
See this word as a collocate cloud

also recognises the potential thatalthougha foreign surveillance operation might
the south west of scotlandalthougha question on income might
of which cover all authoritiesalthoughauthorities might have been participants
other people might have donealthoughi i m not f963:
with everything that it saysalthoughi might agree with some
[inaudible] uh huh m1055: a-alth-althoughi think corrie might have
secondly it might be usefulalthoughit might be an absolute
about this instrument was thatalthoughit might be fine to
being arrogant i would sayalthoughit might come across as
things must be right andalthoughit might make a political
the testing is not affectedalthoughit might need to take
the bill as lead committeealthoughit might not be appropriate
is the real deadline andalthoughit might not be particularly
and procurator fiscal service doalthoughmembers might have reminded themselves
airy fairy concealment 10 30althoughphotocopies of the material might
in comments on 5 octoberalthoughsome of the gloss might
mercy to contempt and oblivionalthoughsome outside the chamber might
cent in the past yearalthoughthat increase might be the
be suggested in the correspondencealthoughthat might be terrifying for
to measuring outputs and outcomesalthoughthat might seem a relatively
can be based on opinionalthoughthat opinion might be wrong
had not read the returnsalthoughthe executive might prefer a
has no real sanction becausealthoughthe minister might have argued
might equally have scottish pronunciationsalthoughthe spelling is no longer
of the bill s provisionsalthoughthere is what might be
will apply in england generallyalthoughthere might be particular issues
were in communication with schoolsalthoughthere might be some evidence
enforcement regimes to be robustalthoughthey might not all be
smith my questions are shortalthoughthey might take a long
this function might be satisfiedalthoughthey suggest that there may
eftir aw his wark amenalthoughthis novel might now be
about whom we might usealthoughwe are not asking for
ministers as an independent nationalthoughwe might not be able
curran the executive recognises thatalthoughwe might sometimes get hurt
caring f807: [laugh] f806: ermalthoughwhat is weird you might
has devoted to the matteralthoughhe has some doubts about
issue highlights the fact thatalthoughhealth is a devolved matter
major contribution to make andalthoughi recognise that the matter
that matters to older peoplealthoughit does of course matter
that the matter is complexalthoughit is relatively easy for
matter is not clear cutalthoughmy constituent has had a
and conditions remain major issuesalthoughpay remains a matter for
reasonable provision of playing fieldsalthoughthat matter is obviously not
to take the matter forwardalthoughthe area is quite technical
or bodies to use italthoughthe matter involves public private
that we remain concerned thatalthoughthe matter is certainly one
i should point out thatalthoughthe matter was first raised
only a matter of timealthoughwe do not propose to
scots language does not existalthougha majority of the population
are excluded not just catholicsalthoughcatholics are specifically excluded as
need she also stressed thatalthoughconsultation should not be tokenistic
not afford to do soalthoughdr simpson looks poised to
fulfilling craigie s vision andalthoughhe could not imagine the
minister s blinkered view andalthoughhe did not use these
had still not been judgedalthoughhe did not win a
and drafting of the billalthoughhe is not a formal
not successful in attracting briefsalthoughhe made a modest reputation
and he s registered blindalthoughhe s not completely blind
were not impressed wi thatalthoughher mum seems really nice
not been issued i understandalthoughi am going by hearsay
alternative procedures are in placealthoughi am not 100 per
be the same problem elsewherealthoughi am not asking you
the rest of the afternoonalthoughi am not holding my
elaine thomson almost certainly dollarsalthoughi could not swear to
to norway and probably denmarkalthoughi did not mention that
thursday i assure him thatalthoughi did not take part
13 per cent pay risealthoughi do not always agree
the board of the sqaalthoughi do not appear in
the whole of her partyalthoughi do not believe that
i have a different pointalthoughi do not disagree with
by james macmillan last augustalthoughi do not doubt that
with their marks andrew shanksalthoughi do not have a
but of the first ministeralthoughi do not know how
need to know about italthoughi do not know what
the joint future group reportalthoughi do not know whether
was going to be todayalthoughi do not know whether
beta interferon was prescribed therealthoughi do not know whether
say that they do notalthoughi do not know whether
it with other uk ministersalthoughi do not really know
latter because of fire regulationsalthoughi do not smoke and
to bachelor of science levelalthoughi do not think that
some basis within the parliamentalthoughi do not think that
affect some industries in scotlandalthoughi do not want to
in respect of the gmbalthoughi have not received financial
cheque on dec 14th soalthoughi m not saving much
the shetland team s chancesalthoughi m not sure how
an not be m959: yeahalthoughi th- the amount it
collected i will not singalthoughi think i sing as
not too bad f1150: noalthoughi ve heard some people
association conference in new delhialthoughi will not report fully
of production within the ukalthoughi would not like what
in english not quite rightalthoughi- although obviously they are
not inspected or measured uniformlyalthoughin my view they should
it discussed was fellowships whichalthoughinteresting are not urgent why
me to answer that pointalthoughit does not relate directly
to cross examine the commissionalthoughit does not yet have
coming out of my earsalthoughit has not come out
other factors affecting salmon stocksalthoughit is not explicitly stated
of the scottish population sharealthoughit is not far away
which the regulator will workalthoughit is not in the
made available to committee membersalthoughit is not in the
meetings or on television thereforealthoughit is not possible to
more effectively if we canalthoughit is sometimes not possible
prorogued the english parliament andalthoughit was not dissolved until
was the usual floor coveringalthoughit was not fitted as
colleges but not for othersalthoughkilmarnock college is one of
for a complaint is availablealthoughmore often than not it
classes and nationalities for examplealthoughmy father was not a
is a physical one andalthoughnot absolutely necessary it will
that some of the standardsalthoughnot all of them were
conduct marriages outwith their officesalthoughnot as extensively as is
transition period which was unfortunatealthoughnot because of the two
most comment and some criticismalthoughnot from the conservatives is
carswell exhibited lawrence s severityalthoughnot his simultaneous capacity to
started it would be unprecedentedalthoughnot impossible for me to
downgraded here some first yearsalthoughnot many are practically illiterate
contain greater quantities of vitaminsalthoughnot necessarily vitamins that people
behalf of the conveners groupalthoughnot necessarily with voting rights
davidson directly addresses his readeralthoughnot new having been used
proximity of the others 27althoughnot quoted in the report
plaintive gapped scale melody whichalthoughnot strictly in a minor
to get worse the majoralthoughnot the only bone of
life with regard to marriagealthoughnot to scotland but one
can can let you downalthoughnot today i m p-
but it reflects a widespreadalthoughnot universal feeling the relationships
accept the minister s argumentsalthoughnot with great enthusiasm rather
of weights and measures andalthoughnot yet in general use
garden an unusual problem thatalthoughobviously not unusual in some
not quite right although i-althoughobviously they are bilingual but
care provision i assure membersalthoughopposition members do not want
the public as i indicatedalthoughperhaps mr adam was not
why that is your positionalthoughperhaps not now as we
still be an artist yetalthoughshe may not care to
got into bed at nightalthoughshe never undressed completely not
11 of the cover notealthoughsnh does not close the
that is taken is thatalthoughsome children may not feel
be as inclusive as possiblealthoughsome people did not get
not discriminatory in our viewalthoughsome people have different rights
home not read yet f809: althoughsometimes you should because i
questions which could then arisealthoughsuch constitutional questions would not
to do with political reluctancealthoughthat did not put us
inform our inquiry the conveneralthoughthat is not referred to
normal language means anti europeanalthoughthat is not the position
do not know the answeralthoughthat is probably my fault
detailed in the glp thereforealthoughthe bill does not cover
sometimes coming from women themselvesalthoughthe camomile was not as
launch that did not occuralthoughthe council s agreement to
whether that will happen secondlyalthoughthe disease does not have
a fatality in an hmoalthoughthe flat would not be
whose first language is bslalthoughthe language is not derived
should be an absolute mustalthoughthe minister does not accept
in s1 in this casealthoughthe pupils will not have
bill should come into forcealthoughthe report did not stipulate
wales but not to scotlandalthoughthe reporting restrictions for a
not necessarily with increased productionalthoughthe siting of those operations
an extension is not readyalthoughthe situation with binny house
more user friendly than beforealthoughthe treaty is not specific
normand no it has notalthoughthe unit has been created
seen have not been legiblealthoughthere should not be too
form smaller local area groupsalthoughthere was not a very
terms resources have been allocatedalthoughthey are not allocated specifically
to the petition helen eadiealthoughthey are not in my
features of punctuation and grammaralthoughthey do not actually use
that have been carried outalthoughthey have not been properly
use them to wield poweralthoughthey may not think that
use them to wield poweralthoughthey may not think that
may be appropriate at timesalthoughthey should not cut across
whether to stay in agriculturealthoughthey would not necessarily base
are of the view thatalthoughthis category may not be
the map in annex 2althoughthis is not necessarily the
accompanied by a management planalthoughthis was not the case
co operate in those areasalthoughthose areas are not communitised
to visit the crown officealthoughwe are not dealing with
not been a satisfactory answeralthoughwe are seeing week on
that support continue if possiblealthoughwe could not incorporate that
a suggestion richard walsh clerkalthoughwe do not have any
we go down the scalealthoughwe do not know the
for a commitment to spendalthoughwe do not know where
how to deal with italthoughwe do not want crises
support that with appropriate initiativesalthoughwe do not yet know
25 per cent waste recyclingalthoughwe have not finalised the
would be done to candidatesalthoughwe have not received the
of those points very carefullyalthoughwe have not yet produced
of information in the inquiryalthoughwe have not yet put
colleges were not actually namedalthoughwe knew that eight to
not underestimate the difficulties unfortunatelyalthoughwe may be prepared to
not be so readily foreseenalthoughwe succeeded in getting the
we do not yet havealthoughwe will have that power
not reappear in the futurealthoughwe will want to discuss
wet with rainfall around averagealthough12 wet days is still
30 wednesday bath still outalthoughcistern fixed looks like week
still subject guide modern languagesalthougheach of the three sections
still slow in coming inalthoughhe hoped to receive some
am still finding conversation difficultalthoughi can read and write
bit of a tan nowalthoughi m still spending most
its own citizens at lastalthoughi still question whether it
higher aspect of higher stillalthoughin many ways the most
of the three craws andalthoughit is still quite a
still per- pervade within scotlandalthoughit s be- better now
it was no longer greenalthoughit still remained cloistered p
for delivering higher still coursesalthoughmost departments were doing it
a foreign language sccc 1999althoughmuch work still needs to
were writers and still arealthoughonce you become a writer
s still a striking figurealthoughoverweight and silver haired his
us elsewhere in the poemalthoughstill upholding the opinion that
still reported to the sspcaalthoughsuch activities have been banned
than 6 5 per centalthoughthat is still substantial additional
which the language is usedalthoughthe pupils still continue to
is engaged have also changedalthoughthe sector is still delivering
need to consider other thingsalthoughthere are still questions over
sociolinguistic discourse and performance difficultiesalthoughthere is still a need
size and would be minimisedalthoughthere was still a problem
the subject of lifelong learningalthoughwe have still to agree
what seems to come throughalthoughwe have still to establish
the end of this weekalthoughwe will probably still be
d rather than i talthoughhe d retained some scots
amendment i am disappointed thatalthoughhe has moved some way
have some of those concernsalthoughi accept that the justice
by the snp s amendmentalthoughi agree with some of
some point in the futurealthoughi am pragmatic enough to
achieves that to some extentalthoughi have reservations about several
that the executive has madealthoughi have some concerns about
sources contained within the billalthoughi understand and have some
is an altogether different problemalthoughi understand some of the
in inverness some months agoalthoughi was apprehensive about going
that line as a resultalthoughi was disappointed in some
of salmon farming in scotlandalthoughin some areas sea lice
we have made some progressalthoughit is up to the
sadly lacking in some workplacesalthoughmany trusts are now working
some actors sound embarrassingly inauthenticalthoughmost actors know enough scots
get down to some arabicalthoughpronouncing the sounds is about
the translations are poor workalthoughsome are clearly better than
baile a mhonaidh hill steadingalthoughsome are translated e g
prospect of having standing advisersalthoughsome flexibility is needed for
the norm for school wearalthoughsome had button boots shoes
patterns of speech are dialectsalthoughsome may be more ephemerally
did about colour semantics ermalthoughsome of it i found
myself i can recommend italthoughsome of it is ludicrous
their best under impossible circumstancesalthoughsome of the measures that
number of common verbs andalthoughsome of the verbs may
languages within the member statesalthoughsome of these languages are
10 40 or 50 propertiesalthoughsome owned only one or
vigour of david i butalthoughsome parts are certainly very
closing down virtually every monthalthoughsome problems such as an
that we have done andalthoughsome progress has been made
approaches of many teachers todayalthoughsome teachers in britain america
was hilly clark at hillheadalthoughsome thought there was also
seek romantic love with maggiealthoughsome versions of the ballad
the kilmarnock edition in 1786althoughsome were later set to
closing the opportunity gap howeveralthoughsome worth while initiatives have
sign guidelines it says thatalthoughthe guidelines are some of
some work on the phdalthoughthe sunshine and warmth discourage
most unusual in this areaalthoughthere wis some places aboot
definition as for community pharmacistsalthoughthey are generally happy some
some residents have said thatalthoughthey couldn t spare the
as they had promised evenalthoughthey required some jogging before
operating companies in some formalthoughthey would have preferred contracts
to fix some of themalthoughwe believe that this will
in cathie craigie s constituencyalthoughwe can take some short
worth making it clear thatalthoughcertain matters may be agreed
period may be too shortalthoughfixed penalty notices should be
candidate s name was murrayalthoughi may be the first
hand refers to serious crimealthoughi may have got that
one of the other 128althoughi may have made 128
the day to day managementalthoughit may want to make
who is usually on footalthoughmay be on horseback if
that seems odd to mealthoughothers may disagree however we
considering a date in junealthoughthat date may slip given
author f718: uh huh m017: althoughthe author may have been
back in the office somewherealthoughthe latest announcement may be
a symbol of rebirth andalthoughthe male protagonist may wish
is a point of principlealthoughthe regulation may apply more
february meeting at the earliestalthoughthe time scale may slip
membership of a local churchalthoughtheir parents and grandparents may
term were put in placealthoughthey may be necessary in
there thoughtfully scratching his granitealthoughthis may come the ability
of information in this inquiryalthoughwe may wish for it
to make my questions shortalthoughas you know i am
and mayhew 1995 382 409althoughi am dealing here with
high schools in the countyalthoughi am grateful for his
that part of our rolealthoughi am happy to go
request and is relatively straightforwardalthoughi am looking somewhat nervously
i gave notice earlier thatalthoughi am no longer a
decision making process nicola sturgeonalthoughi am prepared to believe
that i am pretty youngalthoughi am sure that lots
the principle of sewel motionsalthoughi am sure that that
reckless and inveterate truancy butalthoughi am the holder of
oldest member of that parliamentalthoughi am the oldest one
to any church services becausealthoughi i i am ba-
am marginally over that agealthoughi will probably be the
edith [censored: surname] mrs [censored: surname] evenalthoughit was 2 am in
am asking people to consideralthoughmy view as a christian
2 i am advised thatalthoughthere is no material difference
am sure you do tooalthoughyou are pretending you do
myself quite a lot thatalthoughi had gone off on
badly i feel quite confidentalthoughi m naturally a bit
they charge for hmo licensingalthoughi would argue quite strongly
that it s maybe likealthoughit s quite a nice
fund d leavers coffee morningalthoughquite well attended mrs [censored: surname]
up with quite a debaclealthoughreturning scripts seems like a
because parents are quite anxiousalthoughthey ve made a commitment
was older but quite comfortablealthoughwe were travelling hard class
settle down actually quite wellalthoughwith israel anything can happen
then plan the data processingalthoughan awful lot of very
minerva the goddess of reasonalthoughboth are very powerful have
war one a very differentalthoughcontemporaneous composition to the same
wish to make a suggestionalthoughit is all very well
of surveillance in their youthalthoughit is very difficult for
a very working class backgroundalthoughmy father was was a
would make things very difficultalthoughstaff felt very despondent we
had all worked in woodalthoughthat problem was very easily
that we must recognise thatalthoughthe bill is very technical
forward to it very muchalthoughthe old heart twinged yesterday
colourful success of their gardensalthoughthe standard was very much
impossible to get a taxialthoughthey were very cheap when
allegedly because of their agealthoughthey were very keen to
and a d mackie andalthoughthey were very limited in
must work positively together becausealthoughthings are very difficult now
relates to much smaller numbersalthoughthose numbers often represent very
corpus erm these s- spellingsalthoughvery diversified actually throw up
comparing gaelic with community languagesalthoughvery little is being done
the assumptions behind the figuresalthoughwe very much welcome the
inherently bad about any languagealthougha language can become bad
scotland has no language policyalthoughat least the european charter
hoped that dost and sndalthoughdealing with the language in
to the interpretation of languagealthoughhe probably hasn t had
same language circuits at birthalthoughnewborn babies quickly tune their
of a second foreign languagealthoughsuch pupils will be covering
grammar of the target languagealthoughthe cloze passage is no
any question on the subjectalthoughthe eight volume scots language
close of the 18th centuryalthoughthe english or scotch language
or corrupt form of englishalthoughthe language survived and evolved
now mainly a literary languagealthoughthe rudiments of its vocabulary
man as a social beingalthoughthe scots language is certainly
da emails in print evenalthoughda content is fairly lichtweight
more elegant than ksenia salthougheven here the lounge doubles
subordinate adverbial clauses of concessionalthougheven if were extremely rare
as is happening here todayalthougheven this morning that arrangement
yeah f965: but children evenalthoughf963: under your arm was
lot about her lifetime evenalthoughhe said that he didn
yeah yeah yeah but evenalthoughi as a grumpy old
people and do something evenalthoughit s just simple like
to women and which evenalthoughtalked about more openly in
them in the dustbin evenalthoughthats all they are fit
a day job so evenalthoughyou re going to be
between buildings f1144: mm m1146: althougha lane is more often
is more powerful than fortunealthoughaffected by it in the
that happening but i believealthoughfar more would probably disagree
more time on that issuealthoughi should remind bill aitken
a slightly more professional capacityalthoughi will produce a proper
surveyed nations figure 2 [note: figure here in original]althoughit is more important to
do m1008: mm m1007: ehalthoughit s used more in
world heritage sites in scotlandalthoughit seems more of an
more political interference than beforealthoughlabour boldly says that it
lampoon of a kgb agentalthoughmore stylishly in his leather
to cereal and grass cropsalthoughoccasionally it can be more
is a more modern designalthoughof no great architectural merit
without producing more of italthoughone can understand why it
writing privately to female acquaintancesalthoughshe tended to be more
making life much more tolerablealthoughsometimes i wonder whether they
more positive than a reviewalthoughthat is reasonably positive unfortunately
parliament should have more powersalthoughthe snp constantly calls for
s more or less sayinalthoughthey ve got fancy clothes
identified themselves with him 19althoughthose conclusions are presented more
scottish politics more than thatalthoughwe disagree radically on a
explanatory and contain evident contradictionsalthoughwe know much more about
teachers head teachers or schoolsalthougha few eis members have
or indirectly from fox huntingalthougha number of studies have
have taken a similar viewalthougha sewel motion is being
of f606: yeah m830: thatalthoughall universities now have scottish
have been in the wrongalthoughi believe their claim to
saying m608: mmhm f643: ehmalthoughi didn t always have
re in the same situationalthoughi don t have a
do the census any favoursalthoughi have great sympathy with
set the bill in contextalthoughi have heard this fact
that i took that stepalthoughi have lived in the
seem rather vague and ambiguousalthoughi have never fished for
papers in england john kellyalthoughi have no observation to
with whatever arrangements are decidedalthoughi have slight difficulty with
will have that hotline numberalthoughi hope that we will
remember that f718: mm f1077: althoughi must have used it
historic moment for the parliamentalthoughi think that i have
scots prejudice or anglophiliac conspiracyalthoughinfluential acts of exclusion have
you know an ict projectalthoughit s best to have
go around scotland taking evidencealthoughit seems to have rubbed
carrying messages back to ministersalthoughit should have been can
i have heard smith quotedalthoughit would seem from his
make a lot of sensealthoughmember states all have their
that suggests to me thatalthoughnothing is perfect we have
of young people in scotlandalthoughpeople have been suggesting in
the concept of the phonemealthoughsaussure seems to have invented
to his primary source materialalthoughthe conclusions i have drawn
have since become internationally fashionablealthoughthe extent to which many
having toilets in the cellsalthoughthe prisoners wanted to have
provisions the executive perceived thatalthoughthe provisions would have been
must say something now deanaalthoughthe way you have behaved
have heard good quality evidencealthoughthe witnesses are going slightly
a hat f1054: [laugh] f1024: althoughthe women have to wear
a further level of complicationalthoughthese pints have been equated
yeah f1144: the toffs f1145: althoughthey didn t necessarily have
of people but funnily enoughalthoughthey don t really have
organisations in lanarkshire feel thatalthoughthey have been assured by
second is that scottish ministersalthoughthey have devolved powers down
have generally welcomed the billalthoughthey have flagged up the
now in the letting businessalthoughthey have no clue what
message time after time thatalthoughthey have to go through
increased investment is effectively managedalthoughwe have already taken action
of an independent subsidiarity watchdogalthoughwe have an open mind
we should therefore decide thatalthoughwe have concluded consideration of
european convention on human rightsalthoughwe have generally been successful
took account of that decisionalthoughwe have had a crisis
committee in recent months thatalthoughwe have had a reporter
produced work on european issuesalthoughwe have included the european
defend them to the lastalthoughwe have made a big
of delivery that was chosenalthoughwe have never resiled from
out of the consultation processalthoughwe have received an indication
modernising government fund alan fraseralthoughwe have the benefit of
access to information for everybodyalthoughwe have the modernising and
have gaelic medium education ehalthoughye know an there s
ways i hope it doesalthoughi m pessimistic enough to
dis essay in d dialectalthoughi suspect hit does hae
it does fur english andalthoughproposals hae been put foreward
implemented does she agree thatalthoughthe snp has promised everyone
does the minister agree thatalthoughthere are real problems in
of that could be thatalthougha fish farmer has been
whether there is an epidemicalthougha new virus has appeared
my home area of rutherglenalthoughadmittedly the group has shrunk
detection and prevention of crimealthoughchristine grahame has moved a
give them a great boostalthoughfunding has been invested in
an elder in the churchalthoughhe f641: mm f640: has
james has to speak scotsalthoughhe has travelled abroad for
which nicola sturgeon has raisedalthoughi was reassured when i
what the executive has saidalthoughi welcome it in part
that such surveillance has happenedalthoughi will see what phil
of us found in schoolsalthoughit has been picking up
the initial teaching alphabet whichalthoughit has many good points
a subjective and novelistic formalthoughit has now been surpassed
prison service on numerous occasionsalthoughit has now closed those
mcconnell has on our behalfalthoughit has taken until today
available on the conference websitealthoughit has to be returned
now has a receptive governmentalthoughit will never suspend its
for allotment management in scotlandalthoughno decision has been made
scottish compact has been positivealthoughno doubt it can be
hour as george lyon saidalthoughno party has a majority
on the owner linda fabianialthoughnothing has changed i wonder
with lead in new housesalthoughold victorian piping has been
in support of the billalthoughone always has one s
has better things to doalthoughshe is welcome to stay
that has been used frequentlyalthoughsuch anecdotal evidence was sustained
its entire length sarah boyackalthoughthat has been considered traffic
said has already been saidalthoughthe bill is serious i
proofing and social inclusion policiesalthoughthe debate has tended to
employment and social affairs committeealthoughthe ep has set up
slightly hazy at the momentalthoughthe executive has given us
lobbying in the scottish parliamentalthoughthe petitioner has already been
threat of floods has recededalthoughthe st john was close
the common bond of buddhismalthoughthere has been a terrorist
has been done without authorisationalthoughthere is a mechanism to
has moved in that directionalthoughthere is potential for further
stawnd hwun awthing s failinalthoughthis system has been valuable
appropriate means of doing italthoughwhat has been done so
in primary an secondary schuilalthougha loat o work hus
go to formal full investigationsalthoughbehind those figures work was
man and his work 1althoughcompleted in 1914 the original
work in a leisurely fashionalthoughemployed for a morning she
first making the porridge [note: photo: '"piecie time": alex jeans, drumyocher.']althougheveryone had to work hard
at work within the communityalthoughgeography gender age and occupation
country children went tattie pickinalthoughhard work they found it
really work hard at italthoughi support the rationale behind
work in the voluntary sectoralthoughinnovation and new initiatives should
class finds the work absorbingalthoughrather difficult on the physics
er protestant work ethic backgroundalthoughshe became a she became
working with children and familiesalthoughthat is admirable work the
work and lost their housealthoughthat was unlucky for them
work in the french harvestsalthoughthe export bubble had burst
play i advise members thatalthoughi will use my deliberative
the use of sewel motionsalthoughit was intended that the
of the family use thatalthoughmy mother didn t cause
is to use the cardalthoughthe cards are voluntary they
tended to use scottish ministersalthoughthe draft ethical standards in
we use the longman miniconcordanceralthoughthis package is far from
scots version was widely availablealthougha scots version was composed
them whether they speak scotsalthoughi accept that irene mcgugan
treatise the prince into scotsalthoughit is unlikely that this
s new testament in scotsalthoughperhaps about 400 years overdue
a characteristic north east manneralthoughscots pronunciation was being learned
a means of cultural expressionalthoughspoken scots appears to be
in buchan are pretty limitedalthoughthe distinguished scots psychoanalyst jock
given for each scots wordalthoughthe publication of the cesd
scots and gaelic equal treatmentalthoughthe status and needs of
was just like an analthoughwe re a kinda scots
information about what scots isalthoughyou ve got to get
in your own living roomalthoughdare i suggest that those
employers find those descriptions confusingalthoughit is important to allow
removing the compulsory internal assessmentalthoughit would remain for those
those young people depend onalthoughthat can be challenging it
between those two agencies howeveralthoughthe compact contains much that
for water and sewerage chargesalthoughthe introduction of those charges
start in 2002 nora radcliffealthoughthose measures to improve the
the power to do soalthoughthose savings will be offset
go along with those howeveralthoughwe are talking about the
england and the united statesalthoughchanges are beginning to occur
and dolls family are wellalthoughdoll had arthritis in her
are associated with functional writingalthoughelements of persuasion and discussion
having a question on incomealthoughi accept that there are
offering of partnerships are undertakenalthoughi appreciate that judgments are
reassured by my chairing italthoughi hope that they are
huh f961: uh huh f960: althoughi mean dere are problems
new is good is badalthoughmany people are doing many
are keen on sport howeveralthoughnational sports bodies receive standstill
to be taken at presentalthoughno reasons are given 11
churches presented a similar problemalthoughnowadays they are much less
things like that are hardalthoughobviously nothing like as hard
as the rural dialects arealthoughon the whole they are
up in developing a bidalthoughorganisations are never sure whether
that be necessary david mcletchiealthoughpeople s thoughts are at
where different words are usedalthoughthe consequential amendments are necessary
toad winds treacherously towards solleralthoughthe drivers are fantastically skilled
find that a bit draconianalthoughthe exceptions are listed the
who are classified as homelessalthoughthe increased investment will never
the important point is thatalthoughthe languages are closely related
crops because of our climatealthoughthe uplands of kenya are
said in my opening speechalthoughthere are a lot of
part of canada and anotheralthoughthere are constitutional problems in
first option an opportunity existsalthoughthere are difficulties for example
thought to be 15 microgrammesalthoughthere are indications that 10
the rest of the ukalthoughthere are no longer any
bus tram or metro andalthoughthere are occasional bus and
cultures as i m intoalthoughthere are people of course
example f963: mm yeah m762: althoughthere are people who are
was accident or attempted suicidealthoughthere are various retrospective passages
are matters reserved to westminsteralthoughthere is a recognised need
that there are too manyalthoughthere will clearly be variances
poetry its themes are feministalthoughthese are brought to the
in the transmission of poetryalthoughthey are appreciative of the
hamilton i highlight poverty issuesalthoughthey are probably included in
mm something s being createdalthoughthings for him are breaking
reached only the third petitionalthoughwe are an hour and
college in the fe sectoralthoughwe are carrying out an
virtually all focalised through isabelalthoughwe are constantly reminded by
environment committee s current programmealthoughwe are dealing only with
seen in an international contextalthoughwe are talking about an
parliament is the scottish executivealthoughwe know that there are
complaints are upheld against themalthoughwe reserve the right to
hare typically greyhounds are usedalthoughwhippets deerhounds lurchers afghans and
youth sip challenges such viewsalthoughyoung people are seen as
publishing so many outstanding worksalthoughfrom time to time carswell
a son of scotland whoalthoughhe followed many of his
covered many different aspects andalthoughit is difficult to cover
1949 nys 1883 coopland 1949althoughl arbre was translated many
boundless enthusiasm in promoting europealthoughmany of my colleagues and
a sensible and laudable schemealthoughmany of the non members
deal of deprivation is thatalthoughmany people would be willing
really never paid much attentionalthoughi worked sooth for a
going to be released tomorrowalthoughthere is much going on
too much to modernise themalthoughthey could be used as
relation to local housing strategiesalthoughwe agree broadly with much
five years of my lifealthoughi didn t only do
lot f1024: you certainly doalthoughi don t seem to
up in a works vehiclealthoughif i do want to
say do it lee cousinsalthoughthe executive can make the
on human life and societyalthoughthey do give glimpses of
linked to adult government structuresalthoughthey do pass resolutions which
the result of the casealthoughthey do their best to
inverbervie to visit the doctoralthoughhe did make house calls
no i know [laugh] f1049: althoughi did make rice last
t make a big mistakealthoughi miss home and i
we make a final evaluationalthoughin the meantime we will
the first world war andalthoughshe went on to make
suicides occur in older peoplealthoughthey make up less than
make the bonfire burn andalthoughthey were to hand they
janie to make this claimalthoughwe can understand why an
would make the change easieralthoughwhen i tried to submit
victims lying on the flooralthoughhe knew they had been
them m741: right m605: ehmalthoughi ve been to kind
yet been translated into englishalthoughit would be a most
that he had been dreamingalthoughmost of the other characters
been leading in the northalthoughmy reprieve my great escape
it had already been donealthoughshe never went back to
had been retreating into protectionismalthoughtariff barriers had been removed
doors had been buckled andalthoughthe sailors managed to close
view of visually impaired peoplealthoughable bodied and other disabled
one or two other issuesalthoughi bore people endlessly with
people crowding the narrow pathalthoughi saw few purchases being
the right kind of peoplealthoughit is also important to
people from m- my backgroundalthoughmine mine is is is
on children and young peoplealthoughorganisations such as capability scotland
believe a word of italthoughpeople living near the miramar
tend to buy them regularlyalthoughpeople with arthritis for example
f1148: oh that s f1149: althoughthe fact people kept setting
and physically than young peoplealthoughthere is a common condition
about being mugged or robbedalthoughwe know that older people
it should be stressed thatalthoughbinny house is situated in
should be to james boylealthoughboyle recently signed up for
up to date as possiblealthoughi should stress that the
that pilot project should bealthoughirene mcgugan makes valid points
issue a certificate of completionalthoughthat should bring clarity to
should be on the memberalthoughthe clerks would want to
s package should be consideredalthoughthere is a debate about
a better alternative for themalthoughwe should argue against age
welcome the constitution or treatyalthoughwe think that it should
such m959: what s therealthoughalthough you think it s
by means of such conductalthoughamendment 1 seeks to clarify
he will probably agree thatalthoughhe tried to provide such
impact of any such changesalthoughi welcome that response to
draw up this management planalthoughsuch a task can be
to be implying now thatalthoughsuch food is good it
moved to the private sectoralthoughsuch questions will require consideration
figures such as jean mcfaddenalthoughtheir contribution was welcome we
any responsibility for such areasalthoughthey would like to be
contemporary women write in englishalthoughwriters such as lochhead jamie
than the equivalent english yardalthoughaitken and stevenson undoubtedly adopted
than ourselves and the moodalthoughfull of sentiment and piety
other than the budget itselfalthoughit was enjoyable none the
materials were produced on timealthoughoften later than when teachers
effective than the nonchalent expressionalthoughone must beware of using
than is proposed at presentalthoughwe would need to consider
certificate of sixth year studiesalthoughcandidate numbers were small only
birth to their daughter jennyalthoughglenlomas employed only one cooper
subject only to self certificationalthoughi accept totally that a
only a week s trainingalthoughit could take a lot
last story in the bookalthoughit is only two weeks
relatively late in the parliamentalthoughit is only year 4
slip past the staffroom unnoticedalthoughthere was only one person
finish off her m littalthoughthis is only a possibility
ayr races a good dayalthoughwe only cover the entrance
bse is a side issuealthougha dreadful one as regards
belief of course is thatalthougha federal system would theoretically
drinks alcohol is on salealthoughegypt s a muslim country
which is the fact thatalthougheu directive 90 220 eec
think is a stirling wordalthougheverybody uses it an it
a factor in this declinealthoughevidence for this is limited
as a major sports eventalthoughhard to quantify this is
role of committees is compellingalthoughi acknowledge the progress that
sheep that is becoming feasiblealthoughi imagine that farmers would
is also fair to sayalthoughi look to greater experts
what christine grahame is contemplatingalthoughi suppose an insane judge
development is a reserved issuealthoughi wish that it were
which is a small stepalthoughi would be prepared to
justice committee last week thatalthoughinnovation is good it is
it usually is the fatheralthoughit could be the natural
the issue of lip readingalthoughit is a different issue
a race of unthinking golemsalthoughit is a thought that
about 6 5 per centalthoughit is arguable that inflation
done in relation to thatalthoughit is at an early
the accounts as capital expenditurealthoughit is being used for
this winter you said thatalthoughit is easy to calculate
we can either accept thatalthoughit is late the amendments
to these adults each yearalthoughit is notoriously difficult to
pandemics is the most frighteningalthoughit is one for which
loss to the newspaper industryalthoughit is possible to focus
the value of nurses thatalthoughit is questionable whether an
worth 10 out of 200althoughit is too late for
request information from fishing proprietorsalthoughit is understood that the
executive on these issues howeveralthoughit is welcome that the
to focus prominently on adjectivesalthoughit is worth remembering that
er which is actually ermalthoughit s in standard english
through links with partner schoolsalthoughit states that it is
corryfisted is left handed yeahalthoughmy mother just says awkward
a letter to say thatalthoughno certification is available the
concessionary fares at the momentalthoughour inquiry is on bus
problem is lack of productivityalthoughshe began writing in the
out no core funding whateveralthoughsnh is allocated 40 million
to 204 000 was agreedalthoughspi is based in manila
report called one for allalthoughstock transfer is an important
constituency and prepare for retirementalthoughthat is a prospect that
to health services for examplealthoughthat is another complex area
that we achieved a lotalthoughthat is for the committee
public services on the cheapalthoughthat is largely what it
co operative and mutual sectoralthoughthat sector is distinct from
in the chamber also mentionedalthoughthe bill is essential and
sentence is superfluous the conveneralthoughthe clerks in consultation produced
we could produce at homealthoughthe climate is obviously different
icc against the convicted personalthoughthe enforcement of orders is
training is done in housealthoughthe institute of system level
note written on the musicalthoughthe latter is easier to
situation is further complicated becausealthoughthe level of support for
fund is set to declinealthoughthe lottery is a reserved
and is now better informedalthoughthe minister can be accused
here in a way wellalthoughthe place is small and
from primary to secondary schoolalthoughthe recommended policy is for
of control freakery gone madalthoughthe scottish compact is an
to name but a fewalthoughthe snp is broadly supportive
match its plangent air andalthoughthe speaker is a woman
to be congratulated on thatalthoughthere is a long way
be with the scottish ministersalthoughthere is a tiny gap
ayrshire we need positive discriminationalthoughthere is active support for
fits into the league tablealthoughthere is loyalty let us
the parliament meets in aberdeenalthoughthere is no plenary business
accreditation in for example chinesealthoughthere is no standard grade
of trading quantities at brugesalthoughthere is residual ambiguity about
with at the uk levelalthoughthere is scope for dealing
prized for sport shooting andalthoughthis is carried out in
process as developed by fiagalthoughthis is the second budget
is why we welcome enlargementalthoughwe also see the need
authorities include the surveillance commissionersalthoughwe believe that it is
the current year george macbridealthoughwe believe that there is
streamlined the irony is thatalthoughwe re in the middle
out why it is happeningalthoughwe will hear grand words
a house of commons billalthoughwestminster is pressing ahead with
of a six month timetablealthoughwhere it is shown that
first part of amendment 11althoughyou say that it is
in scotland is upland moreoveralthoughyou say that the bill
a way it is becausealthoughyou ve got all this
they didna know you knowalthoughf606: uh huh yeah f1039:
care that they will receivealthoughi acknowledge that the public
it was a cultural repressionalthoughi mean what were they
them to change their viewalthoughi realise that they will
upsets ever in scottish footballalthoughin the end they didn
to the planned watson billalthoughthe press release they issued
they miss for example thatalthoughthe reader feels totally exposed
mostly by former seb employeesalthoughthe system was new they
they form complete sentences thusalthoughthe terms subject and predicate
of a to a glossaryalthoughthey could look at erm
social behaviour of their tenantsalthoughthey could take court action
approaches to grammar outlined abovealthoughthey did survive within o
current merchant or scottis poundalthoughthey shared the same stone
kids understand oot o italthoughthey speak it f606: mm
planning functions with local authoritiesalthoughthey suggest that the exact
powers and national agency ledalthoughthey suggest that the form
rhymsters end in scavenging becausealthoughthey swill whisky like him
noble quines aa cried maryalthoughthey were noble they liked
14 guidelines from the executivealthoughthey were produced by learning
[laugh] [laugh] f965: but ermalthoughthey were so kind of
for a successful criminal prosecutionalthoughthey would be desirable they
erm related to me ermalthoughthey would deny that gaelic
me like dolls that smiledalthoughyou knew they weren t
ann herself was calm nowalthoughher calmness surprised her yesterday
a surprise now to membersalthoughi accept that when we
bliss so now she continuedalthoughi refuse absolutamente to be
be borne in mind nowalthoughi welcome the measures that
a total rampa- i malthoughnow i ve done it
now cannot pick up anotheralthoughshe tries the two women
as being far too smallalthoughi believe that it was
history of negotiations being stalledalthoughi understand that trinidad and
without there being a listalthoughthe 1997 act would obviously
of what was being discussedalthoughthe background of our tour
subordinate conjunctions like because unlessalthougherm if and if you
erm because i understand italthoughi i can t really
f829: ehm because i thoughtalthoughit must be twenty years
back to the basics becausealthoughwe s- talk about when
we lose by 3 shotsalthough3 of our four rinks
border public authorities include ncisalthoughas i said earlier we
and eschewit in scottis poesiealthoughas we saw this document
vegetables we all want thatalthoughhow we get children to
a change in principal howeveralthoughi agree that we must
as an independent nation statealthoughi hope that we participate
one we parted friends andalthoughi was leaving for the
that we support the changealthoughthe regulations seem to cover
of c 1400 discussed earlieralthoughto interpret it we must
out the causes of failurealthoughwe admitted that the writing
a vital industry in scotlandalthoughwe all wish overall tobacco
enforcement difficulties as this billalthoughwe cannot say that every
refer that to the ministeralthoughwe could refer the petition
delicacy saturday we spent quietlyalthoughwe d planned to spend
proved to be great funalthoughwe had mixed feelings about
want to be too prescriptivealthoughwe had to prepare costings
of the commander crabb incidentalthoughwe read the story we
also important to remember thatalthoughwe talk of the bilingual
we left that question openalthoughwe took the view that
we made a clear recommendationalthoughwe understand that the executive
points made by angus mackayalthougha mechanism for protecting the
panicked and got things wrongalthoughhe made no close friends
since made fun of herselfalthoughshe s cried over it
made a prima facie casealthoughthe case was rejected for
12 december 2001 c 2722althoughthe committee made it clear
with lifebelts attached to ropesalthoughthe crew made repeated attempts
serious point to be madealthoughthe minister disagreed that goes
stayed dry for three daysalthoughthe strain made him edgy
be explored here authentic tasksalthougha variety of means of
and suffer major mortality ratesalthoughalgal blooms appear to be
that the residents currently receivealthoughalternatives will undoubtedly be found
be through trapping and shootingalthoughdogs can be used and
dictionary project early financial problemsalthoughdost continued to be published
thesis to be read andalthoughhe hasn t finished it
be maintained and improved uponalthoughi accept the executive s
cannot be described as independentalthoughi agree with the snp
closet m1008: the closet [inhale]althoughi think that would be
would like it to bealthoughi understand that it would
propose going through each amendmentalthoughi will be happy for
individual child or young personalthoughindividual cases can be referred
worke and judgement of godalthoughit be secreit aught to
were reporting was the casealthoughit turned out to be
writing theater and center etcalthoughit would be a while
differences about the access codealthoughmembers will be busy with
subject to the affirmative procedurealthoughother orders can be subject
and as a library cardalthoughother services can be added
scottish ministers for the treasuryalthoughthat would be the normal
to install the central heatingalthoughthe entire programme will be
be caught between showers andalthoughthe peats managed to dry
acts on our views thereforealthoughthe process must be welcomed
taking the right way forwardalthoughthere will always be timetabling
official who compiled the figuresalthoughthere will be a revaluation
delays will be stopped forthwithalthoughthere will be means testing
the trend with resources thirdlyalthoughthis was meant to be
be lobbied on that issuealthoughvoluntary organisations and charitable groups
t normally be ehm heardalthoughwith perhaps younger speakers influenced
the end of course examalthoughagain it would remain for
far as ye were concernedalthoughanither student would sneak his
in november 1998 it concludedalthoughconsolidation of the legislation would
a bad cold this morningalthoughi thought that i would
sung song from fergus ewingalthoughi would ask for notice
i quote from the letteralthoughi would like the minister
without my nickie tams howeveralthoughi would like the question
f632: that s right f646: althoughin her case she would
it would withdraw its amendmentalthoughit had already agreed unanimously
see section 2 2 balthoughthe bill as introduced would
semi final wouldn t waitalthoughwith luck maybe fiona would
in aberdeen i asked himalthoughhe deflected the question whether
that the voluntary sector makesalthoughi question whether football supporters
again mmhm f718: yeah m1078: althoughwhether nestlé ll allow them
completely fluent natural gaelic speakeralthoughshe was erm erm brought
which didnae help matters ermalthoughthe article that came on
and i never forced italthoughyou f639: mm erm f640:
somewhere else in the cellaralthoughhe and maconochie had worked
was plenty to titter atalthoughi had a sense of
conversations and fino sherry andalthoughi had sensed the house
the issue i regret thatalthoughi had the pleasure of
t really a holiday placealthoughit had the f718: mm
activity it was disappointed thatalthoughit had written to 32
a golden land of promisealthoughit was wartime there had
crown had a long historyalthoughsubject to the fluctuations in
the heart to discard themalthoughthe day after graduation had
that surveillance had taken placealthoughthe rules for the tribunal
had a tremendous stylistic rangealthoughthematically he tended to concentrate
scott and sydney goodsir smithalthoughthis movement had a profound
of the meanest sort 5althoughvon berlepsch clearly had an
defined areas as craig saidalthougha substantial infrastructure of other
melle on the other handalthoughclearly sinful was the result
davidson swings the other wayalthoughhe elsewhere opines that snow
other projects started mr swinneyalthoughi appreciate mr henderson s
glasgow f807: mm f806: soalthoughi got other offers i
bilingual er in other wordsalthoughi went to university i
to agriculture tourism and electronicsalthoughother sectors were affected it
candidates with other court experiencealthoughsomeone who comes from a
all his favourite abba trackalthoughhe kept quiet about that
and caused her terrible sufferingalthoughhe knew about her illness
about buddhism in sri lankaalthoughhe was respectful concerning the
were sceptical about this happeningalthoughi d heard news of
to report in any casealthoughi m clearer about the
about five minutes short soalthoughi will accept a motion
undue pressure on candidates reducedalthoughthere were different views about
could i find any breakfastalthoughat length i did manage
it was novel and excitingalthoughby the time i d
them in a public settingalthoughi accept the restrictions of
new framework to settle downalthoughi agree with that i
of our towns and citiesalthoughi appreciate that charities face
at aintree a good dayalthoughi backed losers all the
of a waste of timealthoughi believe that the european
if you like hector curriealthoughi come from a housing
board the minister s commentsalthoughi confess that when i
the livery of malboro cigarettesalthoughi couldn t say for
year f1151: that s truealthoughi don t fe- i
eh text archive ever sincealthoughi don t think anybody
the toast to the lassesalthoughi found out that i
9 000 to 11 000althoughi fully support the emphasis
[laugh] f1049: [laugh] m1048: [sniff]althoughi hate taking pauline places
today relate to transparency subsidiarityalthoughi hate the word and
ower lang beside the firealthoughi hirple whiles as faur
in this day and agealthoughi know from experience that
that fly against the tidealthoughi know their destiny s
an converge so i meanalthoughi m saying that mods
the introduction of private verifiersalthoughi note that at the
a great service to mealthoughi reflected that i was
tae news ower the dayalthoughi see diane dis tak
to achieve the same thingalthoughi sometimes find my eyes
secretary of state for scotlandalthoughi suspect that after the
of heart on the issuealthoughi take tommy sheridan s
s understanding of the qualificationsalthoughi understand that the confederation
underneath their troosers [laugh] f1023: althoughi ve got breeks that
east lothian m741: right m605: althoughi ve lost ma accent
the national library in edinburghalthoughi ve never seen a
10 45 scott barrie yesalthoughi want to raise a
roads in the north eastalthoughi welcome the fact that
continuing to speak in englishalthoughi welcome the opportunity to
any committee meeting i understandalthoughi will clarify this that
which i foolishly took andalthoughit gave me experience doing
and and i think eralthoughmy mother was a scot
i believe it can thoughalthoughpractice here isn t always
an thocht naething o italthoughthat nicht i wisnae by
i want to highlight tonightalthoughthe scottish tourist board s
the saunas against their willalthough10 foreign nationals were found
little could move between languagesalthoughburns and little were moving
indicators and a starting handlealthoughby 1929 self starters were
revert back to oil candlesalthoughcandles were a fire hazard
her hair and her clothingalthoughher eyes were sunk into
with tenants except by chancealthoughone or two authorities were
relationship with local government howeveralthoughrelationships were improving after a
impressed by the fact thatalthoughsix questions were lodged and
2 june kept it upalthoughtemperatures were around average the
knew what was happening andalthoughthere were safeguards incorporated for
first line spoken by macbethalthoughdescribing the weather could equally
5 years and 14 yearsalthoughpupils from large families could
the cotter s saturday nightalthoughshe felt that she could
of decimal coinage was adoptedalthougha short period of adjustment
down chutes to the wateralthoughall ammunition was supposed to
was lodged at stage 2althoughan executive amendment dealt with
was done on a rangealthoughfireplaces varied from house to
seacat and stena ferries butalthoughhe was within five miles
heels which seemed desperately uncomfortablealthoughher tan was mediterranean and
feel for the soil thusalthoughhis flower horticulture was ordinary
to develop his literary artalthoughhis potential was detected by
went back two days lateralthoughimportant british news was reported
ehm my school was nutsalthoughin saying that [censored: forename] was
in his late teens andalthoughit was largely derivative based
iii of the european charteralthoughit was recognised that this
regulations as strict as possiblealthoughit was suggested by no
the consultative steering group processalthoughit was used in the
the church closed around 1912althoughnellie riddoch who was born
risk transferred to the provideralthoughrisk management was often the
was dionysus son of zeusalthoughshe was a direct descendant
in mr wedderburn s hoosealthoughshe was by then removed
ballad singing and song compositionalthoughsociety was sufficiently hierarchical to
don t drink whisky f1049: althoughsomebody was like you know
was elected to the bundestagalthoughtalent occurs at any age
cigarette advertising was finally bannedalthoughthanks to a one million
president reported a successful eveningalthoughthe food was generally thought
servants was to show thatalthoughthe majority of schemes currently
tune fa saw the 42ndalthoughthe painting was set at
friday the weather was miserablealthoughthe rain kept off it
report was a missed opportunityalthoughthe report says that the
with family and so onalthoughthere was a fair bit
iled an clean up therealthoughoor days on burnie s
developed in terms of tourismalthoughthere s hundreds of hotels
m959: what s there althoughalthoughyou think it s really
includes set aside land thereforealthoughthe bill sets a target
with the situation david elliotalthoughit sounds awful to say
commitment to zonal management committeesalthoughperhaps with the precautionary measures
interest to the scottish parliamentalthoughrelations with the european union
tune together with the wordsalthoughsir walter scott and robert
to share with the committeealthoughthe deputy minister for environment
chicago university press as publisheralthoughthe relationship enjoyed with aup
scyldfreca holm with sund etcalthoughthis ignores etymological and connotational
manipulating mock heroic form cleverlyalthoughwith a kinder tone the
distinguished le page 1985 181althoughwith two exceptions braemar and
executive representation on the conventionalthoughbusiness a m reported that
sister as she realises thatalthoughconvention dictates that her knightly
kinda that s kinda strangealthoughhe misses classes like he
that government cannot control consumptionalthoughit can encourage it government
the gnp assure me thatalthoughit provides 23 per cent
ll see from that thatalthoughit s a small group
an increasingly media dominated worldalthoughlabov noted that though the
no one can doubt thatalthoughno one knows when the
sanctuary of the subs benchalthoughst jude s insisted that
the 39th or 40th dayalthoughstanding orders leave that possibility
available from private sector providersalthoughthat happens south of the
f807: oh okay right f806: althoughthat really into my computer
two matters in that regardalthoughthe amendments and re enactments
will lose its curator howeveralthoughthe council says that that
the comfort of knowing thatalthoughthe power of regulating serious
care services in scotland howeveralthoughwelcoming the progress that free
voted on in the afternoonalthoughit also includes a couple
from a low key beginningalthoughit began as a pilot
the bottom of the stairsalthoughit flushed it wasn t
go or what to seealthoughit gives details of 200
of the charter in practicealthoughit imposes no legally binding
it thwacked onto the pavementalthoughit missed us both the
puts money in my pursealthoughit never brought me fame
director of a nursing homealthoughit operates in england and
her essay women and fictionalthoughit predates both of these
the anglicisation at this pointalthoughit s generally on the
this term s shot byalthoughit seems a long time
chuck the balls out andalthoughit sounds a little pc
print almost continuously since 1650althoughit wasn t immediately a
charge of like the ricealthoughshe started it and finished
it for the future howeveralthoughthe charity receives money for
first minister for his responsealthoughunfortunately given where it comes
corresponding achievements in contemporary scotlandalthoughshakespeare did briefly turn into
english did no wrong f833: althoughwell [inaudible] f834: as well
south f963: mmhm yeah f965: althoughyou know as far as
come chapping on my dooralthoughas ian jenkins said pensions
huh f1144: mum as wellalthoughmy mum called her my
an application by a dsfbalthoughdsfbs can apply for baits
and fumbling behind the bushesalthoughuninhibited in their mutual desire
agreed to support the motionalthoughon taking office as presiding
forethocht felony most modern historiansalthoughreferring to the deed as
p6 through to advanced higheralthoughthe main decisions as to
home to an empty housealthoughdevastated the note didn t
craggie hill suy arthire andalthoughgaelic usage changed suidhe to
hated the fucking hucklebuck tooalthoughhe d managed to block
able to speak to mealthoughhe spoke to a member
economic and social benefits 25althoughin relation to the learning
to proceedings by complaint oralthoughno subsequent proceedings by complaint
to indonesia after the tsunamialthoughnothing like what the british
included for form s sakealthoughone hated to waste the
for productions of the playalthoughreferences to scottish place names
s verses poem this contentalthoughrelating to death in battle
confined her to a chairalthoughshe remained detached from close
10 supplement to snd 4althoughthe 1426 assize tells us
a wide range of organisationsalthoughthe committee came late to
the resources available to usalthoughthe main element cuts in
and its services for examplealthoughthe problems relating to the
to which the warrant relatesalthoughthe provision relates to fraud
fraud to extend to scotlandalthoughthe provisions on reporting restrictions
the royal college of nursingalthoughthe return to practice programme
to say f718: yeah m017: althoughthe the english exists in
opposed to elitist and heroicalthoughthe title and opening stanzas
leaflets dedicated to tenants interestsalthoughthe whole purpose of an
cannot tolerate the side effectsalthoughup to 20 per cent
seems to me y kenalthoughyou re nice enough you

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