See this word as a collocate cloud
schuil buses n thar s | ae | aspeck o the ethos o |
medical student thar hed haen | ae | bit o ae nervous brekdoon |
eet aa afore thar s | ae | bit o covenanter histor conneckit |
wisna thar whan a wis | ae | callant at parteeklar place wis |
m wrang whan a wis | ae | callant thar wur anerlie the |
nor sweet whan a wur | ae | callant thar wur saivrel servans |
o todshawhauch whan a wur | ae | callant thar wur twae ferm |
eet sayed at thar wurnae | ae | dale o gratiteed shawn tae |
borth ick waitter thar s | ae | fouth o ither literature aboot |
an thay wur thar fur | ae | gey wheen ear n twae |
fermers an wur thar fur | ae | gey wheen yeir mr roedemor |
callant thar wur anerlie the | ae | hoose it elrig bot sin |
laist wheen centuries thar wis | ae | joiners business it the wudfit |
shuid mint at thar wur | ae | keb hoose aboot halflins atweesh |
tells uz at thar wis | ae | kirk fornenst the grave yaird |
brigade pipe band hei marriet | ae | lass frae lanarkshire or thar |
til ma faither thar s | ae | lot o ma forebears lyin |
husband dyed appearinlie thar wur | ae | lull i the mid o |
o eilrig hoose thar s | ae | man made loch an a |
frae glesca an hed been | ae | medical student thar hed haen |
an wis apent i 1983 | ae | myle or thar aboot ferther |
hed eet at thar wur | ae | pot o gowd buiriet anenst |
frae the hous thar wis | ae | rectangular wudden biggin whilk wis |
i 1940 thar wur aye | ae | servan lass i the mulsintoun |
mulsintoun inner hill thar s | ae | sheep stell ca d the |
at thar wur yince upo | ae | tyme ae whuskie stell it |
airlie 1950 s thar wis | ae | tyme whan his marrow an |
pynt thar yaised tae bei | ae | weir athort the river borth |
wheen menyie bade thar fur | ae | wheen days it antrin tymes |
s ay mrs forman an | ae | wheen menyie bade thar fur |
names thar ye hae eet | ae | wheen o ma thochts an |
life an deyd thar juist | ae | wheen yeir sin a ve |
til thar whan shei wis | ae | young wuman the yae musicianer |
hed his ain plane fur | ae | gei wheen yeir n the |
nou fur ae wheen yeir | ae | george menzies bade in that |
chynge the substitution o juist | ae | gey wheen common standart english |
monie days ae week fur | ae | gey wheen ear efter eck |
marrow an hei wrocht fur | ae | gey wheen ear i the |
chisholm hoose hes been fur | ae | gey wheen ear nou awned |
ane articulated vehicle an shiftit | ae | gey wheen fellt treis n |
yid kan dae ay fur | ae | gey wheen generations n doun |
sic is the haunt o | ae | gey wheen o the population |
mill an bade yonder fur | ae | gey wheen yeir a mynd |
efter hevin bade yonder fur | ae | gey wheen yeir an a |
the gairdner it hoscote fur | ae | gey wheen yeir an serd |
herdin whaur hei wur fur | ae | gey wheen yeir n a |
the mulsintoun servan lass fur | ae | gey wheen yeir n ella |
ferm an wur yonder fur | ae | gey wheen yeir n mr |
ick waitter it s efter | ae | gey wheen yeir o aff |
roberton schuil ay at s | ae | gey wheen yeir sin nou |
flittit intil the toun hawick | ae | guid wheen ear sin nou |
hes seeminlie been bidin fur | ae | guid wheen yeir nou borth |
an mei whan a wur | ae | laddie aince strippit ae wheen |
the borth ick waitter wis | ae | smiddy an ae wheen mae |
the business sae monie days | ae | week fur ae gey wheen |
the hill end yonner is | ae | wheen auld treis up on |
the ootbye post job fur | ae | wheen ear auld watt s |
it the haugh yonner fur | ae | wheen ear it the stert |
s scott thair son deyd | ae | wheen ear sin bot the |
tom scott o mulsintoun hes | ae | wheen intrestin things tae say |
waitter wis ae smiddy an | ae | wheen mae hooses the place |
meenister wuid lyke tae say | ae | wheen mair wurds auld mag |
beuk anenst historical facks an | ae | wheen maist informative airticles bi |
wecht til whit a read | ae | wheen month sin whar it |
i this quarter oo hae | ae | wheen o afrikaaners whae hev |
generations the fallaen leet is | ae | wheen o thaim documents thit |
apposeet ilk ither nou than | ae | wheen o the forebeirers o |
adventursum an help thairsels til | ae | wheen o the meenister s |
wur ae laddie aince strippit | ae | wheen slates af its ruif |
maw the gress an efter | ae | wheen strakes wi the scythe |
uimour yid hed n nou | ae | wheen thochts aboot mulsintoun ferm |
twae bunk bed nou fur | ae | wheen yeir ae george menzies |
the scotts o mulsintoun fur | ae | wheen yeir an left tae |
the wudburn ferm cottages an | ae | wheen yeir efter at thay |
his marrow bade yonner fur | ae | wheen yeir i the 1939 |
a wur up borth ick | ae | wheen yeir sin a wur |
sayed til yid it s | ae | bryant an may at yow |
cuid label yid is hevin | ae | drink problem fer frae eet |
it 6 o clock whit | ae | glorious sense o uimour yid |
whan aathin wis gangin ithoot | ae | hanker yid wis his auld |
say til um gie mei | ae | haund o yer scythe yid |
askit um tae gei um | ae | haund wi yid nichol whae |
burn side tae gie yid | ae | hertnin bot hei wisna verra |
at biggin yaised tae bei | ae | hoose whaur forbeirs o yid |
wur whan yid wis daein | ae | lambin fur the bryden s |
yid smilt tae himsell wi | ae | leuk o saitisfaction on his |
gien the umwhile yid nichol | ae | lift hame tae the haugh |
blast it yid an wi | ae | lood steven she sayed til |
guid hertitness ay yid wis | ae | man wi ae warm sense |
abreid tae wurk yid scott | ae | smeddumfu man whae wis the |
haugh yid nichol shawit mei | ae | sowderin job at bobbie hed |
graff yaird yid aw on | ae | suddent sayed til ma faither |
yid wis ae man wi | ae | warm sense o uimour an |
wisna tae bei fund efter | ae | whyle yid wis seen walkin |
i his tyme yid is | ae | ying man wis fur ae |
ferrier blacksmith whae deyd fallaen | ae | accident whan feshin hame ae |
ick mains a mynd on | ae | addie wulson whae sat anenst |
jimmy whae wur eddicatit it | ae | boardin schuil is laddies hame |
whae deyd it ootersyde hevin | ae | cataract operation i the 1930 |
whae a m telt smuikit | ae | cley pipe an whan sittin |
a reca bidin yonner wis | ae | couple whae hed kum doon |
leeved it craik sheil wis | ae | davie riddle whae played the |
hed fowre or five o | ae | faimlie whae a gaed tae |
marrow mrs reid whae wis | ae | fell eident hard wurkin wuman |
whae hed kum doon frae | ae | ferm job anenst cape wrath |
waitter rob jackson whae wis | ae | ferst kizzen o ma maternal |
per on t thum wur | ae | gleg langheidit couple whae wur |
jockie wis aye kent is | ae | guid maister whae leukit weel |
whae wis glib cuid tell | ae | guid storie an cuid speak |
thum aw philhope aye hed | ae | herd laddie whae bade i |
wolfcleuch heid wis biggit fur | ae | herd whae s marrow hed |
thair dochter lizzie whae marriet | ae | john rettie whaes surviving bairns |
confirmt it wur him an | ae | june morrison whae gin mae |
his wife a mynd on | ae | laddie whae bade it mabonslaw |
bade yonner whan shei wur | ae | lassie hir man whae belangit |
gleg langheidit wuman whae hednae | ae | lazy inch i hir bodie |
bade it deanburnhaugh whae hed | ae | life tyme o dailins wi |
hou his wife whae wis | ae | londoner spak braid scots wi |
it deanburnhaugh whae wis is | ae | matter o fack ma maternal |
schuil the infant teacher wis | ae | miss scott whae a mynd |
hoscote ludge bot it wur | ae | mr an mrs ailison whae |
bit ferst the herd wis | ae | mr dickson whae hed fowre |
wull wis the herd fur | ae | mr fasson whae bade i |
hae keepit ae swuird handie | ae | mr hedley whae hailed frae |
whan a wis born wis | ae | mr moffat whae hed twae |
transpired an efter ae whilie | ae | netta jirdin whae wis helping |
paul hunter the son o | ae | new zealand sheep fermer whae |
maitter o fack wei hed | ae | photo o tammy whae walkit |
accidently whan trainin tae bei | ae | pilot teddy whae gat wurk |
the 11 year auld in | ae | schuil i lanarkshire whae lackit |
umwhile wullie murray whae wis | ae | traint gairdner an bade i |
whit hed transpired an efter | ae | whilie ae netta jirdin whae |
schuil a sat nixt til | ae | wullie tait whae bade it |
frae coventry city shei wis | ae | yibble gleg langheidit wuman whae |
ettle tae lair tae flei | ae | airplane an hei hed his |
wi mechanical things hei convertit | ae | auld morris cowley car intil |
i hawick hei wud gie | ae | bit stagger an tak off |
ha yill waitter hei wis | ae | brither o auld wull scott |
ongangins in an aboot auchterarder | ae | day hei upset the umwhile |
faimlie whan hei wur killt | ae | day wi his ain tractor |
collogues wi um on monie | ae | differn subjeck hei wis weill |
tae embro whaur hei hed | ae | drink problem ae rather waesome |
auld morris cowley car intil | ae | ferm tractor hei put ane |
hei wis ance askit bi | ae | fermer tae hae ae go |
hei wrocht fur ma faither | ae | gey bit whan oo wur |
langish nibbie an hei hed | ae | gey strang heather loup weil |
sumbodie ay mr saiperater s | ae | gey yaisless craiter hei wunnae |
at hei likes better than | ae | guid auld fashont crack n |
hei wis ae man wi | ae | hertie appetite an hei wis |
walk wi speed hei yaised | ae | langish nibbie an hei hed |
wurds auld mag reponed in | ae | lood steven howt hei hes |
hain his expenses hei wis | ae | man wi ae hertie appetite |
hei hed ae drink problem | ae | rather waesome story n masel |
tyne brewery business hei hed | ae | rolls royce car an gin |
it yae tyme hei traivelt | ae | stallion ca d johnson victor |
towe wi whan hei wis | ae | student i scotland mebbies it |
johnson victor roond perthshire whan | ae | younger man hei hed sum |
the haugh til thair schuil | ae | blithsome hertitsome sicht div ee |
an adam ahint thum it | ae | boarding schuil doun england an |
afore it wur convertit intil | ae | hoose wis the auld schuil |
frae the schuil aften cadged | ae | hurl on yin o the |
a gaed tae roberton schuil | ae | jock balmer roadman an his |
estate nou whan a wur | ae | laddie gangin til roberton schuil |
the oreeginal auld schuil wis | ae | laich biggin wi ae theekit |
gaed tae hawick hie schuil | ae | mrs elliot bade yonder shei |
been the fack thit is | ae | schuil bairn i the scottis |
ex pupil o at schuil | ae | wuman hed veesitit the haugh |
gaed tae roberton schuil fur | ae | yeir or twae afore retourin |
skills wur gritlie improved in | ae | bi multilingul cless room setting |
ick waitter thair aince wur | ae | brig owre the borth ick |
wolfcleuch heid whan a wur | ae | callant jockie tailfer fermer o |
borth ick whan a wur | ae | callant little or nae extreme |
telt mei wur bidin in | ae | cooncil hoose up yonner ay |
polis station anenst howcleuchshiel wur | ae | day ribbin the road fornenst |
wulson s wur musicianers an | ae | day whan ma sister wis |
oot yits it wur nae | ae | drap mair an nae ae |
is ae laddie it wur | ae | hive o thrangity fock gangin |
embro awaird comatee wur gaen | ae | hunner yeir lease o the |
1950 a think it wur | ae | jock scott an faimlie thit |
born an brocht up is | ae | laddie a wur ae raigler |
kent mulsintoun ferm toun is | ae | laddie it wur ae hive |
o yarrow whan a wur | ae | laddie up borth ick oral |
estate manager wis in haen | ae | leuk it hou oo wur |
wur the days n is | ae | matter o fack mr an |
an whan thay wur haein | ae | meltith it the meltith buird |
it wur yestreen it wur | ae | muinless nicht fair pit derk |
wur brocht back til life | ae | picter o lealtie an hou |
is ae laddie a wur | ae | raigler veesitor it philhope ay |
ca d eildrig marcie whit | ae | stey brae it wur n |
middle hoose whan a wur | ae | teenage loun the smiddy sei |
faither an whan a wur | ae | teenager ma faither an mei |
hope hoose whan a wur | ae | teenager wei teuk or motor |
i the trenches it passendale | ae | tyme whan wei wur haein |
wur yince upo ae tyme | ae | whuskie stell it hoscote sheil |
teviot a wur telt monnie | ae | yeir sin at afore the |
been descrived is ane expert | ae | big wurd sae it hed |
an mrs sandie reid hed | ae | biggish faimlie sons an dochters |
deyd shei an nellie hed | ae | bit o ae sma haudin |
mr an mrs wulson hed | ae | callant ca d bertie gif |
nou than whan a wis | ae | callant local oral histor hed |
hed ae fareweel praisentation o | ae | clock whan shei left tae |
i the borders a hed | ae | crack wi eck s youngest |
ma relief tae lair in | ae | cuttie skrieve at a hed |
george hed ae hert attack | ae | day whan drivin his car |
oral tradition hed eet at | ae | day whan watt an his |
thair horses it ay monie | ae | drink a hed yonner whan |
mynd on weel shei hed | ae | fareweel praisentation o ae clock |
k hed been foondit on | ae | federal seestem the feck o |
conversation sic is shei hed | ae | habit o makin the fallaen |
horsburgh innerleithin ay george hed | ae | hert attack ae day whan |
wyre fencing john hed been | ae | hind aa his wurkin life |
ae caup o tei an | ae | jammie piece shei hed ae |
at hoscote sheil hed been | ae | kinda sma haudin on its |
the pairish post maister is | ae | maitter o fack wei hed |
tho we ve saved the | ae | man we ve hed the |
hed haen ae bit o | ae | nervous brekdoon an hed failed |
his familie hed adae wi | ae | newcastle upo tyne brewery business |
ae jammie piece shei hed | ae | pouerfu steven an ane cuid |
club hed thair meetings on | ae | raigler fittin ma muther yaised |
naem but the wifie hed | ae | readie tung i hir heid |
o uimour an ey hed | ae | readie tung i his heid |
nellie hed ae bit o | ae | sma haudin yonder anenst thair |
bade yonder mrs balmer hed | ae | unique turn o phrase whan |
played the accordion an whan | ae | young man hed his ain |
cryit carolyne an georgina welsh | ae | faimlie ca d mcwhir bade |
on t thum wis at | ae | faimlie ca d ripeth bade |
seiven bairns sax quines an | ae | loon they bade in a |
the haugh yince bade is | ae | matter o fack a m |
bade thare tae vershinin at | ae | tyme ah leeved in the |
bade in gret content frae | ae | year s end til anither |
tyme the war but the | ae | baw weill it sae happent |
it yae tyme wis haein | ae | collogue wi ae potential herd |
wis aince upo ae tyme | ae | drovin halt fur drovers an |
flittit throwe i that airt | ae | gey lang tyme syne nou |
tae gie mag an nellie | ae | heize i the hey tyme |
an yae tyme whan dain | ae | hey tyme fur watt davies |
tyme gaed in brawlie or | ae | ill day the queen fell |
grandsons serred his tyme fur | ae | joiner it the haugh wi |
employment oor leevin in o | ae | maist onsiccar tyme i the |
tyme a doot mebbies hauf | ae | mile up the haugh burn |
knicht juist haud on nou | ae | thing at a tyme ah |
needna fash yeirsell juist dae | ae | thing at a tyme the |
kum housomever the lambin bein | ae | thrang tyme fur sheep fermers |
norhope haugh wis aince upo | ae | tyme ae drovin halt fur |
sulfur up the lum at | ae | tyme ah thocht he wes |
the firth ah thocht at | ae | tyme ah wes gaun ti |
turnin blek aw ower at | ae | tyme it wes aw the |
drink owre mukkil at the | ae | tyme or she l stert |
up the kirk wynd at | ae | tyme the war aye rabbits |
owre terribil ti hear aboot | ae | tyme whan the hairns war |
the tyme an fur monie | ae | yeir after made littil or |
here winter wadnae enter nur | ae | ae heich wird be heard |
ae he promised me his | ae | best pair i ever set |
a spider in a neuk | ae | breeze ae roch win s |
wis aither ae son or | ae | brither til the local joiner |
wis ae laddie bobbie wis | ae | byordinar skeelie tradesman plumbin paintin |
ruins o ae hoose an | ae | byre ca d hoscote sheil |
listenin til an at s | ae | cassette recordin o ae crack |
ae accident whan feshin hame | ae | caulf frae meadshaw mr bowie |
an affen enjoyt hir hospitalitie | ae | caup o tei an ae |
which wuppen open yow you | ae | copie o ae maist yaisfu |
s ae cassette recordin o | ae | crack atween ian w landles |
days n aye jimmy wis | ae | daub haund wi ae gairden |
ah l wait for ye | ae | day an ae nicht an |
but the ae spring but | ae | day o blatterin wund thay |
ae gey bit grund in | ae | days darg wiooten onie wannecessar |
nae ae drap less ay | ae | dooms siccar man n that |
ae drap mair an nae | ae | drap less ay ae dooms |
on the laich road aboot | ae | fardel o ae myle doon |
the steps an wi the | ae | fuit an the ae neive |
wis ae daub haund wi | ae | gairden spade an cuid turn |
a wis ae teenager did | ae | gei bit o wurk on |
spade an cuid turn owre | ae | gey bit grund in ae |
bi ae fermer tae hae | ae | go it trappin his mowdies |
sinsyne whit ae howp whit | ae | gospel an whit ae saufier |
eftir anither ah ve haen | ae | guid wyfe an an ae |
toorin adie lintrin adie toorin | ae | he promised me his ae |
winter wadnae enter nur ae | ae | heich wird be heard like |
rig ir the ruins o | ae | hoose an ae byre ca |
the same agane sinsyne whit | ae | howp whit ae gospel an |
ae guid wyfe an an | ae | ill ane ae wumman soud |
an nellie whan he wis | ae | laddie bobbie wis ae byordinar |
yow you ae copie o | ae | maist yaisfu scots grammar bi |
bot gin ae mynd richt | ae | man ca d cawmill wis |
road aboot ae fardel o | ae | myle doon frae the burnfit |
wis aboot ae thrid o | ae | myle up the manse burn |
i ma heid bot gin | ae | mynd richt ae man ca |
the ae fuit an the | ae | neive he beltit the doors |
for ye ae day an | ae | nicht an ye wul cum |
ir i ae respek aw | ae | ou we cuid nivver gie |
man wis fur ae while | ae | polisman i newcastle upon tynne |
wis haein ae collogue wi | ae | potential herd an his wife |
faither an masell ir i | ae | respek aw ae ou we |
in a neuk ae breeze | ae | roch win s reivin cleuk |
whit ae gospel an whit | ae | saufier wei hae i the |
snailie heistit his hornies up | ae | simmer s day ae simmer |
up ae simmer s day | ae | simmer s day ahin a |
scott george scott wis aither | ae | son or ae brither til |
year flouers lest but the | ae | spring but ae day o |
thit he maun hae keepit | ae | swuird handie ae mr hedley |
an mei whan a wis | ae | teenager did ae gei bit |
wis ae laich biggin wi | ae | theekit ruif an wis fludit |
meenister s manse wis aboot | ae | thrid o ae myle up |
ae ying man wis fur | ae | while ae polisman i newcastle |
an an ae ill ane | ae | wumman soud be soud be |
icy winds that blaw first | ae | blizzard then anither till thir |
til hir she gaed inti | ae | chaumer eftir anither an ilkane |
the castel an gang inti | ae | chaumer eftir anither leivin nane |
no in the forelaund but | ae | clean straik eftir anither that |
an throwe if it tynes | ae | colour it will get anither |
or anither yin nivver herd | ae | coorse wurd ooten his mooth |
yet ironically is spoken in | ae | dialect or anither by the |
yet ironically is spoken in | ae | dialect or anither by the |
me for ma yairn dis | ae | favor no deserr anither but |
me for ma yairn dis | ae | favor no deserr anither but |
i canny bear to see | ae | guid man efter anither getting |
oot tae play bit first | ae | hornie syne anither wis drookt |
my conscience i ve finished | ae | kit an startet on anither |
we accept the legitimacy of | ae | man buyin and sellin anither |
hir jaiket the sojers as | ae | man sechtit wi pleisur anither |
mairrit again it s been | ae | mishanter eftir anither ah ve |
an greedy wha had swallowed | ae | moose fur breakfast an anither |
forgie ye an wi the | ae | neive he gied him anither |
spit gar anither spit turn | ae | pat gar anither pat play |
for hir syne she said | ae | peat gar anither peat burn |
all have a community of | ae | sort or anither to strive |
peat gar anither peat burn | ae | spit gar anither spit turn |
cross curricular it lowps fae | ae | subject tae anither in the |
ah gied him a cup | ae | tea wi anither dream oan |
again it s juist been | ae | thing eftir anither eilidh maister |
likit tae speel trees for | ae | thing for anither i eest |
an aal hoose ere at | ae | time on be anither lang |
they ll raise a reek | ae | way or anither trust her |
ti git quut o jennie | ae | wey or anither for it |
l git roond this puddok | ae | wey or anither queen ah |
an brek it but first | ae | wey or anither ye maun |
fin it ettlet tae meeve | ae | wye an anither han fin |
fowk ye never see frae | ae | year s end til anither |
3 a m wiooten missin | ae | dance an gey affen wi |
pipe an whan sittin ay | ae | gey bit back frae the |
ma faither an mei did | ae | gey bit o wurk fur |
ma faither an mei did | ae | gey bit o wurk i |
mei an ye ll bei | ae | gey queer leukin bu r |
i maist instances wuid bei | ae | wuman s darg an gey |
back at the watterside nanetheless | ae | august sunday mornin whan aa |
wis telt whan a wis | ae | callant at the praisent herds |
it braidley whan a wis | ae | callant mr an mrs murray |
yonner frae ma speirins whan | ae | callant naebodie wis ivver yibble |
shouther whan on a sudden | ae | day as the hour wis |
the sea foraye binna the | ae | day i the year whan |
mebbies afore ma howdien whan | ae | day ma faither wis gien |
weirit derk tintit glesses an | ae | day whan a leukit it |
guide the wind an wather | ae | day whan he wis striddlin |
quut o hir guid dochter | ae | day whan malcolm wes awa |
kettrens houanever it fell that | ae | day whan thay warna ferr |
aff his heid wi the | ae | dird an whan ye hae |
thaim aw weill thare cam | ae | forenicht whan the war naither |
on the borthauch side wis | ae | horse troch whaur hinds whan |
the pairish whan a wis | ae | laddie than is ma ettle |
it fair gies yer hert | ae | lift whan ane tents the |
reponed a fund masel feelin | ae | lot better an whan a |
his nae wis his nae | ae | man o evendoon rectitude whan |
see whitlyke it wes sae | ae | nicht whan awbodie wes sleepin |
o his guid dochter sae | ae | nicht whan beatrix wes sound |
tammy s hoose wis juist | ae | rickle o stanes whan a |
whan hoscote sheil functiont is | ae | saipret unit an aa ma |
end brig whan aa o | ae | suddent the shedda o twae |
airmie appearinlie wullie sat ahint | ae | table an whan yer naem |
sic lik auld wattie wis | ae | tallentit fiddler an whan ma |
a mynd whan a wis | ae | teenager daein sum joinery i |
28 37 a mynd on | ae | bunt airmstrong an his marrow |
a pause thorfinn ah mynd | ae | day i the back end |
did she no mynd the | ae | lest thing the wyce man |
attitude o mynd conform til | ae | mutual carin for yin anithers |
tae the fore the day | ae | reciprocal attitude o mynd conform |
gin a mynd richt in | ae | training accident a m telt |
man aye gied him the | ae | wairnin nou mynd whit ah |
middle ain a mynd on | ae | wattie airmstrong bein i the |
the wolfcleuch heid an efter | ae | bit matt askit gledson gif |
round til muisic an efter | ae | bittie mrs wulson sayed oot |
i did bump into her | ae | day och lang efter we |
pittin the slates richt efter | ae | gale on yin o his |
an denner a a in | ae | go efter that it wis |
efter at thay muved intil | ae | hoose i hawick a think |
a miller comin oot wi | ae | joke efter the ither finiver |
efter thay flittit tae girnwud | ae | mr an mrs ballantyne fermers |
s son jock mackinnon marrit | ae | nottinghamshire lass juist efter the |
the settle wi fock keeping | ae | periodic ey on um efter |
naw efter a wee bit | ae | practise ah kent just hoo |
intil girnwood ferm ay is | ae | teenager an lang efter a |
1954 an the feck o | ae | towmond i 1960 61 efter |
belang bauld an gallus efter | ae | wee drink young toun crazies |
a bargain efter a a | ae | week it seemed like a |
efter at is weill fur | ae | whyle ma faither an mei |
the harden herd an efter | ae | whyle thay flittit doun til |
up til him sae the | ae | an ane thing for us |
on the main road just | ae | bittie nerrer til hawick wis |
til the hoose ane hes | ae | byous panoramic vizzy richt owre |
tak ma stick til it | ae | clour wi this an it |
he gaed til a fair | ae | day an no anelie never |
him she didna tak til | ae | day caermoulis says ti mysie |
things cam til a heid | ae | day fan thomas fa wis |
hir for his wyfe sae | ae | day he says til his |
soud byde in the sie | ae | day she gaed back til |
a lang year but here | ae | day the queen said til |
aw ken howp s fallaciuss | ae | day the wyfe gaes til |
breingin here an thare frae | ae | end the kinrik til tither |
muir ran up at the | ae | end til a craig wi |
roadwey up til hoscote hoose | ae | george scott i 1909 maks |
til his ain haund is | ae | hill drainer ellot marriet an |
sayed til uz that s | ae | naffu wuman that or wurds |
keing in his steid sae | ae | nicht she says til hir |
fyre an wis brent til | ae | shunder an the fyre engine |
haed been spinnin ti the | ae | syde for ti speak til |
streikit oot athort moscow frae | ae | syde o the toun til |
sayed til um yer nae | ae | torry ir ee kis gif |
o hailie scripter albeid in | ae | tung fremit til oor ain |
o e islands eir wis | ae | almighty lurch fin e sea |
he wis busy it wis | ae | back end fin the mannie |
o the pier it wis | ae | basket tae the box the |
seen i saa d aff | ae | big branch it wis like |
i the road wey stands | ae | biggish biggin wheech wis the |
sure that he wis in | ae | bit an naething broken jist |
manager wis bi naitir blunt | ae | bit coorse an tae the |
aricht i wis still in | ae | bit weel haud awa fae |
flittit intil hawick yon wis | ae | bonnie place tae bide n |
backins wis the burnsyde whit | ae | bonnie place tae bide n |
that aabody wis wytin fur | ae | boorichie o aits stude shimmerin |
the patient s thrapple wi | ae | breenge the nurse wis aside |
ower ticht bra straps in | ae | buik wis a wee pictur |
wis whit ane cuid ca | ae | byproduct o the growthe o |
maun bot kum tae the | ae | conclusion thit he wis o |
he wis in the circle | ae | day an he wis gettin |
heid o the gairden and | ae | day as he wis sleepin |
wis spickin aboot i noticet | ae | day at a een at |
wis in the bakers shop | ae | day buyin some messages fin |
wis up at new deer | ae | day cuttin a wifies girse |
wis pie sellin on setterday | ae | day derek got fer woun |
a wis nae diffrent till | ae | day durin the war an |
i wis up e park | ae | day e picter o at |
they simply plooed it doon | ae | day fin jonsar eck wis |
wullie hid dee d that | ae | day geordie jooks wis takin |
wis deen i saa t | ae | day haadin ower e road |
hame fur minnie an himsel | ae | day he wis comin back |
an in tillt again sae | ae | day i wis going on |
syne turn back an lowse | ae | day in spring tam wis |
at wis bad enyeuch bit | ae | day ma neeper got mair |
at e birds ere wis | ae | day on rum a lang |
french invasion wis expeckit an | ae | day sumane telt the fermer |
oot o im i min | ae | day tee ere wis an |
we wis in the moss | ae | day the old boy an |
warm ma lugs an sae | ae | day when a wis wee |
wis dividit intil ay mebbies | ae | dizen saipret kennels fur the |
gaan tae say wis at | ae | ear a gang o wasps |
s richt enyeuch ere wis | ae | ear i wis up fae |
easy pickins for poachers early | ae | efternuin i wis cannily makin |
gliffed him ower the street | ae | efternuin it wis ower late |
roomie wis coom ceiled at | ae | eyn o e landin an |
wis a bent branch wi | ae | eyn tied back tae mak |
orchard fornenst the hoose wis | ae | favorit haunt fur youth i |
wis the ferst tae hae | ae | ferm fordson tractor up borth |
kittlin wis deid tae danny | ae | fite kittlin luikit much like |
sae ere wis ay company | ae | foreneen i set aff on |
i the napolionic wars appearinlie | ae | french invasion wis expeckit an |
fin he phoned the sawmiil | ae | friday an wis telt there |
a load up there wis | ae | friday mornin the grun wis |
its towes bein pued his | ae | frien wis his sister jenny |
maislee wis on t bein | ae | gamekeepers estaiblishment an on the |
wis whit thay ca d | ae | glaur student it mulsintoun wi |
wis yince heard tae say | ae | goose is raither mukkil fur |
a shawlie fin there wis | ae | great knell an a streak |
pupils maikit for social backgrund | ae | group wis learnit ainly standart |
it nae bother that wis | ae | gweed thing ere wis nae |
heid the storie gans at | ae | haunt o the covenanters wis |
oh aye there wis jist | ae | hiccup you see fin you |
estate manager heid gairdner wis | ae | johnnie howe him an his |
hir roond ay geordie wis | ae | keen dancer an weel a |
sex whasaeiver ettled it the | ae | laa abeen aa wis that |
sort the reef there wis | ae | lad cawed ronald fa worked |
you neest week ere wis | ae | lad nicknamed greedy fa jist |
barn fin it wis teem | ae | lad turnin e tweezelick or |
bank tae ate their piece | ae | lad wis openin up his |
the crossroads wis kilrogie schule | ae | lang chaumer wi a stove |
fowks heids for juist the | ae | language an that language wis |
bluid wis treetlin doon frae | ae | lug an fin jessie liftit |
i the 1980 s wis | ae | mechanical engineer gearbox expert accordin |
isie wis straikin the kittlin | ae | meenit an puuin its fuskers |
fit it wis deein at | ae | meenit i noticet e reek |
o stavert s forefock wis | ae | military general an it the |
twa plumbers tae the hoose | ae | monday mornin it wis an |
dee i left e hoose | ae | mornin it wis intill e |
wis a richt hard frost | ae | mornin it wis jist a |
days fin i cam doon | ae | mornin it wis jist awa |
on the hoscote estate wis | ae | mr bain a ve juist |
fermer o borth cksheils wis | ae | mr mitchell an him alang |
there wis wantin but the | ae | name o wang jin leirsman |
brent doon i 1979 an | ae | new centre wis biggit an |
sicht the hoose an onsteid | ae | new waster yillmuir wis biggit |
wis left my lane ontil | ae | nicht a tread on the |
wis sittin watchin the news | ae | nicht an his bleed began |
wis aboot six o clock | ae | nicht as jonsar eck sat |
sat watching the t v | ae | nicht he wis a wee |
about him ducat wis there | ae | nicht it cam on an |
eck got a phone call | ae | nicht it wis fae the |
plavver an plunk on this | ae | nicht meg ramsay wis in |
in oor hoose fur that | ae | nicht she wis jean an |
a lairkie bit jist e | ae | note some places wis lang |
mcandrew yaised tae be yin | ae | oor pals he wis ay |
wisnae e style ere wis | ae | open fireplace a fancy bit |
s holes bar twa inno | ae | open hole he wis makkin |
anenst the eilrig brig wis | ae | pairtie affair atweesh elrig an |
whiff o the true scotia | ae | parteeclar nicht neil wis hostin |
pech yer wye up on | ae | partickler nicht it wis rale |
conclusion thit he wis o | ae | patientfu tholemoodie naitur weel a |
baith ferms col fasson wis | ae | pow wi the japs i |
guid simmer wuther it wis | ae | raigler thing tae sei mrs |
da sam wis sprawled beneath | ae | ruif in shoppin malls bit |
stuffed his lum heid wi | ae | seck it wis ithin saiconts |
i wis haein my denner | ae | setterday fin ere wis a |
the verra hairt o meikleburgh | ae | setterday foreneen it wis alang |
gun stellin hir een on | ae | shuitgun thit wis staundin i |
up borth ick wis gaen | ae | sicker an savendle foond the |
wis ahint him twa tae | ae | side an twa tae the |
an e deep pot at | ae | side wis clean beeriet an |
ay betty s muther wis | ae | sister tae mrs netta bryden |
wolf wis lurkin in o | ae | slack oot on the hill |
again as i ay dee | ae | snail wis faar i d |
wis his housekeeper jim wis | ae | strecht upricht man i aa |
an cuid converse on monnie | ae | subjeck n geordie mackay wis |
suppit their sowens i hid | ae | taste and that wis eneuch |
unit an there wis jist | ae | theatre in use brian tuik |
badger saw there wis only | ae | thing for it he yelled |
e brake an e clutch | ae | thing it wis a lot |
naething naething ata ere wis | ae | thing sure the little wifie |
monie maws aw at the | ae | time an the air wis |
kennin o scots the wis | ae | time he wis phonin frae |
o a stook ere wis | ae | time i wis forced tae |
seein till its ain gamekeepin | ae | time it wis tint for |
seven weeks holidays a at | ae | time jonsar eck wis in |
ere wis a law at | ae | time that said doocots coodnae |
s the catch there wis | ae | tree on rootstock mailing 9 |
for thare wis juist the | ae | tuim plate on the table |
practical reality 56 there wis | ae | twae individual swatches o a |
wis damed an turnt intil | ae | waitter reservoir wheech fleudit oot |
trock the chaumer wis cauld | ae | wee lowe in the hairth |
or sae major dunlop wis | ae | weedower wi twae dochters an |
wis herd it meadshaw fur | ae | whyle a ll staundin correckin |
an mabel geed some examples | ae | wifie wis geen a length |
run ower on the road | ae | wifie wis heard tae say |
chatterbox some moanin some groanin | ae | wifie wis tryin tae sing |
an oor o heich drama | ae | wikk it wis mary queen |
i wis aboot e fairm | ae | winter fin i d got |
buks ower da banks fur | ae | wrang fit wis wan enyoch |
oor afore an ere wis | ae | wye traffic on e road |
at balbutt skweel brian wis | ae | year aulder nor his sister |
thit geordie that nicht put | ae | deed mole intil yin o |
find i the wunter months | ae | friday nicht dance a juist |
ma een nou owre this | ae | hauf warld o nicht naitur |
an nicht it was his | ae | lee lang delicht wark wife |
tee taewards nicht mair than | ae | midge wednesady 24 temp rainfall |
ere s files een aboot | ae | nicht an as i turnet |
he disappeared for three hours | ae | nicht an fan i went |
robertson cam kickin in aboot | ae | nicht an fell in e |
news on the t v | ae | nicht an he hid tae |
this mr dow cam hame | ae | nicht and found i can |
ill dream cums back again | ae | nicht ane o the yowes |
farrant upcome o esma s | ae | nicht at denner in wir |
aboot em for a file | ae | nicht ey were jist like |
fa an set on him | ae | nicht he single haundit beat |
sat watchin the t v | ae | nicht his mind wandered awa |
european gaun throw the jungle | ae | nicht near a month back |
ower the leddrach loch on | ae | nicht s frost wi nae |
baith ma bairns i the | ae | nicht shona yer maunna be |
aw hir houss lassies weill | ae | nicht the guidman forfochen an |
us be blyth thegither this | ae | nicht the morn ah daursay |
the bonnie fite haired loon | ae | nicht the streets o aiberdeen |
doun syre macbeth here anaith | ae | ruif we hae the nicht |
fur that s the name | ae | a pub doon in hecla |
about naethin ivver restit i | ae | bit fur lang the bairns |
com rfairnie btinternet com hev | ae | bit keek it eet fur |
an fur mair nur warmth | ae | day a month or twa |
takkin aff frae hame fur | ae | days darg i the hoscote |
s fur ma yuise in | ae | fancie dress ball it roberton |
fur aroon the throat arrived | ae | gloamintide tae dine their liquid |
been doon england fur monie | ae | lang yeir mairit wi saivrel |
did biff gits a haud | ae | ma throat fur aw you |
xii 6 five speugs fur | ae | maik guid cheap fegs fowk |
kan mak reference tae fur | ae | mair i deepth study o |
mulsintoun fur tam scott is | ae | matter o fack gledson wrocht |
tae tak ee back fur | ae | meenit or twae tae craik |
grazin fur sheep is anely | ae | nairra strip o hill pastur |
tuik his annual order fur | ae | new pair o buits up |
i the houss wes aw | ae | ou fur the furm o |
me fur protection a bit | ae | paper it s aboot this |
hopkins an hir faimlie fun | ae | rael hame fur thairsels it |
great whit a wee bit | ae | rejuvination kin dae fur lumbago |
craik faulds whilk hes been | ae | rickle o stanes fur ay |
fur the fusky flask cowps | ae | stiff jeelip in an steers |
pley wi aa hir pith | ae | tait owre fast fur huz |
it sadie no much chance | ae | that wi you fur competition |
tae gie intilt fur the | ae | time in ma hale life |
askin fur the len o | ae | torch wheech wei lent um |
thought they were fur wan | ae | us the noise gaun oan |
the gamekeeper yonder fur monnie | ae | yeir him an his faimlie |
mibbe ye ll get word | ae | a hoose the morra sadie |
cottage at stuid juist alang | ae | bit frae whitslade ferm hoose |
the auld kirk is nou | ae | dwallin hoose todshawhauch mr usher |
faimlie hoose an mebbies tae | ae | griter extent the weeman focks |
icksheils ferm hill grund stands | ae | hoose ca d blawearie nou |
daein repairs tae the cobbis | ae | keb hoose on ootersyde juist |
the mulsintoun ferm hoose an | ae | lass frae the holm airt |
size ah was that prood | ae | ma wee hoose every bit |
o the hoose ane hes | ae | siclik vizzie doon owre the |
here the hoose is full | ae | them och i m gaun |
s days are birstlin het | ae | bonnie day wi nae ploys |
souch o the swaws bat | ae | day a gret dule cam |
thocht they wad shairly droon | ae | day a letter cam nae |
think the waur o t | ae | day a m sendin ye |
fine an black an strong | ae | day a young loon cam |
aden his wife died suddenly | ae | day aboot noon fin he |
in kilrogie wids on his | ae | day aff a wikk fin |
his life for im an | ae | day afore ower lang you |
an thocht they war ugsome | ae | day afore the schuils went |
puddok for hir auldest guidson | ae | day ah sal be queen |
puddok for hir auldest guidson | ae | day ah sal be queen |
lang reed an shuir aneuch | ae | day an auld bodie mair |
as ninepence tae ye the | ae | day an crabbit as auld |
pit aff hir waddin for | ae | day an lat the princess |
duin yeir wark weill for | ae | day an nae man can |
ma an pa rose up | ae | day an ran awa they |
takkin piana lessons cam hame | ae | day an said tae his |
blawawa plants cuivert in blawawas | ae | day as pompitie wes fliein |
blawawa plants cuivert wi blawawas | ae | day as pompitie wes fliein |
had stopped this by 1922 | ae | day at denner time they |
a japanee legend tells that | ae | day buddha tore oot his |
miller scott had a reputation | ae | day duthie o clunie cam |
batterin jock cam in aboot | ae | day e speert if i |
abuin aw ither men here | ae | day eftir a lang sair |
silk pyjamas through the door | ae | day fin a postie mistook |
e life o a beastie | ae | day fin i cam hame |
huff a doctor asked me | ae | day foo i was getting |
it couldnae last the sky | ae | day grew overcast the day |
syne he kent at the | ae | day he haed pitten in |
buits never aff hir feet | ae | day he l up an |
eck waulked past the flooers | ae | day he said michty fittin |
like ti on a sudden | ae | day he says ti gao |
came hame fae the school | ae | day he threw the school |
haed haird this yairn an | ae | day he wes daunerin alang |
the slaw tids an saisons | ae | day he wes sattilt on |
haund ti whitever wes needfu | ae | day his maister sent him |
guid his guidwill isna for | ae | day his truth at aa |
fell an dour in but | ae | day hou muckle pruives its |
smashin reel an rod until | ae | day i burnt that flee |
the end o the road | ae | day i noticed the for |
ain haws ablo the grund | ae | day iain wes baud play |
the hebrides suin lairnt at | ae | day ilk year a bodie |
his throat sae dry until | ae | day in that waesome place |
m738: the three wee deils | ae | day in the benmaist neuk |
made them fair seik that | ae | day in the sun garrd |
wurd o hir oniewhaur or | ae | day in the thick derk |
the nearer on a sudden | ae | day it bein wee marischal |
yonder it juist wadna dae | ae | day it cam owre him |
sic a act o nature | ae | day jonsar eck an the |
bleak on desolate rannoch moor | ae | day jonsar eck seen a |
the sign said findlater castle | ae | day jonsar eck thocht he |
broon an roost did start | ae | day jonsar noticed a reed |
come ower and join us | ae | day martha me na na |
baw o yairn cam back | ae | day meg s guidman spiert |
wad send for hir an | ae | day monie a year eftir |
misguided eese o siller bit | ae | day my name ll be |
curtain ye l be vext | ae | day nanse to herself whitna |
gweed tae the men bit | ae | day near denner time e |
o yon cave an on | ae | day o feastin thereaboots fin |
years ever i mind fine | ae | day pittin in firewid tae |
wi her guidmither chaptir thrie | ae | day ruth s guidmither naomi |
mair gemms o gowf till | ae | day sandy up an dee |
a fairm s teller 2 | ae | day she gaed oot for |
wi hir blek hert an | ae | day she thocht she wad |
syne the r gress again | ae | day sic wunds wul caw |
hae mair bewtie nor hirsell | ae | day siller tree coud thole |
cood visit three islands in | ae | day so neest day jonsar |
tae tear wir claes an | ae | day tae men em this |
a danner doon e road | ae | day tae westerton o glasslaw |
the keeper had tellt me | ae | day that there were some |
war aye argie bargiein thegither | ae | day thay war sittin roun |
get on wi t weel | ae | day the auld wife sets |
haund tae the praisent biggin | ae | day the government troopers gat |
guid queen maun dee syne | ae | day the guid queen haed |
ti cum for aw that | ae | day the queen fell seik |
for god in jesus christ | ae | day the roy constantine was |
five dynasties sturt an stour | ae | day the sindert clouds ance |
him wi sic respeck sayin | ae | day the sindert clouds let |
a drink at the wal | ae | day the war mair words |
fortouns nocht endures in but | ae | day they were born then |
bunker hills or it cam | ae | day ti the stert o |
hevin tae sklimb saiveral tymes | ae | day up an doon yon |
ilka blaw it seemed it | ae | day wad cum doun athort |
an aith tho birth on | ae | day we canna weill seek |
the day is ower in | ae | day we hiv aboot seasons |
chased them oot o sicht | ae | day while on a fishin |
killed thrie inglishmen i the | ae | day wi that sword or |
neist wikk she telt me | ae | day ye re tae be |
gless awa up mair than | ae | degree gran day country side |
o mary queen o scots | ae | dreich december day in the |
shei wuid say it s | ae | grand day bot is it |
still tae the fore fesh | ae | guid price the day gif |
16 day seems tae hae | ae | mind or twa oot pops |
like me an you but | ae | sad day ayont the fence |
gweed gaan burn rinnin alang | ae | side here be day e |
like a flicht o doos | ae | simmer s day a smuggler |
whaur this flouer blooms this | ae | spring day issa the gowk |
asleep snorkin an snorin eftir | ae | thair trauchil that day as |
this luvers day halflins aroon | ae | tree are hotchin far cloots |
an stottit aff ilkie steen | ae | veesitin day the exhaust hid |
juist ti forgie him this | ae | an ane time a ll |
road juist doon the brae | ae | bittie frae the sheil auld |
steid the suid be juist | ae | chaumer whaur ah maunna gang |
puir weidae wi juist the | ae | dochter left an the pair |
estate juist ablo hawick an | ae | faimlie ca d geddes frae |
tree s pinkie in juist | ae | glisk the prince poued it |
i thain days aa spak | ae | guid consistentscots border lallans juist |
blek as the causie juist | ae | licht on a boat leimin |
shi jin tuik juist the | ae | oxter lift ti cleik chen |
the gairden kail an juist | ae | shot will cowp him heid |
the queen yeir mither juist | ae | sowp o the watter that |
ye war juist ti tak | ae | sowp queen exhaling deeply ha |
man dinna say juist the | ae | stowp o wyne hou dae |
an ilkane tuik juist the | ae | straik o his bill ti |
the skuil the r juist | ae | thing a lang for an |
troke wi yungir men but | ae | thing juist the pleisir o |
the can be juist the | ae | winner an this time scots |
fear richt richt aneuch juist | ae | wurd mair 1st witch ye |
room onywye so be makin | ae | room o e twa ere |
jonsar say s ere s | ae | thing certain lass i ken |
up ere noo ere s | ae | thing sure we wull gang |
tae be ere s only | ae | thing that i can dee |
thump ere s mair than | ae | thunner plump friday 21 temp |
trumps ere s mair than | ae | thunner plump monday 29 temp |
e reef o e extension | ae | time it sat ere niver |
man there s but the | ae | an ane desperate ploy for |
o t sae wi the | ae | an ane straik the barber |
a raw but no the | ae | ane o them wad sell |
common an that no the | ae | ane o us ll can |
by the common no the | ae | ane o ye ll can |
twa o thaim i the | ae | chaumer macbeth ane o thaim |
an ane cuid carrie on | ae | crack conversation wi hir is |
haith cribbie thou s ane | ae | cribbie twae cribbie haith cribbie |
faither warmin tae his tale | ae | games wikk ane o the |
liklie ane auld welsh naem | ae | left owre naem frae the |
folk if it means that | ae | man just the ane should |
disnae maitter kis thev re | ae | been company concern onie wey |
shoogilt in sic a wey | ae | mornin thare when he taen |
poued the gruppar poued the | ae | wey an the mukkil haund |
weys for ti win peace | ae | wey is never ti dae |
her head impatiently that s | ae | wey o gittin roond me |
our taletellers wi suspicious een | ae | wey o lookin at the |
sell thaim weel that s | ae | wey o makin some siller |
o community leid clesses is | ae | wey o makkin shair o |
a turn for the better | ae | wey or tither a m |
wranglie but it maun be | ae | wey or tither hoy hame |
ma time it s a | ae | wey road tae thon place |
no the r but the | ae | wey ti draw wattir frae |
heid the r but the | ae | wey ti draw wattir frae |
short ay the glenburn s | ae | bonnie place tae bide n |
daith itsel ay at s | ae | deceesion oo hev tae mak |
wurds is weil ay chynge | ae | focks tung an ee chynge |
londoner spak braid scots wi | ae | kenable cockney accent ay owre |
his heid ay cockit tae | ae | side an wi slivvers that |
hairt o hairts that the | ae | thing she could ay dae |
ye iain the pypar spiert | ae | wee fallae ay that ah |
as a puddok that wearie | ae | guid dird an the thing |
pig vrappit in a cloot | ae | queer thing aboot bein up |
thing for greigorie s complaint | ae | sowp wad be aneuch for |
an kill him wi the | ae | straik an the neisten thing |
his feet an he spak | ae | thing a d expone ti |
its vigour an strength there | ae | thing aboot walter elliot s |
iverlaistin curiosity tae see foo | ae | thing affecks anidder an foo |
auld wyfe an the r | ae | thing ah cannae byde it |
his sword hilt this is | ae | thing ah maun dae masell |
gie it a go jist | ae | thing fit aboot your roses |
whyle first ye maun dae | ae | thing for me ma bauld |
doon caal deid an nae | ae | thing gaed ower ma haase |
deein t an at s | ae | thing i niver wid tackle |
meaningless tae me but for | ae | thing i would see james |
thrie lochs or seas hae | ae | thing in common the wattir |
because it was warmer for | ae | thing m999: aye [laugh] aye |
whit ah say the r | ae | thing ma hert greins for |
hert greins ti ken but | ae | thing mair to fading apparition |
andrae wul ye promise me | ae | thing prince an whit wad |
didna wha can tell but | ae | thing s shuir moula whit |
thing fashion but there s | ae | thing sure an that is |
turns sultry an affa heavy | ae | thing sure midges on o |
flush athing soakin weet only | ae | thing tae say the days |
ye lyke nou the war | ae | thing tam haed sair wantit |
mukkil sumf gin the r | ae | thing that keeps me gaun |
aince he lairnt o the | ae | thing that micht aiblins sauf |
nae importance at aw the | ae | thing that s warth oniething |
bit o guid the war | ae | thing they did ken tho |
door an ye wadna dae | ae | thing ti save me nanse |
soorin we hae scunner but | ae | thing we hinna saught we |
gaun back moula that s | ae | thing ye canna dae naebodie |
leevin here but the r | ae | unco thing the station is |
as a toast the love | ae | a guid man eh sadie |
sadie aye toasting the love | ae | a guid man shoved oantae |
mairch fence frae girnwud lynns | ae | bonnie bit n i guid |
haird tell o him hinnerlie | ae | forenicht the guid littil princess |
mobile hame masel a got | ae | guid leatherin frae ma faither |
the wunter nichts an monie | ae | guid nichts dancing the waiter |
prep about abuin prep above | ae | a one aesumness n isolation |
mairch atween roxburghshire an dunfrieshire | ae | fell skelp o grund n |
an thay ir lyin in | ae | maist terrible bad bit n |
thair ain ethnicitie n is | ae | maitter o fack a wuid |
bruikit i yonner n is | ae | maitter o fack fock kam |
crack n ian landels is | ae | weel kent public speaker anenst |
ye widnae know the inside | ae | a church frae a flyin |
the 1939 45 war is | ae | beild frae the air raids |
naethin but desert sand frae | ae | border tae the tither a |
hae mei fesh hir doun | ae | bunch o lilac blossom frae |
impiddent een the sun its | ae | cauld goave frae caulder lifts |
that gin ah micht hae | ae | drink frae the wal o |
that gin ah micht hae | ae | drink frae the wal o |
sex an wadna hae kent | ae | eyn o a tap frae |
o the littlins war frae | ae | faimly steppies an steenies belangin |
frae its mou there danglit | ae | lane shank the excommunicated hand |
the brydens flittit tae girnwud | ae | late middle aged couple frae |
vyces cummin frae it wi | ae | lowp she wes owre the |
wheel the waitter cumin frae | ae | mill pound up i the |
grin tae a girn frae | ae | minute tae the nixt ye |
middle aged couple frae perthshire | ae | mr an mrs scougal muved |
haed a dreip hingin frae | ae | nebstril an he haed a |
scholars paurents an aa frae | ae | scottis border s kulter pynt |
sweetness an foust growes frae | ae | shank an sweetness moulders intil |
ball it roberton a borraed | ae | swuird frae the than laird |
her heid on his bosie | ae | thin airm creepit oot frae |
quick as a blink frae | ae | warld intae the neist naebody |
o deid leaves cheenged in | ae | wikk frae bonnie leevin green |
youth heid the wes anerlie | ae | flie in the eyntment tammas |
tae hell wi this cries | ae | heid ganger we ll thole |
over attatched tae the idea | ae | ma heid bein oan ma |
bidin it hame an keepin | ae | ruif ower his paurents heid |
his heid an said tae | ae | wifie i hope this works |
heid o the toon asks | ae | wifie tae the borrach o |
a zip up the back | ae | yer heid punishment there are |
cam on canny haadin oot | ae | han fin it ettlet tae |
wifie i dinna ken said | ae | lad lookin fer bemused fin |
thon wee cruikit smile at | ae | side o her moo fin |
think ti see on the | ae | corner he cam on a |
blade at the eyn o | ae | monsoon sizzen an actress cam |
gien out nae mair nor | ae | wee baw o yairn cam |
is mair nor lyklie nou | ae | rickle o stanes a m |
ilky lang side pulled be | ae | horse the charabanc had fower |
wi a deep ditch at | ae | side an a bank wi |
an barley aa set at | ae | side e grun lay on |
roon e shooders een at | ae | side een at e ither |
a wee thin split doon | ae | side it hid bin a |
steed on a grun at | ae | side o e ruck an |
their waa i hae smeethed | ae | side o t made o |
on e waa ootside framin | ae | side o yer picter i |
aa ye wid ken on | ae | side syne it raise stretched |
warld o the horse on | ae | side the warld o the |
the heavy range mair an | ae | drap friday 13th temp 9 |
the sna is jist aboot | ae | fit deep mair shoors o |
nae mair twa but are | ae | flesh an whit god hes |
of shen yueh 441 513 | ae | mair fareweill back in oor |
an yueh 4th century 11 | ae | mair fareweill shen yueh 441 |
nae a horseman horse war | ae | mair job tae tick aff |
ye ir ti gie him | ae | mair tassie o wyne an |
rouge an creams skunner me | ae | mair year at he haesna |
gruppar wesnna duin he gied | ae | mair yerk an the ettin |
formal arrangement atween mair nor | ae | political pairty group for exaimple |
said an duin whit s | ae | puddok mair or less in |
ir nae mair nouadays than | ae | rickle o stanes up borth |
masel whilk is mair o | ae | sociological account o life i |
mair i the eemage o | ae | spae wife than ochts ense |
doon a donation mair nor | ae | wird and ye ll need |
tae bei naithin mair nor | ae | wusp o rouk amang the |
flat layeries o black stuff | ae | layer turnt an man i |
you thank you it taks | ae | man in ten thousand to |
gie way to the greater | ae | man maun suffer rather than |
tae a relationship founded upon | ae | man s absolute power ower |
ll never succeed never the | ae | man that could wreck me |
no hae it there s | ae | man that kens the truth |
kent he haed but the | ae | man ti dael wi houever |
the wyce man haed haird | ae | mhairi s storie did he |
this big indicates a bit | ae | paper tae stop a man |
haun than mortal man dings | ae | wee faimly doon an bits |
seemed coud budge but hinnerlie | ae | wee man wi his ee |
a man haes onlie the | ae | wurd tho a wumman maun |
richt roused at hir an | ae | bricht spring mornin she laid |
i hir luif quaitlie wi | ae | leuk o pleasure on hir |
can sauf hir an lowse | ae | the fowk that sleeps lyke |
hev lang sin syne becum | ae | bilingual societie i e scots |
for monie lang weeks or | ae | forenicht he rase doucelyke liftit |
the boat aa thegither her | ae | lang blaik pigtail wallopin doon |
fill o cark sae aa | ae | simmer lang while still a |
road up the hauch stuid | ae | auld fassiont roadman s fowre |
aa gaed in by the | ae | dure gin ye were auld |
brave nae some auld yowe | ae | fit in grave in glesga |
the auld kirk opening is | ae | syha hostel on 22 06 |
wi ma pipes in o | ae | bag slung owre ma shouthers |
windae an me wi t | ae | bird got ahin e curtains |
in the yaird syne pit | ae | bit o hoch on wi |
a tow then wi the | ae | brash they drave the broken |
lessons wi her cousin isie | ae | bricht spot in the itherwise |
war aw tarred wi the | ae | brush but thare maun hae |
his breist at wi the | ae | clour he drave him erselins |
coud eat for ma denner | ae | clour wi this an it |
committees wi their speirins there | ae | committee in particular that gies |
then they cried a wi | ae | consent eat brave noble and |
the prince breinged in wi | ae | dird she dang aff his |
keing that haed but the | ae | dochter cawed jennie but wi |
i m haein trouble wi | ae | e e bit i dinna |
wes keikin at it wi | ae | ei bot stertit ti pey |
tube wi a bellows at | ae | end o it open your |
an shut it again wi | ae | eyn o ma bicycle clip |
oot o the ream jar | ae | fairmer wi a bit o |
tramp on e hannle wi | ae | fit an pu e legs |
baith hauns an wi the | ae | fuit gied the lad sic |
cud reist a chiel wi | ae | glower he cud birssle a |
mars a cood coont on | ae | han em it gree wi |
ither ye vrocht it wi | ae | han pickin up e swads |
puffin at a fag wi | ae | haun an bosie in wee |
his coffee again wi the | ae | haun wi the tither he |
haudin his bike wi the | ae | haund an shakin his nieve |
the saxtie pund wi the | ae | haund but wi twa ah |
shame bi publicklie giein uz | ae | heize wi or ettle twartis |
it binnds us baith wi | ae | hert knot did ye no |
the 1914 18 war hevin | ae | job tae dae wi engineerin |
stripped intae shorts hardie asks | ae | lad fit s wrang wi |
wi the leid wi the | ae | leid on baith sydes o |
abuin in the lift wi | ae | lowp he wes throu an |
baggage like penned sheep wi | ae | lug cockit for their neebor |
skirl an the tree wi | ae | michty pech rugs up its |
watch me weill an wi | ae | mukkil lowp he wes up |
jowkery pokery an wi the | ae | neive he beltit him richt |
wi e big sycamore in | ae | nyeuk an e haathorn in |
wi the bit hes appearinlie | ae | parteeklar hert felt emotional place |
merriege partnership s begun wi | ae | quick furl coortship is like |
it onraivels ivverie fankil wi | ae | rug the schep at sauls |
isna onlyke the prow o | ae | ship wi seemilar brent precipitous |
aimed the spray an wi | ae | shot a polished off the |
wi fricht he keekit oot | ae | sicht o th incomer s |
broke her hin leg wi | ae | skelp daisy gaed doon wi |
waa wi a wife s | ae | son an a mare s |
nails a hammer couldna cau | ae | sproitle wi da mearest dadd |
demon princes in yonder the | ae | stane stoup s there wi |
a dyke maybe jist wi | ae | straan o pikit weer tae |
his blade an wi the | ae | straik he cuttit luckie li |
like a heron stauns on | ae | thin pole wi frostit hauns |
syde bi syde but wi | ae | tig wi the unco club |
turra they were bothert at | ae | time wi barrows rowin ower |
a hairt tae aisse wi | ae | touch on a breistbeen he |
wi that an get wan | ae | us by mistake gordon aye |
waas wi low ceilins the | ae | wee windae luikit oot ower |
in wi they tongs insteed | ae | yer tongue carolanne oh i |
o the auncient etterick forest | ae | bittie ferrer on alang on |
o milk though it hid | ae | blin tit a aiftereffecks o |
you anaw micht hear in | ae | blink o glaumerie the muisic |
carriet or ain piece an | ae | bottle o fresh milk tae |
a taigil o knowes on | ae | broun tapmaist craig that bleized |
shift five hunner o the | ae | caird hae a wee thocht |
nor twa thoosand o the | ae | caird is the higher cost |
wifie poor t huz oot | ae | caup o tei an is |
ithoot onie doot tak on | ae | complete new sense o identitie |
awner laird polworth is himsel | ae | descendent o the notour border |
i 1576 marriet mary scott | ae | dochter o philip scott o |
wunter i the mids o | ae | drift hevin tae sklimb saiveral |
teachin materials 61 he cites | ae | example o a teacher throu |
an e picker s jist | ae | example o fit a bit |
example bein the son o | ae | fairmer supposed nae tae be |
lo ceitie on hearin this | ae | forenicht the lilt o brekkin |
waitter baunk an the tither | ae | geordie byres nae relative o |
i the fer aist is | ae | matter o fack margaret nichol |
s faither tom scott is | ae | matter o fack yin o |
hawick bot isteid o hevin | ae | meltith i the hotel dinin |
the snoot frei kirk an | ae | member o the kirk comatee |
to they say er er | ae | or or o tae you |
heck i shood jist hae | ae | pair o specs jonsar eck |
1991 b the makkin o | ae | pairish bi geo o wud |
harrot the dochter dorothy mairriet | ae | paul hunter the son o |
o implementin i thair schuils | ae | plan o action at wuid |
o scotland is weill whit | ae | price wei scots ir hevin |
mr miller i m needin | ae | pyock o corn grun miller |
awa an gied the hen | ae | pyock o meal in exchange |
brig ir the avidence o | ae | roman camp hence the naem |
an wei ir gittin reeky | ae | set o the drums reeky |
rouk amang the bent in | ae | sma slack i yin o |
on traditional music are bit | ae | source o learnin oor ain |
lack they tell me o | ae | special chiel ten generations back |
is baith skeich an smert | ae | splash o a fuit an |
can bei yaised tae descrive | ae | state o drunkenness royal blue |
syne a knot and i | ae | the tither jilp o bree |
fishermen s associe an o | ae | time that he haed been |
on the brainches o the | ae | tree i the perk blek |
pynt o the operation jist | ae | wee surge o pouer an |
kirk aroon yer lugs withoot | ae | wird o lee european aiberdonians |
ye no byde an say | ae | wurd o fareweill thorfinn wumman |
turn t oot tae bei | ae | wusp o rouk amang the |
its legal bit it s | ae | wye roon the problem o |
o the leid in translation | ae | wye roon the spikker non |