
See this word as a collocate cloud

the saiconts solempniouslie the duirapentan twa younkers cam ben
waash awaw the fermer hedapentthe clouse frae the lochan
breinged roun bot whan thaiapentthe duir a smouchterin clud
he pickt it up anapentit for he kent a
wis juist like he dapentan uil an sauce shop
doun the stair lu daapentthe winnock for a bit
mair this haa mauna beapentfor fear o unco dreidour
ben frie scotland the foirsmanapentthe duir o a wie
wis juist like he dapenta draper s shop for
the nou an get itapentthrie times the abbeymaister hummlie
the forman memorial hall wisapentit roberton a pages 106
centre wis biggit an wisapenti 1983 ae myle or
helicopter whan the centre wisapenti mey 1976 the auld
seekin ye sae auld jinapenthis door an said sit
a lowe an then heapentbraid the yetts of the
ti this an whan heapentthe chaumer door he fand
at it s ti beapentwhan a come wad ye

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