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i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
guidin mei m1012: paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
guidin mei f1011: paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
guidin mei m1010: paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
i m pawkie paiterson sauldgrey yaud sei how ye
ane ti ilk flouerheid theauldfaither cuidna sei thaim cleirlik
ferm an howcleuchsheil stands theauldpolis station sei b whan
intrestin things tae say abootauldwattie tamson an ithers sei
at sicna spede at theauldwicht cuid haurdlie sei mair
o ma line repones theauldane we re cried jin
rung hae we says theauldbodie an wang jin answers
tak it ill quo theauldbodie sae wang jin gat
as hauf a mile wiauldjin afore they cam til
cud haud ye back saeauldjin an his dochter did
out ti hinder them saeauldjin an his dochter wan
his fare ye weills tiauldjin an the dochter an
lu come seekin ye saeauldjin apent his door an
it wis naebodie else butauldjin at he d saufed
in the door he camauldjin bade owrancer lu come
owrepeer o us aa saysauldjin efter ye d seen
an seen him settlt thenauldjin gaed doun ti cry
wey doun the stair butauldjin gied a wave an
hour or twa ance anauldjin hed the time ti
ye re here benignitor saysauldjin hou wad we juist
nou propone ma benignitor quoauldjin in days bypast whan
s du waitin on saeauldjin led his dochter out
til a fore entry anauldjin liftit the hingers an
tuik a quaich ilkane anauldjin lowtit doun ti the
study bletherin an in comesauldjin on a sudden skelpin
the stair an sit dounauldjin reddit up the bickers
siller an gied it tiauldjin sayin tak this for
voice number twae whaurabout sauldjin stoppin maister jin cries
him at aa back tiauldjin tho ti tell hou
him about the business wiauldjin whan he spied lu
bodie s son says theauldmaister an wang jin says
him shi jin an theauldmaister michtna gar him byde
son gied their fareweills tiauldmaister shi wang jin bade
wang jin fair pleased theauldmaister tellt the laddie ti
wang jin it s theauldmither at s wearie an
shi wang jin bade hisauldmither back the pownie an
soun o wang jin sauldmither greitin ye ve misst
feesick wang jin thocht hisauldmither wis on the mend
sae wang jin bade theauldwyfe licht doun shouthert his
ti see the maister anauldbodie o mair nor saxtie
fir his maister the flyauldchiel had pawkied in wi
he s traivlin quo theauldmaister a daur say the
be aathegither grand says theauldmaister an ti his son
hed seen them up theauldmaister cam afore the guesten
waurit ma son says theauldmaister come ye here nou
dune sayin it whan theauldmaister comes by an rairs
needna fash then quo theauldmaister for yir auld mither
washin their feet wi theauldmaister gaed awa ben sae
glesses in their hauns theauldmaister gat ti his feet
wir redd awa an theauldmaister gat up ti tak
speak like yon says theauldmaister juist tak ye a
for the election o theauldmaister s saul he gat
merit at wad borrow theauldmaister s saul out o
at the mains wi theauldmaister sax or seiven days
he d dune that theauldmaister says leirsman ye re
cam out an said theauldmaister says the twa o
niver liftit a haun theauldmaister says ye re willin
lang o weirin awa efterauldmaister shi dee d an
echteen kin o martial leirauldmaister shi gaed awa ti
set theirsels doun an theauldmaister speirit o them whaur
an hair baith white theauldmaister wure on his heid
the auld maister for yirauldmither s juist ti stop
his command it s anauldspeak tae dreidna the maister
brig the wes a fawmousauldstaitioun maister at dalmenie at
morn i heard a puirauldgrey meer gie mony a
deid come lowpin owre theauldgrey waws muckle men wi
spak out c wa thenauldane a ll gie ye
dee for ye says theauldane but it ll juist
louts doun ti hear theauldane fleitch raither nor thole
lord clerk zhao says theauldane here he d thocht
sic a grand haudin theauldane hirpilt up an said
the dramshop in weilands theauldane hoyed him awa ti
s feet but syne theauldane leuch our hether yill
see nae bother quo theauldane suppose ye brak his
sae juist you lea daauldane ti gang awa hame
lea ye gae sae theauldane tuik his pock awa
ain feirm an suin theauldane wede awaw als he
bot thar s ane auncientauldcairt road frae howpasley via
anither tyme at dalmenie aneauldcarl at wes deif cuidna
till he swattit lik aneauldcheis praisentlie a pistil ischewed
the bleizin ingil wi aneaulddecored nok abuin knikkin awaw
he socht ti rescours aneaulddeisil rodd rowler forleit at
mairrie jennie aff on aneaulddottilt keing wi a slaiverie
hae drummond lichts frae aneauldfair grun wes the awnser
ane the fremmit taill theauldfaither wes first ti luik
in a dwam its aneauldferss at wes telt lang
any bonnie milkmaids jist aneauldirish fairmer chiel hurlin peats
mither hid bin ane oauldjoe s flash in the
that ane tae as theauldkerlin haed bidden hir inby
claymore see beildin young anauldma sweet ane alane worthie
the commeisiouns he bocht aneauldmaner houss ower luikin huls
purves edinburgh august 2004 aneauldsang contents 1 coronach kennawha
d the lad misquotted aneauldsay wi a solempt avyse
afoir a juidge ane illauldstok at semed surpreised ti
at ivverie wauger wes aneauldveillane at hed the luik
thai wes skonced in aneauldwarl cairrage wi pentins o
is mair nor liklie aneauldwelsh naem ae left owre
at shae sein na aneauldwicht at wes staunnin on
deidly watters ane or twaauldwives claiked o the warlock
no ane for hearkenin tilauldwyfe s tales an siclyke
no ane for herkinin tilauldwyfe s tales an siclyke
hear it mercie he sauldaneuch ti be yeir faither
their faither s joke nooauldbeliefs an customs wither the
in the warld in theaulddays whan oor faither wes
ferlie appinins devault na theauldfaither an the bairns didna
an awa ti leave yeirauldfaither aw forlane ah wadna
haud yeir horss wised theauldfaither aw things cum ti
gaed hame an brocht thairauldfaither back wi thaim ti
o m this shuitit theauldfaither fine nou ye mauna
the sam tyme at theauldfaither first sein the clogs
the houss tho says theauldfaither fur a rakkon a
thai bene doun sneddit theauldfaither happit mair strae roun
lintie fur z denner theauldfaither raicogneised the gled bi
she sent wurd til hirauldfaither the keing for ti
we ken creeps close ahintauldfaither time hing on a
lik a wig wam theauldfaither tuik peitie on thaim
ferlies on the tellie theauldfaither wes keikin at it
lave o the faimilie theauldfaither wes laith ti gang
cauld on its dish theauldfaither wes maist cairous a
at continit ti accur theauldfaither wes michtie drearie fu
rinnin doun the peth thairauldfaither wes staumin luikin at
hempies wes outby the througalauldfaither wes than fautit bot
was near eneuch fower yearauldhis faither had begun tae
photograph o his deid faitherauldmattha bruce bit it wis
tuik him awa his faitherauldmattha hid tae accept the
at hir faither bene myndinauldrailwey ferssis ti pas the
caw him eftir hir faitherauldreid angus but she s
their rig banes o someauldscots sang deid faither fin
faither read aloud frae theauldtestament he wis readin aloud
ma faither wes a courssauldtirrand he dichtit hiz ither
haud o yin o hisauldalairms an sortit a wire
he says mynd ye weillauldbirkie yin tout an ye
look lik yin o thaeauldfarrant picters whaur the rowth
got sterted berna the bastardauldmaistir first yin mind fower
gaed owre again ti theauldman an said auld yin
is thon no yin thaeauldpolis hooses ye bide in
is yin staunds on theauldschuil hoose fore door stap
maunna fash yeirsell aboot itauldyin ah dinna ettil ti
the auld man an saidauldyin ah m the verra
twa universities in moscow anauldyin an a new yin
new design haed ower theauldyin an in the hinneren
watch weel ye fishers thisauldyin can teach ye juist
whit ir ye graenin abootauldyin chebutykin ah weill soliony
ware wun roun the thrawnauldyin cuid nou daunder outby
dinna suppose in your dayauldyin ettins ever haed the
but we maun forgie theauldyin his haivers said the
ti cairri oan where theauldyin left off tess silly
in a scarf andrey hulloauldyin whit did ye want
guid ti me in maauldage auld sinner that ah
po chü i 772 846auldage we ir growin auld
m verra near saxtie yearauldah m an auld man
cuidnae hiv been aw thatauldalec hou auld wis he
auld teenie echty odd yearauldan she hid nivver seen
aince noo she luikit anauldauld carline wi her teeth
mate she ushers in anauldauld mannie in a neat
didna boo doun afore thaeauldauld steens syne they d
by his warm hearthstane anauldauld tale frae days lang
auld syd s the firstauldbody i ve iver really
[laugh] oh god the theauldbu- auld bugs that used
god the the auld bu-auldbugs that used to be
noo she luikit an auldauldcarline wi her teeth aa
seen for there wis juistauldclaes and auld clouts there
wis juist auld claes andauldclouts there ben sae he
i d lay forenent oorauldhoose at knowetap wi auld
auld hunder psaum 100 theauldhunder aa folk wha dwall
100 tae the tune theauldhunder psaum 100 the auld
auld ye ken echtie yearauldit s a fair disgrace
o what berna robby bastardauldmaistir bastard auld mithir they
job was speakin aboot theauldman an the auld wife
year auld ah m anauldman gey ferr doun the
so than ma auld wifeauldman mair common but it
she ushers in an auldauldmannie in a neat brown
nineteen year auld wi anauldmannie o fiftie saxtie year
the kynd o staff thatauldmen an auld weimen helpit
robby bastard auld maistir bastardauldmithir they laugh loudly berna
auld hoose at knowetap wiauldmungo a watchin their coortin
roon oan a turnpike stairauldreekie sings an auld sang
in for thon auld scratsauldsairs there s nae remeid
stair auld reekie sings anauldsang tae a newborn tune
fillin forms in for thonauldscrats auld sairs there s
me in ma auld ageauldsinner that ah im a
boo doun afore thae auldauldsteens syne they d skreich
ken mebbe i should speirauldsyd s the first auld
his warm hearthstane an auldauldtale frae days lang gane
wi knickers in em peerauldteenie echty odd year auld
auld age we ir growinauldthegither you an me we
still s auld waltams yonnerauldwaltams rolled his hairy top
shelts staun as still sauldwaltams yonner auld waltams rolled
staff that auld men anauldweimen helpit thairsells wi lang
quean o echteen nineteen yearauldwi an auld mannie o
man mair so than maauldwife auld man mair common
the auld man an theauldwife wh- which wasnae very
aw that auld alec houauldwis he snawface thocht for
aboot that auld wyfe thatauldwutch maun git oot this
ah m speakin aboot thatauldwyfe that auld wutch maun
whyles ah m echtie yearauldye ken echtie year auld
east sizzens fifty three yearauldan deein wi a wife
his meat he s gettingauldbut his wife is young
wi a wife in anauldflannel goon a moonsoon s
hector an his pare wifeauldgerda pause thone wis a
his soveraynetee an syne hisauldhackit wife becomes blithe an
merry his widow wife theauldson tae tak the name
late twid hae bin theauldwife an meg said mair
deevil lassies see the greedyauldwife heich at the tap
tae this verra day yonauldwife inside her gourd paiddlin
wee word syne wi hisauldwife jen then oot i
t weel ae day theauldwife sets aff fur mercat
dugs chorus fa saw theauldwife steerin broth wi a
the fit soles o someauldwife that hid waukit ower
the gowd tae show theauldwife thinkin she d be
fussles ye can muster anauldwife winna raise a fusker
fand frae yon warlock sauldbuik screived langsyne bi his
toun fit an doon yonauldcairt road ahint on the
asks did you see yonauldcar alexander holmes says towser
forbye sanderson weel if thatauldcoffin can sail wi yon
dae it noo in yonaulddays when mailins were haint
the glaur lippen tae yonaulddeil dunbar he schewre his
the glaur lippen tae yonaulddeil dunbar he schewre his
ilka kintra it s theaulddreme o men isna yon
ilka thede it s theaulddreme o men isna yon
yon calfie turned till anauldeel coo doon the road
s the difference fin yerauldfor yon s far my
struts that luikit like yonauldhydro pylons aneth the furlin
wes a messenger frae yonauldkerlin in the yairn that
nervously even i ken yonauldrhyme cauld kail hett again
watters didna brakk in yonauldroost bucket chae rins efter
destiny that we crooned theauldscots kings on yon steen
myn s ee as yonauldskellum fagan trimmlin in the
mullguy we mindit oan yonauldweird set a gates in
tyme they war burnin yonauldwutch belle heislop doun in
ah see masell lyke yonauldwutch they brunt in the
door opened an thare wisauldandrae a wuzzent wee man
grandfaither man ah m haurlieauldaneuch for ti be a
fell in love wi theauldblin man an noo she
man at aa till theauldblin man he cam alang
ye this anaa the coorseauldbodach continued nae man ll
man an address tae hisauldbreeks whit s that if
man div ee ken thonauldcaird that sells the flouers
ah d even mairrie anaulddottilt whyte heidit man irena
a bad sowl tae yerauldman a ll see ye
ken he looks like theauldman awaw nawnaw what if
wisnae gonnae be a laddieauldman aye askin mi aboot
the lassie gaed out theauldman aye gied him the
takin hur orders fi theauldman cairrin oan the tradition
boy an me fin anauldman cam ower tae hae
s the ghost o theauldman come ti haunt us
michtna leive sae wallaway theauldman dee d strechtawa shi
here been here since theauldman died aye if he
aye no that was maauldman eh used tae be
forget can ah steal yirauldman fur a wee minute
the thing masell gin theauldman haedna brocht me in
the faimilie fun m theauldman hed up makkit z
you the truth robby pauseauldman hud a fine biblical
ay i did quo theauldman i wis a fisherman
hair the larick that showdsauldman in a creakin cheer
ye ken the r anauldman in paisley maks oot
an growth died bak theauldman kep hiz ei on
wes aff snekkit bot theauldman lyked better ti hae
it is still used maauldman mair so than ma
for a few minutes dellaauldman mind in a state
a name sure did theauldman noh ay say it
the brae nou a lanesumauldman o nae importance at
aw naw naw noh fairauldman other side o the
o the stoory toun theauldman s empire o milk
aye if he s theauldman s ghost then he
brew the beer but theauldman s hert wisnae in
poor mailie s elegy theauldman s mare s dead
robby oor king solomon theauldman shush noo lori uh
why did it tak theauldman si long ti die
back you did what theauldman solomon bade yi ti
yur bent jist blame yurauldman stew takes dimps away
the neuk hauf expeckin theauldman tae rise up ooto
afoir mirren cuid beild theauldman thai raised on hir
the guidson gied the blinndauldman the respek that wes
look ower yonder him theauldman the same boxed an
keings ellwand weill says theauldman ti hissell thons slawed
ye r shuirlie no anauldman vershinin for aw ah
ken aboot others only theauldman we stid guard ower
the same as him theauldman what if he s
cam richt aff a shilpitauldman wi a gammie fit
on the tick appeared anauldman wi a lang white
oan his side swear theauldman wid huv broke it
if wid kent whit theauldman wis it wi you
zeta jones i mean theauldman would say she s
cruppen thegither lyke a weeauldman ye r gey hingin
s nae a m1000: ayeauldman yes f1001: it s
s hame on the fermauldmattha her man hid bin
oor brithers ye mind theauldsaw ilk man for himsel
come oan big man likeauldtimes bj ah d be
man had been paid andauldwaltams had clattered on up
you mean andy even anauldworking man can hae ideals
she micht be a geyanauldwumman afore anither man wul
man wis jimmy tae maauldyins tim an chrissie mak
it s a fair disgraceauldage disna cum its lane
chü i 772 846 38auldage do 39 lao tzu
intil the toun i thairauldage greenbanks ferm mr halloday
naitral blissins o a bienauldage insteid o honor respek
fyew o them deein oauldage itsel an sae muckle
can dae it s justauldage neil you could get
disnae last tae draw hisauldage pension we re stuck
noo that i m anauldage pensioner it maybe tak
be throu it wis anauldage pensioner that wis haein
they need a haun finauldage soors the bluid tho
luikit eftir him in hisauldage this dochter wes mairrit
it comes ilkie month tillauldan past the age o
were quo brian ten yearauldnae age ava jist ten
again he wis fowerteen yearauldo an age fin his
bit i weel mynd onauldpeter fur aa his age
age ava jist ten yearauldthere maun hae bin a
shiftin fae weans vyces taeauldwimmens wi a wheen age
say nou ah maun groweauldan dee an gae doun
wes dowie nou ah imauldan hae kent the wecht
gless but nou ah imauldan ma teeth an hairs
frae the flytin o thatauldbugger nou they re lyin
seekin thaim an the puirauldcaird that bi nou wes
nou wi dignity an graceaulddug it s time tae
whit hae ah ti groweauldfor nou in daith we
an nou ah im groweinauldfrom the chinese of liu
the lift nou hunder yearauldgress lies daggit wi new
nou five an echtie yeirauldhaed fowre sons an ilk
an nou ilk dyvour inauldkillie has cause tae fear
cottage accordin tae c theauldkirk is nou ae dwallin
hir raiglar nou hir mutherauldmag o the snoot whae
anither warld the thing isauldnou but aye fit ti
border kulter wull bei theauldplace names a m nou
nou afore a leave theauldtoun a dinna ken hou
ye nou said the wyceauldtrout ah ken naething aboot
kintrie fowk haud til thairauldweys frae nou on gin
it whit wei nou caauldwolf whilk ligs oot o
warm her tired banes theauldyowe nou bereft o life
kirk puil doun by theauldairn furnaces whaur there s
had gaen doun ower theauldbrig an back up the
hed lat eck pow sauldbyre faa doun at biggin
doun the strachts o liangauldechoes dwyne an dowe from
an turnt doun wellies cairryinauldfishin rods an purns we
his censer airtit out hisauldgait an skelpit doun the
doun the street thare yeirauldhame doun thare pynes an
parked the caur anent theauldmill an daunert doun tae
haurdskip dings thaim doun theauldskeills leirit bi thair antecestors
mukkil stane aw the weeauldweimen war hunkert doun on
wes whan ah seivinteen yearauldah dout ye wad never
nurse me whan ah mauldan dottilt an dicht the
weill an whan ah mauldan dottilt athoot girnin an
awthing in it seems saeauldan obvious but whan ye
hide whan i fand theauldbeast stiff an cauld cowpt
aboot whan ye r anauldcailleach lyke masell moula you
this steid the war anauldcarl an whan cormac an
hed fessit bak sicna beigauldcomputeir whan the r nae
steid at aw whan theauldferm hoose alang it hoscote
an whan owre seventie earauldhei fufillt his lifetime ettle
blame whan they grudge theauldheron a troot for its
whan i dee ti hearauldjordan rowl charles kerr s
whan i dee ti hearauldjordan rowl o brithers rowl
whan i dee ti hearauldjordan rowl o brithers you
whan jennie haird the dottiltauldkeing wi the slaiverie mou
trolls trummilt but whan theauldkerlin felled him til his
ah m turnin intil anauldkerlin nanse whan ah wes
but whan i reached theauldlaundry ruin mcginty wis still
twa year syne at theauldmill whan i had gied
whan leirsman wang an hisauldmither left the eastren capital
whan a wur 5 earauldoor twae families wur close
duin the saidnes o theauldsowel whan he leirit thro
mid haist day tellin owreauldtales an new whan frae
tae flit throwe frae theauldtil the new hoose whan
naem frae the tyme whanauldwelsh wis the langage o
huh whan ah m anauldwumman ah can juist see
days whan ye ir anauldwumman noddin awa yeir lane
gairdenfit uncle jim tuik owreauldyid scott s job whan
a m echty five yearaulda ll sue the lass
aye jist nava ten yearaulda swack broon clivver wee
tae minnie at thirteen yearauldaa three o them war
there i wis six yearauldafore i left there ay
gaelic she wis five yearauldafore she could spik english
ah m twantie thrie yearauldah ve been dargin aw
mannie o fiftie saxtie yearauldahint her an the baith
jed noo fifty twa yearauldan as glaikit s the
steenhillock wis fifty three yearauldan deein wi matty his
fin he wis fourteen yearauldan he wis giein his
the reef wis thirty yearauldan it wi a flat
aboot echt or nine yearauldan jonsar eck asks him
sangster wis twinty fower yearauldan veesitin his sister jenny
be about echteen nineteen yearauldand he wis playin awa
i m nearhaun sixty yearauldand since i was a
bairn for fifteen year fooauldare you noo jamie demanded
mair nor aboot aicht yearauldas a bairn o that
wad hae thocht aicht yearauldbairns cuid mak up thair
waurna the anely ten yearauldbairns tae dee hereabouts said
efter a twa hunner yearauldbeech tree had been cowpt
year they hid a guidauldblether an efter a while
micht be nearly 70 yearauldbut i still like to
lest year ti mairrie anauldcobbler that warks in the
mornin an nicht minnie wisauldeneuch noo at twal year
on principles no ten yearauldevidence and sir george and
now for seeventy five yearauldf1011: i m madge [censored: surname]
i m seeventy five yearauldf1011: i m madge [censored: surname]
[inaudible - name of horse] m642: twenty one yearauldf643: aye m642: twenty one
fin he wis nine yearauldfit happened wis fin he
anderson a fifty twa yearauldfrae the culture unit an
an serious an eleven yearauldgaun on fur echty like
year comin in an theauldgaun oot at migvree she
bonnie quinie aroon echt yearauldgenteel an fair skinned learned
her saxteen or siventeen yearauldhe wis so i heard
mmhm m642: twenty one yearauldi had it for fae
tae greet us echty yearauldif a day he wis
anent james the 11 yearauldin ae schuil i lanarkshire
bairns ma nevoy sax yearauldis cawed tortoise ma dochter
the ithers nearhaun seventeen yearauldit maun be his wyte
danny stubbs a ten yearauldloon smairt as paint an
i wis aboot eleyven yearauldma da got yokey feet
wad hae bin five yearauldma grannie lizzie winted tae
s near echt hunner yearauldminnie tak a teet at
a stoot birkie echty yearauldor mair she wore a
gettin tae be seeven yearauldor ten or sixteen afore
they ll flash three yearauldpermits an ither bits o
tae estaiblish whit 12 yearauldpupils in edinburgh secondary schuils
scotland s maybe 250 yearauldr m s m 7
aulder than minnie fowerteen yearauldsteenhillock wis his first fee
duguid wis twinty five yearauldstill bidin at hame in
eneuch noo at twal yearauldtae help wi the milkin
o mair nor saxty yearauldthe constable says til him
schule quines scarce fifteen yearauldthe verra day she telt
they were baith echty yearauldthey are takin it in
hunder year lyfe on thisauldwarld o oors wul becum
aye m642: twenty one yearauldwell that s the horse
she wis seeventy fower yearauldwi a kind roon face
weel made quine eleyven yearauldwi thick blaik hair pued
whaur ah m echtie yearauldye ken ah m mair
frae the sans ten yearauldye say maist o them
fur the daith o theauldyear an first fit aa
damp day tae see theauldyear awa first or second
they d aa bin theauldyear d gien wye tae
tae mourn an greet theauldyear gaun a bonnie wheen
lik a new preen onauldyear s night ayewis night
the hinmaist oors o theauldyear sally bruce sat minnie
she s no twantie yearauldyit malcolm she s haed
lang syne fand a muckleauldbuik they thocht it statit
a glisk or syne theaulddule cums back ah wes
the pass syne he teltauldjude he d pye her
ready hir shroud syne anauldkerlin cam ti luik at
brugh owre lang syne theauldkirk was sepharit intae twa
scotland an here s taeauldlang syne an here s
the sang the songs oauldlang syne an they sang
knows burns s version ofauldlang syne far better than
to heart across the worldauldlang syne has been mentioned
with an impromptu version ofauldlang syne in my living
his colleagues the tune ofauldlang syne in order to
reach roon the globe singauldlang syne the warld wears
gift [censored: forename] and i sangauldlang syne when we received
thrang an syne a wheinauldmen that haed kent iain
coud hae taen him forauldneptune himsell syne thare cam
ti waste ahl never beauldah l juist aye byde
juist a chance tho thatauldandrae at the tap o
byde a m juist anauldbodie saicont o ma line
masell moula you r noauldeilidh ye r juist richt
whit ye micht caa anauldfarrant poacher juist gaun quaitly
fishers act an mair likeauldfishwives juist tell me this
juist met up wi anauldfreend they haedna seen for
loud voice doctor juist houauldir ye chebutykin me thertie
ay it s juist isauldmarry elliot o the kirk
wul juist be the sameauldmistaks an mishanters mebbe ah
nor bairn but juist anauldmither o mair nor saxty
d juist throu be inauldshuirlie ma guidmither wadna ettil
howt ah m juist anauldskoundrel but whit ah canna
cum sunday but the wyceauldtrout juist soumed slawlie up
gang again ti see theauldtrout juist ti mak shuir
connel burn whaur ance stoodauldbank pit lang raws o
their lane tae dree whitauldfolk dread lang waefu nichts
tuik a lang fyle furauldfowk s ill will agin
kao chi 1336 1374 theauldherd ither bulliks haes lang
iver wis myra hidna binauldjoe s bedmate lang she
paolo nutini s version ofauldlang er zyne jesush he
the lanthern the lang heiditauldpensionar gied m a blink
mools a lang unbeerit wrangauldscots lays an ballads can
no lang afore ye camauldsiward wi ten thousan fechtin
howpasley fur kens hou langauldwattie tamson whae wis deed
at he wes a skunnersumauldbacheleir an nedeit a waddin
sair ti recognosce at thairauldbillie wes deid an thai
spring tyme an the stoutauldbutler wes weill content that
playin iain goaved at theauldcailleach forenent him she wes
wes aye i the duirauldcluitie temptised ebenezer wiout a
a bairn but ye areauldfarrant tae son wes ma
twenes wes unyt wi thairauldfrein napier it wes a
blethers wrutten bi sum dottiltauldfuil wes seen as a
thai wes sair wantin thairauldhame haud yeir horss wised
inby the biggin war anauldkerlin an wes she no
wes the neist mornin theauldkerlin gied theprincess thrie smaw
it haedna been for anauldkimmer cawed meg meg wes
of tsang chih 6th centuryauldkimmer s sang ah wes
the les shae fand theauldleddie maist kyndlie an wes
the trees whaur wes anauldquarrie hole growne owre wi
o the gairden wes anauldstaibil at tammas cryed hiz
cauld wattir bade a wyceauldtrout an it wes this
stane wes the drollest littilauldwumman she haed ever seen
wes aye feart for thatauldwutch but she s no
ll need tae let usauldanes awa tae oor beds
ense the hail o oorauldborder landscape wull ithoot onie
oor feelins til thaim anauldfowk eithlie gies thair herts
wis nane ither than oorauldfreen puggie he didnae ken
an oor efter oot cameauldglory an jonsar got his
still dae onie o theauldhalloween games ah ken oor
hainin an promoval o oorauldhamlet tung gin it s
tae gang back tae oorauldhoose ronald tried sair tae
oor tousy tyke guid nichtauldjean sleep weel jeannie oor
the nicht we hae theauldjey in ither altho oor
keep oor hand in agnesauldjumpers tae rip doon wid
thrie cheers for oor gretauldlyfe we fairlie keep oor
he s deid oor puirauldmappie oor mappie aye wis
wi ye as is oorauldwey she opens a trap
o the yaise o oorauldyae tyme state langage ma
bi bit ay it saulda ve gotten niver nae
roberton schuil it seven earaulda wis telt bi ma
are bein socht bi theauldamerican archaeologist when we had
the cadger o spells theauldcaird sellin the spells bi
aisse scattered doon by theaulddeeside line bi ballater i
clair duin bi a cannieaulddrauchtisman sae the yokin gaed
suggestit bi analogy wi thiauldenglish period during thi period
bin dinned inno him biauldjude alang wi the antrin
bi the ingil sat theauldkerlin greitin til hirsell an
skweel stravaiged aroon bi theauldkirk yaird o st fittach
hair shirt worn bi theauldmairtyrs an gin i didna
reid hairt o the roomauldpeter dowpit hissel doon bi
keepit sauf bi a wutchauldshe is an fell ugsum
wur paed back then biauldsol an then snuck awa
in days bygaen in anauldsteidin bi the wattirsyde neirhaund
leuch thegither owre a wheinauldtales bi the licht of
clear the graves bi theauldwaas he stoppit awhile an
the blaik watter like theauldwummin cast doon bi the
thay belang til aha thonauldcouple yammerin awa in the
this ma lassie said theauldettin til his dochter an
tane til tither lyke twaauldfreins thegither an on the
accordin til ma muther isauldgeordie scott an the than
til him gunnar an theauldgods gunlöd ah hae never
century veisit til a wyceauldhermit moss happit pads atwein
772 19 veisit til anauldhermit wang chang ling 8th
on til ee git isauldis mei an ye ll
late he says til hisauldmither heiven s thocht peety
803 852 25 til anauldtuin lu kuei meng 9th
meng 9th century til anauldtuin men howp ti leeve
the new warld frae theaulda seekin o their bairnhood
river bank frae oot herauldblack grizzlt heid her een
keckled i gloomed at theauldchiel frae aneth ma broos
no ferr frae whaur theauldferm steidin stuid the war
frae the wark o theauldhistorian eusebius the tale o
no faur frae ayr sauldhonest toun there s a
reading frae s a monthauldjohn he was haein verses
sang he d larned fraeauldjude an ithers amang the
beer frae grandpa dundarroch sauldkegs try a wee drappie
o spring frae ayr sauldkirkyaird echoes ring whit is
acceppit a commeisioun frae maauldmarra he hed coft an
the wast minnie s granfaitherauldmattha bruce bedd yonner frae
bedd yonner frae his dairyauldmattha coonted the milk cans
they whiles heard uisin thaeauldmaukit words frae the sheuch
watchin us frae ahint theauldmill cam ower an flashed
tae dirl an thump thonauldmoth etten pianie frae tullys
agree ah l cry maauldneibor owre frae ayont the
road an ran inti anauldneibour frae the capital at
bluid in yer veins oauldscotia three thoosan miles frae
hid rakit up thoosans oauldscreivins pentins an eemages frae
1922 bit only a fewauldshepherds doon frae the hills
duguid frae bograsherty they tuikauldtawse s boat oot fur
the new warld frae theauldthey seek their blythesome bairnhood
whas outgaens hae been fraeauldtime aye afore time itsel
road frae howpasley via theauldtoun owre tae ti iot
wuman the yae musicianer wisauldwattie tamson frae the waiter
frae strength tae strength theauldwid hut wis burstin at
ae bittie frae the sheilauldwull airmstrong an faimlie bade
frae the branches o anauldyew tree the slee bugger
shuir aneuch ae day anauldbodie mair fly nor the
likes better than ae guidauldfashont crack n ian landels
up the hauch stuid aeauldfassiont roadman s fowre wheeled
ae day an crabbit asauldkate the neist geordie smiled
masel a kan reca theauldkirk opening is ae syha
ae dure gin ye wereauldkirk ye gaed tae the
say ae wheen mair wurdsauldmag reponed in ae lood
mechanical things hei convertit aeauldmorris cowley car intil ae
intil ae hoose wis theauldschuil stable i whilk the
ee no think the oreeginalauldschuil wis ae laich biggin
ae hanker yid wis hisauldsel agane a mynd on
end yonner is ae wheenauldtreis up on the brae
job fur ae wheen earauldwatt s son mark tamson
wunnin hey an sic likauldwattie wis ae tallentit fiddler
hei wis ae brither oauldwull scott the joiner it
haill thrain weill said theauldwyfe an the r ae
hett bluided brave nae someauldyowe ae fit in grave
on wis hms implacable anauldaircraft cairrier yaised as a
birth an daith tuik theauldancestral mools naethin wis christened
wis aa o the tragedieauldangler chiels spill o coorse
him ere wis a ferauldbarny atween em the referee
burst oot lauchin it wisauldbauldy broon sittin there tryin
seat so he fitted theauldbelt on an athing wis
shi wis a guid teacherauldberna pause ah wanti ti
wis a right torn facedauldbissum an naebodie it the
he wis seevinty sax anauldbodach wi a fite mowser
wis ay powkin aboot amangauldbuiks a waukin encyclopaedia richt
their wak ere wis aauldcar parked ootside alexander holmes
forby for the mcginty brithersauldcaur wis parked impidently ootside
sake ah wis ten yurauldcouldnae pack a suitcase go
he wis so i heardauldeneuch tae ken better than
sea chest till minnie wisauldeneuch tae wauk an toddle
during thi period o lateauldenglish inflectional distinction wis becomin
an at wis at theauldentrance a garscadden hoose an
and he usually wis theauldfeel the tears start to
macleod he wis feart theauldfella wis fou are you
o clock it wis aauldferm steadin converted intae chalets
wis dowpit doon atap anauldfish box wyvin a net
grun badger wis a granauldfisher tae an he could
on the foun o theauldfittach wids wirk wis niver
his uncle rob wis owerauldfor gittin cried up sae
an wirkin at the localauldfowk s hame ruth wis
twa wi some o hisauldfreens an wis fer teen
wis he tried makkin theauldfriens ploy she merriet a
young an dublin wis owerauldfur twa days i treetled
he wis strugglin wi hisauldglesses he hid the same
the wa neibour in theauldhoose an wis in fack
fin he said he hidnaauldjoe sangster wis fifty three
drunks that fyles wirkit wiauldjoe wis takkin bets on
wis a swatch o theauldkintra tae the sonsie scottish
attire happy i feel theauldkirk it wis a richt
the sheean there wis anauldlad there declared he heard
gaed that she wis someauldlaird s dother hyne hyne
d bairned her an theauldlaird wis black affrontit an
it aleen he asked anitherauldmannie an wis telt doocot
tune on the russian zitherauldmattha bruce wis deed bit
cruel as the tale wisauldo a bairn an its
jilly yi wur seven yurauldpat lee wis oot ur
he wis a clivver chielauldpat terrorism murder bairn rape
a gey carnaptious deevil onywyeauldpeter middleton wis wrang nae
riven granite physog o theauldquarry the lochan ablow wis
the doctor hailed loud taeauldruary macleod he wis feart
aye weemin quine wis theauldscots wirdie fur queen nava
standart english wurds fur thaimauldscottis wurds at wis common
aither deed or wis hisauldsel as it stude twis
loveless heart beat silence dellaauldsol aye said love wis
della hawd yur tongue kristaauldsol wis mindin his religion
the door an ere wisauldstanley stannin ere he asked
my da wis fostered ootauldsyd said he niver merriet
central heatin it wis aauldsystem bit it aye worked
dauds o veggie inno anauldtin pot there wis naethin
daein the same hoosaeiver theauldtin pot wis placed abeen
s hidey hole in theauldtree ruit wis it you
trainin new dugs tae performauldtricks pat duguid wis a
doon tae the gunales theauldtruck wis creakin an groanin
forbye wis aa drooned fooauldwar the littlins an far
wis he hedna cheinged hisauldweys he glowert out o
it wis nae eese theauldwifie wis fer lost an
them an it wis aauldwire pailin that this wifie
coillege wis gweed fur learninauldwives tales tae fleg wee
wis hir maternal grandfaither ayauldwull cuid walk wi speed
meen wis skweejee like anauldwummin s moo caad cruikit
hae likit tae see theauldwummin throoshed till she wis
ana whae wis kent isauldyiddie hudson whae it yae
thoucht that wis respectable theauldyins liked tae be seen
waitin ach a m gettinaulda ll gie ower the
ower his table fae maauldaipple tree a perch whaur
netters dan buoy owned anauldboatie well weel ower a
ower the fire fin anauldbodach wi his rib beens
cant ingly penned ower theauldbrig haddington sit yersel doon
slung ower ees shooder anauldcanvas gadget wae gpo stamped
shoogle ower the flair theauldcunts hae aye been plaitit
sunset lyke the pairtin oauldferes that bou ower clespit
haundit it ower an theauldfisherman haed a guid leuk
weel ower a hunnerd yearsauldfit he seyd wiz a
kegs when i grow owerauldfor it a voice answerit
douk ye re no owerauldfor rod an hook a
steens i m gettin owerauldfor the gairden cood you
tae yer bed yer owerauldfur bosies noo bosies lead
i the kinrik ti hearauldjordan rowl sing it ower
a look ower at theauldkirk that stood on tap
ti halp cutt kinches theauldnok k nikket ower the
burd that s growne owerauldti keep up wi the
thocht housomdevir a m owerauldti leirn gin a ivver
an me ur gawn owerauldtimes ay bj exit jilly
ma spot jist ahint theauldtree i lean ower the
ower again in the sameauldwey an ye winna hear
the neuk a bauchle oauldyins shauchlin an trauchlin ower
tae lat them in theauldalliance bonjour says jean fit
est bon says jacques theauldalliance hist ye back balquidder
the hous it s thisauldbodie s son says the
afore him but quicklike theauldbodie says nae need o
play oan robby an ifauldcoo s udder puss says
an the enorm lashangalaivie oauldsays eith funn i thon
i am drowning ya sillyauldsoad she says putting her
wad be nae hero theauldspeak says the tiger taks
the lad is this farauldstanley bides the lad says
whit it is ti beauldan waek an duin an
he dee d the neiboursauldan young wan straucht ti
fit ti burst pause daeltauldbastard laughs della hawd yur
commeisiouns finndin tuim stances orauldbiggins at requeired ti be
taen it ti be sumauldbodie s name an spierit
as the israelytes yaised theauldbuiks ti pas on thair
his knees ti the stoutauldbutler whas messages he ran
the wrunkilt face o theauldcairling cam up ti mirren
kis than maistres stein theauldcarling cam ti greitt hir
o the daeins o hizaulddeir freins an ti ingaither
ill tryin ti lairn anaulddug new tricks chebutykin ay
l git andrey an hisauldfiddle ti move inti yeir
pit him back ti hisauldjob an he s in
an ruth in hiz ainauldkirk at kittilskart ti pey
dichtin her tears awa theauldmannie made hissel kent ti
whit else ti say theauldmonk is nae mair an
this an he tuik hizauldparaffin bouet ti licht the
an the twenes hamewith tiauldreikie an the ying twasum
fashion modus vivendi as theauldromans uised ti say the
they uisd ti say inauldrome toozenbach awbodie keeps speirin
fur shae wesna uised tiauldscotch weys an kentna at
you wantin back ti whereauldsol hud yi tied ti
a mithir geein um geeinauldsol leave ti defile yi
word made a promise tiauldsol ti the mithir swore
ye want ti be anauldsoor douk ah m awa
foryet whitwey ti pley theauldti tel the tales an
ti spier at the wyceauldtrout anent hirsell she luikit
ti wun eneuch monet theauldveillane hauddit ti hiz wird
machines the uiss o theauldwird paix refars ti the
ti be feart for thatauldwutch but she s no
for ti win ti theauldwutch s biggin an fergal
hae a crak wi theauldyins or ein ti redd
onything awa he hid anauldbelt aneath the driver s
than gie aathin awa taeauldbodachs nestie vratch quo jed
so starting awa at theauldbrig end a stood for
start awa again this timeauldeck shouted ere s naething
hyne awa days na theauldfowk waur gey releegious twis
na tae keep awa theauldlaird o leddrach the warlock
hyne awa ceylon or malayaauldmattha hid deed sax month
a bit walk roon maauldnative toon so starting awa
hill far awa stood anauldrugged cross the emblem o
awa ye go ye daftauldyowe an hae a bite
fur da new an daauldbaith pipeline an paet bank
oo d better watch furauldberna zeb della she d
shod wi dunlops bot hedauldbits o towe fur tyres
should she see bit theauldbodach wytin fur her an
fur a treat fit daeauldbodachs dae fur treats fit
2002 tune tarwathie fareweel taeauldfaithlie adieu mormond hill fur
briestin the faem fareweel taeauldfaithlie adieu mormond hill fur
global opportunities fur his maistersauldjoe anely heard aboot the
cleft fur dawdling staps forgetauldjura wi her paps fur
fit tae burst till theauldlaird hid it smored fur
as a supply fur theauldlocomotive works at springburn mairead
fur ye sae at theauldmeinister wul can mairrie ye
thistles inti that wreath kristaauldskin flint chargin us fur
pryss fur alterin a cherminauldstane byre intil a houss
mair not a rikkil oauldbanes it haed haen its
ooto mynd an mair theaulddruid circle o tomnaverie gairded
hur oany mair ya anauldhag naw yur noh hermin
siller an mair tae takkauldjude an yersel aa roon
shae duin the mair theauldmeinister expekkit o r this
she married p 123 theauldpauchler john macnab aince mair
the first verse o theauldsong cause that s mair
mair the hawick tongue m1013: auldsong uh huh we ll
wi me amna ah owreauldtae hae onie mair sons
mair breid jist lookin efterauldwankers like you in a
fit in twa warlds theauldan the new the warld
and twa abune in baithauldand new testaments were translatit
did that sent they twaauldbastards inti a right rage
you ever tasted cherries bernaauldgerda noo she hud twa
some scales twa three daysauldhad lost their sheen an
aneath the ruits o anauldhaw tree i fand twa
deein an didnae hear twaauldlads come in aboot the
twa takk efter yer mitherauldsyd grunted i showed him
dyke twa fauld wi anauldtin pot the dyke that
fund fir the twa threeauldyins that cannae pair sowls
hir pleyin it twal earaulda muved tae hawick hie
hame she chynged out hirauldclouts an the neist day
o an affront wi hirauldduds hir chowks looks lyke
bukkils she hae a richtauldfarrant style aboot hir an
hir claes ir ugsum anauldfarrant they r simply pathetic
the third nit that theauldkerlin haed gien hir an
feart an cryit on hirauldkimmer kimmer kimmer cum you
wi nellie an hir mutherauldmag scott it the snoot
yowlin an skraichin wi hirauldraggitie duds bleizin aw aboot
hir findins efter raikin throweauldwull scott the joiner s
the thrie nits at theauldwumman haed gien hir shuirlie
in a glisk the weeauldwumman stuid afore hir she
it ye r no saeauldas ah thocht gin a
the royal bairn sae theauldcarl gaed richt in fauldit
fallae haedna mukkil respek forauldettins sae he an his
off stage georgie sae theauldfolks are deein a richt
thay war crakkin thegither lykeauldfreins sae that caermoulis fand
uncle jim ken sae thatauldgrandma bruce could hear the
but sorry to sae theauldhooses that used to be
transplant contract gin bappy deedauldjude wad get sae mony
sae she wul but theauldkimmer wesna feirt for siller
tae sae he s skintauldma sangster s neebor telt
archaeologist howks me up saeauldpeter middleton ye ll hae
sae she pat on sumauldraggitie claes an made hirsell
afore hei wur fowerteen earauldsae at hei cuid bide
asleep doon there sae theauldwifie ran doon the steps
ave done better wi anauldbent peen so wi peter
canna be daein wi uisslessauldbodies hingin aboot the place
wee six an half yurauldbrother blue wi cold white
back fished oot like anauldbuit wi the fool bree
feint a hait o thairauldcants an sangs bad wi
cairry on wi the foweraulddears at s jist fin
comes in wi droothy hogmanayauldeel we ll fete wi
sweeps ye alang wi theauldfarrant verve o his screivin
carbon fibre beauty but anauldfibre gless thing wi the
wi ye ah m owreauldfor that ah dout lays
sindert the dykes o theauldgreat waw ir slaigert wi
mane wi the help oauldhornie dod mathieson telt his
fern watches an waits anauldjenny heron wi her heid
his love affair wi hisauldlady fuckin gees me the
him stew she made miauldlady said if wi didnae
the debaitabil launs wi thairauldleil saul bot thai hed
affen spak wi umour abootauldmag whae a m telt
guidwill forby ye helpit maauldmither wi her bad turn
doon bein dead pally wiauldmrs laurence he was a
an came back wi aauldpair o fitba beets you
wi his marrow i theauldpolis station anenst howcleuchshiel wur
dae thay want wi thirauldrunkilt haunds issa whitna lyke
fanklt roun an firmly stuckauldsaumon heaved wi aa his
what they did wi theauldscots language out it went
intil t an in someauldscots waefu lilt wi hertbrak
yer claes there was anauldshed ootside wi a big
i ll leave him maauldskin wi hide and hair
she haed ettilt that theauldslaiverie keing wi sum o
wi sorra and camaraderie sillyauldsoad aye but still leevin
took us aw wi umauldsod silence robby an whey
yid done the same wiauldsol poisoned sol didnae believe
an wi that the pechinauldspaniels turnt like magic intae
tae come doon wi anauldspanner an take aw the
boorich o kinnlers wi anauldtinnie in their mids cannily
scruff big john wi anauldtorn watter proof an jeans
tape wi a lot oauldtractors an implements an sic
as he dertit aneath hisauldtree ruit whaur chitterin wi
newington it was a hugeauldvilla wi a gairden owned
wash house it was anauldwash house wi a boiler
ve been yaised wi theauldway o working beaumont we
rinkit round wi ither weeauldweimen ilkane sittin on a
luvin hard bevvyin thirtie yeirauldwi a mirky past and
his different load wi someauldwrang her thochts are thrang
it ye thare the weeauldwumman suin kythed an wi
the subjeck nae wi theauldwummin there an the traiveller
it quo brian bit theauldwummin wisnae taen wi t
ah dinna see whit theauldwutch wad want wi sic
body someone else arra arrowauldyins parents bag aff wi
no the hauf deid donnertauldbody she is noo bit
a question noo a mauldbut a m jist left
nutritional needs naebody noo ettauldfarrand food onless twis a
in nineteen thirties i mauldnoo it s nineteen thirties
o the gairden i theauldplace an noo here a
hid slippit back tae theauldspikk noo that his dreams
that we settlt ahint anauldaik tree as comfortable as
f1097: okay it s anauldain come on let s
m1098: that a- that anauldain f1097: okay it s
new ain f1097: that anauldain m1098: is not f1097:
is an echo of theauldalliance in sd no response
speider s wabs thay irauldan clairtie but thay ir
that they d niver growauldan dweeble that they d
sandwiches in plastic pokes theauldan wee yins think it
hoose is a it sauldan withered he would f606:
he kent fine eneuch whaurauldandrae bidit an chappit the
the girl s mother anauldbag wha was on the
however i ve been owingauldbaldy an essay for weeks
upon his knees is anauldbattered box that fu o
at midnicht we cross anauldbattilgrund the muinlicht leims cauld
lad wearin wan fittit sauldbeets an he gleefully thumped
body pit them in anauldbin liner an threw it
fit o the coggie theauldbodach thankit her an shauchled
an gaed inno the liftauldbodachs say he becam venus
cross atween laundry disinfectant anauldbodachs swyte bit i likit
ance nae bother quo theauldbodie we ve cuddies an
resounde ay it s anauldbrugh steeve and sterk gang
resounde ay it s anauldbrugh steeve and sterk gang
aathin ye pit afore themauldbuits an nails coont yersel
through the holes in anauldburst leather cheer rose hips
an laucht at the cannieauldbutler that haed aye been
ma braw laddie said theauldcaird an he made for
the clachan ah met anauldcaird an speired wha bydes
their rops aye hed anauldcar tyre hingin on them
i the mak o anauldcarl he steppit forrit yerkit
kilrogie schule an the queerauldcarl that sat astride the
pause ay ay ma dearauldchap hou things chynge an
rimie morn laddies sclyin anauldchiel smirks frosty morning boys
an the siller for hisauldclaes an his courss gear
airm obliterate the hatchery anauldculcreoch ferm rivin earth an
an then hms tyne anaulddestroyer depot ship that taen
licht tae work in anaulddresser abody humph in an
tongue hanging out like anaulddug s feta cheese with
made a den o theauldearth hoosie an stumps o
wull i tell my mitherauldeck did come roon an
they wid stop an letauldeck lift the dreel ploo
an affa lad tae newsauldeck suddenly stood up an
tae get your een testedauldeck thumped the took an
an tae speed things upauldeck went tae a neebour
got his haunds on anauldelectric horn aff a motor
i left when i wasauldenough tae go an start
bauld hiz faimlie hed anauldestaiblisht beisnes john broun an
and that m642: and anauldf643: and we got the
anelie the heiress o anauldfaimly but alswa the advocate
wul faw ahint an beauldfarrant an a new bricht
imaiginins certies thai war geyauldfarrant an mebbies ein bene
aw the branks is anauldfarrant raukil thing that wadna
aince bene fain o sicauldfarrant rymes an taills bot
m no i m anauldfashioned materialist aye a dialectical
steens briers an butterflees theauldfowk o the leddrach said
ye a howdie s haunauldfreen an missed my ne
re failin fast my weeauldfreen an that s no
an deeper ah loue theauldfreins thir days ah ve
saw a welcome sicht anauldfrien s tractor braw an
wirk tae cut doon anauldfrock o her ain an
explosion in their bedroom anauldgeordie chuckled there hisnae been
an near ran doon anauldginger cat the carlin catched
an here s tae maauldgrannie an her elderberry wine
mince or tatties or guidauldgreasy pies an the sicht
a peerie an cowps theauldgreedy wummin an her gourd
like the claws o anauldhaimmer slappin the loons on
his breist he bure anauldhaterent it wadna dae for
nane o thaim an theauldhen wyfe cam an fush
pech an sit as yerauldhert taks the strain a
thrawn she wytit tae getauldjoe sober an alane nae
ve vivid maimories o theauldjohn glendinning an his marrow
wad hae nane o theauldkeing an his dreiblin mou
a geyan sair hert theauldkeing stuid an watcht thaim
o houss an hauddins restorinauldkerrs furby a mynd aince
s dreich an dreary theauldkirkyaird luiks awesome eerie i
an here ah fand seivinauldkists lyin thare it cam
an you kin blame yurauldlady cammy unlike you dimpsy
in denial me an mahauldlady huv a wee thing
st nicholas st mary anauldlowrie crashin inno the nicht
again the day we irauldlyke an duin an we
im ah a heidmistress anauldmaiden leddie it means we
[laugh] f940: get oot anauldmap o nineteen nineties galashiels
the tid baith young anauldmicht rin barefuit for buits
learn me me an theauldmither have gien yir hous
galore leirsman wang an hisauldmither wir keepit on at
krista an leave his pareauldmithir robby aw aw an
oot did you hear abootauldmuggie an geordie at the
came fae the crowd peerauldmuggie an geordie they were
steve aye faint as anauldnegative though cammy did yi
say it must be anauldone cause it was jakobsen
d rin an soon theauldpair couldna think hoo they
the rowp nae least anauldpianie tied onno the milk
an get us at theauldraw curious tae ken whit
an history homer the aeneidauldreekie wir as yet mony
ceities o nyow orleans anauldreikie atwein the mairchin bauns
in his jynts like anauldrukk turnin fooshty an rotten
an siclike that s anauldsang whilk nae dout satisfied
an crabbit nivver leet saidauldsanty i need dee da
s job tae tak anauldsaw an gang cut some
made the hats on anauldsewin machine f1054: an was
but pit thaim in anauldshae box happit in christmas
spit jonsar raked oot aauldshaft an fitted it intae
buy that ye got anauldshoe polish tin and filled
an elephant s moo faeauldsiam across tae china an
the wall ai whit anauldskoondrel olga mercie he s
cryin eftir m the puirauldsowel forleit hiz lamp an
tak tent there s anauldspeak mense lous mense an
the faimly it s anauldspeak yonter maks aye the
an than kirsent at itsauldstane fount at hauds wattir
felt safe an i likitauldsyd cause he listened ye
okay is she no kindaauldtae be havin an appendix
plague o them in theauldtestament an ony ither breets
up an patched like anauldtorn cloot played hide n
white teeth grup ticht anauldtorn rag aa set for
twae it laest it theauldtoun an than howpasley hope
f643: old red road anauldtrack m642: [?]tae start wi[/?] so they
to yours was just anauldtrack until they they built
the current swirls by anauldtree ruit that s hame
the warld an the wyceauldtrout soumed slawlie up the
the warld an the wyceauldtrout soumed slawlie up the
the warld an the wyceauldtrout soumed slawlie up the
s their time like anauldwar hero like ony bonnie
marra he hed coft anauldwarks i leith an a
light the fire f643: theauldwash house it was an
me breinge for beild anauldweill kent den o mynes
was a lassie a-a-a- anauldwifie over eighty she d
i used tae ken anauldwoman eh caed marion gilchrist
it means to gie anauldworker the seck you think
playin at speedway on anauldwrecked bike an comin hame
an luikit awroads whaur theauldwumman micht hae dernt hirsell
wutch ah wesna aye anauldwumman pompitie ye wadna ken
on the biggin whaur theauldwutch bade an opent the
ava they jaloused that theauldyird fowk cud screive an

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