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is quite lamentable three yearagreementsare as common as sightings
many councils performance on fundingagreementsis quite lamentable three year
be errors in spelling gendersagreementsetc and there may still
genders cases word order andagreementsin terms of language resource
for summary table 6 validationagreementsallow universities or university colleges
and standards are sufficient validationagreementsbetween heis without degree awarding
states in early 1999 thoseagreementswill largely govern the pattern
for such promotion category managementagreementsbetween tobacco companies and retailers
multiple retailers can reach financialagreementswith tobacco companies to display
land entering into land managementagreementsor adopting planning functions snh
the point of sale suchagreementsare fairly standard in the
that the point of saleagreementsthat patrick browne mentioned are
subject of point of saleagreementsthe impact of the additional
suggested those point of saleagreementswould end under the proposed
section 29 insert arrangements andagreementswith bodies corporate 1 it
4 and sections arrangements andagreementswith bodies corporate and guidance
other than sections arrangements andagreementswith bodies corporate and guidance
obligations in respect of euagreementson police and judicial co
to renegotiate their category managementagreementsin other parts of the
a lot of section 75agreementswhereby opencast companies pay a
stand alone outlets that haveagreementswith tobacco companies to supply
inclusion in public private partnershipagreementsof hospital ancillary facilities such
the people in local partnershipagreementsshould pool new resources in
in encouraging three year partnershipagreementswith councils the scottish executive
provided by means of partnershipagreementswith other institutions 10 section
s north east atlantic commissionagreementsestablished catch limits and a
to reach after separation negotiatedagreementsabout residence contact with children
and implementing such arrangements oragreements2 directions for the purposes
it has had and whatagreementshave been reached in respect
by the eu agenda 2000agreementsthat were reached by member
set up and area managementagreementsare being developed it may
implementation of the agreement localagreementsbetween management and teachers unions
lending bodies to seek voluntaryagreementsthat they will not advertise
particularly keen on fair tradeagreementswith the third world as
s response to draft writtenagreementson financial procedures between the
a financial aspect to thoseagreementsthe figure that has been
the development of community bankingagreementsto bring improved financial services
broke the long standing agencyagreementswith local authorities by putting
update its policy on planningagreementsbetween developers and local authorities
of any plans or recentagreementsby the water authorities to
income comes via service levelagreementswith local authorities 8 underlining
be able to enter intoagreementswith local authorities and public
investment the move towards outcomeagreementsbetween the executive and local
number of stores also haveagreementsthat cover their gantries and
affairs committee 4 draft writtenagreementsconsideration of minister for finance
in some seven mutual assistanceagreementsranging from the agreed uk
12 before section 52 insertagreementsas to fixed equipment in
those goals only by securingagreementsand treaties as the convention
if we consider that thoseagreementsare repeated in the newsagent
because they had lost thoseagreementsthey would do that either
future european or other internationalagreementssigned by the first minister
line with the powers andagreementsof this parliament 14 45
memorandum of understanding and supplementaryagreementsthe initial concordats with the
mcmahon there are no nationalagreementshowever we heard evidence earlier
reaching across a multiplicity ofagreementsand the executive believes that
and in rental and tenancyagreementsand notably in circumstances where
our members we would loseagreementsunless there were provisions in
derived from relevant profit sharingagreementsmr andy kerr 50 in

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