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that will have positive environmentalbenefitsand probably economic benefits because
robin harper yes the environmentalbenefitsare a key element of
environmental benefits and probably economicbenefitsbecause one of the problems
delivered environmental social and consumerbenefitsenlargement of the european union
available to develop amongst otherbenefitsenvironmental industries tourism tourism is
social and environmental costs andbenefitsfor the borders will all
has to assess the potentialbenefitsof an environmental court as
research even into the environmentalbenefitsof organic farming in upland
farming provides all the environmentalbenefitsof sustainable farming i am
to touch on the environmentalbenefitsof sustainable farming if i
social cultural environmental and economicbenefitsthat good architecture and a
aid schemes of delivering environmentalbenefitswithout subjecting an agri environmental
bring real economic and socialbenefits25 although in relation to
the terms economic and socialbenefitsand community we also asked
to consider the full economicbenefitsand the business case for
and economic particularly from tourismbenefitsare gained by the people
the economic democratic and otherbenefitsassociated with decentralising the scottish
the economic democratic and otherbenefitsassociated with decentralising the scottish
the legislation might have economicbenefitsfor example as keith jones
bring braw economic an socialbenefitsin the global mercat 25
will bring large scale economicbenefitsindependent research suggests that the
whether the long term healthbenefitsmake any short term economic
for the intellectual an economicbenefitso sic an approach an
felt immediately whereas the economicbenefitsof a ban are longer
recognising the intellectual and economicbenefitsof such an approach and
been done into the economicbenefitsof upgrading the a90 north
immense economic social and culturalbenefitsthat a successful bid would
have sports tourism and economicbenefitsthe exposure that shetland received
the tremendous economic potential andbenefitsto the environment that renewable
brings economic social and culturalbenefitsto the people after debate
sarah boyack mentioned the peacebenefitsas the reason for bringing
strong and efficient bringing considerablebenefitsto all customers recognises the
strong and efficient bringing considerablebenefitsto all customers recognises the
such an approach and thebenefitsto bringing about a more
find ways of bringing directbenefitsto scotland from his global
the a cost and bbenefitsare in terms of potential
the community given the potentialbenefitsin relation to staff safety
in terms of the potentialbenefitsit brings to the individuals
wallace spoke about all thebenefitsof europe including the potential
way further recognises the potentialbenefitsthat such a service could
of it and the potentialbenefitsto the borders and midlothian
am executive debate on potentialbenefitsto the scottish economy of
9 30 am 1 potentialbenefitsto the scottish economy of
s1m 3155 lewis macdonald potentialbenefitsto the scottish economy of
quicker and safer these potentialbenefitswill be fully taken into
to convey to the disabilitybenefitsconsortium and others campaigning on
to convey to the disabilitybenefitsconsortium and others campaigning on
to convey to the disabilitybenefitsconsortium and others campaigning on
because information about social securitybenefitsdisability living allowance for example
the council but his disabilitybenefitswhich pay for his personal
tourism strategy results in tangiblebenefitsfor the tourism industry s1f
make sure all of scotlandbenefitsfrom tourism can scotland develop
promote tourism ensuring that thebenefitsof prosperity are apparent in
power over issues related tobenefitsand social security however we
arrestment such as social securitybenefitsand working families tax credits
employment social security and welfarebenefitsare all issues essentially reserved
the uptake of social securitybenefitsavailable to older people throughout
current levels of social securitybenefitsfor disabled people and their
to deal with the taxbenefitsand pensions aspects of such
wish to continue receiving theirbenefitspensions payments and tax credits
tax benefit despite receiving relatedbenefitssuch as housing benefit or
income tax and a universalbenefitssystem dr simpson we have
changes to the tax andbenefitssystems the government s strategy
is modernising the tax andbenefitssystems to make work pay
that the parliament recognises thebenefitsbrought to many communities such
parliament recognises that there arebenefitsin providing free personal care
insert recognises that there arebenefitsin providing free personal care
children of airdrie recognises thebenefitssuch work can provide to
this historic week recognises thebenefitsthat a just and lasting
and workforce recognises the immensebenefitsto local authority areas of
9 8 million of additionalbenefitsachieved since its inception in
s1m 1058 securing of additionalbenefitsby east ayrshire council lodged
margaret jamieson securing of additionalbenefitsby east ayrshire council that
2 6 million of additionalbenefitsfor its citizens during 1999
5 million worth of additionalbenefitsi am talking about additional
additional voluntary contributions and increasedbenefitspension sharing scotland amendment regulations
i am talking about additionalbenefitsthat have been identified and
supply chain many of thebenefitsof the new economy are
actually increases employment overall andbenefitsthe economy as a whole
by 2007 further notes thebenefitsto the economy of clackmannanshire
by 2007 further notes thebenefitsto the economy of clackmannanshire
european union has delivered considerablebenefitsfor scotland and we believe
about greater understanding participation andbenefitsfrom the european union ben
union such intertwining brings manybenefitshugh henry suggested that the
of practical demonstration of thebenefitsof the european union that
european union and the pricelessbenefitsthat it has brought to
the motion refers to thebenefitsthat the european union can
the parliament acknowledges the manybenefitsthat the european union has
the parliament acknowledges the manybenefitsthat the european union has
relevant social work department thebenefitsagency and occupants of neighbouring
to make representations to thebenefitsagency and the post office
3 000 there is nobenefitsagency jobcentre or other body
the doctor the solicitor thebenefitsagency or the local authority
it strikes me that thebenefitsagency should be involved because
people in scotland to essentialbenefitssuch as incapacity benefit and
people in scotland to essentialbenefitssuch as incapacity benefit and
people in scotland to essentialbenefitssuch as incapacity benefit and
by dtz providing the costbenefitsto be obtained by retaining
criteria for example in providingbenefitsto the environment s1w 24878
in the system but somebenefitsarose from suggestions made in
system for the payment ofbenefitsnotes that your guide is
south of the border thebenefitsof such a system have
view of the system sbenefitsonce all the teething problems
to untangle ourselves from thebenefitssystem across the uk and
complex interrelationship between the ukbenefitssystem and scotland s care
s1m 1913 me and thebenefitssystem lodged on 8 may
living expenses assessed under thebenefitssystem ms margo macdonald lothians
relationship between care and thebenefitssystem we will examine funding
will not produce a separatebenefitssystem which the nationalists would
with full control over thebenefitssystem would be much better
be aware of the significantbenefitsthat european funding has brought
its 50th anniversary notes thebenefitsthat the council has brought
the achievements of the radicalbenefitsto students brought about in
european aid has brought enormousbenefitsto the highlands and islands
health service superannuation scheme injurybenefitsand compensation for premature retirement
health service superannuation scheme injurybenefitsand compensation for premature retirement
licensing scheme has had somebenefitsand evidence is emerging in
licensing scheme has had significantbenefitsbecause it has at least
in some areas the schemebenefitsfrom close work among different
to deliver the scheme sbenefitslocal authorities lacked solid knowledge
consideration of the impacts andbenefitsof such a scheme supported
throughout scotland have experienced thebenefitsof that scheme which makes
scheme has had some significantbenefitswe have used the civic
can share fully in thebenefitsof education health and social
a method of measuring thebenefitsof social enterprises s1w 24815
sic an approach an thebenefitsin bringin aboot a mair
partnership approach to exploring thebenefitsof long term support for
ask the scottish executive whatbenefitsjoint ministerial committees bring to
these interrelated schemes would bringbenefitsto all of scotland improving
legislation that will bring majorbenefitsto our partners in europe
that involve giving people welfarebenefitsadvice for example i think
eaga partnership and others providedbenefitsadvice people who received that
you can get therapies andbenefitsadvice you can also get
advice bureau in particular forbenefitsinformation citizens advice bureaux need
make others aware of thebenefitsof public meetings people were
legislation or making changes inbenefitsfor example 77 per cent
the bill has real practicalbenefitsfor example it proposes to
committee an example of thebenefitswhen several local authorities are
held centrally and what thebenefitsare of not holding such
ii have not received suchbenefitsas may be specified in
revision this acknowledges the establishedbenefitsof having such information available
health of the nation thebenefitsof such a measure outweigh
learning environment this week thebenefitsof such programmes are being
eu there are obvious physicalbenefitssuch as roads and bridges
already measures that enable suchbenefitsto be delivered to the
appreciate that there can bebenefitsto such a card which
companies and railtrack see fewbenefitsto such a through route
if so what were thebenefitsor problems with those projects
optimistic view of what thebenefitswould be if the problems
outbreak and no access tobenefitsfurther notes the position of
office for the payment ofbenefitsand allowances and in particular
in the bill would havebenefitsirrespective of whether a particular
area so reducing the particularbenefitsof national park designation although
not taking up their fullbenefitsanother member i cannot remember
to ensure that the fullbenefitsof eu structural funds still
i know that the fullbenefitsof that will quickly be
national health service scotland injurybenefitsamendment no 2 regulations 1999
bear immediate costs the healthbenefitsand possible impact of substitution
there are clear public healthbenefitsfor key food safety and
mental health crises and thebenefitsof early highly skilled intervention
concern about exactly what healthbenefitsthe extra expenditure will produce
the first minister what healthbenefitswill be derived from setting
awareness of and information aboutbenefitsfor older people is important
from understanding better their welfarebenefitsincreased awareness of and information
will integrate government exploit thebenefitsof information and communications technology
principle of the universality ofbenefitsand services so that people
through personal income pension orbenefitsno matter where people live
business employers employees education andbenefitsorganisations that disabled people are
people is devolved minimum incomebenefitsshould enable pensioners to have
have to think about thebenefitsthat people who have given
rural community initiative offer realbenefitsto older people who are
try to discuss the widerbenefitswith people i shall give
on pensioners might not collectbenefitsbecause there might be a
to do because of thebenefitsof education and background so
we need to see thebenefitsof the changes rapidly because
westminster were to withdraw thosebenefitssimply because westminster does not
the sps because of thebenefitsthat would be the result
dealing only with the housingbenefitssector in what might be
trivial in comparison with thebenefitsthat they might gain and
might be made it neverbenefitsthe north east 16 40
to be implemented next monthbenefitsare reserved but education about
care education i mention thebenefitsthat arise nationally across the
the report summarised the manybenefitsclaimed for allotment gardening including
of tenure and the manybenefitsof working in an academic
scotland and further acknowledges thebenefitsof a national policy on
context it has the twinbenefitsand i disagree with winnie
whether it has identified anybenefitsfrom awards made by the
has had its successes andbenefitsit has raised standards protected
control over their own economiesbenefitsand taxation systems those nations
those who most need governmentbenefitsare often the ones who
hours we will see thebenefitsof those changes which are
to their general needs thosebenefitsshould be available more widely
to raise awareness of thebenefitsof volunteering and make an
schemes have specific and provenbenefitsi am informed that leaf
a sense that pensions andbenefitsare a westminster matter but
to the way in whichbenefitsare paid are to be
participatory projects confirm that thesebenefitsare real for them however
households do not claim statebenefitsof course some are not
continue to work the twobenefitsof that are first that
can be introduced while thebenefitsof the esas are not
so what are the identifiedbenefitsof the projects that fit
possible to take up thebenefitsthat we are not accessing
of more pensions and otherbenefitsby automated bank transfer rather
between universal provision and targetedbenefitsor targeting in other areas
the area and provide morebenefitsthan other approaches the area
remuneration gifts hospitality and otherbenefitsthat is not very specific
for change will deliver increasingbenefitsfor patients with the objective
for change will deliver increasingbenefitsfor patients with the objective
that it will deliver lastingbenefitsfor the budget process i
happy that scots will derivebenefitsfrom a bill that will
campaign continuing to emphasise thebenefitsof harm reduction we will
that we will see thebenefitsof them soon mr mike
an agreement with westminster onbenefitspayments the executive will require
sure we will see greaterbenefitsthan losses cheaper travel opportunities
over and above the generalbenefitsthat will apply throughout scotland
will be generated and whatbenefitswill accrue to the patient
have come to recognise thebenefitsof having a diverse work
and young persons about thebenefitsof conservation and working with
q who spoke about thebenefitsto her employer of being
voluntary organisations scotland enjoys thebenefitsof a long tradition of
where scotland can realise thebenefitsof working at the leading
government discretionary payments and injurybenefitsscotland amendment regulations 2000 ssi
assists in a way thatbenefitsscotland as well as the
uk investment in recycling infrastructurebenefitsscotland s1w 15054 robin harper
made for the payment ofbenefitsand allowances due to come
inconsistencies in the treatment ofbenefitsand by increasing the lower
whilst blair reaped all thebenefitsand nothing of any consequence
encourage the take up ofbenefitsand services by pensioners agrees
the withdrawal of entitlement tobenefitsduring the summer from low
support there should be somebenefitsin terms of financing mr
outweighed by the long termbenefitsin the form of demand
the children also highlighted possiblebenefitsof being in europe in
repayments while ensuring that thebenefitsof debt relief reach the
to inform them of thebenefitsof democracy tolerance and respect
development department one of thebenefitsof developing this policy with
accounts and one of thebenefitsof devolution is that when
the scottish executive evaluate thebenefitsof establishing a new role
and travel to europe practicalbenefitsof eu membership the children
that in some cases thebenefitsof mounted hunts for fox
start building on the educationalbenefitsof nursery places for three
that they can get thebenefitsof scale if not perhaps
compared to the value ofbenefitsrather than establish a detailed
maximisation of take up ofbenefitssupported by cathy jamieson malcolm
of how to balance thebenefitsthat accrue to tobacco workers
disaster and there s nobenefitsat all but already i
is a desire that allbenefitsshould be paid electronically this
promoted good practice and deliveredbenefitsthrough improving access to the
allow them to derive cognitivebenefitsthrough problem solving memorisation recall
is a growing awareness thatbenefitscan be gained from doing
to ensure that glasgow airportbenefitsfrom any future air transport
yes i know the earthbenefitsfrom our pets natural excretions
doors on one level thebenefitsto scots and gaelic from
by sufferers in claiming appropriatebenefitsand accessing appropriate and sympathetic
and dependent on means testedbenefitsand believes that to address
the saltire society scots bothbenefitsand suffers form the fact
differential inflation rates in calculatingbenefitsand taxes lodged on 22
differential inflation rates in calculatingbenefitsand taxes that the parliament
the mind have knock onbenefitsfor individuals and for society
delivers identifiable and well researchedbenefitsfor soil quality as well
issues as housing policy housingbenefitshomelessness prevention and homelessness alleviation
and have pre empted certainbenefitsthat should by rights come
i have seen the enormousbenefitsat first hand they possess
auditing exercise have there beenbenefitsfor the public or private
ask the scottish executive whatbenefitshave accrued to glasgow as
the desire to maximise thebenefitsthat there have been numerous
the redundancy payments the unemploymentbenefitsthe effects on local authority
child is to gain thebenefitsfor bilingual pupils listed under
as matching provide distinct cognitivebenefitsfor the bilingual particularly in
whereas the increase in statebenefitsfor the same period is
department that is responsible forbenefitsis in communication with you
to energy efficiency offering tangiblebenefitsto homeowners for energy conservation
the saltire society scots baithbenefitsan taks skaith frae the
in the school canteen thebenefitscome if the only way
the past there would bebenefitsin something like this christine
1230 mallorcan cartas de franquiciasbenefitslike these awarded by the
kintra at aye enjosed thebenefitso the modren warl john
is to spread the learningbenefitsthroughout the public sector alasdair
in glasgow would provide enormousbenefitsto the city in relation
the regulation was in forcebenefitswere undoubtedly accruing to certain
gin myra didna leave hisbenefitswad be wheeched frae unner
allou them tae derive cognitivebenefitsthrou problemreddin memorisation mindin makkin
whilie 6 siller or itherbenefitswhaur onie sum is mair

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