
See this word as a collocate cloud

sides dressed in their gayestattiremarching joyfully to the sound
fire see fowk in simmerattiresunday 28 templ0 20 anither
s heavily brocaded and damascenedattirethis intense clothes imagery seems
on the roadwey yonner hirattirewis aye mair i the
tae nicht fowk in simmerattirea fine sicht monday 4th
tae see fowk in simmerattirean nae tae see the
o breeze fowk in simmerattirefeel at ease thursday 6
fowk cood be in simmerattirefriday 31st temp 6 14
as weel fowk in simmerattirehappy i feel the auld
fowk gang aboot in simmerattirewither noo dis gang hay
clothing a typical set ofattirefor winter would be home
or third or fourth handattireher mother would cut the

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