliament election
a expenditure of the scottishadministrationin consequence of the act
be replaced by administration scottishadministrationin the scottish context to
7 see currently the scottishadministrationoffices order 1999 si 1999
20 may 2002 the scottishadministrationoffices order 2002 si 2002
not be met by thisadministrationor by the scottish parliament
for employees of the scottishadministrationpedal cycle allowance means the
gaelic issues within the scottishadministrations1w 205 alex neil to
over time be replaced byadministrationscottish administration in the scottish
as the head of anadministrationand as a member of
for full sub member stateadministrationinvolvement making greater use of
for full sub member stateadministrationinvolvement making greater use of
the combined fire services areaadministrationschemes variation scotland order 2002
who handled that area ofadministrationwould be on call and
the four years of thisadministrationcan he explain why the
been the feature of theadministrationfor the past four years
years and under the previousadministrationi am glad that mrs
3 years the cost ofadministrationto a the student awards
that was devised under oneadministrationand taken up under another
fire board constituted by anadministrationscheme under section 36 of
and taken up under anotheradministrationshould suddenly become that second
has now been placed underadministrationsupports calls from supporters organisations
our experience in the publicadministrationand service sectors through the
of the language in publicadministrationthe 1993 act gave equal
agency will reduce as theadministrationof the development funding is
people are employed in theadministrationof the farm business development
and service sectors through theadministrationof the ecos ouverture programme
collaborate increasing efficiency by sharingadministrationand procurement services and by
duplicating services but on duplicatingadministrationi made a point about
language of education language ofadministrationfor a good part of
practitioner d assisting with theadministrationof oxygen as part of
she is part of anadministrationthat has spun mercilessly over
not only has the partnershipadministrationdevolved more powers to local
the priorities of the coalitionadministrationin areas such as local
authorities any guidance on theadministrationand implementation of traffic orders
in scotland than any otheradministrationin my lifetime but it
could we or any otheradministrationjustify accepting bids that offered
the options for further decentralisingadministrationof forestry policy and management
the burden of assessment andadministrationwill be reduced further as
find a small percentage foradministrationsomewhere initially we would use
to impress a puritanical republicanadministrationstill strikes me as again
to impress a puritanical republicanadministrationstill strikes me as odd
by the incoming united statesadministrationwe are still in the
place to ensure the continuedadministrationof the south of scotland
changes be made to theadministrationor funding regime of these
a top priority of thisadministrationall the sadder then from
additional annual cost of theadministrationand collection of tuition fees
not the day to dayadministrationand implementation of eu policies
of the military port andadministrationblock lastly bonnybraes camp at
traces of the once distinguishedadministrationbuilding have disappeared completely with
of events on which goodadministrationdepends broke down david and
from the leader of theadministrationin fife the report is
grahame it staffing for theadministrationof climate change licences that
of the policy on theadministrationof landfill funds i know
have been given authorisation 23administrationof salmon fishing the dsfb
which contains the form ofadministrationof the coronation oath including
is designed to assist theadministrationof the fixed penalty notice
on the details of theadministrationof the fund lodged on
on the details of theadministrationof the fund s1m 2967
and if no decisions onadministrationof the revenue have been
the field and in theadministrationof the right to buy
do they have of prisonadministrationof working within prisons and
the door of either theadministrationor the executive which lumbered
the key priorities of theadministrationover time that detailed scrutiny
the shape of the devolvedadministrationplacing an unprecedented degree of
are doing masters of businessadministrationthe mba is not always
a review of the sqaadministrationthe removal of stress points
parliament speaks this evening myadministrationand i not london or
by getting bogged down withadministrationbookeeping and the like the
discretionary scheme by a conservativeadministrationin 1991 lord james douglas
driving them backwards as hisadministrationhas done the first minister
at a time when theadministrationhas just announced that it
river tweed has a separateadministrationthe tweed commissioners who fulfil
quarter pint low german theadministrationalso held physical standards which
rapid reading courses that theadministrationarranges which would improve his
involved in the unitisation andadministrationhow did principles dominate practice
period or the cromwellian ehadministrationin the later period so
is used up in duplicatingadministrationis that the best way
authorities will the change inadministrationlead to an increase or
if it did not theadministrationmight be seen to have
faither s insnorl wi theadministrationo the snoot kirk ma
be on the bill sadministrationpeople have highlighted the fact
whilst the company is inadministrations1w 28586 mr adam ingram
to the english court andadministrationthe assize is remarkable for
very important as a devolvedadministrationthe last thing that we
today we heard about anadministrationthen there was the ill
it is clear that theadministrationultimately failed to contain the
debate with different proposals theadministrationwould produce its plans and
s strategic approach and decentralisedadministrationin managing european structural funds
from cathy jamieson when thisadministrationcomes back in may we
should suddenly become that secondadministrations flagship programme it seems

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