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be identified at the 1426assizea new ounce type is
41 ounces from the 1426assizeand then 55 ounces or
other aspects of the 1426assizeappear to show similar changes
boll defined in the 1426assizebut these are the corrupt
a complex and frequently misunderstoodassizeof 1426 dating from near
of features of the 1426assizesuggest that its form may
early printings of the 1426assizesupplemented by any manuscript copies
snd 4 although the 1426assizetells us that the pint
at least before the 1426assizethe dost entry for gallon
size twice at the 1426assizethe gallon is doubled in
metrological definition in the 1426assizethe pint and the gallon
his version of the 1426assizewas published in 1814 and
modified version of the 1426assizewhich also appears in balfour
quite explicit in the 1426assizewhich compares the original with
trois ounces from the 1587assizewhere the legislators were merely
firlot sizes of the 1618assizebut only by using the
it in the final majorassizein 1618 so entrenched was
description taken from the 1618assizein addition however stevenson repeats
though every weights and measuresassizerepeats the liturgy of the
the first weights and measuresassizeis a text attributed to
portion of the early davidassizeof weights and measures that
naming of the unit interpretingassizetexts the first weights and
a typical weights and measuresassizewould provide a series of
from aps the scope ofassizelegislation secondly assize legislation is
gallon in the undatable davidassizeof wine aps i 676
bar of trial of tholedassizeit would be required to
a final problem with interpretingassizetexts is that they provide
law res judicata or tholedassizewill arise the fact that
units a third problem withassizedefinitions is that they describe
inches these helpful and descriptiveassizedefinitions should form a natural
larger customary allowance revision ofassizetexts these definitions provide much
scope of assize legislation secondlyassizelegislation is selective in scope
internal inconsistencies and contradictions inassizetexts although a fairly full
for a number of reasonsassizetexts are difficult to use
some of the features ofassizetexts that provide cautions about
tongue the problem is thatassizetexts turn out to be
was sold change in theassizeunits a third problem with
a definitive text for theassizethomson created a version which
upon his shoulder then theassizebent their heads together and
that in every instance theassizeshows continuity in the trading
english court and administration theassizeis remarkable for two reasons
parliamentary record of this lastassizeis lost a number of
than authorised at the lastassizeperhaps forty or fifty years
oot o his mou taeassizehim ecclesiastes 3 1 8
be presented at the nextassizewhen the cycle of enlargement
mattha we maun thole ourassizefor aa our ill daens
by this amount at eachassizeto take a greatly simplified

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