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off loans made to localauthorities1 the scottish ministers may
to the discretion of localauthorities14 15 james smith the
between local clubs and localauthorities14 15 lee cousins sportscotland
proportion comes annually from localauthorities28 other debate has focused
areas or for different localauthorities3 the circumstances referred to
service level agreements with localauthorities8 underlining the role of
which 3m goes to localauthorities9m goes to other of
can be used by localauthoritiesa necessity to which margaret
care is making in localauthoritiesa recent age concern scotland
measures that will strengthen localauthoritiesability to identify dangerous buildings
availability of resources and localauthoritiesability to respond to the
contributor but particularly the localauthoritiesabout exemptions few wanted any
initiate any discussions with localauthoritiesabout promoting the adoption of
collected information from scottish localauthoritiesabout the demand that their
majesty s government and localauthoritiesabout the electronic delivery of
has been given to localauthoritiesabout the extent to which
understand the disappointment of localauthoritiesabout the results of the
embarked upon with the localauthoritiesabout the roll out of
be no unanimity across localauthoritiesabout who should be the
local policy development recommends localauthoritiesacross england and wales build
the degree to which localauthoritiesact in accordance with scotland
will ensure that all localauthoritiesact in accordance with the
in the voluntary sector localauthoritiesadd an extra 150 million
important approach of giving localauthoritiesadequate powers to tackle dangerous
scottish executive to fund localauthoritiesadequately so that they can
area was standards most localauthoritiesadopted the benchmark standards in
other nhs boards and localauthoritiesaffected of re provisioning care
grant schemes under which localauthoritiesagencies and communities in the
voluntary organisations iain montgomery localauthoritiesalready do some very good
share planning functions with localauthoritiesalthough they suggest that the
section 27 which requires localauthoritiesamong other things to provide
other government departments the localauthoritiesand a range of stakeholders
interest such as the localauthoritiesand a wide range of
would seek to disadvantage localauthoritiesand abuse the contract rules
difficulties in liaising with localauthoritiesand accessing the money or
by bullying by local governmentauthoritiesand agencies and by the
the existing contractors the localauthoritiesand all the relevant people
young people directly to localauthoritiesand allocate some instead to
discretionary bursaries by some localauthoritiesand any implications of this
standards they might approach localauthoritiesand ask authorities to inspect
being adhered to by localauthoritiesand b ensure that planning
devolved more powers to localauthoritiesand bodies in scotland than
share information with other localauthoritiesand bodies in the wider
knock on implications for localauthoritiesand calls upon the executive
knock on implications for localauthoritiesand calls upon the executive
current financial constraints on localauthoritiesand calls upon the scottish
which the national organisations localauthoritiesand clubs get together at
care between the nhs localauthoritiesand community and social care
comparatively well known the localauthoritiesand comunn na gĂ idhlig could
for giving guidance to localauthoritiesand ensuring that it is
local authority perspective from bilingualauthoritiesand from people who will
strategic housing functions of localauthoritiesand grants for improvement and
joint future approach between localauthoritiesand health boards is completely
disease and decay encourage localauthoritiesand health boards to attract
the new responsibilities on localauthoritiesand housing associations to meet
new strategic role for localauthoritiesand i think that that
are being lodged with localauthoritiesand if full planning control
inconsistencies in interpretation between localauthoritiesand inconsistencies in performance sometimes
such a system for localauthoritiesand it was suggested that
made not just by localauthoritiesand landlords but by some
the homelessness functions of localauthoritiesand local authorities and rsls
police boards fire boards educationauthoritiesand local authorities are given
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand local authorities have been
it has communicated with localauthoritiesand local enterprise companies to
worked in partnership with localauthoritiesand many other bodies that
the nhs or by localauthoritiesand monitoring the results of
tangents youthlink scotland many localauthoritiesand national voluntary organisations 1
volunteering policies by many localauthoritiesand nhs boards from contact
guidance it gives to localauthoritiesand nhs boards on supporting
12 delegation etc between localauthoritiesand nhs bodies 1 any
require delegation etc between localauthoritiesand nhs bodies 1 subject
12 delegation etc between localauthoritiesand nhs bodies 13 transfer
1 any number of localauthoritiesand nhs bodies may in
and supervision by the localauthoritiesand nhs bodies of arrangements
as respects consultation by localauthoritiesand nhs bodies on proposals
after consultation with the localauthoritiesand nhs bodies or g
require delegation etc between localauthoritiesand nhs bodies part 3
guidance and directions to localauthoritiesand nhs bodies that is
it comes to encouraging localauthoritiesand non departmental public bodies
million was allocated to localauthoritiesand not directly to voluntary
on which the government localauthoritiesand other agencies have been
such organisations work with localauthoritiesand other agencies to build
that the scottish executive localauthoritiesand other government bodies can
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand other groups have also
or with health boards localauthoritiesand other local funders linda
the national park body localauthoritiesand other public bodies and
cases dealt with by localauthoritiesand other public bodies as
it a requirement that localauthoritiesand other public bodies publish
a costly experiment that localauthoritiesand other public bodies should
a costly experiment that localauthoritiesand other public bodies should
develop best practice for localauthoritiesand others in dealing with
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand others members indicated agreement
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand others such as the
the past experience of localauthoritiesand others that once you
many private individuals companies localauthoritiesand others the various owners
how can we encourage localauthoritiesand others to listen to
with the voluntary sector localauthoritiesand others to strengthen and
needed we hope that localauthoritiesand others will emulate our
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand political groups are saying
of social landlords and localauthoritiesand provides for the single
enhance the relationships between localauthoritiesand public agencies operating at
enter into agreements with localauthoritiesand public bodies to influence
such schemes which enable localauthoritiesand public bodies to work
such schemes which enable localauthoritiesand public bodies to work
such schemes which enable localauthoritiesand public bodies to work
action existing plans of localauthoritiesand public bodies would have
the strategic role of localauthoritiesand puts duties on local
and contacts with the localauthoritiesand quangos that are working
partnership with the appropriate localauthoritiesand railtrack to deliver rail
tenancy for tenants of localauthoritiesand registered social landlords it
for all tenants of localauthoritiesand registered social landlords there
to the regulation of localauthoritiesand registered social landlords will
relevant bodies including the localauthoritiesand report back to the
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand review the delivery of
of local authorities and localauthoritiesand rsls factoring arrangements part
the way in which localauthoritiesand rsls may wish to
day co operation between localauthoritiesand rsls the purpose of
be appointed and whether localauthoritiesand rsls would have an
a greater use in localauthoritiesand schools and hence english
in gaelic document ehm localauthoritiesand schools need to play
consult such associations of localauthoritiesand such other persons as
consult such associations of localauthoritiesand such other persons as
consult such associations of localauthoritiesand such other persons as
whole executive and the localauthoritiesand teaching unions at national
feeling the relationships between localauthoritiesand tenants were terrible they
difference between provision for localauthoritiesand that for rsls reflects
is in dialogue with localauthoritiesand that he seeks to
has abolished guidelines for localauthoritiesand that they are now
want to discuss with localauthoritiesand that will be reflected
joint working policies between localauthoritiesand the health boards which
taken on board by localauthoritiesand the local agencies mr
to go into hospital localauthoritiesand the national health service
allow proper discussion with localauthoritiesand the new contractors on
this decision is reversed localauthoritiesand the nhs should regard
the criminal justice system localauthoritiesand the nhs to support
the criminal justice system localauthoritiesand the nhs to support
the way in which localauthoritiesand the nhs work together
support the work of localauthoritiesand the police in respect
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesand the scottish association of
consultation and agreement between localauthoritiesand the then scottish office
a matter for the localauthoritiesand the unions to resolve
which the scottish executive localauthoritiesand the voluntary sector are
promote positive partnerships between localauthoritiesand the voluntary sector help
for work and pensions localauthoritiesand the voluntary sector in
encourage local compacts between localauthoritiesand the voluntary sector monitored
and camps organised by localauthoritiesand the voluntary sector to
issues relating to the localauthoritiesand their organisation it was
infrastructure in acknowledging that localauthoritiesand trade unions are concerned
and non governmental organisations localauthoritiesand trade unions the report
gorrie mentioned competition between localauthoritiesand voluntary organisations i have
organisations including national government localauthoritiesand voluntary organisations we should
improvement grants comes from localauthoritiesand was previously ring fenced
on the position of localauthoritiesand we heard broadly the
disabilities will have on localauthoritiesand what action has been
each of scotland s localauthoritiesand what percentage of budgeted
social care workers in localauthoritiesand whether this work was
sutherland is widespread amongst localauthoritiesand which individual authorities have
that are approved by localauthoritiesand will therefore extend to
need further discussions with localauthoritiesand with the scottish federation
it is giving to localauthoritiesannounced on 26 june 2002
police forces and b localauthoritiesany guidance on the administration
the way in which localauthoritiesapproach the provision of services
the way in which localauthoritiesare able to access capital
do you feel that localauthoritiesare able to engage with
also see exactly how localauthoritiesare able to justify their
on the money that localauthoritiesare able to provide as
would make it work localauthoritiesare about making things happen
executive how much flexibility localauthoritiesare allowed in respect of
reminded the minister that localauthoritiesare already in partnership with
i agree that many localauthoritiesare already working in partnership
pavements notes that other localauthoritiesare backing councillor stewart s
modernisation of local government localauthoritiesare beginning to consider area
the scottish executive whether localauthoritiesare being considered as potential
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesare carrying out their responsibilities
a good idea if localauthoritiesare concerned about such issues
people to sustain tenancies localauthoritiesare currently developing supporting people
with the fact that localauthoritiesare democratically elected to take
local tourism partnerships additionally localauthoritiesare direct providers of tourist
matter and how many localauthoritiesare failing to provide such
to ensure that scottish localauthoritiesare fully cognisant with the
executive to ensure that localauthoritiesare funded and it is
boards education authorities and localauthoritiesare given ownership of private
together provided that the localauthoritiesare happy with that mr
that problem so that localauthoritiesare legally entitled to hold
the additional costs to localauthoritiesare likely to be and
not a one off localauthoritiesare made up of a
into guidelines because some localauthoritiesare more directly affected by
have received shows that localauthoritiesare nervous about using the
by housing associations and localauthoritiesare not affected by it
do you ensure that localauthoritiesare not just paying lip
the scottish executive whether localauthoritiesare obliged to complete form
in the allotments acts localauthoritiesare obliged to provide allotments
estimated annual costs to localauthoritiesare of dealing with abandoned
first minister whether all localauthoritiesare on track to deliver
it is important that localauthoritiesare proactive but how do
which already exist in localauthoritiesare quite a good model
the national waste strategy localauthoritiesare required to indicate how
we will bill aitken localauthoritiesare required to submit their
executive what consultation process localauthoritiesare required to undertake when
the infrastructure for which localauthoritiesare responsible s1w 24775 tricia
to money robert mooney localauthoritiesare striving to improve their
the benefits when several localauthoritiesare taking forward individual schools
the property sector if localauthoritiesare to be obliged to
raises two issues if localauthoritiesare unaware of more difficult
are not suitable some localauthoritiesare using those materials i
social services workforce how localauthoritiesare utilising the 3 5million
occupation order 1991 when localauthoritiesare working with non prescriptive
any additional costs to localauthoritiesas a result of the
a such functions of localauthoritiesas may be prescribed and
it is appropriate for localauthoritiesas owners of school playing
health service bodies and localauthoritiesas respects certain of their
health service bodies and localauthoritiesas respects certain of their
remove that function from localauthoritiesas some suggest should happen
the financial cost to localauthoritiesas well as lack of
and homelessness duties of localauthoritiesas well as the traditional
extend through to the localauthoritiesas well ian robson may
in homeless people if localauthoritiesask them to douglas blair
of the parliament or localauthoritiesat a time when democratic
available that will focus localauthoritiesattention and ensure that something
flying registrars for several localauthoritiesbe appointed as i presume
5 million to let localauthoritiesbe the innovators along with
system and fully consult localauthoritiesbefore doing so linda fabiani
the tenancy in some localauthoritiesbefore we do so in
wishes to take all localauthoritiesbelieve that such decisions are
is a formula the localauthoritiesbelieve that the application of
for the average person localauthoritiesbig banks and building societies
much wider than just localauthoritiesbodies such as the abbeyfield
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesbriefing paper was most useful
might end up skewing localauthoritiesbudgets some local authorities might
the interests of such localauthoritiesbut i do not know
promotion work by some localauthoritiesbut on the whole local
to connect to 32 localauthoritiesbut perhaps they can connect
to issue guidance to localauthoritiesbut provides details of a
go around the 32 localauthoritiesbut the local authorities started
the responsibility of the localauthoritiesbut the private site plot
the homelessness function of localauthoritiesbut there are major questions
will be helpful to localauthoritiesbut we are content to
have been requested of localauthoritiesby people who need to
standing agency agreements with localauthoritiesby putting out to tender
financial resources provided to localauthoritiesby the home office in
purpose of ensuring that localauthoritiesby the time those subsections
fund to ensure that localauthoritiescan afford to educate our
also creates arrangements whereby localauthoritiescan ask registered social landlords
view to ensuring that localauthoritiescan bring more of scotland
under local government legislation localauthoritiescan choose whether to spend
agreement to ensure that localauthoritiescan deliver it in schools
identify priorities against which localauthoritiescan plan and set their
the way in which localauthoritiescan set aside local plans
person looked after by localauthoritiescan share fully in the
of disrepair simply because localauthoritiescannot afford the necessary investment
pored over by researchers localauthoritiescentral government and health service
stakeholders e g ngos localauthoritiescivil society etc and increase
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesclearly disagreed and argued that
whether health boards and localauthoritiescollate the details which they
must be given to localauthoritiescollectively direct payments 7 direct
not this parliament but localauthoritiescommunity councils persons representative of
work in partnership with localauthoritiescommunity pharmacies have been mentioned
currie s research is localauthoritiesconcern about the impact of
published report by the localauthoritiesconcerned s1w 9876 euan robson
fully take into account localauthoritiesconcerns members will be pleased
on to that some localauthoritiesconsidered the issue and took
board 21 local authorities localauthoritiescontribute to tourism through the
the convention of scottish localauthoritiescosla and poverty alliance also
the convention of scottish localauthoritiescosla whereby local government calls
the convention for scottish localauthoritiescosla would like the national
a framework in which localauthoritiescould operate in terms of
the convention of scottish localauthoritiescouncillor norman murray invited all
adequate lease and all localauthoritiescover that the city of
centres if so which localauthoritiescurrently receive any such support
scottish executive how many localauthoritiescurrently run direct payment schemes
will set out how localauthoritiesdeal with relaxations of buildings
they will ensure that localauthoritiesdeliver bill aitken what about
will she ensure that localauthoritiesdeliver in the sector in
in allotment protection how localauthoritiesdesignate allotments in the planning
should there be licences localauthoritiesdid not ask for licensing
matter is left to localauthoritiesdifferent standards will be applied
rates relief 100 at localauthoritiesdiscretion the post office has
place to ensure that localauthoritiesdo not charge the participants
be said that some localauthoritiesdo not have any responsibility
occupation not many other localauthoritiesdo so and we do
plans to ensure that localauthoritiesdo what they say they
to what extent have localauthoritiesdone that we have heard
health service police and localauthoritiesdouble the resources available for
aware of developments in localauthoritiesdown south for example in
had been writing to localauthoritiesduring the past week or
that was designed for localauthoritiesduring their property inspections local
about the effect on localauthoritiesefficiency and their ability to
young people to tell localauthoritiesemployers schools and health workers
suitable matching funding from localauthoritiesempower the scottish opportunities fund
operatives health boards and localauthoritiesencourage employers to promote better
that minister must take localauthoritiesenforce legislation in our communities
whether it will give localauthoritiesenhanced consent under section 94
not monopoly provision by localauthoritiesensure that improved financial services
therefore be distributed to localauthoritiesequitably it will be up
a mindset in some localauthoritiesespecially among some councillors that
be strongly resented by localauthoritiesespecially those that sought to
system works and how localauthoritiesestablish their charges must be
saying you spoke about localauthoritiesestablishing joint working groups most
9 march 2002 the localauthoritiesetc allowances scotland amendment regulations
of projects from different localauthoritieseven from scotland and england
we can say to localauthoritieseven within the single housing
particular we are giving localauthoritiesevery encouragement to do exactly
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesexchange ideas good practice and
the scottish executive which localauthoritiesexercised their discretionary powers to
is getting better as localauthoritiesexplore the powers that they
standards are met where localauthoritiesfail to enforce appropriate standards
2002 two thirds of localauthoritiesfavoured no change to the
easier hector currie the localauthoritiesfelt aggrieved that it was
people looked after by localauthoritiesfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
people looked after by localauthoritiesfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
protocols in place with localauthoritiesfollowing court convictions supported by
1984 act functions of localauthoritiesfor and in connection with
standing slightly outside the localauthoritiesfor doing part of the
to those bids by localauthoritiesfor funding of school improvements
15 million awarded to localauthoritiesfor local roads maintenance s1w
is made available by localauthoritiesfor members of the roman
has in partnership with localauthoritiesfor reducing any backlog of
social welfare services of localauthoritiesfor subsections 3a and 3b
whether funds allocated to localauthoritiesfor the care and repair
the provisions made by localauthoritiesfor the educational needs of
new burdens for scottish localauthoritiesfor the financial years 1999
burdens imposed on scottish localauthoritiesfor the financial years 1999
some 87 million through localauthoritiesfor the improvement of levels
of 70 million to localauthoritiesfor their roads and bridges
costs being recovered by localauthoritiesfrom an individual owner or
that money allocated to localauthoritiesfrom the learning disability services
whether any restrictions prevent localauthoritiesfrom using a the excellence
verification certification costs to localauthoritiesfunctional design building warrants and
scheme does not give localauthoritiesfurther powers to prevent such
issue guidance either to localauthoritiesgenerally or to a particular
issue guidance either to localauthoritiesgenerally or to a particular
the local authority or healthauthoritiesget together to buy binny
examine the services that localauthoritiesgive disabled people which often
will be independent of localauthoritiesgiven any potential conflict of
submission of eias to localauthoritiesgiven the committee s knowledge
13 january 2001 the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
possible bristow muldoon good localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
6 january 2001 the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
following negative instrument the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
2000 local government the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
2000 local government the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
2000 ssi 2000 206 localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
2000 local government the localauthoritiesgoods and services public bodies
was made of each localauthoritiesgrant aided expenditure requirements for
seventeen out of 32 localauthoritieshad approved no applications in
andy kerr doubted that localauthoritieshad been listened to and
said that some 20 localauthoritieshad finished their central heating
3 april 2001 which localauthoritieshad submitted claims for additional
scheme s introduction so localauthoritieshad to ensure that fee
the convention of scottish localauthoritieshas agreed to join the
that funding particularly from localauthoritieshas been static for several
the convention of scottish localauthoritieshas stated categorically that the
it will ensure that localauthoritieshave a strong voice on
their school meals many localauthoritieshave adopted a positive approach
that a number of localauthoritieshave agreed local compacts with
cosla and the individual localauthoritieshave all submitted information that
use best value principles localauthoritieshave all those advantages so
remuneration i understand that localauthoritieshave an opportunity to raise
scottish local authorities and localauthoritieshave been active in promoting
scottish executive whether all localauthoritieshave been asked to account
and the scottish parliament localauthoritieshave been considering the access
to be missing historically localauthoritieshave been the partners of
1982 act with which localauthoritieshave been working for over
the scottish executive which localauthoritieshave begun to use externally
local authorities and which individualauthoritieshave carried out such actions
august 2001 whether all localauthoritieshave completed rebilling those on
indicative funding settlements within localauthoritieshave contributed to that we
madrid declaration recommends that localauthoritieshave draft plans of action
the scottish executive which localauthoritieshave established quality partnership schemes
of the concerns that localauthoritieshave expressed regarding the level
unison members in scottish localauthoritieshave had to resort to
the scottish executive which localauthoritieshave implemented a free local
infections further notes that localauthoritieshave introduced very different ways
any evidence suggests that localauthoritieshave lowered standards linda fabiani
paths and ground which localauthoritieshave not adopted s1w 27422
and if not which localauthoritieshave not and whether it
should bring out historically localauthoritieshave not engaged with the
the scottish executive which localauthoritieshave produced minerals plans either
awards scheme and which localauthoritieshave provided support funding to
the scottish executive which localauthoritieshave put in place a
fees or another route localauthoritieshave raised that issue with
that homelessness applications to localauthoritieshave reached record levels during
permitted development notices which localauthoritieshave received on behalf of
it is true that localauthoritieshave recommended the materials where
the scheme was that localauthoritieshave significantly under resourced the
making of those plans localauthoritieshave sometimes been guilty of
taken to ensure that localauthoritieshave sufficient funding to provide
more quickly ensure that localauthoritieshave sufficient powers to enter
measures which they and localauthoritieshave taken are taking and
early stage paul stollard localauthoritieshave tended to apply the
than they do nationally localauthoritieshave their own funding pressures
year to ensure that localauthoritieshave time to get up
scottish executive what powers localauthoritieshave to ensure property developers
duties nhs boards and localauthoritieshave to implement health controls
funding in cases where localauthoritieshave transferred their stock and
what powers and obligations localauthoritieshave under the transport scotland
that we recognise that localauthoritieshave very different democratic responsibilities
in the context of localauthoritieshaving by far the most
made centrally by burdening localauthoritieshe was not satisfied that
voluntary organisations ensure that localauthoritieshealth boards and other funders
other agencies such as localauthoritieshealth boards local enterprise companies
local authority services is thatauthoritieshold multiple records for individuals
has been achieved across localauthoritieshousing associations and the other
to do that between localauthoritieshousing associations and the scottish
scotland who work in localauthoritieshousing associations scottish homes educational
to ring fencing by localauthoritieshow do you square that
was to go to localauthoritieshow much of that has
local government and the healthauthoritieshowever the churches and other
from cosla and the localauthoritiesi acknowledge that in the
schoolteachers head teachers and localauthoritiesi am mindful of the
to the control of localauthoritiesi investigating a more progressive
on grant distribution to localauthoritiesi note des mcnulty s
mckeown convention of scottish localauthoritiesiain mcmillan cbi scotland david
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesian williamson the head of
will name the ten localauthoritiesidentified by the forum for
creating a responsibility for localauthoritiesif a local authority does
plan as afforded to localauthoritiesif not why not tim
arise between officers and betweenauthoritiesif we want local authorities
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesimplement organisational learning in order
will be met by localauthoritiesimplementing the national waste strategy
capital spending by scottish localauthoritiesin 2000 01 excluding pfi
allocation of funding to localauthoritiesin 2000 01 to develop
will take to assist localauthoritiesin addressing the quality of
up and implemented by localauthoritiesin conjunction with the department
you think that individual localauthoritiesin consultation with registrars could
the way forward for localauthoritiesin disability awareness is for
efficiency and effectiveness of localauthoritiesin doing their job officers
4 collates figures from localauthoritiesin dundee edinburgh fife and
nhs board and the localauthoritiesin east central scotland the
departments but with the localauthoritiesin england and wales alan
marriage act 1994 allowed localauthoritiesin england and wales to
the purposes of regulating localauthoritiesin entering and implementing such
has been made by localauthoritiesin establishing quality partnership and
congress of local and regionalauthoritiesin europe clrae and the
are as significant as localauthoritiesin housing provision with stock
will work closely with localauthoritiesin implementing the changes as
has to further assist localauthoritiesin implementing the national cultural
the amount invested by localauthoritiesin improvements and repairs has
will involve consultation with localauthoritiesin its evidence to the
provide additional funding to localauthoritiesin north east scotland to
the local government and healthauthoritiesin north east scotland to
make resources available to localauthoritiesin order to allow security
will make available to localauthoritiesin order to meet any
both within and between localauthoritiesin order to put the
a demanding agenda for localauthoritiesin particular and that the
of planning guidelines by localauthoritiesin particular with regard to
from our contact with localauthoritiesin particular with the departments
to co operate with localauthoritiesin preventing homelessness lodged 15
to co operate with localauthoritiesin preventing homelessness lodged 15
it has had with localauthoritiesin regard to any difficulties
the scottish executive and localauthoritiesin relation to achieving national
the scottish executive and localauthoritiesin relation to the freedom
has been issued to localauthoritiesin relation to the power
action is taken by localauthoritiesin respect of allegations against
bodies wrote to the localauthoritiesin respect of nof funding
gratia payments to all localauthoritiesin respect of such costs
monitoring systems adopted by localauthoritiesin respect of the operation
restricts housing expenditure by localauthoritiesin scotland and calls upon
that almost 50 of localauthoritiesin scotland no longer provide
distributing government grants to localauthoritiesin scotland s1o 101 22
distributing government grants to localauthoritiesin scotland s1o 101 22
on scottish affairs that localauthoritiesin scotland should keep debt
powers common throughout all localauthoritiesin scotland william mccormack yes
of 500 million from localauthoritiesin scotland yet the conservatives
the scheme varies among localauthoritiesin some areas the scheme
a major contract with localauthoritiesin the area dorothy grace
level of confidence by localauthoritiesin the board s1w 6048
powers currently available to localauthoritiesin the control of telecommunications
capital consents issued to localauthoritiesin the final quarter of
waste fund to assist localauthoritiesin the implementation of the
edinburgh glasgow and dumfries localauthoritiesin those areas will not
from the local authority orauthoritiesin whose area the proposed
available housing stock to localauthoritiesin whose area they hold
received figures from 16 localauthoritiesincluding glasgow city council the
the enforcement powers of localauthoritiesincluding in relation to occupiers
he ensure that all localauthoritiesincluding south lanarkshire council abide
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesincrease the level of ozone
sessions in conjunction with localauthoritiesincrease the number of children
any additional costs that localauthoritiesincur as a result of
charged for licensing across localauthoritiesindeed they have often differed
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesindividual councils and others 09
has collected from scottish localauthoritiesinformation about the demand that
are based on old localauthoritiesinstead of on a national
the way in which localauthoritiesinterpret a scottish planning guidance
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesinvolve service users in the
set up by the localauthoritiesis a group of local
interpretation work across these localauthoritiesis bengali chinese urdu arabic
joined up thinking in localauthoritiesis important but there is
between the nhs and localauthoritiesis in ensuring that individuals
when care provided by localauthoritiesis less than that outlined
that is given to localauthoritiesis spent on the purposes
the scottish executive which localauthoritiesit has consulted or sought
cups of tea from localauthoritiesit states in addition to
the scheme s benefits localauthoritieslacked solid knowledge of the
licence robert brown are localauthoritieslegally entitled to insist on
taking to ensure that localauthoritieslink budgets and other resources
the tourist board 21 localauthoritieslocal authorities contribute to tourism
boards local enterprise companies planningauthoritieslocal road and traffic authorities
been the zeal of localauthoritieslocal tourist boards and cartographers
for co ordination between localauthoritieslodged 20 november 2000 supported
the event that any localauthoritieslose contracts for management and
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesmade it clear that it
agreements between developers and localauthoritiesmade under section 50 of
should at the moment localauthoritiesmake it clear that they
not just what decisions localauthoritiesmake particularly regarding funding but
tried to ensure that localauthoritiesmake that clear to purchasers
a key function of localauthoritiesmaking them responsible for producing
of which came from localauthoritiesmany of the respondents saw
the actual funding which localauthoritiesmay require in order to
local authorities budgets some localauthoritiesmight charge more but they
are situations in which localauthoritiesmight not have relevant expertise
partnership was also questioned localauthoritiesmight seek the views of
instructions to require that localauthoritiesmonitor major planning consents and
dangerous could place on localauthoritiesmore general concerns relating to
also be paid by localauthoritiesmost of the scottish homes
off loans made to localauthoritiesmr andy kerr 24 in
off loans made to localauthoritiesmr andy kerr 25 in
off loans made to localauthoritiesmr andy kerr 27 in
already a matter for localauthoritiesmr mcmahon there are no
decades considers that all localauthoritiesmsps and key agencies should
guidance i know that localauthoritiesmust have control and autonomy
protection from closure as localauthoritiesmust seek permission from the
representation of local interests localauthoritiesnational appointees and land management
needs they complain that localauthoritiesnever listen to them and
being used by those localauthoritiesnot all the materials are
funding be decentralised to localauthoritiesnotes that this could jeopardise
services in selected scottish localauthorities[note: table here in original] table 4 collates figures
services in selected scottish localauthorities[note: table here in original] these results were then
in front of them localauthoritiesnow have three year rolling
to be distributed between localauthoritiesnow to help them to
the development by scottish localauthoritiesof a citizen s smart
examining the transfer to localauthoritiesof department of social security
congress of local and regionalauthoritiesof europe is a consultative
practice by rsls and localauthoritiesof excluding people from housing
be the giving to localauthoritiesof legal entitlement to insist
10 gives notice to localauthoritiesof proceedings for possession and
ii any of the localauthoritiesof the exercise in conjunction
c the publication by localauthoritiesof their official documents also
still not funded by localauthoritieson a three year basis
it has received from localauthoritieson any possible increase in
it will issue to localauthoritieson how they should spend
between the executive and localauthoritieson older people s care
guidance it gives to localauthoritieson placing requests from parents
under the guidelines to localauthoritieson planning for their own
any new guidance to localauthoritieson planning issues arising from
giving more guidance to localauthoritieson promoting the scheme among
it issues guidance to localauthoritieson the appropriateness of seeking
partners in more rural localauthoritieson the challenge of ensuring
guidelines exist to advise localauthoritieson the conduct of disciplinary
the case from the localauthoritieson the detailed manner of
has been given to localauthoritieson the implementation of the
the convention of scottish localauthoritieson the issue of asylum
produced detailed guidance for localauthoritieson the material that they
he would engage with localauthoritieson the scheme s effectiveness
issuing updated guidance to localauthoritieson their responsibilities towards children
sales why cannot other localauthoritiesoperate similarly jack mcconnell the
the circumstances under which localauthoritiesoperate the provisions could have
civil rights then all localauthoritiesoperating in scotland should be
be made available to localauthoritiesor any other relevant body
1984 act functions of localauthoritiesor are proposing to make
is administered by the localauthoritiesor by another party possibly
by any of the localauthoritiesor nhs bodies ii to
a project is successful localauthoritiesor other agencies might take
is not expected that localauthoritiesor other bodies will incur
her majesty s government localauthoritiesor other bodies with a
ministers to local authorities planningauthoritiesor other local bodies in
it has involved the localauthoritiesor that it has taken
2 a above and localauthoritiesor the authority as the
and by whom and localauthoritiesor the particular authority as
not give land managers localauthoritiesor the police new powers
to allow land managers localauthoritiesor the police to keep
for elected members of localauthoritiesor those who serve on
remain the responsibility of localauthoritiesor transfer to the relevant
the voluntary sector and localauthoritiesother funding partners and the
additional 70 million for localauthoritiesover the next three years
make is that some localauthoritiesown fishing rights such as
are being placed on localauthoritiesparticularly for securing advice and
done so with key localauthoritiesparticularly glasgow city council and
identify rogue landlords some localauthoritiesparticularly glasgow city council and
eligibility criteria with other localauthoritiesparticularly those of fife council
there any representatives from localauthoritiespeople who represent communities who
the scottish ministers to localauthoritiesplanning authorities or other local
to pay and allow localauthoritiespower over business rates including
up exercise to grant localauthoritiespower to carry out emergency
others b confer on localauthoritiespowers i to disapply the
to take to strengthen localauthoritiespowers to deal with such
a its or b localauthoritiespowers to make compulsory purchase
but on the whole localauthoritiespromotion work was poor the
the scottish executive which localauthoritiesprovide a textphone service s1o
locally produced food help localauthoritiesprovide home insulation where this
how it monitors how localauthoritiesprovide social work services to
the scottish executive which localauthoritiesprovide swimming lessons for primary
for the funding that localauthoritiesprovide to voluntary organisations i
can look forward to localauthoritiesproviding that peace of mind
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesran a seminar with zurich
as well as with localauthoritiesre action tool kit commissioned
card in dundee all localauthoritiesrealise that there is a
provisions on homelessness will localauthoritiesreceive adequate finance to carry
much each of these localauthoritiesreceive s1w 22090 des mcnulty
green action require all localauthoritiesreduce waste reuse waste and
for the police and localauthoritiesregarding bullying of and by
or guidance given to localauthoritiesregarding decision making on placing
it has given to localauthoritiesregarding the application of the
representations this year from localauthoritiesregarding the re regulation of
will issue guidelines to localauthoritiesregarding the sale of legal
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesregarding their views on the
section 9 which mentions localauthoritiesregistered social landlords and water
the approval of all localauthoritiesrepresented on the plan section
it suggests that if localauthoritiesrequire planning permission for hmos
roads should be the localauthoritiesresponsibility i do not understand
and its agencies and localauthoritiess1m 3931 mr jim wallace
business development departments of localauthoritiess1w 1074 alasdair morgan to
organisations rather than via localauthoritiess1w 14604 mr john swinney
planning appeals submitted to localauthoritiess1w 14964 david mundell to
placing committees established by localauthoritiess1w 15102 mary scanlon to
the revenue levels of localauthoritiess1w 19434 mr brian monteith
level of care from localauthoritiess1w 22127 mary scanlon to
a statutory requirement for localauthoritiess1w 27493 mr lloyd quinan
a statutory duty for localauthoritiess1w 29301 donald gorrie to
implemented consistently across all localauthoritiess1w 34876 susan deacon to
three year budgets for localauthoritiess1w 4781 mr kenneth gibson
companies tourist boards and localauthoritiess1w 7683 mr kenny macaskill
the road ahead 15 localauthoritiessaid that they favoured the
the convention of scottish localauthoritiessays that about 500 full
sports strategies to assist localauthoritiesschools and sports clubs to
commends the work of localauthoritiesschools colleges universities and voluntary
of welfare attorneys by localauthoritiesscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
of welfare attorneys by localauthoritiesscotland regulations 2001 ssi 2001
welfare guardians etc by localauthoritiesscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
welfare guardians etc by localauthoritiesscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
welfare guardians etc by localauthoritiesscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
penalty notice procedure by localauthoritiessection 8 provides that a
taking to ensure that localauthoritiesseek out local government benchmarking
a providing support to localauthoritiesseeking to implement electronic government
is the fact that localauthoritiesseem to regard charities and
time and time again localauthoritiessell off land and then
young people and encourages localauthoritiesservice providers and other partners
young people and encourages localauthoritiesservice providers and other partners
in many member states localauthoritiesshare administrative responsibility for eu
should ensure that scottish localauthoritiesshare examples of best practice
should ensure that scottish localauthoritiesshare examples of best practice
only a handful of localauthoritiesshe would have discovered that
they therefore suggest that localauthoritiesshould all retain planing powers
we are concerned that localauthoritiesshould be able to invest
we think that more localauthoritiesshould do the same we
madrid declaration recommends that localauthoritiesshould draft plans of action
was really about whether localauthoritiesshould license the person rather
the requirements imposed on localauthoritiesshould not be overly burdensome
why you think that localauthoritiesshould not consult registrars about
new guidelines on how localauthoritiesshould operate des mcnulty one
and all coast line localauthoritiesshould work together to ensure
to issue advice to localauthoritiessimilar to that available in
their national regional and localauthoritiessince it stands central to
bill could have on localauthoritiesso its views on implementation
be passed down to localauthoritiesso that they will take
as health boards and localauthoritiesso that we can avoid
poverty national regional and localauthoritiessocial partners ngos and social
of national regional and localauthoritiessocial partners non governmental organisations
3 sections 2 f localauthoritiessocial service functions 3 approval
on which branches of localauthoritiessocial work education and so
was being adopted by localauthoritiessome officers were clear that
commun na gĂ idhlig and localauthoritiessooner rather than later because
were the views of localauthoritiessought richard davies clerk the
money adds value to localauthoritiesspending on care there is
yes the idea that localauthoritiesstand to suffer most from
local authorities but the localauthoritiesstarted from somewhere slightly different
the bids that the localauthoritiessubmitted especially because they were
and in reports from localauthoritiessubsequent to hector s research
spectrum disorder accepts that localauthoritiessuch as city of dundee
in education and commends localauthoritiessuch as edinburgh glasgow and
to do so in localauthoritiessuch as north lanarkshire council
if so from which localauthoritiessuch representations were received s1w
from health boards and localauthoritiessue ryder care has demonstrated
our consultation from most localauthoritiessuggested that they followed the
person looked after by localauthoritiessupports strengthening key services for
support targeted services in localauthoritiessupports the executive in its
support targeted services in localauthoritiessupports the executive in its
with the nof and localauthoritiessurely that will have an
1 of the scottish localauthoritiestendering bill be completed by
2 of the scottish localauthoritiestendering bill be taken in
1 debate on scottish localauthoritiestendering bill followed by parliamentary
1 debate on scottish localauthoritiestendering bill followed by parliamentary
committee 2 may scottish localauthoritiestendering bill introduced 5 april
assent 5 july scottish localauthoritiestendering bill passed 6 june
passed 31 may scottish localauthoritiestendering bill passed 6 june
committee 16 may scottish localauthoritiestendering bill stage 1 debate
principles of the scottish localauthoritiestendering bill supported by peter
1843 angus mackay scottish localauthoritiestendering bill that the parliament
purposes of the scottish localauthoritiestendering bill the motion was
that the changes regarding localauthoritiesthat are envisaged in the
on effect for the localauthoritiesthat are involved which last
or for tenants of localauthoritiesthat are not considering transfer
other organisations such as localauthoritiesthat are not signatories but
borders we have elected localauthoritiesthat are perfectly able to
happening already in small localauthoritiesthat buy in verification services
it will give to localauthoritiesthat do not proceed with
private sector in general localauthoritiesthat have administered the scheme
deny there are certainly localauthoritiesthat have admitted that such
of the two big localauthoritiesthat have the main problem
through scottish homes or localauthoritiesthat is a key accountability
operation and collaboration with localauthoritiesthat is the way in
be different for the localauthoritiesthat might use partnerships uk
parliament must examine the localauthoritiesthat plead poverty why they
are broadly defined to localauthoritiesthat provision is intended to
the same from the localauthoritiesthat replied to us but
lothian and in other localauthoritiesthat say that they do
them and the other localauthoritiesthat seem to be getting
people looked after by localauthoritiesthat the parliament endorses the
apply to the 32 localauthoritiesthat use its facilities i
it will list any localauthoritiesthat utilise elements of their
documents i hope that localauthoritiesthat want to designate areas
piloting the card with localauthoritiesthat wish to pilot it
explore the relationship with localauthoritiesthe bill is silent on
the scottish national party localauthoritiesthe churches and many voluntary
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesthe committee of the regions
problem is looming for localauthoritiesthe convener i thank you
of educational provision by localauthoritiesthe creation of a statutory
of educational provision by localauthoritiesthe creation of a statutory
which applied also to localauthoritiesthe debt originates in pre
the board particularly by localauthoritiesthe delivery of some targets
4 and guidance for localauthoritiesthe domestic water and sewerage
4 and guidance for localauthoritiesthe domestic water and sewerage
4 and guidance for localauthoritiesthe domestic water and sewerage
4 and guidance for localauthoritiesthe domestic water and sewerage
prescriptive approach and allow localauthoritiesthe flexibility they require in
matter it would give localauthoritiesthe flexibility to authorise any
devolved to the 32 localauthoritiesthe four centres across scotland
apply for funding through localauthoritiesthe funding from the new
2002 advice to ndpbs localauthoritiesthe gaelic language 13 february
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesthe impact of the non
to get across to localauthoritiesthe importance of that part
further education colleges or localauthoritiesthe information is in the
in comparison with other localauthoritiesthe minister said that he
are being made by localauthoritiesthe nhs and the voluntary
scottish executive along with localauthoritiesthe police and other relevant
scottish executive should give localauthoritiesthe power to charge council
are seeking to give localauthoritiesthe power to ensure that
one that will give localauthoritiesthe power to regulate buses
a rump remains with localauthoritiesthe private sector will cherry
and skewed against the localauthoritiesthe process has been transparent
with the inclusion of localauthoritiesthe public private and voluntary
it will consider giving localauthoritiesthe right to decide whether
concerned about costs to localauthoritiesthe role of private verifiers
regulating social landlords and localauthoritiesthe scottish ministers will be
member states regional and localauthoritiesthe social partners and non
for sustainable food supply localauthoritiestheir plot holders and local
my point how do localauthoritiesthen engage with their communities
in the guidance to localauthoritiesthere are issues around whether
is variable practice among localauthoritiesthere is good practice in
mckeown convention of scottish localauthoritiesthere is scope for clarification
the guidance given to localauthoritiesthey would like to hear
which involved registrars and localauthoritiesthirty out of the 32
government has allocated to localauthoritiesthis year do not even
local enterprise companies and localauthoritiesthrough for example ensuring where
an opportunity to encourage localauthoritiesthrough strategic planning to identify
and development assisted by localauthoritiesthrough their planning function support
you are probably right localauthoritiesthroughout scotland are going up
of comfort so that localauthoritiesthroughout scotland would adopt a
years that will allow localauthoritiestime to plan a three
must be set for localauthoritiesto achieve 30 to 35
is that which enables localauthoritiesto act in relation to
hmo network group and localauthoritiesto agree on common codes
is difficult to get localauthoritiesto agree that there is
and dog mess encouraging localauthoritiesto allow direct access to
there is provision for localauthoritiesto apply for exemptions under
standards and we want localauthoritiesto apply them sensitively hector
to telephone companies and localauthoritiesto ask whether any progress
with the area s localauthoritiesto assess whether powers bestowed
it has to help localauthoritiesto assist headteachers suffering from
support is available to localauthoritiesto assist them in ensuring
public places and allows localauthoritiesto authorise contracted dog wardens
amendment 12 would allow localauthoritiesto authorise persons for instance
its request for the localauthoritiesto be considered as partners
of the need for localauthoritiesto be more professional and
by the executive and localauthoritiesto better target and further
by the executive and localauthoritiesto better target and further
the 2001 act required localauthoritiesto carry out assessments of
made available to enable localauthoritiesto carry out their legal
would be allocated to localauthoritiesto clean up the mess
extends the provision for localauthoritiesto conduct marriages more widely
views the inability of localauthoritiesto control the siting of
2002 03 to enable localauthoritiesto deal with contaminated and
services the nhs and localauthoritiesto deal with incidents arising
fencing resources to allow localauthoritiesto deal with roads particularly
it is difficult for localauthoritiesto deal with the legislation
funding it provides to localauthoritiesto deal with their new
of our relationships with localauthoritiesto deliver the outcomes that
a bill to enable localauthoritiesto designate areas within their
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesto determine the detail of
public bodies in particular localauthoritiesto develop a glp would
complaints that is for localauthoritiesto develop the evidence is
to obtain access to localauthoritiesto discuss funding and that
not be appropriate for localauthoritiesto do so those two
that rather than fund localauthoritiesto do the work the
will the requirement for localauthoritiesto draft implement and review
be sufficient to allow localauthoritiesto draw up their own
to increase funding for localauthoritiesto enable them to employ
it is giving to localauthoritiesto ensure that all those
scottish executive to encourage localauthoritiesto ensure that every pupil
be made available to localauthoritiesto ensure that the scottish
it is necessary for localauthoritiesto ensure that the voluntary
will be up to localauthoritiesto ensure the seemliness of
the case for allowing localauthoritiesto enter into arrangements with
the centre can encourage localauthoritiesto enter into partnership there
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesto establish their views on
authorities if we want localauthoritiesto exercise local control over
encouragement it gives to localauthoritiesto follow best practice in
transport in england obliges localauthoritiesto fund at least 50
encourage diversity and permit localauthoritiesto fund for example rudolph
will be given to localauthoritiesto fund such places s1o
has made available to localauthoritiesto fund the mccrone recommendations
the scottish executive and localauthoritiesto give a high priority
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesto give evidence on 8
bill that would allow localauthoritiesto go ahead and provide
which we would like localauthoritiesto have as mr iain
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesto help manage the process
it intends to support localauthoritiesto help with the cost
that would enable the localauthoritiesto hire the relevant people
that are applied by localauthoritiesto homeless persons to establish
commitment to work with localauthoritiesto identify practical ways of
delivered and to enable localauthoritiesto implement its guidance document
on public bodies or localauthoritiesto implement the charter article
exercise of powers by localauthoritiesto impose weight restrictions on
impose a duty on localauthoritiesto improve countryside access opportunities
actively working with the localauthoritiesto improve the standards of
approach local authorities and askauthoritiesto inspect identified hmos are
will take to encourage localauthoritiesto introduce a code of
is no need for localauthoritiesto introduce waiting lists because
places statutory duty on localauthoritiesto investigate accidents within their
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesto its draft housing bill
be a matter for localauthoritiesto judge whether they wished
offices and to authorise localauthoritiesto license locations for that
those strategies also required localauthoritiesto link the strategies with
policies relating to gaelic localauthoritiesto make available gaelic medium
are currently available to localauthoritiesto make compulsory purchase orders
service workers to enable localauthoritiesto make grants in respect
and with powers for localauthoritiesto make payments to third
an enabling power to localauthoritiesto make their own rules
be made available to localauthoritiesto meet requirements to upgrade
will make available to localauthoritiesto meet the costs of
above may not permit localauthoritiesto modify regulations under this
is taking to encourage localauthoritiesto motivate and manage staff
teaching profession it expects localauthoritiesto offer from august 2002
powers are available to localauthoritiesto order work to cease
of flats owned by localauthoritiesto participate in the installation
of flats owned by localauthoritiesto participate in the installation
bodies and others including localauthoritiesto prepare and implement gaelic
bodies and others including localauthoritiesto prepare and implement gaelic
places new duties on localauthoritiesto produce homelessness strategies to
and puts duties on localauthoritiesto produce local housing strategies
occupation and to allow localauthoritiesto provide a service that
social work to enable localauthoritiesto provide and maintain residential
is made available to localauthoritiesto provide concessionary travel cards
specific statutory duty on localauthoritiesto provide day care services
a statutory duty on localauthoritiesto provide independent advice and
a statutory duty on localauthoritiesto provide independent advice that
housing complexes it expects localauthoritiesto provide what system exists
bodies and others including localauthoritiesto publish and implement plans
to go through 32 localauthoritiesto put together a bid
of the right for localauthoritiesto raise and retain their
of the right for localauthoritiesto raise and retain their
of the right for localauthoritiesto raise and retain their
wants to encourage all localauthoritiesto realise the full potential
tough new targets for localauthoritiesto recycle 25 per cent
is taking to require localauthoritiesto recycle higher volumes of
the legislation which permits localauthoritiesto reduce the council tax
uk calls upon all localauthoritiesto refuse licences for more
drafted the bill requires localauthoritiesto remove occupants from a
on public bodies and localauthoritiesto review their policy on
introduce proposals to allow localauthoritiesto ring fence housing stock
best practice and allowing localauthoritiesto see how others are
be more appropriate for localauthoritiesto set a consultant s
require scottish ministers and localauthoritiesto set out what they
respond to demand from localauthoritiesto support particular projects a
a general duty on localauthoritiesto survey their areas from
much more difficult for localauthoritiesto tackle rogue landlords who
overall funding we expect localauthoritiesto take a strategic approach
time we would expect localauthoritiesto take action to identify
authority section 11 allows localauthoritiesto take enforcement action to
animals bill to allow localauthoritiesto take into their care
a commitment to encourage localauthoritiesto target problematic landlords to
to relax regulations from localauthoritiesto the central body that
we are keen for localauthoritiesto undertake investigation and enforcement
addition the bill requires localauthoritiesto uphold access rights and
maintain the right of localauthoritiesto use congestion charging as
authorities local road and trafficauthoritiestourist attraction operators and scottish
services 11 payments by localauthoritiestowards expenditure by nhs bodies
expenditure 11 payments by localauthoritiestowards expenditure by nhs bodies
the move away from localauthoritiestowards registered social landlords is
and the environment the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemption for disabled
following negative instruments the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2 february 2003 the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2 february 2003 the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2002 rural development the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2 february 2003 the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2 february 2003 the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
consider the following the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
2002 rural development the localauthoritiestraffic orders exemptions for disabled
14 march 2002 the localauthoritiestraffic orders procedures scotland amendment
14 march 2002 the localauthoritiestraffic orders procedures scotland amendment
the atbs comes from localauthoritiestypically 30 40 of core
but that msps cosla localauthoritiesuncle tom cobbleigh and all
capital consents given to localauthoritiesunder local government legislation local
been allocated to scottish localauthoritiesunder the excellence fund broken
provide those powers to localauthoritiesunder the new powers there
in allocating resources to localauthoritiesunder the other provisions bill
renovated buildings rests with localauthoritiesunder their control the system
lot depends on how localauthoritiesuse the regulatory and licensing
the convention of scottish localauthoritiesvarious professional bodies were also
a fair number of localauthoritieswant not only to develop
you said that some localauthoritieswanted the executive to provide
as some of the localauthoritieswanted to make others realise
government supported expenditure to localauthoritieswas 3 6 per cent
programmes one of those localauthoritieswas glasgow city council which
the convention of scottish localauthoritieswas included on the list
be carried out by localauthoritieswe also welcome the opportunity
work more closely with localauthoritieswe are concerned that those
in practice working with localauthoritieswe are keen to find
the convention of scottish localauthoritieswe both serve on a
which are run by localauthoritieswe have commissioned research in
fairly small numbers by localauthoritieswe know who the registrars
that we get from localauthoritieswe respond to demand from
the standards right which localauthoritieswere advised only to adopt
start of the process localauthoritieswere consulted and there were
many of the relevant localauthoritieswere consulted regarding the appointments
that fire brigades not localauthoritieswere driving fire safety standards
him he stressed that localauthoritieswere looking to follow the
if ministers felt that localauthoritieswere not targeting enough money
have no evidence from localauthoritieswere the views of local
year and if scottish localauthoritieswere to improve their council
to ministers separately from localauthoritieswhen there is a problem
pupils with autism in localauthoritieswhere figures have been suppressed
territorial legislative units and localauthoritieswhich obviously have a part
short term capacity of localauthoritieswhich presumably will be faced
housing revenue accounts of localauthoritieswhich represent more than 100
in resources going to localauthoritieswhich then decided to spend
of public petitions by localauthoritieswhich varies from council to
and skills from the localauthoritieswhich will further undermine what
was then passed to localauthoritieswho are beginning to feel
registers has fallen on localauthoritieswho are obliged to ensure
support is available to localauthoritieswho are seeking to use
the crown estates to localauthoritieswho could then draw up
however to give our localauthoritieswho need much support the
example of the 18 localauthoritieswho responded to the food
the decreasing number of localauthoritieswho still offer free music
available rests primarily with localauthoritieswhose powers and duties are
be cost neutral to localauthoritieswhy did we go down
so different from other localauthoritieswhy does its scheme cost
to be involved some localauthoritieswill also need to make
such as kerbside collection localauthoritieswill be able to apply
a step beyond what localauthoritieswill be able to cope
doing in partnership with localauthoritieswill be critical in ensuring
ministers make available to localauthoritieswill be dependent on the
over what timescale all localauthoritieswill be expected to comply
tupe regulations and that localauthoritieswill be faced with redundancy
the short term when localauthoritieswill be gearing up for
the scottish executive whether localauthoritieswill be represented on the
of money is known localauthoritieswill be required to prioritise
completed by march 2006 localauthoritieswill complete their part of
how plans produced by localauthoritieswill fit into or be
and programming costs since localauthoritieswill have a crucial role
the local housing strategies localauthoritieswill have to prioritise the
to a solemn service localauthoritieswill need to take into
a day from which localauthoritieswill no longer take account
card in scotland which localauthoritieswill pilot can be successful
be robust and that localauthoritieswill produce plans on which
bill in whatever form localauthoritieswill react within the time
that at least some localauthoritieswill receive david orr in
to use alternative methods localauthoritieswill remain responsible for ensuring
resource potentially available to localauthoritieswill seriously affect the roll
where the police and localauthoritieswill take no action or
funding is transferred to localauthoritieswill the change in administration
and the role that localauthoritieswill undertake tim ellis scottish
to be transferred to localauthoritieswith a shift in responsibility
this work available to localauthoritieswith a view to establishing
and operation of scottish localauthoritieswith a view to improving
by for example providing localauthoritieswith better guidance on how
being worked by individual localauthoritieswith each authority having regulations
jones that would present localauthoritieswith quite a lot of
or is having with localauthoritieswith regard to the one
been made of scottish localauthoritieswith regard to weight restrictions
a bill to provide localauthoritieswith the power to deal
a bill to provide localauthoritieswith the power to deal
to ensure compliance by localauthoritieswith their duties under section
the scottish executive which localauthoritieswithin greater glasgow and clyde
tourist board received from localauthoritieswithin its area in a
current financial year from localauthoritieswithin its area s1w 6045
valley tourist board by localauthoritieswithin the board s area
valley tourist board by localauthoritieswithin the board s area
the scottish executive which localauthoritieswithin the greater glasgow and
the contracts that the localauthoritieswon in 1996 mr tosh
burdensome and bureaucratic that localauthoritieswould be reluctant to apply
also been suggested that localauthoritieswould come under a great
are on waiting lists localauthoritieswould for that reason be
the convention of scottish localauthoritieswould have liked extra questions
it so difficult that localauthoritieswould have to do so
pressured areas and that localauthoritieswould need the relevant supporting
scottish homes now that localauthoritieswould not be able to
significant cost implications for localauthoritieswritten evidence from the city
cooncil like the the localauthoritiesye know i mean edinburgh

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