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pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
pre empted the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
bill the bill reprinted asamendedat stage 2 sp bill
the bill was reprinted asamendedat stage 2 sp bill
bill the bill reprinted asamendedat stage 2 sp bill
abstentions 2 the motion asamendedwas agreed to dt by
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 47 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 1 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 1 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 28 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 3 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
amendment s1m 3155 1 asamendedwas then agreed to dt
to dt the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 30 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
abstentions 0 the motion asamendedwas then agreed to dt
agreed to section 1 asamendedagreed to after section 1
agreed to section 11 asamendedagreed to after section 11
agreed to section 38 asamendedagreed to after section 38
agreed to section 3 asamendedagreed to long title agreed
20 abstentions 36 motion asamendedagreed to resolved that the
34 abstentions 1 motion asamendedagreed to resolved that the
agreed to section 26 asamendedagreed to schedule 3 evacuation
agreed to section 10 asamendedagreed to section 11 recovery
agreed to section 12 asamendedagreed to section 13 agreed
agreed to section 14 asamendedagreed to section 15 interpretation
agreed to section 15 asamendedagreed to section 16 agreed
and agreed to schedule asamendedagreed to section 2 repeals
agreed to section 24 asamendedagreed to section 25 defective
agreed to schedule 3 asamendedagreed to section 27 agreed
agreed to section 2 asamendedagreed to section 3 short
agreed to section 32 asamendedagreed to section 33 agreed
agreed to section 37 asamendedagreed to section 38 tests
agreed to section 3 asamendedagreed to section 4 agreed
agreed to section 41 asamendedagreed to section 42 agreed
agreed to section 50 asamendedagreed to section 51 interpretation
agreed to section 8 asamendedagreed to section 9 agreed
agreed to section 28 asamendedagreed to sections 29 and
agreed to section 34 asamendedagreed to sections 35 and
agreed to section 43 asamendedagreed to sections 44 to
agreed to section 51 asamendedagreed to sections 52 and
agreed to section 5 asamendedagreed to sections 6 and
bodies etc scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 and agreed
land reform scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 and agreed
water services scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 and agreed
on roads of scotland asamendedbe agreed to are we
care for the elderly asamendedbe agreed to are we
title were agreed to asamendedthe committee completed stage 2
3 were agreed to asamendedthe meeting was suspended from
committee agreed to consider anamendedworkplan at the next meeting
adoption scotland act 1978 isamendedas follows 2 in section
1 the 1978 act isamendedas follows 2 in section
1 the 1968 act isamendedas follows 2 in section
1 the 1995 act isamendedas follows 2 in section
children scotland act 1984 isamendedas follows 2 in section
of the 1980 act isamendedas follows 2 in subsection
the transport act 1962 asamendedby sections 52 3 and
land reform scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 2 delegated
water services scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 3 delegated
land reform scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 3 delegated
under motion s1m 19 asamendedand if so whether it
1997 treaty of amsterdam whichamendedthe ec treaty article 136
1997 si 1997 2959 areamendedto allow the sale of
1997 si 1997 2959 areamendedto allow the sale of
scotland act 1995 will beamendedso that the protection given
procedure scotland act 1995 isamendedto ensure that the protection
of the ec treaty asamendedby amsterdam and nice the
homelessness etc scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 sp paper
water industry scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 sp paper
document sp bill 16a asamendedat stage 2 the marshalled
as from time to timeamendedsection 11 mr andy kerr
been put at risk theamendedsection would provide that if
the tribunal may require theamendedsection would state that the
elements of the commission samendedproposal are described below subject
the commission 2002b published anamendedproposal for a cod and
december 2002b com 2002 773amendedproposal for a council regulation
by article 10 of theamendedproposal for a council regulation
hake the commission proposal asamendedremains on the table and
following homelessness scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 2 executive
rights compliance scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 2 executive
and treatment scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 2 executive
and treatment scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 2 executive
government in scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 3 instruments
bodies etc scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 4 draft
water services scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 4 executive
national parks scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 amendment 121
and training scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 an act
and training scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 an act
bill transport scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 and take
salmon conservation scotland bill asamendedat stage 2 and take
race relations act 1976 asamendedand the orders issued under
genocide act 1969 will beamendedbecause the jurisdiction under the
fish act 1937 which wasamendedby the diseases of fish
registers scotland act 1868 asamendedby the land registration scotland
allotments scotland act 1892 asamendedby the land settlement scotland
scotland act 1892 s8 2amendedby the local government scotland
the 1979 act shall beamendedin accordance with the following
if the act were beingamendedthe affirmative procedure would be
publications act 1959 to beamendedto include new and tougher
1987 act which have beenamendedto take account of the
pilot study booklet iii 12amendedbooklet iii 13 data on
the orders are applied foramendedand discharged and agrees that
whether standing orders should beamendedto allow petitions to be
2 is consideration of theamendedreport by jackie baillie and
products and foodstuffs as lastamendedby commission regulation no 2020
that the bill could beamendedand that a number of
believe that the bill unlessamendedcould be challenged under the
that the bill could beamendedin contrast a previous witness
know whether it could beamendedquickly the bill has been
that the bill might beamendedto make that possible as
request that the bill beamendedto reduce the costs and
is 153 days 30 asamendedby the freshwater and salmon
that the law could beamendedto distinguish between salmon and
the social protection committee andamendedas necessary autumn step 7
11 which can only beamendedby the privy council these
14 national guidelines s3 s4amendedarrangements in standard grade modern
can establish links s3 s4amendedarrangements in standard grade modern
8 june 1999 shall beamendedwith effect from 8 january
is therefore proposed that theamendedprovisions should apply in scotland
consideration of irene mcgugan samendedreport on scotland s languages
that the scheme can beamendedfor the following year mr
authorities that provision could beamendedat westminster and is contentious
possibility that estimates could beamendedgot into the public domain
i am sure that anamendedorder could be passed quickly
would also have to beamendedor repealed moreover in order
intend to bring forward anamendedorder and census regulations to
we will thereafter introduce anamendedorder i have indicated that
business bulletin has been dulyamendedmeeting of the parliament thursday
be able to make anamendedapplication because they will be
regulations need to be significantlyamendedjames smith my instructions to
primary legislation had to beamendedto make it sensible and
tourist board structure will beamendedin the light of the
anachronism and it should beamendedwhat is needed is a
the old ballad in slightlyamendedform once there stood by
and local plans have beenamendedmaterially in the interim or
hospital waiting lists has beenamendedsince may 1999 s1w 13124
clerk on proposals for anamendedsystem for considering petitions 5
know the petitioner has nowamendedhis petition he has withdrawn
on the basis of theamendedtext des mcnulty clydebank and

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