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the latinised english that urquhartaffectselsewhere in his writings as
the latinised english that urquhartaffectselsewhere in his writings as
nouns pronouns and how thisaffectsmarkers and adjectives pronouns direct
of the severe poverty whichaffectsthe majority of debtors in
of the severe poverty whichaffectsthe majority of debtors in
of ehm curious sound thataffectsusually the letter t or
the health service because povertyaffectshealth that is why literacy
seen as technical but itaffectspeople s lives directly and
taken by universities which directlyaffectsstaff are consistent with such
effluent from fish farms directlyaffectstoxins however we continue to
of commercial confidentiality that directlyaffectsworkers on a daily basis
poverty the risk of povertyaffectsdisproportionately children and young people
begin to tackle dampness whichaffectspeople who are in poverty
our mixed fishery which particularlyaffectsour valuable haddock fishery as
also have a disability thataffectstheir ability to clear up
person with a disability thataffectstheir ability to clear up
of the hidden disability thataffectsup to 100 000 people
in multiple occupation as itaffectsuniversities and abbeyfield homes i
pressure for existing staff whichaffectsnurse retention and morale that
to day pressure on nursesaffectspatient care every nurse who
statement contains but if itaffectsthe debate materially i argue
in which projects are financedaffectsthe future pattern of expenditure
known as fragile bones diseaseaffectsmen and women one in
disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hcm whichaffectsone in 500 of the
inform them about how europeaffectsour lives in scotland and
then to others because itaffectsour actions so i ve
to our environment which seriouslyaffectspeople s health and quality
of the report as itaffectsscottish interests we are keen
of european policy as itaffectsour expenditure the main increases
you have said that advertisingaffectsonly the demand for specific
sea trout this circumpolar problemaffectsspecific salmonids and is associated
listen to kinda just a-affectsour mood as well doesn
they re listenin to itaffectsthe way they walk doesn
the extent to which turnoveraffectsthe situation the data go
this is a problem thataffectspeople across scotland the convener
survival at sea similar subtleaffectscaused by acidification of rivers
s strategy on dyspraxia whichaffectschildren and their families cathy
widespread and pernicious diseases andaffectsmore people than virtually any
by the people whom itaffectsmr mcmahon we know the
campaign which is one thataffectsolder people i know that
to close a facility thataffectspeople in scotland such as
johnston yes but the costaffectsthe number of people who
important issue of osteoporosis whichaffectsa considerable number of citizens
school at tomintoul which onlyaffectsone pupil this year will
concerns a community burden whichaffectsthe sheltered or retirement housing
huh mmhm m017: eh whichaffectsthe whole planet f718: increasingly
point is correct this issueaffectsall of scotland as maureen
is concerned that this severelyaffectsthe scottish coal industry by
will do when the schemeaffectsthem the university of edinburgh
thesis on the way phonaesthesiaaffectsthe way words develop arguing
in this code of practiceaffectssuch activity indeed it could
the new economy infrastructure alsoaffectscompetitiveness and productivity so examination
amendment act 2000 as itaffectseducation in schools s1o 5180
the structure plan as itaffectsthe national park area to
the parliament notes that tinnitusaffectsaround one in ten of
speech the smart twang thataffectsculture and the yankee home
dependent on the regulation thataffectsthose regimes unless there is
and of course it stillaffectsthe attitudes and even the
m605: i think it actuallyaffectslike if you look at

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