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question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
question s1w 10150 by jackiebaillieon 15 november 2000 how
membership karen gillon convener jackiebaillie2 ian jenkins mr frank
membership karen gillon convener jackiebaillie2 ian jenkins mr frank
full time university course jackiebailliea piece of work is
which those services operate jackiebaillieaccount is taken of the
voluntary sector motion moved jackiebaillieamendment moved mr kenneth gibson
the parliament agrees that jackiebaillieand angus mackay be appointed
here i know that jackiebaillieand margaret curran will meet
the amended report by jackiebaillieand michael russell on scotland
department just before christmas jackiebaillieannounced that the housing scotland
to be set up jackiebaillieas i said we anticipate
home robertson frank mcaveety jackiebailliebe appointed as junior scottish
home robertson frank mcaveety jackiebailliebe appointed as junior scottish
16 may 2002 2 jackiebailliebecame a member of the
16 mey 2002 2 jackiebailliebecome a memmer o the
21st january 2003 present jackiebailliebill butler colin campbell gordon
on 24 february 2003 jackiebailliecathie craigie margaret jamieson mr
alexander mr tom mccabe jackiebailliecathie craigie margaret jamieson mr
tommy sheridan michael mcmahon jackiebailliecathie craigie scott barrie business
hash symbol s1m 3687 jackiebailliechildren s hospice association scotland
deputy minister for communities jackiebailliedecision time british sign language
mcleod mr kenneth macintosh jackiebailliedorothy grace elder s1m 3352
too serious to contemplate jackiebailliedumbarton lab i welcome the
ian jenkins i did jackiebailliedumbarton lab i would not
east lab committee members jackiebailliedumbarton lab ian jenkins tweeddale
the following also attended jackiebailliedumbarton lab john farquhar munro
govan lab committee substitutes jackiebailliedumbarton lab mr kenny macaskill
alexander paisley north lab jackiebailliedumbarton lab roseanna cunningham perth
response to the petition jackiebailliedumbarton lab thank you for
act 2000 education 4 jackiebailliedumbarton lab to ask the
ian jenkins rhona brankin jackiebaillieelaine thomson david mundell shona
ian jenkins rhona brankin jackiebaillieelaine thomson david mundell shona
appear on 17 december jackiebailliefor clarification are you talking
exist in march 2003 jackiebaillieforgive me i was not
in argyll and bute jackiebailliegeorge lyon might not be
scotland mr mcgrigor will jackiebailliegive way jackie baillie i
not think that what jackiebailliehas said so far will
the summary versions that jackiebailliehas suggested it is difficult
discussed the summary that jackiebailliehas suggested may be the
forward to hearing what jackiebailliehas to say in reply
deputy minister for communities jackiebailliei am familiar with the
jackie baillie give way jackiebailliei am winding up now
been at the beginning jackiebailliei appreciate the amount of
deputy minister for communities jackiebailliei echo the comments that
could not find it jackiebailliei never said that it
briefing that i received jackiebailliei realised that the convener
kitty was a delight jackiebailliei regret that i am
stevenson christine grahame ms jackiebaillieian jenkins karen whitefield dennis
in the name of jackiebaillieinsert at end but regrets
in the name of jackiebaillieinsert at end but regrets
i have no preference jackiebaillieirene mcgugan and i will
the photo call to jackiebaillieirene mcgugan and the convener
on 28 november 2002 jackiebaillieirene mcgugan dennis canavan s1m
that i know that jackiebaillieis coming to argyll cvs
included because of arran jackiebaillieit is important to get
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
for aitken bill glasgow conbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
for aitken bill glasgow conbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
against aitken bill glasgow conbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
for aitken bill glasgow conbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
will be a division forbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
west of scotland con againstbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
west of scotland con againstbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
west of scotland con againstbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
andrew central scotland snp againstbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
ms wendy paisley north labbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
for aitken bill glasgow conbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
brian north east scotland snpbailliejackie dumbarton lab barrie scott
14 january 2003 present jackiebailliekaren gillon convener ian jenkins
margaret jamieson scott barrie jackiebailliekate maclean karen whitefield mr
margaret jamieson scott barrie jackiebailliekate maclean karen whitefield mr
smith mr jamie mcgrigor jackiebailliemargaret jamieson ian jenkins nora
gillon mr kenneth macintosh jackiebailliemargaret jamieson kate maclean janis
supported by henry mcleish jackiebailliemr jim wallace malcolm chisholm
minister for social justice jackiebailliemr kenneth gibson glasgow snp
mrs kay ullrich ms jackiebailliems linda fabiani mr adam
for children and education jackiebailliemsp deputy minister for communities
for children and education jackiebailliemsp deputy minister for communities
for east lothian and jackiebailliemsp for dumbarton who are
question s1w 11597 by jackiebaillieon 12 december 2000 who
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
question s1o 3221 by jackiebaillieon 29 march 2001 how
of scottish information commissioner jackiebaillieon behalf of the selection
in the name of jackiebaillieon executive support for the
in the name of jackiebaillieon scottish executive support for
in the name of jackiebaillieon scottish executive support for
in the name of jackiebaillieon scottish executive support for
position and assurances from jackiebaillieon the household survey the
also seek assurances from jackiebaillieon the size of the
of the concerns that jackiebaillieoutlined about the general principles
minister for social justice jackiebaillieparliament has not had a
forward to discussing with jackiebaillieproposals for improvements to the
uk legislation s1m 887 jackiebaillierace relations amendment bill that
the significant issues that jackiebaillieraised dennis canavan falkirk west
subject of s1m 3961 jackiebailliereform of charity law for
tommy sheridan s1m 3961 jackiebailliereform of charity law that
dated 22 november to jackiebaillieregarding dundee women s aid
deputy minister for communities jackiebaillieregarding the inclusion of a
mundell karen whitefield ms jackiebaillierobert brown dennis canavan mr
rather impolite comments about jackiebaillies age i must say
i have seen only jackiebaillies copy of highland council
other languages i support jackiebaillies idea that at least
not moved forward since jackiebaillies time in the social
s debate on children jackiebailliesaid that we want a
was encouraged to hear jackiebailliesay that there is 39
mr murray tosh ms jackiebailliescott barrie bill butler helen
deputy minister for communities jackiebailliescottish parliament wednesday 16 february
aberdeenshire and kincardine ld jackiebailliestarted the debate by emphasising
one and insert all jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
the tenant s death jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
this section schedule 6 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
1 after section 29 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
the tenancy section 13 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
b subsection 5 e jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
permitted by subsection 2a jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
falling within subsection 6a jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
each tenant section 35 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
subsection 1 section 28 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
fit after section 16 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
member of the association jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
neighbouring houses section 16 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
tenancy after section 11 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
of the 1987 act jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
principal home schedule 1 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
age group section 9 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
section 10 section 11 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
it considers is required jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
12 months ending with jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
3 b schedule 2 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
in writing section 37 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
housing association schedule 9 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
c 37 section 31 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
1 and insert 2 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
s death section 20 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
secure tenancy section 8 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
that paragraph section 10 jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
is of no effect jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
tenants under the tenancy jackiebailliesupported by ms margaret curran
service cannot be free jackiebailliethat leads to my second
asking for assurances from jackiebailliethat the scots language will
disabled people in scotland jackiebailliethe disability rights commission has
minister for social justice jackiebailliethe executive is working closely
duties under the act jackiebailliethe minister will be aware
to add anything jackie jackiebailliethere is just one tiny
throughout scotland s1w 26934 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
nhs patients s1w 31127 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
to women s1w 33987 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
by women s1w 33986 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
and abuse s1w 34193 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
this report s1w 33985 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 33035 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
social enterprises s1w 24815 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
2000 01 s1w 24817 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
safety partnerships s1w 34195 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
and aberdeen s1w 24820 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 33989 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
their competitiveness s1w 24814 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
relocation policy s1w 33036 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
common practice s1w 26906 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
as childminders s1w 24819 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
learning disabilities s1w 33988 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
cannabis addictions s1w 24813 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
of sportscotland s1w 33038 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
2000 01 s1w 24818 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
arts council s1w 33039 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
parliamentary constituency s1w 34198 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
since 1999 s1w 34199 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
since 1999 s1w 34192 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
justice s1o 4850 10 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
job relocations s1w 33037 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
such incident s1w 31823 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
the parliament s1w 31001 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
being considered s1w 34194 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
since 1996 s1w 34197 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
and flytipping s1w 33982 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
best practice s1w 33984 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
s enterprise s1w 33983 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
in 2003 s1w 34923δ jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
as you s1w 31128 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
sector jobs s1w 34922δ jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
working parents s1w 24816 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
across scotland s1w 24821 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
services s1o 4708 3 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
school sport s1w 26933 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
as you s1w 31131 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
age groups s1w 31129 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
in place s1w 31130 jackiebaillieto ask the scottish executive
on 25 february 2003 jackiebaillietrish godman robin harper margaret
brankin mr tom mccabe jackiebaillietrish godman robin harper margaret
utmost i assure you jackiebailliewe are in danger of
members comment i invite jackiebailliewho is the constituency msp
have a final question jackiebaillieyou are abusing the role
wendy paisley north lab bbailliejacqueline marie dumbarton lab barrie
gang on wi his burlawbaillies devoirs an we say
first i gaed on furbaillieloon an syne i gaed
lowsed the snib on abaillies yett stap fu wi
for fufteen year in thebaillieo the room his goat
class poet such as joannabailliea song composer such as
writer one who like joannabailliemade her career in the
jin a m a burlawbailliean richt nou a m
day bit damned wid thebailliedee did daith nae ken
fergusson s urban eclogues joannabaillies theatre of the passions
his lang black lug thebailliescreiched oot thief i ve
cottared there eenoo he wisbaillietae steenhillock his twa loons
son o the weill gaithertbailliewang i the spendin o
and him and old robertbailliewrought together as masons and

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