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gil item 2 on theagendaalso relates to the european
the last item on theagendaany other business had for
convener item 1 on ouragendaconcerns a declaration of interests
convener item 5 on theagendaconcerns an update on the
the first item on ouragendaconcerns licensing of houses in
the next item on theagendaconcerns reform of the common
convener item 2 on ouragendaconcerns the election of a
pertinently item 4 on theagendaconcerns the gaelic language scotland
convener item 3 on theagendafor which we are now
the final item on ouragendainterruption there are two items
the first item on ouragendais a discussion on the
convener item 4 on theagendais a letter from margaret
the last item on ouragendais a report from ken
the first item on ouragendais amnesic shellfish poisoning i
the fifth item on theagendais an update on videoconferencing
the next item on theagendais consideration of a briefing
role item 3 on ouragendais consideration of lines of
the next item on theagendais consideration of petitions a
the next item on theagendais consideration of the scottish
convener item 2 on theagendais delegated powers scrutiny we
the third item on theagendais implementation of the ec
the second item on theagendais our consideration of a
the fourth item on theagendais the civic participation event
first item on today sagendais the committee s report
the first item on ouragendais the marriage scotland bill
the next item on ouragendais the proposed agriculture inquiry
item on the committee sagendais the response from the
the next item on theagendais the salmon conservation scotland
the next item on ouragendais the scrutiny of documents
convener item 1 on ouragendais the third day and
the first item on theagendais to choose the deputy
of item 2 on theagendais to enable the committee
justice 1 committee the followingagendaitem 1 budget process 2002
justice 2 committee the followingagendaitem 1 budget process 2002
convener before we move toagendaitem 1 i advise members
to discuss this petition atagendaitem 13 pe247 epilepsy action
how it wishes to handleagendaitem 2 2 inquiry into
its lines of questioning foragendaitem 2 2 pfi ppp
the convener we move toagendaitem 2 are we agreed
resuming subordinate legislation the conveneragendaitem 2 concerns six pieces
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 2 in private 2
will decide whether to takeagendaitem 2 in private and
the meeting lobbying the conveneragendaitem 2 is consideration of
ssi 2003 53 the conveneragendaitem 2 is subordinate legislation
i am absolutely delighted thatagendaitem 2 is the appointment
am just about to drawagendaitem 2 on the lobbying
its lines of questioning foragendaitem 3 2 items in
be put to witnesses inagendaitem 3 3 overview of
consider the evidence taken atagendaitem 3 6 how government
in private the convener underagendaitem 3 i ask the
in private the convener underagendaitem 3 i ask whether
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 3 in private 2
ssi 2000 draft the conveneragendaitem 3 is executive responses
members interests order the conveneragendaitem 3 relates to the
evidence it had taken underagendaitem 3 the meeting closed
convener we move on toagendaitem 3 which is on
questioning for the witnesses atagendaitem 4 2 items in
consider the evidence taken atagendaitem 4 7 committee work
consider the evidence taken atagendaitem 4 and further arrangements
and promotion bill the conveneragendaitem 4 concerns the tobacco
declined to take part inagendaitem 4 due to his
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 4 in private 2
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 4 in private 2
will decide whether to takeagendaitem 4 in private and
will consider whether to discussagendaitem 4 in private and
ssi 2002 88 the conveneragendaitem 4 is consideration of
we now move on toagendaitem 4 negative instruments however
the meeting with consideration ofagendaitem 4 which is on
the convener we move toagendaitem 4 which is on
convener we move on toagendaitem 5 i am pleased
the committee agreed to takeagendaitem 5 in private 2
also discuss hepatitis c underagendaitem 5 in relation to
before we have sat downagendaitem 5 is consideration of
giving us their evidence todayagendaitem 5 is evidence from
indicated agreement remit the conveneragendaitem 5 is the committee
agreement hepatitis c the conveneragendaitem 5 is the first
period rail inquiry the conveneragendaitem 6 concerns consideration of
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 6 in private 3
do members agree to takeagendaitem 6 in private members
prison visit peterhead the conveneragendaitem 6 is on our
first decide whether to consideragendaitem 6 on the committee
the meeting we will takeagendaitem 7 in private 10
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 7 in private 2
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 7 in private 2
will consider whether to takeagendaitem 7 in private 2
members to agree to takeagendaitem 7 in private item
should make the petitions anagendaitem at another meeting and
with it as a separateagendaitem before the end of
evidence received in the precedingagendaitem business bulletin 190 2000
group the convener the fifthagendaitem concerns the constitution of
we deal with the nextagendaitem during the break members
having disability as a keyagendaitem for the modernisation of
reporters the convener the thirdagendaitem is consideration of the
adoption the convener the finalagendaitem is on adoption when
bills the convener the secondagendaitem is on committee amendments
report the convener our nextagendaitem is on the joint
scrutiny the convener the finalagendaitem is scrutiny of documents
for your evidence the finalagendaitem is to be discussed
interests the convener the firstagendaitem is to invite the
assistance before we leave thisagendaitem let me say that
in respect of today sagendaitem on domestic violence maureen
at the start of thisagendaitem was useful convener it
decide how to deal withagendaitems 7 and 8 item
by item 5 on theagendamr mcneil i was thinking
the first item on theagendathe use of the scots
convener we have a briefagendathis morning the first item
item to next week sagendawe will be able to
second item 6 on myagendawhich i shall call item
the next item on theagendawhich is a discussion of
difficulty getting items on theagendaand who are subjected to
of items remain on theagendai have already had a
justice 1 committee the followingagendaitems 1 items in private
justice 2 committee the followingagendaitems 1 items in private
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 2 5 6 and
will consider whether to discussagendaitems 2 7 and 8
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 2 and 3 in
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 2 and 4 in
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 2 and 6 in
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 3 4 and 5
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 3 4 and 5
put to the witnesses atagendaitems 3 and 4 3
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 4 5 and 6
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 4 5 and 6
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 4 and 5 in
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 4 and 5 in
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 5 6 and 7
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 5 and 6 in
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 5 and 6 in
will decide whether to takeagendaitems 6 7 and 8
the committee agreed to takeagendaitems 6 and 7 in
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 6 and 7 in
will consider whether to takeagendaitems 6 and 7 in
when they are new occasionalagendaitems along those lines would
in items later on theagendaitems in private the convener
the committee to consider threeagendaitems in private to allow
present time we have twoagendaitems on hep c today
us particularly when there areagendaitems such as the one
the first of today sagendaitems to look at hepatitis
agenda other business on theagendamay mean that those items
the other items on ouragendamembers indicated agreement transport scotland
to get items on theagendaother business on the agenda
why items appear on theagendathey do so when they
still have items on theagendawe can use the chamber
items numbered 6 on myagendawhich explains my confusion the
the joint future agenda thatagendais about better local integrated
that is referring to theagendaof the proposed standing joint
by implementing the joint futureagendathat agenda is about better
welcomed implementing the joint futuresagendato provide more seamless care
developments in the joint futureagendawelcomes the provisions of significant
developments in the joint futureagendawelcomes the provisions of significant
i think on our currentagendaand the consideration of subordinate
that we put on theagendafor discussion in private at
3 and 4 of theagendain private mr kenneth macintosh
that is not on ouragendaand our agenda is pretty
agenda who is driving theagendai could say much more
on our agenda and ouragendais pretty full at this
eagan principles still on theagendawho is driving the agenda
someone has to set theagendaand the convener is the
the convener to set theagendain conjunction with that someone
convener alone which decides theagendaof a committee meeting i
the convener the social policyagendapaper has been fairly substantially
any petition on today sagendapetitions the convener the first
been put on to theagendathe convener i suggested that
and the environment committee sagendathe convener that is very
2000 the eu social policyagenda20th report hl128 session 1999
paper on the social policyagendaand a paper on employment
the development of the socialagendaand to prepare an annual
implementation of the social policyagendaduring 2002 2 the commission
is too low on theagendafor many health and social
across the executive s wideragendafor social justice nicola sturgeon
relationship its 90s social inclusivenessagendagraunts howp via a subplot
of our wider social inclusionagendain the light of the
to deliver a social justiceagendaindeed voluntary organisations have proved
days the corporate social responsibilityagendais also about enhancing industry
social inclusion the social inclusionagendais at the heart of
the two the social policyagendais not yet agreed so
to our shared social justiceagendait engages people in society
consider the redrafted social policyagendams macdonald i want to
room for the social justiceagendamust be allowed it should
full weight to the developingagendaof equality proofing and social
european commission 2000 social policyagendaonline com 2000 379 final
on implementing the social policyagendaonline com 2003 57 final
the eu s social policyagendaonline press release available from
start with the social policyagendapaper since we received the
in delivering the social justiceagendascottish parliamentary and health service
hear evidence from kyla brandagendasocial responsibility in scotland martin
of our current social justiceagendatakes an approach that has
involved in a social justiceagendathe census can be used
review of the social policyagendathis aims to take stock
approved the eu social policyagendathis is a five year
progress on the social justiceagendathose priorities are directly reflected
social justice and social inclusionagendato come back to the
we consider the social policyagendawe could spend a lot
of the corporate social responsibilityagendawe want to marry those
review of the social policyagendawhich will provide a comprehensive
scottish parliament consider the europeanagendaand the way in which
is part of a wideragendabut nonetheless we must consider
each ssi on to ouragendaformally consider it and report
it happened to suit ouragendato consider the instrument concerned
at the top of theagendaand we expect a statement
status was top of theagendafor the executive and that
the top of the europeanagendahow it seeks to extend
the top of scotland sagendain the past four years
the top of our nationalagendasupports initiatives such as set
the top of our nationalagendasupports initiatives such as set
the top of our nationalagendasupports initiatives such as set
at the heart of ouragendaand must not be left
running considerably late with ouragendaand yes i am getting
not only carry out ouragendabut develop and shape that
a core part of ouragendafor the modernisation of the
hospital to home our modernisationagendafor the nhs in scotland
to the end of ouragendainterruption it has been pointed
15 march 2002 our modernisingagendais about improving choice in
the bill shows that ouragendais to encourage enterprise and
it was put on ouragendajust after the end of
the centre of our reformagendamr keith raffan mid scotland
important element of our regenerationagendaolder people must be safe
only things on our excitingagendapeople have looked at them
has been added to ouragendapetition pe434 from mrs jeanna
but develop and shape thatagendathat will benefit all our
the formal business on ouragendatoday i want to refer
the key issues on ouragendatoday relate to transparency subsidiarity
6 october note a fullagendaincluding details of location and
move straight on to theagendafor today s meeting we
to move up the healthagendathe suffering of those who
taking forward that economic inclusionagendathey aim to move the
a facility to take theagendaa step further if we
coming from and what theiragendais and i can take
take decisive action the povertyagendais linked intrinsically to tackling
meet to progress the substantialagendathat is before us today
put the matter on theagendatoday because there are different
the clerk to determine theagendafor any individual meeting of
and the clerk deciding theagendafor each meeting however it
is the setting of theagendafor each meeting presumably the
e [censored: surname] violet [censored: surname] 2agendafor meeting as on back
responsible for drawing up theagendafor that meeting what did
issues will be on theagendafor the first meeting of
yet arrived that a revisedagendafor the meeting was published
executive what is on theagendafor the next meeting between
executive what is on theagendafor the next meeting between
issue be placed on theagendaof a future meeting of
to be placed on theagendaof a meeting of the
of the committee and theagendaof a particular meeting the
not know what will theagendaof the meeting of the
preparation of next week sagendaand to assist me in
minister mr jack mcconnell theagendafor next week s cabinet
on the nutritious school mealsagendaare we taking the calcium
sustained progress on pay theagendafor change negotiations are taking
allows us to develop anagendafor taking forward that partnership
huge role in taking thatagendaforward and that she has
play in taking forward thisagendafrom now on how will
are we taking the calciumagendainto the nutritious school meals
it is important that theagendamoves forward stuart duffin it
committed to driving forward thatagendathrough training spreading best practice
council s sense and progressagendait has begun to address
to make progress on thatagendathat is why we set
progress on the community careagendawe want to make progress
a logical part of thatagendathe evidence that tobacco advertising
scotland s allotments and anagendafor future action december 1999
future proceedings note a fullagendaincluding details of location and
future proceedings note a fullagendaincluding details of location and
which were part of theagenda2000 package they are part
part of the public healthagendaas i have said we
part of the community planningagendabeing a key outcome of
of this part of theagendagenerally speaking i would go
of this part of theagendaif we have information about
inclusion as part of thatagendaperhaps local economic forums have
i would like the disabilityagendas becoming a firm part
date established note a fullagendaincluding details of location and
22 september note a fullagendaincluding details of location and
decisions and follow its ownagendaand the reality of contracting
independence to follow its ownagendaand the reality of contracting
of course has its ownagendai will go in the
grace elder has her ownagendaon this issue i do
sector organisations have their ownagendapriorities and actions official report
only of delivering its ownagendavoluntary organisations should have a
right to have their ownagendawithin the diverse and overarching
appeared for the first timeagendaashen meal usa back to
issue is back on theagendabecause the first minister put
fox show the tories realagendafirst they want to break
a role in determining thatagendain the first place particularly
the first on a heavyagendaphil gallie the point is
we have set a demandingagendafor local authorities in particular
mitchison s lobsters on theagenda1952 being in some respects
on an executive motion onagenda2000 and the development of
must be put on theagendaand sold to people we
it comes up on theagendaand that once the committee
that petition is on theagendaand we will come to
go back on to theagendaanyway i propose that we
it deliver on the equalityagendaare you satisfied that what
appropriate subject was on theagendabut we never got in
may be placed on theagendaby either side i think
year are kept on theagendadouglas hamilton i can think
longer feature on the nationalistagendafor the parliament sadly the
keep debt reduction on theagendai do not mean that
are high on the politicalagendai do not want to
getting this matter on theagendai spent 24 years in
issues on the convention sagendain more detail such as
impact on the broadening democracyagendain scotland they are more
focusing on the broad disabilityagendainitiatives with the business community
about them and us thatagendais being taken on board
s1m 725 a woman sagendalodged on 30 march 2000
itself a place on thatagendaministers have signed up to
the growth issue on theagendaof the cabinet is not
the various issues on theagendaof the igc convention are
the highest priorities on theagendaof the media and this
young people to drive theagendaon particular election issues robert
else is the snp sagendaon pay to improve the
work on to a committeeagendapeople must manage the work
nurses firmly on the politicalagendarecruiting retaining and rewarding nurses
interested was not on theagendasimply because it was not
its not being on theagendathank you for your attendance
branch line wis on theagendathe prices would soar sky
that the text of theagendawas on the table for
on to the lifelong learningagendawe can look back to
for putting this on theagendawhile i agree that the
focus on a high levelagendawith a view to going
committee room considering the europeanagendaconstructively in westminster such matters
considering aspects of the europeanagendain a constructive way ms
central to the european educationagendawill she join me in
the committee will discuss theagendaand papers for the forthcoming
that the committee drives theagendaand that it is up
of a committee and itsagendamichael russell i wish to
committee s earlier discussions theagendanow recognises the need to
scotland bill and the wideragendaof the committee i thank
committee rather than pursuing theagendathat they might have pursued
do to support the osteoporosisagendahe will acknowledge that it
what the snp s payagendais i will not support
will be circulated with theagendapapers which should be issued
of the older age groupagendawill the minister reassure us
people who have a badagendawill use that for their
there must be another hiddenagendabehind closing down the home
context of the health improvementagendaand as a consequence of
review was the health improvementagendain the long run that
health team and that theagendais not solely about consumers
to deliver the broad healthagendato which the executive is
been determined by the euagenda2000 agreements that were reached
was not covered by theagenda2000 negotiations the scottish executive
is a fairly large commonagendaa lot of work that
scotland is leading the ukagendaand that is a significant
the issue was off theagendain october but that is
made it clear that theagendais about access to services
so far as any femaleagendais concerned all university educated
in the year how theagendais managed might usefully be
the scottish executive what theagendais which it has been
context of the lifelong learningagendait is important that we
to achieve is a modernisationagendapeter peacock described it as
the tobacco workers alliance theagendastates that there is only
not the setting of theagendathat is important but the
been fast tracked off theagendathat is shameful my colleague
organisations should contribute to theagendathere is a subtle difference
is so far down theagendawe do not want to
we have a fairly lengthyagendabefore we start i report
that members originally saw theagendanow includes positive references to
we were presenting a moralagendaand banging the same old
the parliament s equal opportunitiesagendaand i hope that we
services we have a wholeagendaaround patient focus and public
people we can change theagendaby recognising as michael matheson
complacency we have an ambitiousagendafor the voluntary sector which
closely to the government sagendaif we are involved in
of a changing and reformingagendain europe we understand that
to aim also at anagendatarget of some sort we
about that slightly longer termagendathe last time that we
the developing skills and trainingagendathe programmes of its innovative
year which would give theagendaa sense of longevity there
research based science and skillsagendaa reality in the months
difference between contributing to theagendaand organisations having the right
at the timing of theagendaand there might be a
fully recognised the emerging equalityagendaand this parliament s commitment
pupils in the day sagendaby eliciting initial reactions to
and that they drive theagendadouglas hamilton i agree children
my inquiry about how theagendafor parliamentary committees should be
into the nutritious school mealsagendai understand that the minister
very often ahead of theagendain seeking solutions to problems
interruption it was off theagendain that a community care
chosen to see a hiddenagendain the snp s amendment
personal care was off theagendainterruption it was off the
asked to translate the newagendainto national or regional policies
in effect therefore controls theagendamy understanding of rule 8
workers the text of theagendanow contains no commitments to
a break with the toriesagendaof cut after cut for
it s it s someagendaof the scottish national party
amendment 107 has no hiddenagendaor greater intent beyond the
i would not expect anagendato go out that the
heed to an area sagendato say the least i
the scottish executive s mainagendato support the textile industry
local government and pro privatisationagendawith little understanding of the
influence the shape of anagendawould be to lodge a
von berlepsch clearly had anagendain writing about burns namely
now deals with pre councilagendasetting as well as post
s day progresses this feministagendafrom female self recreation to
serve i follow no secretagendahave no axe to grind
a balanced approach without anagendagrounded in resentment and not
paper investing in modernisation anagendafor scotland s housing s1o
forest principles and d localagenda21 s1w 27508 mary scanlon
lyndsay mcintosh s tax raisingagendathat was why i intervened

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