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job m194: [?]i was[/?] an electricianapprenticeele- m608: and that was
takes on the mantle ofapprenticehimself while lauding james scholarship
that was in stran- m194: apprenticeelectrician m608: in stranraer m194:
essayes of a prentise anapprenticein the divine art of
day when he was anapprenticeeh eh plumber ye ken
get like an a- anapprenticein you know ki- some
opening on a basement anapprenticebaker who was filling split
his almonds under my eagerapprenticeeyes i watched him at
a man fourth er aapprenticein third and fourth year
begin working as a industrialapprenticechris bought a small share
a fourteen year old anapprenticem1012: [inaudible] m1013: aye f1011:
to go in as anapprenticelearn on the job and
feel just like like anapprenticeat the moment i don
mind when i was anapprenticeeh just after the war

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