
See this word as a collocate cloud

scotland snp w wallace robertbenlobban north east scotland con
scott john ayr con wallacebennorth east scotland con against
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
elaine aberdeen north lab wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
elaine aberdeen north lab wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
elaine aberdeen north lab wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con wallace
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con watson
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
john north tayside snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
west of scotland snp wallacebennorth east scotland con welsh
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con young
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con young
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con young
south of scotland con wallacebennorth east scotland con young
by lord james douglas hamiltonbenwallace alex fergusson mr keith
mr david davidson david mcletchiebenwallace alex johnstone john scott
taxation supported by mary scanlonbenwallace alex johnstone john scott
mr keith harding murdo fraserbenwallace alex johnstone john scott
mr david davidson bill aitkenbenwallace alex johnstone mr murray
smith convener mrs kay ullrichbenwallace also present ms nicola
challenges face it at presentbenwallace and richard lochhead touched
one out of the waybenwallace are we not in
my colleagues john young andbenwallace as the first minister
the issue of reasonableness andbenwallace asked for further information
1 in the name ofbenwallace be agreed to are
gorrie robin harper pauline mcneillbenwallace brian adam michael matheson
mulligan sylvia jackson alex fergussonbenwallace business bulletin 1 2001
by donald gorrie maureen macmillanbenwallace cathy jamieson mr jamie
kay ullrich mr jamie mcgrigorbenwallace christine grahame mr david
bill aitken mrs lyndsay mcintoshbenwallace colin campbell dennis canavan
the united kingdom supported bybenwallace david davidson s1m 733
like further information on whybenwallace does not think that
macaskill phil gallie fiona hyslopbenwallace dr winnie ewing colin
ms sandra white s1m 950benwallace dunkirk 60th anniversary that
cover phil gallie i commendbenwallace for lodging these amendments
interesting it is obvious thatbenwallace has a great deal
an intervention sarah boyack nobenwallace has already had a
eager to witness such engagementbenwallace has met someone who
committees of other regional parliamentsbenwallace helen eadie highlights the
will take a brief interventionbenwallace how does ms boyack
dr sylvia jackson dennis canavanbenwallace hugh henry convener david
information to break the strikebenwallace i do not dispute
to impede the legal processbenwallace i have gone through
for the benefit of crewsbenwallace i say to lloyd
lodged i move amendment 32benwallace i speak in support
not cheering at the endbenwallace i think they thought
example let us hear itbenwallace i too support michael
an important matter 14 15benwallace i understand the aim
aspect at a later stagebenwallace i wish to clarify
and society as a wholebenwallace instead of developing a
the kind of people whombenwallace is talking about outside
have some sympathy with whatbenwallace is trying to achieve
that we are talking aboutbenwallace it is clear that
davidson murray tosh alex fergussonbenwallace james douglas hamilton annabel
sturgeon donald gorrie john mcallionbenwallace james mcgrigor john swinney
annabel goldie mr david davidsonbenwallace john scott mary scanlon
mr duncan hamilton david mundellbenwallace john young phil gallie
gallie lord james douglas hamiltonbenwallace john young s1m 342
murray tosh mr nick johnstonbenwallace keith harding brian monteith
davidson murray tosh alex fergussonbenwallace lord james douglas hamilton
life in scotland supported bybenwallace lord james douglas hamilton
35 year olds supported bybenwallace mary scanlon tommy sheridan
euan robson mr gil patersonbenwallace maureen macmillan mr jamie
mr gil paterson alex neilbenwallace michael matheson brian adam
winnie ewing mr john mcallionbenwallace michael matheson brian adam
67 against 52 abstentions 0benwallace moved amendment s1m 2030
winnie ewing mr david davidsonbenwallace mr brian monteith lord
mr kenneth gibson fiona mcleodbenwallace mr david davidson dorothy
donald gorrie mr john mcallionbenwallace mr jamie mcgrigor mr
mary scanlon mr david davidsonbenwallace mr jamie mcgrigor mr
hospital in dundee supported bybenwallace mr john swinney tommy
miss annabel goldie john youngbenwallace mr keith harding mary
mr duncan hamilton fiona mcleodbenwallace mr keith raffan mr
mr david davidson nick johnstonbenwallace mr kenneth gibson fiona
paterson tricia marwick tommy sheridanbenwallace mr kenneth gibson s1m
northern ireland interconnector supported bybenwallace mr murray tosh mrs
we have no more standingbenwallace my understanding is that
have we got the directivebenwallace no the ssi is
that is a no thenbenwallace no why does labour
eadie colin campbell sarah boyackbenwallace nora radcliffe apologies lloyd
raise morale across the servicebenwallace north east scotland con
by full membership 15 54benwallace north east scotland con
at the earliest possible opportunitybenwallace north east scotland con
lyon argyll and bute ldbenwallace north east scotland con
wallace fiona hyslop lothians snpbenwallace north east scotland con
ewing highlands and islands snpbenwallace north east scotland con
is grouped with amendment 2benwallace north east scotland con
clear for all to seebenwallace north east scotland con
tom mccabe hamilton south labbenwallace north east scotland con
have just highlighted 16 40benwallace north east scotland con
russell south of scotland snpbenwallace north east scotland con
have more votes 17 18benwallace north east scotland con
lab tavish scott shetland ldbenwallace north east scotland con
people who make the decisionsbenwallace north east scotland con
snp nora radcliffe gordon ldbenwallace north east scotland con
the end of the debatebenwallace on three occasions i
macdonald nicola sturgeon s1m 1186benwallace orderly conduct of fuel
a hash symbol s1m 1186benwallace orderly conduct of fuel
to scrutinise in an ssibenwallace our specific role is
bill aitken mr david davidsonbenwallace pauline mcneill dennis canavan
mundell alex fergusson david davidsonbenwallace phil gallie business bulletin
next section mr quinan althoughbenwallace raised his point under
the casual person to whombenwallace referred or the catch
benefits from the european unionbenwallace rose the deputy presiding
why we need the amendmentbenwallace rose the deputy presiding
could be a genuine dangerbenwallace rose the deputy presiding
of the bill by usingbenwallace s exception i am
interesting and i feel thatbenwallace s experience in these
in my opening speech butbenwallace s intervention came later
the tory amendment and bybenwallace s speech the executive
alex fergusson miss annabel goldiebenwallace s1m 1005 john scott
mr gil paterson tommy sheridanbenwallace s1m 1022 tommy sheridan
mr lloyd quinan david mundellbenwallace s1m 1107 trish godman
mr david davidson tricia marwickbenwallace s1m 918 michael russell
lyndsay mcintosh mr david davidsonbenwallace s1m 941 nick johnston
mr gil paterson brian adambenwallace s1m 943 david mundell
david davidson mr gil patersonbenwallace s1m 948 mr brian
dr richard simpson cathy peattiebenwallace s1m 978 dorothy grace
to follow on from whatbenwallace said the information we
opportunity for people to contributebenwallace says that the cbi
the european community legal systembenwallace so effectively the rights
point the stuc is makingbenwallace so the stuc is
public servants brian fitzpatrick willbenwallace take this opportunity to
of circumstances we discussed withbenwallace the cancellation of an
moved fiona hyslop amendment movedbenwallace the deputy first minister
are filed for our usebenwallace the executive s view
things that have been suggestedbenwallace the forestry one is
you have 30 seconds leftbenwallace the intervention was not
dr richard simpson margaret smithbenwallace the meeting opened at
which we debated in februarybenwallace the minister s motion
is tight enough 09 45benwallace the problem is that
conservatives match our budget boosterbenwallace the scottish conservatives recognise
to be spent s1w 7656benwallace to ask the scottish
young people s1o 211 25benwallace to ask the scottish
place by 2006 s1w 34374benwallace to ask the scottish
social services budget s1w 16543benwallace to ask the scottish
on scottish roads s1w 7696benwallace to ask the scottish
road at longhaven s1w 16542benwallace to ask the scottish
comfort to him 10 15benwallace to assist phil gallie
regret giving way to enablebenwallace to make that fairly
europe convention i thought thatbenwallace was a bit churlish
rise to speak instead ofbenwallace when the name mr
2 in the name ofbenwallace which seeks to amend
is not the position ofbenwallace who makes constructive contributions
treaty for the first timebenwallace why does the eu
we have myriad social problemsbenwallace will the member give
on commission and bank chargesbenwallace will the member give
representatives of our nation statebenwallace will the member take
important that we increase awarenessbenwallace will the member take
companies in scotland be coveredbenwallace you are not referring
til hir wuid ee comebenmrs scott kis the meenister
the chunnerin kirkyaird wirm crawlinbenthe blackie s ee dwinin
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose an have a
an when ee can comebenthe hoose and have a
ane o the gethern shoutitbentil hir wuid ee come
wall f1054: mm m1019: erbenben the hoose ben the
set up camp in ebene hoose room it hid
lobby ben the hoose f606: ben[inaudible] mmhm m845: we we
the hoose for yer breakfastbens a perth- he said
drawins in his drawin officebenthe back o his hoose
reek juist you pair gitbenthe hoose an dinnae gie
tae his study wi neilbenthe hoose an oot the
see her she ll gaebenthe hoose an takk a
f1054: mm m1019: er benbenthe hoose ben the kitchen
aye that s o- orbenthe hoose f1026: instead of
ben the ben the lobbybenthe hoose f606: ben [inaudible]
f1026: [laugh] f1027: [laugh] f1025: benthe hoose for yer breakfast
ten grown ups they satbenthe hoose in the biggest
villa he could hear susanbenthe hoose in the lounge
rough cement kitchen floor butbenthe hoose in the room
loose it blew oor wheeliebenthe hoose it slaistered clart
breakfast i said just gobenthe hoose ken frank says
through in the kitchen f1018: benthe hoose m1019: erm messages
room and there it m1022: benthe hoose m1021: it s
s day there were nobenthe hoose meals her uncle
and the young folk slippedbenthe hoose on bad days
take their meals in abenthe hoose room and the
be jonsar eck wis teenbenthe hoose sat doon an
wi her an gaed awabenthe hoose tae read the
sore beet boot begood beganbenthe hoose through the house
popular eh f1144: mmhm m1146: benthe hoose was the the
darlin f1114: we ll gobenthe hoose watch little [?]bella[/?]
the hoose m1021: it sbenthe [inaudible] but the kitchen
er ben ben the hoosebenthe kitchen that you know
words like ben ben thebenthe lobby ben the hoose
hoose a butt and abenwhere all nanny curdy leaved
s houss an thai gaedbenafoir thai cuid finnd the
the houss swang ajie gaedbenan ett the paliassis tammas
an the lads brocht yebenma houss than fu o
behave yeirsell cum on inbybenthe houss an ah l
ane ti let stoutherie fraebenthe houss an ane fur
test i jowellerie tak hirbenthe houss an dinna forleit
thare wesna onie mair maetbenthe houss ay reponed the
pleyin dunt wi the duirsbenthe houss god kens wi
towards the ballroom olia cumbenthe houss olga enters from
machines fur thai wes nivverbenthe houss ti tak caws
aboot it for ah wesbenthe houss whan it happent
aboot it for ah wesbenthe houss whan it happent
she telt me she wesbenthe houss whan it wes
wark houanever meg pat himbenthe houss whyle she bade
yeah m845: eh words likebenben the ben the lobby
and twa kelpies ben speilinbenkunlun see leukin owre ilka
but ay and twa kelpiesbenspeilin ben kunlun see leukin
on staunin room anely stepbenstep ben we hinna go
m845: eh words like benbenthe ben the lobby ben
on ben we ll gobenthe living room m1110: whoa
room anely step ben stepbenwe hinna go aa day
disney f1109: aye come onbenwe ll go ben the
masel as i hirpl tbennorth silver street deukin atween
syne the kitchen loun bringsbena bowle o lentils the
teetit close i took itbene passage throwe e kitchen
can dae the twa gaedbenthe kitchen an geordie cuidnae
you want tae pit thisbenthe kitchen gordon takes bottle
the laddie an his fishbenthe kitchen whaur he hid
hiz pawrents the guidman cambenan jyned i the cuttance
sall daith bloust ye wannerbenhiz sheid whan in eternal
shairlie bot the dischort wesbenhiz wame thon laddie wes
the greiks wes nou awbenhiz weir waws cheptir seiven
whan the panser pued upbenits gairage he pit hiz
out hiz heid he breingedbenthe haw agane gruppit tammas
hiz lug an pued himbenthe rotour craift inby wes
derker days the styx rinsbenbalquidder tapsalteerie doon the burn
the braes o the easternbenbi the hill burn a
mell thegither the stooshie ragesbenbraemar like burn that s
burn s ain but anbenda s ain espeecial favourite
till e burn side anbene burn passin e wider
wid at the fit obenledrach far the ledrach burn
we stravaig frae the southbenbrae til the aistern skerrs
tae loch an glen anbenadmirin strath an burnie thon
tae loch an glen anbenadmirin strath an burnie thon
this thai pied piper blawsbenbamboo tubes thon hollow reeds
thon posh hotel upon thebenbids walcome but thon s
the kintra follaed bi democratiebenit thon suid be supportit
pilliedacus s duir an gaedbenti raport thon mannie cam
wang jin the bodie gaedbena whylie syne cam out
wu an yang chun gaedbenahint him wi nae dreidour
ithers cad it samanalakande butterfleebenfar butterflees gaed tae dee
the auld maister gaed awabensae mither an son thenkit
tap flair an thai gaedbenthe blak k nicht s
the snoot whan mag gaedbenthrowe til hir pantry tae
his heid an gaed awabenti hae a luik at
hir an the lassie cambenheich an fair she wes
the first quastioun at cambenhir harns whitwey is thare
twa sma feet cam steppinbenhumbled noo fa aince wauked
the fuit o the ferrestbenshe cam til a tottie
mirren an the gaird cambenthe wes als a seilent
tirnpek sterr whan he cambentho it wes clair at
brecham hirplin a wie cambenti shak hir haun ye
an whan the keing cambenti whaur she lay in
apent an twa younkers cambenwi a dug maistres stein
thick socks on i paddletbene room nae wintin tae
minnie an the neep warbenin the gweed room far
then tae pit thaim awabenin the room press on
an brian lyin in thebenroom wad listen tae the
s shooders an led thembentae the best room the
a quick snack afore gyaunbenthe livin room steppin inno
mither says when i wentbenthe livin room whaur ae
laddies did wis tae gaunbenthe room an pit thair
no m1014: no m1015: gobenthe sittin room yeah m1014:
bi circumstance gin ye bydebena laun whaur the fowk
in the hieland forest deepbenamang the bens whaur naebodie
the tither he bade thembenintil the gairden whaur a
toit he buldered bauk highbentae bloit whaur widchip hingin
me to caird come awaybenbeaumont and caird exit jack
laddie ay weel come awabengeordie an oo ll see
please f1109: okay come onbenleave yer t- lorry there
whiles ye still come hirplinbentae sit lugs cockit heid
f1140: mmhm f1139: come onbenthe bedroom then f1140: mum
says ti them come awabenwi me the baith o
wee fisherman s butt anbenaw til himsell an a
mean his hieness macduff gaebentil the chaumer an blinnd
1506 wha s yon airtinbentil the king wha als
sax wha s yon airtinbentil the king wha als
me whyles til the ferrbenturn aboot issa dew faw
tae brian neil you awabentae yer guests fin he
john hedna sein the lounbenthe howff cawin awaw at
o steenhillock an gey farbenwi the meenister maister john
man s airm thai wesbenfrie scotland the foirsman apent
maist kyndlie an wes walcummedbenhir bothie mirren wes kwerious
tha twa weimen aye wesbenthe fortrace the cumpanie o
sae a bed wes brochtbenthe hydie holl wi mich
the lads an fess mirrenbenthe waird at wes bot
highlands and islands snp ikbenheel tevreden dat wij vandaag
ti hae douts or swithersbenhir howff shae swoupit mirren
the egs in a pokebenhir schoppin bag thai mebbies
treisurs tellin hir ti feshbenthe mukkil necklace o saft
wheiched hir doun the sterrbenthe seicrie ruim an snekkit
brak hir hecht ti bydebentornes he gantit sae mukkil
uncle james and taken awaybeninto the coal face to
a book called but nbena go go a number
sequel to er but nbena go go for those
mean m605: but but nbena go go is er
n animals belanged v belongedbenprep in benmaist prep in
n animals belanged v belongedbenprep in bens n mountains
v bear beiss n beastbenprep within bern n barn
s wee bit but nbenwis jyned tae steenhillock fermhoose
the deep seilence unkent onbenan plain lippert bi tydeless
hichts ah sklim the cauldbenbi a stey gait up
middle powl bi thongs threiditbenslits cut in their showders
roon bi faithlie pelicans flewbenthe gaitherin gloom the rich
the muir draiglin skirts gaunbenthe muir treelipin hem bi
border than pittin the titherbenthe guise fank eftir whan
murdoch get yon first nichtbenthe bowster she tossed her
nae mair ootby on thebenthe muin leims the nicht
the door the smaa fellbenthe nicht in thick cauld
steek the lid the veesitorbenthe nicht on frostit taes
s a warnin fur speedinbenthe nicht sky in a
starns that flame an glimmerbenthe skinklin nicht an haein
tae me at skene farbenamangst the widded trees i
gaen tae me i waukbenthe byre noo far the
yows that s gaen wauchtsbenthe pen far fermin men
heavy liftin strae wis teenbenthe shakers far it landed
the lairds war gey farbenwi the masons an chae
cd hear ony vyackles cominbene road an ye cd
pick black ye can getbene road on yer byke
ultimate in road rage pleasurebenhur s chariot race in
steenhillock brae a twa milebenthe main road frae the
glazed an glaissy an nippitbenthe road on his skateboord
ither than a chiel dawdlinbenthe road wi a muckle
inbye takk the road inbyebenthe showdin hey takk the
bell jowes awa on cauldbenan raxes the lenth o
the yetts baith but anbenshouthert his pockstang an awa
stores flip kojac or mrbenand get yourself properly kitted
twa at a time againbene passage an throwe e
ye- aye take yer tractorbenthat s right m1110: tractor
yer auntie jessie s bringinbenthe parritch we ll jist
roon an breedy thochts arebenyer croon juist gar her
feet wid ye agree shiftbenyer seat if i sat
happit in airmour an bydinbena concreit fortrace the blak
an tummle like a peeriebena weet deck in the
dreepin blur that maks obenan brae a shroud as
liggs lourd ower wuid anbenan cleuch it s the
the yetts steikit but anbenan he cudna get in
wi be in sae ferrbenan in fawin in wi
the princess nanse ti cumbenan see me thare a
waws o the caibin keikinbenan steikin thaim agane than
it is correctly mapped asbenarthur after an historical figure
socht an it wyles usbenaye showdin in maik an
till e park wi imbenbe e plantin an slantin
cholera typhoid thinned the ranksbenbitter nichts an noons a
an e teacher wis gaanbene line takkin a note
lad inside throwe a doorbenfae e byre an he
transplant broker pykit his wyebenfish guts an scurrie keech
aiblins thay l cry mebenfor a cup an hae
juist a wee butt anbenfor leevin in wi juist
stammygaster fin he d trawledbenhis computers an dna data
at the saidil law thebenis clear o clouds an
s a braw but anbenis the wee hoos in
as the ither hairs haebenkuist owre the horse an
still an cearcail pont sbenleckderg red stone hill is
only a but an abenm642: five fires aye a
theikit hut ma son bringsbenma strae hat an oot
i the cressent ceitie anbenma wame the efricans at
sushi japan s adopted herobenmushroom clouds an efter chez
in the deid thraa blewbenmy thochts yestreen an ilkie
wi smeddum skeelieness an sweiritybenpit mirk oors she planned
on da tongue lik snoriebensneester an skaddyman s heid
him up an cairt himbentae s touslt bed a
liftit the neep an ranbentae the safety o the
re murder duin an sacrilegebenthare sumbodie s brukken inti
a kirn o strae anbenthe air his fooshty duds
quick an syne leed farrerbenthe beach they tell me
each tree an turtles hotchinbenthe bree a preyin mantis
an spry muckle leaves wauchtbenthe breeze michty me they
an braa her reets ranbenthe derk side o the
denner i hid treetled inbenthe fairm kitchie an spak
an the derk clouds scuddedbenthe lift like flocks o
the maitter o free meevementbenthe toun an smittin oncoms
an cweelin breeze wauchtin saftsomebenthe trees watterfaas that s
some like an erne wheechinbenthe warld twinty storeys up
the yetts baith but anbenthey settlt syne ti the
throwe e feeders byre anbentill e coos syne tuckit
an ruthven frae cradle sangbenwarld wars barehillock an newbiggin
an then the next anebenwas the scullery m1000: aye
wir tea when tam andbenand jake and me goes
when you make to gobenwhen you take the left
eesed till t we geedbene lang nairra close me
in at as ye walkitbene widlan trackie ey fluffert
meinister wul can mairrie yebenthe kirk o yeir foirfaithers
gleg that frae the heichestbenhe coud hear the waves
jordan whilk rises westlin obenhermon and faas frae a
doon frae the fauns obenledrach tae the dowie loch
gangrel wi the kirkyaird smitbenbalquidder late yestreen strippin leaf
i the lirk o thebenhappit wi the bindwuid ay
a dug hid gaen fleeinbensector 7 wi a string
step wi the creak flittitbenthe lobby like ghaists lifitit
dauvit his mother cried rinbenthe lobby wi mam s
wi fowk on the sabbathbenthe pews the hum o
lies doon wi the rambenthe showdin hey takk the
hirsel us will tak obenthen till his yetts wi
r mair nor eneuch sillerbenits bunkers ti rademe the
thaim naebodie ti cry thaimbennaebodie ti gie thaim as
ti finnd gin ruth isbenthe waws o tornes haud
ither objeks o gryte vailyiebenthis machine ti pey a
ti the heid o thebenye hae yeir haill lyfe
do you want to gobento your bed at seven
o mochs bricht dragonflees wauchtbena temple that s ableeze
the chapel o the haliebenayont wersh date port the
the cauld shooder o thebenaywis coorie ye kindly let
weary wastes o sna soughedbeneach limb unseen the linn
the chapel o the haliebenfor uis a ll get
the tap o the heichestbenin the haill kintrie but
train rins ram starn onbeniron tracks wauchts o winter
o blocks m1092: [inaudible] f1091: benis giving rabbit a ride
fish nine guidwyfe o thebenit s like the r
telt them aboot the halybenit wis a place o
its wauchtit sweetness climmed upbenma harns as if o
the cauld ice prods obennagarr weirin its hanky o
by the god o thebensharakuen sharakuen there used to
haun in first drawin itbenthe back o the sleepin
on again throw the parkbenthe back o the stable
rin deep aneth the grunbenthe braid mantle o the
stilts o the ploo wirkedbenthe cauld the fusslin peesie
hae a fouth o clachansbenthe forrest a clan o
are the life bluid flowinbenthe lanes o ma veesion
foo they meeve like watterbenthe tides o air the
on lang raws o shelvinbenthe waas on the boddom
the auld weys o lyfebenyeir ain laun mixter maxter
bob will we take bobbenand look at the pictures
f1109: let s take himbenand whit aboot thomas will
no f1129: will take itbenf1130: mmhm f1129: hope it
the sun strove tae blinkbenas fur the quayside itsel
toon they flew past bigbenat a quarter tae ten
lift on their wye taebennagarr fa s strongest minnie
pod tae the grun trampinbentae sector 8 ahin a
aunt jessie tuik the lassiebentae the kitchie in the
certainly visitors eh were taenbentae the parlour aye starvin
her wye ower roch steensbenthe gap tae the wee
ower here they aa racedbenthe lochan side tae heist
tae say through the parlourbenthe parlour m1146: mm f1145:
wee libbets juist gang yebena ll trouble ye for
journeys ii wee peesies linkbenlichtsome clouds their journey s
my granny would have saidbenbut maybe then my mam
course and up at thebenthe one our families have
a hogmanay jauss baun ballbena kirk haw doun the
to set off up thebenas if we were in
doon the tea s brochtbenaywis the same fite mug
to ballyhillock and climb thebenbefore it gets too hot
muirlan dreich the tabor beatbenbrittle reed s the ghaistie
blithely jink cluds ahin thebendown in the birches linnets
as he made his wyebenduncan brae enjoyin the bonny
asked me to climb thebenhill walking would bore him
by the nevis dragon thebenhunches down tail of path
benjy wis keepit ootbye orbenin the kitchie matty wid
square box she keepit itbenin the milkhoose i min
loch at the top ofbennevis or at the end
belang a nobil faimlie ferrbennou at the court ma
and a f643: bedroom m642: benone bedroom and the scullery
make progress the question thatbenraised would be better dealt
back to the reality ofbenrinnes s heathery slopes reminding
and knows what is requiredbenseeks protection for the source
a watter shelt richt brawlybenthe banks that are close
speired movin betsy her dalliebenthe bowster fur fear that
it bit jock fa strodebenthe byre at milkin time
used to twine the raipsbenthe byre using a thraacrook
weather wis waur snaa blawinbenthe bywyes like fite haar
yokit horse ruggit the ploobenthe clarty glaur till it
the barn tackety buits clatteredbenthe close syne stoppit at
weird she gied him waukinbenthe corridor ootbye the theatre
squallochs that war nae byordnarbenthe daylicht drave their herts
the day the craas fleebenthe derkenin lift atween the
stervation disease beggars that crawlbenthe dubs on their knee
mou i see ye creepinbenthe dyew i ken ye
doon a drain he lowpsbenthe girse like a rin
theirsels doun i the haabenthe hous he cried on
it happenit mair nor aincebenthe jyle oniegates it explened
sein the warl he isbenthe kittie agane shae expoundit
war fleein in lang rawsbenthe lift abeen them fur
century tears heich ower thebenthe muin skowe steers the
of water draiglin skirts gaunbenthe muir draiglin skirts gaun
sae sweir draiglin skirts gaunbenthe muir fa dae ye
limb unseen the linn roaredbenthe packit haa i didna
ll be her speir farrerbenthe quay rise early in
appoint him the saxth stepbenthe scaffold stair he welcomed
ice autumn fin autumn flichtersbenthe streets her plumage will
the spring fin autumn flichersbenthe streets new life s
skweel is scalin the classiesbenthe toun mebbe granny ll
ease i daunced or dauchledbenthe trees until i hytered
hale jing bang gyang furlinbenthe wave in smithereens fine
buffalo beaver wolf on thebenthese are the neebors immigrants
the moist peels off thebenunder the full moon the
on his stilts he stytersbenwanderin willies in the fen
says the peronall lat zbenwiouten wirds tammas onlukkit the
duncan ablo ma battilments cumbenye spreits that tends on
my hairt as ye steptbena thoosan caunles lit i
side door andrey you cumbenhere wul ye juist for
hen as she elbowed mebenbut just heeshie bawed at
think not using words likebenand dreep and stoor no
corruption of gaelic names likebennevis from beinn nimheis but
skyte flash a trolly likebennevis michty fit a fash
no like some bleak hielanbenthat lours abune a peacefu
f643: a but and abenm642: one m608: uh huh
aye a but and abenthere s f643: a but
case suppose there s abenthat s needing blasted at
isle patterns all over snoriebena toy made from bone
train rins ram stam onbeniron tracks a passin train
a landin dyeuk snags ripplesbenits face somelike a teir
us a bit more aboutbens idea i think that
could dae onything you likitbenthere aye if you shut
could probably be blamed forbenchichnes or beinn nan cìochan
who s that f1126: bigbenf1125: way clever [inaudible] f1126:
i seeking luscious traisure trovebenferny haugh or gressy grove
vowel in words such asbenken gled sned and redd
fall of snow was onbenlawers and other peaks we
licht aa s blae mochiebenmisty brae weety smirr fyaachie
and fiddle on top ofbennevis it would secure funding
of mull glen coe andbennevis received most mentions in
was imprisoned throughout winter inbennevis until her rescue by
minister i will listen tobens summing up on that
claes and auld clouts therebensae he tuik whit there
elements in gaelic there arebensgurr carn etc or norse
tea or snuff is taenbenthere gin nae gill bell
is alien nae birds fleebenthis deserted territory bit gin

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