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2001 26 the environmentally sensitiveareasargyll islands designation amendment order
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasargyll islands designation amendment order
2001 29 the environmentally sensitiveareasbreadalbane designation amendment order 2001
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasbreadalbane designation amendment order 2001
2001 32 the environmentally sensitiveareascairngorms straths designation amendment order
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareascairngorms straths designation amendment order
march 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareascentral borders designation amendment order
to annulment the environmentally sensitiveareascentral borders designation amendment order
2001 31 the environmentally sensitiveareascentral southern uplands designation amendment
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareascentral southern uplands designation amendment
mr jamie mcgrigor environmentally designatedareasfor text of motion see
2001 33 the environmentally sensitiveareasloch lomond designation amendment order
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasloch lomond designation amendment order
butler s1m 2790 environmentally designatedareaslodged on 26 february 2002
2001 27 the environmentally sensitiveareasmachair of the uists and
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasmachair of the uists and
632 tavish scott environmentally sensitiveareasscheme thursday 27 april 2000
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasshetland islands designation amendment order
2001 28 the environmentally sensitiveareasshetland islands designation amendment order
2001 25 the environmentally sensitiveareasstewartry designation amendment order 2001
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareasstewartry designation amendment order 2001
february 2001 the environmentally sensitiveareaswestern southern uplands designation amendment
2001 30 the environmentally sensitiveareaswestern southern uplands designation amendment
sub post offices in ruralareasand deprived urban areas are
scottish communities particularly in ruralareasand deprived urban areas recognises
establishing farmers markets in deprivedareasand support for food retail
any health inequalities between deprivedareasand the rest of scotland
per cent most deprived localareasare double those of the
is exactly my point ruralareasare ignored if recognised deprived
rural areas and deprived urbanareasare said to play a
be put aside for deprivedareasbecause many areas of scotland
enthusiasm that exists in deprivedareascan lead to the production
that people in deprived urbanareascontinue to enjoy convenient access
little money comes into deprivedareasfurthermore would he welcome an
post offices in urban deprivedareasgives further useful background including
about defining deprived and impoverishedareasi will focus on something
office branches in urban deprivedareasof england the scottish executive
some of the most deprivedareasof glasgow f963: mmhm f965:
the poorer and more deprivedareasof our country will you
for deprived areas because manyareasof scotland were losing out
rural areas and deprived urbanareasrecognises the potential financial consequences
rural or more deprived urbanareasrun as private businesses sub
to children particularly in deprivedareass1o 6499 24 shona robison
in rural and deprived urbanareass1w 10887 mr adam ingram
retail facilities in deprived urbanareass1w 10890 rhoda grant to
branches located in deprived urbanareass1w 34751δ dr sylvia jackson
english speaking pupils in deprivedareasshow considerable facility and accuracy
post offices in urban deprivedareassupport for urban sub post
and babies fish farming inareasthat are deprived of food
of our most urban deprivedareasthere are issues relating to
local communities particularly in deprivedareaswelcomes her majesty s government
provision of places in remoteareasand any difficulties of access
in orkney and other remoteareasand islands the flexibility simply
treatment for those in remoteareasas suggested in the access
doctors in practice in remoteareasas suggested in the recruitment
cover in remote and ruralareasas suggested in the team
supply not only in remoteareasbut in lothian which was
of affordable housing in ruralareasensure that rural and remote
and satellite connections for remoteareasfund links to schools and
about the involvement of remoteareasin policy making is important
in the remote and ruralareasof scotland in the 21st
in the remote and ruralareasof scotland in the 21st
in the remote and ruralareasof scotland in the 21st
in the remote and ruralareasof scotland in the 21st
in the remote and ruralareasof scotland in the 21st
apply in person in remoteareasof scotland s1w 12237 euan
and maintenance jobs in remoteareaspursue a range of measures
up the remote and ruralareasresource initiative in inverness the
the scottish remote and ruralareasresource initiative solutions for the
the scottish remote and ruralareasresource initiative solutions for the
the scottish remote and ruralareasresource initiative solutions for the
the scottish remote and ruralareasresource initiative solutions for the
the scottish remote and ruralareasresource initiative solutions for the
99 to include remote ruralareass1w 185 bruce crawford to
provision in remote and intermediateareass1w 22078δ john farquhar munro
attitudinal problems in more remoteareasthat point is made about
to access broadband in remoteareasthe business of the environment
traditional operators in these remoteareasthey simply do not see
serve rural remote and islandareaswe seek to harness to
particularly in remote and ruralareaswe should do more to
to avoid crops and sensitiveareas39 in spite of this
to expand into less sensitiveareasand to move out of
out of the more sensitiveareasthe convener sorry for the
sensitive to marginalised groups andareasthe sector s services are
timber from forestry in sensitiveareaswe will continue to support
support payments for less favouredareasand recognises the traditional and
support payments for less favouredareasand recognises the traditional and
plus responses favoured the fourareasconclusion that was reached that
the resources for less favouredareasdid the increase in support
in support for less favouredareashappen because you won a
ewing s1m 1452 less favouredareaslodged on 12 december 2000
macmillan s1m 1439 less favouredareaslodged on 6 december 2000
henry s1m 1439 less favouredareaslodged on 6 december 2000
of scotland s less favouredareasofficials will work with the
are in the less favouredareasross finnie that point is
crofting communities in less favouredareass1o 6741 the minister for
drug users predations less favouredareasscheme 4 george lyon argyll
that the new less favouredareasscheme is designed to compensate
meetings correction drugs less favouredareasscheme local government pay scottish
under the new less favouredareasscheme s1f 513 the first
islands that the less favouredareasscheme will be enough to
paterson s1m 1443 less favouredareassubsidy lodged on 7 december
1443 fergus ewing less favouredareassubsidy that the parliament believes
forms of appraisal less favouredareassupport crofting 9 john farquhar
to cambeltown housing less favouredareassupport crofting nursery schools consultation
gardens in urban and ruralareasalike i was indeed fortunate
in both urban and ruralareasamen to that it sounds
competition for space in urbanareasand calls upon the scottish
competition for space in urbanareasand calls upon the scottish
in rural areas in urbanareasand everywhere in between about
of their homes in urbanareasand within five miles of
some of scotland s urbanareasare damaged by bad housing
of scotland s more urbanareasas a result there was
2 900 occur in urbanareasestimates suggest that approximately 40
urban environment to make urbanareashealthier places for people to
see in urban and ruralareashowever their opinions on and
and modernisation programmes in urbanareasin particular within the glasgow
across the country in ruralareasin urban areas and everywhere
relate to poverty in urbanareasit might be contended that
being made available in urbanareaslinda fabiani i would like
city of inverness encompassing bothareaslong within the modest urban
specific communities in more urbanareasmany more people live together
and in the housing bottleneckareasof urban scotland such as
of our cities and urbanareasthat must still be addressed
at present in some urbanareasthen it will need to
and urban circumstances in someareasthere is a high degree
elected burgh councils in urbanareaswith limited power to use
fox populations particularly in ruralareas2 foxes are wild predators
of post offices in ruralareasa similar document was produced
better targeted expenditure affecting ruralareasacross all the key themes
education and roads in ruralareasallocating the budget in a
for post offices in ruralareasand how those funds are
mr crawford has mentioned ruralareasand in particular highland council
school education provision in ruralareasand in particular to address
fuel prices in remoter ruralareasand in particular whether it
the non domestic rating ruralareasand rateable value limits scotland
the non domestic rating ruralareasand rateable value limits scotland
the non domestic rating ruralareasand rateable value limits scotland
the non domestic rating ruralareasand rateable value limits scotland
the non domestic rating ruralareasand rateable value limits scotland
and gps working in ruralareasand support the expansion of
and living conditions in ruralareasand the promotion of the
eloquent testimony councils in ruralareasand the scottish executive rural
voluntary sector organisations in ruralareasand whether there are more
was particularly marked in ruralareasand whether there was an
which is exclusion in ruralareasand which i see for
nurses who work in ruralareasare required to be multiskilled
particularly those located in ruralareasare unaware that the climate
good road networks in ruralareasas members will agree those
rural development the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
rural development the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
rural development the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
rural development the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
particularly strove to visit ruralareasbecause we were well aware
is especially acute in ruralareasbefore i go any further
the highlands and other ruralareasbusiness bulletin 42 1999 thursday
to those living in ruralareasby continuing to relocate civil
continuity of services in ruralareasby finding replacements if subpostmasters
minor operations ensure that ruralareascan benefit from a similar
for young people in ruralareasconsultation with young people the
professionals to work in ruralareasdevelop organic farming in scotland
health care workers to ruralareasenabling rural authorities to contribute
people s lives in ruralareasespecially public transport can be
problems that people in ruralareasface a whole range of
sewerage system rural prosperity ruralareasface considerable challenges not least
have particular advantages for ruralareasfor example general practitioners in
in the hills in ruralareasfoxes are controlled mostly by
delivering health care in ruralareashowever after three years health
excluded and far flung ruralareasi address that point to
not least in some ruralareasi do not know whether
of it are in ruralareasif highland is to get
close in rural and suburbanareasif the planned pharmacy contract
is being made in ruralareasin implementing its action programme
of dental services in ruralareasin particular in dumfries and
of dental services in ruralareasin particular in dumfries and
to improve awareness in ruralareasin particular in dumfries and
mr rumbles access in ruralareasin particular is not prominent
are specific difficulties in ruralareasin sustaining accessing and benefiting
that we face in ruralareasin trying to retain and
a vehicle fuel in ruralareasis available to all rural
the statistical information in ruralareasis not to a high
older people living in ruralareasit is important that we
process is tragic for ruralareasit means rural job losses
supporting of organisations in ruralareasjohann lamont linda fabiani and
s1m 1619 deprivation in ruralareaslodged on 1 february 2001
three groups in less ruralareasmade it impossible to fund
transport services particularly in ruralareasmake transport work for people
included in the census ruralareasno matter how idyllic also
constant demand particularly in ruralareasnotes that the british deaf
constant demand particularly in ruralareasnotes that the british deaf
the possible impact on ruralareasof any reorganisation of post
to patients particularly in ruralareasof grampian s1m 2061 shona
about the matter in ruralareasof my constituency those areas
assist the tourism sector inareasof rural scotland such as
the case in many ruralareasof scotland a statutory duty
the highlands and other ruralareasof scotland following recent fuel
are problems particularly in ruralareasone point that was raised
pharmacies in rural or suburbanareasor in newly built estates
the voluntary sector in ruralareasother members have more detailed
to be spent in ruralareasour focus is constant it
and primary care teams inareasparticularly rural ones which struggle
that which exists in someareasparticularly rural ones with dentists
for voluntary services that ruralareasrequire additional input as a
will be appropriate to ruralareasrichard lochhead i will probably
anything that would benefit ruralareasrichard lochhead it is my
in farming communities in ruralareass1f 258 4 brian adam
their guests when visiting ruralareass1o 3205 28 mr jamie
health care professionals in ruralareass1o 3805 8 withdrawn 9
time buyers particularly in ruralareass1o 5790 2 bristow muldoon
tackling gp recruitment in ruralareass1o 5841 27 christine grahame
live and work in ruralareass1o 5854 28 pauline mcneill
in the nhs in ruralareass1w 12232 george lyon to
of health boards in ruralareass1w 12233 george lyon to
promoting social inclusion in ruralareass1w 16774 dr sylvia jackson
community hospital provision in ruralareass1w 20852 mr david davidson
of maternity services in ruralareass1w 20853 mr david davidson
are being applied in ruralareass1w 24080 richard lochhead to
more retail outlets in ruralareass1w 24081 richard lochhead to
are in respect of ruralareass1w 24082 tavish scott to
arts and culture in ruralareass1w 7674 rhoda grant to
and culture facilities in ruralareass1w 7675 rhoda grant to
that the villages and ruralareasshare in the credit the
be found in some ruralareassuch as parts of aberdeenshire
dialect forms particularly in ruralareassuch as the borders and
fares on island and ruralareassuch as the highlands and
of their homes in ruralareasthat will create an additional
applied fairly especially in ruralareasthe budget is heavily skewed
fuel prices in remoter ruralareasthe committee welcomed the report
significant employers particularly in ruralareasthe minister for transport has
primary schools especially in ruralareasthe present procedures do not
dispersal of visitors into ruralareasthe proportion of spending outwith
importance of development in ruralareasthe rural development regulation which
support one another in ruralareasthere is the added perspective
executive expenditure has on ruralareastherefore we are drawing together
executive spending generally on ruralareasthis is where we start
often under pressure in ruralareasto increase their viability we
of gp practices in ruralareasto offer a wider range
heart of business in ruralareaswe aim to enhance and
delivery of services in ruralareaswe could play a percentage
executive led expenditure on ruralareaswe have given the committee
registration must come to ruralareaswe must get away from
the health service in ruralareaswhen can we expect it
agriculture and tourism in ruralareaswhich have been severely disadvantaged
the voluntary sector in ruralareaswhich have their own problems
example general practitioners in ruralareaswill benefit in terms of
houses for rent in ruralareaswill have on expenditure on
the natural advantages of ruralareaswith industries like forestry which
that will impact on ruralareaswith regard to education the
people do not associate ruralareaswith such poverty and tend
showing executive expenditure in ruralareaswould not represent an effective
detailed responses particularly from thoseareascurrently under esa designation and
requires the designation of specialareasof conservation in scotland the
whether the designation of pressuredareasshould be linked into what
and goosander in special protectionareasspas the designation of spas
for the designation of protectedareasthis and its application in
whether seeking designation for pressuredareaswill be a priority related
june 2000 the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels amendment scotland regulations
june 2000 the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels amendment scotland regulations
suspect subordinate legislation smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
2 subordinate legislation smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
negative instruments the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
2002 526 the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland amendment regulations
local government the smoke controlareasauthorised fuels scotland regulations 2001
march 2001 the smoke controlareasexempt fireplaces scotland order 2001
community care the smoke controlareasexempted fireplaces scotland order 1999
community care the smoke controlareasexempted fireplaces scotland order 1999
produce briquettes for smoke controlareasi am concerned that including
a product for smoke controlareasit is a good idea
seen particularly in the followingareascontrol of verb tenses present
opencast sites particularly in theareasin east ayrshire with which
variable standard and in manyareasis particularly unsuited to significant
particularly in relation to certainareasof employment about the lack
the nhs particularly in theareasof heart disease cancer and
role to play particularly inareasof multiple deprivation in this
in themselves particularly focusing onareasof social and economic disadvantage
from standard grade into thoseareasparticularly intermediate one and two
to teachers of other subjectareasparticularly when we move into
frameworks we are isolating twoareasthat do not interface particularly
overseas particularly in low riskareasunaffected by the outbreak s1o
and wasteful particularly in theareaswhere gaelic is virtually unknown
the bilingual particularly in curricularareaswhere such mental operations are
problems particularly in city centreareaswhere there are issues with
s fa in back certainareasand there s f785: mmhm
to commission research in certainareasbased on the experience of
free school transport in certainareascondemns the disgraceful decision by
be a possibility for certainareashowever technological advances could be
to be amendments in certainareasit may be a bit
regions except in certain restrictedareasmany of the fish taken
should be compromisin in certainareasmaybe givin in to different
every day except in certainareasmost registrars do other things
be foun in certain geographicalareaso thi south an west
in the speech of certainareasof belfast milroy concluded that
glasgow so there are certainareasof health inequality still to
certain specialties and in certainareasof scotland are more to
much needed changes to certainareasof the curriculum so i
europe is developing certain keyareasrepresent the important parts of
is the case that certainareasshould be given assistance in
everyone had objections to certainareasso we ended up not
m listenin to certain versesareasthat i recognise god is
reduction in farming in certainareasthat might extend to a
that question because in certainareasthe budget does not contain
clearly be variances in certainareasthe national federation of subpostmasters
is perfectly true in certainareasthere is a deficiency of
assessment reduced in certain subjectareaswe have been able to
with the peripherality of certainareaswe must put this petition
general beneficial except in certainareaswhere it had objections everyone
expand salmon farming in certainareaswould produce greater risks a
special scientific interest special protectionareasand special areas of conservation
list of raingoose special protectionareasit has classified or is
european commission as candidate specialareasof conservation i accept what
on the issue of specialareasof conservation i believe that
special protection areas and specialareasof conservation made during the
protection areas spas and specialareasof conservation sac made during
over zealous in establishing specialareasof conservation without proper scrutiny
21 5 million handout forareasof special deprivation if previous
special scientific interest special protectionareasspas and special areas of
provide special governance arrangements forareaswith special needs the national
locations of hmos in theirareasthat might have been less
difficult to recruit registrars inareaswhere it is less likely
withdrawal of services from outlyingareaswhilst companies compete for control
at each of the keyareasand certainly in terms of
monitoring of achievement in keyareasand d bringing together diverse
support only a few keyareasarose in the original consultation
as those are two keyareasbut given that the process
could play a role keyareasfor action include full employment
for the fishermen in keyareasit wis juist the opposeetion
certainly one of the keyareasof development that we would
commercial policy to the keyareasof intellectual property and services
agreed indicators for other keyareasof social inclusion such as
education in scotland in keyareasraise standards in education aiming
2003 we will implement keyareassuch as joint resourcing and
the rcn identified the keyareasthat would enhance the productivity
is one of the keyareasto which the committee will
broken down by the keyareaswhich the fund covers in
were applied differently in differentareas15 30 tony gallagher some
may be appointed for differentareas3 the remaining provisions of
for different purposes and differentareas5 a statutory instrument containing
days and accordingly for differentareasand different types of landlord
it was introduced in differentareasand for different individual landlords
adapted to suit the differentareasand the different scales of
are fae well aa differentareasas you d say in
by parlour registrars in differentareasat midnight on the night
could be used throughout differentareasbut also to save money
of case including for differentareasc make different provision for
from different m1161: yeah f947: areasdifferent dialects mmhm it s
instead of four bin storeareaseach will have a different
each segment for different fishingareasfor 2003 any subsequent reductions
different i suppose just differentareashave a different m865: any
level there are many differentareasin which the gnp and
this written in different differentareasit s or is it
different people working in differentareasit was a diffuse situation
be different requirements in differentareaskeith jones as derek miller
obviously is in the differentareasm865,: yeah yeah uh huh
strengths of faith in differentareasof life so for instance
and girls and between differentareasof scotland we will use
have people staying in differentareasof the city in glasgow
she has written for differentareasof the north east countryside
including different provision for differentareasor for different local authorities
reach out into many differentareassuch as health and providing
dig into all the differentareasthat come under the umbrella
cod in 3 different fishingareasthe days at sea limits
different users of the coastalareasthe tripartite working group has
a comprehensive ban covers differentareasthere is no such thing
each child stayed in differentareasthis was another factor lacking
that learning to different subjectareasthroughout your career and the
of interpreters available in differentareaswe are aware of and
we d people from differentareaswe d tae learn what
governments co operate in thoseareasalthough those areas are not
cutting the capacity of thoseareasan assessment might suggest that
wanting to work in thoseareasan interesting feature emerged from
the balance between those twoareasand do you see a
well as tenants in thoseareasand the owners say that
our recommendations were in thoseareasand they do not necessarily
sector in proposed stock transferareasand those with old ineffective
and physical environment of thoseareasand to bring together effectively
people who live in thoseareasand who want to exercise
qualifications and so on thoseareasare non critical as they
in those areas although thoseareasare not communitised elizabeth holt
areas of my constituency thoseareasare served by family businesses
women and children those subjectareasare specifically identified in the
from such parts of thoseareasas are specified in the
about all three of thoseareasas i go through the
prepared to re examine thoseareasas part of its wider
difficult to legislate in thoseareasboth from a technical and
into policy rather than financeareasbrian adam those were concerns
area or those post codeareasbusiness bulletin no 57 2002
mortalities of hares in someareasbut those reported so far
european parliament welcomed both thoseareasbut was very disappointed by
s journey across all thoseareascivic government scotland act 1982
principles dominate practice in thoseareasdavid eaglesham i was referring
our subject to those fourareaser very clearly so sort
be useful to highlight thoseareasfor the sake of clarity
been working on for thoseareasgoes from three to fifteen
it into the list thoseareashave been made aware of
those headrigs endrigs margins andareashave been sown with plants
our report about those twoareashelen eadie it is true
relocate the farms outwith thoseareashow feasible would that be
transfer of expenditure into thoseareasi agree with the general
a significant benefit in thoseareasi can only stress that
being delivered in all thoseareasi checked this morning and
especially those in our marginalisedareasif one looks at the
the european union showing thoseareasin respect of which valid
local communities those are theareasin which most people think
account is taken of theareasin which those services operate
to make progress in thoseareasit is important that we
to move forward in thoseareasit would be of great
should be targeted on thoseareasmost affected by the disease
should be targeted on thoseareasmost affected by the disease
get returns from all thoseareasmuir russell that does not
the girl guides those twoareasof activity represent spheres of
out broadband technology in thoseareasof central scotland that do
s report we see fiveareasof concern one of those
such as inner cities andareasof deprivation those are the
cairngorms national park of thoseareasof highland perthshire and drumochter
cairngorms national park of thoseareasof highland perthshire and drumochter
policy and funding that thoseareasof research that receive a
targeting enough money on thoseareasof the budget geoff huggins
those which are prohibited theareason a river where fishing
work and policies in thoseareasother committees look into things
liable to be committed inareasoutwith those with lots of
working class speakers from thoseareasstandard english speech from these
as amongst those prime settlementareastargeted by incomers he also
those that find themselves inareasthat have been designated as
in producing data for smallareasthat helps those who have
for each of those delegatedareasthat is a sound and
risks and opportunities in thoseareasthe convener i will let
sector interest in servicing thoseareasthe objective is to have
those because th- all subjectareastheir contribution to creating those
worked very hard in thoseareasthey are after all the
the european union on thoseareasthus forming a backdrop to
or annexes chatelherault and similarareaswere mentioned those venues cost
subsidies or pensions but thoseareaswere our highest priorities the
the gaelic culture in thoseareaswhere gaelic is still part
deprivation those are the veryareaswhich policies that are based
a formula for identifying thoseareaswhich would enable resources to
dumfries local authorities in thoseareaswill not be easily persuaded
breakdown of the specialities orareaswithin which those nurses classified
are also spokespersons in particularareas20 attributed to henry mcleish
on some of the importantareasin the targets particular the
a particular characteristic of theseareasis the vertigal integration of
contributions to the uk napareasof particular relevance to scotland
service is available to allareasof scotland with particular regard
by subject so that particularareasof severe overload can be
the clerk of any particularareasorganisations they felt should be
with particular staff in particularareasthat we might have opportunities
right to buy in pressuredareaswithout expressing any particular observation
on a limited number ofareas15 areas were agreed in
as it is drafted pressuredareasare primarily geographical areas if
report is not about insularareasbut about remoter areas miss
between and within local authorityareashowever in many areas there
pressured areas are primarily geographicalareasif a whole area is
insular areas but about remoterareasmiss goldie duncan mcneil and
authority areas however in manyareasthere are waiting lists for
limited number of areas 15areaswere agreed in the maastricht
items in common with otherareasall metal railings were taken
to kind of explore otherareasand as i ve done
and re building the binareasand other improvements to the
purposefully and creatively but otherareasare not necessarily far behind
that everyone understands what otherareasare working at and i
in constitutional fiscal and otherareasas far as i can
to diversify into other fishingareasas has been proposed they
community languages and to otherareasbut at the moment that
and the environment in suchareasbut crucially on other industries
is good practice in someareasbut other authorities are perhaps
the scottish borders and otherareascan compete with loch lomond
also include any other workareasconsidered relevant 11 reports on
a substantial infrastructure of otherareasdid not make it into
m1008: probably acquired from otherareasf1009: yes of course m1007:
benefits or targeting in otherareashas been a matter of
draw that line in otherareasi am pleased that my
officers in scotland amongst otherareasi have national responsibility for
policy and practice in otherareasin contrast aberdeen city council
the children have in otherareasin home economics etcetera just
an the same in otherareasin scotland what i mean
languages than in other subjectareasin terms of performance in
a wide range of otherareasin the next parliamentary session
that other targets relate toareasin which government could make
can be identified with otherareasis practically negligible while literary
not so good in otherareasjohann lamont i absolutely agree
a model for other employmentareaslifelong learning opportunities should be
many families from other dialectareasliving within the speech community
jurisdiction is about right otherareasmight consider that approach ms
before moving on to otherareasmoving to individual hills let
always invidious to select individualareasof activity but as other
how policing operates in otherareasof animal welfare not just
capacity to diversify into otherareasof engineering supported by maureen
intimation the impact on otherareasof family law as scott
extend this accuracy into otherareasof language such as genders
any potential impact on otherareasof the budget i will
work the funding for otherareasof the city comes from
working but eh in otherareasof the country i assume
as they are in otherareasof the curriculum but i
of scottish contributions to otherareasof the curriculum such as
also contributed to many otherareasof the day to day
releases spending power in otherareasof the economy we cannot
in schools broadcasting and otherareasof the public life in
of er people from otherareasof the uk coming into
and unsuccessful in all otherareasof their private lives like
is also connected with otherareasof women s rights such
and ehm all these otherareasopen up in kincorth in
scotland faring better than otherareasor is it too early
the consistency with other policyareasor objectives amnesic shellfish poisoning
the sea fish specified seaareasregulation of nets and other
the sea fish specified seaareasregulation of nets and other
the sea fish specified seaareasregulation of nets and other
with other policies across devolvedareass1w 24087 brian fitzpatrick to
compares with other health boardareass1w 9133 kay ullrich to
are opportunities to develop otherareassuch as mauchline there is
spite of errors in otherareassuch as spelling cases genders
that other members will highlightareasthat are of importance to
cent of the services otherareasthat do not pay for
be unnecessarily prescriptive there areareasthat lack clarity which other
given between the other twoareasthe convener i am not
such experience in many otherareasthe convener i thank the
to hold fish in stockedareasthe factors other than fish
education health transport and otherareasthere is enormous scope for
their monthly visits to otherareastherefore arbuthnott folk could have
activity is continuing in otherareasthrough private providers a further
but also in many otherareasthroughout the voluntary sector there
in fishing and in otherareaswe need more regional representation
stretch their brands into otherareaswe want to put across
than that in most otherareaswhere fish farming takes place
health transport and other priorityareaswhich will support older people
health transport and other priorityareaswhich will support older people
health transport and other priorityareaswhich will support older people
and other margins of orareaswithin fields in which crops
ratting there are other greyareasyou also mentioned that intelligence
and small scale processors inareaslike arbroath s1o 6366 14
nature and degree of itsareasof responsibility s1o 202 open
making in the 13 pathfinderareass1o 1852 19 mr keith
the tourist industry in islandareass1o 308 15 colin campbell
speed reduction schemes in residentialareass1o 3224 13 kate maclean
of telecommunication masts in conservationareass1o 440 11 mr gil
support for agriculture in isolatedareass1o 4898 22 mr mike
school playgrounds and community playareass1o 5394 17 dennis canavan
have any responsibility for suchareasalthough they would like to
for fish farms in suchareasand perhaps to relocate the
scope of the bill suchareasas they saw fit i
and white answer in suchareasbut we will concentrate our
gear such as creels inareascovered by several fisheries orders
we want to refine suchareasin the regulations however in
public funding so that suchareasof deprivation are identified aberdeen
the regulations from their respectiveareasor from such parts of
response to needs in theirareasrepresentatives of gaelic organisations such
the high crime levels inareassuch as blackhill sighthill royston
model in all sorts ofareassuch as criticism and film
beneficial for the local communityareassuch as deeside and donside
been more dramatic in someareassuch as glasgow tables 10
gaelic lingered on in isolatedareassuch as glen ey until
advanced that marriage ceremonies inareassuch as gretna and loch
ensuring a better integration ofareassuch as health and culture
would be considerably more inareassuch as inner cities and
ranging and will cover manyareassuch as investment in and
also intensified in the plantationareassuch as kandy hatton maskelyia
of the coalition administration inareassuch as local government which
grounds and within densely populatedareassuch as multi storey flats
recruited more nurses in newareassuch as public health family
will need further help withareassuch as recycling and conserving
commitment to regenerating inner cityareassuch as saltmarket to ensure
health services in readily accessibleareassuch as shopping centres to
in scotland recent developments inareassuch as supply and demand
complete applications than people inareassuch as that which johann
we ignore the excluded inareassuch as the area that
in edinburgh but to retainareassuch as the borders as
committees deal with specific devolvedareassuch as the environment or
widened the circle to considerareassuch as the ones that
farming and electronics manufacture inareassuch as the scottish borders
would create major problems inareassuch as the west end
was disagreement on whether newareassuch as tourism should be
additional burdens present in suchareassuch as transport costs i
in this field in someareasthe formation of such groups
ways to market ex industrialareasthroughout scotland such as coatbridge
take a walk in suchareasto see all the tobacco
more detail on these policyareas3 ibid 4 see the
are on more general policyareasfor example about advice given
regarding the policy of designatingareasfor five or 10 years
is mainstreamed into all policyareasincluding the use of structural
an is responsible for importantareaso public policy scottish meenister
policy objectives 22 for whichareasof competence are open co
in the development of allareasof policy and legislation from
need not only to considerareasof policy and practice thematically
and is responsible for importantareasof public policy scottish ministers
an increasing number of policyareasthe open method is described
to investigate accidents within theirareasand provide a reasonable level
pupils within glasgow and surroundingareasat present the project receives
promoting internal routes within forestryareascontinue to invest in road
moral and falls within devolvedareasgiven the chance to examine
services delivered within its ownareasof responsibility s1w 191 alex
to affected workers within itsareasof responsibility s1w 394fergus ewing
the regulations within their respectiveareasso that they make provision
the activity itself within someareasthe proportions of the above
secretary of state to identifyareaswithin scotland that might benefit
reside in the kirkcaldy levenmouthareaswithin the fife health board
enable local authorities to designateareaswithin their boundaries inside which
cluster away from gaelic sourceareasand near mendick there are
the most strongly gaelic speakingareasand the recent growth of
support gaelic in 3 mainareaseducation 2 broadcasting 3 culture
scots language and in someareasgaelic are spoken in the
of gaelic in gaelic speakingareasgrants for gaelic language education
circumstances in civil proceedings inareasof scotland where gaelic speakers
is found in gaelic scottishareasor contexts and compares yet
argyll and bute outside theseareasthe largest concentration of gaelic
erm specific er curriculum erareasthrough the medium of gaelic
who work or live inareaswhere gaelic has no historic
but for parents in theareaswhere gaelic has skipped a
and islands or the perceivedareaswhere gaelic is spoken ehm
language for gaelic for whateverareasyou are interested in okay
this was affected by theareasand localities of where the
similar provision where fire authorityareashave been combined or divided
for english language where allareashave to erm be aware
national qualifications one of theareasin modern languages where we
following march there are twoareasin this financial problem where
where there is no consensusareaslike abortion law or proposals
last decade there are hugeareasof raw bare ground where
where the principal and minimalareasof risk are s1w 8750
effect on the economies ofareasof scotland where paper making
guard where there can beareasof weakness you know we
choice there are four broadareasof written language where choices
knocking on doors and targetingareasor wards where hmos are
fuel in isolated and islandareasto drive down where possible
law where are the greyareaswhat would you concentrate on
that s not to precludeareaswhere a modern european language
ministers to make regulations inareaswhere dsfbs have not been
requirement constantly to modify theareaswhere fish are being farmed
strongest hare populations occur inareaswhere fox numbers are highest
to extending its use inareaswhere it has never been
groups in equally restricted technicalareaswhere it will also be
wildlife and countryside act inareaswhere local populations have increased
wildlife and countryside act inareaswhere local populations have increased
and larne and their surroundingareaswhere most of the victims
operate nets or in someareaswhere netsmen have been offered
is planning to introduce inareaswhere peak time concessionary fares
be carried out in openareaswhere public access is limited
the concern involves the greyareaswhere state security services can
tried to track down theareaswhere systems might have gone
to kill raptors only inareaswhere the balance is out
and social inclusion strategies inareaswhere the houses are in
so far relating to theareaswhere the nppg is going
glasgow is one of theareaswhere there is no prescribing
things besides registering marriages inareaswhere there might be a
ways to bring dentists toareaswhere they are needed i
to form them in theareaswhere they have not yet
than to emphasise that geographicalareaswhere this is the case
and transportation of timber inareaswhere transportation by sea or
competence is used to coverareaswhere union community competence is
drop in tourism numbers inareaswhere wind farms are prevalent
clearly than formerly which topicareasare most important at each
one of the most delicateareasfor the european union and
counterparts in the most affluentareasi am determined that we
brigades most from working classareasof london liverpool manchester and
in the most severely disadvantagedareasof the highlands and islands
homes in the most disadvantagedareasof the renfrewshire council area
in scotland s most disadvantagedareass1f 167 business bulletin 37
of the industries and ofareasthat would be most directly
in most of the lowlandareaswhen something like this has
to boast that most budgetareaswill spend record levels on
poor in most local authorityareaswith the exception of edinburgh
many of the same subjectareasas the eu i believe
divided up into as manyareasas there are elders each
sector s role in manyareasfor example in leisure provision
surrounding one of the binareashad been standing for many
with government in many vitalareasi urge the minister to
that there are many greyareasin legislation the welsh assembly
work and there are manyareasin which we want to
been set up in manyareasmight represent a mechanism for
clearly be helpful in manyareasnot least in sponsorship that
outcomes in addition the manyareasof ambiguity in the tender
t very many people withareasof expertise like that so
rom however as in manyareasof modern day life the
average incomes compared to manyareasof scotland it also has
robert brown listed the manyareasof service delivery i will
in how many health boardareaspatients who are awaiting orthodontic
shortage of accommodation in manyareasthe convener perhaps this is
at the moment in manyareasthe second problem is that
same consultation process in manyareasthere were variations on the
so reasonably well in manyareaswe have a range of
many people in the gnpareaswe need to reduce the
the case study on remoterareaswe spoke to many people
not be good in someareasand not so good in
some are based on geographicalareasand some are thematic the
jointly older people in someareasare already benefiting from better
scotland except in some dryareasas a general principle organic
about under supply in someareasbeing matched by a central
the stranraer larne and belfastareasbut included some from as
department there are some specificareasfor discussion members asked for
although grant assistance for theseareashad to some extent been
the population changes in someareashave been greater than others
others there is not someareashave strong voluntary sectors but
past few years in someareashousing associations are as significant
would be created in someareasif registrars who may not
alongside some of the wealthiestareasin the whole of scotland
income and wealth in someareasindeed a recent report in
and use in some councilareasits assurances will become worthless
that are evident in someareaslooking round the back court
s positive aspects raise someareasof concern that the executive
about the sanctification of someareasof folk life and lore
use speaking and writing theareasof grammatical awareness some of
lifelong learning transport and someareasof health improvement which are
matter how idyllic also haveareasof intense deprivation some of
of the materials in someareasof scotland but not in
reporting of poverty in someareasof scotland due to the
everything so we need someareasof specialism that is a
issues paper sets out someareasof the members interests order
in scotland although in someareassea lice may be a
would impact on some devolvedareasso it is important that
a final question on pressuredareassome housing associations have suggested
of licences in some residentialareassupport a voluntary proof of
risk is greater in someareasthan in others s1w 8751
you have already indicated someareasthat are your responsibility and
erm but some of theareasthat i m exploring are
of courses in some subjectareasthat will take some time
althouch uniformity exists in someareasthay ur twa gey individual
earlier in fact in someareasthe government could be accused
among local authorities in someareasthe scheme benefits from close
to one another in someareasthere is confusion about what
i worry that in someareasthere might be a gap
it showed that in someareasthere were advantages in reducing
full time registrars in someareasthey might be part time
10 per cent in someareasto over 90 per cent
which caused conflict in someareasvariations in the approval process
for outside venues in someareaswe have been receiving daily
have some uniformity in someareaswe might be able to
that the cheenges in someareaswere ayont belief wi the
services at all in someareaswhen they ask why they
pain clinic appointments in someareaswishes to see suffering from
any one point as someareaswould need to play catch
some miscellaneous things exploring theseareasyou know and f963: mm
relating to each of theseareasare discussed in more detail
comments in each of theseareasare outlined in the following
are easily identifiable to theseareasbut snd also records it
outside the smaller scale farmingareasbut these were of a
meet eu obligations in theseareascan result in financial penalties
in the sixties explored theseareaserm f963: mm mmhm m762:
can support us in theseareasfor example if we have
enhancing the quality of theseareashistoric scotland indicate that 4
articulate with developments in theseareasintroduced in the higher still
that the design of theseareasis very unsatisfactory but it
of providing services in theseareasmr rumbles i am happy
to these two scots speakingareasnorthern ireland and eh and
structured drawing upon these twoareasof knowledge the pupils in
is concerned that if theseareasremain excluded the attainment by
is concerned that if theseareasremain excluded the attainment by
given that scarcities in theseareasresult in people in agony
health promoting school these areareasthat are very important to
of national parks in theseareasthese are outlined below loch
fishing and in 3 fishingareasthese limit scottish fishermen catching
is providing competition in theseareasto existing traders and businesses
we find and support theseareaswe find staff er who
of homeless people in theirareasafter debate the amendment was
release 1687 2000 outlined 10areasof support which the forum
account is taken of theareasin which the services operate
the delivery of services regeneratingareasof multiple deprivation c the
salmon which migrate beyond coastalareasabove 36 n the 36th
of housing estates and residentialareasand into licensed premises which
is the largest of theareasand which is in my
50 children over five geographicalareasby a formal interview which
which airports are located inareascovered by regional selective assistance
scottish executive which local authorityareasdo not yet have local
the chamber this afternoon inareasfor which she is responsible
the geographical nature of theareasfor which they are responsible
see a focus away fromareasin which applications have been
to divide the world intoareasin which equality matters or
per cent last year theareasin which expenditure increased are
and secondary health care inareasin which it has been
require training and jobs inareasin which posts have traditionally
would be to specify theareasin which regulations could be
his or her patch inareasin which that was a
for tomorrow the number ofareasin which the european parliament
the proposal to detail theareasin which the regions are
travel scheme but there areareasin which the scheme does
reid order mrs smith inareasin which the scottish executive
the public sector cannot theareasin which the voluntary sector
are slightly more popular inareasin which there is a
to continue to examine theareasin which there is further
a list of ideas aboutareasin which they want local
as i mentioned there areareasin which we are doing
committee must first identify theareasin which we want to
panned out and therefore theareasinto which we ought to
scheme focuses on three mainareasof activity projects which enhance
series for which the properareasof application were bullion pharmaceuticals
which was to examine specificareasof concern for nurses including
they have a role inareasof european action in which
eec which were sought forareasof high natural dispersion and
the petitioner informing him whichareasof his petition refer to
who operate in the hillareasof scotland which suffer from
their commitment to the individualareasof work in which they
scottish executive which nhs boardareasoffer first aid as part
minister s attention to twoareason which i ask for
we should confine ourselves toareason which there have been
aspects which have been implementedareasoutstanding and parts needing to
executive in which local authorityareaspupils who have taken the
and in which local authorityareass1w 3617 mr kenny macaskill
overview report examines three mainareasthe first of which is
scots nowadays and in whichareasthe language is strongest languages
things they ve produced theareasthey ve covered ehm which
that consequential expenditure in theareasto which mike rumbles referred
imbalance between upland and lowlandareaswhich has resulted from a
on a series of topicareaswhich in turn provide opportunities
and demographic data for smallareaswhich is not available from
find employment in their ownareaswhich would naturally make them
begin whether all local authorityareaswill be covered which organisations
which were better funded inareaswith tory mps that was
there volunteering certainly in theareaswith which i am familiar
safety for pedestrians in residentialareasa difference for transport start
quality of life in theirareasa strong argument can be
2001 census goes ahead inareasaffected by foot and mouth
its work in the follaeinareasan invite wad be gien
from construction noise in residentialareasand considers that there is
exploited by netting in coastalareasand in river estuaries when
the first plan on disadvantagedareasand people was put in
as construction works in residentialareasand the rules generally allowing
the differences in the topicareasand the topic development strands
exchanges are in the pathfinderareasand what steps are being
who live in the gnpareasare involved that communities are
because people in better offareasare sometimes more able to
have spotted in the definedareasas craig said although a
or concentrate on agreed problemareasas set out in this
private rented sector in theirareasbecause they felt that they
progress in all the grammaticalareasbegun in p6 s2 in
of grammatical accuracy in theareasbegun in p6 s4 in
in glasgow s older tenementareasbusiness bulletin no 29 2003
in the helmsdale and hawickareasbut schiehallion was also widely
in place across the pathfinderareasby 2004 alasdair morgan the
the disparity in opportunity betweenareascannot be overemphasised the rate
b pensioners homes in postcodeareascovering i hamilton north and
b pensioners homes in postcodeareascovering the i hamilton north
in each of the followingareasdarvel newmilns hurlford galston stewarton
savings in a couple ofareaselaine thomson i will backtrack
environments or people living inareasexperiencing multiple disadvantage mobilise all
boosting tourism in the remoterareasextending the season improving training
implement eu legislation in devolvedareasfailure in scotland to meet
the task force in suggestingareasfor future action to conserve
by fisheries trusts in croftingareasfor salmon and sea trout
he students in five subjectareasfrom the following list clinical
development in this region fraeareasfurther sooth dae ye think
what used to be secondaryareasgoing in there and the
voluntary groups play in theirareasgroups that i have come
housing in proposed stock transferareashave been barred from participation
decay children in our poorestareashave three to four times
in the report on remoterareashowever i had better say
that exists in our localareasi note that the oft
was happening in the variousareasi pressed the knob marked
in the north sea icesareasiia and iv [note: table here in original] the
of need and especially toareasin accession states in eastern
who are working in talibanareasin afghanistan on breast feeding
outwith the grampian and taysideareasin each of the last
polluting activities in built upareasin private the committee will
polluting activities in built upareasin private the committee will
to allow enclosed ventilated smokingareasin pubs clubs and restaurants
extending the exemptions in pressuredareasin relation not only to
open up all coal bearingareasin scotland to exploitation for
progress i hope that moreareasin scottish life now understand
effectively in the fish farmingareasin that way the risk
four rather dilapidated bin shedareasin the backcourts it is
concerned about a couple ofareasin the bill there is
that was one of theareasin the critical frame euan
it to spread to newareasin the east of scotland
had more impact in remoterareasin the past five years
parts of easter ross extensiveareasin the southern uplands st
and lochgilphead and the surroundingareasin view of the loss
deeside people in the targetareasincluded in the overall survey
in all our constituencies andareasirene oldfather i appreciate phil
language in clearly defined topicareasis highlighted in the recent
roll out broadband in specificareasis the strategy making good
role of individuals in remoterareasit is essential to get
cannot be done in allareasit might be unreasonable to
obvious factor in more populatedareasit was clear that the
wark an policies in thirareasither committees luiks intil things
are in the more popularareasmr philp said that he
communities in scotland s fishingareasmr swinney i thank the
harness increased land values inareasnear to public transport development
the student in english whatareasneed to be improved before
policies for scotland in theareasnot devolved reserved research notes
micht hae occurred in itherareaso thi modal verbs syne
prominent an valuable in awareaso yaise combatin a widespread
to be externally displayed inareasoccupied by the parliamentary office
with massive social problems inareasof aberdeen it is important
in the past and majorareasof conflict and concerns have
have done we have identifiedareasof disadvantage and put in
organisations may be involved inareasof economic and community development
in the former county councilareasof gwynedd and clwyd since
selective assistance priority scheme inareasof high and persistent unemployment
commence in the local governmentareasof highland western isles comhairle
issues in their communities orareasof interest in acknowledging the
for taking forward your ownareasof interest in language as
and procedure or in relevantareasof international law fairly complicated
words work together in theareasof lexis grammar phonology and
in the cities there areareasof low demand and that
read it [note: extract here from 'charlie and the chocolate factory' by roald dahl] all fourareasof patterning combine in this
angus dundee and the adjacentareasof perthshire in view of
having on health improvements inareasof poverty and deprivation s1w
in order to consider possibleareasof questioning for further witnesses
hall the mound edinburgh 1areasof questioning in private the
in private the committee consideredareasof questioning on the general
three year olds in disadvantagedareasof scotland have experienced dental
available to people in allareasof scotland improving prosperity the
public bodies initially in specificareasof scotland to publish maintain
so that offenders in allareasof scotland will have equal
it is benefiting farmers inareasof scotland with richer agricultural
to recognise achievement in diverseareasof scottish life improving governance
the formal economy operating inareasof service provision that it
the formal economy operating inareasof service provision that it
trainers to young cyclists inareasof social deprivation s1w 12153
set an example in allareasof sourcing consumption reduction re
broadband technology in the pathfinderareasof south of scotland and
boost recruitment and retention inareasof staff shortages for example
to include in the billareasof the built environment that
in the curriculum so allareasof the curriculum will be
diet especially in the pastoralareasof the highlands and the
number of households in disadvantagedareasof the renfrewshire council area
councils to spend money inareasof their choosing this must
do you spend in disadvantagedareasor on disadvantaged people by
enough useful information about theareasoutlined in the clerk s
groups in a number ofareasover recent years we should
member for one of theareasreferred to in petition pe346
insert post code area orareasroseanna cunningham 3 in section
telecommunications masts located in residentialareass1w 14573 fergus ewing to
to locate projects in assistedareass1w 24063 richard lochhead to
and closures in their respectiveareass1w 24873 fergus ewing to
available in all local authorityareass1w 7188 mr murray tosh
tenants incentive schemes in designatedareass1w 8727 kay ullrich to
highest in the four serviceareassurveyed are punjabi urdu chinese
bureaucratic and becomes involved inareasthat are best left to
recognise people s needs inareasthat are fundamental to a
the rights of citizens inareasthat are not covered by
majority voting in all theareasthat do not matter to
locally based companies especially inareasthat have suffered from large
of broadband in the twoareasthat i mentioned activity is
but i remember the individualareasthat it covered in business
in each of the fourareasthat make up the partnership
start to intervene in theareasthat members have highlighted if
not home in on twoareasthat we mentioned to him
arrangements in a number ofareasthat were highlighted in the
you know i think inareasthat were likely to be
the same in all theareasthat you visited annabel miss
polluting activities in built upareasthe committee agreed terms of
polluting activities in built upareasthe committee considered a reporter
polluting activities in built upareasthe committee will consider whether
polluting activities in built upareasthe committee will consider whether
who live in the affectedareasthe convener if we initiate
will be two check inareasthe crush hall and the
regarding the recommendations in devolvedareasthe executive will discuss with
a suspension in designated pressuredareasthe final part of part
than average in the gnpareasthe gnp set up a
the childcare strategy in theirareasthe presiding officer has selected
the voluntary sector in theirareasthe sector is developing it
out research in their respectiveareasthe senior education officer for
drugs problem in the gnpareasthere is a massive drugs
major housing problems in theirareasto address the authorities that
done in a number ofareasto build on that we
difficulties of access in intermediateareastogether with the level of
a significant factor in remoterareaswas the availability of premises
in the relevant local authorityareaswe recognise however that that
report contains recommendations in devolvedareaswe will look to involve
instances that the whole backcourtareaswere neglected and in danger
and musical events in theirareaswere there we were told
this discussion in our ownareaswhereas perhaps we should leave
medium ite in the geographicareaswith greatest need an additional
marine as well as terrestrialareaswould be appropriate snh in
plants that grow in wetterareasyou just need to look
laid on aa fowk fraeareaso the maist dis health
scotland characteristics of the gnpareasare a high number of
level and also what newareasare appropriate to each level
a small picnic the forestareasare being quickly eaten into
higher standards if the percentageareasare increased it is recommended
but the themes and topicareasare more complex and demanding
if the window and doorareasare reduced conversely they are
there are one or twoareasat the tail end of
to be focused on setareasbecause we are not going
targeting of programmes on sipareasbut there are poor people
are enhanced incentives for designatedareaschristine grahame i refer the
see that there are greyareasi used the example of
are limited to a fewareasis not surprising given that
and recreation are the onlyareasleft for manoeuvre unless there
has at its disposal hugeareasof expenditure that are far
and lifelong learning are alsoareasof great interest to older
following way the four broadareasof language choice there are
cumbrae and little cumbrae theareasof orkney and shetland are
ask the scottish executive whatareasof scotland are not at
that the dialects of variousareasof scotland are under pressure
of the package cover allareasof scotland there are enhanced
the industry is directed intoareasthat are genuinely suitable for
the much wider range ofareasthat are not suitable for
the fairly narrow range ofareasthat are suitable for opencasting
figures to do only withareasthat are under high pressure
we are delving into theareasthat we will review when
are a long way fromareasthat were local and accessible
are often produced for smallerareasto permit users to create
of the travel to workareaswith the highest unemployment are
separate procedure for designating pressuredareasand that local authorities would
construction materials from outwith localareasdue to the closure of
is divided into 73 localareasfor elections each area is
is dividit intil 73 localareasfor elections ilka area is
local authorities to survey theirareasfrom time to time to
immense benefits to local authorityareasof dlos and believes that
area comprising the local governmentareasof highland western isles that
take account of river catchmentareasrather than local authority boundaries
uncultivated land and semi naturalareasscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
uncultivated land and semi naturalareasscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
uncultivated land and semi naturalareasscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002

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