
See this word as a collocate cloud

tae back they lie firstanean then the tither gies
whae bade i the titheraneay yid wis gairdner handyman
day arthur wis taen awaanecomes tither gyangs quo chae
tae hear the twa readaneefter tither english syne braid
sons merrit on moabite weemenanehecht orpah tither ruth they
dochters wald bide in moabaneorpah bides in moab tither
grun the seal o solomonanestude on its back tither
tae heevin the herds spakanetae tither lat us gang
the nations leeve in sauchtanewi tither jine them in
kintra we hae fowk warstlinanewi tither the rike and
war twins ye niver seeanewioot the tither twa pizz
frae the same kiln jistanewis mair crackit than tither
n n he askit anitheranean hir aunser soondit lyke
cryin sairlie til hir firstanean syne anither we ir
or twa tae lou baithaneanither afore ane s caad
the feathers flee wi peckinaneanither ah thocht this isnae
division chae an winnie merrietaneanither fur warfare his a
my mandment that ye loeaneanither guid fowk think on
to reduce their claims onaneanither if they re to
wee fowk an thaim strampinaneanither in thair strioushie an
argy bargy an skreich ataneanither like a tv programme
sae twined we wir wianeanither ma ellen ye were
an da they spoke toaneanither on that terms [inaudible]
we wul faw in wianeanither on the road in
they snugglt up thegither inaneanither s airms as neath
an pykit an scrattit ataneanither till wi an almichty
howkit their neeps an fleggitaneanither wi tales aboot ghaists
then he gied him anitheraneat knockit his twa front
anither anither tyme at dalmenieaneauld carl at wes deif
cotter hooses there s anitheranecotter hooses the folk in
whether a person coming fraeanecountry intae anither can expect
sae whan hir mither sawaneeftir anither o mysie s
awa there ll be anitheraneere lang mother goose s
in yer shop an anitheranefor pittin in the windae
micht growe ti be anitheranein tyme but nou he
f1001: orra would be anitheranemaybe could be orra lookin
neive he gied him anitheranericht on the brou an
lou baith ane anither aforeanes caad awa an laes
frae the box an anitheranesayin scots language christmas cairds
anither lassie an even bonnieranetae the princess morag hirsell
for anither leddie an thisanetelt hir she haed haen
is ma ettle i thisanethar s anither source o
f1041: skivin was aye anitheranethat we used f1043: aye
thair strioushie an cryin ootanetil anither ma wyfe an
faw intil freudian stereotypes inanewey or anither fish benjie
f1053: was tha- m1002: the bestanea good ane o that
grey deerhounds lean an thinaneafore him ane ahin lowp
an thin ane afore himaneahin lowp aroon his hirplin
knowe it haed twa gairdensaneahint the houss an ane
ti get their names registrateanean bi ane gao the
the hous o the lawanean bi ane in guid
the flouers ay ti dancersanean bi ane maidens aa
hauf the year wis byanean bi ane shi jin
shi jin socht leir saeanean bi ane the leirsman
pulling them together from thisaneand that ane for this
ane pynt of aill andanebaick in the irvine muniments
who the horsemen frae dunrachtanebi ane fu an happy
ma freens aw deein asanebi ane they fell noo
ane dialog betwix experience andanecourteour the tragedie presents the
tragedie of the cardinall andanedialog betwix experience and ane
from this ane and thatanefor this tune and that
ane ahint the houss ananeforenent it in the front
horsemen frae dunracht ane bianefu an happy the horsemen
names registrate ane an bianegao the braw leetit them
that mekle baill hes breudanehypocrit ane ydill atheist als
the law ane an bianein guid order they cam
ane that s a goodane[laugh] are you alright kenny
combatants are ane medicinar andaneleche and whatever their skills
ti dancers ane an bianemaidens aa liltin see huilie
knights the two combatants areanemedicinar and ane leche and
the best ane a goodaneo that is a lad
witter to thame that everieaneof thame sould knawe ane
into this toune to sellanepynt of aill and ane
difficult ane tae mak ananequhilk micht ne er be
wis by ane an bianeshi jin hed consaivit a
thi decision is a difficultanetae mak an ane quhilk
f1054: that s a goodanethat s a good ane
leir sae ane an bianethe leirsman guidit him frae
aw deein as ane bianethey fell noo here s
ava she haed haen thrieanetikl the stig chiel ane
ane tikl the stig chielanetil the chaumer loun an
ane of thame sould knaweaneuther they raide in the
baill hes breud ane hypocritaneydill atheist als a skurvie
cairrie thaim owre til hiraneat a tyme i the
is it ah m noanefor pomes maist o thaim
an he gaed up tilaneo thaim an spiert whit
i the ae chaumer macbethaneo thaim cawed oot god
days wurk it wis itaneo thaim dances whaur a
the door an shuir aneuchaneo thaim fittit the lock
the son o god butaneo thaim gaed ti heivin
him ti the fluir ananeo thaim grippit jennie bi
language for years there noaneo thaim haes been heard
the tottiest bluidmerk on aitheraneo thaim he wes that
twa o thaim bled meaneo thaim poulticed me an
comatee scartit thair heids thenaneo thaim proposed tae cry
the verra tyme ti openaneo thaim sae she did
claith wad luik braw onaneo thaim sae she wappit
o the relationship lippens onaneo thaim stertin up a
etten an drukken thair fillaneo thaim stuid up an
dungeons doun ablo an inaneo thaim thare war his
siller ahint thaim aw butaneo thaim that haed daidilt
wi this letter for ilkaaneo thaim the stw cairries
thaim richt aneuch nanse shuirlieaneo thaim wad tak ti
thair cryin no thaim suinaneo thaim wes keikin throu
whitten burn is the richtanesae he maun prie thaim
wesna gaun ti be theaneti lat thaim owre the
puir dounhauden bodie monie aanewad be gled o thaim
thaim sae whan the auldestanewes mair nor a hauflin
makin the fallaen adage taeaneaffirmative prouncement bot is it
ken this bot thar saneauncient auld cairt road frae
fourtht of the feild inanedune haiknay bot soume sayis
ti the staition thai fandaneempie warl bot fur the
glen its ingine hed botanegryte ceilinder an the mainner
sowthert thegither bot the raneill syde ti d ilkane
can not tell [inhale] botaneman ten yeir efter convickit
fowre wheeled place o residenceanemaun bot kum tae the
a luik this wes botaneo aw nummer o surpreises
nou a trie isna botaneobjek o vaill ti the
vii bot sen invention isaneof the cheif vertewis in
a heize gin ye hedaneuilliewall bot no itherwyss the
hed the commeisiouns he bochtaneauld maner houss ower luikin
clink at ivverie wauger wesaneauld veillane at hed the
hed ae pouerfu steven ananecuid carrie on ae crack
hei hed been descrived isaneexpert ae big wurd sae
shairp cut the baudrons hedanefush fur hiz guid wark
blockit oot the byous vizzieanehed richt up the road
tae git til aa fowreanehed tae walk up an
o the wie man hedaneither robotik panser kythit frae
hed daen fur him onaneo his fordson tractors monie
the blak k nicht hedaneonexpekkit slap in hiz fends
doverin in a fank likaneoutwith birlin idaia at hed
him nixt the king withanepoll ax on the hed
out c wa then auldanea ll gie ye siller
young an auld ma sweetanealane worthie ay ti hae
haunnil till he swattit likaneauld cheis praisentlie a pistil
invirouned the bleizin ingil wianeauld decored nok abuin knikkin
aince he socht ti rescoursaneauld deisil rodd rowler forleit
ti mairrie jennie aff onaneauld dottilt keing wi a
we hae drummond lichts fraeaneauld fair grun wes the
hirsell in a dwam itsaneauld ferss at wes telt
spy any bonnie milkmaids jistaneauld irish fairmer chiel hurlin
david purves edinburgh august 2004aneauld sang contents 1 coronach
o d the lad misquottedaneauld say wi a solempt
suin thai wes skonced inaneauld warl cairrage wi pentins
comb is mair nor liklieaneauld welsh naem ae left
hir at shae sein naaneauld wicht at wes staunnin
for ye says the auldanebut it ll juist be
doun ti hear the auldanefleitch raither nor thole tormentin
haivers mither a m noanefor hearkenin til auld wyfe
haivers mither ah m noanefor herkinin til auld wyfe
clerk zhao says the auldanehere he d thocht a
a grand haudin the auldanehirpilt up an said dis
dramshop in weilands the auldanehoyed him awa ti an
a cam afoir a juidgeaneill auld stok at semed
feet but syne the auldaneleuch our hether yill is
s bluid mither hid binaneo auld joe s flash
drooned in its deidly wattersaneor twa auld wives claiked
nae bother quo the auldanesuppose ye brak his airms
nit an she brak thatanetae as the auld kerlin
juist you lea da auldaneti gang awa hame but
lik on muivin an quaetaneti ilk flouerheid the auld
ye gae sae the auldanetuik his pock awa frae
the auld pit bank nummeranewas worked continuously for ower
ma line repones the auldanewe re cried jin an
feirm an suin the auldanewede awaw als he founnit
o the scots leid bianealien tung a canna mynd
tae diverge oan thair meaningsaneanswer micht be suggestit bi
s novel this time aginaneestate awned bi a moroccan
less an less markit ananegrammatical category particularly affectit bi
suddron sangs bi dauvit hawkesanemichtie monad eastren lord a
steyed an made luiv tilaneo his dochters bi name
midden howes at liggit unneraneo hiz meidies bi the
bonnie athout this sair smitchaneo the spinstresses sat bi
robertson bi birth jude wisaneo the traivellin fowk sae
the twa sheilins nou inaneo thir riggs bi a
jean fairish bi naem wisaneo thum an shei marriet
caunil frae lady the waraneon the drawers heid bi
this kinch an it sanethat shuid be addressed bi
oor saught wha gart baithaneand brak the diveesion atween
oor saught wha gart baithaneand brak the hallan atween
feel that grand elation whananefaas victim tae temptation wha
wha said ye coud pouranefor yeirsell tak it back
come what will to ilkaanemay he wha rules aboon
informed us haein spoken wianeo the club members wha
bible we ken he wasaneo the fisher fowk wha
was wae an low likeanewha d suffered lang an
ye sall spail tae meanewha is tae be roy
tae hae a word fraeanewha kens an loues the
hame an ither places asanewha s watched ye mak
patients the mairchin baun wesaneaire furm o d the
maun a forleit a wesanealienar sae a sloped aff
gryte mirk biggin the wesanealumeinium warks heir an we
gospel an catecheism rowed intilanean wes nae mair a
he liftit a gowden brounaneat wes the brawest o
she wes aye the eydentaneawbodie wes gled for ti
compuiteir an tho he wesaneawfu wecht brocht him hame
tirned frae a mellay tianeemergant whan releigious stryfe wes
blak an whyt kye ataneen o the gairden wes
wes a wie loun wianeenorm pinch barr ower hiz
offendin thair landlord an wesaneexempil o a guid modren
bayin o alairms thare wesanefur raisin yeirsell the morn
a graund castel he wesaneinnerlie littil fallae an did
o aw hir sorraes inaneinstant shae wes doun whummilt
wes if ever the waranemonie s the sair hert
truibils ti seek wi thisanemoula moula shona wes gey
o z onkil at wesaneo the baun ye maun
at pace fur a meinitaneo the neifs wes at
hiz dugs gied warnishin ataneonkent veisitor wes ettlin ti
wesna a quastioun it wesaneordour the crowner wes set
wes thikfauld wi stour oaneorenge cullour at wes bauxyte
wes a rale tikkler eftiraneouk nane the wycer ruth
tho it wes a guidaneower erch an blate ti
wes she no the kyndaneshe wes aw that for
an wesna she the proodaneshe wes that an awa
fizzed up lyke the firstanesyne thinkin the loun wes
the auldest lassie befell thisanetae sae nou here wes
that lao tzu wes himsellanethat kent hou cums it
but she wes a sleikitanethat same bryde for that
wutch an she wes theanethe keing spiert for ti
dochter wes no the theaneti fesh it til hir
a rid het stoiff ananetwa cheirs it wes maistlie
thai cam til m wianeultimatum aither the incummers wes
suid tak a haun asaneupcum the wes mair fowk
ither laddies set by meanewes rab broun at wes
daith peitie wul blowster lykeaneawesum gale owre aw the
maunna darg owre sair littilanefor the morn is our
horse an the hound thisanegaed owre the hawk syne
owre him an he pouedaneo the lang course hairs
cums back again ae nichtaneo the yowes fell owre
thraw owre his hound ananeti thraw owre his hawk
frae the hogney s heidaneti thraw owre his horse
ti thraw owre his horseaneti thraw owre his hound
lik hauddin twa braw steidsanea gryte sorrit spanker at
twa kirk fowk sesit asaneand saught rang in the
europe amangst them the lallansaneand twa abune in baith
pool i see twa selvesaneat ease on shores deep
fish tae fry bendin genderanebig differ atween the twa
or roll as in foranegalloun off aill and twa
an says a d taenanegless or twa an a
ah tell it ti yeanekilled twa an twa killed
thir has twa short andanelang throuch all the lyne
lang time he d feinishtaneo the twa buckets an
ye are like to getaneor twa beasties mair nor
fro an bagged an antrinaneor twa but my thochts
oot on the frosty grunaneor twa gied a lowp
and the twa will becomeanesae they ar nae mair
perfugia the five abstinentia isanetakna nae life twa reivena
the admonition a tellt yeanetakna nae life twa reivena
she haed haen twa bairnsanetil the staig chiel an
night of duncan s murderanetwa ay nou s the
haet twa had life andanewas deid sae maun it
o t wi twa heidsanewe leeve in a sair
greig and john macnab seivintieaneyeir separates twa buiks that
is awaw in the itheranean he is a technologicall
baith hairstit the kidney fraeanean prepared the ither patient
twinkle twinkle so fit itheranediv ye ken m1090: mm
unique though we canna tellanefrae the t ither this
the match o ilka itheranei catch aye sir the
a tory squaddie at leastaneither haes a profile that
til sumhin or ither whananeo the gethern shoutit ben
shae replaced an a newaneputten on the ither front
poulticed me an the itheranesmeikit oot the chaumer wi
here on ither maitters aathegitheranetae yer better ay it
that are are gey sibanetill ither then ye hae
cribbie haith cribbie thou saneae cribbie twae cribbie haith
wyfe an an ae illaneae wumman soud be soud
an wei made eet intilanearticulated vehicle an shiftit ae
ae ferm tractor hei putaneback axil an gearbox intilt
the loch it wis whitanecuid ca ae byproduct o
s but the ae ananedesperate ploy for us gin
yer back til the hooseanehes ae byous panoramic vizzy
the back o the hooseanehes ae siclik vizzie doon
his tale ae games wikkaneo the cuddies wad neither
raw but no the aeaneo them wad sell him
an that no the aeaneo us ll can come
the common no the aeaneo ye ll can come
that ae man just theaneshould maybe hae to fall
sae wi the ae ananestraik the barber cuttit the
yer hert ae lift whananetents the pleesure it gies
him sae the ae ananething for us baith wis
forgie him this ae ananetime a ll gang masel
for guid but rab haedaneill syde til his naitur
haed tint a shae fraeaneo hir front feet sae
gaun up the stairs tilaneo the chaumers he haed
haed fowre sons an ilkaneo thum gaed tae universitie
fairies haed gien him theanethay haed taen frae tam
gin it s a gretaneye haed mukkil need keep
had cleared weel faither saidaneas ye maun ken we
o smeik ishin frae ahentanehirst ye maun haud yeir
wi mei frae at reponeanemaun jalousie thit he maun
widow wife maun pu affaneo his shoon and spit
toun he maun hae beenaneo their best tae win
houss nou she maun makanewi him say ye wul
rail brig an mak amaistaneeyland fortrace o thair hame
neist o kin thair sanemair sib tae ye than
the keing an queen giedaneo thair sairvants til the
kis efter in aa isnaanes hamelt langage thair buist
in spite o thair reliefanes left jalousin hou the
thair ain middens ti inactaneu n mandat ower scotland
m thai chuisit maisik asanewey o out pittin thair
til the keing no juistanebut aw thrie o his
ness wi his warriors sendaneo the thirlmen til him
til the chaumer loun ananetil the orra man an
back nou whan there wisnaaneafore cries shi jin ti
yetts the gairden nou terrealaneeritage perk whaur dischairgit fruct
wul shuirlie be a guidanemalcolm thare a thocht nou
siward aweill lat him beaneo god s sojers nou
m telt at billy dicksonaneo the sons is nou
sklimmer an nou the fiftaneo ye said finn whit
ontil the nixt veisitin dayaneouk frae nou whit lik
ma riddil is a byordnaranetak tent nou whyle ah
it afflicks lord charles lamanchaanetime adventurer an nou tory
the wattir is nou awanewi the lift from the
east afrika whaur hei wisaneengine dreiver wi the east
thai als pit asyde strathclydeaneenorm soshaliss byke whaur hauf
warld whaur aa fowk areanein jesus christ gie oor
defenceless folk it s noaneo thae fearsome hills whaur
beaumont no it s wianeo the men whaur are
cairrit a royal a stewartaneo their kings whaur ma
place o thi lost modalsanepossible point whaur this wis
whaur ma journey the realanestertit wis by thae burns
see the firsten chapter chapteranewhaur leirsman wang slees awa
i loena a laddie butanewhaur we lear he coft
a rikkil o stanes wianeenorm saltyre hingin frae a
frae ben the houss ananefur ilkane o the kers
fermer it girnwud frae whitanegethers frae a page 149
ballad on a gift fraeanelang deid mr poseidon out
glove frae the wee tableaneo a pair she d
wauken hir mither taen dounaneo the blek puddens frae
plaister ruif cam doun inaneo the flets frae the
caulf frae meadshaw mr bowieaneo the hawick blacksmiths wrocht
glowerin in the dock ananeo their mithers glowerin frae
frae the treetap hairts noanesee a warsle for the
ll forgie unsocht familiaritie fraeanethat ettles juist a wee
whein ti warnish o smeikaneti let stoutherie frae ben
howp he gies ye ilkanea guid doonsettin in the
an community services high heidane[censored: address] 29t mairch 2001 guid
doot o guid intelligence ananecuid hev guid collogues wi
guid fowk anent faither damiananegin we tak tent tae
guid fowk anent faither damiananegin we tak tent tae
speakin tae a mynd onaneparteeklar guid nichts crack whan
rod a guid twal fuitaneworth aboot saxty pun ticht
gin he war a gretanean brawlyke an fair desperate
gin he war a gretanean brawlyke an the third
gin they re hirplin onaneleg lik auntie beenie wi
nyaff think on the wordanenebstril heezed at you gin
a drink gin ye reaneo the dominies o the
gin a mynd richt wisaneo thum an agane gin
jynt as a result oanea ma veesits ah m
stern o heiven abune thisanean he s steive an
hauf uncle maist o aaaneas saft in the heid
the hous o the hieaneat the cairrie s en
bridge m642: and there wasaneat the other side o
the bartisans o tornes likaneauncient norman barron fair maks
has generatit six specific projectsanebein mappin the leids o
elder cud gie the admonitionanebield ye in consent o
an spak this halie rhymeaneblink o livin licht ti
ferm cottages i the wudanecuid sei the ruif o
in schuils e en thouchanedefinin point o a leid
no i couldnae think oaneeither f1040: no m1042: don
wi scottish standard english ataneend o thi scale an
lang afore a wis bornaneex pupil o at schuil
yit wul ye mele meaneexempil o d the inglish
events predictions an intention ananefamous ensaumple o this is
cannae think o a richtanefor r-r- rich actually i
verse fiftythree fiftythree verses minnieanefur ilkie year o yer
yir son guidsir o yiraneguidwill forby ye helpit ma
than the laws o theanehe is in that is
er hit s de lastanei tink usually bressay o
o m aircraiftsman young hezaneinklin ti mak temporarie repares
bein scottish specifically northeastern scotsaneinterestin feature o this transcript
the first macnab the saicontaneis in rael danger o
ashet o tatties an eachanejust leant ower an took
than wi the smyll oanelegaiter he says ye winna
o a standard english accentanemajor advantage quhilk sse hus
neist tae it a maneo a few warm in
heard in singin the fishinaneo a radio ballad series
fower sairins o greens ananeo beef syne they set
heilan fling pit mirk saneo dracula s dothers legs
the buik o ruth isaneo five megilloth and was
that a heron itsel asaneo god s wonders micht
winnie fand she d leftaneo her gloves on the
o the troot wallie cottarsaneo her granmither s dairymen
the fluir ye snekkit affaneo hir haunds an threw
endit hir days an billyaneo hir laddies tae the
the road hame she tintaneo hir slippers the prince
mair whan she liftit upaneo hir wee fingirs an
cums up wi us thrawaneo hir whalps intil the
ferm like as no wianeo his feed men tho
will enclose john macnab onaneo his forays pp 131
caught ocht the day butaneo his mates had taen
a man tae pu affaneo his shoon and gie
laddies aw lichtlied him ananeo hiz sins cryed him
on gaelic medium primary educationaneo its findins shawed hoo
a ve aareadies mintit wisaneo jockie telfer s ferms
da he stertit out asaneo ma faither the elder
ah can tell ye houaneo ma freins bure that
scrive in scots ah seeaneo ma functions as gettin
s true aneuch he cumsaneo ma men ootran him
swack slee an sleekit cannieaneo ma thochts is teetin
she i ll gie yeaneo maister matty s buiks
fell godly he wis twininaneo minnie s lang black
o the ryal faimlie asaneo oorsells morag sobs agreement
eilidh s aye been lykeaneo oorsells shona shona aweill
a scots glossary an ilkieaneo s hid tae pyke
no as though she saneo thae floating death kists
whit the maister needs isaneo thae great clumpin steeds
on them here it wisaneo thae physick mongerin lads
leid wechts an ance evenaneo thae wee square widden
noo near echt month goneaneo the baby boom fowk
ceilidh tae feenish music saneo the best ambassadors scots
wauken aw nicht that saneo the best weys o
see she s sneddin affaneo the brainches juist see
a sherp gullie cut affaneo the deid wumman s
grandfaither bade whan hei wisaneo the deuk o buccleuch
drouthie oniegates the nixt dayaneo the doctour s sins
gaelic is faur fae siccaraneo the documents o the
ken ye r juist lykeaneo the faimlie aiblins she
thon time meenister for educationaneo the first issues for
setterdays dod mathieson hid binaneo the first men ontae
middle o the nicht liftinganeo the fishermen s boats
nee scott wis born ianeo the fowre hooses it
him at the first butaneo the guildbrithers drappit his
planet tae dree its weirdaneo the heidmaist javan scholars
in you licht leddy heichestaneo the heivens an my
did but whan he gataneo the hogney s hairs
hivvie breaths sang intae oblivionaneo the images that run
he d be kent asaneo the kin carers an
is ti ly doun inaneo the kists hoy on
oot the deid sea isaneo the laichest bits in
seik syne she set foraneo the leddies ti cum
ickbrae gairdenfit cottages wullie mackinnonaneo the local roadmen an
the conservative government an thoaneo the macnabs alastair sutherland
ti post or she becamaneo the maids o honor
quo she greitin ah maneo the maist misfortunate weimen
some things nivver chynge politicsaneo the maist unco things
is yit a forerunner taeaneo the major disadvantages o
superiority the driver had escapedaneo the mcgintys had run
the door tae fin neilaneo the new byllies pechin
the stane o skoun theaneo the nok gune nae
in hid thocht it wisaneo the nurses movin ahin
tae read an write itaneo the ongauns o scots
n ella the auldest marrietaneo the pow s o
hairst park a whylie backaneo the scythemen cuttin roadies
hir husband wis jock shortaneo the shorts whae yince
brae he fell in wianeo the smaa fuit fowk
organist an ma grandfaither wisaneo the snoot kirk elders
o oo hingin atween themaneo the spring lammies isie
he pat his horse inaneo the staws in the
sae ah tryit it onaneo the trees for ti
wab round the brainches oaneo the trees plankit hirsell
five year aulder than minnieaneo the troot wallie cottars
heid o the list furaneo the upgyangin quarrytowers apairtments
dochter wad be lyker mairrieinaneo the yung princes that
weel ma ain faither isaneo their biggest financial backers
ma faither jist keep itaneo their cuddies back fin
goel that the israelites gotaneo their maist parteeclar thochts
wid need fresh beddin ananeo them needit liniment rubbit
stream o merriet plumbers withaneo them she ran aff
atween modren scots an englishaneo thi main systemic differentiations
bodies aw eftir sum bettermentaneo thir packmen offert hir
the saicont sicht this isaneo thir unco tymes an
the dure said na fientaneo us we ir aw
the p o coonter wianeo wir wee posters hingin
the weys o harald blacktoothaneo wur symbols o the
ye unsteik the dure shuirlieaneo ye aye stauns on
creepie stuils creepie stuils lataneo ye unsteik the dure
she says dinna mak meaneo yer concubenes hoose vaishle
willna heeze the birns wianeo yer fingers mishanter faa
ye dinna tak me asaneo yer hoose vaishles when
ruth says dinna mak meaneo yer jurrs or servin
marrow an faimlie bidin ianeo yon cottages an hei
on his heid nae dootaneo yon irish americans hame
central belt neil vrocht furaneo yon multinational merchant bank
up there will fa furaneo you his singin is
saumon we can identifie wianeor mair o the characters
scotland and since it sanepart o the culture quhilk
d ilkane o z hesanesell eimage at is i
o the modren macnabs theanethat kythes tae the ploy
just that was the onlyanethat she thought o somethin
micht open binna juist theanethe ferr end o the
o delighted grief october eachanethon howkin oot the sile
o repression is a naitrulanewe aw gang throu a
o 8 care nocht thatanewee cantie sperm its tottie
warld o wur imaginations isanewey o sublimatin wur instincts
the fit o her kistanewis a theatre poster showin
different uses o the theaneword like m999: perfect fit
bang for them ti forgaitheranean aa i the hous
companie cudna help lauchin lissenanean aa ti this halie
sae gleg ti gie thisanean thenhe tuik the fifteen
feirt fur hir lyfe thananeauncient wie wyfie poussed ti
nicht thai wirked ti finndaneawnser ti mirren s dirdum
thrie wee simmer goun asanebegins ti speak an lauch
big liu wis sib tianedeacon dong at keepit a
come ti the bit saeanedoorman gaed skelpin in ti
a hirsel aither ti haudaneei on m ir ti
hae ettilt ti endyte inaneeisie osie kinna pross mair
an the sour aa inaneflesher zheng wis fechtin ti
a favour an sennin thisanefor a servitor ti the
ti keep it fient theanefor thay ir aw sleepin
at aibercorn firstlins ti estaiblishanehallabie an ti spy out
afoir obsairved inglis a haeaneidaia ti cantil up napier
n didna luik ti haeaneinfit wi thon fowk an
sleikit mainner ebenezer gied hissellaneinnins ti john a m
ti embro he gied douglasaneinveit ti cum ti veisit
the polisman fur giein himaneinveit ti halp an waggit
supposed ti dae the firstanekept reiglin aboot in ma
ti me macbeth ay noranemair frichtsum ti ye nae
ay the hour a luckieanemensefu we come see ti
a retoured ti wirkin inaneoffish an didna hae mair
tyme ah ever spak tianepuddok weill weill ye needna
ti aiberdour he yowtit outanesassenach cheil at wissed ti
ti quit the wrld thisanesic a fearsome look he
for ah im the verraanethat kens hou ti help
forrit ti be giftit wianethousan in cunyie for rewaird
sall pairt at the shoreaneti his aesomeness yont cedar
the re shuir ti beaneunco dirdum at his daith
end richt awa monie aanewad be gled for ti
place richt awa monie aanewad be gled for ti
tyme ah ever spak tianeweill weill said the puddok
of the room queen littilanenever you heed hir she
ill uise hir aw butanethat stuid forenent the dure
gien hir an in thisanethe war a third wee
he did aa but foranean he beddit them doun
coud haurlie keep the firstanedoun she points to the
doun thai fand thairsells inaneenorm corrugat ern shede afoir
turnips back end efternuin lownaneleaf birls doun slaw autumn
deid see an the foreanes dung doun baith wheels
a saicont eftir the waraneunco skraich an doun cam
follaein alang ahent an gataneawfu fleg whan it glimped
been drouned at birth yonanemalcolm dae ye ken whan
wei suin got roond atanen an whan wei stuffed
nae howp for him whananeunco vyce soundit out the
gaed dirlin out aa inanewhan he lookit lu da
sae help yersel noo thisanehere is ready ripe fur
cup an pree sae ilkaanejuist tell me plain hou
an them sae s inanelang time there wis niver
jock bit nae a sweetanethe frost it bein sae
the grund it is awanewi this saikless lyfe sae
ye a forty fifty pundanean that ll be juist
it s juist a weeaneeilidh lat s hear it
thit hei wis ithoot dootaneexpert juist i the passin
s sword wis juist echtyanepund an nae mair profunditas
minutes granfaither an teacher theanefinger still rock calloused lang
journey it s a langaneit takks a day or
flaffin ay flochterin an flinginanelang souch see an a
cairries on a gey langanemrs beaumont but you should
an the crammasie aa inaneaa the onlookers on aither
[laugh] that was an affyanean aa an it must
wings the angel fa irritatesanean aa the bethlehem scene
peyed back for it aaaneday says the lord clerk
dowie service bit a saininanefor aa that the meenister
faither son and halie ghaistanegod licht upon ye aa
braisse monkeys aa stukken thegitheranehid its hauns clapped ower
nar free ye are aaanein christ jesus ding doon
nor free ye are aaanein christ jesus incawin oor
they aa micht be eatinanematty hid said thon kennin
on the ice there sanethat stauns abune them aa
granny who d hardly saidaneword tae the mannie aa
wad ye be eftir littilaneai but ah ken fyne
wad ye be eftir littilaneai but ah ken fyne
aw thay war wurth whylesanewad luik up an syne
my feth i m ettlinanemair try i ve seen
mair succulent than ony peachanenestled in the leaves hauf
gets mair a dae noranethat s nae willin tae
was mair a mair modernaneup the spoot is it
a green knowe the waraneelf ring tam kent it
queen ay ye war ayeanefor the genteilitie ever sen
war weel kent locals eftiranefur the pot the lad
dwall in thee war ianeman to hear the birdis
dwall in thee war ianeman to hear the birdis
war altho archie awns atanepynt tae quite enjoyin the
spikk nae evil the lastanes hauns war clapped ower
tuin an arreistit him furanealienar he s in the
ferms efter staundin empie furanean twuntie ear the deuk
a d scribble on likeanedementit fur oors fair heedless
the morn a m noanefur rushin or hurry ma
fur raisin yeirsell the mornanefur the maet bein stovit
when ah let free theaneah held an aw the
a drap wi me theyanean aw opine man ye
braw are kind an helpfuanean aw the lecturers aw
bit fine ye ken thatanean aw we wish ye
pointit oot there ainly theaneaw gaelic schuil in scotland
spreidin wyde ah im awanewi leimitless pouer the haill
ain saison it is awanewi man whas birzin hert
tint eftirlins the fermer biggitanehorrid wie houss richt afoir
wur i the richt haundanelatterlie uncle jim an faimlie
motor cars m822: there wasaneye d richt up tae
telly sells ma car theanea dinna hae wi sex
the fluir asyde ma mukkilanean ye can sleep thare
the fluir asyde ma mukkilanean ye l sleep thare
at yeir feet ma bonnieanean ye sal see whit
at yeir feet ma bonnieanean ye sal see whit
day ma faither needs thisaneon the border ll be
puddok an siccan an ugsumanetae oot ma road wi
shuir an siccan an ugsumanetae oot ma road wi
spilet ma kale there isnaeanethat s clean an hale
birds fae fechtin ah tookaneup in ma haun the
ma lane an fecht lykeanewhatna lyke man is he
ll feenish wi the fallaenaneat teuk place afore yid
discomfist warld liggs shairly wianebydan and on gaun thocht
a roush an a blatteraneenorm bew rotour craift wi
eesed tae meet wi theanefa stole yer pride in
an noo there wis anelyanefor fit lay wi nit
in scots this pints taeanemajor problem wi thi teaching
hae better luck wi thisanenor the ithers wul we
gyang the nicht sister sayanetae the beach wi the
fishin for there wi thatanethey must be l- expectin
perceived tae be an englishanewhiles ends up wi a
the loon could haud hisanewi doctors lawyers an the
gey near impossible tae haeanewithoot t other wi thi
jin e er hae killtanean then twae men hou
ken it micht hae beenaneof the sairvants that beirs
idea beaumont weel jack foraneshould hae had the wit
near fowerteen i should haeanetae masel bit there s
tawse i wid hae likitaneto gie milk jist noo
hinna saught we hae biggitaneugsome waa agayne oor brithers
saught for we hae biggitaneugsome waa agayne oor brithers
on the road side aforeanegangs awa oot the borth
prep beneath anaw adv alsoanea an anelie a only
an ilkane brawer nor theaneafore it an the ferrer
got different stages in thataneagain an it s a
taxt or leishence an beinanealienar viz a scotsman the
ir ye no the kyndanean clivver tae for never
dream elements gang thegither intaeanean displacement whaurby a threitenin
dat s de next biggestanean f960: uh huh yeah
he spiert at a thirdanean hirs soondit lyke spun
gane leavin kate on heranean tam s in an
pit it in the leftanean ye can save him
his neive he gaed himaneatween the eehole an the
i dizember 1941 stewart mairietaneaustralian an hes been oot
ei the sin gied manebak an flang the remayns
aye an then the nextaneben was the scullery m1000:
an dinna you open aitheranebinna yeir hert is lyke
mercie an here the echtanecums cairriein a keikin gless
an the inglish at seinaneeith gate out the myre
particular demonstrate this feature ananeensaumple kin be foun in
wirk the ingine draver medaneerrour an dangit inti the
warld an it an uncoanefor fient a thing coud
antinomian heresy and an englishaneforby weir they said would
his twae prentices the aulderanegaed oot an suin cam
the raip an aixe thisanegies killie s neds their
crystal fountain ava bit spyanehe did an rowed up
an faimlie twae laddies ananelassie bade yonder the bairns
brodstaff an rung there sanemarischal gao at s new
m1002: that s a goodanenow that s a an
almerals a turr accountant ananeon froggit sacerdott shae fand
ca d ripeth bade inaneon t thum an a
his marrow wur i theaneon yer ker haund an
an leanne s eleyven ananes as bad s the
inno cauld an disregard nooanes returned his life in
thay did an the firstanesaid ah im a jynar
a braider road forrit ananethat could enlist support fae
for gaelic an scots isanethat has attractit muckle attention
at the computer an sochtanethe hospital gaed pit mirk
an stept aside birlin hisanethe loun cam breingin efter
ferm an howpasley ferm isanetraivelt up the publik hiewey
an tammas cam out theaneyit lattin doush at the
muckle gumption aboot him thonaneas a burst tyre i
god they conjured him asanebrother even now to repent
row i widna gie himanei hate rows he tuik
stert sodanely till him withaneknyf and straik him at
stert sodanely till him withaneknyf this statement should be
her ooto that the lastanetae see him alive in
i ve got in thataneactually i dinnae ken eh
uncouth ken lads there bidesaneaesome truith aye aye the
you daft limmer mind youranebusiness tam you dinna ken
tae luik his traps ilkanei ken for he cannae
atween wis reddir dan firstanedan da iddir lookin forward
howpasley schuil thar wis anlieaneeither siclyke brig i the
roberton horticultural socitie hei wisaneelder i the snoot frei
a wis willin there sanehere at isna speir at
[censored: placename] primary schuil wis theanetae beir the gree for
collection forms ye can getaneaff the wabsteid and a
warld ye ir the proudestaneanaw but whit haes it
m642: and there was rightaneaway way doon afore ye
but na ye didna littilanebe patient we haena seen
wrang for ye re theanehe ll sweir at that
ye try to sell meaneindulgence then when they said
aye aye it is thataneis f1053: right ye reckon
ir ye no the proodanemebbe the l no be
ir ye no the proodanemebbe the l no be
ye say mak it echtyanepund like guan yu s
mercie i trew i amaneye can lippen i corinthians
cultural ur inextricably connectit taeaneanother and it s gey
the strategy has fower objectivesaneis tae celebrate scotland s
lassie says tae the greenanelet s gyang the nicht
s returned his life inanerucksack tae soothe wioot the
run their race airted eachanetae his proper place will
tae mind f1054: that saneyou d use m1015: yeah
and believe their leid isanea wee kin be done
let me worship the gowdenanelet me reese oot the
but m1002: it s naeanei would use much like
that beaumont nae engineer inaneof the big countries would
dod rab he gasped thatanes nae minnon withoot your
s as credible as thisanea draw he draws his
reid bul syne his saicontanebut the reid bul serred
done he has to sacrificeaneof his men rowland no
weill for ah m theanethat can mak yeir fortuin
there was eh there wasanethere f643: ah but there
d sing or dance thisaneplay on pipe or thairm
sixteenth century scots of theanesatyre of the thrie estaites
a general not a specificaneand that it said that
for it in the nextanehaivers said maclaurin whose chief
near every issue until thatanebut he hasna had onything
ll 161 165 he seesanechristall revere douce distell about
various points he maintains atanepoint that he never mistreated
or she s a rightaneand just leave it at
meenits seelence at the cairnanegizzen leaf scartin the plainstanes
boy p 168 at leastanemacnab puzzles on thir kittle
heard it at the instituteaneof the local solicitors has
a grein for the brawanesee at still hesna come
m wantin a hunner pundanesome wecht dominie a can
chafts she demonstrates the ranein the stables but it
is she no the bonnieaneshona shona nods it s
gran s back door theanei wid hing on listenin
here it was to seeanesatyre of the thrie estaitis
this realme chaud mella isanefaulte or trespasse quhilk is
gods on their plinths eachanea castaway unner the lichts
their array and quyls uponanekingis statlie croune yit as
our assets like that andaneof our solicitors daeing their
kyle oor lizzie yon lizzieaneand the same lizzie that
cam a hyne bummin likaneangirt fozie bie the bizzin
life i the affin whitaneawesome sicht n ___ glossary
gied the puir hairmles jakmananeawfu clammiehewit on the haffit
bak duir shae skirled inaneawfu swither the sojers maunna
is a is a commonaneaye sharger m999: or the
florin in the meter theanebar heater glowed in my
the conger itsel a younganebent whipped thrashed on the
and barley the sawing ofaneboll brashloche estimat to the
deid kist intil the pailanechiel lunts a gun loading
the wather turnt fair mildaneday it bein about the
me a kiss the lastanedeana no the last no
the waas like pansies ilkanee ein up the lass
to the purpose as inaneheich and learnit purpose to
heich abune the hotchin tounanemaw wimplin in the drizzle
distell about the bordour ofanemedow fair quhair flouris fresche
of the realme of scotlandeaneof the farest most civile
the same steamin was myaneone that i would use
a veisitit the flet eftiraneouk a perfit smuith skreid
ounce of wheat bread andanepynt of aile in the
today while a performance ofanesatyre of the thrie estaitis
with the best thocht foranespace they volt with waltring
it micht be a differentanestories cheenge in the tellin
on macduff deil tak theanethat crys aneuch they leave
john s faither was theanethat suffered in london efter
sum a peyed furd cheptiranethe border weill skonsed in
jalouse arthur fechtin the quaetanethe jazzman the banker arthur
we ve only killed theanethe son haes joukit us
hes melled or tuilzied withaneuther and in the actes
the bishop of paris maidaneverrey lerned and eloquent sermon
the feild witht foure speirisanewyspe upoun everie speir heid
haif playit the part ofaneyoung and imperfyt prentes quho
kens fou weel there saneabune then let me gang
if it s a wideanef1043: burn m1042: it s
f1054: that s a goodanef1143: john last week was
hellwater that s a rightanehellwater m999: it s hellwater
if it s a narrowaneit s a burnie f1054:
the- there wa- there sanewas planned for stoney m824:
prep beneath anaw adv alsoanea one anelie a only
is transferred intil a differentanee g gaein eftir a
that would be a hawickaneeh m1010: [laugh] m1013: [laugh]
ail and all things areaneeik from a sonnet by
her laddie ne er aaneha e i but a
bird a bluiter beggar borneaneill heud huirsone lyk a
richness and diversity contained withinanesatyre is only a fraction
town has a motto touchanetouch a harm done to
idle thochts will they searchaneup for bombs thae irish
er be answer t butanehing quhilk is gey definite
stark and so was broughtanechymlay full of burnyng coallis
debate as we saye thatanehes melled or tuilzied with
trespasse quhilk is committed beanehoate suddaintie and nocht of
hand louse nor bund toaneill baikie in caithness there
thow hast bein and remainesaneobstinat ennemye against christ jesus
of late there hes neveraneof thame writtin in our
reulis quhairby to knaw everyaneof thir thre forsaidis syllabes
james vi and anne haveanepund ryise and in 1631
of home standard- standand inanerayit battell quho had win
cautions are more fully entitledaneschort treatise conteining some reulis
thi modal verb system isanesic case in quhilk thi
everie speir heid to beanesigne and witter to thame
not onlie in electing ofaneso small and fectless subiect
deuyn art of poesie andaneyoung and imperfyt prentes by

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