See this word as a collocate cloud
the neist coach doun a1 | an | 2 a wee bleck leddie |
set him doun wi faith | an | a christian zeal tae read |
micht warsle out o jeopardie | an | a fastren knife ding doun |
sit doun til oor wark | an | a rowth the ir o |
sunn bekeit doun leibral lik | an | a saft gray wheichit awaw |
doun fowk buyin an sellin | an | aa the hunder an twentie |
up an doun tae hawick | an | ae braw drink o waitter |
whit ah m feelin friskie | an | ah m gaun doun ti |
amaist tuim sae it is | an | ah maun rin awa doun |
stale doun the stane steps | an | alang the sea shore an |
doun on the taibil heid | an | amang a fouth o clappin |
haa whaur they kneelit doun | an | ance mair bade shi jin |
doun til the level o | an | animal a kynd o mean |
juist hed ti lowt doun | an | ask pardon lowse his gramashes |
dochter tuik a quaich ilkane | an | auld jin lowtit doun ti |
saxtie year auld ah m | an | auld man gey ferr doun |
days pass by sae sune | an | autumn spates cam rummlin doun |
she gaed doun the steps | an | aw at aince she fand |
doun it gaes on me | an | aw ma days an aw |
tay ti weit hir thrappil | an | aw sattilt doun ti gie |
braid shouthers o the sklimmar | an | aw wan doun again sauf |
rase the guidman at aince | an | awa doun ti the kitchen |
aff doun the back bankin | an | awa marischal hong wis left |
watchin the wattir rinnin doun | an | awa ti the ferrawa sie |
ran doun the faur bank | an | ayont the thorn hedge at |
the middil o the burn | an | babbit up an doun at |
up an doun he went | an | back an forrit an i |
doun ower the auld brig | an | back up the faur side |
flittit doun til heychesters mill | an | bade yonder fur ae gey |
glence up at his drapes | an | bed ah look doun at |
skailed ti wattir the horss | an | bed doun the bestial fur |
doun i the ingil neuk | an | beguid ti dry aff his |
the walls on the shore | an | beyond an doun the street |
says the brithers awa you | an | bid our guests sit doun |
that is dingin doun barriers | an | biggin brigs aw ower europe |
that is dingin doun barriers | an | biggin brigs aw ower europe |
doun whaever stale his needle | an | blouter him wi his gret |
juist hae come doun here | an | bocht it och the slaverin |
in for snash an clishmaclaivers | an | boozin doun the vodka an |
architectural intrest viz harden chisholm | an | borthw ickbrae ferrer doun frae |
auld frien s tractor braw | an | bricht clatterin doun a nearby |
o sicht i raxt up | an | brocht it doun it wis |
physickpock an pit his rungs | an | brodstaffs bye doun loans an |
a ve kennlt a fire | an | brunt ma steidins doun aa |
the leafs ir suin doun | an | butterflie pairs turnt yallae wi |
a brainch doun for himsell | an | cairrie it heich afore him |
jin clam doun the lether | an | cam afore the haa the |
hissel doun in his saiddle | an | cam brashin forrit ti fecht |
drive intae the big hoose | an | cannily made doun the ruch |
doun perth wey be shuir | an | caw in an pey yeir |
gaed inben set hissel doun | an | chappit on the buird cryin |
wi zhu wu yang chun | an | chen da lowtit doun thegither |
denner he wesna richt hungirie | an | clappit doun ti dover bi |
braw says he lowtin doun | an | claspin his hauns but a |
ingil wes doun but bricht | an | clear an the sicht o |
doun an yammert nippit fuit | an | clippit fuit ahint the keing |
aw gaun in for snash | an | clishmaclaivers an boozin doun the |
grin doun gangs hotels greens | an | clubhooses a shin bane is |
at belyve swallaes the naitioun | an | convoys it doun ti the |
doun on it maist cosie | an | cosh fur the r naething |
the side o the hedge | an | courit doun nae mair nor |
she stuid bi the wal | an | cryit doun til the trout |
hir heid agin the stane | an | cryit saftlie doun the hole |
juist soupit aa the ashets | an | cups doun on the fluir |
up intil riggs the pines | an | cypresses cawed doun for timmer |
auld hame doun thare pynes | an | cypresses growe lyke weeds mappies |
caur anent the auld mill | an | daunert doun tae the watter |
tae gang that gait mysel | an | daunert doun the miller road |
kent naethin fur thrie nichts | an | days eftir thon mament doun |
nou ah maun growe auld | an | dee an gae doun intil |
lowtit doun in thrie deep | an | deep curchies dichtin her tears |
afore him he courit doun | an | dernt himsell at the back |
man that wul owrethraw macbeth | an | ding him doun macduff an |
fyre ti monie a steidin | an | dingin doun ithers fowk at |
wattir sae you be shuir | an | dinna you lat me doun |
the mast o the ship | an | douk it doun til the |
he spurred hir wallopin up | an | doun a glaurie ploued rigg |
the burn an babbit up | an | doun at hir as mukkil |
the war ane unco skraich | an | doun cam the arrae amang |
cairts an horses clatterin up | an | doun fowk buyin an sellin |
airchis ower maistert wi reiho | an | doun hauddit virr thai stoured |
a lang whyle reingin up | an | doun he haed ti admeit |
he wis an unce up | an | doun he went an back |
think sae she stourit up | an | doun huntin amang the busses |
icksheils whitslade s sloomin ondistrubilt | an | doun i harden glen the |
it had been gaun up | an | doun like a yo yo |
speakin ye l be up | an | doun lyke this the haill |
sae intil t he flang | an | doun on a hott o |
fifty d grees o frost | an | doun on the riviera coast |
o weldit steel slid up | an | doun oor bunks by g |
s slid ower her thrapple | an | doun oot o sicht whaur |
walkit owre the girnwud hill | an | doun owre the hoscote rig |
a bowle o cauld wattir | an | doun she sat wi it |
whan peddlin ma bike up | an | doun tae hawick an ae |
trotted doun that heavenly park | an | doun tae the watter glintin |
aa his worth gaun up | an | doun that trauchled sphere walin |
wunds o the warld doun | an | doun thay gaed deep throu |
ain fuitmerks up the bank | an | doun the bank whaur she |
some siller at he pouchit | an | doun the brae he slippit |
ee alang the rashy bauk | an | doun the dyke back cam |
mense fu conclusioun daunnerin up | an | doun the gairden pittin hir |
hir throu the ryde up | an | doun the ploued field the |
fish that wis threshin up | an | doun the puil there wis |
rank weeds throu winnoks growe | an | doun the strachts o liang |
broke loose he streakt across | an | doun the stream while up |
on the shore an beyond | an | doun the street men grieved |
they tuik a turn up | an | doun the watterside wi the |
soumed slawlie up the wattir | an | doun the wattir an said |
soum slawlie up the wattir | an | doun the wattir an syne |
soumed slawlie up the wattir | an | doun the wattir an syne |
soumed slawlie up the wattir | an | doun the wattir an syne |
fuit o dragon tiger brae | an | doun there cam a wheen |
bass ti vissie the solans | an | doun ti heymouthe ti coff |
her droukit fleece ris up | an | doun wi shalla souchin braith |
dirdum ye mak strampin up | an | doun wi thae mukkil feet |
bents ebenezer bein wallopit up | an | doun wi the garron wes |
fand na the yowe disjaskit | an | dowie sat doun tae his |
ti gaitsgill fair kest doun | an | dowie we canna wyte fur |
whan the rain skails doun | an | draks intil the yird whan |
he fand the war derk | an | drearie dungeons doun ablo an |
aw sat doun ti aet | an | drink an whan thay haed |
haepit ah tak ma tass | an | drink it doun til the |
thrang nabbin nymphs an gnats | an | duns swept doun throu the |
derk puils atwein the rocks | an | dyvin deep doun inti the |
seiven o them gaun up | an | echt o them gaun doun |
blocks richt doun the puil | an | efter three or fower nets |
merksman ah can shuit doun | an | egg i the lift gin |
but there s times whan | an | engine is best like doun |
feet that means the r | an | erdine doun ablo the haill |
send it til ma mither | an | faither doun unner the mouls |
wrocht sae doun they went | an | fand her there leevin still |
soud it dae but founder | an | faw doun stane deid ablo |
o us no gang doun | an | fecht it out ti get |
hirsell doun on the grund | an | fell asleep bedein no lang |
lift an the ettin foundert | an | fell doun deid whaurever he |
this eilidh gang you doun | an | fesh jek up here turns |
dingin doun wi fiery words | an | fiercesome froun an frothin fit |
failin whan spates cam doun | an | fish ran up he d |
polis caur i jumpt oot | an | flaggd it doun the polis |
o the henwyfe s dochter | an | flang hir doun onti the |
ower heid sparras wes chirmin | an | flochterin doun ti the yaird |
hunner yairds doun the watter | an | for aa ye kent they |
doun he went an back | an | forrit an i ll guarantee |
tap puil an wee alec | an | franco sat doun by the |
swaps tokens for het baths | an | fresh air syne doun the |
maun growe auld an dee | an | gae doun intil ma lair |
said fareweill til hir bairns | an | gaed doun til the wattir |
his buckets shouthert his sting | an | gaed fleein awa doun the |
licht doun shouthert his pockstang | an | gaed leadin the pownie the |
peth doun the sauchtrie burn | an | gaed ti kittilskart ti meisur |
whyle the lamps burn doun | an | gaes oot ti watch the |
an boozin doun the vodka | an | gamblin an litigation the guidwyfes |
unco pleased at the sicht | an | gao cam forrit lowtit doun |
the tap o a knowe | an | gaun doun tae jyne the |
earl o hell s waistcoat | an | gaun doun the pad by |
wullie juist you courie doun | an | gaun ti sleep this verra |
there wi yer hauns up | an | get doun ontae that bankin |
hotchin wi polis come doun | an | get us at the auld |
slawed thaim doun a pece | an | gin a mynd onie naitral |
doun the wul be greitin | an | girnin an cherkin o teeth |
it faws doun it cums | an | gits brukken ti bits aw |
wee troot thrang nabbin nymphs | an | gnats an duns swept doun |
an awa gaed the kimmer | an | gowd tree doun ti the |
puzint skelf richt intil it | an | gowd tree fell doun deid |
doun an she sat doun | an | grat in the pit mirk |
baith sat doun like host | an | guest the lord clerk gies |
a vice turnt roun heidfurst | an | gulped doun in a trice |
he d been the driver | an | had left his caur doun |
gae doun the middle pad | an | hae a wee luik juist |
wes ti tak the aix | an | hagg doun malcolm s favorite |
slugs an speiders an slaiters | an | hairie oubats doun thare morag |
blatters doun kirks flettens trees | an | haisilt corn blaws doun haill |
kists as doun the brae | an | hameawa they gaed the elder |
mischief cum doun mirk nicht | an | hap ye i the derkest |
hydie holl wi mich pechin | an | harlin thai set thairsells doun |
thir twa war huntit doun | an | hauden bi the scots for |
by faur the maist negleckit | an | hauden doun in offeicial terms |
by faur the maist negleckit | an | hauden doun in offeicial terms |
dived doun ablow steikt nebs | an | haudin braith an whan we |
hauf wey doun herts lowpin | an | haudin oor braiths there wis |
wis workin at the time | an | he an jock got doun |
sedan chair he clam doun | an | he bade the sodgers at |
did aa but for ane | an | he beddit them doun then |
he lowtit doun in fareweill | an | he fair loot the tears |
on the ettin s luif | an | he fell doun wi a |
the fuit o the hill | an | he laid it doun on |
seemed tae dae the trick | an | he sclimmt doun the bank |
doun inti the sie itsell | an | he spak wi thaim an |
hirsell doun bi the ingil | an | he thocht hou pleisant his |
his haund for the shell | an | he wauchtit doun the purpie |
he lost a fortnicht syne | an | he wes doun in december |
doun inti the wat saund | an | he wes that pechilt he |
watter poued his bunnet doun | an | held the collar o his |
lad awa doun the brae | an | him comin up wi a |
set the haill biggin dirlin | an | hinnerlie doun frae the hydie |
goum an suin hir mither | an | hir onkil wes birlin doun |
doun the fower hunder wardenries | an | his forename wis zhao yon |
verra same saicont his hawk | an | his hound tummilt doun sterk |
a man a hauflin oniewey | an | his mither sat hirsell doun |
flaggd it doun the polis | an | his young polis wumman gied |
alang throu the stour cairts | an | horses clatterin up an doun |
at aince doun the lum | an | hystit the bairn intil its |
an no a fish movin | an | i had juist sat doun |
the busses oot o sicht | an | i slithert doun tae the |
ae boarding schuil doun england | an | i the schuil holidays thay |
doun wi shalla souchin braith | an | i thocht the puir forfochen |
the heid byllie wee alec | an | ian better gae doun tae |
lay doun ahint the door | an | in a littil wee whyle |
an drearie dungeons doun ablo | an | in ane o thaim thare |
the palace he lichtit doun | an | in he gaed ti see |
throu the pailace o delicht | an | in ma dreams doun gressie |
lichtit doun frae his horse | an | in the door he cam |
like doun west loch tarbert | an | intae a win bearin twa |
yuise wis there fir tristan | an | isolde the nicht gaed doun |
wad hae been burnt doun | an | it haedna been for the |
sat doun zhu wu says | an | it hedna been for yon |
soliony the wund haes lowdent | an | it s dwynin doun they |
snaw wraiths doun in kent | an | it s muckle waur on |
doun for a bit ceilidh | an | it wes gried that oniewbodie |
at the time an he | an | jock got doun tae the |
locks but tak it doun | an | keek inside it s shinin |
hir ee ti the hole | an | keikit doun an she saw |
faw doun bedein on fife | an | kill his wyfe an bairns |
eftir dingin doun yeir tree | an | killin yeir hoond the r |
turn at plankin it doun | an | laein it still on the |
in ablow the pine trees | an | laich laich doun he tellt |
the haafowk steikit the yett | an | laid theirsels doun ti rest |
speirit but sit ye doun | an | lat me speak ti ye |
tree the fish had tired | an | lay deep doun an syne |
bink whaur he cowpit doun | an | lay in his sleep snoch |
adae nor cairrie it doun | an | leave it at the mukkil |
op slams doun the phone | an | leaves on time andra carnegie |
willies at brak hiz faw | an | let him frae rowin doun |
or twa abune the rise | an | let it come doun tae |
i had juist sat doun | an | lichtit a ceegarette whan a |
isolde the nicht gaed doun | an | lichtit up oor deeps the |
sleeps the nicht gaed doun | an | lichtit up oor deeps we |
aboot it ah l gang | an | lie doun going out the |
gaed doun on their knees | an | liftit up til him twa |
doun the vodka an gamblin | an | litigation the guidwyfes cheat on |
da lookit at shi jin | an | lowtit doun ti dae him |
ticket s in the caur | an | ma brither s doun there |
nou ah m aye leevin | an | ma tears rins doun even |
skelpin doun ti the braefuit | an | made formation o his henchmen |
sun keppin the fish doun | an | makin the fishin uiseless whan |
doun the hill past howffs | an | mansions guid an ill whaur |
nicht an morn ma dochter | an | masel we lowt doun afore |
doun at his table heid | an | mat thir things is thare |
aboot here catches minnons billy | an | me gaed doun tae the |
blate we wul gang doun | an | meet hir on the forelaund |
the guid lord s sainin | an | micht eith be ruggit doun |
aa their dreams o jewels | an | mink gang doun the drains |
convoyed him doun the brae | an | monie wis the tears zhu |
doun ablo hawick ae mr | an | mrs roedemor an faimlie frae |
jumpt doun throu the hole | an | neil cam ahint we shone |
rinnin doun the mill lade | an | no doun the river itsel |
doun thegither for a meinit | an | no speak aboot oniething at |
wide doun through the years | an | nou authority ye lay aside |
haundit doun frae william pitt | an | nou ye say ye re |
equilibrium at a hunner mile | an | oor doun shap mair stops |
been doun mair n hauf | an | oor whan we heard thir |
hidlins aneth the grund doun | an | owre or aneth the pit |
doun owre the bunkers hill | an | owre the snoot fit brig |
burd taen up a pea | an | pit doun a fether an |
burd tak up a pea | an | pit doun a fether sae |
gae back doun til hir | an | pit hir ti the torment |
hae ti be taen doun | an | pitten awa wi the carpets |
ran doun ti the wattirsyde | an | plankit doun on a stane |
when the lichts gae on | an | poacher john near draps doun |
his kinrik s gret defense | an | poured thaim doun afore him |
wi pride ye ve praised | an | quoted faur an wide doun |
joukit trees an lowpit saughs | an | ran near braithless doun the |
bid him come doun here | an | read the dictamen sae be |
sat doun on the cushin | an | regairdit the yunget princess wi |
gaed skelpin doun the stair | an | richt up ti speak a |
shair its a sauchtrie burn | an | rins doun by the clachan |
an brodstaffs bye doun loans | an | roun corners the thriesome gaed |
gao cam forrit lowtit doun | an | said a m servitor ti |
doun ti the grund houss | an | said fegs ye hae duin |
forrit yerkit the placket doun | an | said he cud stop the |
wattir an doun the wattir | an | said na na ye didna |
auld jin apent his door | an | said sit yirsel doun inben |
ran ti finnd hir kimmer | an | said til hir see doun |
himsell doun in a chair | an | said til his sairvant the |
kintra sae the bew bunnets | an | saltyre war dang doun an |
wisnae gaun tae bite stoppt | an | sat doun aside me an |
kintra dramshop in he gaed | an | sat doun at the windae |
gaed fund hissel a place | an | sat doun owre cam the |
wan back ti the strenth | an | sat doun zhu wu says |
gaed back ti the haw | an | sat himsell doun at the |
kittlin cam inti the kitchen | an | sat hirsell doun bi the |
pat it in hir hair | an | sat hirsell doun bi the |
cam in inti the kitchen | an | sat hirsell doun bi the |
gat doun frae their chairs | an | sate theirsels doun i the |
wi ye doun the brae | an | save us aa a straik |
haa are sneckit doun thirty | an | sax stellates celestial alang wi |
come efter is this thirty | an | sax stellates celestial doun i |
curchie doun ti the gruns | an | says in truith fair madam |
set hissell doun asyde tammas | an | says richt ma wie mannie |
the guildbrithers drappit his wark | an | says sit yirsel doun dominie |
an zhu wu kneels doun | an | says til him brither ye |
awa doun ti gloresheddae toun | an | seek a len o vivers |
doun i the common warld | an | seiventy an twa stellates terrestial |
up an doun fowk buyin | an | sellin an aa the hunder |
wame at knockit him doun | an | sent him out inti the |
day thanks freen i replied | an | set aff doun the pad |
his turns wi the kists | an | set doun onie o thaim |
taen out a fauldin bed | an | set hissel doun ablow the |
creepie frae out the hous | an | set hissel doun for a |
ti the place o honour | an | set hissel doun i the |
thaim aw bi the haun | an | set hissell doun whyle the |
girn cannily ower his heid | an | set it juist richt doun |
reivar he hystit thaim baith | an | set thaim doun asyde the |
out a trig wee chaumer | an | set theirsels doun the owrancer |
macbeth a m settilt nou | an | set ti bend masell doun |
stuil at stude nearhaun by | an | set wang jin doun on |
olga caum yeirsell masha try | an | settil doun gie hir a |
the second plaid morag try | an | settil doun guidman morag returns |
a fuil o yeirsell try | an | settil doun peering anxiously at |
roun thaim ti heize thaim | an | shauchilt doun ti delf z |
s doun in the coortyaird | an | she s rinnin lyke sum |
awthegither the nicht cam doun | an | she sat doun an grat |
the hole an keikit doun | an | she saw the maist unco |
doun ootby i the kailyaird | an | she set til hir spinnin |
tak doun the selkie skin | an | she wad be free ti |
the sun haed gaen doun | an | she watcht the yallae lowe |
ower the muir throu hedge | an | sheuch or luikin doun he |
da come up the stair | an | sit doun auld jin reddit |
gang inti the hostlar hous | an | sit doun while ti the |
me ti tak ma knittin | an | sit masell doun in the |
olga wul ye aw cum | an | sit yeirsells doun please the |
bairn ahint the knockin stane | an | sits doun on t hirsell |
wi gowpin til it turnt | an | skelpit aff doun the back |
airtit out his auld gait | an | skelpit doun the brae the |
that wes thin an bricht | an | skinklin pompitie flew doun for |
as he haed opent it | an | sklum back doun for ti |
he hard the horss tirnin | an | skytin baklins doun the brae |
an mukkil slugs an speiders | an | slaiters an hairie oubats doun |
hissel doun on his back | an | sleep aa owre the meditation |
we howked on oor luves | an | sleeps the nicht gaed doun |
gat but he gethert himsell | an | slippit doun inby inti the |
the reivar opent the dure | an | slippit quaetlie doun inti the |
wes fair rainin doun rainin | an | snawin irena dae we need |
common gentienesses wir by mither | an | son baith set theirsels doun |
lowtit doun then he up | an | spak afore our een an |
staupit doun on the grund | an | spak til hir guid dochter |
caur comes doun the road | an | speerits them away they re |
chaumera ti slaw doun mudgins | an | speired a scientiss frein ti |
lowtit doun aff his horse | an | spiered at hir whit ailed |
for ti haud it doun | an | stap ye frae speakin it |
passes tae doun their graith | an | staun an whustle at bonny |
gat doun on my hunkers | an | stertit tae crawl alang the |
he sclimmt doun the bank | an | stertit tae wade back across |
sat thairsells doun on binks | an | stertit ti aet frae gowden |
oor doun shap mair stops | an | sterts whustles bangin doors a |
doun tae the fields ablow | an | stroan in the bygaun on |
button doun wi chowin goum | an | suin hir mither an hir |
the the wattir s edge | an | suin siller tree staupit doun |
wul blaw thaim inti blossom | an | syne doun intil the grund |
doun deid whaurever he wes | an | syne fergal gaed back til |
wattir an doun the wattir | an | syne he keikit his fish |
wattir an doun the wattir | an | syne he keikit his fish |
wattir an doun the wattir | an | syne he wad keik his |
fowk haed sutten thairsells doun | an | syne she liftit the caudron |
felled doun for a stert | an | syne that maple tree ower |
ti whusper in yeir lug | an | syne the keing louts doun |
tired an lay deep doun | an | syne the pair were sleepin |
a dizzen or mair drams | an | syne the twa gaed doun |
saumon taen tent til hir | an | syne turnin back doun the |
the airns on her jek | an | tak hir doun til the |
ah gang doun yeir hieness | an | tak ma stick til it |
tae bank wis finin doun | an | tam as usual had his |
faither doun unner the mouls | an | tell thaim nae mair can |
doun ti the back kitchen | an | tell tibbie ah said ye |
sauf havin shae sattilt doun | an | telt grant o hir sairie |
a gumptious offisher cam doun | an | telt thaim ti follae him |
he pit doun his pockstang | an | tethert the pownie ti a |
l be frichtent sayed frizzel | an | thai aw brattled doun the |
tae the hoscote on steid | an | than doun yon back road |
a glisk at hir pasport | an | than haunnit hir doun frae |
cauld wattir doun in it | an | thare in the cauld wattir |
doun bi the bubblin wattir | an | thare she waitit an shuir |
sit doun nanse ah daursay | an | that s whaur he leathers |
an pit doun a fether | an | thay gethert aw the fethers |
son baith set theirsels doun | an | the auld maister speirit o |
an saltyre war dang doun | an | the bew hewmets o the |
doun he peyed his respecks | an | the bodie says til him |
the warks wes brunt doun | an | the ceitie o embro concluded |
ye doun a whylie ance | an | the common gentienesses wir by |
whan the days dwynes doun | an | the dreich nicht s lang |
day s weirin doun ay | an | the great gods are beilin |
awa round the swynesty end | an | the guidwyfe faws doun in |
menyie cairryin the empty chair | an | the kists as doun the |
doun i the midmaist place | an | the kitchiefowk set in the |
air ti whang it doun | an | the laddie seein it come |
moved awa doun the bank | an | the last ah saw o |
doun again sauf ti finn | an | the lave suin wi the |
lichtin doun afore the mains | an | the lord clerk wis grippin |
bidden ti the midmaist place | an | the marischal sat doun forenenst |
abbeymaister doun ti the servitors | an | the novice callants wi walcomin |
the waddin feast wes owre | an | the perr haed settilt doun |
neuks o the wyde warld | an | the prince lowtit doun at |
fair teimin doun haill wattir | an | the r a pikkil sleet |
the fire whitten an idea | an | the r fowk doun in |
doun fast ower muckle bowders | an | the saumon lay in scores |
he clearlie awns his faut | an | the sentence is set doun |
doun but bricht an clear | an | the sicht o it an |
mynd it wes gey cauld | an | the snaw wes cummin doun |
thinned oot intil a birkenshaw | an | the sun shane doun throu |
the bodie peyed his respecks | an | the twa sat doun gin |
wes cummin doun haill wattir | an | the war naething for it |
lat doun on a towe | an | the windass suin wheiched him |
cried dinna lift yir haun | an | then he gaed skelpin doun |
simmer hous doun the brae | an | there he set hissel doun |
theikit haa o the mains | an | there set theirsels doun rankit |
had been weel trampit doun | an | there were draw merks whaur |
a ploy that stoppt them | an | they sat doun on the |
been burnt doun tak this | an | this tae throws the clothes |
doun frae the hie bens | an | throu the wuids an whit |
sting doun for a rest | an | ti him profunditas says hey |
sat doun wi hir roke | an | tryit no ti think on |
doun thair staws breinged oot | an | turnt camsteirie in thair naitur |
c b dunkie jaiket bunnet | an | turnt doun wellies cairryin auld |
but ti sink back doun | an | tyne their flouers their craidle |
five pun if he wis | an | unce up an doun he |
lums blew doun it wes | an | unco fell stramash they say |
sae doun gaed the barman | an | up he cam wi hot |
we shone oor torches doun | an | up the puil but cuid |
bot the vann drave aff | an | vainisht doun the rodd thai |
up heid doun a bark | an | wag a luik saying gin |
doun hauddin o the puir | an | waik the criein o constant |
aw keekin doun at me | an | waitin for sumthing whit braw |
doun on the bank nearby | an | watched aa the wee fish |
she set doun afore thaim | an | waur nor that did thay |
an sat doun aside me | an | we had a lang crack |
bid our guests sit doun | an | we ll get onti the |
doun tae the laundry puil | an | we micht nab him there |
the collieshangie de ed doun | an | we stertit countin heids an |
an ding him doun macduff | an | wha wul that be malcolm |
doun ti aet an drink | an | whan thay haed etten an |
ti claucht a billie gait | an | whan the laddie cam doun |
heize up the stane slab | an | whan they lookit doun ablow |
ye sae sup yeir tay | an | whan ye cum doun fur |
sun gaes doun first witch | an | whaur the place second witch |
shutts maistres stein grippit mirren | an | wheiched hir doun the sterr |
ti luik doun the brae | an | whit dis she see but |
muin crynes doun ilka nicht | an | whitfor soud this be ma |
rodd brig ower the wattir | an | whummilt it doun than thai |
doun their graith an staun | an | whustle at bonny lassies maks |
dumps on hir shae heels | an | whutlin round she ran doun |
doun on a gressie knowe | an | wi his pypes asyde him |
ve praised an quoted faur | an | wide doun through the years |
snoovit awa doun the brae | an | wis seen nae mair ance |
doun tae the bottom en | an | work their wey up an |
doun at the ingil neuk | an | wunnert whit thay wad dae |
by the burd keikit doun | an | yammert nippit fuit an clippit |
says sit yirsel doun dominie | an | ye please whit kin o |
s ti be dune nou | an | zhu wu kneels doun an |
cd see twa smaa pucklies | an | a big een ey cam |
common it dee d awa | an | a black black reek cam |
cam afore they kent it | an | a braw day it wis |
he cam back at me | an | a communist disna sae i |
the waas ahin the fireplace | an | a doctor chiel cam oot |
shuitit up lik a rakket | an | a funtain o flam cam |
transeistert onbeiss cam a crauchillin | an | a hostin deirie me sayed |
there cam a reishlin soun | an | a muckle white spreckled worm |
bairn cam inti the warld | an | a mukkil haund cam at |
e trees wi anither lad | an | a quine cam tee wintin |
waa there cam a rairin | an | a rowtin an the wild |
chap cam ti the dure | an | a smaw vyce cryin heich |
there wis ae great knell | an | a streak o lichtnin cam |
the days o the warld | an | a thocht cam til hir |
in da cars cam on | an | a truck da starn wis |
the post roads a cam | an | a ve juist new wan |
oot frae amang the gress | an | a wee wattir waggie cam |
new edge snails an puddocks | an | aa kins o oddities cam |
nivver cam tae prod me | an | aa yon nicht up frae |
froze an e roads took | an | aafa batterin jock cam in |
ae nicht it cam on | an | aafa thunnerstorm they hid a |
eyn o ae monsoon sizzen | an | actress cam ower fae england |
thay cam oot the forest | an | afore thaim stuid the brawest |
an gaed ti the kirk | an | again she cam oot afore |
the wutch that mends rainbows | an | ah cam owre ti see |
cam fluidin back ti me | an | ah felt sic a swyne |
he muntit inti his chair | an | ahint him cam his menyie |
rod i heard a step | an | alang cam god guid mornin |
cam out ti meet them | an | ance they d made their |
cam in at hir heels | an | anither an anither an mair |
git it reddie for wurkin | an | anither wee wumman cam in |
fin the staig cam veesitin | an | as fur the bull it |
fuit o merlin s craig | an | as he cam up til |
ey cam hoverin ower s | an | as i breathed oot ey |
awa the day wure on | an | as it cam roun ti |
oot a faint siller grey | an | as we cam roun a |
ye gaed oot ti battle | an | at nicht ye never cam |
set oot on his eirant | an | at the gloamin he cam |
wang tuik the gate smairtlie | an | at the strenth he cam |
the mair sumphish landart chiels | an | at the verra back cam |
cam til a fore entry | an | auld jin liftit the hingers |
made ready hir shroud syne | an | auld kerlin cam ti luik |
old boy an me fin | an | auld man cam ower tae |
his thrapple wis ower ticht | an | aw that cam oot wis |
rang out frae the ludge | an | aw the winnok gless cam |
ever the prince wes up | an | awa the littil kittlin cam |
stooshie syne cam the flesh | an | banes o the toun proper |
cam richt up by ye | an | been nabbed we niver did |
cam oot on the mercat | an | beenie perswaddit him tae try |
cam tapmist in yer min | an | begod fyles e boddem o |
cam the saicont wew wumman | an | beguid ti caird the saft |
pushiont the effairs o bretane | an | belyve cam ti smit scotland |
an stervin wi the snaa | an | bi the time she cam |
maws cam hame wi thaim | an | bid doon bi the herbour |
hale mush o fite beenies | an | black hair cam intae vyow |
the sun cam oot blearie | an | blae they stertit tae sclimm |
telt when yi cam greetin | an | blubberin fi the womb tess |
mynded an cam ti gaitsgill | an | brak in fur the nicht |
aw saw the strangers suits | an | briefcases cam oot wi her |
butterbrot a shafe o breid | an | butter an it cam spread |
furth again on thair traivel | an | cam aerlie til a fyne |
for er in e evenin | an | cam aff ma byke at |
jin pit on his claes | an | cam afore the yett whit |
o ulster nivver bene awnsert | an | cam agane ti the foir |
wee press in the waw | an | cam back haiglin the wecht |
he gaed but the haw | an | cam bak in a meinit |
jock pit doon e spaad | an | cam closer till s e |
the oorie tree flyped ower | an | cam fleetin frae the lift |
richt gled ti hear this | an | cam for ti pey thaim |
gied his pownie a skelp | an | cam forrit ti meet shi |
he gaed ti the huntin | an | cam hame ti finnd his |
he scootit inti the aisle | an | cam on the abbeymaister cryin |
leukin strecht at him noo | an | cam ower nearer thair heids |
man takin his dug oot | an | cam richt up by ye |
up wang jin heard him | an | cam speedilie out ti pey |
whan yowes had brakken through | an | cam tae herm laired mang |
sloped aff afoir thai mynded | an | cam ti gaitsgill an brak |
the baron resigned his commeission | an | cam ti see us in |
the saicont lad set oot | an | cam ti the wuid an |
syne he sae the licht | an | cam til the castel an |
picked up the tin again | an | cam trottin up the field |
cam a roe wi quate | an | canny walk she was cleidit |
be eein up yer video | an | cd tae cam back an |
wang cam afore the mains | an | chappit on the yett a |
war dreepin dreich an sterk | an | chitterin faither cam oot wi |
an cd tae cam back | an | chore them fur fags or |
ti dae t thai cam | an | clourt aff the hale neb |
cam i left e hunt | an | craalt back tae ma bed |
some fowk cam tae coort | an | cuddle some tae daunce an |
get da last skroo biggit | an | da hidmast tatties cam oot |
ottters whan thay cam lauchin | an | daffin amang the skirrievaigin rivers |
cam for er sunday denner | an | didna ay min tae tak |
feilds war thikfauld wi thrissels | an | doks whan thai cam by |
a rummlin i da lum | an | doon wi a doose cam |
twa demon sisters cam by | an | dowpit doon at the foun |
cam fi the land ate | an | drank off it silence oo |
e smith she s comin | an | e calf cam wi a |
i wis masel twilicht cam | an | e darkness an we left |
if een cam in aboot | an | e gulls wis richt sizers |
in e new ear cam | an | e snaa fell an meltit |
cam e furr o wings | an | e soon o hard bumps |
roon that whyles cam unsprung | an | easy fleggit vratch my memory |
a wie seicret postrum apenit | an | ebenezer an tammas cam out |
year or zhenzong cam on | an | efter him cam renzong nou |
cam roon wi the butter | an | egg cairt the horse drawn |
jungle till she cam tae | an | eildtrich tree aa riven an |
worry cam tae big s | an | elephant s bap granny tuik |
worry cam tae big s | an | elephant s bap granny tuik |
cheek a flat fite blob | an | en ere cam a soon |
ae day durin the war | an | english laddie cam intae oor |
wyes an bikes an shelts | an | even the antrin car cam |
ony daft capers whiles o | an | evenin isie cam roon fur |
bairnheid whaur he gaed wrang | an | explened whitten ill faculties cam |
bairns ey cam ta me | an | ey i sent dem in |
up e action cam till | an | eyn noo you i m |
syne the war cam tae | an | eyn the guid lord be |
cliff at niver cam till | an | eyn ye cd see yersel |
juist cam on de rock | an | f960: ah yeah f961: dey |
cam throwe e open doors | an | fae a wee skylicht at |
the lassie cam ben heich | an | fair she wes wi chowks |
whan the prince cam hame | an | fand his dear gowd tree |
sleep shö waakened braaly aerly | an | felt hungry noises cam fae |
ye bit ey bade ere | an | fin a fresh cam aften |
bairn trained in e skweel | an | fin a gap cam in |
macinnes heistit the gun aimed | an | fired there cam a flist |
the auld mill cam ower | an | flashed his bailiff s caird |
then cam in under sail | an | for yince didnae fail tae |
weaponsock he liftit a rung | an | forrit he cam onti the |
the auld hen wyfe cam | an | fush hir ill faured dochter |
an cam til the castel | an | gaed inby an haed supper |
the cottar bairns that cam | an | gaed wi the sizzens that |
bogglin een cam breingin out | an | gied uis sic a fleg |
cam tae play rise up | an | gies oor hogmanay the nicht |
nervous weel e nest grew | an | grew an wir neebers cam |
syne wad cam twa demons | an | gweed wad cam oot o |
caddies cam frae the keing | an | hailit me thane o cawdor |
sich care taken wi saw | an | haimmer last cam velvet blue |
sea again bit sense prevailed | an | hame he cam an the |
like a verra thunner clap | an | he cam breingin at them |
we cam up tae him | an | he cam oot the watter |
he gaed anither step on | an | he cam ti a hous |
bin her faither s luv | an | he d cam back himsel |
his faither cam fae aiberdeen | an | he d kent fine fit |
she cam ti drap it | an | he lookit about here an |
blin man he cam alang | an | he ne er saw her |
the airn cam til him | an | he seen the smiddy throu |
at gaitsgill cam ti mynd | an | he stertit ti tauk o |
the airt it cam frae | an | he suin cam til a |
pantry shelf cam ricklin doon | an | he was lyin kirnin amang |
whyte saunds o the forelaund | an | here a ship cam sailin |
sher made for this licht | an | here it cam frae a |
he cam frae desswid place | an | hid niver bin nearer than |
taen pryde in hir bewtie | an | hir licht hertit cantrips cam |
pat o soup for hirsell | an | hir thrie dochters cam the |
loon cam ower tae brian | an | his aunt tuik aff his |
loun s pliskies whan he | an | his muckler pals cam traikin |
o da scöl term cam | an | hit wis time fur magnus |
hous for a lang while | an | hou the drink cam owre |
cam tae set up stalls | an | huckle wares in country halls |
sivven aucht poun the piece | an | i cam hame an lookit |
en ere cam a soon | an | i cd jist mak oot |
cam frae end tae end | an | i fand nocht said the |
bit noo cam e skweel | an | i fun oot ere wis |
cam hame fae e skweel | an | i hidna said muckle aboot |
jock fin e cam back | an | i up wi e spaad |
wir that hertie whan frae | an | inbye chaumer there cam the |
strae cam aff e shaakers | an | intill e strae eyn o |
ere cam on anither flash | an | is lichtit up a dose |
haill year abuin the grund | an | it cam hame til him |
shafe o breid an butter | an | it cam spread wi fresh |
peter bruce s wife mysie | an | jim s wife nan cam |
absent frae thair skonces mirren | an | john cam ower the draw |
maens an skirls that drooths | an | junkies are liable tae cam |
pawrents the guidman cam ben | an | jyned i the cuttance ti |
took the ythan pearl pooched | an | keeped it wird cam wi |
toun whaur officiars o hie | an | laich degree cam out ayont |
dan geordie cam oot himsel | an | laid his airm aboot me |
cam up at his back | an | leant on his spear an |
a wee wattir waggie cam | an | lichtit on a stane in |
piece an i cam hame | an | lookit at my copy o |
an cam ti the wuid | an | lost himsell lyke his brither |
cam tae da back door | an | löt her in mam der |
third cam up hap step | an | loup as licht as onie |
third cam up hap step | an | loup as licht as onie |
they cam ti the braefuit | an | lu da an the lord |
him whan lord clerk zhao | an | lu da cam forrit ti |
nicht bot a dovert ower | an | ma faither cam by i |
cam frae time ooto mynd | an | mair the auld druid circle |
telled her ta geng in | an | mak maet dan geordie cam |
wi lillie leaf coatie see | an | mappie mou sash swith cam |
the mealie moud genteel das | an | mas that maistly cam chappin |
cam an e snaa fell | an | meltit an froze an e |
your speerit cam wie pooer | an | micht an sattled on the |
bit e rinners cam through | an | michty ye fair get a |
cam ti the echt month | an | mid hairst day shi jin |
cam straucht doon the lum | an | missed the baith o us |
naitiouns truips wes enterin lowden | an | mudges cam ti thair lugs |
aince fountains filled this avenue | an | myrrh ten gunmen cam tae |
eftir the weeks gaed by | an | nae skaith cam til him |
chapel or the saxt hour | an | naebodie cam gairdsman li begude |
sen a cam ti ingland | an | naebodie kens but heivin alane |
lang syne left their glen | an | ne er cam back ardoch |
she passed the larick belt | an | near she cam an nearer |
belt an near she cam | an | nearer tae the dykeside hawthorn |
an taen thaim oot anaw | an | never a soun cam frae |
s wyfe the gangril gaed | an | never cam back an nou |
the field they gaed out | an | niver cam in ay gaed |
cam strecht ti the mains | an | niver stopt aa the road |
niver cam in ay gaed | an | niver wan hame they hap |
til a fair ae day | an | no anelie never cam hame |
he cam ontil the rink | an | no bein weill acquant wi |
cam hame wi his slave | an | noo the slave has decided |
ir e traivellin mull cam | an | nott tae be weel proteckit |
him forget his wee princess | an | nou it cam back til |
gaed an never cam back | an | nou the leddie s aw |
liftit the boxie s lid | an | om cam the lang deid |
left in hir bodie on | an | on or the horse cam |
thay cam til a steid | an | on the forelaund o the |
times afore a cam awa | an | oo r baith beukit on |
sat wi his faither for | an | oor and vanse cam tae |
walk ahin e hen half | an | oor later e fairmer cam |
er wisna mony boats in | an | oot she cam wi well |
cam til a wuid lanesum | an | ourie it wes an the |
yett gied the word in | an | out cam wee su the |
elder veritas wis lat ken | an | out he cam ti bid |
taen pairt in thair wark | an | play an whan it cam |
days the streinger cam again | an | poued the siller fish back |
wellies cairryin auld fishin rods | an | purns we cam roun the |
will cam as traders invaders | an | raiders we will cam as |
fyfers cam i the nicht | an | rescoursed wi the halp o |
cam on at him roun | an | roun wi gurlin an wi |
as the lord cam past | an | sae guid morning god say |
can dae til a quyne | an | sae it cam aboot that |
hauns glowert at flesher zheng | an | said ay a cam here |
faither niver cam richt oot | an | said it it wis unnerstood |
lessons cam hame ae day | an | said tae his mither mam |
cam oot o the workshop | an | said tae jackie wha was |
wes eftir he cam back | an | said tak you me ti |
a whylie syne cam out | an | said the auld maister says |
wis ower geordie cam hame | an | sattled doon tae hame life |
cam wie pooer an micht | an | sattled on the chosen een |
he d apent an uil | an | sauce shop for out cam |
o the sea wis cauld | an | sautie the waves cam creepie |
ruim the lass cam ower | an | sayed yeir sauf nou auntie |
him wi the airn flute | an | sayin ye cam here ti |
li did him a service | an | says maister a cam seekin |
respecks ti the sheriff principal | an | says whit cam ye for |
ma jotters cam back scoored | an | scrattit fiae miss rubislaw aiberdeen |
fur a thunnerstorm tae cam | an | shakk its neive reid admiral |
ferrer nor ah can tell | an | she cam til anither keing |
missus indeed cam the repone | an | she pit her haund forrit |
cam ti luik at hir | an | she said it wes luiv |
this ill frae ilka stewartrie | an | sheriffdom cam notandums in thick |
wore on an winter cam | an | shortly wi a touch o |
gien the chief brithers great | an | smaa cam forrit ti hansel |
showmanship alang the mistress cam | an | snip yer beauty brocht ye |
hir mither cam trauchlin alang | an | socht herbrie ebenezer didna ken |
out he cam ti hissel | an | spak ti the brithers juist |
at fergal syne she spak | an | spiered at him hou cam |
owre the wattir cam owre | an | spierit the keing for hir |
gart the winter tae cam | an | spite o the geelit winters |
dout sum man cam by | an | stale it frae the tyde |
lady cam up till s | an | startit tae spik in er |
the wids war dreepin dreich | an | sterk an chitterin faither cam |
an bi nicht anaith sun | an | sterns or thay cam til |
strap them he cam doon | an | stood ootside the music door |
the aulder ane gaed oot | an | suin cam back wi a |
hingin a wee bit ahint | an | suin thay cam oot the |
tell ye awbodie cam rinnin | an | suin the wurd wes aw |
beathin that wesna ma ain | an | sum smeddum cam back ti |
swith cam he in ay | an | swipper he gaed the nicht |
serred thaim the same gait | an | syne he cam back ti |
oor mither wes ay leevin | an | syne sic wunnerfu thochts cam |
she wes jaeluss bi naitur | an | syne the day cam whan |
end cam roun aince mair | an | syne the verra day whan |
wi drink shortlies cam cantieness | an | syne whan aa the drams |
e livin room as weel | an | syne ye cam till e |
the sites matched the sangs | an | tae jeedge if they cam |
ye i will cam again | an | takk ye fur masel that |
seicret postrum apenit an ebenezer | an | tammas cam out the ane |
twae brithers syne cam forrit | an | telt awthing that haed befawn |
fairie cam til hir again | an | telt hir ti pit on |
day the fairie cam again | an | telt hir ti pit on |
cam ower the draw brig | an | telt the gairds at the |
trinnilt alang cantie lik tho | an | thai cam ti gaitsgill i |
forenicht thay cam near it | an | thare afore thaim touered a |
tae wi his ferlie club | an | thay cam back ti lyfe |
wad firt nane o thaim | an | the auld hen wyfe cam |
by syne spring an simmer | an | the back end cam roun |
pompitie an pompitie flew laich | an | the broun ogre that cam |
gomeril afore the buik cam | an | the buckled skweelbag an the |
cam a flist o feathers | an | the deid bird duntit doon |
he gied ae mair yerk | an | the ettin s airm cam |
onie selkie thay micht see | an | the faimlie cam ti be |
bricht bluid cam pourin out | an | the flesher s neb wis |
thair skrankie shanks whan mirren | an | the gaird cam ben the |
the rain cam doon music | an | the grain grew heech an |
twa demon titties the yalla | an | the green cam crawlin inno |
him cumpanie fair she wes | an | the keing cam ti loue |
hir auldest dochter til hir | an | the lassie cam ben heich |
cryit in hir saicont dochter | an | the lassie cam in hir |
ti bigg a nyow lyfe | an | the man cam ti be |
cam an the buckled skweelbag | an | the pen that aywis blots |
from st s 1 3 | an | the rain cam doon music |
got cam fi hard work | an | the simple wae o life |
renn cam frae the heivens | an | the spate waashed aw the |
he cam atwein onie man | an | the sun the mirk fell |
cam oot o its drawer | an | the teacher wheeched it throwe |
prevailed an hame he cam | an | the trip comin hame wis |
cam up ti luckie li | an | the twa ensigns an fell |
cam thegither aa the same | an | the wark o davie currie |
fell in a thistle clump | an | the wee bird cam off |
en whan wi their cottars | an | their smaafowk they cam bashin |
he cam wi hot toddies | an | then aa kinkind o maits |
m952: so we tried this | an | then cam tae oh no |
mad dive intae the rhododendrons | an | then cam the high pitched |
cam in wi gas masks | an | then fauldin a bit o |
m865: okay yeah yeah m952: | an | there was this letter cam |
lentren mait cam on neist | an | there wis aa the vivers |
sure the linguistics are pure | an | they cam fae a primary |
hand cam in handy here | an | this wis a job her |
she cam til a yillhouss | an | thocht til h irsell ah |
till a teacher cam oot | an | threatened tae wash wir moos |
cam bit ey fluffert aboot | an | trampit an made eir mess |
you were you sae great | an | true whan thae words cam |
cam ti pick the chesnuts | an | twa bi twa thay flew |
brither taizong wha reignit twentie | an | twa year or zhenzong cam |
saiconts solempniouslie the duir apent | an | twa younkers cam ben wi |
afore we left fur hame | an | unco thing cam aboot i |
da wind it cam up | an | up blowin aff o da |
cam back ti lyfe again | an | up thay lowpit til thair |
o m housomdever the poust | an | virr cam frae tammas at |
liable tae cam oot wi | an | wad coorie thegither fur warmth |
wes a bridge for daith | an | waur than daith cam skitterin |
men fin denner time cam | an | we got oot i pit |
twilicht cam an e darkness | an | we left stannin at e |
we cam oot o hidin | an | went across tae let the |
an drink ti lu da | an | whan een cam on a |
tyme malcolm gaed frae hame | an | whan he cam back he |
a knicht cam brankin by | an | whan he saw hir he |
packman bodie cam daunerin by | an | whan he sichtit hir lyin |
the back o the staw | an | whan his mistress cam forrit |
in thair wark an play | an | whan it cam tyme for |
hours she cuidna wauken him | an | whan mornin cam she buid |
at ilka stok o kail | an | whan murdo cam hame for |
hir wabbit sell til it | an | whan she cam up ti |
thay lockit up gowd tree | an | whan siller tree cam in |
fairm ti fetch anither horse | an | whan the bodie cam back |
that nicht tae begin wi | an | whan the keeper cam alang |
taen naither byte not sowp | an | whan the keing cam ben |
the brae wi his sting | an | whan the laddie cam ti |
haed duin wi the ithers | an | whan the neist mornin cam |
did an a sicht mair | an | whan the prince cam hame |
in the prince s touer | an | whan the prince cam hame |
butcher mait cam ti profunditas | an | when he gaed outbye to |
thertie maws follaein ahint it | an | when the boats cam hame |
talk taks awa what whey | an | where yi cam fi she |
thaim whaur thay cam frae | an | whit thay did an the |
faculties cam frae hiz pawrents | an | whitten frae hiz hyne awaw |
wi monie s the gless | an | wi drink shortlies cam cantieness |
word he cam in see | an | wi nane he gaed out |
sic neebers simmer wore on | an | winter cam an shortly wi |
e nest grew an grew | an | wir neebers cam tae ken |
them aa sense o richt | an | wrang neil duguid hid cam |
cam aboot so he wrocht | an | wrocht athoot linnin him a |
never seen the hole afore | an | wunnert hou it cam ti |
li in twa chen da | an | yang chun cam up on |
cam es wis last ear | an | ye cd keep e back |
thare cam a gret rair | an | yit anither rummil o thunner |
niver daur meddle wi him | an | yon wis foo samhuinn cam |
ringan she haed nae teeth | an | a plouk on hir neb |
t says hir guid faither | an | a think at ye hae |
tree wi hir blek hert | an | ae day she thocht she |
she s a bit o | an | affront wi hir auld duds |
he thraetent ti leave hir | an | again she fleitcht him ti |
nit tae for hir ain | an | again the princess said it |
juist saratov she wes greitin | an | ah gied hir snash for |
ay ah luiv hir dearlie | an | ah m thenkfu for whit |
readie tung i hir heid | an | aince whan yid scott estate |
as the kittlin bad hir | an | as smert as ye lyke |
seen he haed vainisht awthegither | an | at hir cuits wes a |
mairrit whan she wes echteen | an | at that tyme hir man |
pompitie flew frae hir door | an | awa but he haedna gaen |
the sou wi a grunt | an | awa til hir troch for |
at hingit roun mirrens thrappil | an | bene hir minnie s an |
whaur shei endit hir days | an | billy ane o hir laddies |
s hauns in hir ain | an | blissit hir yestrein a sein |
lass that wes baith eydent | an | bonnie an meg for hir |
shona syne he mairrit hir | an | brocht hir hame til his |
neist setterday i the eftirnuin | an | caermoulis telt hir the richt |
she cryit on hir awhaur | an | chappit at ilka dure o |
haed chesnuts in hir lap | an | chowed an chowed an chowed |
in hir lap an chowed | an | chowed an chowed gie me |
aff hir mortal s claes | an | claucht the selkie skin til |
booed laich tae hir majestie | an | cried tis done ma am |
gentilman shae clappit the katt | an | cryed it hir dawtie gruppin |
hir an thay leeved happie | an | died happie an never drank |
an innerlie an hir mither | an | faither loued hir weill sae |
at the sicht o hir | an | fell in luiv wi hir |
free ti soum awa free | an | finnd hir brithers an sisters |
roke frae hir spinnin jennie | an | flang it wi aw the |
reins owre the gairden yett | an | follaed hir inti the houss |
lyke thraw that ore hir | an | for the thior tyme he |
mammie rat wul seem kynd | an | furrie an cuddlie til hir |
pailace for the yungest princess | an | gaed aff wi hir wi |
gied hir wurd on it | an | gaed awa content wi the |
gullie in beatrix s airms | an | gaed awa til hir ain |
left hir faither s houss | an | gaed ferr an ferr an |
rase frae the ingil neuk | an | gaed tipper taes til hir |
hir airms she sets oot | an | gaes ferr in amang the |
she taks up hir bairn | an | gaes intil hir houss singin |
whaur he met hir faither | an | gat leive ti pey court |
princess in asyde the ingil | an | gied hir a bowle o |
the stapper oot the flesk | an | gied hir mither a sowp |
hir owre the houss dure | an | giein hir his plaid ti |
crappit hir lugs for hir | an | gien hir a richt guid |
anenst newmill on ti iot | an | gin a mynd richt hir |
stane at the burn syde | an | habetrot an hir eydent fiers |
no win intil hir mou | an | hael hir tung sae that |
gest up the neukit sterr | an | happit hir in a blanket |
oniewhaur in the haill warld | an | he loues hir weill mynd |
hir fuit wi the slipper | an | here it gaed on fyne |
as bonnie as the ithers | an | hir eydent rowin woo again |
1940 s ay mrs hopkins | an | hir faimlie fun ae rael |
heid o thick blek hair | an | hir gled airms that s |
mou wes deid syne she | an | hir guidman leeved weill content |
gizz wes yallae an runkilt | an | hir hair wes whyte lyke |
for the puir weidae wumman | an | hir ither bairns fergal an |
weys war gentil an innerlie | an | hir mither an faither loued |
as fauch as the muinlicht | an | hir mou as reid as |
ma knowledge bade wi nellie | an | hir muther auld mag scott |
yung princess o the houss | an | hir name wes eilidh nou |
heich an braw she wes | an | hir name wes mhairi an |
day forrit bonnie gowd tree | an | hir prince leeved thegither blyth |
thing tae sei mrs dodds | an | hir scholars daein thair lessons |
blek as a sternless nicht | an | hir skin wes as fauch |
gaun ti dae the weidae | an | hir thrie dochters an thaim |
it wes chappin midnicht areddies | an | hir wi nae meal for |
an hir ither bairns fergal | an | his bonnie princess taen guid |
folwe hir wyl in al | an | imply that baith pairties maun |
auld kerlin haed gien hir | an | in this ane the war |
docht byde quaet onie langir | an | interrupted hir weimen s dremes |
the littil kittlin gaed in | an | lickit wi hir wee pink |
rase oot hir mukkil bed | an | liftit up hir puddok cannilie |
air wi hir man lauchin | an | liltin til hir hert s |
hou ye can sauf hir | an | lowse ae the fowk that |
but she liftit hir heid | an | luikit strecht at him atweill |
hut oot wi hir shewin | an | lyke afore the shewin stak |
the bottil til hir mou | an | made oot ti beb at |
lowsed hir frae the roke | an | made wi its heid for |
for he gart hir spin | an | mak claes for him no |
hir skellochin or she died | an | naebodie coud say it didna |
rodds wes tuim o traffek | an | nane socht ti let hir |
micht be in the jaur | an | offert hir whit she fancied |
blek an whyte chekkit shawl | an | on hir legs hingin owre |
the gruntil ahint the lugs | an | on the tip o hir |
hir he juist gat roosed | an | ordert hir ti dae as |
s haund aff the fluir | an | pat it in hir poutch |
hir kail pat wi wattir | an | pit a mukkil stane intil |
s ti luik eftir hir | an | play wi hir siller tree |
feinish he rade hir hame | an | poued the brecham aff hir |
til hir derk sea forest | an | poued the laithsum yallae berries |
afore him whyle he rantitt | an | raened at hir an whan |
whyles ah hear hir rantin | an | raenin at yeir faither in |
the streinger haed bidden hir | an | richt aneuch he haed spoken |
ingil lyin dreamin o huntin | an | rowed up sleepin asyde hir |
rheumatics hir gizz wes yallae | an | runkilt an hir hair wes |
up til hir ful hicht | an | said nou ah ken whit |
threipit at hir ti gang | an | said she wad mak the |
he juist smirtilt at hir | an | said shuirlie ma leddie that |
pit hir airm round ye | an | say here ma jo laughs |
frae hawick hei turnt roond | an | sayed til hir kum on |
queen back ontil hir ship | an | sent it sailin awa oot |
meg pat on hir bonnet | an | set out she wan ti |
hir mither uised ti sech | an | shak hir heid whanever she |
o hir mukkil gowd bed | an | she cryit hir auldest dochter |
ugsum lips as hir frein | an | she felt rael vext for |
never a wurd spak mhairi | an | she never gaed hir fuitlenth |
days an thay war monie | an | she spent the fek hir |
skunner at the slaiverie keing | an | she taen til hir heels |
hir up intil the licht | an | she wes airtin for the |
hir cummin frae the winnok | an | she wes unco feirt sae |
for aw hir rosie chowks | an | sheinin blek een mysie stuid |
did as she haed thraetent | an | shut hir up in the |
fairie kempin at hir wheel | an | singin lyke onie precentor littil |
shouther bumfilt up hir fethers | an | skraicht thay aw gaed for |
o hir ain free wull | an | snek aff ma heid whan |
kyndlie an she gaed in | an | steikit hir houss dure nou |
fyne wumman she s honest | an | strecht an she haes hir |
wes brocht til hir faither | an | stuid doucelyke afore him whyle |
hir an she sat thare | an | sweyed back an forrit an |
feel fair skunnert bi it | an | syne ah luiv hir or |
hae telt hir ti dae | an | syne aw at aince forenent |
the queen gaed strecht hame | an | taen til hir bed in |
maistres stein incam wi tay | an | telt hir no ti fash |
wes thrang wi the denner | an | telt hir ti pit on |
thaim in hir ain kitchen | an | thaim wurkin thair weirdrie for |
lyke cummin she gaed inby | an | thare afore hir wes a |
the callants war rairin fou | an | thay aw made for hir |
fyne sae he mairrit hir | an | thay leeved happie an died |
he brocht hir a ring | an | thay war mairrit no that |
hir guidman a braw son | an | the bairn suin becam his |
hir dowp i the sharn | an | the cannie beiss wes keikin |
whaur he haed gruppit hir | an | the deil wes aince seen |
siller tree wes hir name | an | the queen loued hir weill |
been for hir siller hair | an | the whyte nutch wi the |
shuirlie the princess aunsert hir | an | thenk ye rael kynd ti |
the priests ti burn belle | an | they haed crappit hir lugs |
wes sair vext at this | an | thraetent again ti leave hir |
huntin she yokit on beatrix | an | thraetent ti kill hir binna |
an bene hir minnie s | an | tirned it roun an about |
guid fur ye shae thocht | an | tuik aff hir bunnet slaw |
ye intil a nun spiert | an | unco squekkie vyce nearhaund hir |
gowd tree dae ye see | an | up she rase oot hir |
ranced hissell agin the kerr | an | waatchit hir oniegates shae poued |
hir syne he soumed awa | an | wad say never a wurd |
hir haunds anaith the claes | an | wadna shaw thaim the doctor |
wes a wee thing sempil | an | wantit hir mairrit aff at |
a wumman sits hir lane | an | weaves hir storie o the |
cuid pit hir ti richts | an | weill she kent she maun |
interrupted hir weimen s dremes | an | weimen s thochts is ferlifu |
cruikit hir airm intil hiz | an | wes about ti wauk m |
gied hir a gentie salus | an | wes in ilk wey freinlie |
fushioun keppit rosie s ei | an | wes shair at hir wirds |
the auld leddie maist kyndlie | an | wes walcummed ben hir bothie |
that wes reddie for hir | an | wha suid cum up til |
leddie spiert at hir again | an | whae ettils ti mak a |
sae she gat hir milk | an | whan she haed laipit it |
hir sowp o guid milk | an | whan she haed laipit up |
ti cum an veisit hir | an | whan the leddie spiered whit |
til hir hert s content | an | whanever the war lint at |
sweir yon wes hir haundiwark | an | whit is mair it wadna |
thaim stingin hir haunds sair | an | whit wi the ettin cummin |
he dae but lift catriona | an | whusk hir awa til his |
laid hir lug agin it | an | whuspert habetrot ir ye thare |
at neist the princess goaved | an | whyle she kuist hir een |
an hir name wes mhairi | an | wi hir lassies she keepit |
sets up hir mutch croun | an | wi hir twa haunds fauldit |
ti greit sairer nor afore | an | wreings hir neives an faws |
o hir brave lad callum | an | wunnerin whaur he micht be |
juist shaw thaim til hir | an | ye l suin ken ah |
s shoulder eilidh the jaud | an | yeir faither believed hir moula |