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with legislative powers or purelyadministrativepowers member state governments and
those requests is a purelyadministrativetask it is unnecessary for
ignorance at baith popular anadministrativelevels has aye tae be
ignorance on both popular andadministrativelevels has still to be
senior administrative officer steven marradministrativeassistant jennifer balfour security force
their administrative role by regionaladministrativemanagers and will generally have
development manager stephen robinson senioradministrativeofficer steven marr administrative assistant
fiscal are supported in theiradministrativerole by regional administrative managers
junior managers c clerical andadministrativestaff d professional staff e
bears on education judicial authoritiesadministrativeauthorities an public services the
relate to education judicial authoritiesadministrativeauthorities and public services the
their use in judicial andadministrativesettings economic and social life
is an increasing demand foradministrativeinstrumental and educational prose written
s an increasing demand foradministrativeprose in the vernacular in
have literary prose you haveadministrativeprose you have historiographical prose
create potential savings in theadministrativeback office costs of doing
that the 5 million inadministrativesavings required of the argyll
we expect some possibly minoradministrativesavings under the change from
a result of their ownadministrativeprocesses looking in particular at
of the bill and theadministrativesystems and processes that will
focus on particular groups ofadministrativeand professional officials who have
ministerial teams and their attendantadministrativemachine of ministries and officials
executive side ie political ministersadministrativeofficials civil servants may perhaps
senior editor with watson retainingadministrativeresponsibility and the title of
in the exercise of anadministrativefunction of the public body
in the exercise of anadministrativefunction section 5 1 e
it is a political andadministrativejudgement about governmental effectiveness 16
government for the overall devolvedadministrativeorganisation including its political ministerial
denote both the political andadministrativeside of the scottish government
the islands to the politicaladministrativesystem of then emirate of
management quality assurance academic staffingadministrativeinfrastructure and the institutional research
quality assurance academic staffing andadministrativeinfrastructure to secure specialist research
devolution scheme itself including itsadministrativeand ministerial arms this usage
in the exercise of itsadministrativefunctions and b in relation
officer rather than duplicate theadministrativefunctions of other public and
committee c undertaking research oradministrativefunctions which relate directly to
and the solway firth poseadministrativedifficulties because they are all
because it would cause usadministrativedifficulties the discussion that you
failed to pick up theadministrativedifficulties to that extent we
systems pressure was put onadministrativestaff in schools who had
each sip and what employmentadministrativeand property costs are associated
hard to eliminate many practicaladministrativeproblems that are associated with
so on structure of theadministrativegovernment the title s formal
to authorise persons for instanceadministrativeor legal staff specifically to
be only one or twoadministrativestaff in support in some
officer it specialist financial officeradministrativestaff information officer and research
the shipping clerks and theadministrativestaff there was the office
it also provides for generaladministrativematters schedule 2 schedule 2
up and provides for miscellaneousadministrativematters such as the authentication
member states local authorities shareadministrativeresponsibility for eu related matters
are tightly related in anadministrativesense there has been the
through any means available includingadministrativeaction publicity education and legislation
but the best sources areadministrativedocuments including court and burgh
the charter is concerned withadministrativeauthorities and public services the
article 10 are allowing theadministrativeauthorities to draft documents in
chapter in your submission onadministrativeproblems says that the ssta
tax debt is aware thatadministrativeproblems such as delays in
in particular the volume ofadministrativeerrors and the delays by
the bill team on theadministrativeside my statement will follow
large complex trade centre hoteladministrativeblock shopping mall where i
a central banking facility andadministrativecentre which was run in
of such laws regulations oradministrativeprovisions of the member states
trade and the legal andadministrativestructures for enforcing their use
you tell us how theadministrativeburden and assessment procedures of
telling us that the properadministrativeunits for the purpose of
when teachers are under theadministrativepressures of new syllabuses and
this sort of bill anadministrativeprocedure for re examining every
numerous other statutes particularly whereadministrativeappeals are allowed amendment 11
been great reformers legislative andadministrativeachievements over the past four
reduce and remove any unnecessaryadministrativeburdens on the police service
definition of confidentiality business andadministrativeconfidentiality have often become substitutes
gordon and moray the oldadministrativedistricts of grampian region in
get the data handling andadministrativeprocedures really tight i think
changes in courses and theadministrativeuncertainty that arises when there
do not respect national oradministrativeboundaries it is important to
a situation ever arose alternativeadministrativearrangements would be made to
would not incur an additionaladministrativeburden i hope that if
balances it would be anadministrativenightmare i advocate absolute minimalism
concerns about the creation ofadministrativebarriers that might prevent access
what is the level ofadministrativecharge taken from the grant
in 1426 was simply anadministrativedecision to base the dry
that there should be noadministrativeobstacles to customers opening a
a mechanism to resolve certainadministrativedisputes that could arise as
disability scotland before it enteredadministrativeinsolvency s1w 12155 kay ullrich

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