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notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
papers are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
papers are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
papers are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
briefings are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
papers are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
notes are compiled for thebenefitof members of parliament and
briefings are compiled for thebenefitof members of the scottish
facing the industry with thebenefitof five weeks hindsight will
unfair to criticise with thebenefitof hindsight but perhaps in
i am speaking with thebenefitof hindsight but we would
it nicola sturgeon with thebenefitof hindsight do you feel
cards yet indeed with thebenefitof hindsight i have to
ensure that patients who mightbenefitfrom beta interferon and glatiramer
scottish executive how many patientsbenefitfrom free prescriptions in scotland
group of cancer patients willbenefitfrom the increased funding for
she then attended patients willbenefitincreasingly from integrated and seamless
their own expense for thebenefitof patients and the service
operate in tayside for thebenefitof patients we are working
nhs board area and alsobenefitpatients from further afield we
to 20 per cent mightbenefitthe number of patients who
tax benefit but not 100benefitand b people not in
redress any imbalance in housingbenefitand council tax benefit costs
a people receiving council taxbenefitbut not 100 benefit and
housing benefit and council taxbenefitcosts between scotland and england
their entitlement to council taxbenefitdespite receiving related benefits such
about council tax utilities housingbenefitor other issues to which
to the current council taxbenefitscheme supported by mr kenneth
council tax rebate and housingbenefitsuch that the marginal rate
in receipt of council taxbenefitwere in payment arrears in
essential benefits such as incapacitybenefitand severe disablement allowance notes
essential benefits such as incapacitybenefitand severe disablement allowance notes
essential benefits such as incapacitybenefitand severe disablement allowance notes
shape that agenda that willbenefitall our communities rural and
for scotland as this willbenefitcommunities victims and young people
for scotland as this willbenefitcommunities victims and young people
ensure that the poorest communitiesbenefitdisproportionately from resources later in
energy where whole communities canbenefitfrom provision of low cost
and scottish mining communities willbenefitfrom surpluses drawn from the
people working together for thebenefitof our communities mr raffan
entitlement is secured for thebenefitof our fishing communities and
acceptance that bilingualism is obenefittae individuals an communities for
s government to cut childbenefitfor the parents of truants
of children in poverty childbenefitis being increased we are
s office that the childbenefitof families whose children are
gaelic however in order tobenefitthe child if not to
affect those with dyspraxia childbenefittruancy 12 robert brown glasgow
bell baxter high school childbenefittruancy child poverty criminal justice
or are they on housingbenefitare many of them students
have been for fraudulent housingbenefitclaims and in which local
a multiple application for housingbenefitfrom one property you could
related benefits such as housingbenefitor income support is concerned
had cut off her housingbenefityou want the council not
what the economic and environmentalbenefitof such awards has been
to help maximise the economicbenefitof tourism to scotland 13
more initiative the enormous economicbenefitto society of the work
championships brings economic and socialbenefitto the host nation and
and welcomes the vital economicbenefitwhich they contribute to the
75 000 older people nowbenefitfrom free personal care with
older people are citizens whobenefitfrom the general health of
older people and older carersbenefitprovision for scottish older people
that could be of particularbenefitto older people as i
low incomes are disqualified frombenefitbecause of their savings moreover
have already been set tobenefiteither from refurbishment schemes through
indicated the highlands and islandsbenefitenormously from european aid we
first language additional language learnersbenefitfrom a great deal of
as such surely scotland wouldbenefitfrom a national strategy on
ensure that rural areas canbenefitfrom a similar structure using
in the north east couldbenefitfrom a successful bid to
bursary improvements however they willbenefitfrom access to the guaranteed
the system and who couldbenefitfrom adoptive parents are slightly
in england and will notbenefitfrom any action that is
remuneration gift hospitality or otherbenefitfrom any lobbyist a lobbyist
of skills that we canbenefitfrom as a result of
are no longer eligible tobenefitfrom beta interferon and glatiramer
a multiple sclerosis patient wouldbenefitfrom beta interferon treatment s1w
to identify whether they wouldbenefitfrom beta interferon treatment s1w
that most people who couldbenefitfrom beta interferon will have
so the bilingual pupil willbenefitfrom discussing concepts in his
equality and help every pupilbenefitfrom education with particular regard
equality and help every pupilbenefitfrom education with particular regard
that enables us all tobenefitfrom european growth as others
to measures of output andbenefitfrom expenditure progress has been
north east speech would greatlybenefitfrom extending its range into
that they deserve and willbenefitfrom free central heating i
any children have ceased tobenefitfrom free school transport in
you think that scots wouldbenefitfrom having a a more
label believes that scotland canbenefitfrom increased promotion of its
her as somebody who mightbenefitfrom it and by wendy
people with ms who canbenefitfrom it and considers that
11 500 nurses who couldbenefitfrom it if we are
to all areas that wouldbenefitfrom it recognising that effective
residential care in scotland willbenefitfrom it what dent will
areas within scotland that mightbenefitfrom national park designation tailored
about or feel that theybenefitfrom or about which they
because they have received directbenefitfrom other people giving of
executive how many children currentlybenefitfrom out of school care
with ovarian cancer who couldbenefitfrom platinum paclitaxel therapy advice
that third world countries couldbenefitfrom producing organic food for
scottish executive how businesses willbenefitfrom recent regional selective assistance
tourism and to gain maximumbenefitfrom scotland s external representation
tourism and to gain maximumbenefitfrom scotland s external representation
of the candidate countries couldbenefitfrom scottish expertise in drawing
heritage and the opportunity tobenefitfrom such european funding supported
do assessments be regraded andbenefitfrom that but this time
people and how we canbenefitfrom that engagement it is
will be the first tobenefitfrom that guarantee the most
volunteers working in youth organisationsbenefitfrom the 2 million active
that the voluntary sector shouldbenefitfrom the 3 5million additional
private rented sector houses willbenefitfrom the central heating initiative
most scots who would potentiallybenefitfrom the drug do not
in scotland it intends willbenefitfrom the extension of the
in scotland it intends willbenefitfrom the extension of the
gaelic and scots languages reallybenefitfrom the extra funding from
are delivered on we thenbenefitfrom the fact that the
scheme members receive the maximumbenefitfrom the group s pension
of aberdeen are expected tobenefitfrom the implementation of the
complexity of issues that wouldbenefitfrom the integrated and focussed
and allow all children tobenefitfrom the learning of different
for scottish homes tenants tobenefitfrom the new tenancy no
venture partnership in tourism willbenefitfrom the new website when
scotland s heritage languages canbenefitfrom the opportunities offered by
are also well placed tobenefitfrom the opportunities that enlargement
the foreign country and tobenefitfrom the possibilities of establishing
those who are eligible tobenefitfrom the programme are given
language higher in scotland couldbenefitfrom the published material for
64 will be able tobenefitfrom the same free concessionary
tenants of private landlords canbenefitfrom the scheme s1o 3221
involve the people who ultimatelybenefitfrom the services that are
insecure to guarantee loans andbenefitfrom the social investment scotland
taxes in the city tobenefitfrom the subsidies that were
they will be able tobenefitfrom the thinking that we
covert human intelligence sources derivebenefitfrom their actions they are
everybody in scotland who mightbenefitfrom them to put that
ms have the potential tobenefitfrom these drugs in scotland
folk and they ve hadbenefitfrom using it i asked
david murison some schools nowbenefitfrom visiting tutors in traditional
from sure start scotland tobenefitgaelic medium education s1w 20848
which many youngsters got nobenefitgiven that from what david
first time he would alsobenefitgreatly from a simplified spelling
land that we hope willbenefitmost from the bill the
from them our languages wouldbenefitnot only from the increased
fraser although we have thebenefitof the consequentials from both
people only as receivers ofbenefitor policies from the scottish
perceived that they get somebenefitor special treatment from the
ban we are challenging anybenefitthat might flow from a
i think that the overallbenefitto be gained from treating
scottish executive intends to maximisebenefitto the economy from scotland
needs assessments often seem tobenefita particular part of the
equality an help ilka pupilbenefitfae education wi particular regaird
based renewable energy projects wouldbenefitrural development in particular d
prudential regime is of particularbenefitto councils such as east
i said he s onbenefitthe life class is free
realise that there is abenefitin having a card scheme
a grand scheme for thebenefitof the haill community whit
to pursue a water servicebenefitscheme aligned to the current
the whole of europe willbenefitby signing up to the
she did not have thebenefitof listening to the whole
of instinctual satisfaction for thebenefitof the whole community 15
and running businesses for thebenefitof the whole community i
it the convener for thebenefitof newer members of the
streamlined and simplified for thebenefitof the industry environment and
by the newspaper industry willbenefitscotland s1w 15077 linda fabiani
fisheries committee should be abenefitto the fishing industry in
its activities are of positivebenefitto the scottish tourist industry
english speakers each item couldbenefitby having its price translated
realise that there is abenefitin collaborating to avoid having
pick up there is abenefitin having a consistent approach
er which was a greatbenefiter to the success of
they are of no greatbenefithowever i am pleased to
it would be of greatbenefitif the committee and the
a great romantic for thebenefitof our heritage he was
which has been of greatbenefitto scottish ppp projects in
which will be of greatbenefitto the attempt to achieve
practitioners in rural areas willbenefitin terms of their being
programme will have a significantbenefitin those areas i can
out on anything that wouldbenefitrural areas richard lochhead it
scottish berry project which wouldbenefitboth rural scotland and the
who could but do notbenefitmark hazelwood perhaps the most
citizens accessing services such asbenefitpayment the most recent scottish
material it states most significantlybenefitreceipt is not related precisely
voluntary sector to their mutualbenefitand serve as a firm
and can only continue tobenefitthe scottish public sector ultimately
to take positive action tobenefitthe sector is even imbedded
developments that are of directbenefitto the public sector in
know that the issue isbenefitrelated so it might be
taking other measures that mightbenefittenants david bookbinder scottish federation
closures and fishing bans anybenefitthat might be gained is
variations are to people sbenefitand are above that minimum
cards will be a majorbenefitfor people in respect of
puts people just above thebenefitlevel savings have been attacked
of the measures will thereforebenefitmany thousands of people who
good to know the secondbenefitof people taking non vocational
people but have the addedbenefitof reducing daily living expenses
higher still was for thebenefitof young people and should
to apply it to thebenefitof young people in scotland
that the parliament recognises thebenefitto the people of east
the parliament recognises that currentbenefitagency modernisation proposals will encourage
they give the parliament thebenefitof their practical experience and
parliament can a clusters approachbenefittourism applying the scottish enterprise
the patient and that suchbenefitcannot reasonably be achieved without
not be receiving the fullbenefitsuch a list would be
is satisfied that they willbenefitthe patient and that such
attendance is of assistance orbenefitto such staff in the
however there is a generalbenefitabove and beyond that we
on whether to offer thisbenefithowever is for the local
is shorter so everybody willbenefithowever there is no possibility
operation which can continue tobenefitus in the future however
in plain english that willbenefitall involved including designers building
we will deliver improvements tobenefitall those who have a
that will bring long termbenefitand savings save money for
will be of wide rangingbenefitas i said some bits
create sustainable employment that willbenefitboth the economy and local
will he never received onybenefitfrae that law mr wedderburn
burden and not as abenefitit will be no surprise
i doubt if it willbenefitme enough personally and practically
students who will receive thebenefitof it brian adam that
debating reciprocal arrangements that willbenefitour law enforcement agencies if
that it is hoped willbenefitparticipants the promotion of international
the individual card user willbenefitpersonally mr davidson s point
life lost hundreds mair willbenefitrowland ah it s the
much of this spending willbenefitscottish companies particularly manufacturing firms
legislative change those actions willbenefittens of thousands of scotland
gathered will be of greaterbenefitthan ever before i remain
usual way 14 15 thebenefitthat partnerships uk will bring
to privileged access rather thanbenefitthat will make it specific
with their needs it willbenefitthe school s relationship with
english experience that is ofbenefitto scotland we will reflect
landlords will be of substantialbenefitto tenants more generally the
pharmacies towards supermarket pharmacies willbenefityoung affluent car owning abc1
order to ensure that thatbenefitcontinues mr ingram for the
best means to ensure thatbenefitrecipients can continue to access
much that certain individuals couldbenefitbut i accepted that not
reduction in car traffic couldbenefitedinburgh and elsewhere the borders
accepted that not everyone couldbenefiti was happy to find
high on a huntly hillbenefitland could be on planet
the number of participants whobenefitgiven good preparation and feedback
who is entitled to thebenefitof paragraph 6 7 or
those who are not onbenefitparticularly badly this is the
courses who are coming offbenefits1w 6019 robert brown to
are living in households withbenefitdependent parents that is double
and 2 are expected tobenefitin 2002 03 2003 04
but are reinvested for communitybenefitits existence in response to
been folk are getting thebenefitof new information technology which
confirm that they have thebenefitof the documents that are
in hmos but outwith thebenefitregime were there are also
kingdom affairs to scotland sbenefit12 10 christine grahame south
scotland that a detailed costbenefitanalysis of the impact on
and democratically controlled for thebenefitof all scotland s citizens
today is welcome to thebenefitof our society scotland has
scotland 1845 the society forbenefitof the sons and daughters
between scotland and england wouldbenefitscotland the scots after all
more widely publicised campaign forbenefittake up in scotland is
that it would be ofbenefitto business in scotland if
success is of the maximumbenefitto scotland mr swinney but
language education this is obenefitno juist acause it helps
by the community for thebenefitof the community registered as
it privileged access rather thanbenefitmr ingram i would like
anticipated which would have thebenefitof ensuring that mr galbraith
and any move that wouldbenefitthe care of the elderly
energy saving costs which wouldbenefitthe occupiers of the house
would have the potential tobenefitthere is now quite a
of an agency or gainedbenefitthey would in effect be
retain our languages for thebenefitof generations to come i
of our examination system andbenefitpupils and employers cathy jamieson
with that person for ourbenefitwe target their situation so
upon receipt of a qualifyingbenefitalthough anyone aged 60 or
a group to produce costbenefitanalysis of establishing after school
points about the measurement ofbenefitand the targets that have
the executive says is ofbenefitand we agree with it
because of their savings moreoverbenefitdata does not allow the
finalised and should have thebenefitof a direct link with
chris hoy have had thebenefitof a magnificent facility just
at least i had thebenefitof being able to read
is being harnessed for thebenefitof britain at the moment
up that view for thebenefitof crews ben wallace i
long run work to thebenefitof criminals rather than society
to escalating costs for thebenefitof everyone in the chamber
in chinese mines to thebenefitof humankind and in the
was cut to have thebenefitof irene oldfather s convenership
a bilingual world for thebenefitof monolingual classmates they can
a consultative body for thebenefitof registration we have been
the voyage and had thebenefitof relaxing us and getting
latter category was to havebenefitof sanctuary aps ii 95
customary exceptions and defences fullbenefitof sanctuary was to be
i have already had thebenefitof some european familiarisation ms
thrift all pensioners have thebenefitof the 200 winter fuel
up the confusion for thebenefitof the chamber and the
unreadable i gave him thebenefitof the doubt and decided
if we give mcaveety thebenefitof the doubt he seems
to pretend that the onlybenefitof the eu has been
of the environment to thebenefitof the food and biotechnology
use this opportunity for thebenefitof the registrars the officers
russell there is also thebenefitof the relationships that have
of the nobility for thebenefitof the rest of his
m941: for the for thebenefitof the tape [censored: forename] has
[laugh] [laugh] just for thebenefitof the tape f940: [laugh]
said for cigarette smoke onebenefitof the wicked weed is
your own tenement to thebenefitof us all june 26th
comment for the committee sbenefiton the interpretation of standing
so that other practitioners canbenefitpart of the point of
how to use the welfarebenefitsystem a posse of social
reasonable standard of living butbenefittake up problems continue to
suitably dense but of widerbenefitthan my peace of mind
abbreviate the exercise of abenefitthat individuals and organisations enjoy
on some form of incapacitybenefitthat is a huge pool
procurement offshore is of realbenefitto bp previously it had
instance that role is ofbenefitto the complaints system and
importance of providing the maximumbenefitto the patient g the
executive initiatives whatsoever of onybenefitto the scots language or
these properties bring real lastingbenefitto thousands of folk lilian
largely welcomed but is ofbenefitto us despite the snp
require some form of statebenefitunfortunately almost a quarter of
like they automatically cancel yourbenefitif any mail s returned
help any lobbyist get abenefitto which the lobbyist is
as much for my ownbenefitas for anyone else s
to take for deana sbenefitcan also be made public
a time for the interpretersbenefitlast weekend gil paterson attended
for many a badly neededbenefitmeans testing is stressful for
lordships but which for thebenefito them no acquent wi
aloud for the loon sbenefitso says he i begood
english for the teacher sbenefitthe educationist john low 1974
feedback on the card onebenefitthat is put to us
missed forever their chance tobenefitthat is why 44 000
have little or no personalbenefitother than through possible general
income entitles them to abenefitactually claim it and some
through service delivery improvements somebenefitmust be projected the aim
s it as well mybenefitall got cancelled ehm f809:
s point is that thebenefitappears to be all on
the scottish executive what costbenefitanalysis has been undertaken in
glaring anomaly in order tobenefitboth the scottish environment and
government choose to remove thatbenefitat the very time that
to the swirling effect thebenefitis the sudden if occasional
to the local economy andbenefitthe area in the long
the core path network tobenefitwalkers and landowners following the
i am not sure whatbenefitmeans in that context john
we put in and whatbenefitwe may receive mr mcconnell
the richt kinna bairns tibenefitfrae the skuil an o
aw bairns tae get thebenefito the learnin o different
his mynd hou he michtbenefittae frae helpin the fairies
gaelic hooanever in order taebenefitthe bairn let alane maintain
postcode area level information onbenefitclaimants be replaced with smaller
godman s1m 596 change inbenefitpayments effects on post offices
wilson s1m 596 change inbenefitpayments effects on post offices
bei i receipt o unemploymentbenefitan makin ends meet an
first rower war fur mybenefitnae mair nor cats licks
o weans tae keep onbenefittho it did cross my
buit wheech wis tae awbodiesbenefitwei didna hae onie fash

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