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poliss hed ti gralloch itafoirthai tillie hewit it apairt
na sayed john a camafoira juidge ane ill auld
tammas it maun be cawedafoira juidge i court bot
bene liftit bi the polissafoirthai arreistit john grene an
didna wiss ti schaw doutafoirthe twenes at lest shae
a veisitit hir the dayafoirti schaw hir ma nyow
gin ye l leisten eydentlieafoira set tilt tho a
ll haingil on gaird dewtieafoirapen roustie yetts the gairden
out inti the tuim causieafoirthaim the stok whorne pleyar
ane enorm corrugat ern shedeafoirthaim wes a wie stane
we wuid waarm wir dowpsafoira rairin fyre o clogs
scotland ar saiprit kintraes nouafoirthai cam ti be sindert
maitter i the fyow meinitsafoirthe faimilie fun m the
eimages frae hiz bairnheid flaititafoirhiz ein mince an tatties
dichtit hiz ein mirren wesafoirm shae gruppit hiz lug
the nor sie bot noafoirnorroway gruppit orkney an shetland
nyow siccar tammas grunstane stuidafoirthaim steive an onbousum the
ma mither s cryed sairieafoirshae wes mairriet on hugh
cuidna ein thank hir gydesafoirbein mairched awaw bot sein
nisbet socht frae hir gestsafoirsiller or ein gowd an
stein thai skailed bot noafoirstaun wirriet baith the sojers
hedna bene etten the nichtafoiras thanks bot thai trokit
pukkil ferssis he hedna kentafoiri the circumstaunces a winna
the sojers maunna arreist meafoira can rescours ma puir
thanked hir bot wes awawafoirhe cuid say mair it
awaw ti wir beds langafoirit cums inti forss bot
cowpit the puir sowel owerafoirshae cuid stap the kerr
puir reiver nivver sein johnafoiran wes that stamagastit bi
infit wi thon fowk anafoirmirren cuid beild the auld
houss an thai gaed benafoirthai cuid finnd the snek
alienar sae a sloped affafoirthai mynded an cam ti
maits anerlie on drappit nirlsafoirthai rax the buird a
thai wuid polish the plateafoirthe creish wes cuil baith
the barr wes aye tuimafoirlunch tim durand the wintir
frae the baudron s dishafoirthe puir craitur cuid wun
shae maun wun ti herbrieafoirthe unyt naitiouns clauchit hir
ane horrid wie houss richtafoirthe maner lik a skabbie
ti redd out the trewthafoirhe gaed onie furder cuid
feir o aw at layafoirhir cuid fele it this
the kirkyaird he stuid himafoira heid stane thon s
ordinateir wes i guid fettilafoirnuin mirren wes on nettils
bad guid nicht ti thaimafoirsauntin aff til hiz bed
mokryfe wirds o the dayafoiror he wes pit out
wesna tabulet i thon mainnerafoirobsairved inglis a hae ane
thon wes the warst tymeafoirthe blak k nicht schawed
it tuik a hale oukafoiraw wes cunned an aw
ti gang on t langafoirme fur tho he wes
the winnok an keikit outafoirthe biggin wes a yaird
a caller pynt o yillafoirm an a guid bleize
an sekes lissens frae dafoirhe brusts out lauchin the
an aw quastiouns awnsert anafoirthe fell nyows anent gaitsgill
o the lowdens spreidit outafoirye it heizes the hert
quho had win the vangairdafoirand a few of thair

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