
See this word as a collocate cloud

and a relief that hebecamean increasingly remote figure in
bearers but that words increasinglybecamedivorced from their essential complementary
thought through the matter itbecameincreasingly difficult in essence it
year went on the boardbecameincreasingly tough and probing we
fife council when it firstbecameaware of any such difficulties
into the atmosphere when webecameaware of nocturnal rustlings in
issue of external threats webecameaware of possible conflicting influences
of its members first abecameaware of the contents of
if so when they firstbecameaware of the contents s1w
when and how it firstbecameaware of the french prime
on what date it firstbecameaware of the level of
have ever attended i quicklybecameaware of the problems that
e- even as kids webecameaware of what accent meant
subsequent meeting in june webecameaware that further problems had
echoes from the past ibecameaware that it might be
minister for children and educationbecameaware that problems could arise
shift her but then shebecameaware that sandy was no
the issue when it firstbecameaware that that information was
fest a generation of puntersbecamepolitically aware by watching fluck
to a continental tradition thatbecameassociated in scotland and england
certain clusters of sounds graduallybecameassociated with certain meanings there
the elaborate continental style whichbecamekind of associated with the
of kirk and state andbecamemore and more associated with
with power and politics scotsbecamemore associated with barn and
although she became a shebecamea catholic so some kind
huh f965: it was itbecamea h- it also became
work ethic background although shebecamea she became a catholic
became a h- it alsobecamean enormous industry after m964:
in french became erm itbecameer salle d interrogation which
m954: ehm which in frenchbecameerm it became er salle
we became rechabites and afterwardsbecamenew creatures in christ now
some of us that webecamerechabites and afterwards became new
erm and in french thatbecameagent ehm f606: [audience laugh] m954:
in fr- in french itbecameer l étrangleur d edimbourg
french was was you knowbecamela mort dans l âme
king henry deed an francisbecameking o france an mary
by gaelic when kenneth mcalpinebecameking o the picts as
king of israel when hebecameking one of the things
saying very different things itbecameclear from casual conversations with
spoke to tiger it allbecameclear it must be a
into hospital and when itbecameclear that he was goin
as time went on itbecameclear that ministers were getting
part of its remit itbecameclear that more markers would
shortlist in december7 once itbecameclear that scottish and newcastle
legislate for that provision itbecameclear that the best way
went through the session itbecameclear that the blips were
and then one day itbecameclear that the time for
end of the exercise itbecameclear that we were in
the unclear ones it soonbecameclear to everyone that the
pupils of the school itbecameclear very early on that
in his later years hebecamea member of arbuthnott reminiscence
at st valery and laterbecamea miner in newcastle jim
few days later soon itbecameimpossible to ignore the tell
later in his life gravesbecameintrigued by what he called
perfectly innocent er word itbecamelater on to to to
a few months later itbecameobvious alice wasn t going
street glasgow f1077: it laterbecameoh i can t remember
the pampas tragically juan laterbecameone of the victims of
for the next half centurybecamea hardworking antipodean academic at
the 18th century he subsequentlybecamea successful merchant in calcutta
with passion in europe itbecamefashionable for nineteenth century travellers
during the seventeenth century englishbecamethe language of kirk and
century the agnews of lochnawbecamethe lords of innermessan and
kingdom of northumbria this areabecamea permanent part of scotland
m608: mm m636: aye m635: becamepart and parcel of the
grass below the surrendered landbecamepart of another large marshalling
the declaration of inverness whichbecamepart of international law in
to create songs that themselvesbecamepart of scotland s traditional
to break through then youbecamepart of that line part
hospital had been built itbecamepart of the council property
heart interred so his ardourbecamepart of the fabric of
the systematic press preparation thatbecamepart of the production process
for more markers as itbecameevident that there were problems
a member of parliament hebecamea life peer and in
that means that sir davidbecamea member of parliament before
may 2002 2 jackie bailliebecamea member of the committee
the short straw when ibecamea member of the health
p stanley dean of westminsterbecamea member of the savile
editing from 1987 lorna pikebecamethe third member of the
become involved over time itbecamealmost impossible to say where
it was when he firstbecameinvolved and whose wit scholarship
in which i for examplebecameinvolved during my boyhood however
everybody and some of thembecamemuch more deeply involved and
on the other hand whobecameever more rationalistic in his
against the father he himselfbecamegod beside or more correctly
began to disappear as farmingbecamemechanised and larger units more
as public and private transportbecamemore accessible vans gradually began
with software testing as ibecamemore familiar with the operations
robert louis stevenson and itbecamemore forthright with the lallans
get up yet the knockingbecamemore persistent from his bedroom
structure [click] [inhale] periodic sentencesbecamemore popular towards the end
speeding up as the dragbecamemore powerful being pulled through
which developed in the 1960sbecamemore prominent during the 1970s
stuff like that that itbecamemore standardised m605: but i
as things developed and theybecamemore there was a sort
in their cosmopolitan they suddenlybecamemore upper east side than
good government and church reformbecamemore urgent there is no
up on it the nicknamebecamepersonal but the more the
with a rude jilting smithbecameprogressively more firmly wedded to
read the more confused itbecameso anyway i gave up
mmhm f965: and then turkeybecamealmost universal i suppose f963:
them with the ball theybecameit f963: yeah mmhm f965:
[laugh] f965: and [laugh] hairdressersbecameterribly you know big cultural
mm f965: and then itbecamethe skipping season f963: yeah
yeah f965: and then itbecamethe thing m964: it s
but for one thing ibecamea real life addition to
figure in my life lifebecameearnest it was called growing
rescued by judith frère whobecamehis life long lover just
your life the private schoolbecamethe focus now there fun
it er it er graduallybecamebigger and bigger and er
the language and er shebecamecompletely fluent completely fluent f606:
on as i say itbecameer a bit [?]slidgy[/?] you
the fact that it thenbecameer an irish er poem
immediately a success er itbecameone of the great scots
to er the continent ermbecamethe norm [click] [inhale] and
members who signed when ibecamea minister i asked to
when the doorbell rang ibecamea passionate european because i
to define when a riskbecamea significant risk furthermore i
the way bits when ibecamea teacher he used to
element was supplied when ibecameacquainted with w robertson smith
we both felt this webecameas one with him when
used enamel pot when potsbecamebadly chipped they were often
t believe it when itbecamebig news in the uk
nearly 40 years when ibecamefirst minister i remember calculating
tell me when you firstbecameinterested in scots m017: well
push chair when the oilbecameless significant and the money
way forward however when itbecamemandatory every council in scotland
for disappeared when alice firstbecamepregnant and never looked like
the same age when hebecameprofessor of hebrew at aberdeen
for all european students glasgowbecamethe city of culture when
so that when jack arbuthnottbecamethe laird in 1920 he
at secondary school when hebecamethe leader of the liberal
age pension when that eventuallybecameuneconomic she let out the
leaps and bounds until shebecamean efficient cyclist meanwhile cuthbert
pages after baynes death smithbecameeditor in chief until the
experience paternal love my grandmabecamemy guardian until her death
until the the young offenderbecamethe irresponsible adult anarchists that
to draw until the terracebecameunpleasantly bright then i would
contents to construct the lighteragebecamefirst a vehicle park then
appelez ringan pray to ringanbecamefirst appleringan then appleringie it
day and hour that hebecamefirst minister back on 5
and minority languages in scotlandbecamethe first committee report to
botanist of the vancouver expeditionbecamethe first non hawaiian to
employee was employed after shebecamea labour councillor lynda struthers
years after one another hebecamea mine manager and died
some years after the marriagebecamea roman catholic the duke
coasts after 1077 the balearicsbecamean independent taifa kingdom dedicated
always important and after 1550becamedominant as the most economic
me into his after webecamefriends passerines like me were
personal note after the linebecameoperational a driver and his
on my experience before ibecamean msp of sitting on
but even then before refrigeratorsbecamecommon place our temperate climate
locomotion applied to sailing shipsbecamehis passion before his second
mmhm m636: before eh indiabecameindependent and it was a
mount- met him before hebecamem636: aye m635: eh vice-
years before his death hebecameprofessor of arabic at cambridge
in my time before itbecameupsides down with inverurie and
met with george paisley whobecamemy companion for 55 years
thousand years growth and pollardingbecamemy companions solitaries family groups
of years of ploddin onbecamequite a good skater certainly
other things in so shebecamef963: mm mmhm m762: this
whole thing came together andbecamejazz f963: yeah yeah right
had been the bogeyman thenbecamepolly in the kitchen f963:
war f963: mm m762: andbecamesomething different for a while
so many of its kindbecamea tearoom then a hotel
aside but anyway scotland thenbecamean abandoned province [inhale] now
was in the circle thenbecamethe leader and the previous
exchange cows and then thatbecamethe word for cash [click]
then he got ill andbecamevery thin and then he
speaking erm th- the areabecamef606: mmhm m1036: i was
a wee prompt erm ibecamequite fluent in it i
erm so yeah so thatbecameseparate mm a separate sort
clever erm because because shebecamethat character in the book
but erm the united irishmenbecamethe united scotsmen they g-
point 1984 180 that scotsbecamea predominant language on upper
a place name that afterwardsbecamefamous in his scots quair
the peer wee bairn marybecamequeen o the scots in
the east coast and whatbecamescots though it wisnae as
leid dialect position aince againbecameundecidit syne scots is distinctive
who worked on the landbecamea person who had to
blamed for becoming who hebecameand thus it is unfair
central scotland were strangers whobecamefriends i am sure that
burns s patron who alsobecameher own servant s patron
who were exposed to asbestosbecameill and have now contracted
on the future of europebecamenecessary because those who had
no avail similarly an stacbecamethe celebrated inaccessible pinnacle who
and servants and who themselvesbecametradition bearers in their singing
folk moved out and propertybecameavailable so what you were
s interestin f1054: so kerrbecamecorrie corriefisted f1144: corrie corriefisted
in a blizzard and ibecamefascinated by not so much
overflowed their banks and quicklybecameimpassable so that they were
the band finally it justbecameridiculous so i thought f
moments like those the lanebecameso alive and full of
with the plan and indeedbecameso enthusiastic that he insisted
the title itself her songbecameso popular and appeared so
next day again sometimes theybecameso tired they just sat
tell me about how spidermanbecamespiderman m805: ehm so this
in m762: some of thembecamesufis i think so yeah
s so the single treebecamethe larick like all country
being serious at this ibecameall muddled up with panic
certain is that pivotal townbecamebackwater clachan with astonishing speed
with the winding our armsbecameentangled hey i protested for
i did a a ibecamefamiliar with the writing of
under the ainahau banyan stevensonbecamefascinated with the half scottish
mix with the multitude andbecamefrustrated and languid he resembled
need iii whether the applicantbecamehomeless or threatened with homelessness
the gen- in general theybecameidentified with a plain straightforward
the protestant reformers in particularbecameidentified with a plain straightforward
prose style and they alsobecameidentified with an increasing anglicisation
public notoriety robertson smith immediatelybecamejoint editor with baynes of
revised again and arbuthnott churchbecamelinked with inverbervie where our
merged with the olive treesbecameone of them for all
the dairyman at beoch farmbecameseverely ill with pneumonia and
with you as the goingbecamesteeper i began to be
with local and national governmentbecamethe central themes for each
amalgamated its proposals for whatbecamethe sexual offences bill with
of his breeks his whistlebecamea hum and he smiled
lost all his english andbecamea naturalised gaelic speaker my
protection of his estates hebecamean absentee landlord these days
mr knight s situation herebecameintolerable frae his lack o
his queen but he himselbecamenae weel an twa year
kept his distance mr scottbecamesarcastically formal you confirm macphail
the archduke and his secretarybecamethe toast of palma society
his voice carried by intercombecamethe universe of the weary
passengers huddled inside his liesbecametheir truth next stop freedom
it appears that those referencesbecamefalse following the insertion at
complex whoever contravened those taboosbecameguilty of the only two
a sin against art hebecameone of those must have
as july progressed the issuebecamethe extent of those data
very hard work and itbecamenecessary for a middleman called
very real sense the encyclopaediabecamesurrogate lover and mistress to
make up sentences which theybecamevery proficient at but excluded
face brightened again and hebecameconspiratorial almost chummy i should
and kiss them yes ibecamethe virgin mother again and
at night if the husbandbecameunable to work through injury
to play the fiddle hebecamea crack hand at fiddling
south of england where hebecamea full time writer in
learned tying mealies that hebecamea surgeon in another letter
frae hame the dafter theybecamean sae he turned aroon
a familiar pattern emerging hebecamedisinterested in everything around him
a fire inspector where hebecameinterested in how people used
was knighted in 1641 hebecamesir thomas urquhart [inhale] and
but at farm cross hebecamesomewhat apologetic i m sorry
i must confess that webecamebaffled technically because we were
from cl- from what whatbecameclassic films because that was
the secondary sector where itbecamea core subject in s3
television an all that itbecamea fashionable thing to play
lament it was till itbecamea paeon of praise for
from the date that itbecamea public body to prepare
much extra pressure that itbecamea reason for the overload
was always in it wellbecamean elder in the church
the north east it quicklybecameapparent throughout the survey that
bit efter a fyle itbecameeasy tae see that there
into my head and itbecamein the end the song
down and the second personbecameit if they were caught
the 1st world war itbecamelaw to have a rear
went out to bamboo itbecamelike a pulling competition between
of that and and itbecamem1055: aye m1008: mum m1007:
coughs and murmurs and itbecameobvious that james nelson would
backwards and forwards it suddenlybecamepartly rebus s biography partly
our offices ever since itbecamepossible for that to happen
really got on and itbecamequite f1151: did you not
yet you did the lovebecamesomething solid and immovable it
means in norse but itbecamethat you know that you
must go ahead perhaps itbecamethe educational millennium dome which
understood in scotland and itbecameuniversally used a passage from
switch in attitude and itbecamewell there s enough of
every other novelty it justbecameyou know it just wore
cromar over the centuries crabbecamecraib craibs were farming on
my colleague ian jenkins ibecamea councillor in glasgow in
my brother at age sixteenbecamea deacon which is the
age and blood and quicklybecamefirm friends my grandmother had
to describe parts of languagebecameas foreign as anything taught
the same time and shebecamea bit pissed off i
hair caught fire and shebecamea human torch immolation like
swathed immaculately in white hadbecamean altar upon which she
glad to say that ibecameone she was a great
half of the 1980s shebecameresponsible for the revising stage
of some of the cargobecamedetached and was washed into
deeside dialect of gaelic othersbecametranslated or otherwise changed into
which the university of edinburghbecamea party to help meet
the extent to which theybecamea social group or a
the manager a mr dicksbecamea businessman well ahead of
and novels such an analysisbecamea means of not reading
of a dram the lintiebecamea nuisance billy cook was
like joan of arc matildebecamea pile of ashes but
worship of the great bearbecamea predominant religion ancient awe
hitting the stern all soonbecameconscious of the list to
of europe the american minkbecameestablished following escapes from fur
many of the countries thatbecameindependent from britain during the
this group of words ibecameinterested in the fact that
parishes of arbuthnott and kinneffbecamelinked a new manse was
the difficulties at home jackbecamelord lieutenant of kincardineshire in
the bye james what everbecameof her parents afterwards beaumont
born women of the periodbecamesong composers drawing on existing
construction of the properties thatbecamethe assets of scottish homes
times candlemas day february 2becamethe feast of the purification
the cost of the reportbecamethe focus of people s
david steel and harry ewingbecamethe honorary joint presidents of
britton s categories of coursebecamethe types of writing termed
the task as click clackbecamethwack thwack and dozens of
outskirts of town your scruffinessbecameunbearable have you some decent
of their blood and theybecamevegetables their only claim was
process and the archipelago soonbecamea naval base for the
farm servants and the eldestbecamea roadman two joined the
younger than me and ehbecamea scottish nationalist eh at
new britannica 15 and automaticallybecamea talent spotter for baynes
gave up the pits andbecamea wanderer about the old
as a summer society andbecamean all year cultural society
ego and super ego rapidlybecamecommon linguistic property as did
on 9 may 2002 andbecamedeputy convener on 14 may
eventually received royal assent andbecamelaw in august 1704 demonstrated
macdonald suffered a stroke andbecamelike an old gnarled oak
s family and acquaintances johnbecamerespected in craigellachie as a
whole group the dead fatherbecamestronger than the living one
lord as their saviour theybecamea waiting people waiting for
away below bankhead once levelledbecamea car park [note: photo: 'crest left by men of the pioneer corps to record their work on the railway.'] the
ibid completion by 2000 thusbecamea cornerstone in the recommendations
lard burnt custard juist abootbecamea memory o the past
escape to the mountains rosebecamea respected academic in america
become scottish nationalist em ibecamea scottish nationalist well sorry
a mountain track for llullbecamea tarmacadam road for salvador
me that if a buildingbecamedangerous redress would be sought
scottish nationalist well sorry ibecamekeen on a scottish independent
as they say here webecameintoxicated enough to sneak by
if the bill as draftedbecamelegislation in what i suggest
entered deeside speech indirectly latinbecameavailable via christian missionary work
built here the line nowbecamedouble track at the entrance
valley for me each daybecamean adventure beyond the music
i was most impressed ibecamequite mesmerised following your progress
merchant seaman was what ibecamesilence della aw these last
was adoptit bi james rapidlybecamethi norm fur communication quhile
from 1920 the district councilbecameresponsible for the upkeep on
4000 per annum 6 watsonbecameeditor in chief in 1985
4 read in france marybecamefreens wi wee francis the
in the past once peoplebecameless able to manage for
in janie herself her painbecamesubmerged in the peesie s
to acceptance the world frozebecamesuspended seemed to hold its
that wider scottish literary textsbecameaccessible but gey few wi
her office aifter that thaysbecamethe best o pals likes
thus various words for nosebecameattached to projecting objects or
entitled to 11d worth housewivesbecameadept at stretching out the
the mair ooti control youbecamepause the mair yi drifted
best o scuil pals thaysbecamethe best o gay pals
early nineteenth centuries oats graduallybecamethe main staple crop wheat
torre picada above the portbecamethe small fort you see
merger continuit thi formal subjunctivebecameless common an thi form
truculence miss troy s patiencebecamestrained you re not trying
anna gordon s own singingbecametransposed to printed text form

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