See this word as a collocate cloud
tha drochaid an sin faisg | air | a faisg air a rud |
dhen m981: tha e faisg | air | a pholl aig mòrag bheag |
sin faisg air a faisg | air | a rud air an stadium |
m981: mmhm aidh f982: faisg | air | an abhainn a bhos m981: |
ann eadar gu math faisg | air | an armadillo an sin a |
coise f980: tha e faisg | air | an conference centre m979: aidh |
bheil i f980: oh faisg | air | an s e m979: footbridge |
a faisg air a rud | air | an stadium chan eil sian |
gun robh i cho faisg | air | breith m981: laogh bha och |
rudeigin mar sin f980: faisg | air | m979: chanainnsa co dhiù gu |
d gotten throu his first | air | raid athoot gittin bombed an |
that were likely to be | air | raid f963: maybe i m |
time chrissie it s an | air | raid jim we ll need |
the street and there was | air | raid sh- [laugh] there was |
glad to leave behind the | air | raid shelter and the gas |
the exception of a derelict | air | raid shelter another car park |
thought it had been an | air | raid shelter but obviously you |
delta i wid like an | air | raid shelter in each classroom |
you don t build an | air | raid shelter on top of |
we re sittin in a | air | raid shelter so we dinna |
they gaed tae hid gotten | air | raid shelters biggit in the |
raid sh- [laugh] there was | air | raid shelters round the back |
2nd world war when the | air | raid siren sounded in bervie |
his nose she laughs the | air | raid siren wails out they |
hae it there was an | air | raid that nicht an she |
street was full o folk | air | raid wardens bobbies an the |
an doon soond o the | air | raid warnin an this time |
we had for ye ken | air | raid warnins i think i |
dhe s dòcha bidh mi | air | a h uile questionnaire fhaighinn |
co dhiù bidh an heating | air | aig f980: mmhm oh aidh |
eile agus bidh iad sin | air | an comharrachadh anns a phlana |
cha robh f980: bidh iad | air | an rag reothadh an fheadhainn |
ach bh- m979: oh rudan | air | an telebhisean f980: bidh an |
ann is bidh na heating | air | co dhiù bidh an heating |
sa chrowd s bidh eagal | air | duine a niste falbh air |
tha e dìreach bidh e | air | gro- bidh e bidh e |
e air grodadh bidh e | air | grodadh a mach so f982: |
gro- bidh e bidh e | air | grodadh bidh e air grodadh |
mach so f982: bidh e | air | grodadh mm so m981: [tarraing anail] |
f980: [?]ach[/?] dè bha ceàrr | air | hmm [neo-shoilleir] bidh sinn gu |
uill bha mi a coimead | air | a dè rud a bh |
an rud a bha thu | air | a dhìochuimhneachadh na m979: och |
an rud f980: [tarraing anail] rudan | air | an druim s chan urrainn |
gun e fàgaidh tu rud | air | an trèan s gum falbh |
na taobhannan rud a th | air | chan e pronnadh f982: an |
chòir lìon agus tha rud | air | fhàgail m981: [slugadh] tha i |
f980: rud a bhiodh tu | air | fhaighinn an uiridh mar gum |
uill tha an rud siud | air | [neo-shoilleir] nach eil seòrsa de |
daoine airson daoine a mharbhadh | air | sàilleabh an rud a tha |
ath rud s e starteadh | air | trìseagadh f982: [neo-shoilleir] m981: [tarraing anail] |
seen ye takin the caller | air | a didna daur breinge in |
widd ern an coll caller | air | an clane wattir the sies |
she micht breithe the caller | air | an hear the burds liltin |
banes oot inti the caller | air | an sunlicht ah wad be |
rinnin free in the caller | air | but ilka tyme the lassie |
says whit a braw caller | air | but juist then he seen |
pleasant site a lyke the | air | it s douce an caller |
nocht tae breathe but caller | air | och froggie said oot there |
flouers an breathe the caller | air | pompitie mistress ah l hae |
ye can breithe the caller | air | til yeir hert s content |
tyme ootby in the caller | air | wi hir man lauchin an |
for a braith o caller | air | wi hir wey o t |
to the glasgow to barra | air | link for one year only |
whether the glasgow to barra | air | link is subject to a |
duncan hamilton glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation for |
s1m 3623 glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation lodged |
3623 1 glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation lodged |
duncan hamilton glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation that |
duncan hamilton glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation that |
above 9 glasgow to barra | air | link public service obligation the |
for the glasgow to barra | air | link recognises that such contracts |
for the glasgow to barra | air | link recognises that such contracts |
on the future of the | air | service between glasgow and barra |
for the barra to glasgow | air | service for 2003 04 and |
for the elderly pe598 barra | air | service ms jessie macneil will |
we consider further alternative options | air | services glasgow to barra 8 |
tarbet to inverarnan adoption agriculture | air | services glasgow to barra european |
look at the future of | air | services to barra for example |
its proposed review of barra | air | transport provision s1w 34725 lord |
agus eadar nàiseanta le còrr | air | 40 dùthaich a com pàirteachadh |
agus dhan chultar aige fhèin | air | a bhith agus gum bi |
e f982: agus bha mi | air | a flagadh sìos mur a |
iarraidh agus fhuair iad cead | air | a shon aonta gum biodh |
a faicinn gàidhlig agus albais | air | an adhartachadh anns a h |
còirichean agus na dleasnasan seo | air | an sgrùdadh agus air an |
seo air an sgrùdadh agus | air | an toirt gu buil supported |
dheanamh as leth chànan agus | air | beagan dheth ionnsachadh ach tha |
lagha agus mòdan ceartais agus | air | beulaibh bhuidhnean eile aig a |
leamsa gu m biodh sinn | air | chothrom barrachd agus barrachd a |
agus tha eòlas farsaing aca | air | cùisean cànain ann an alba |
na gàidhlig agus albais comasach | air | feum a dheanamh den bhliadhna |
ullachadh agus chan eil cànan | air | fhagail as canaidh mi sin |
mu dheidhinn agus bhuail i | air | following is the simultaneous interpretation |
obair seo agus tha mi | air | leth toilichte gu bheil na |
cunntas as ùr agus buileachadh | air | na molaidhean a bh anns |
mhonaidh tha i nas fhaisg | air | poll mòrag bheag agus tha |
i fliuch an robh oh | air | pronnadh m981: agus i cho |
gàidhlig agus a cur ìmpidh | air | riaghaltas na h alba na |
gàidhlig agus albais tha e | air | steidheachadh le cuideachadh bho roinn |
mise a cur beagan gual | air | [tarraing anail] agus an uair sin |
mòr chànanan mar beurla airidh | air | ùidh agus airidh cuideachd air |
ospadal m981: agus tha iad | air | uill s e rudeigin mu |
air ùidh agus airidh cuideachd | air | urram tha an comisean eòrpach |
e sìos an di- an robh | air | a an robh e shìos |
a smaoineachadh gun robh sibh | air | a dhol am poll cha |
mise cinnteach gun robh sibh | air | a dhol m981: bha sinn |
far an robh a mhachine | air | a mhòine a bheir às |
robh e shìos a coimead | air | a raoir na an robh |
gun robh e a falbh | air | an dara latha idir [tarraing anail] |
sgath cha robh sgath aodach | air | an robh bha e bha |
gun robh iad a falbh | air | camping expedition leis a bh |
robh ann ach team beag | air | choireigin a bha iad a |
a smaoineachadh gun robh iad | air | dhol nuair nach robh sibh |
a staigh an robh i | air | dorchnachadh m981: bha bha i |
air sàilleabh gun robh strike | air | f980: oh chan eil mi |
barrachd busaichean air s dòcha | air | sàilleabh gun robh strike air |
robh bha e bha e | air | striopadh m979: cha robh cha |
bit o warmth in the | air | april shoor or twa jist |
the warmth in o the | air | bit come nicht a april |
wi warmth in o the | air | day turns oot gran bonny |
the warmth in o the | air | en come nicht it s |
wi warmth in o the | air | fowk in sark sleeves fittin |
bit o warmth in the | air | fowk wauk ahoot withoot a |
some warmth in o the | air | hale day lang it dis |
the warmth in o the | air | hale day lang sae fresh |
bide dry warmth in the | air | nae cloods in the sky |
the warmth in o the | air | see fowk gang aboot withoot |
wi warmth in o the | air | sin peeps oot an it |
as weel warmth in the | air | that i can feel tuesday |
bonny day warmth in the | air | we feel thursday 12 temp |
feel the warmth in the | air | wednesday 2 temp 4 5 |
the warmth in o the | air | win dis rise bit it |
nì mi oh dìreach mach | air | a bhocsa is nì mi |
dìreach staoig mhòr a chur | air | a f982: [neo-shoilleir] an do |
nas fheàrr dìreach coiseachd seachad | air | a tha drochaid an sin |
dèan thu ach a chur | air | an dràsta dìreach [?]uill[/?] ma |
dìreach [?]uill[/?] ma chlìoras iad | air | an t seachdain sa tighinn |
to six no rudeigin dìreach | air | an taigh fhàgail nuair a |
mar tha m981: oh dìreach | air | beulaibh an taighe an siud |
àite feumaidh tu dìreach feuchainn | air | do rathad a dhèanamh air |
dìreach tha bucaid no dhà | air | fhàgail agam a muigh an |
course tha dùbhghall tha dùbhghall | air | holiday [tarraing anail] m981: dìreach fhad |
e dìreach an aon dòigh | air | s e dìreach gun a |
f982: mullach eh tha feur | air | a bheir dheth is an |
air a cul tha 2001 | air | a bhith air a sonrachadh |
san rioghachd aonaichte a tha | air | a cho òrdanachadh leis an |
fiodh tha sin bha e | air | a chuir sìos [tarraing anail] dh |
a phriomh amas a tha | air | a cul tha 2001 air |
taigh sheinnse ma tha e | air | a dhèanamh ceart aidh f982: |
nis magners m981: tha e | air | a dhol dha na ciders |
tha iad a reic dhiubh | air | a dhol sìos air sàilleabh |
sasannach tha an t eagal | air | a dhol tarsainn air leis |
ri dhèanamh f980: a bharrachd | air | a m979: dissertation tha f980: |
agad ri dhèanamh a bharrachd | air | a m979: tha tha ceithir |
a tha iad ag obair | air | a màireach [tarraing anail] feuch an |
tha e a dol sìos | air | a phlèan gu a mhàthair |
tha cò aige bhios fios | air | a sin m981: [tarraing anail] uh |
tha 2001 air a bhith | air | a sonrachadh mar bhliadhna eorpach |
san rioghachd aonaichte tha comataidh | air | a steidheachadh san rioghachd aonaichte |
thi tha tòrr daffodils agams | air | a'chù- nach do fhuair mi |
dearbh tha mi a coimhead | air | adhart ris ris an turas |
fhaodadh duine sam bith seasamh | air | airson dreiseag m981: tha so |
killer no rudeigin a chur | air | airson tha beagan feanntagan ann |
alright gheibh mi gheibh mi | air | ais e gun teaghamh tha |
tha fainear dhuinn a tilleadh | air | ais gu beachdan a nochd |
blàth an sin bha sunburn | air | an amadan ud a tha |
tha sin a cur crìoch | air | an deasbad tha a choinneamh |
a mach ach tha iad | air | an inntinn a dhèanamh suas |
nach sguireadh tu a bhruidhinn | air | an nonsense a tha sin |
theagasg cànain tha cùisean albannach | air | an riochdachadh air a chomataidh |
is cànainean roinneil a tha | air | an sònrachadh le stàitean a |
a tha mi a cluinntinn | air | an sraid f980: s e |
h uile duine a falbh | air | an underground ma tha m979: |
sin tha an roinn eòrpa | air | aontachadh sin a dheanamh cha |
fhaighinn tha an t sìde | air | atharrachadh air feadh an t |
co dhiù [tarraing anail] tha i | air | atharrachadh sa h uile h |
h uile duine a coimhead | air | cò an amadan a tha |
dol dhan òban a choimhead | air | cuideigin [tarraing anail] bha tha iad |
a cur dà chòta varnish | air | f982: oh ma tha chan |
as blàithe san dùthaich breatainn | air | fad f980: s e tha |
tha f980: cha tèid agam | air | falbh air a ferry m979: |
f982: ciamar a bheil e | air | fàs bog m981: tha an |
a chèile s tha iad | air | feadh an àite astar ann |
na dè na tha thu | air | fhaighinn dhe na ceist- ceisteachain |
uil [?]chur sin uibhreachd air[/?] f982: tha donaidh | air | ga bheir a dh inbhir |
fàs rudeigin b- tha i | air | grodadh an [?]siber[/?] tha sin |
credsinn gum biodh tha i | air | holidays a nis gu chan |
m981: tha an t eagal | air | jo- kenny an sin f982: |
tòiseachdainn ri feumaidh mi coimead | air | m981: tha mi fhèin an |
nuair a bha e muigh | air | na bàtaichean aidh mmhm tha |
ainmeil an uidheam tha sin | air | na beinn tha fhios nam |
ghabhail a steach mar thoradh | air | na co dhunaidhean sin tha |
sin a chuireas am blas | air | na gnothaichean tha sin [tarraing anail] |
aidh fhad sa tha bùth | air | taobh aidh f980: oxford street |
tha na pàipearan a nist | air | tha an àireamh a tha |
a bhith gu math eòlach | air | tha mi a creidsinn mmhm |
f980: chan eil fhios am | air | thalamh cò tha gan ithe |
f980: tha am pàipear fhèin | air | tighinn air adhart gu math |
[tarraing anail] winter cabbage tha mi | air | trì s f982: na dh |
na h alba mar tha | air | tuilleadh s a chòrr s |
gual f982: chos- tha sinn | air | tunna a chosg ann am |
gettin out not gettin fresh | air | and by the end of |
unlocked it smartly and fresh | air | and freedom poured over me |
the room for some fresh | air | and pushed himself along in |
furiously and often paddling fresh | air | as the raft plunged and |
get outside for some fresh | air | at any moment but continued |
o win dis rise fresh | air | at last fit a surprise |
don t you want fresh | air | at least sadie draughty enough |
are a breath of fresh | air | blowing into this prison of |
go and gasped for fresh | air | damn that toothlock doddy boy |
m1090: ah it s fresh | air | f1089: it s fresh air |
[yawn] do you need fresh | air | f1089: [laugh] i might dae |
any remaining pockets of fresh | air | had long been saturated with |
turned soor outside the fresh | air | hit them all with different |
get a whiff o fresh | air | i micht even chore some |
this prison of fragrant fresh | air | if i may say so |
open to let the fresh | air | in well it s going |
might dae aye m1090: fresh | air | [inhale] mm [inhale] f1089: right |
in the study said fresh | air | is guid fur a body |
air f1089: it s fresh | air | is it does it smell |
jist dinna get enough fresh | air | it s nae good for |
i turned away the fresh | air | just plain cold and raw |
like a breath of fresh | air | laughing rebellious unpredictable they were |
manifesto a breath of fresh | air | lodged on 5 february 2003 |
manifesto a breath of fresh | air | lodged on 5 february 2003 |
a good dose of fresh | air | outside cleared it fine there |
lilian let in some fresh | air | reverend act 2 mrs beaumont |
fine fresh feel ino the | air | spit or twa bit it |
nae a breath o fresh | air | struggles affa hard tae bide |
for het baths an fresh | air | syne doun the shank the |
beyond belief pray for fresh | air | tae get relief sunday 27 |
22 quait an sultry fresh | air | there is neen dry for |
she thinkin mebbe the fresh | air | wad makk her feel better |
wore on an e fresh | air | wark an e hait sin |
how nice and fresh the | air | was there he says it |
affa quait nae ony fresh | air | wednesday 30 temp 10 11 |
fresh feel in o the | air | win blaws fae the sooth |
ach a bheir a mach | air | a bhocsa m981: [tarraing anail] bheir |
a nochd is bha e | air | a [tarraing anail] m981: [tarraing anail] f982: |
[tarraing anail] [leigeil anail] m979: ach eh | air | ais gu rangers a nis |
f982: [tarraing anail] nist s ann | air | an taobh eile dhen m981: |
airson [tarraing anail] uair no dhà | air | choireigin m981: [leigeil anail] ach uill |
a dhol m981: bha sinn | air | a cur ann uilig [srùbadh] |
dhà rìreabh nam biodh e | air | a m981: bhiodh f982: mullach |
an e donaidh a th | air | s e m981: s e |
gu bheil iad a falbh | air | a second an dara latha |
iad airson a bha iad | air | an sgreamhachadh roimhe co dhiù |
do chuir iad barrachd busaichean | air | s bha bhiodh barrachd busaichean |
mi cinnteach gu bheil iad | air | tòiseachdainn ri feumaidh mi coimead |
tòrr eskimos ann f980: cò | air | a bha sinn a bruidhinn |
nam biodh an trailer mòr | air | a bhith againn f982: bha |
le staples a bha e | air | a chumail le chèile an |
an latha roimhe bha e | air | a phrogram aige is bha |
nuts bha e a coimhead | air | an laogh fhios agad eh |
bha e cur an gnothach | air | dòigh s uill mur a |
mi bodach beag is rop | air | gan ithe bha m979: rop |
f982: am faca tu sgeul | air | [?]gille chaluim seonaidh[/?] nuair a bha thu |
dhuilgheadas nuair bhathar a beachdachadh | air | na h ullachaidhean bha oifigearan |
s bha bhiodh barrachd busaichean | air | s dòcha air sàilleabh gun |
f980: a falbh le grèim | air | a bhalla a bhithinnsa m979: |
an sin a dol seachad | air | a chluaidh f980: oh aidh |
ola a chur dhan mach | air | a f980: oh nach eil |
cha tèid agam air falbh | air | a ferry m979: ferrry f980: |
ann an air a ghr- | air | a ghrian f980: càite air |
air a ghrian f980: càite | air | a ghrian [gàire] aidh bhiodh |
nach bi i a tighinn | air | a oh cha chanainn f980: |
f980: chan eil feum ac | air | a sin fhèin chan eil |
f980: an d fhuair thu | air | ais lethcheud m979: eh uill |
am biadh fhàgail a mach | air | an starsaich f980: oh m979: |
sin chan fhaigh thu mach | air | doras m979: [?]horrible[/?] f980: chan |
ruith bhithinnsa math gu leòr | air | m979: airson tacsi fhaighinn f980: |
fhàileadh oh fhalbh [gàire] m979: | air | no an dà chuid f980: |
ràdh gun d fhuair mi | air | passaigeadh f980: oh aidh uh |
daoine a fàgail an àite | air | sailleamh an fhàileadh f980: mm |
am pàipear fhèin air tighinn | air | adhart gu math seach mar |
airson gum biodh àite agad | air | an seasadh tu gu h |
a m gu bheil winnie | air | mòran a dheanamh as leth |
cha bhi cànan sam bith | air | a chumail a mach neo |
cha dèan mi fhèin stem | air | a dhol suas aidh f982: |
eagal ort a niste falbh | air | an trèana cha mhòr co |
uill cha d rachainn fhìn | air | an tube an lunnainn co |
eagal air a dhol tarsainn | air | leis a landrover aige cha |
by 6 february 2003 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
by 6 february 2003 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
by 6 february 2003 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
2002 ssi 2002 549 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
by 6 february 2003 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
by 6 february 2003 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
2002 ssi 2002 549 the | air | quality limit values scotland amendment |
june 2001 rural development the | air | quality limit values scotland regulations |
june 2001 rural development the | air | quality limit values scotland regulations |
june 2001 rural development the | air | quality limit values scotland regulations |
2001 ssi 2001 219 the | air | quality limit values scotland regulations |
tèid e idir se- tarsainn | air | chan eil e chan eil |
agad ri currac a chur | air | chan eil eh m979: alba |
a rithist chan eil cànan | air | fhàgail as following is the |
nam ball gun iarr i | air | riaghaltas na h albann tagradh |
a feuchainn ri a faighinn | air | adhart lem beatha m979: [?]aidh[/?] |
dhe na ceist- ceisteachain sin | air | ais fhatha m979: timcheall lethcheud |
s [cnag] od rachadh tu | air | chall ann oh [neo-shoilleir] m979: |
is tòrr airgead o team | air | choireigin eile m979: uill aidh |
feum thu sin a chur | air | do cheann m979: s dòcha |
dhiubh air a dhol sìos | air | sàilleabh an internet m979: aidh |
dòcha gum faigh mi grade | air | a shon an dèidh sin |
aidh ma nì mi obair | air | a shon ma mar gum |
a chuir mi ehm mach | air | an aghaidh an sin le |
fheum mi sin a chur | air | mo cheann idir s e |
that reliable regular and affordable | air | and sea transport links are |
that reliable regular and affordable | air | and sea transport links are |
party debate on scotland s | air | links for text of motion |
fabiani s1m 2828 aberdeen international | air | links lodged on 4 march |
2158 highlands and islands lifeline | air | links lodged on 4 september |
to dt 3 scotland s | air | links mr kenny macaskill moved |
robin harper s1m 2930 inverness | air | links public service obligation lodged |
of new and improved transatlantic | air | links s1w 11808 mr kenny |
the maintenance and development of | air | links serving scotland believes that |
the maintenance and development of | air | links serving scotland believes that |
mr kenny macaskill scotland s | air | links that the parliament recognises |
parliament recognises the importance of | air | links to from and within |
parliament recognises the importance of | air | links to from and within |
lloyd quinan s1m 2623 lifeline | air | links to the islands lodged |
obligations allowing affordable and accessible | air | links within scotland s1m 3153 |
obligations allowing affordable and accessible | air | links within scotland the deputy |
air duine a niste falbh | air | an trèana sin co dhiù |
sin niver min gin e | air | be caal ye couldna bit |
air do rathad a dhèanamh | air | dòigh eigin sin agad uilig |
a nip in o the | air | en the sin peeps throo |
s a spit in the | air | oot comes the sin bides |
autumn feel in o the | air | oot comes the sin sae |
the heat in o the | air | sin for the day noo |
wi frost in o the | air | weak is the sin bit |
a very interesting analogy the | air | traffic continues but what people |
assurances can you give about | air | traffic control for aircraft that |
safety throughout scotland to keep | air | traffic control in the public |
and so on muir russell | air | traffic control is a key |
michael russell s1m 300 national | air | traffic control lodged on 18 |
what you wanted for example | air | traffic control software could not |
proposals to sell off britains | air | traffic control system committee agreed |
s1m 300 tavish scott national | air | traffic control that the parliament |
are going around that the | air | traffic controllers who replaced the |
projections of the growth of | air | traffic s1w 10876 mr kenny |
s plans to privatise national | air | traffic services and supports the |
privatise 51 of the national | air | traffic services believes that the |
the retention of the national | air | traffic services in the public |
s1m 306 tommy sheridan national | air | traffic services that the parliament |
consultees other than the national | air | traffic services the civil aviation |
meeting between its officials national | air | traffic services the civil aviation |
consultees other than the national | air | traffic services the civil aviation |
any loss of the direct | air | link would result in damage |
any loss of the direct | air | link would result in damage |
to ensure that the specified | air | services timetables link in with |
to ensure that the specified | air | services timetables link in with |
s faigh taigh ann an | air | a ghr- air a ghrian |
uile dad a bh ann | air | a sheatadh suas airson a |
aonaichte theid fàilte a chur | air | gach cànan ann am bliadhna |
oidhirpean aige thar iomadh bliadhna | air | leudachadh mòr adhbharachadh ann an |
aithneachadh an adhartas a thathas | air | a bhith air a dheanamh |
cùisean albannach air an riochdachadh | air | a chomataidh seo leis an |
a thathas air a bhith | air | a dheanamh sna tri bliadhna |
h uile duine a coimhead | air | an internet is air an |
coimhead air an internet is | air | an telebhisean is rudan mar |
order to help to reduce | air | fares and to increase air |
islands air network to cut | air | fares promote tourism and support |
an t sìde air atharrachadh | air | feadh an t saoghail co |
a new highlands and islands | air | network to cut air fares |
seaway open air theatre open | air | restaurants with gawdy umbrellas little |
the st lawrence seaway open | air | theatre open air restaurants with |
air fares and to increase | air | travel to scotland s islands |
biodh a h uile cànan | air | a ghabhail a steach mar |
na h alba airson leantainn | air | a toirt taic do ghàidhlig |
h alba a cur fàilte | air | iomairt riaghaltais na h alba |
na beathaichean aige a tòiseachdainn | air | breith s dòcha nach bi |
troimh mheadhan na gàidhlig dleasnas | air | buidhnean poblach comharraichte polasaidhean gàidhlig |
foghlam tro mheadhan na gàidhlig | air | sàilleibh gainne luchd teagaisg le |
organisations regarding any effect on | air | quality around the industrial plants |
from motor vehicles to improve | air | quality s1w 7181 mr murray |
2002 justice 2 the draft | air | quality scotland amendment regulations 2002 |
2000 local government the draft | air | quality scotland regulations 2000 22 |
2000 local government the draft | air | quality scotland regulations 2000 22 |
the following draft instruments the | air | quality scotland regulations 2000 ssi |
wir brakfist in e open | air | a bit o breid saved |
oot in in the open | air | and sun a thocht life |
out there in the open | air | and swim m815: aye [?]just aboot.[/?] |
city kolomenskoe is an open | air | architectural museum once another summer |
to have access to open | air | at least once a day |
wi windaes aa open an | air | at wis supposed tae be |
preceded a series of open | air | baths full of men women |
it s like an open | air | baths m816: aye sort of |
back door open lettin e | air | blaa aboot e place an |
stumbled briefly on an open | air | dog show great danes and |
an that that s open | air | eh latrine m1017: no m1014: |
where we visited the open | air | handicrafts museum a huddle of |
company i miss the open | air | he told mary and the |
s house and the open | air | it all takes place in |
tall but a healthy open | air | life with continual soakings had |
could sit enjoying the open | air | mains o dudwick ran the |
city down by the open | air | market selling fish and furs |
tastes better in e open | air | pace under that name has |
let s build an open | air | pool and just stick it |
to the countryside for open | air | recreation snh s advice to |
floodlit cathedral in an open | air | restaurant it is one o |
the wide open spaces the | air | s fresher there beaumont yes |
jewellery an perfumes in open | air | staas bollywood adverts hing braw |
us of the large open | air | swimming pool near the institute |
latrine m1015: that s open | air | that s the forces an |
me that morning silent mountain | air | wafted through widely open windows |
wast it dis blaw warm | air | a richt fine day efter |
dis blaw dampnes in the | air | affa close an dull ana |
23 temp 5 9 het | air | dis hit me as i |
bit o frost in the | air | frost dis stick in cauld |
dis blaw a damp warm | air | gang aboot sweatin for me |
frosty nip in o the | air | gran day an it dis |
fresher feel in o the | air | haar dis move in bit |
a autumn feel aboot the | air | hale day lang it dis |
still a chill in the | air | win fae the north dis |
weel spring is in the | air | at s fit i feel |
pir o win maks the | air | hae yon cool feel bides |
held fowk hingin in mid | air | it made hin feel queazy |
sort feel in o the | air | it s affa cauld bit |
gang aboot fer deen cauld | air | maks a body feel free |
feel nip in o the | air | oor beens div jeel thursday |
bh a tighinn a staigh | air | an doras againn an e |
be lookin up in e | air | an jist catchin aa ye |
in e idder ere wisna | air | an licht enyeuch for much |
ey re free in e | air | an nae crivved up in |
droll kinna feelin in e | air | an though i d seen |
battin em oot o e | air | an watchin faar ey landit |
e knock hill an e | air | aye gettin nippier aboot yer |
s it wis gaspin for | air | bonny colours in e fedders |
his nose geed in e | air | cheese cheese chee eese again |
coiseachd [gàire] nan rachachadh agam | air | coiseachd fhèin bhiodh e glè |
as e licht an e | air | connacht it killt it for |
seized up at lat s | air | e skweel for e day |
kilda aside ye an e | air | full o e cries o |
a queer smell in e | air | like a hen at hid |
soon o laiverocks in e | air | noo an aan sae thick |
an fite minstrels o e | air | wid flee roon in great |
an enormous bird colony e | air | wis full o fulmars an |
biz bizzin heicher in e | air | ye got e croak o |
by a public transport b | air | ambulance and c other fixed |
key transport projects including rail | air | and ferry services make transport |
strategic transport partnership for improved | air | services in the highlands and |
strategic transport partnership for improved | air | services in the highlands and |
forthcoming publication of the scottish | air | transport consultation document which will |
forthcoming publication of the scottish | air | transport consultation document which will |
january 2002 whether the scottish | air | transport consultation document will a |
airport benefits from any future | air | transport development in scotland s1m |
paper the future development of | air | transport in the united kingdom |
to the future development of | air | transport in the united kingdom |
on the future development of | air | transport in the united kingdom |
if the price of the | air | transport of those beans were |
to carry the milk by | air | transport sailings to the cairn |
for rural scotland upgrading the | air | network to support public services |
commissioning and obtaining the direct | air | services action plan was who |
obligations already operating on some | air | services and b consider any |
and islands rail bus and | air | services and other highlands and |
of travel on the lifeline | air | services between the scottish mainland |
s1m 2319 future of highland | air | services lodged on 11 october |
considered for public service obligation | air | routes s1w 9198 mr kenny |
tender for public service obligation | air | routes s1w 9199 alex johnstone |
long term viability of the | air | service and considers that the |
long term viability of the | air | service and considers that the |
long term future of the | air | service which in turn could |
african revenue stamps [censored: forename] [censored: surname] | air | crash covers [censored: forename] [censored: surname] glasgow |
nam biodh an trailer mòr | air | a bhith aig john allen |
an urra airson a chur | air | a rùbrab aig an druim |
eh fear no dhà fhaighinn | air | ais fhathast shìos an taigh |
when witches flew the darklin | air | an bogles had their homage |
maenin wes heard i the | air | an eldritch skirls o daith |
a spit in o the | air | an for the day it |
ere wis mair space an | air | an forbye fit damned eese |
aw the burds o the | air | an gang ti the kirk |
oot fur a breath a | air | an gied us a shoat |
a phàipeir an diugh pàipear | air | an internet a nist son |
oo kin oot here pause | air | an licht seems different when |
bi a ghàidhlig is albais | air | an riochdachadh aig ire alba |
the mair they chyngit inti | air | an santit intil t an |
s fheàrr a nist feuchainn | air | an taigh s fheàrr dhomh |
a bhith a leigeil daoine | air | an tube faodaidh daoine a |
they gaen macbeth intil the | air | an what seemed flesh an |
rock an free as the | air | aroond us but nou a |
an turlann is muc dhubh | air | do chroit i may see |
an fore in the kintra | air | efter denner aunt florence tuik |
they had to have ehm | air | fields for their helicopters an |
of offences in which an | air | firearm was alleged to have |
an fizzle oot in middle | air | got tae ma door a |
as daylicht faded an the | air | grew chill the darklin shadows |
a sharpness in o the | air | he shook his heid an |
skreiched fur maistry o the | air | here an yonner the antrin |
o strae an ben the | air | his fooshty duds gyang wallop |
sky an egret pecks the | air | his white fez all a |
an increasing chill in the | air | i got up and hand |
yett an let the cauld | air | inno his hairt it jeeled |
kaim wunter cums an the | air | is yit snell yeir guidsell |
left trist slaked wi beauty | air | laced wi saat an honey |
to hoist king dealer into | air | like an old crow hung |
the development of an improved | air | network work with the enterprise |
attention now there is an | air | of anxious anticipation pause we |
point the narrator adopts an | air | of detachment from his deed |
have been dealt with an | air | of disrepute surrounds hmo licensing |
lilian and put on an | air | of joy and excitement martha |
he walks around with an | air | of superiority as if he |
all the ages with an | air | of supreme superiority he goes |
an aonaidh eòrpaich a bhuileachadh | air | pròiseactan a ghabhas a steach |
they breed an hant the | air | s aye delicate enter l |
squeeze box wheezes out an | air | squat pugs with masters go |
an outby inti the nicht | air | syne he wes stourin alang |
an breathed his verra ain | air | that i deaved faither till |
plucking an answer from the | air | that is not the minister |
blue wi haze an the | air | that smells like honey in |
a cigar he has an | air | that tells me what i |
throu the haar an clairtie | air | they leave curtain scene ii |
his rung up i the | air | ti whang it doun an |
the channel tunnel recognising that | air | travel has an environmental cost |
an seo ach eh coimhead | air | tunnagan is eh cearcan aig |
frae the rig an the | air | wad be blue wi sweirin |
a firearm other than an | air | weapon was alleged to have |
mid winter an the cauld | air | wes makkin thaim reddies fur |
light horse gallop of an | air | which precludes sentiment the ludicrous |
the ferlies o speerit an | air | wi pound yeats an eliot |
och his music thrilled the | air | wi spring tae come an |
kerrs an airieplanes fullin the | air | wi thair uillie reik the |
an grey wamth in the | air | winter days like this i |
on foswell hill the april | air | wis dowie dank an still |
silence that ensued the april | air | wis dowie dank an still |
her hungry brood the april | air | wis dull an dank but |
the ae time an the | air | wis fu o the smell |
a cauldness in o the | air | wrap up weel an it |
scent o aippleringie filled the | air | ___ his lane alone yowes |
o clokbees fills the gloamin | air | a fell thing wul happen |
the back o tides o | air | a saltire s flyin in |
20 nae a breath o | air | affa affa het tae gang |
bit o frost in the | air | afore lang it s nae |
in the mediterranean dance o | air | and virr and the echo |
he wiz so fill o | air | at he d aalways float |
yestrday heat in o the | air | bit a bittie grey fermer |
16 nae a breath o | air | bit the note is soor |
endless sweeshin soond o the | air | blawin oot the louvre as |
for the noise o the | air | blawin throu the vent trunk |
seen thaw in o the | air | blue sky up abeeen wednesday |
wi their nib in the | air | but the best o them |
aw the burds o the | air | but the keing sent a |
sic a kerfuffil i the | air | days o the prattik the |
him oot o da dark | air | duct and into a gigantic |
frosty nip in o the | air | en sooth win gale force |
1 8 in o the | air | ere s a richt warm |
o frost in o the | air | fine day wi the wither |
bit o sharpness in the | air | fine tae gang aboot it |
frosty nip in o the | air | hale day lang affa fine |
frosty nip in o the | air | hale day lang cauld bit |
o frost in on the | air | hale day lang wither bides |
a dampness in o the | air | hale day rang affa fine |
s nae a breath o | air | i div froon thursday 9 |
aw the burds o the | air | ilka burd tak up a |
country smell bit och the | air | is fu o seeds ensurin |
touch o frost in the | air | it s a gran day |
i the mids o the | air | it spairkit aff hunders o |
o poppies dauncin ower the | air | kate sat doon at the |
like haein a braith o | air | mebbe she d winted a |
jist stood there sniffin the | air | nae takin ony notice o |
their feathery oxters beat the | air | o glesga on this luvers |
her leg up in the | air | o jonsar she says it |
lowpit out hie in the | air | owre the tap o caermoulis |
frae the likes o german | air | raids atho oo hed tae |
fer nip in o the | air | richt bonny day sae fine |
wi a punka louvre blawin | air | richt ower the middle o |
a spit in o the | air | saturday 26th temp 11 22 |
wi nae a breath o | air | simply enjoy the sinshine affa |
watter ben the tides o | air | the birk like a faist |
out into the realm of | air | the bonnieness o trees i |
oot the pouers o the | air | the keys tae the seas |
o incense parfumes the lown | air | the new muin gaes doun |
o nicht is in the | air | their reets rin deep aneth |
a cauldness in o the | air | thursday 2 temp 3 5 |
o winter in o the | air | thursday 23rd temp 3 5 |
wi spit in o the | air | tries tae rain bit day |
sharin thon wi him the | air | wachtin aff o the sea |
cood be in o the | air | wednesday 25 temp 2 10 |
s heid at aince the | air | wes fou o sweet muisic |
words doon oot o the | air | wi it the bowheid saints |
juist as easie wound the | air | wi that sword o yours |
a spit in o the | air | wither for the day jist |
clenching his fists in the | air | ye r nae dochter o |
spring maun be in the | air | affa bare bit it s |
ever mair trauchled throu the | air | bit nae birds were bein |
a frosty nip in the | air | sharp is the win bit |
raise a finger in the | air | tae neen bit a horseman |
wis in i drew in | air | throwe ma nose bit hit |
got stuck in the national | air | and space museum about six |
trivial compared to the national | air | and space museum in washington |
loud hulloo rings through the | air | a panting dog jigsaws towards |
bell clangs through the tinny | air | a whining plane cuts circles |
to chime through the thick | air | after two months of weather |
and turning silently through the | air | anna leaned forward towards the |
bell clangs through the tinny | air | cruickshank gardens summer crazy paving |
motion sliding through the parting | air | inhabited moistly by mushrooms we |
leaf falling gently parts the | air | looking through the window this |
it a relaxed yet classy | air | through in the restaurant tables |
drove a strong blast of | air | through the grain as it |
a stook stooking allowed the | air | to circulate through the sheaves |
through allowing lots of cold | air | to pass through the wire |
dishwater bridges stepping through the | air | with precarious precision a change |
signals were oot again the | air | fer blue wi swear words |
wee nebs peekin oot fur | air | it wisna a meenit ower |
bakin is nae in the | air | but for aa that i |
pedals her legs in the | air | could ye nae dig a |
pats aither the r nae | air | in thaim for me ti |
pats aither the r nae | air | in thaim for me ti |
bin nae mair nor thin | air | kate cried eftir her ruth |
john underneath there was nae | air | m642: w- where was the |
wi cairngorms that myrrh the | air | nae bairnie nor hirds are |
fine day spring in the | air | withoot a doot thursday 26 |
for those working to improve | air | access into scotland the committee |
dart propelled it into the | air | and watched it land gently |
shot was fired into the | air | at midnight first footing friends |
be flying into prestwick by | air | canada this is not final |
off the ground and lets | air | get into it and speeds |
the world into cocktail quaffing | air | kissers deluding themselves into thinking |
lifting james up into the | air | out of the field sure |
limbs in sunshine rhythmic into | air | renga master larry is yoked |
fan catapulted into the dark | air | shaft by the whirling blades |
and throws it into the | air | that s a waste of |
and endlessly into the very | air | they breathed by shepherds and |
eased its way into the | air | today after another couple of |
and trainers cycles past his | air | waves plugged into peace overtaken |
s embrace retreat into the | air | within its silence its acceptance |
scunnered wi life en plein | air | foo she wished she cud |
they re lyin yin the | air | is thick wi tension but |
wi wan shot while the | air | round about him fills up |
ti ful hiz buffs wi | air | shae waggit hir finger in |
fur genteel holidays takkin the | air | wi bankers grocers solitary widows |
teacher wheeched it throwe the | air | wi its lang leather tongue |
music seemed tae fill the | air | wi messages hauf unnerstood a |
there awa up in the | air | wi the reins in my |
aon doigh s a thathar | air | a bhith a deanamh san |
sharpens its thorns on the | air | a scissor grinder whetted by |
to fill the bellows with | air | a small weight called a |
buidheann obrach albannach a bheir | air | adhart nam molaidhean mu cho |
defensively bruce adopts a mysterious | air | and i half suspect him |
his paw prints nosing the | air | aside like a delicate trowel |
is a finger in the | air | average figure the gross margin |
the people castles in the | air | bird of passage crosses a |
airson a phoball a chur | air | chois aig ìre ionadail roinneil |
obrach a chaidh a chuir | air | chois seonaidh ailig mac a |
the sqa in april to | air | concerns and that at a |
leg stracht up in the | air | ere wis a nesty silence |
and a nose in the | air | f1009: mmhm m1008: which were |
a chumail a mach neo | air | fhàgail as anns a ghnothaich |
aside a navy door the | air | grows satty near the nor |
jasmine and rosemary perfume the | air | here is a perfect place |
a great suntan and the | air | here seems to be very |
of body a drifting lovely | air | high as a swallow floating |
a figure out of the | air | indeed mr matheson proposed 10 |
a parallel example when ryan | air | introduced low fare flights from |
s motto bon accord seascape | air | is a dead cod smell |
chinks a slab of autumn | air | lies on the leaden lid |
puffed out hung in the | air | like a shroud in the |
his shanks cut throwe the | air | like a tailor s shears |
fiddlers inbye playin a dowie | air | like they d bin pyed |
fin fowk fell throwe the | air | likes files deleted fae a |
letting the baby rock on | air | maybe it wis a hame |
being touched with a certain | air | of nobility but the lovers |
a tree fanning the dead | air | on board by the marble |
at 1531 a coastal command | air | sea rescue hastings aircraft had |
a percentage out of the | air | she had programmes for delivering |
t building castles in the | air | she is a nervous emotionally |
and then you pumped in | air | some lamps had a reflector |
a window in the roof | air | straight from the mountain rushes |
is a useful platform to | air | the views of the sp |
macbeth a wush the verra | air | they flie on wes smittil |
s a dampness in the | air | thursday 30th temp 1 6 |
like a defective bellows pumping | air | to no purpose the world |
the little fly in the | air | under a bridge [?]wind in the eggs, the heart[/?] the |
oor child tae chase the | air | unner fuit a rummlin is |
from the shower to the | air | vent to give a makeshift |
a sombre mood the april | air | waxed dowier but still the |
a kynd wumman in hir | air | wey but he r sumthing |
a show called kids on | air | where kids young kids from |
playing fast and loose with | air | whump i am a tablecloth |
the reel up in the | air | and catch it again on |
very much up in the | air | and personally i m doubtful |
their airms up in the | air | and the hands on their |
very much up in the | air | at the moment the only |
yesterday as i phoned up | air | canada to cancel what would |
were stuck up in the | air | cause you were squashed when |
she bides up in the | air | f1103: does she f1104: yeah |
your legs up in the | air | f965: now isn t that |
up way up in the | air | jist like the northern lights |
wheels go up in the | air | [laugh] f640: [laugh] f637: [laugh] |
were loupin up in the | air | of coorse the vandals couldnae |
freezing up there and the | air | so thin that the scientists |
fate for up i the | air | the baa gaed fleein prince |
lungs struggling to inhale enough | air | to let him straighten up |
the wilderness next door the | air | up here is awfu thin |
her hauns up in the | air | whyle her mither wippit the |
of the excitement in the | air | you two are up to |
white craiturs hingin in the | air | afore his een war they |
of fishing hooks in the | air | after much trundling back and |
daithless beat throbs in the | air | ahin afore auncient deities lichtly |
and counter theme displaced in | air | amongst their own variations wagnerian |
all six balls in the | air | and sometimes dropping all at |
of oak bark in the | air | and the smithy door is |
ramadhan was was live on | air | and you could tune in |
that hung tangibly in the | air | between mother and mrs mcfarlane |
to ensure that water cooled | air | conditioning systems in hospitals are |
second in the late november | air | fish seller parasols next tae |
executive how many offences involving | air | guns there were in each |
today nick cage in con | air | guy pearce in la confidential |
sucked in great gasps of | air | he thought he had seen |
bodies legs scuttlin in the | air | hooked aince bairn met forebear |
in some tiny updraught of | air | imperceptible to the man who |
corn stacks to let the | air | in and keep them dry |
the sea down drank the | air | in pregnant sighs and lusty |
yir hauns senator let the | air | in tae let the pain |
ken that there wasna enough | air | in the safe to keep |
[laugh] f646: tae let the | air | in ye know [click] that |
relating to pollution in the | air | including particulates i look to |
that should be in the | air | is at your feet but |
go outside in the cold | air | m816: [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] it |
and the moisture in the | air | made all the colors true |
out light and let in | air | mary has hung traditional mallorcan |
flap in the soot laden | air | mothers raked out the old |
had that civil servant s | air | of authority which in john |
in the chilly sobering city | air | on the uphill walk to |
thread which hangs in the | air | or lies on the ground |
of european airlines report on | air | rail connections in europe that |
emissions by infiltration of cold | air | reduction in building fabric insulation |
that the parliament believes that | air | safety in scotland is best |
and in the interests of | air | safety throughout scotland to keep |
in my memory the clear | air | scented with pine rock roses |
mean spring is in the | air | see the crocus pit on |
da near sib tae the | air | she wis at hame in |
bubbles pretty bubbles in the | air | [singing] m1106: stop it you |
dalliance winged in the musty | air | small insects dance attending august |
leaves hangs in the hot | air | the cool grass sucks the |
in quick inhalations of scented | air | to steady myself there was |
promoting the responsible growth of | air | travel in and to scotland |
the complete hole in the | air | treatment i ve learned to |
carried in the still night | air | we re fine and early |
that spring is in the | air | yet i do believe it |
away from the cold night | air | with one enormous chair oh |
away from the cold night | air | with one enormous chair oh |
and courtly dance bagpipe slow | air | for journey to scotland mary |
make scotland more accessible by | air | road rail and ferry how |
concept perhaps alien to many | air | scotland passengers for me it |
darwinian survival of the fittest | air | about it many of us |
the need for better direct | air | access with overseas hub airports |
defined by the united kingdom | air | accident investigation branch aaib and |
defined by the united kingdom | air | accident investigation branch as either |
scotia looks great from the | air | all lakes and forests but |
does not match its plangent | air | and although the speaker is |
discords rend the douce morning | air | and are carried out over |
that the organ needed more | air | and the blower had to |
back again first to mid | air | and then as the son |
from outlying smallholdings incense the | air | as the church chimes the |
s chikks twis her efterneen | air | as ye ll ken the |
test plucked out of the | air | at short notice for no |
it was called kids on | air | basically the programme so m608: |
the compass they slip stream | air | cliff skimmers cloud swimmers screechers |
under the sickly light the | air | conditioned whiff of wheeling blades |
was the faint hum of | air | conditioning and the sensation of |
know the clutha s got | air | conditioning so that s alright |
nostalgically thinks of skunk the | air | conditioning suddenly blossoms rose oo |
the cruise each cabin has | air | conditioning tv mini bar the |
hed been i the airmie | air | corps i the 1914 18 |
record to [censored: address] the recent | air | crashes have been worrying the |
the faimlie jyned the raf | air | crew i the 1939 45 |
post that co ordinated the | air | defence of the loch ryan |
your settee complaining the sea | air | disagrees with it making subversive |
away on the land the | air | filled with the voices of |
lown wund saftent the nicht | air | for it wes spring from |
keep gan fitever happens the | air | force is jist gan mad |
pane window foxglove sweeps the | air | from one grey slate cherry |
sky emerald mountains and the | air | from paradise the sun shines |
parfume hings aye on the | air | from the chinese of tsui |
one morning primavera spring the | air | from the sea felt chilly |
were full of revellers the | air | full of the stench of |
ah wes ti lat the | air | git at it eilidh weill |
with wings and feathers of | air | he caused the inside of |
it s when the cold | air | hits you and you go |
that one breathed the same | air | indoors for the whole season |
cammy emerald city where the | air | is clean and the stars |
the shrine to greet the | air | is filled with incense sweet |
the flowers of the forest | air | is given by its use |
the flowers of the forest | air | is used for two sets |
threipin puddoks deives the nicht | air | juist the seivin or echt |
hear it out of the | air | m741: yeah m605: yeah but |
war to work with the | air | ministry and met my father |
countryside sweetness fell from the | air | not because anyone wished them |
incompetent fool with the cab | air | now breathable i began entering |
food and rotting milk tinged | air | of the room ralph viewed |
the crimond player threw thin | air | on tae the park weel |
be very slim the outside | air | pressure would be too strong |
when talking about the infamous | air | rage trial during which he |
is ae beild frae the | air | raids owre glesca ae mrs |
it will detail for each | air | route within the highlands and |
be imposed on every internal | air | route within the highlands and |
thorn s fang slashing the | air | shadow spilling like wine on |
the walls are made of | air | sun and clouds are papering |
there s the other ehm | air | terminals now for ehm when |
breathfuls of the clean breezy | air | that ruffles the sycamore then |
than they dae here the | air | that souchs on the faces |
and go like the free | air | that you unthinking breath there |
sirens skreichin ower the saft | air | the driver says she ran |
dawin i the clear mornin | air | the fermers ir eydent eftir |
cross the field threading the | air | the hum of hazy insects |
defeated by soap water and | air | the man lunged at the |
more of this this country | air | the proximity of nature the |
marble myth and jasmine scented | air | the sky empties its moods |
swey flouerin trees parfume the | air | the sun gaes doun aince |
crowd the whips lashing the | air | their firecrackers scorching the ground |
as frae the misty gloamin | air | they stepped frae ither wardly |
seven million visitors arriving by | air | to the island every year |
obligations and the cost of | air | travel 4 gm field trials |
obligations and the cost of | air | travel david mundell moved amendment |
effect that the price of | air | travel to the islands may |
the lightweight garments for the | air | trip still anxious they accompanied |
its unsavoury human cargo the | air | was acrid with the stench |
compañia on its right the | air | was filled with drumbeats and |
need the right balance of | air | water and garden debris the |
i ll be hitting the | air | waves again on dec 22nd |
soon is endless as the | air | we gulp midnight or noon |
sun was warming the nippy | air | we started off by climbing |
for skraichin til the desert | air | whaur naebodie coud hear it |
beaumont i maun clear the | air | whaur s jack lilian he |
were presumably adapted to the | air | when sung by pagan it |
m1174: about advertising on the | air | which is one of the |
tess della aye lit the | air | whisper ower yur skin krista |
antofagasta yon s foo the | air | wis left trimmlin foo aathin |
away from the cold night | air | with one enormous chair cammy |
smoke curl inno the quaet | air | ye say ye saw her |
i ve run out of | air | mail stuff received al s |
stood terrror hijacked plane and | air | and filled their sides with |
international connections and high internal | air | fares further notes with concern |
international connections and high internal | air | fares further notes with concern |
low emissivity glass with 16mm | air | gaps which is currently used |
fit till daydaw but awaukent | air | afore onie docht ken wha |
red red face walkin on | air | again till they got some |
horn weavings ritual munchings of | air | and mulch all mention of |
goin to land for salty | air | and seaside sand but see |
it would be heavier than | air | and therefore be prey to |
gulps what it can of | air | colombo waves topple like skittles |
hysterically i don t think | air | commander thatcher has ever got |
there was somebody live on | air | er don t forget this |
did you see my smoke | air | f1101: [inaudible] [inaudible] f1102: look |
it could have come by | air | f963: mmhm f965: it could |
any constraints imposed by high | air | fares on island and rural |
authorised emissions of dioxins to | air | from cement factories burning waste |
cut stubble pierce cauld december | air | heuch wuid lost dubs are |
construction defects that lead to | air | infiltration can be difficult to |
was healthy good bracing sea | air | it was good for you |
change and toxic pollution of | air | land rivers and seas protect |
programming so somebody was on | air | live talking about you know |
male or female coming on | air | m608: mmhm m1174: and erm |
sent off your christmas presents | air | mail on thursday so you |
s strike i sent it | air | mail so it should arrive |
sadie as opposed tae hot | air | mairried agnes we re aw |
were were working live on | air | one room for like m608: |
are grown that big at | air | or late they ll bring |
of passengers by road rail | air | or sea but includes travel |
avoid parking congestion aal will | air | parking problem at dinner on |
from setting tougher standards for | air | pollution s1f 1247 3 30 |
will yi please dimps need | air | stew need it now stew |
before this they would probably | air | their horses by taking them |
paid for and received my | air | tickets to philadelphia so i |
possession of firearms other than | air | weapons by under 21s s1w |
heaters burn gas and heat | air | which normally does not need |
cos it wouldnae get any | air | you see and ach he |