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the scottish executive whether citizensadvicebureaux age concern scotland or
and robert brown on citizensadvicebureaux along with john mcallion
libraries general practitioner surgeries citizensadvicebureaux and older people s
circulated to libraries and citizensadvicebureaux and will be relatively
work of scotland s citizensadvicebureaux cab in dealing with
people to go to citizensadvicebureaux for help and advice
impact of legislation on citizensadvicebureaux he made a plea
in the provision of citizensadvicebureaux in my constituency of
a specific point about citizensadvicebureaux in which i have
the funding mechanisms for citizensadvicebureaux it is suggested that
particular for benefits information citizensadvicebureaux need financial support secondly
there would be no citizensadvicebureaux no shelter scotland no
existing services such as citizensadvicebureaux s1w 34860 bruce crawford
in the context of citizensadvicebureaux the snp agrees with
brown s remarks on citizensadvicebureaux to murdo fraser s
on the role of citizensadvicebureaux when i was a
advice bureaux for help andadvicebut little thought has been
such bureaux we have twoadvicecentres one in bute and
payments where legal aid oradviceand assistance accounts are not
committee recommends that the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
28 june 2001 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
s1m 1398 jim wallace draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
scotland regulations 2003 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
january 2002 on the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2001 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2000 428 and the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2001 and on the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
scotland regulations 2000 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
committee affirmative instruments the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
culture and sport the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
mr jim wallace the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2001 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
committee recommends that the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
mr jim wallace the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
committee to consider the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
scotland regulations 2003 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2608 mr jim wallace theadviceand assistance assistance by way
and home affairs the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
scotland regulations 2000 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
2001 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance assistance by way
amendment order 2002 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
scotland regulations 2000 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
february 2003 on the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
and the environment the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
mr jim wallace the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
scotland regulations 2000 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2002 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2 regulations 2002 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
scotland order 2002 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
and home affairs the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
mr jim wallace the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
scotland order 2002 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
february 2003 on the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
in consideration of the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2002 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
2003 justice 1 the draftadviceand assistance financial conditions scotland
people to visit cabx foradviceand assistance of course that
specifically excluding other forms ofadviceand assistance represents best value
until 9 january 2001 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment no
further be done under theadviceand assistance scotland amendment no
approved s1m 1422 phil gallieadviceand assistance scotland amendment no
2002 ssi 2002 494 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
november 2002 justice 1 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 justice 1 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
2003 ssi 2003 162 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
regulations 2000 ssi 2000 178adviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
november 2002 justice 1 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
in relation to the instrumentadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
transport and the environment theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
transport and the environment theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 justice 1 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
162 10 march 2003 theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
transport and the environment theadviceand assistance scotland amendment regulations
2002 413 the homeless personsadviceand assistance scotland regulations 2002
social justice the homeless personsadviceand assistance scotland regulations 2002
for a customer or givingadviceand assistance when something went
might encourage this by offeringadviceand financial assistance in the
among other things to provideadviceguidance and assistance for persons
inserted ac the provision ofadviceguidance and assistance for persons
paragraph and b requests suchadviceguidance or assistance 1b where
that subsection the provision ofadviceguidance or assistance by a
that subsection the provision ofadviceguidance or assistance by a
that subsection the provision ofadviceguidance or assistance by a
a local authority may provideadviceguidance or assistance for any
milton for his comments andadvicetony glendinning for his assistance
agreed to fund a citizensadvicebureau i take it that
that there is no citizensadvicebureau in argyll and bute
that there was no citizensadvicebureau in his constituency neither
go to the local citizensadvicebureau in particular for benefits
congratulates the greater pollok citizensadvicebureau in securing full membership
tommy sheridan greater pollok citizensadvicebureau that the parliament congratulates
adult literacy scheme the citizensadvicebureau the crime prevention panel
their plans for a citizensadvicebureau to be developed in
to go to a citizensadvicebureau which is difficult to
mcphee and loretta gaffney citizensadvicescotland 3 social inclusion work
of edinburgh council and citizensadvicescotland and a less comprehensive
invite organisations other than moneyadvicescotland and citizens advice scotland
city of edinburgh council citizensadvicescotland and the convention of
msps i attended the citizensadvicescotland conference in dundee last
securing full membership of citizensadvicescotland in record time after
the govan law centre citizensadvicescotland money advice scotland the
that the parliament congratulates citizensadvicescotland on their plans for
notes the content of citizensadvicescotland s report won t
centre citizens advice scotland moneyadvicescotland the poverty alliance and
industry provides funds to citizensadvicescotland to allow a mechanism
money advice scotland and citizensadvicescotland to submit ideas or
and industry funding for citizensadvicescotland would give muscle to
free and independent access toadviceservices for citizens of scotland
s1m 1569 fiona hyslop debtadviceand debt awareness day for
linda fabiani s1m 1569 debtadviceand debt awareness day lodged
as noted above 7 debtadviceand debt awareness day the
s1m 1569 fiona hyslop debtadviceand debt awareness day thursday
and vital emphasis on debtadviceand debt management the debt
to independent debt and moneyadviceand ensure that users have
councils for specialist money debtadviceand specifically excluding other forms
establishment of a national debtadvicenetwork and to agree an
the problems facing people seekingadviceon debt s1w 31113 fergus
60 million worth of debtadviceseeing about 140 000 clients
effective accessible and adequate nationaladviceservice on debt and housing
independent money debt and legaladviceservices and trained personnel throughout
plea for legislation on debtadviceservices other members talked about
providing money debt and legaladviceto debtors other than those
providing money debt and legaladvicewith regard to the provision
not obtain its own legaladviceand what the reasons are
project management did not obtainadvicefrom the parliament s legal
make available any written legaladvicefrom the scottish law officers
to make explicit what legaladvicehas been given whether we
to seek legal remedy legaladvicehas now been received and
once we have received legaladviceif there are no comments
and took their own legaladvicein the light of their
existing practices if the legaladviceindicates that this can be
scottish executive whether its legaladviceis that it would be
member implied but the legaladviceis that that cannot be
was first made what legaladviceit has received about whether
the scottish executive what legaladviceit has received on whether
first invited to provide legaladviceon prospects of recovery of
could we have some legaladviceon that christine boch scottish
been invited to provide legaladviceon whether any or all
eadie have you taken legaladviceon whether the denial of
are permitted to publish legaladvicereceived regardless of the fact
september 2002 whether the legaladvicereferred to is still applicable
whether it has taken legaladvices1w 33541 christine grahame to
whether it has taken legaladvices1w 33542 mr brian monteith
delivery of legal information andadviceservices building on the experience
delivery of legal information andadviceservices s1w 34859 susan deacon
their comments we took furtheradvicethe legal opinion seems to
32400 which states that legaladvicewas obtained is consistent with
but the police s legaladvicewas that the relevant section
considered we have received legaladvicewhether the subject matter of
executive to invest in independentadviceagencies which are at the
advancing the establishment of independentadviceand advisory services for parents
equality of access to independentadviceand information services and the
local authorities to provide independentadviceand more important to fund
i did not have independentadvicefrom the food standards agency
statutory duty to provide independentadvicegeorge reid s point about
pensioners may receive independent financialadvicein relation to the proposed
is difficult to get independentadvicems macdonald none of the
will receive fully independent financialadviceprior to the proposed changes
duty adequately to fund independentadviceservices the new burdens must
local authorities to provide independentadvicethat is essential george lyon
from government to provide independentadviceto government on matters of
council to provide funding andadviceto independent and smaller arts
stands for independent special educationadvicewhich is a scotland wide
the executive has provided nationaladviceand guidance how do you
north sea if so whatadviceand guidance it gave and
other body to provide expertadviceand guidance on the impact
authority is provided with appropriateadviceand guidance recognising the existence
the previous guidance that thatadvicecontravenes i can give you
that generality the provision ofadviceguidance or a material thing
ask the scottish executive whatadviceor guidance has been issued
to better provision of financialadviceand counselling to reduce the
are often in receipt ofadviceand sometimes even take advice
approach them er got theiradviceand took their advice on
advice people who received thatadvicebenefited hugely from understanding better
conflicting advice they were gettingadvicefrom us saying one thing
were receiving and that thatadvicehas contradicted the advice that
advice and sometimes even takeadviceit seems to me that
their advice and took theiradviceon board and er basically
partnership and others provided benefitsadvicepeople who received that advice
that advice has contradicted theadvicethat you as union representatives
that ministers were getting conflictingadvicethey were getting advice from
about self factoring and receivedadvicefrom j [censored: surname] and a
2000 when it last receivedadvicefrom the joint committee on
7 december 2001 whether anyadvicehas been received concerning the
the scottish executive whether anyadvicehas been received from the
and its grounds and whatadvicehas been received s1w 4809
if she s got anyadvicei ve received two letters
ask the scottish executive whatadviceit has received on whether
the scottish executive what scientificadviceit received in connection with
the provisions however the professionaladvicethat i have received is
powers the first minister theadvicethat i received is that
officer will you share theadvicethat you have received and
clarification what is the bestadvicethat you have received on
s government and b alladvicewhich it has received in
by nurse practitioners who provideadviceand help on a range
they provide such as contraceptionadvicemethadone dispensing domiciliary oxygen and
circumstances and provide snh withadviceon behalf of the partnership
to provide the nhs withadviceon new health technologies including
and are happy to provideadviceon that matter mr davidson
mcconnell we hope that theadvicethat puk would provide would
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
legacy paper which will provideadviceto its successor committee based
sqa to provide support andadviceto teachers on how to
of the commission to provideadviceto the scottish ministers on
the provision of information andadviceand paragraph 5 is concerned
years the provision of confidentialadviceinformation and support from qualified
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland amendment order 2003 ssi
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland amendment order 2003 ssi
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland amendment order 2003 ssi
care application and provision ofadvicescotland amendment order 2003 ssi
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland amendment order 2003 ssi
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland order 2002 ssi 2002
care applications and provision ofadvicescotland order 2002 ssi 2002
the provision of central moneyadvicesupport functions other than with
provision of resource information andadviceto help directors to improve
the provision of information oradvicewhich the scottish ministers propose
at what stage and whatadviceit gave regarding the changes
were produced these guidelines gaveadviceon the learning and teaching
explaining the basis of theadvicethat i gave the chairman
the election that was theadvicethat robert burns gave in
that are involved however theadvicethat you gave earlier and
of that was that theadvicethat you gave to the
literary and patriotic they gaveadviceto aspiring poets but celebrated
according to the chairman theadviceyou gave him at the
for support based on theadviceand support that they need
of soundly based education andadvicefor the public and considers
a borders based service itsadviceline covers the whole of
other agencies such as moneyadviceagencies is simply irreplaceable the
that the providers of moneyadvicefunded by the additional 3
on central support for moneyadviceis open to organisations and
on central support for moneyadvicemeets and whether the minutes
on central support for moneyadvices1w 32371 tommy sheridan to
on central support for moneyadvices1w 32372 tommy sheridan to
on central support for moneyadvices1w 32375 fiona mcleod to
develop the effectiveness of moneyadviceservices which are delivered into
central support services for moneyadvicewhat steps it has taken
to ask the citizen sadvicebureau for their pamphlet on
by the presiding officer onadvicefrom the parliamentary bureau time
are given a little informedadviceagainst the background of the
who would receive the sameadviceas had been given to
they were also being givenadviceby their usual sources we
given the consistency of youradvicedo you feel that any
take in response to theadvicegiven by the uk national
such bodies and of theadvicegiven by them supported by
to it in relation toadvicegiven to ministers by civil
policy areas for example aboutadvicegiven to ministers on the
given me invaluable support andadvicei look forward to renewing
structure that ensures that expertadviceis given to parliamentarians so
to any such expenditure whatadviceit has given the forum
debate on education consultation whatadviceit was given regarding the
cause he s given usadvicekeeping us oan the right
sarah boyack that is theadvicethat i have been given
is not the information andadvicethat i have been given
officer mr george reid theadvicethat i have been given
can say is that thatadvicewas given in good faith
to give people information andadviceabout the qualifications however that
act and c ensuring thatadviceand information about those rights
social services for help andadviceand information did not appear
achieved such change the youthadviceand information project provides young
the postwatch remit includes providingadviceand information representing the views
special mention to the stonehavenadviceand information resource stair project
including enquire the national senadviceand information service that is
private and voluntary sectors transactionsadviceand information will be available
by them such information andadviceas may be necessary to
project provides young people withadviceinformation and a referral service
2000 the information help andadvicethat it has provided and
with providing resources information andadviceto help directors to improve
or under their control includingadvicefrom civil servants to ministers
officials and ministers concerning policyadviceobserves that other parliaments with
scottish ministers regularly take expertadviceon all aspects of their
minister is relevant and thatadviceto ministers may become part
civil servant in question aboutadviceto ministers unless the questions
buildings grants conservation area issuesadviceto scottish ministers and the
ministers who were hearing conflictingadviceto think that some anxieties
of the central aberdeenshire youthadviceproject by refusing a grant
tommy sheridan central aberdeenshire youthadviceproject that the parliament deplores
way forward the convener myadvicefrom the clerk is that
access to the curriculum providingadviceand support for children and
to progress and whether theadviceand support from partnerships uk
the federation to access businessadviceand support from the enterprise
to ensure that the properadviceand support is available for
projects that are already receivingadviceand support through the mechanisms
nppg 3 under a policyadvicenote to support nppg 11
the area i would appreciateadviceon whether the proposed regulations
current petitions sleep apnoea pe367adviceservices pe396 deaf and hard
that agreed members indicated agreementadviceservices pe396 the convener next
from which it is takingadvicehave taken any account of
from which it is takingadvicehave taken any account of
from which it is takingadvicehave taken any account of
from which it is takingadvicehave taken any account of
an adviser and taken properadviceon some of the issues
taken in terms of theadvicethat was offered continuous contact
has always been aimed thatadvicewas not taken i do
give people the best possibleadvicebut one would not have
moon can give us scientificadvicefollowing the committee s report
can give me some moreadviceif i did get a
was set up to giveadviceon the management of incidents
i presume continued to giveadvicethat was at variance with
did you give the wrongadviceto the chairman on both
have dabbled the convener whatadvicewould you give to people
am always willing to giveadviceyou will simply have to
aye m1022: now that sadviceyou would give t- in
communing or seeking and takingadviceand help from the devil
criminal record checks or foradviceand help in processing applications
to customers when they seekadviceand help much more needs
take seriously colin campbell sadviceabout propellants and ejector seats
prepared to take my ownadviceand try another language next
however we could still takeadvicefor others to pick up
i decided to take someadvicefrom my colleague angus mackay
a new brief would takeadvicefrom the appropriate advisers it
in this area i takeadvicefrom the food standards agency
might have to take someadvicei can see that the
did m608: did you takeadvicelocally for that yeah yeah
perhaps we need to takeadviceon how we can achieve
that yeah yeah m1174: takeadviceon on what we should
we will need to takeadviceon that and be prepared
in the order and takeadviceon that des mcnulty i
have to take solicitor sadviceon that hugh henry i
i suggest that we takeadviceon the matter i would
a matter to take furtheradviceor even to go to
and i can take theiradviceor reject it as i
been more likely to takeadviceother than that of the
listed but i will takeadvicethe convener we will have
choose to take in hisadviceto parliamentary colleagues the convener
stage might want to takeadvicewe know what we would
countries muir russell the bestadviceis to go through the
in june 2001 and givesadviceon best practice concerning consultation
is annabel goldie s bestadviceon how to deal with
we have the best professionaladvicethat is available in the
pay which was the bestadvicethat we could offer him
all some of the bestadvicewhen he wrote in his
presently organised in scotland suchadviceis seldom sought furthermore some
local authority committees ignore theadviceof such panels throughout scotland
implementation of a national careersadviceservice for scotland along similar
and therefore strongly rejects anyadvicethat would close scotland s
fishing communities but rejects anyadviceto close scotland s mixed
parks for scotland snh sadviceto government perth 9 stirling
scotland scottish natural heritage sadviceto government snh perth 12
parks for scotland snh sadviceto government snh perth 5
whether it will publish theadviceon which the minister for
2002 whether it provided anyadviceto the operators of hm
have been issued against theadvicearising from any such consultation
of activities such as leisureadvicecentres which are crucial care
be appropriate to seek itsadvicein the terms of such
we should consider giving suchadvicenationally we should be able
communicate with and seek theadviceof bodies such as the
scientific grounds for overriding theadviceon any such occasions will
touch screens free phone expertadvicesessions from specialists such as
issues and micro decisions myadvicesuch as it would be
access to existing sources ofadvicesuch as published reports and
privy council acts on theadviceof government and consults scottish
to believe that on theadviceof the spanish government the
the development of snh sadvicethis was issued to government
open air recreation snh sadviceto government perth 1999 13
snh seem confident that theiradviceto government regarding the reform
be appropriate snh in theiradvicedo not make any proposals
the advisability of having hisadvicein any reorganisation i think
is also involved in givingadvicecare of the elderly child
care co ordinator and cjdadvicenetwork but acknowledges the devastating
care will she follow theadviceof the chief nursing officer
culture and sport committee 2002adviceto ndpbs local authorities the
that he was receiving conflictingadviceat that stage from hmi
major event strategy with professionaladvicefrom a company called objective
it has consulted or soughtadvicefrom in relation to implementation
us saying one thing andadvicefrom other sources hmi and
coats of stuffed canvas askadvicefrom our nature correspondant about
day thirdly we need honestadvicefrom our nearest and dearest
policy i suspect that ignoringadvicefrom panels is a widespread
a major increase in housingadvicefrom the cabx my point
for you to withdraw theadvicefrom the clerks is that
started to form but theadvicefrom the clerks is that
galloway and that they tookadvicefrom the scottish environment protection
2000 regarding the latest scientificadvicefrom the special committee on
state that members could seekadvicefrom the standards committee clerk
that the member should seekadvicefrom the standards committee via
rules some had mixed upadvicenotes from different packets this
benefit from platinum paclitaxel therapyadvicereceive it s1w 6011 mary
i cannot recall when myadviceshifted from yes i think
that we are responding toadvicethat comes direct from the
traffic but other traffic whatadvicedoes she offer the council
and people and by theadviceof jesuits and other wicked
say is that had theadvicethat we and other unions
professionals on the other whoseadvicewas he following david eaglesham
a widow sounds like goodadvicewhat was the other she
to receive more calls seekingadviceas its response makes clear
but the independence of itsadvicemust be protected for the
executive with regard to planningadvicenotice no 36 what its
banks of devon and itsadviceon elocution and delivery is
account even of its ownadvicethat the person can have
a withdrawal of its scientificadvicetherefore it does not alter
board has not withdrawn itsadviceto me there is clearly
majesties by and with theadviceand consent of the lords
majesty by and with theadviceand consent of the lords
laws and did by theadviceof wicked and evil counsellors
with concern the poor policyadvicerelating to glasgow provided by
agricultural college with the businessadviceservice offered by scottish enterprise
use of these powers thisadviceshould be by means of
improving access to the healthadvicethat is offered by pharmacies
on what date or datesadvicewas provided by shepherd and
all of whom offered theiradviceas witnesses during the stage
know their children but thatadviceis of no use when
how seriously they took theadviceof their patron and king
everyone that if anyone wishedadviceon the security of their
days was according to theiradviceplus what we thought the
the past three years theiradvicewas invaluable in ensuring that
and further her majesty withadviceaforesaid expressly declares and statutes
thanks for aw that guidadviceagain and when things get
to marace dareau for heradviceand comments in the preparation
farmers within arbuthnott parish tookadviceand decided to start a
to broadly follow the scientificadviceand for the council to
health promotion and screening dietaryadviceand minor operations ensure that
short term specific modifications toadviceand procedures relating to allotment
local authorities particularly for securingadviceand providing temporary accommodation for
act 1982 i took hisadviceand pursued the matter with
the scottish parliament to offeradviceand training a to those
can often mean giving peopleadviceand training them in new
and pipe insulation and energyadviceand up to four energy
and a half of freeadviceas happens in england would
weekly drop in cafe andadvicecentre for residents in the
mentioned the islay and juraadvicecentre which is about to
handle this michael russell youradviceconvener and that of the
produce homelessness strategies to secureadvicefor homeless people and to
in terms of finance andadvicefor members of the public
translations into scots and writingadvicefor scottish poets in the
aboot the suggestions made theadvicegiein and hou we were
as and insert latest medicaladviceindicates that it would be
as and insert latest medicaladviceindicates that it would be
ask the scottish executive whatadviceit has sought and obtained
healthy eating and healthy livingadviceline and website should make
environmental impact assessments and policyadvicenote 58 guidelines the petition
end up believing on theadviceof civil servants and lawyers
that mr mcclure followed theadviceof the lord chancellor and
also to be found thereadviceon essay writing and examination
on bad building work andadviceon household security next meeting
exemplar materials marking schemes andadviceon how to avoid duplication
and sir david steel sadviceon the business of the
and improving the quality ofadviceon the health of fish
almost seamless as regards theadvicethat people were receiving and
to delivers two homilies ofadviceto king and to courtier
of environment and waste resourceadviceunits in all large business
officers will be present securityadvicewill be available and a
can get therapies and benefitsadviceyou can also get a
some degree we ignore hisadviceat our peril he has
ask the scottish executive whatadviceit has sought about the
ask the scottish executive whatadviceit has sought or obtained
to listen to the strongadvicethat she has been offered
the extent to which theadvicethe virtually unanimous but separately
russell the second piece ofadviceto which you referred was
they were puzzled about whichadvicewas correct they were convinced
on the local chemist foradvicewhich might be on a
know that it is valuableadvicewhich we will ponder for
which clinicians should look foradvicewithin the overall increases in
people who are delivering theadviceare not getting funded cathie
involve giving people welfare benefitsadvicefor example i think that
very well to create anadviceline but if the people
2005 all children receive dietaryadvicepatient choice people coming into
about where to seek furtheradvicebuild on the scottish executive
on 15 february is soundadviceessentially it advises committee conveners
ask the scottish executive whatadviceit provides on treating schizophrenia
s1m 3370 paul martin policyadviceon glasgow in the post
to thank charlie collins foradviceon matters maritime fraser hunter
scottish needs assessment programme producedadviceon protection against detection of
border rivers we may needadviceon that we might also
angus mackay the snp sadviceon the budget process i
the convener do we requireadviceon the european convention on
wrocht thir guidelines gied ootadviceon the learnin an teachin
report i ask for youradviceon what procedure should be
l gie ye sum guidadvicepit you yeir hat on
will not rely solely onadvicethat is channelled through organisations
are in the area ofadviceto schools on implementation rather
agency or individual for thisadvices1w 24692 michael russell to
ask the scottish executive whatadviceis available to parents of
ask the scottish executive whatadviceis provided regarding the transport
to ask a lot ofadviceoff linguists you know m741:
to see doc ask heradvicere exercise swimming etc wednesday
to ask you for thatadvicethe presiding officer that is
this bill what is youradvicegavin corbett chartered institute of
contemporary society the committee sadvicewould be that the general
issued or plans to issueadviceto local authorities similar to
heintze s translations he offersadviceabout dealing with the songs
have to listen to clinicaladvicea scottish intercollegiate guidelines network
belittle scottish poets they keyadvicein this passage is ye
did not adopt the scientistsadvicefor a complete closure of
going to go against thatadvicebecause he put it much
place early to secure theadvicefor the work force that
had learned to follow heradvicehe shrugged off insults sticks
all very well to haveadvicelines but not if the
working group to have theadviceof the western isles council
to the petitioner along withadvicethere is apparently a very
so there was not muchadviceto assist children in avoiding
ever helped or offered businessadviceto firms that pitched for
in her later letters ofadviceto florence mcneill carswell was
the previous day the policeadviceto her was to install
eavesdropping male the widow sadviceto her younger friends parodies
not need much more scientificadviceto make it obvious that
closeness permitted lyndsay to offeradviceto the king freely suggesting
or organisation the convener theadviceis that it should be
or m608: okay m1174: religiousadvicereligious articles erm middle east
im lookin newsin or offerinadvicetae neen o fit e
in the tenor of theadvicethat hmi or the hsdu
that suggests that hmi sadvicechanged over that period we
that provides that community withadvicecould go out of business
ensuring that the proper professionaladviceis available for those who
16th century genre of poeticadvicethat had originated in europe
things were pretty dreadful youradvicethat the data gap was
lodged in english but theadvicethat the paper sets out
almost every page there isadvicethat the sheets may be
unless i receive totally unambiguousadvicethat the trials will pose
james smith that is myadvicethe registrar general s argument
possibly illegal once again thatadvicewas ignored 12 00 the
the convener that is wiseadvicewe must find out the
be called in for specialistadvicea cost may be incurred
hearken tae yer ma sadvicefor a m no gaun
worth while 15 carlyle sadviceis not misplaced for if
july the tenor of theadvicechanged michael russell the second
wis aye ready wi wiseadvicein times of illness she
unanimous but separately arrived atadviceof the teaching unions representing
boxes ryped an stown awaadvicetae a hyterer the leerip
en he tuik puggie sadviceafore mine an efter gainin
a ll tak grandfaither sadvicean no be greetin sair
juist tae spice this duffadvicegies haunle wrang an aa
wickedly angelica an a thisadvicei m gettin it s
ere lang mother goose sadvicenoo listen goslings gaither roon

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