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retired during the period betweenauthorisationand cancellation if the amendment
during the course of theauthorisationbut on its cancellation and
now to amendment 19 onauthorisationfor cancellation by deputy angus
it the cancellation of anauthorisationfor the use of a
event of cancellation of theauthorisationit is essential at the
wallace the cancellation of anauthorisationmust mean just that it
right for elements of theauthorisationto continue after cancellation for
most intrusive category would requireauthorisationby the chief constable of
in our view justify anauthorisationfor intrusive surveillance irrespective of
where serious crime arises noauthorisationfor intrusive surveillance which is
34 agreed to section 6authorisationof intrusive surveillance amendments 35
effect and b whether theauthorisationwas for intrusive surveillance directed
authorisation to ascertain whether theauthorisationis ex facie valid those
those who act on theauthorisationto ascertain whether the authorisation
on the importance of grantingauthorisationand on the rigorous tests
trade unionists the granting ofauthorisationmust be of the highest
the time of granting anauthorisationthat measures are put in
the source once the initialauthorisationhas been cancelled it will
clarification of when exactly anauthorisationis cancelled when the decision
could be circumstances when anauthorisationwas cancelled but someone working
authority to have directed surveillanceauthorisationas well i think that
an obligation to cancel anauthorisationfor surveillance if he or
raised by the amendment everyauthorisationfor surveillance would need to
subjects of surveillance when theauthorisationhad come to an end
a warrant there is alsoauthorisationof cross border surveillance required
stands defines the grounds forauthorisationof direct surveillance i do
4 that is for theauthorisationof directed surveillance or covert
31 agreed to section 3authorisationof directed surveillance the deputy
it makes provision for theauthorisationof urgent cross border surveillance
it is done by ministerialauthorisationor by officials acting within
it is done by ministerialauthorisationor by officials acting within
acting is specified on theauthorisationthe aim is to enable
3 agreed to section 4authorisationof covert human intelligence sources
that should take place beforeauthorisationis granted in the first
it would ensure that beforeauthorisationis granted the person who
who granted or renewed theauthorisationthe purpose of the amendment
warrant the situation regarding anauthorisationunder the bill is different
be brought into line withauthorisationfor search warrants however there
an operation that would requireauthorisationunder the bill it would
is satisfied a that theauthorisationis necessary for the purpose
inform the informant that theauthorisationhas been revoked phil gallie
gallie s concern about theauthorisationwould be met by what
would be required to seekauthorisationunder the bill if the
the period within which theauthorisationhad effect and b whether
england and wales for similarauthorisations1w 8753 david mcletchie to
grace elder referred is whyauthorisationwas given in the first
which they have been givenauthorisation23 administration of salmon fishing
where it becomes clear afterauthorisationhas been given that for
work has been done withoutauthorisationalthough there is a mechanism
at stage 2 that theauthorisationprocess under the bill should
targets to show them theauthorisationto survey them covertly however
by the subject of thatauthorisationit would be incredible if
which we need a furtherauthorisationreason no doubt the parliament
fees paid by farmers forauthorisationof sheep dip and pesticide
unless they consider that theauthorisationis such that the extent
the same requirement for anauthorisationto be presented to and
signing is applied to theauthorisationthe law society of scotland
or she believes that theauthorisationno longer satisfies the requirements

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