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there has been broad consensusamongmembers in this debate more
there seems to be consensusamongmembers that we should ask
consensus in the chamber andamongpolitical parties about the variety
there was a broad consensusamongrespondents that regulations should be
when there is total consensusamongthe people of scotland and
a condition growing in incidenceamongboth adults and children in
high incidence of dental cariesamongchildren throughout scotland s1w 26934
women the incidence of smokingamongwomen has increased over the
family history of osteoporosis particularlyamongwomen the incidence of smoking
the increased incidence of suicideamongyoung people in scotland in
amaist adv almost amang prepamongan c and anaith prep
alang prep along amang prepamongan c and anaith prep
airtilik a arty amang prepamongan c and if anaith
of payment rates will varyamongauthorities but some guidelines would
to reduce re offending ratesamongchildren and young people as
to reduce re offending ratesamongchildren and young people as
of higher rates of absenteeismamongsmokers and 4 million as
that the standardised mortality ratesamongthe 10 per cent most
of staff shortages for exampleamonglow paid nursing auxiliaries nurse
medical and surgical practice andamongnursing staff will be invited
2000 the drop out rateamongnursing students is 25 per
nursing and residential homes oramongother care support workers but
shoulders there is a feelingamongthe nursing staff to whom
scheme benefits from close workamongdifferent departments but in others
understanding is that the uptakeamonghealth professional workers and others
occasions heads were not upamongothers bill arundel was saying
scottish pensioners association those peopleamongothers came to our cross
bishop lamberton of st andrewsamongothers continued to give bruce
referred to above shall includeamongothers pupils and students parents
the european court of justiceamongothers scotland has strong representation
of scotland is now underwayamongothers the aims of the
about the lack of understandingamongparents and others who are
like us curious others wereamongthe faithful a man leaned
assesses the level of povertyamongchildren pensioners and families and
assesses the level of povertyamongchildren pensioners and families and
about the lack of clarityamonglocal authority officers regarding who
a surprising lack of knowledgeamonglocal hoteliers of the existence
implement to alleviate fuel povertyamongpeople with disabilities s1o 96
implement to alleviate fuel povertyamongpeople with disabilities s1o 96
poverty and they do soamongsome of the most well
a lack of instrumental motivationamongthe majority of students a
and some lack of discriminationamongthe various traditional forms while
awarding this contract and particularlyamongferry staff who at this
er particularly the older generationamong[laugh] whom i class myself
the situation is particularly acuteamongnurses in general practitioner practices
not been particularly well publicisedamongorganisations or the general public
the public health arena particularlyamongour young people there is
and improving visual healthcare particularlyamongthe elderly who are susceptible
problem but increased smoking particularlyamongyoung people since then the
in participation in sport particularlyamongyoung women our target is
women pensioners who may beamongthe most vulnerable of our
that there were no womenamongthe survivors he certainly did
taken to address depression specificallyamongwomen aged 15 to 24
good practice in service redesignamonghealth boards to raise standards
say there is variable practiceamonglocal authorities there is good
the guidelines will raise awarenessamongprofessionals of best practice the
good practice clinical guidelines directlyamongthe options which might be
people the demographics of unemploymentamongdisabled people show that young
want is there a desireamongdisabled young people to be
the route on the groundamongtheir number was a young
young loons used to goamongthem an listen it wis
da plight o shetland spaekinamongwir young eens here s
of enthusiasm for country dancingamongyoung folk is also worth
of juvenile diabetes and obesityamongyoung people if we do
made now to increase performanceamongyoung people in education and
tackle patterns of persistent offendingamongyoung people in scotland s1o
the high level of suicidesamongyoung people in scotland s1w
levels of physical activity especiallyamongyoung people what relationship do
development the use of milkamongyoung primary school children would
national level on whether immunisationamonghealth service staff should be
of but the self confidenceamongregistration staff who have to
was a lot of anxietyamongthe staff i was extremely
of staff who are dividedamongthree divisions and 21 units
fostering confidence and self awarenessamongall our pupils in all
modern languages at this levelamongpupils of all levels of
there is still a feelingamongpupils that if teachers are
the pupils on their ownamongthemselves talkin the same way
minister briefly referred to unemploymentamongolder people a survey by
stigma attached to claiming themamongolder people but it is
there is a common conditionamongolder people known as a
employ older people because ofamongother things the confidence that
and networking and co operationamongeurope s police forces in
reported those figures are sadlyamongthe lowest in western europe
keith raffan for once thatamongthe many things about europe
prosperity security and co operationamongthe peoples of europe it
in europe will the monarchistsamongus reflect that that may
with the specific responsibility ofamongother things dealing with wildlife
priorities across the patch throughamongother things examination of local
by every other member stateamongother things part 4 of
being highly prescriptive is thatamongother things that would compromise
charged with nationalist energy byamongother things the burden of
james douglas hamilton asked aboutamongother things the difference between
has exerted a significant influenceamongother things through the availability
27 which requires local authoritiesamongother things to provide advice
the draft census regulations whichamongother things will specify the
d slip in other thingsamongthe haivers and a terrible
that stag contains will beamongthe things that are considered
allowing them to be includedamongthe things that are registered
her situation was common evenamongthe gentry as many bairns
common sight weaving their wayamongthe snowdrifts the snow is
is the lowest common denominatoramongthe states of the council
challenges will be most welcomeamongfishermen in scotland i am
individual will be most prominentamongthe grape bearers aquarius jan
can and must do betteramongthe most disturbing reports on
elements that make jackie kayamongthe most exciting and significant
to it and were probablyamongthe most responsible landlords since
lately had counted the accusedamongtheir most devout and worthy
is of course a tendencyamongmany people to regard standard
an important role to playamongordinary people who often get
guild which takes me outamongpeople and have good neighbours
generations which still cause anxietyamongpeople anxious to observe correct
frequency of its everyday useamongpeople in dumfries and galloway
to continue to monitor uptakeamongpeople under the age of
about the change in demandamongpeople who no longer put
is a wealth of talentamongpeople with disabilities if we
make friends and influence peopleamongthe financiers and bankers of
girl to the piano butamongthe people properly so called
as a full time workeramongthe people who set real
work conducted by burns clubsamongschool children ten years ago
project and in promoting musicamongthe area s children s1m
implementation of the scheme variesamonglocal authorities in some areas
in some local authorities especiallyamongsome councillors that all owners
authorities on promoting the schemeamongtenants so that tenants do
working out in different waysamongthe authorities the initial scheme
of undetected and untreated fracturesamongother causes i mention rickets
persons he kens his groatsamongother folks kail this is
the com shop for baconamongother luxuries and we had
the backing of douglas giffordamongother materials produced by enthusiasts
in hair of the dogamongother myths she gestured at
past 40 or 50 yearsamongthe crowd on the other
gleeful mitchel stern faced wasamongthe crowd other stunned and
not create a favourable impressionamongthe population the other part
a general clamour broke outamongthe crowd cullen ferguson campbell
wider recognition of the languageamongthe general public is necessary
companies who caused the concernamongthe general public should be
little enthusiasm for any exemptionsamongmany consultees i listened to
is hard to be oneamongmany dhammapada sayings of the
had always been a figureamongmany now i wanted to
additional hazard cold violent seasicknessamongmany passengers and eventually the
them that is just oneamongmany reasons that i end
there was a strong feelingamongmany teachers that they were
experiences in modern language learningamongthe many explanations offered as
nineteenth century fye brose wasamongthe many kinds of brose
education there were many misconceptionsamongthe smes a combination of
found in civil societies notamongbarbarians who either kill or
with trying to address managementamonglandlords is that landlords who
be chosen by election fromamongpersons who possess the qualifications
the eng programme who wasamongthe unb quebeckers a few
and various heads have rolledamongthem gromyko who occupied an
girl but they weren tamongthem who were they alice
of concerns that might existamongthose who work in this
and listen to the discussionamongcommittee members two alternative actions
recommendations there is some disagreementamongconvention members about whether the
at least one born raconteuramongits members we are fortunate
consolidate the bond of friendshipamongmembers a reading of the
and social cohesion and solidarityamongthe members of the european
convener members will have seenamongtheir papers a letter from
let us call it thatamongconsumers towards particular brands that
the five of us stoodamongthe throng alice was greeting
have such a true virtuosoamongus and have only one
s probably the youngest personamongus here eh [inaudible] m1008:
throw it in the cynicsamongus would be frightened of
gilchrist now marion s nameamongus yins was she was
not been entirely resolved consistencyamongpublic sector funders is essential
help avoid duplication of effortamongthe public bodies involved in
of automation might be foundamongour comrades we are already
you raise which are certainlyamongour concerns mary scanlon the
and that wins enough supportamongour european partners to enable
translated into a new confidenceamongour minority communities in their
seek figures on vaccine uptakeamonghealth workers and at risk
sex education and sexual healthamongscotland s teenage population to
there on when education spreadamongthe masses the language went
today a dichotomy of approachamongenthusiasts for the scots language
scots vocabulary the modern trendamongscholars of scots language is
cultural aspects of language chiefamongthem j r r firth
simple there is grave concernamongcommunities in rural and perhaps
duration there was no rhymeamongeducated poets there was a
there are differences of opinionamonglarge and small member states
blackhall in a lonely placeamongleafless branches there are images
highers and standard grade systemsamongscottish teachers there is very
care there is an impressionamongsome care groups that money
building and hoisting they wereamongthe first troops there and
because chekhov and gogol areamongthe luminaries buried there so
there s any talent hiddenamongthe oaps the saluters make
should permeate all subject areasamongthe scottish teaching profession there
here there are some taresamongthe wheat alas but we
actually there were no toughiesamongthem that i can recollect
there was an actor dowamongthem with his wife and
departments sharing information and dataamongthemselves for example if there
thocht he wid get reliefamongsome bushes bit fin he
of scottish policy at leastamongsome sections of the leadership
wireless operator broadfoot were notamongany of those neither attempted
basement have also been forcedamongthe debris that were cleared
we guess that these wereamongthe decorative terraces that hayde
her jams an jeelies wereamongthe finest in the land
that morning and we wereamongthe first it was interesting
east fife at ibrox insteadamongthe passengers were a tragically
waiting times in tayside wereamongthe worst in scotland was
baltimore mainly cliqueish americans butamongthem a peruvian and a
didn t recognise one nameamongthem and this year peggy
and mr galbraith is obviouslyamongthem given the evidence of
that daniel s was notamongthem i trailed a sense
in the late sixteenth centuryamongthe earliest are three from
s findings issued in juneamongthe three assessors was professor
and copies of his figuresamongwhich the three wise men
features which have themselves disappearedamongthose in the first group
taking owls to athens andamongall these learned owls of
these themes of course areamongthe key ideas of the
easy to find even inamongthe truly worthy and these
four hundred years later argumentsamongthe cognoscenti about whether scots
scots seems to be atypicalamonguniversity teachers involved in courses
campaign aims to raise awarenessamongemployers through a series of
[inhale] and this activity growsamongthe scottish aristocracy through the
one and two roomed housesamonga confusion of gardens and
brief and largely undifferentiated referenceamonga number of lower class
mainly the result of carelessnessamongbuilders mmr vaccination pe515 the
emergence of racism and xenophobiaamongcertain fanatics such as jörg
about the strength of feelingamongconveners they did not want
it has awareness been raisedamongemployers about the importance of
quite a bit of laughteramongf631: [laugh] f634: the shipping
heavy round the square andamongfamily groups and groups of
system of testing the perceptionamongfishermen is that the introduction
shower tap in that wateramongfloating islands of hair balls
is a factor of 10amongfriends elaine thomson what is
appearance of treatment acquired diseaseamonghaemophiliacs is monitored given the
ships of fools to playamongicons of saints and the
has no tradition of gaelicamongits indigenous population and therefore
surrounds the status of bslamongits users we are committed
was the body of opinionamongmember states that 20 commissioners
number of deaths from canceramongmen in scotland and which
found a sort of acceptabilityamongnon gaelic speakers as well
the barcos azules a princeamongpeasants a beauty of a
reid wigtownshire charters the presenceamongproperty holding lairds of two
flexible form of co operationamongthe 15 national governments and
jizzen 1999 both writers areamongthe best of younger poets
walking the royal inca wayamongthe cloud forests of the
the end of standard gradeamongthe factors identified as contributing
concept at a retreat setamongthe fantastic scenery of the
openness and transparency which areamongthe founding principles of this
searching for signs of reactionamongthe judges when he spoke
name was at first includedamongthe list of survivors a
they leave behind of lifeamongthe ploughman lads and kitchie
unexpended to distribute such balanceamongthe poor of the said
curriculum qualities as a writeramongthe qualities of burns s
branch broke and was lostamongthe rest of the embers
is a clump of bluebellsamongthe roses and i think
of the orchy was inamongthe survivors but soon discovered
paint light and shadow playedamongthe trees as sketches of
effect of making the relationshipamongthe voluntary sector statutory agencies
matilde but she s notamongthis photographic gallery of salvador
one cause of sudden deathamongunder 25 year olds congratulates
is as alexander gillies suggestsamongthe first lines by burns
sure that he will beamongthe first to receive an
is basically that brand loyaltyamongadult smokers is very strong
or is it fairly frequentamongdifferent regions that find that
and lost revenue would varyamongindividual retailers but it is
it is combating racial prejudiceamongschoolchildren s1o 6706 the deputy
system is considered to beamongthe best in the world
argentine junta and is classifiedamongthe desaparecidos the missing opponents
that the take up rateamongthe elderly is too low
that that view is reflectedamongthe electorate it is incumbent
life expectancy in scotland isamongthe lowest in the developed
further jack mcconnell is isolatedamongthe so called regions with
is after all a diseaseamongtheir stock the question then
in their revolt de rigueuramongmodernists against victorian forefathers a
have appointed party spokespersons fromamongtheir msps 19 westminster style
image was all the rageamongeuropean aristocracy after the benevenuto
the last hapsburg was oneamongfew early tourists but more
time it was like beingamongfireworks you knew you shouldn
dispersed her favours fairly liberallyamongher male drinking cronies was
was a matter for negotiationamongthe 100 or so states
without state support he wasamongthe 2 300 british men
again he was in ulsteramongthe presbyterian planters he went
which must surely be countedamongthe additional burdens and challenges
turn to burns why botheramongall the competing claims what
in particular internal assessment thirdlyamongall the teaching unions considerable
notes the excellence in musicamongnorth ayrshire schools junior and
would upset him me workingamongnut cases and lifers he
arbat and again strolled downamongthe artists silhouette cutters declaimers
it ll just be somewhereamongthe chaos and recycling i
in the evening i goamongthe cottages and see how
wood may move him downamongthe middle readers and away
to be paid and dividedamongthe poor and indigent natives
a rich man a chiefamongthe publickans and he had
a flap in the barnamongthe straw her grandparents and
you ve got to talkamongyourselves and no [?]pinchi-[/?] words
seems like one big adventureamongthe family photographs on the
possible within the regional resourceamong15 offices to alleviate pressures
have a nice little timeamongoor sisters in the lord
increase in under age sexamongteenage girls notes the continuing
naething had happened he wisnaamongthe eens tae be sacked
a am it s hereamongthe egg an ham ye
profession he definitely likes beingamongthe elite he told me
vain no i wasn tamongthe excited spectators thanks for
turretted with small black domesamongthe graffiti scrawled on walls
the cloudy champion thundering flingsamongthe huddled quaking hills this
fashion or the latest fadamongthe luvvies in the arts
james martha jack silent astonishmentamongthe onlookers beaumont aye ladies
d touch a worm inamongthe soil m608: [laugh] f637:
thoughts whose roots ethereal gropeamongthe stars whose passion flowers
a matter for a voteamongthe state parties 10 30
remorse a ll hide awaamongthe whins or settle in
neist day oot an inamongda bits o news da
for reducing positive drug testsamonginmates in scottish prisons s1w
might want ta keep inamongit yeah f960: oh at
doon tae seek a livinamongstrangers in london toon bit
will we discuss that issueamongourselves convener or will we
i grew up you knowamongdifferent social a a variety
f wis a rural featureamonggaelic bi linguals r m
as a treatment acquired diseaseamonghaemophiliacs s1w 17749 mr brian
initiative that promotes volunteering specificallyamong16 to 24 year olds
that simply does not existamongbusinesses or employees mr mcmahon
dat dey dey dan waleamongit an see what dey
o floors kin ye plantamongrocks an hid tae rack
restore sum order an sanitieamongyer creation at haes appearinlie

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