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september 2000 the transport ofanimalscleansing and disinfection scotland regulations
september 2000 the transport ofanimalscleansing and disinfection scotland regulations
to annulment the transport ofanimalscleansing and disinfection scotland regulations
september 2000 the transport ofanimalscleansing and disinfection scotland regulations
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsalan stewart tayside police wildlife
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsalthough the procurator fiscal prosecutes
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsand is here today as
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsassistant chief constable ian gordon
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsassistant chief constable ian gordon
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsat present most of the
cases of domestic cruelty toanimalsbut under other legislation rachel
the prevention of cruelty toanimalshave any idea of time
the prevention of cruelty toanimalslodged on 1 june 2000
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsnotes the highlighting of these
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsrachel newman head of society
cruelty however the protection ofanimalsscotland act 1912 applies only
the prevention of cruelty toanimalssspca prosecutions are brought under
the prevention of cruelty toanimalssspca would support a ban
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsthat the parliament expresses concern
the prevention of cruelty toanimalsthere are two categories of
used for the cremation ofanimalsslaughtered in the course of
figures for the numbers ofanimalsslaughtered under the livestock welfare
the compensation to them foranimalsslaughtered under the over thirty
regarding the number of slaughteredanimalsunder the livestock welfare disposal
scottish executive when the firstanimalswere slaughtered under the livestock
reconsideration of slaughter of healthyanimalslodged on 27 march 2001
the notification of slaughter ofanimalson farms contiguous to those
and the slaughter of thoseanimalss1w 14591 dr elaine murray
june 2002 the welfare ofanimalsslaughter or killing amendment scotland
may 2001 the welfare ofanimalsslaughter or killing amendment scotland
june 2002 the welfare ofanimalsslaughter or killing amendment scotland
to annulment the welfare ofanimalsslaughter or killing amendment scotland
may 2001 the welfare ofanimalsslaughter or killing amendment scotland
slaughter and the sale ofanimalsto local retailers to end
prior to the slaughter ofanimalswithin the 3km firebreak zone
boasted golden representations of birdsanimalsand insects most is gone
food or shelter for wildanimalswild birds or insects and
food or shelter for wildanimalswild birds or insects and
food or shelter for wildanimalswild birds or insects and
scotland are repealed protection ofanimalsscotland act 1912 c 14
b of the protection ofanimalsscotland act 1912 exception for
brought under the protection ofanimalsscotland act 1912 this makes
given by the protection ofanimalsscotland act 1912 which extends
the draft welfare of farmedanimalsscotland amendment regulations 2002 21
the draft welfare of farmedanimalsscotland amendment regulations 2002 30
the draft welfare of farmedanimalsscotland regulations 2000 23 october
instruments the welfare of farmedanimalsscotland regulations 2000 ssi 2000
i c- i count furryanimalsf1109: count aa the furry
i mean the super furryanimalshave you seen them live
f1109: count aa the furryanimalsokay uh huh m1110: duck
killing injuring or taking ofanimalslisted in schedule 5 of
is about the welfare ofanimalswould we go down the
june 2000 rural affairs theanimalsand animal products import and
june 2000 rural affairs theanimalsand animal products import and
march 2002 rural development theanimalsand animal products import and
2002 ssi 2002 109 theanimalsand animal products import and
april 2002 rural development theanimalsand animal products import and
june 2000 rural affairs theanimalsand animal products import and
will resume consideration of theanimalsand animal products import and
ssi 1999 22 the foodanimalsand animal products from belgium
care committee on the foodanimalsand animal products from belgium
1999 rural affairs the foodanimalsand animal products from belgium
wild mammals 6 protection ofanimalsact 6 wild mammals protection
for wild mammals protection ofanimalsact most of the scottish
ashore with horses and wildanimalsand there were a lot
place to ensure that wildanimalsare not removed from their
that seek to protect wildanimalsas a point of information
certain cruel acts against wildanimalsspecifically the act illegalises mutilation
countryside wild flowers birds andanimalsthey knew exactly where the
only to domestic or captiveanimalswild mammals protection act 1996
yes and see all theanimalsf1113: all the animals f1114:
the animals there s theanimalsf1114: oh we ve found
the animals f1113: all theanimalsf1114: yes yes f1113: what
animals we ve found theanimalsthere s the animals f1114:
f1113: where s all theanimalswe ve found the animals
seen many different kinds ofanimalsthey had to count how
are concerned with living creaturesanimalsbirds or others in particular
here come the horses andanimalsand there are the americans
[inaudible] even with horses oranimalsknackers meaning the size or
have in mind for thoseanimalsor for the horses that
legislation introduce a protection ofanimalsbill to allow local authorities
commission for the protection ofanimalsduring transport s1w 34759 elaine
protection for domestic and captiveanimalsleaves off that would ensure
covered by the protection ofanimalsscotland act and prohibits certain
the retrieval or rescue ofanimalsit would enable courts of
the retrieval or rescue ofanimalsit would enable courts of
in order to enable strayanimalsto be disposed of more
is more effective if theanimalsand hen are standing bent
time is that a promiseanimalsay it is hen neist
wee reid hen an theanimalsett up aa the breid
6 to the act theseanimalsinclude badgers dormice pine martens
act 1996 applies to allanimalsthat are not covered by
to pursue capture and killanimalsthere is a certain amount
right we ve found theanimalsright you sit down f1114:
regarding the transport of unaffectedanimalsto slaughterhouses through foot and
pigs porcine material and bovineanimalsscotland regulations 2000 ssi 2000
the cattle identification of olderanimalsscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
beirial n burial beiss nanimalsbelanged v belonged ben prep
beirial n burial beiss nanimalsbelanged v belonged ben prep
general public 1 advocates foranimalspersonal communication 29 march 2000
to clear the backlog ofanimalswaiting to be culled under
it the way that mostanimalsare driven by their groin
f1114: where s all theanimalsf1113: where s all the
the creature s owners someanimalsof course are venerated as
to play with as realanimalsof course last week uncle
decoys to take or killanimalslisted in schedule 6 to
no genetically modified vaccines foranimalsare deliberately or accidentally used
listing as many names foranimalsor flowers or whatever within
general types of people oranimalsor objects but they can
booklet on pets or farmanimalsthis kind of conversion activity
or bad because god prefersanimalsto human beings she s
enough to contain implements oranimalsweekends present a pastoral idyll
f eriskay ponies g agriculturalanimalsworking on the land or
in the production of thoseanimalsa cage in a complex
police have responsibility for thoseanimalsduring the period to trial
dunging of one species ofanimalsis eat up by those
care is being delivered toanimalsin care throughout scotland supported
has santa gave aa theanimalspresents eh fitt did mouse
to take into their careanimalsat risk of abuse make
high jaggy bushes where theanimalswi sharp razor teeth kin
farm the notion that allanimalsare equal but some are
and trade is prohibited theseanimalsinclude all bats the otter
the minds of humans andanimalsour minds and matter all
stock either amalgamating all theanimalswhich were already clearly marked
a question of balance gameanimalsand their role in the
classes are classified as workinganimalsand whether the construction of
into the description of theanimalsanguish showing again his association
of eight different types ofanimalsare written in the yellow
because the burning of theanimalsdid not reach 1 000
heads of men heads ofanimalsheads anchored to distorted noses
wide variety of principally watersideanimalsincluding small frogs fish water
set out a series ofanimalson the table before him
the burial of carcases ofanimalssecondly decisions on which of
little experience of dealing withanimalssuch as foxhounds it is
end the transportation of liveanimalsthe length and breadth of
a charitable organisation advocates foranimalsto fund the introduction of
use of dogs to huntanimalswas not banned by the
can you manage right fittanimalsare in this ain then
by legislation as are theanimalsthat they kill society sanctions
many to do with clothinganimalssize quite a lot 1
have been reared as packanimalsthey may not be house
with spades to dig outanimalsand so on there would
what would you say aboutanimalsthat aren t well then
would be over run wianimalswi nae owners an that
increase in organic improved grasslandanimalswould not be able to
then on ilka year theanimalschaav t thegither had their
etc and the peoples andanimalsliving there their origin and
f1091: there s loads oanimalsisn t there m1092: there
and the sky the plantsanimalspeople from there is progresses
byre each staa held twoanimalsand a wooden travis formed
has been thinking about someanimalsand the names we give
when native designers stopped portrayinganimalsand turned to portraiture finally
a perty musicians accompany theanimalscheering singing and dancing s
her and play with theanimalsinstead they weren t as
were enslaved and turned intoanimalsmorrison like burroughs like anzaldua
island the moon a devilanimalsplants flowers and cultic symbols
the snow storm and theanimalssheltering even the murderous fox
that glide the skies andanimalsthat roam the forest have
glide in the skies andanimalsthat roam the forest have
and we ll find theanimalsthat s who s that
wir enslaved and turned intaanimalstoni morrison lik william burroughs
posed by the smoke fromanimalsbeing burned due to the
establish new homes for theanimalschristine grahame what is the
breakfaist the breid smellt fineanimalscrowd round noisily but leave
until the wee smaa oorsanimalsdance to music s tellers
that the meat from anyanimalsfed in this way does
that they re naething butanimalson board the indian girl
been created to ensure theanimalssurvival with elephant corridors built
o strae scene 7 theanimalstry to eat the bread
tak the corn tae meanimalswe re awfae sorry we
on genetically modified vaccines foranimalss1w 17715 michael russell to
fields an wi they bastardanimalsrobby ssssh swearin krista wicked
s aye been fond oanimalsbut no me deil a
it but it seemed thatanimalscould often find a cure
cat you british like youranimalsi honest boy ahmid will

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