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debtors scotland act 1987 whichappliesa number of protective provisions
justice act 1987 which alreadyappliesin scotland and how the
housing scotland act 1987 itappliesto all housing tenures and
area to which subsection 6appliesafter section 4 cathie craigie
comes into force subsection 5appliesas if for the words
comes into force subsection 5appliesas if paragraph b were
subsection 2 or 3 belowappliesin relation to a patient
repealed subsection 1 b iappliesin relation to prisoners repatriated
of subsection 3 that subsectionappliesin relation to the provision
beginning insert subsection 1a belowappliesmalcolm chisholm 52 in section
case where subsection 5a belowappliesthat all of the conditions
it 3 where this subsectionappliesthe court must a grant
or e of that subsectionappliesthe obligations imposed by this
end insert 6ea this subsectionappliesto an individual appointed or
18 years 2 this subsectionappliesto any duty which may
one manner 3 this subsectionappliesto any power 4 the
by its members subsection 2appliesto the conduct of a
subsection 3 of this sectionapplieswhere in proceedings under this
paragraph e of that subsectionapplieswhere the plan makes provision
end insert 5a this subsectionapplieswhere the tribunal is proposing
travel allowance 1 this paragraphappliesonly to employees paid through
needs allowance 1 this paragraphappliesto members returned from those
component of disability living allowanceappliesto the disabled partner who
below where sub paragraph 9applieswhatever amount of the allowance
section 56 of this actappliesthe tribunal shall before the
application etc where section 56applieswhere section 56 of this
11 where sub paragraph 9appliesin relation to a region
associations 12 1 this paragraphapplieswhere the landlord is a
conduct to which this actappliesthe deputy minister for justice
any code of conduct whichappliesto the board members of
supposed t be possible butappliestae aa sections o a
supposed to be possible butappliesto all sections of a
bodies to which this actappliesare every person who a
person giving intimation as itappliesin relation to such a
of proving that an exceptionappliesis on the person charged
person to whom this sectionappliesthe person is treated as
m1000: a plain jane thatappliestil a person just m999:
under this part as itappliesto a person who makes
dog fouling so that itappliesto any person in charge
ran away if a personappliesto say that they have
that the burden of proofappliesto the person charged why
the child 1 this sectionapplieswhenever a person who does
meaning that no statutory disabilityapplieswhere a person marries somebody
of animals scotland act 1912appliesonly to domestic or captive
wild mammals protection act 1996appliesto all animals that are
body to whom this actapplies4 the ombudsman for the
body to whom the billappliessection 4 the ombudsman the
relation to how the legislationappliesto the surveillance world i
finance of the 1973 actappliesby virtue of section 106
act 1997 c 46 whichappliesin certain circumstances where a
esk the salmon act 1986appliesmany of the anti poaching
body to which this actappliesmust within a period of
constable gordon yes that actappliesthroughout the united kingdom and
or 24 of this actappliesto a tenancy or right
european communities act 1972 whichappliesto scotland is to be
this part of this actappliesto the following sexual offences
border flows of offenders thatappliesin the present circumstances our
of salmon stocks the conventionappliesto salmon which migrate beyond
warrants to which this sectionappliesby order modify a any
and insert 1 this sectionappliesin respect of sentencing for
group 3 where this sectionappliesthe court must take the
and wales section 2 alreadyappliesto scotland that is to
section 7 commencement the billappliesto the whole of scotland
joint tenant 1 this sectionapplieswhere a landlord under a
of staff 1 this sectionapplieswhere by virtue of section
social prejudice 1 this sectionapplieswhere it is a libelled
b above 2 this sectionapplieswhether or not the provisions
19 line 34 leave outappliesand insert applied mr jim
body to which the billappliesmust publish a glp within
the convener the same principleappliesagain once we pass a
26 6 the same pointappliesso we should accept what
the investigation the same pointappliesto dorothy grace elder s
where it goes the sameappliesto end year flexibility as
shed further light the sameappliesto recipe collections the earliest
and virtually undifferentiated the sameappliesto representing the as thi
guidance and assurances the sameappliesto the attitude to sex
open areas the same approachappliesto the use of medicaments
in that outlet the sameappliesto tobacco advertising particularly with
practicable and whether that undertakingappliesto information in respect of
all approach to europe thatappliesequally to parts of finland
7 power to modify legislationappliesto warrants to search granted
forward in that regard thatappliesparticularly to standards and a
the period when the restrictionappliesany complaint or intention to
government of the day thisappliesin particular to the structure
particular that the proximity principleappliesin that the ash should
or academic writing and thisappliesat the level of the
are organised for students thisappliesboth in the receptive modes
part 2 of this scheduleappliesif the prisoner has under
offices rural in this contextappliesto communities of up to
glasgow to edinburgh route pixcappliesonly when 3 per cent
decision relating to temporary sheriffsappliesto temporary judges of the
spcb s decision that itapplieswhile we are in the
industry which at the momentappliesfor one consent before the
scottish parliament order 1999 whichappliesto all acts of the
apparent unfairness of clawback whichappliesto some private companies pension
value of the census thatappliesalso to any proposed household
rather than a restriction thatappliesonly to scotland as i
but the name messan burnappliesto the watercourse only after
whether the civil service codeappliesto employees of executive agencies
a criminal in that circumstanceappliesto find out whether they
whether the right to buyappliesto the property one concern
later in life however thatappliesto a large number of
mmhm f1144: [inaudible] f1145: itappliesmore to a woman that
to be made and thatappliesnot just to burns but
is not prescriptive the guidanceappliesnot just to how inspectors
13 september 1999 no longerappliess1w 16827 richard lochhead to
to ensure that the figureappliesto 17 year olds too
arise when a voluntary organisationappliesto a variety of funding
at least the fee thatappliesto all civil marriages in
translators in his discussion heappliesto burns monica jaeger s
success whereas a different standardappliesto engineers and to builders
term care of the elderlyappliesto scotland and if so
the pixc regime in scotlandappliesto the fife commuter lines
executive how it interprets andappliesthe statements made in the
or academic writin an disappliestae insignificant undergraduates right up
community burdens including core burdensappliesas if there were inserted
their knowing manly sniggers sheappliesa tale of two cities
scottish higher education funding councilappliesin the awarding of strategic
in 1952 and it stillappliestoday free eye tests and

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