
See this word as a collocate cloud

concerning pay and conditions iagreeentirely about the wording seemly
i think i yeah iagreeentirely i think when i
and enterprise more closely iagreeentirely with cathie craigie we
affordable homes i do notagreeentirely with everything in the
road maintenance bruce crawford iagreeentirely with jamie stone s
mmhm m1008: yes yes iagreeentirely with that i ve
be dr black i entirelyagreeinspection would be required if
with similar characteristics i entirelyagreethat in view of the
and bellshill lab i entirelyagreewe should try to find
con does the first ministeragreegiven the details that john
march does the first ministeragreegiven this great country s
to take does mabel hildebrandagreemabel hildebrand yes a uk
scotland con does the ministeragreeparticularly in the light of
can be implemented does sheagreethat although the snp has
lauderdale ld does the ministeragreethat although there are real
lothians snp does the memberagreethat another important way of
of implementation does the committeeagreethat any detailed plans for
snp does the first ministeragreethat anyone who studies british
for his answer does heagreethat best use can be
europe day does the ministeragreethat by involving our young
can provide does he alsoagreethat by setting a base
mrs mcintosh does the memberagreethat difficulties arise when volunteers
to remain competitive does sheagreethat effective co operation between
wee rest does cathy jamiesonagreethat financial partnership with the
fife con does the ministeragreethat fluoridation of scotland s
it finally does the ministeragreethat her position in the
the figures thirdly does heagreethat if we had objective
no teeth does the ministeragreethat improving children s dental
mr stone does mr davidsonagreethat in addition to the
shotts lab does the ministeragreethat in tackling poverty it
karen whitefield does the ministeragreethat initiatives such as the
the minister first does sheagreethat it is crucial that
fishery does the first ministeragreethat it is essential that
scotland snp does irene oldfatheragreethat it is not just
profession locally furthermore does heagreethat it is right and
central role does the memberagreethat it is vital to
still does and we allagreethat it needs to be
people moreover does the ministeragreethat it was astonishing that
for that answer does heagreethat it will be important
be paid does the ministeragreethat it would be a
mr davidson does mr gibsonagreethat it would be far
of national statistics does sheagreethat it would be wholly
fergus ewing does the ministeragreethat liquid petroleum gas is
statistics tomorrow does the ministeragreethat mr neil failed to
ian jenkins does the ministeragreethat none of those things
johann lamont does linda fabianiagreethat one of the big
janis hughes does the ministeragreethat one of the most
ld does the first ministeragreethat one of the strands
moray snp does the ministeragreethat part of the problem
described as temporary does heagreethat people and businesses in
not appropriately supported does sheagreethat people who bought their
robert brown does the ministeragreethat populist solutions to complex
qualifications framework does the ministeragreethat qualifications have to be
kincardine ld does johann lamontagreethat rural poverty and deprivation
bit strange does the ministeragreethat some of the issues
muddy the waters does sheagreethat targeted action to support
a nut does the ministeragreethat that is an accurate
in his employ does heagreethat that is shameful should
has been protected does heagreethat the a77 southern link
empowering communities does she notagreethat the best way is
a split site does sheagreethat the completion of the
scotland snp does the ministeragreethat the concerns and tensions
that organisation does the ministeragreethat the constant extension of
is permanent upheaval does heagreethat the existing structure must
stereotyping older people does sheagreethat the experience of older
susan deacon does keith raffanagreethat the implementation of the
scotland snp does the ministeragreethat the joint future approach
minister s remarks does heagreethat the livestock auction markets
those concerted efforts does heagreethat the most effective way
the private sector does heagreethat the motion and two
scottish parliament does the ministeragreethat the parliament now has
not achieve them does everyoneagreethat the quality was good
change their behaviour does heagreethat the report on the
south lab does the ministeragreethat the role of our
means testing does he alsoagreethat the single needs assessment
mp and msps does heagreethat the situation is extremely
tommy sheridan does the memberagreethat the very socialist he
glasgow ssp does the ministeragreethat there are often occasions
executive s health department doesagreethat there is a need
but bottom up does sheagreethat there is an urgent
on this issue does heagreethat there is in the
scotland con does the ministeragreethat there is no one
on this issue does heagreethat there is plenty of
bill aitken does the ministeragreethat there is some inconsistency
are welcome does the ministeragreethat they are only interim
other voluntary groups does sheagreethat they can end up
however does the first ministeragreethat this morning s debate
particular highland council does heagreethat this process is tragic
hannah research institute does heagreethat those two distinguished institutions
processes right does the ministeragreethat tidying up the language
people throughout scotland does sheagreethat we must ensure that
mr raffan does linda fabianiagreethat we must find a
due course does the committeeagreethat we should respond to
pollok lab does the memberagreethat what is on offer
the minister wants does sheagreethat what matters most is
mr stone does mr sheridanagreethat whatever the figure for
the convener does the committeeagreeto begin monday s meeting
education sector does the committeeagreeto continue to monitor developments
statutory instruments does the committeeagreeto make no recommendation to
the convener does the committeeagreeto support in principle the
elections bill therefore does notagreeto the general principles of
elections bill therefore does notagreeto the general principles of
unless the parliament does notagreeuprate the motor vehicle allowance
fuel poverty does the ministeragreewith help the aged that
simply because westminster does notagreewith the policy of this
extremely unhappy does he furtheragreewith the position of members
clear that it does notagreewith the report s conclusions
to the lasses does heagreewith what burns wrote on
petitioners to establish whether theyagreeis that agreed members indicated
the petition off do membersagreemembers indicated agreement epilepsy services
of the inquiry do membersagreemembers indicated agreement nick johnston
paragraph the convener do membersagreemembers indicated agreement the convener
report in private do membersagreemembers indicated agreement the convener
on 16 november do weagreeon that date members indicated
the normal manner do membersagreeto my suggestions members indicated
of the order do membersagreeto that action members indicated
legitimise junior ministers do membersagreeto that change members indicated
executive s response do membersagreeto that members indicated agreement
as deputy convener do weagreeto that nomination members indicated
of counting days do weagreeto that recommendation members indicated
a subsequent meeting do membersagreeto that suggestion members indicated
contravene the code do weagreewith that members indicated agreement
iain gray i can onlyagreei take this opportunity to
about it iain gray iagreethat the report expresses concerns
making those points can weagreeto that iain smith i
only appropriate iain mcmillan iagreewith all of peter wood
is analysed iain mcmillan iagreewith everything that peter wood
tested rigorously peter wood iagreewith iain mcmillan my comments
in outcomes peter wood iagreewith iain mcmillan s first
on the matter i alsoagreewith iain mcmillan that the
driven by economic opportunity iagreewith iain mcmillan that there
and transport and health iagreewith iain mcmillan that there
to everybody janet allan iagreewith iain montgomery that a
the amendments dr jackson iagreewith iain smith i am
round iain smith do youagreewith the bill s approach
will not be able toagreeon everything we should always
head of a pin weagreewith everything in the statement
public register dr shelton iagreewith everything kenneth black has
scottish trades union congress iagreewith everything that has been
should enjoy john scott iagreewith everything that has been
do so john scott iagreewith everything that has been
out of my mouth iagreewith everything that he said
it courteously i might notagreewith everything that it says
and i do not alwaysagreewith everything that she says
to committee members until weagreeit when it can go
lifelong learning inquiry do membersagreemr home robertson i understand
want to happen do membersagreemr mcneil would it be
sentences but as members willagreeshorter term prisoners also need
private i ask members toagreethat consideration of questions for
for many many members wouldagreethat dunselma was a fine
has been nominated do membersagreethat he should be the
she the convener do membersagreethat i should be the
that time scale if membersagreethat is the way in
am sure that members wouldagreethat it is not appropriate
in the meantime do membersagreethat simon watkins should pursue
report i hope that membersagreethat that reflects the committee
i hope that all membersagreethat the changes in the
28 day deadline do membersagreethat the deadline should be
am sure that members willagreethat the work that is
i also ask members toagreethat we keep the several
to hear from do membersagreethat we should try to
the convener do members thereforeagreethat we should widen the
has no representation do membersagreethe content of the evaluation
sort of thing do membersagreethe executive says that an
members while we will notagreethe final text today we
comments or questions do membersagreethe format of the consultation
rural areas as members willagreethose roads serve a wide
3 i ask whether membersagreeto consider items 7 8
has a deputy do membersagreeto follow that course of
say anything ken do membersagreeto hold items 2 3
on that basis do membersagreeto make no comment that
fulness of time do membersagreeto note that item members
with the proposals do membersagreeto note the letter welcome
that the convener do membersagreeto note the paper and
therefore disagreed to do membersagreeto pass the petition to
haemophilia groups forum do membersagreeto take agenda item 6
convener i ask members toagreeto take agenda item 7
simply to ask whether membersagreeto take in private at
simpson i ask members toagreeto take items 2 3
about the matter do membersagreeto take that approach as
questions in writing if membersagreeto that you would obviously
anything the convener do membersagreeto the course of action
museums i ask members toagreeto the paper and to
accept the recommendation do membersagreeto the recommendation in paragraph
members in the chamber alsoagreetommy sheridan the minister will
i hope that if membersagreewe might consider whether that
the action points if membersagreewe will pass a copy
boyack edinburgh central lab iagreewith other members that it
sure that all members wouldagreewith that we welcome all
enough the convener do membersagreewith the second paragraph a
hear that i do notagreeon the minister s intervention
sure that the minister willagreethat that issue continues to
the minister will no doubtagreethat the adoption of the
robson said the minister willagreethat there is a degree
first minister s sentiments andagreethat we should encourage such
councils will the first ministeragreeto ask his colleague mike
hope that the minister willagreeto that and i hope
i urge the minister toagreeto the amendment mr jim
rcahms the convener do weagreeto write to the minister
glasgow con perhaps uncharacteristically iagreewith many of the minister
there is no doubt iagreewith the minister that a
points to raise first iagreewith the minister that a
scotland and fife ld iagreewith the minister that the
i welcome the statement andagreewith the minister that the
minister s arguments again iagreewith them all i do
was mr stone do youagreewith what i said minister
the burden the convener iagreeare you expressing an interest
petition open the convener iagreebut should we also write
view allan allan wilson iagreeconvener ultimately it will be
12 45 the convener iagreeit would be useful for
i ask that the committeeagreethat the convener should issue
appeals the convener do youagreethat we have consulted adequately
terminal difficulty the convener iagreethat we should consider this
then the convener do weagreethat we should explore this
probably superfluous tricia marwick iagreethe convener okay it is
goes through the convener iagreethe issue is at the
proactive way the convener iagreethe monitoring role of this
agreement the convener do weagreeto do the same with
that the convener do weagreeto pick up on that
the parliament by resolution toagreeto that expenditure the convener
nairn and lochaber snp iagreewith that convener and i
our response maureen macmillan iagreewith that convener the issue
would discuss it however iagreewith the convener s proposal
14 45 mr quinan iagreewith the convener that it
support the petition and iagreewith the convener the convener
the matter bruce crawford iagreewith the convener the jury
throughout scotland the convener iagreewith the point that has
period the convener do weagreewith the report s recommendation
i think that we allagreewith your reasonable comments convener
that mm i agree iagreecompletely erm f963: yeah m762:
agree with that mm iagreei agree completely erm f963:
everyone in the chamber willagreeon that and agree that
will agree on that andagreethat we have to move
to agree to or notagreeto i will take them
which we are required toagreeto or not agree to
agree with tommy sheridan iagreewith him on this issue
m762: yeah yeah i iagreewith that mm i agree
although i do not alwaysagreewith tommy sheridan i agree
the petition phil gallie iagreethat the petition has arrived
good idea helen eadie iagreethe petition should go to
petition further we could alsoagreeto advise the petitioners that
crawford has highlighted do weagreeto consider the petition further
it is recommended that weagreeto note the petition and
it is suggested that weagreeto note the petition but
work with the spcb toagreea financial plan for the
working with the sqa toagreea programme of work to
unit assessments with which youagreealex easton i think that
and must be able toagreeand disagree with differing views
local housing strategies although weagreebroadly with much of the
their position with which iagreebut the situation is out
than edinburgh alastair dempster iagreecompletely with what the report
not breach biosecurity arrangements iagreefully with the member on
not mr jim wallace iagreefundamentally with john young the
proceedings with which everyone wouldagreein every respect but they
uk ban i did notagreein every respect with the
europe with which i fullyagreeit is a pity that
sarah boyack i could notagreemore with the member our
placed on them we willagreenew arrangements with the sqa
directive would offer i alsoagreestrongly with the technical points
proceed with it now iagreethat it is a worthwhile
with tobacco use and weagreethat promotion and education about
or through health do youagreethat with local authority plans
being said there when weagreethe common line with the
our remit robin harper iagreethoroughly with what bruce crawford
job and i might justagreeto have one drink with
absolutely ludicrous shona robison iagreetotally with fergus ewing i
get velcro fastenings dear iagreewhole heartedly with the comments
warmly welcome this debate andagreewholeheartedly with much of the
10 15 john young iagreewith a lot of what
the constitution we do notagreewith a superstate of course
anxious to avoid that iagreewith adam ingram we need
what cathy peattie said iagreewith almost all of it
out major repairs do youagreewith beverly francis that we
answer i do not necessarilyagreewith brian monteith s solutions
you did ron tuck iagreewith david elliot s comment
well founded irene oldfather iagreewith dennis canavan that the
on anyway janet allan iagreewith douglas hamilton to a
being the case do youagreewith dundee city council s
jackson glasgow govan lab iagreewith euan robson that the
december 2003 that said iagreewith gordon jackson and pauline
writers in this field wouldagreewith hasan that there can
in the newspaper industry whoagreewith her are more than
[laugh] f689: och no iagreewith her now cause it
i am not minded toagreewith her on that but
the problems of funding iagreewith her that it is
yes m1008: yes well iagreewith him about that m1055:
looked bonnie i can onlyagreewith him though i have
objections some of which iagreewith however the fact that
up a lot which iagreewith i am less sure
been changed bill butler iagreewith ian it is better
sides of the parliament iagreewith ian jenkins that a
is i found much toagreewith in annabel goldie s
the aim of which iagreewith indeed i take this
use their mither tongue iagreewith irene mcgugan as a
is of benefit and weagreewith it but it should
i think that she willagreewith it the lack of
s organisation patrick browne iagreewith james lowman that 5
scotland and fife ld iagreewith john swinney there are
to develop that work iagreewith keith raffan for once
other jurisdictions dennis canavan iagreewith lloyd quinan both the
real improvements taking place iagreewith margaret smith that the
needed the cbi may notagreewith me but i think
be duncan mcneil will perhapsagreewith me on that there
room i think you llagreewith me that er if
trust that mr rumbles willagreewith me that he is
am sure these gentlemen willagreewith me when i suggest
powerful session donald gorrie iagreewith michael matheson i have
coatbridge and chryston lab iagreewith michael mcmahon it would
through the appropriate channels iagreewith mike rumbles that we
conveners group cathy peattie iagreewith mike rumbles when the
debate and why i thoroughlyagreewith most of the aims
09 45 tricia marwick iagreewith most of what lord
say which is that iagreewith most people that our
statement was exceptional but iagreewith mr russell it should
final report mr quinan iagreewith much of what dennis
general principle donald gorrie iagreewith much of what has
like this christine grahame iagreewith much of what scott
have read the document andagreewith much that is in
london paris and frankfurt iagreewith my colleague chris huhne
turn out dr simpson iagreewith nicola sturgeon about the
sure is equally distinctive iagreewith one of keith raffan
f1187: [laugh] f66: and iagreewith people i mean if
in the round i alsoagreewith peter wood on the
to scotland dr black iagreewith professor richards s last
suggested as options i alsoagreewith section 113 which states
in the european union iagreewith section 149 which suggests
sign so many forms andagreewith so many agencies to
snp s amendment although iagreewith some of the spirit
it says although i mightagreewith some things that it
throughout scotland robert mooney iagreewith stuart duffin we should
his very fetching tie willagreewith that a82 tarbet to
government irene oldfather i absolutelyagreewith that and i am
mr jones indicates that weagreewith that christine grahame my
and visual impact do youagreewith that do we need
bill deserves excessive criticism iagreewith that he continued it
to settle down although iagreewith that i do not
of thing professor richards iagreewith that lots of opportunities
of the minutes do youagreewith that margaret nicol i
suspect that my colleagues wouldagreewith that on page 71
i think that we couldagreewith that power being used
jenkins i am inclined toagreewith that principle presumably the
s report which seems toagreewith that stance i have
have to say that iagreewith that that is what
nicol i would have toagreewith that the reports that
economy james o rourke iagreewith that we must ensure
to take adequate exercise iagreewith the arguments for providing
rationale and see whether theyagreewith the direction that s
british government s failure toagreewith the eu measures against
for consumers des hudson iagreewith the first part of
page 2 mr ingram iagreewith the first sentence on
my first answer and toagreewith the further points that
expenditure into those areas iagreewith the general point but
the secretary of state toagreewith the icc whether a
am not sure that iagreewith the last sentence of
gap for older people iagreewith the lobbying organisations that
he said i do notagreewith the minority report official
was that we do notagreewith the motion s congratulation
local authority being required toagreewith the national park body
correct in his assertions iagreewith the need for improved
of regulation and training weagreewith the need for regulation
do not know whether iagreewith the phrase batted backwards
sure that most msps willagreewith the point that he
a lot of people mightagreewith the points that he
discussions with many stakeholders weagreewith the position that the
time i said that weagreewith the principle of equity
people who speak gaelic iagreewith the recognition given to
response to the committee weagreewith the royal commission that
access for bsl users iagreewith the sensing progress report
on securing the debate iagreewith the sentiments in her
committee was not prepared toagreewith the sga s call
such as the rspb howeveragreewith the snh recommendation that
described as independent although iagreewith the snp and the
into recent events we stronglyagreewith the ssta about the
because even if people wouldagreewith the things you re
i mentioned i do notagreewith the transfer of those
colleagues and political rivals andagreewith them that the committee
progress on service development iagreewith them they certainly do
those issues professor richards iagreewith those comments a great
whole of scotland do youagreewith those principles 15 00
of self restraint we allagreewith those statements they are
and to that extent weagreewith tommy sheridan s basic
got and stream i wouldagreewith too yes yes m1007:
has i do not alwaysagreewith unison s views but
mcaveety glasgow shettleston lab iagreewith what has been said
ettrick and lauderdale ld iagreewith what you are saying
especially yeah f1037: yeah iagreewith you absolutely particularly when
that helen eadie seems toagreewith you but she did
ears obviously i know iagreewith you f1038: especially yeah
it is yes i quiteagreewith you f889: oh aye
environmental cha- f1037: actually iagreewith you i i could
advertising on which incidentally iagreewith you i would like
accent but yeah i iagreewith you particularly i think
drug misuse for example iagreewith your point about not
bit grungy f812: do youagreeit is quite studenty f814:
and i do not oftenagreeon political measures but we
be clarified do you notagreethat amending the civic government
but in essence we canagreethat computers do a variety
but we do not necessarilyagreethat it should be funnelled
for years however they doagreethat it was god s
things are okay do youagreethat it would be useful
tea or brunch do youagreethat pictures are as breathtaking
moratoriums do the three witnessesagreethat the argument is between
issues about training do youagreethat the best people to
titles in question we canagreethat the parliament could do
committing an offence do youagreethat the phrase is about
public mr davidson do youagreethat there are two major
to enlighten me do youagreethat there are ways free
objections mr stone do youagreethat there was undue and
today mr davidson do youagreethat under the devolution settlement
have no comments do theyagreethat we have nothing to
east scotland con before weagreeto do that i would
take a decision do weagreeto recommend the proposed changes
industry in scotland do weagreeto submit the motion as
direction to take do weagreeto take evidence from john
dissolution of parliament do weagreeto write to the executive
playing field provision do weagreeto write to the executive
am sure that we allagreeabout the need to address
sure that they too wouldagreethat it was worthwhile once
sure that rhona brankin wouldagreethat much activity is being
said particularly about consultants iagreethat developers should pay for
should the public petitions committeeagreethat further consideration is necessary
has asked the committee toagreethat i should send letters
d say i i iagreethat it should be encouraged
to the paper and toagreethat it should be forwarded
exist john scott i tooagreethat someone should examine further
that situation is inevitable iagreethat subsidiarity should be redefined
to us kay ullrich iagreethat the committee concerned should
the health matters i alsoagreethat the matter should be
handwritten ones pauline mcneill iagreethat there should be as
wish to foster scots iagreethat there should be investment
english and communication we allagreethat there should be no
pop at the executive iagreethat we can and should
12 00 des mcnulty iagreethat we should appoint a
after that maureen macmillan iagreethat we should refer the
its consideration nora radcliffe iagreethat we should refer the
be bothered maureen macmillan iagreethat we should say that
view is that we shouldagreethe principle and then examine
envisaged carrying out we shouldagreeto advise the public petitions
suggested that the committee shouldagreeto copy the response to
that the scottish government shouldagreeto have a question on
to think about should weagreeto have our window sills
committee conveners that they shouldagreeto incorporate specific points from
in scottish schools we shouldagreeto take no further action
douglas hamilton lothians con iagreevery strongly that there should
the fire master could notagreewho should be able to
disrespect and he will probablyagreethat although he tried to
in principal however although iagreethat we must go to
although we have still toagreethe precise remit and we
on year the member statesagreecertain priorities for their labour
member of all parties willagreethat most of us find
to everybody if we canagreea range of issues and
some issues they could notagreeon extending qualified majority voting
on political measures but weagreeon issues such as contracts
bottom line they could notagreeon some issues they could
executive s response and toagreethat the issues therein will
a different process operates iagreethat there are issues around
in the third world iagreethat there are other issues
of the issue before weagreeon who will undertake the
i ask the committee toagreeto address the broader issue
before the committee and weagreeto discuss the issue in
hope that the parliament willagreeto that the snp would
m865: most orcadian- orcadians wouldagree[laugh] okay thank you very
wars that most commentators wouldagreewere if not illegal at
everybody else i think weagreeabout that that relates to
to others the community policeagreeabout this in that this
that period fiona hyslop iagreealasdair rankin when committees have
his letter states i quiteagreeat first sight that the
in that paragraph they mayagreebetween themselves that only one
and talk stuart duffin iagreei add that one of
lifelong learning marilyn livingstone iagreei asked for that information
version james o rourke iagreeif i said that i
introducing that element which iagreeis important the quality and
item that we have toagreeis the document on the
i would i have toagreenow that i ve moved
say and your dad mayagreeor disagree that the cleverest
amendment 10 peter peacock weagreethat amendment 10 would improve
kingdom mr wallace i cannotagreethat breaking the rules ever
long way to go iagreethat changes have been made
the matter bristow muldoon iagreethat for any procedure that
an the franklin seem toagreethat fowk achieves soveraynetee ower
cent i think that weagreethat having 20 per cent
quoting him but he willagreethat he said that if
the precise remit and weagreethat in drawing up the
guidance however we all probablyagreethat in this case the
a weakness bruce crawford iagreethat it is an internal
the amendment we would allagreethat it is important to
procurators fiscal on reflection iagreethat it is not appropriate
phrase was discussed earlier iagreethat it seems slightly victorian
boyter beaumont i have toagreethat it was sheer providence
george sand but the majorityagreethat it was the fifteenth
group by the executive iagreethat it will not be
to report by friday iagreethat it would be appropriate
those plans work effectively iagreethat many local authorities are
morbidity rates we would allagreethat many of the attitudes
that even fergus ewing wouldagreethat margo macdonald did him
those comments on board iagreethat my remit is very
registered social landlords we certainlyagreethat scottish homes has a
bodies as scottish opera iagreethat scottish opera deserves support
are not justified we allagreethat subsidiarity is important i
a short life expectancy iagreethat that is a fair
think that nicola sturgeon wouldagreethat that is a further
the affirmative procedure we mayagreethat that is a reasonable
the westminster parliament if weagreethat that is how it
cathy jamieson i very muchagreethat that kind of partnership
on the agenda while iagreethat the amendments need to
in particular english teachers wouldagreethat the burden of assessment
to be weak elsewhere iagreethat the communication of good
the retail prices index iagreethat the figure is puzzling
covers your case below butagreethat the free copies aren
responsibility be are we toagreethat the ideas are good
cilt 1998 eric hawkins wouldagreethat the link between knowledge
gray i am happy toagreethat the link to stranraer
they will lapse anyway iagreethat the negative procedure may
questions from him before iagreethat the out of hours
phil gallie is wrong iagreethat the provision raises a
furthermore i am unable toagreethat the same test of
personal capacity we cannot thereforeagreethat the scottish executive has
parliament to be asked toagreethat the sexual offences bill
committee that undertaking and toagreethat the study will involve
gray i am happy toagreethat the three towns bypass
party i am happy toagreethat the voluntary sector plays
to get local authorities toagreethat there is a problem
work into them nevertheless iagreethat there is a vagueness
a catch all provision iagreethat there is need for
to know that we allagreethat this year s budget
everyone in the chamber wouldagreethat today s keynote speech
jenkins ian jenkins we allagreethat we are approaching the
hope that the committee mightagreethat we could all support
or david mackenzie you llagreethat we have the artists
area on which everybody wouldagreethat we need to have
the misuse of drugs iagreethat we will have to
from this discussion that weagreethe principle of trying to
and i suggest that weagreethem as part of our
decided that committees would notagreeto a two or three
the committee may wish toagreeto copy the responses that
hope that the committee willagreeto hear a presentation from
you and that you mustagreeto leave this house if
and if you don tagreeto my suggestion that ll
is suggested that the committeeagreeto take no further action
appeal to the committee toagreeto the amendment that sets
country cathy jamieson absolutely iagreeto the extent that i
chisholm said that if weagreeto this item going through
of any changes that weagreeto today at the outset
business andy but if iagreeto your suggestion that ll
is maist particular and iagreewi her that the maids
remember that f1018: i iagreewi john there was lots
that m1014: like that iagreewi kenny yeah that s
temperamental an grumpy i wouldagreewi that as well eh
jonsar eck answered i divagreewi that bit i canna
that s true i wouldagreewi that m1016: he couldnae
countries and languages i wouldagreewi that m1020: when a
f1005: mmhm m1004: would youagreewi that margaret f1005: or
got that but i wouldagreewi that yeah it s
first stage rhoda grant iagreehowever in considering the wider
now however we need toagreethe scope of the review
a request however if theyagreeto it the scottish bill
o ear i didna jistagreebit ye niver won be
a town in france iagreebut it has taken time
the agenda douglas hamilton iagreechildren s services plans are
occupational pensions mr harding iagreei was just about to
already happened professor richards iagreei would also point out
up meal des mcnulty iagreein general but this is
me i think you widagreeit s a aff affa
seems reasonable maureen macmillan iagreejohn scott will the sga
magnificent tartan army i cwidnaagreemair wi oor manager walter
donald gorrie said and iagreeolder people who lose their
for you and i toagreeon something mr mcallion it
sweel doon i couldna bitagreesae she convoyet me till
fills up wi lead iagreeso as you ve got
their responsibility patricia ferguson iagreethe committees and their conveners
4 187 but i cannotagreethe idea has obviously been
comes in professor richards iagreethe monitoring of environmental impact
be addressed professor richards iagreethe penalties for farmers who
[laugh] m1008: yes i iagreethe the what d ya
for a visit jim iagreethis is raiths worst yet
i ask the committee toagreeto take item 4 in
explanation i am happy toagreeto the commissioning of a
natural environment f1037: yeah iagreetotally yeah f1038: and i
here m1008: yeah again iagreeugly is the only one
areas johann lamont i absolutelyagreewe have all experienced the
[laugh] m1015: i have taeagreewi kenny because ehm m1014:
no i wou- i wouldagreewi ye there i m
and get more parties toagreeindeed john swinney has been
and regulations which we allagreeare necessary it is essential
empowerment brian adam we probablyagreeon the analysis of the
doing so if we cannotagreeon what exactly the scots
at this time we couldagreeto conclude consideration of the
fairly substantially redrafted can weagreeto hold over consideration of
resource implications were we toagreeto it in principle we
petitioner and the executive weagreeto seek the views of
the conveners group whether weagreeto send a representative and
suggested seems appropriate could weagreeto take evidence from them
ower the eers we baithagreewe maun haud on tae
all the material we mustagreewhat these sections of the
is debated in the parliamentagreenot to take any further
m1008: mmhm m1055: would youagreealister se- m1008: ehm m1055:
the parties would need toagreeamongst themselves before they go
decision would be kinder toagreeand perhaps put her mind
speakers of what aitken wouldagreeis normally called bad scots
tayside and will she furtheragreeto allow the trust as
under way the committee willagreeformally to discuss those bits
those reasons he did notagreeto our recommendation for a
clinic the committee is toagreea list of possible witnesses
representatives if the committee cannotagreeon a commission proposal the
committee will be invited toagreethe recommendations contained in a
committee will be invited toagreethe recommendations contained in a
committee will be invited toagreethe recommendations contained in the
committee will be asked toagreeto limit debate on emergency
committee will be asked toagreeto limit debate on emergency
committee will be asked toagreeto limit debate on emergency
stocks the council did notagreeon a cod recovery plan
the local authority could notagreeon the fire safety standards
trade if scotland did notagreeto speedy progress to a
pensions and whether it willagreeto be bound by the
the executive s intention toagreeto mr matheson s amendments
its heid as if taeagreefur a meenit the bairn
tap their feet wid yeagreeshift ben yer seat if
ssi and if so toagreeto limit debate to 15
responsibility through voluntary measures toagreeacceptable behaviour contracts and encourage
debt advice network and toagreean adequate level of resource
local and national interests toagreeobjectives and the powers to
say well you have toagreeon a on rules before
group and local authorities toagreeon common codes of practice
of job creation failure toagreeon the dimensions and purpose
they only met once toagreethe pattern of the project
wallace has seen fit toagreeto a question on religion
delivery otherwise the parliament cannotagreeto any bill no matter
maintenance problems of having toagreeto granite chips on the
the humans persuade them toagreeto help the hen next
to reconsider this decision andagreeto make up the funding
scottish executive at some pointagreeto offer compensation it seems
the northern england franchise toagreeto stop at lockerbie station
prague during september 2000 toagreeto stop taking payments from
the executive is prepared toagreeto the amendments in groups
three months in which toagreeto the common position or
recommendation on the bill oragreeto the motion because the
are too mentally ill toagreeto the operation s1o 5371
why on earth did youagreeto wear a red lycra
feart they juist boud tiagreeit s naethin adae wi
wi the new bible theyagreethe king s above a
thing was he didna evenagreewi the scaffies strike he
ll again he ll probablyagreewi us eh eh m1014:
his scanner wis forced taeagreewi wir bits a aald
four priorities on which theyagreeis equal opportunities for men
is debatit in the pairlamentagreetae tak nae faurer action
bi a vulture wad baithagreea stoonin tooth s the
fowk fa ll ne eragreetae the icy flowes o
on beauty don t youagreethe beauty of the world
m865: mm you wouldn tagreef951: no m865: okay why
it s haivers ah wadagreemasha absorbed in her book
process for stage 1 andagreewitnesses enterprise and lifelong learning

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