
See this word as a collocate cloud

ane answer micht be suggestitbianalogy wi thi auld english
gaen thi misnomer o scottisbigavin douglas which originally referr
english since it was adoptitbijames rapidly became thi norm
modal verbs kin be negatitbithi addition o a negative
may might can could orbithi addition o have ensaumple
future tense cannae be markitbithi addition o wull insteid
ensaumple o this is utteritbithi fairy godmither in cinderella
tae mark thi functions expressitbithi formal subjunctive an this
fill in thi blanks coveritbithi loast modal verbs thi
ane grammatical category particularly affectitbithis obscuration wis thi formal
s tyme ah gaed hamebianither road for a chynge
the tyme ma muther reponedbisaying ay tom hes keepit
a fine shamak o thaimsellsbithe tyme at the faimilie
nor thai cuid ges atbithe tyme the bass rok
agley thai becam perfidious albionbithe tyme the tulyie raxed
unner ane o hiz meidiesbithe tyme we duin the
tree s faither the keingbithis tyme aw wes dule
in moscow wes in blossombithis tyme awthing wes droukit
the lassie s paction forbithis tyme he haed cum
he wes fair lost awthegitherbithis tyme it wes cummin
a nicht as this butbithis tyme maist o the
wad hae a sair fuitbithis tyme malcolm excited moula
ti byde thare the nichtbithis tyme malcolm wes laid
ti chynge his mynd noubithis tyme murdo wes stertin
nuin mirren wes on nettilsbithis tyme sae inglis an
feart for his glowerin facebithis tyme she did as
the puddok aunsirt hir butbithis tyme the princess haed
nicht ai mercie me butbithis tyme the shaidaes war
monie a year o dargbithis tyme wurd o mag
at he socht ti dernbiwarin hiz tyme tichtenin an
ei on thaim as littelbilittel thai crep ti ae
warnishin at thai aw maunbipraisent sae the maitter cuid
dinna fash thai r gyedbirobotars ye dinna nede onie
awaw an ristit the beissbisaunt mairie s loch thai
grene an thai bene confaisedbithaim baith haein the lik
o m thai wes sternitbithair wie splore fur the
whaur thai justified thair presencebithe nedecessitie ti hain the
k nicht at bene liftitbithe poliss afoir thai arreistit
it rummilt an bummilt alangbithe rouman waw at thai
fur no foirsein the raidbithe sojers thai gried at
them cam frae galaxies fundbithe thai astronomer sulu wha
jalouse at its best kythitbiwey thai hae fremmit keings
nicht up in the treebioor houss end the nicht
the houss dure she fandbithe forenicht she haed spun
obleige me an flie roondbithe hen wyfe s houss
hame til his wee houssbithe heuchie knowe an thare
staun for a lang whylebithe houss door ma wee
back gairden peach trees staunbithe houss door the clachan
lichtsum hauf fou ah sloungebithe houss door the muin
day ye maun gae roondbithe houss o the wutch
day ye maun gae rounbithe houss o the wutch
his houss on the forelaundbithe mukkil sie an the
back til ma lanesum houssbithe river dumb freinless feedin
set doun the thrie kistsbithe weidae s houss dure
a nyow ceitie i gallowabiwey o requit ti houss
tae or bi maimbers anbia nummer o sma shops
o the door waddlit owerbicooshies shitten on bi scurries
a twa three days upbicoylumbridge wye folla t bi
harns tae dae cud noobidaen bi plasma screen or
an ferr athort lanesum muirsbiday an bi nicht anaith
toon s chequered history cooncillorbiday an heavywecht boxer bi
mi daily bi nicht anbiday noo he is leavin
he grat bi nicht anbiday wi nae rest at
bi coylumbridge wye folla tbidodging oot an in o
clappies at the mains synebieast an bi wast ahint
t bi unco drogs betterbiferr ti waucht guid wyne
shitten on bi scurries watteredbiflurries o shooers parkin lot
weimen cannae achieve sovereynetee binnaebiforce this statement made bi
wad ye kyndlie obleige mebigaun hame bi the hen
eyn in their bungalows smoredbijungle ringed bi tea the
she wad be torn limbbilimb bi wild horses an
doun at the soiree whanbilittle an bi wees the
ah m aw bi masellbima wundae ah m dernt
cairds is selt tae orbimaimbers an bi a nummer
frae abuin ah m awbimasell bi ma wundae ah
the yird a skreich smoredbimuckle autumns bi the sappy
he s coorted mi dailybinicht an bi day noo
he roared an he gratbinicht an bi day wi
lanesum muirs bi day anbinicht anaith sun an sterns
bi day an heavywecht boxerbinicht bulldug gray hid a
dae cud noo bi daenbiplasma screen or computer ither
ower bi cooshies shitten onbiscurries wattered bi flurries o
bi spikk an mebbe evenbismell if fit isie said
he likit them bi touchbispikk an mebbe even bi
bungalows smored bi jungle ringedbitea the anely british neebors
keep bi this winnok anbithat till at lang lest
obleige me bi gaun hamebithe hen wyfe s place
bi force this statement madebithe knicht in the wife
skreich smored bi muckle autumnsbithe sappy derkness o hauf
bi the weety linn drawnbithe skelp o the drappin
ben the muir treelipin hembithe weety linn drawn bi
he keikit inti the keepbithis winnok an bi that
they kent he likit thembitouch bi spikk an mebbe
weys o ither kintraes aitherbitraivel or bi vissiein thair
monie hae been begowk tbiunco drogs better bi ferr
kintraes aither bi traivel orbivissiein thair prattiks the r
mains syne bi east anbiwast ahint an afore the
soiree whan bi little anbiwees the day wis weirin
be torn limb bi limbbiwild horses an her hairt
eil ah mi smaoineachadh gumbidìreach smaoineachadh tha sibh
roon mi is sma twidbigran gin e warld cuid
name pause widnae be cawedbihur real name made mi
tha mi an dòchas nachbii a tighinn air a
down heuch yiv cawed mibimah richt name zeb i
nathairn agus san eilean sgitheanachbimi a deanamh gu math
structur airson leasachadh a chànainbimi a faighinn an aithisg
mìosan no còig mìosan musbimi deiseil dhen sin s
f1067: giving it far ambimi fhin is f606: [cough]
agus tha mi cinnteach gumbina buidhnean cultarail a tha
tha mi an dòchas nachbis f982: och cha bhithear
mi toilichte a radh nachbisin na dhuilgheadas nuair bhathar
tae sclimm the quarry facebia wye they d taen
their ain flesh bein taenbianither she telt brian wha
psychoanalysis wis taen gey seriousliebibuchan an his cronies catherine
the secondary gree wis taenbi[censored: forename] [censored: surname] s2 [censored: placename] gremmar
tae eik tae thae prizesbigiein the teachers that taen
taen it awa ti readbihirsell whan she opent the
gane bye wis taen upbithair monarch an the nobility
uncle rob taen her gentlybithe elbae leuked her in
alang his road taen himbithe fuit o merlin s
ye no hae been taenbithe governmenters juist the years
cam the fairies taen tambithe haunds intil the green
the clachan quines war taenbithe warlock frae the halie
causeway da wis middlin taenbithis ferlie coontin frae nocht
wur i the beginin pouertbiwaitter taen frae the ti
in ane o thir riggsbia green knowe the war
time agin ane estate awnedbia moroccan arab anither estate
supprise o the scots leidbiane alien tung a canna
the horsemen frae dunracht anebiane fu an happy the
their names registrate ane anbiane gao the braw leetit
o the law ane anbiane in guid order they
ay ti dancers ane anbiane maidens aa liltin see
year wis by ane anbiane shi jin hed consaivit
socht leir sae ane anbiane the leirsman guidit him
freens aw deein as anebiane they fell noo here
ane that shuid be addressedbiaw scots upsteerers for it
frae boot sales a robertsonbibirth jude wis ane o
wee pendicle ti suddron sangsbidauvit hawkes ane michtie monad
ane on the drawers heidbihir bedsyde she haes a
ane o the spinstresses satbihirsell an wes eydent rowin
the holm airt jean fairishbinaem wis ane o thum
til ane o his dochtersbiname o shona syne he
leafs for the faw butbithan the sun is ane
ane o thaim grippit jenniebithe gowden girdil she wure
wes siccar an clair duinbia cannie auld drauchtisman sae
the lift abuin wes grunditbia moussin houlet an killed
mukkil haw that wes littenbia thousan fairie caunils kestin
that wes putten on mebia wutch langsyne ah hae
eftir binna he wes shottenbian arrae in the mids
leired at it wes causedbian ower flowe pype at
wes tirned on fur mbianither haun john grene wes
ah wes driven til itbiaw ma debts ah wes
semein ti sen a messagebihaun o wryte john wes
wes fettlin his fishin netbihis ingil he haird an
an the deil wes sittinbihiz bed syde sawtan wes
an the laddie wes fikkiltbiit thinkin it wes a
fortrace at tantallon wes haudditbileil weirriours at fendit its
wattir an ah wes awbimasell again mair lanesum nor
ava for she wes jaelussbinaitur an syne the day
here leeved a braw ladbiname o callum he wes
mirren wes a bit crabbitbinou an cuidna beleve it
be but anither mukkil forestbinou it wes the forenicht
guid as deid areddies butbinou meg wes sair wearit
cryin ma name aw airtsbinou roderic wes rael vext
the puir auld caird thatbinou wes feelin gey disjaskit
whyles a whein blethers wruttenbisum dottilt auld fuil wes
it wes he wes fleitchtbithaim an aunsert thair quaistens
an the coist wes cairriedbithair ensoverance a did tho
ti lyk this mound anbithe bak en wes aw
day the wutch wes harledbithe burley man afore the
thair denner the lassie saidbithe by ah wes doun
but he wes fairlie waukentbithe clatterin o mahiri s
metall mirren wes bot pawledbithe clishmaclaverin john kent at
wes slawlie bein knidged outbithe hailthie stait o eire
gairden an wes kittilt upbithe idaia at he cuid
out agane mirren wes saufedbithe ingine cummin ti rist
ill things at wes sayedbithe ither gentilman at a
afoir an wes that stamagastitbithe meirrour effek at he
dish wes set afore thaimbithe pages in thair skerlet
the border laun wes herriedbithe sassenach ye sei the
cuttit schort i thair poetasterbithe suddron ye wes the
shae wes telt wes guberntbithe unyt naitiouns thon journay
wull ti serr wes hinnertbithe want o preparation banquo
the morn shae wes waukentbithe whinkin o the dug
aw the wark wes duinbithir neibors out o aw
that he wes whyles kentbithis name an wes the
o the younkers wes smoredbithon cowshus wirds ye cuid
waatch a match the daybiwanfortun the barr wes nou
but it s a pleisirbiwhit it wes ah hae
ah l caw on thaimbimuinlicht chap on thair doors
the whites o thair eenbinoo the tide hid come
thair boat wis set onbioniebodie or ocht no bad
widds aye hain thair hamesbiplauntin a thikfauld ryss o
doun the auld skeills leiritbithair antecestors hae gaen bot
bot kent thaim fur lintiesbithair chirmin than wi fell
i the hoscote wud fallaedbithair faimlie cat an the
an thair twae bairns badebithairsels i hoscote big hoose
thair horses reinge aboot nickerinbithe brig the war shuirlie
the popular unner thair thoumbithreitnin ti lowss raidio acteive
nou whan a am glifftbiilka soond a hear he
but she is gey disjaskitbinou for the ettin hae
awa ti skin an banebinou he examines his forearm
it frae the tyde anbinou he wul be ferr
mither wul be an angelbinou moula eftir the guid
be lyke a knotless threidbinou queen yawning ye d
sae steep t in bluidbinou the re nae wey
he speired out german nationalitybireadin german psychoanalysis nou the
gey wheen ear nou awnedbithe bshara institute ma faither
stertit for ti gae hamebithe henwyfe s nou as
valgerd nou til yeir steidbithe winnok gunlöd opens the
feet whan ye gaed ootbithe yett nou ither mosses
gey seik an shilpit noubiwhat they kythit syne frae
hou tae be guid imperialistsbiengrainin intil thaim a code
praisent sae the maitter cuidbihaimmered out atwene thaim wiout
at a hed lairt affbihert aa thaim ears afore
sae fowk can send thaimbisurface mail tae freends in
tharf he shak thaim awbithe haun an set hissell
wi thaim an bid doonbithe herbour an beach or
the silkwurms she finnds thaimbithe south waw o the
d better gang hame firstbiyeirsell an lat thaim ken
frae bewtie whyles doun dwynesbichance or naiturs chyngin course
hissel doun a m biddenbihis excellencie s gracious mandment
l tak duff s keepbistamagast faw doun bedein on
rules o sportsmanship laid dounbithe adult macnabs he is
hair an sat hirsell dounbithe bubblin wattir an thare
doun huntin amang the bussesbithe burnsyde an luikit awroads
doun i the simmer housbithe hill yett elder veritas
as she sat hirsell dounbithe ingil an he thocht
kitchen an sat hirsell dounbithe ingil sayin ma lassie
an clappit doun ti doverbithe ingil syne caermoulis sat
kitchen an sat hirsell dounbithe ingil syne she said
he creepit out the castelbithe postern door stale doun
war huntit doun an haudenbithe scots for nane but
reid berries an she stuidbithe wal an cryit doun
an we l gang nobithe wattir doun til the
there set theirsels doun rankitbitheir ages whan his fowk
er dey med every hoosebida end o da nicht
the nicht afore cairtit inbidaisy the horsie that her
wi never a waesum thochtbiday or nicht but wae
water aw day reddin rodsbinicht a soutar all day
mornin wad be liang sbinicht an richtlie wis it
thrie hou maister shi gangsbinicht frae gloresheddae toun an
gruppit the blak k nichtbithe oxter an harled him
ma cheer on setterday nichtbithe tv i sens t
supersteeshous they war fair tribbledbiaathin o ill omen gin
lesser crimes war dealt wibichippin a wife beater wad
war drainin oot me drapbidrap day eftir day day
inno a swathe war bunbihaun stookit clear o the
time we war awa huntlybihuntly s ruined castle waa
war that close they maunbijyned at the hoch in
ah hear tell war spokenbilao tzu gin we ir
ye ken ye war fikkiltbima riddil an that ye
forelaund the war a fishermanbiname o roderic maccodrum o
o the clachans war tamilbiorigin an they war hindu
its een it wis guairdedbipriests fa war servants o
yawning whit did ye meanbisayin ye war bringin the
war waylaid near herbour orbischooner the slavers sleekit trade
war waylayed near herbour orbischooner the sleekit slavers trade
ower in ceylon war ainedbiscots an maist o them
tae be selt at auctionbislave maisters yonner they war
o breets there war sheltsbithe airtist stubbs an dugs
hairse wi cauld the sheughsbithe road war rinnin fu
fitiver faimly happened tae lanbithe roadside hoose they war
oor seed war beeriet nearhaunbithe ruined castle o coull
cloods war meers tails wheepedbithe snell win that walloped
war guid stoot leather madebithe soutar o leddrach her
an arthur hid bin killtbithe war jist as shair
anent language wis deliberately thrawnbithe wey we war eddicatit
thor whan ye war swallaedbiyon mukkil swaw as big
steenhillock maun be ferried roonbicalm steady beasts that didna
i maun feenish the daybiexplainin the reference tae the
the domsie maun persavit belyvebihir expairience o visnomie a
maun be brocht ti yebisumbodie that loues ye weill
hid scaled haly watter blessedbithe priest an i maun
ivan romanych man maun wurkbithe sweit o his brou
day ye maun gang roondbithe toll road for that
dout he maun be awabithis for he isna at
fur yon cudna be causedbia faa isie leuch it
yon muckle dug sneevlin scaulditbia thrie year bairn that
in her bosie worn ootbiaa that hid happened yon
yon madman in the storybigodol silence silence enter andrey
till like yon onywye naebithe mealie moud genteel das
his uncle cammy wis shotbithe state sodjers in yon
gote pulverised tae burger meatbiyon angel an that wis
speir foo isie hid comebiyon bruises far her breistbeen
bein murdered in their hamesbiyon coorse breets o campbells
singin tho faither wis hairsebiyon forbye he wis tint
gaun ti be set ahaudbiyon wund sits down ah
shells that hid bin nippitbia labster she blew hard
hid tae be brocht roonbia scoosh o cauld watter
hid bin dinned inno himbiauld jude alang wi the
warld abeen the warld bitbibit matthew bruce hid fashioned
documentary he hid tae bidebihimsel withoot ony veesitors brian
quinie her heid clean turnedbimiss vining s flattery hid
herrin on the yarmouth quaybinoo brian hid fand jude
harns hid helpit nava taebiquick in the uptak o
left alane an nae taebisortit bit the javans hid
hinmaist paragraph a ll eynbispeerin if ye ve hid
mither jenny hid bin teltbithe doctors that efter the
yird hid anely bin fandbithe ooter galaxies efter the
hid ma first kiss doonbithe side o tarlan burn
chookie chookie chook chook chookbithe time she hid cowpit
lugs hid iver heard aforebithen tho wattie esson s
ye something tae mynd hiumbiuncle peter hid poored sally
twa separate boorachies o fowkbibitter experience she kent they
ae wheen maist informative airticlesbifock whae kent the waittergate
an she kent this hirsellbiglaumerie in the verra middil
anely ither poet he kentbihairt wis chairlie murray bit
the executive hoosin development taebikent as quarrytowers wis bein
watter an left fur usbioor landlady weel i kent
weill she kent it forbithe dawin cam she haed
helen govenlock the janitor kentbithe naem nell shawin uz
an wul aye be kentbithe nem ma faither gied
breest doon owre da broobibrough i rin mel beach
on da the ta tobiby bismar wooden beam used
his meids a start gyaunbida hadd he crossed da
then fiery celts the englishbida s wey o t
at johnsmas fur da guttersbida saison s end dey
ta dry but spleet againbida swing o da bismar
so dere i wis plankitbida watter s aedge at
sae on we skelpit soothbieast noo wi da beltin
fur da beach being passedbifamilies wi dugs an bairns
da lat ken we dbihaein a wee brakk a
da sittin at the binkbithe door he didna daur
clerk wis grippin lu dabithe haun an leadin him
awa you wi the owrancerbithis lu da wis bleizin
gaered da eart till wanbiwan da cogs an wheels
an it is keepit saufbia wutch auld she is
yi wur paed back thenbiauld sol an then snuck
by the auld deeside linebiballater i plantit her though
at s hyneawa bit anbibit ay it s auld
s auld buik screived langsynebihis ain haun inbye his
ear auld a wis teltbima muther thit lang afore
an orrals are bein sochtbithe auld american archaeologist when
balbutt primary skweel stravaiged aroonbithe auld kirk yaird o
nur ony hair shirt wornbithe auld mairtyrs an gin
leaves tae clear the gravesbithe auld waas he stoppit
dure an gaed in tharebithe ingil sat the auld
auld peter dowpit hissel doonbithe ingle an his reid
owre a whein auld talesbithe licht of the peat
auld faither raicogneised the gledbithe mainner it strak at
auld caird sellin the spellsbithe toun waw wrytes oot
the auld wummin cast doonbithe twa coorse demons o
bygaen in an auld steidinbithe wattirsyde neirhaund selkirk thare
vulgar ah feel fair skunnertbiit an syne ah luiv
the deid calf held ootbijock dow an syne the
the lees that is engenertbima couardie fears syne a
that wis bigged lang synebirag nailed thoombs the dyke
shauchled forrit tae be sochtbithe guairds fur bombs syne
we cairriet on north synebiwee parks the size o
the trees gaed oot yinbiyin syne the gress anerlie
whan we re grupp tbiennui anxiety or hysteria or
an oot o the bitbihelicopter whan the centre wis
wi vulgarity ah feel insultitbiit it hurts me whan
kirk or bungalow wis biggitbimrs forman whan shei convertit
lang tradeitioun o aventur yairnsbiscottish owthars whan bot a
pompitie s neibor an leevedbithe breingie burn whan pepper
the keing s son satbithe dure an whan he
fer aff n whan juidginbithe fouth o scotts tung
guid as ti flie rounbithe henwyfe s whan pompitie
whitna gliff he gat whanbithe siller licht o the
paradyss whan no out gloweritbithe tellies saxeane ei the
tak hame til his sheilinbithe wattirsyde an whan he
this mornin whan ah stuidbithe winnok whaur ah aye
raws east an wast ordertbitheir degrees an whan the
mug a coo wis bairnedbia dug a wummin tried
the warld wis aye weetedbia fine smaar a mixter
wis socht hame tae teabia frien efter schule ootbye
missed the baith o usbia fusker mither wis reeted
day her corp wis fandbia rice fermer lyin fifty
micht suppose bit wis taggedbia toon cooncillor wi a
bot hei wis ance askitbiae fermer tae hae ae
last seen wis reelin roonbiailsa crag wi thirteen kelpies
o convener he wis nominatedbialex johnstone msp and saiconted
rob gibson msp and saicontedbialex johnstone msp it wis
the primary section wis wonbi[censored: forename] [censored: surname] p7b [censored: placename] primary
sownock wis playin a tunebicomb an paper it wis
sicherin an he wis peinginbicommand o his majestie a
an sae wis weel likitbicottars an fermers baith he
argy bargy wis pit affbifaither thunnerin oot galway bay
at the corner wis bladditbifear o bruisers doggin ye
their dung wis aywise welcomebifowk wi gairdens fur bringin
be sae little thocht obiher minnie s hair wis
showdin saftly she wis aabihersel in the castle wid
an spylt as she wisbihim in aathing she ll
that the littlin wis siredbihis brither in law brian
leddrach wis pit tae bedbihis last seekness noo as
anointed sin jesus wis baptisedbijohn i the jordan again
gaitherins there wis a stagbilandseer an scenes o yowes
endin o his story twicebilichtenin he wis rogered the
fee him at wis felledbima faither afore me but
wis ta en o erbimay an might this left
faitherless squallin geats wis raisedbimithers nae muckle aulder nur
hope wis ca d reidbinaem ay mr an mrs
wis the estate manager wisbinaitir blunt ae bit coorse
brither heir apparent nint princebiname wis a mannie baith
itsel oot an gaun awabinoo geordie wis haein a
the shoppie tae buy juicebinoo i wis eesed tae
tae stalk ma hero disraelibinoo i wis richt hooked
veesitin winnie wis wi bairnbinoo near echt month gone
bit he niver catches thembinoo the care wirkers wis
north east wis populated mainlybipicts fa kept baith romans
milk cairt an pued hamebiprincie an tibby isie wis
vice convener she wis nominatedbirob gibson msp and saiconted
the twa balladeers wis geinbirobert lovie an the small
echt line stave wis screivitbishao yaofu whase halie name
the herrin stappin them thegitherbisize aawye abune wis skurries
mynd richt hei wis falloetbitam aitkin frae horseliehill ferm
wheen imagination an invention shawnbithe bairns an it wis
mair muckle land wis keepitbithe cooncil fur leisure centres
suddenty her lug wis stungbithe fing o a snaabaa
weel yer grannie wis sittinbithe fire wi me at
dubbit the ladies fae hellbithe germans such wis their
intil english wis gr eedbithe group try to promote
face wis hauf etten awabithe hungered breets o the
wis biggit an up hauditbithe local authority fur the
she wis easy trysted awabithe loons eenoo she wid
the affair wis organis tbithe maine valley accordion and
bowster that wis criss crossedbithe merks o tackety buits
hereawa an he wis claspitbithe middle an hoyed awa
capital afore me it wisbithe post roads a cam
wi it wis biggit hardbithe road atween kandy an
the idea wis brocht onbithe sad news a wikk
pals wis juist hunkerin doonbithe side o the road
the hoscote estate wis awnedbithe stavert faimlie fur owre
gairdsman li ti the forenichtbithe time the derkness wis
his een wis tellin himbithe wey the wee lichts
duguid jaloused she wis meevedbithe wirds o the poem
ower far it wis granbithe wye tae see john
wis heid o the hoosebithen staunin in fur a
s pains wis hardlie passtbithis an he wis that
gin a criminal wis taebitwinned he or she wis
fishermen the delegation wis heiditbiwinnie ewing mep madame ecosse
guid hous he wis clauchtbiyirsel bonnie fechter at ye
cam straucht frae a limninbia pre raphaelyte pentar mirren
a wee plastic bowlie stuckbia sooker fell aff frae
frae the mairriage contract agreedbiarveragus an dorigen pit ower
shengtan owreset frae the chinesebibrian holton prologue whaur paip
frae the mall bood doonbicopst o stappin stammachs heatin
frae yer ain front doorbiday ye ve gulls fur
brither recuivert his guid healthbieatin butter kirned frae the
staup is frieryke frae intertrykinbiithers but the kintra follaed
frae a wee biggin stauninbiitsell in the wuids the
manished ti kepe frae hairmbijinkin an joukin the threttiesum
duin me a mukkil obleigementbilowsin me frae jyle whaur
yaises a fower letter wardbiluikin up frae her sunday
exist since it s yaisedbimony a folk frae mony
chikked cook frae the howfbinether logie niver gee yer
watter drivin frae a dubbirevvin wheels a trail o
fish an crop fairms ainedbithe state an run frae
duir o a wie howffbithe trak syde apairt frae
hair haillskart frae the lichtyearsbithe yett the day ah
m a mynd a faimliebithon nem frae bairnheid ye
mappamoun o daith which godbicurse vrocht ill fur ill
d schemed fur plottit furbifair means an foul tae
o makkie on set therebihollywod fur littlin s fun
lang fur loch an firbimuick an gairn an mar
ye should stop deavin fowkbipriggin fur haund oots ye
brian gaed fur a waukbithe beach throwe the crack
tae attend a schule runbithe deil fur them that
tidy ye ll be likitbithe jannie watch oot fur
tidy ye ll be likitbithe jannie watch oot fur
temple smored amang willows raisedbithe laird hissel fur his
kippers catched fur the grillbithe north east skippers oatcakes
flute shanty toon skeletons sleepbithe road the monsoon fur
bield fur boosers yowled owerbitoms an tounsers here lieth
could need aathin s awabitwelve fifteen selt fur fags
u n forss at isbiguid fortun a canadiane crowner
berna s stories pause shidbiguid it that telling stories
yeirsell a bit o guidbisacrificin me for you twad
he is unco weill traetitbithe guid keing edward for
a guid leuk at itbithe licht o the windae
lonach lan till hashin onbibraid strathdon tae edinburgh cam
before dey they cam camebiby penga money i in
swingin as i cam owerbilogie s braes the tea
weel a body s likedbimourners cam tae pray for
o the mukkil tuim siebithe forenicht thay cam til
at wesna weill thocht obithe fowk at cam ti
stervin wi the snaa anbithe time she cam hame
road as i cam doonbiythanside i saw a fruit
ken the road oot noobihairt faith they say her
thote ye d a twiggedbinoo man ah ve been
gaun aff in the distancebinoo the drone fae the
a moose noo struck dumbbithe verra thocht o the
o the thirlmen til himbia rounaboot wey an he
an thrawn intil a dungeonbimalcolm an putten til the
schuil the fermer hed reponedbisayin til hir marcie mei
heed til the soun madebithe hair that soud hae
is clair til the redarbithe uiss o dialek wirds
til a fyne flim yinbiyin the sterns skinkil oot
birth thrappilt bab sheuch deleivertbia drab ti gar the
dune tho yit ti daebiaa that hear oor tale
special tonic an oo llbiable ti swig it athoot
gowd an jowels is sochtbiaw the warld ti me
mile owre the braes bitbibit his legs begude ti
jist conacht e chunce tibibrithers its nae richt ava
fuit forrit ti be herbourousbiculyiein the mither mirren he
howp t ti dae betterbihim as hosts but oor
the wark aince cairriet outbihir mither tendin ti the
the stot o the wirdsbihir neive thus gates ti
no be lockit up sumwhaurbihirsell ti keep hir oot
ah tryit ti mak ootbima expression that ah haed
servitor ti marischal wang biddenbima maister ti bring ye
for me ti byde herebimasell athout olia she fair
isna gaun ti be teltbimasell sen junipere an inglis
is wyce ti gang thobino menes the tap o
they promised ti be herebinyne that means onie meinit
na ah sweir ti yebioniething ah haud sacred gin
richt chaunce ti be thegitherbioursells here ma haudin is
ti delf z kail bedbipask the spruits o the
s anxeitie about sic auntersbistertin ti redd up the
a ploy ti finnd ruthbithan a se warrand gin
we howp ti be tharebithe back end it s
waddin ti the mukkil stanebithe burn in the cleuch
ti the grund gunlöd angrilybithe christians gunnar ye ir
ti the histore o europbithe fure o the day
ye ti wat ah cannabithe law we leeve on
the yett at s deputebithe palace marischalry ti mind
gaed ti ku to yenbithe river o swurlin swaws
ti the laun ar watbithe sam renn cluds an
masel s been sent parteiclarbithe son o heiven ti
hir she haed been bairnedbithe steward an ti keep
the tree gruppit this ketternbithe thrappil bure his ti
inveits ti the waddin deleivertbithe twenes at bene alloued
an weit bot we leiritbithe uiss o technologie ti
nocht ti dae liggs speldertbithe wal splittin the lotus
for ti dae hir spinninbithe wattirsyde sae that she
waitin ower the hill upbithe wee wid ti swally
ti dee or be ettenbithe wyld beiss in the
thochts is ill ti cumbithir days thorfinn did ye
ti tak anither dizzen coggiesbitime he gied his fareweills
us he s gane thenbitime ye ve wan ti
hae naething ti greit abootbiwhit sum puir fowk haes
ye ti see maister rintoulbiyeirsell mither he l mebbe
be telt whit ti daebiyou ah l no cum
she d fand a poembia alexander scott continent o
this selsame mark sair guiditbia cushle mushle o scowks
o this affair yit nobia lang chalk morag sobbing
jabot o fite lace preenedbia mauve cairngorm she d
the lord s prayer saidbiaa faither o s aa
it is a tale teltbian eidiot fou o feim
they likewyse fand a watercolourbiblake caad pestilence daith o
merkt o wheels an lanesumbiblawearie rins the gate tae
founer hale herds o kyebiblawin inno a wee siller
orpheus an his clarsach surrounditbibreets o aa kinds here
hale o the auncient warldbicelt an roman alike an
thou joseph ah hae cherriesbicommand cried she o look
indian tradition translatit inno inglisbidavid waggoner chair o poetry
thon reservoir of the libidobidivers intimmers or mechanisms o
terrifeed in their ain hamesbidrug fuelled gangs o halflins
wus efter the merciless pillagingbiedward i o england i
enforced on gangs o halflinsbielectronic taggin efter the specifeed
my favourite beuk o poemsbielsie s rae ca d
as weel as sax fitbifower o deeside nae as
the makkin o ae pairishbigeo o wud wood hawick
breath o the north eastbigeorge stephen lord provost o
the forebeir o welsh follaedbigerman that haed tae hae
wei hed tae lair affbihert pithy portions o hailie
level o eddication an intelligencebihou weel they cuid speak
in a mukkil chaumer litbihunders o tottie caunils an
o life i roberton pairishbikathleen stewart 1991 b the
verse ca ad deveron daysbimary symon the line o
tirn mak uz hain fuaillbimenes o a cuiverfeu its
sei tales o the bordersbimichael brander isbn 1 85158
o speakers it s seenbimony folk as wrang slovenly
o a hierarchical societie ledbinaitrul leaders wha pruive thairsels
vacuitranquillitas hie mindit an cleanbinaitur he s weariet o
thare bade a walthie manbiname o grigorie that haed
a namelie pypar in sutherlandbiname o iain that played
tak the excise clerk herebiname o kozyrev dae ye
ain libidos are scantlins containedbionie form o sublimation aye
accomplist wiout onie litigious condukbionie o the interessit pairties
ensure scots kin be yaisedbipupils withoot ony fear o
o the cornpark flattened doonbirain maybe mitherin s like
macnab i widnae scunner yebirevealin the ootcome o the
new dance performed specially devisedbirob sargent o dores ca
this genre o bairns fictionbisairvin up an adult fable
o scots in secondary schuilsbisecondary age maist pupils hae
pair o trainers ye dbishair his ma wad pawnd
man o truith an honorbisic lyke joukerie pawkerie macbeth
o scotland be convey tbistandard english nae other culture
stage o curin the maisterbisteamin him an haudin on
bewties o this loch blawnbithe aest wund in ma
doors heid bummers watched owerbithe ark angel ee o
collection lots o them signedbithe authors in appreciation o
aa winter an muckit ootbithe bailie as pairt o
founs o the quarry guiditbithe birr they sent a
hale 10 hooiver at sbithe bye as baith o
a loon danny paterson gaedbithe byname o digger niver
o svea an hatit herebithe christ men but oor
bunker plaistered wi graffiti scrawledbithe dowp eyns o deid
a drooth a kirn madebithe earl o hell as
winna plew throu it aganebithe feinis o t mirren
bin readin a buik screivedbithe first sgian o sgian
hae bin conseered a wastebithe fowk o the pairish
o the modesty topos uisedbithe franklin couldnae be cried
tridents o birdies feet owerbithe gean in a neuk
es neuk a collection supplementitbithe generosity o colin mearns
the languages o scotland wantitbithe government education at aw
pucklies boorichs space caad ajeebithe graces o the win
you an yeir man harlinbithe hair o the heid
the corp o a wummanbithe hair o the heid
hir ootby an threw hirbithe hair o the heid
masts o fremmit boats mooredbithe herbour waa showdin like
braes o the eastern benbithe hill burn a haar
straucht wye o the pathbithe hooks an crooks o
rain ruttit roadie worn rochbithe hooves o kye an
sands jyned the sea bedbithe leuks o t it
a blanket ower m whaurbithe licht o the fyre
the park till midnicht wirkinbithe licht o the great
glaiss bobbies at the doorbithe licht o the meen
gang an see the burnbithe licht o the muin
o 1036 1101 49 thochtbithe lochan chu hsi 1130
chu hsi 1130 1200 thochtbithe lochan the gless o
o fragile broon beauty framedbithe lomonds twin baps in
the fowk o a toonbithe look o the place
hieness furthshaw his luvin merciebithe lowsin o felons the
nae mair nor a whusperbithe maucht o his vyce
wheels spun north aroon dundalkbithe mountains o mourne oh
intil a feirich o engaignebithe nyowspeypers larrie dryvers fermers
forrit he gat mair shitheriebithe onfaw o the gloamin
wee kirkyaird o sgian hardbithe pleisur park far the
o life as the brummilsbithe road or the hennies
nearest the sea an hardbithe side o the gap
kin o cattil anerlie muivedbithe slaw tids an saisons
in a derk smiddy firedbithe sook and blaw o
on the mantle near smoredbithe sough o the win
larick a merch bawd stertledbithe splyter o wheels bell
twinty three years nae monybithe standards o her fiers
fit licht did ye comebithe stars an licht o
whummlin wattir o the riverbithe staupin stanes no a
them siclike the septiles gaitheredbithe sweltrie waters o the
it alang the saft gressbithe syde o the caussie
caller shade o the sauchtreesbithe threshie fluir a souch
a haep o whyte aissbithe tree ruit it wesna
o the sun callum badebithe wattirsyde an he haed
tammas biggit a wie sheilbithe waws o the kirk
nirl o cloud is blawnbithe wund an slaelie skails
the warld is wapp tbities o luiv whitfor did
sax volumes o his lifebitwa chiels caad monypenny an
also howe er occasionally stigmatisitbiwey o reference tae its
fin i get a responsebiwird o moo or fae
rage lyke a houlet hounditbiwutches the guidwyfe o kittiklrumpit
in aberdeen he said anbiwye o giein mair understannin
straikit fooshunless kinna hair connachedbiyears o peroxide a human
dernit hir bewtie is dernitbia milk whyte screen the
weill pleised eftir that bitbibit meg mendit hir daftlyke
for hir he feinisht upbitellin hir he haed a
hir styterin ahint him anbithe forenicht fand thairsells in
laird as he gruppit mysiebithe haund an poued hir
wad dauner dowie hir lanebithe wattir syde tentin the
the touer whyte whyte sittinbithe winnok bonnie bonnie hir
cottage in the foreneen traivellinbibraemar ower tae glenshee the
achieves soveraynetee ower their pairtnersbifirst giein hit up this
lang giraffe ower mony legsbihauf measles rip far dae
pruived ower an ower aganebithae purist authors thairsels efter
arveragus an dorigen pit owerbithe franklin houanever ettlin to
there s yalla floories owerbithe north at the cliff
a sma aik table owerbithe windae english latin an
drew fuskers ower a printbiturner aa throw science he
yonder an it s drivenbiae waitter wheel the waitter
ae maist yaisfu scots grammarbic p l young echteen
cuid ca ae simmer retreatbimrs forman ay mebbies i
wur gritlie improved in aebimultilingul cless room setting nae
the scottis press tae shamebipublicklie giein uz ae heize
lyke twa whunstane men sydebisyde but wi ae tig
a birth alaneness held gaunbithe ae physog like a
i embro whaes forfock rutherfordbiname bade it blackcock ha
ruth ledingham s bin killtbia larry doon on the
hornygollach his heid s croonedbia twig he slalems doon
blindfold doon ease it bitbibit robby she cannae tak
aiberdeen cowps doon an roonbifaithlie pelicans flew ben the
anely a wee hut doonbithe beach an his mither
cluny brig i ll dauchlebithe burn an luik doon
spikk the nurse dowpit doonbithe fire an read a
car slawed doon again thonbithe left s far we
battered doon tae the grunbithe rain that the binder
mechanical clivverness shaves cut doonbithe scythemen slashed inno a
a wee sae pompitie restitbia curlie buss an afore
up wi the muisic playedbimortal men the mair sae
eer an sae weel documentitbioor skeely wordsmiths showin the
sae that meg feinisht upbipairtin wi a pigfu gowd
music bairn rhymes even pictursbiscottish peinters sae a ploy
is hauden sae she isbithe ettin in the keep
the team backit sae weelbithe magnificent tartan army i
shops thare wad be shutbithen sae he turnt aff
they twa jewels or peintitbiluikin in a keekin glaiss
equinox far twa watters meetbimeenlicht merch 21 quo tracy
horned hoof tae the kneebithis the twa quines jeloused
pick the chesnuts an twabitwa thay flew awa for
her brither aulder nur herbitwa year spat on his
chittered awa in the howfbiher droothy man capernuitie hyterin
the creenge juist gaed awabiitsel efter aboot sax weeks
awa stourin lyke shaidaes blawnbithe wund for is it
neuroses sublimated an sorted nobia bletherin cure but whit
moroccan arab anither estate rentedbia dutch corporation an a
quat the chaumers an ledbia novice they divertit theirsels
defeat he scornt tae preachbia tree ootbye an the
leaves at kennilworth an roonbiabbotsford claikin in tamil dialect
get his ee powked ootbian aiberdeen tree think on
ailig mac a phearsan agusbian làthair ann an inbhir
geordie preed his new alairmbibirlin the haunds roond an
for the moment bein duntitbibummers an butteries buddleia in
canongate classic wi an introductionbichristopher harvie an faber faber
leithen stories wi an introductionbichristopher harvie canongate edn 2000
straight backed airms reck ootbiclett an stack dy sang
bit it bene sair tashedbicoll mynin an i mair
he d seen me anbicompulsion he gart the matchwyfe
up the ship s rawbicrooked wynd an lane nigh
be killt wi a duntbidandy an laid oot on
idiom an speech habits juistbidiscoverin that they re literate
a màireach feasgar am màireachbidòmhnall dewar an làthair aig
group notit the recent letterbidonald gorrie msp an gree
tae the bairns an hauflinsbidoonhaudin an makin a bauchle
e aon uair deug musbie deiseil an ath oidhche
an parentin cud be danebieither sex whasaeiver ettled it
embro in hauf an oorbielephant or bullock cairt hurl
hiz dounfaw he did itbiendytin a dyet buik an
bbc atween 1957 an 1964biewan maccoll peggy seeger and
underground an sin m979: ambif980: bidh uill bidh iad
words micht weel be colouredbifear an crabbitness forbye while
sensyne ah hae been exeminedbifowr different doctors an ah
kennin an gracie sowl atbiglamourie cud guide the wind
fairlie then he claucht himbihis broidert pouchie sash an
on played iain eggit onbihoochs an skirls an whanever
preened tae the briest hallowedbihope an priest an fin
the reeds liftit the dyeukbiits spinnle shanks an stappit
seein afore opent in itbiitsell an clattert shut ahint
aince the dure flew openbiitsell an the lad gaed
anely daein his ceevic dutybikeepin aa the roads an
the three beuks publish tbikerr an still available he
there forenent the well enhaloedbileaves an domes izaak an
for shi jin as weillbilittle an wees the time
scots language scots is unnerstuidbimaist scottish educated scots an
on shetland poetry written baithbimesell an robert alan jamieson
wad finnd a forelaund unkentbimortals an here thay wad
holidays thay wur leukit efterbimr an mrs tom scott
an hoo it is perceivedbiothirs socio linguistically as all
batteries ir leavin the daybiroad an thrie mair the
face an reponed tae watbisayin oh a ll cut
be an often is ridiculitbiscottish speakers in a parody
it thon suid be supportitbisel sustentautioun an fair tred
an steel an modernity heatedbisolar panels a bield agin
is hoo scots is yaisedbispeakers an hoo it is
poem on radio a wikkbisunday an includin him in
pudden ah staun ma lanebithe brukken yett an dicht
an gey dowf tae rodébithe by whaur maria serghyeevna
strae com dallie staun hardbithe caunle an dinna meeve
screws an it hauds yebithe chafts she demonstrates the
dallie mouldit fired an cweeledbithe cheengin sizzens as muckle
an thraetens his bluidie stagebithe clock it s day
glory an her pouer junebithe cluny in ilkie sheugh
leave her weans an guidmanbithe daemon lover s offer
wyfe bade in the shielinbithe forelaund an monie bairns
steen wyme scoored an scrattitbithe fower sizzens quarrymen blawn
in scotland an isna recognisedbithe hamelt scots speaker uneddicatit
the owrancer tuik shi jinbithe haun an gaed out
here an warm yeir kneesbithe ingil ah l gang
are wir aye that persecutitbithe law time an time
ooto the stable haulin mattybithe lug an flang him
scottish educated scots an spokenbithe majority ye juist hiv
a fell an you swellinbithe meenit big as the
in ony culture an alligatorbithe nile needs far mair
genteel an fair skinned learnedbithe nuns tae spikk english
an it s gittin waurbithe oor it stertit near
east muse anthology publish tbithe press and journal an
fand hooses vrocht in cavesbithe pueblo indians an thocht
the sun an brekkin stanesbithe roadsyde or a hird
shirley an i can tellbithe sea fish bree there
haund forrit an gruppit geordiebithe shoother an the orra
the wattir at the boathoussbithe shore an aw the
wi mukkil thrang an helpitbithe siccar traitor cawdor bure
an on the siller saundsbithe sie s edge but
work that s been duinbithe snda an ithers for
no cross the skirrievaigin riverbithe staupin stanes an sklim
yonner an baith wur occupiedbithe tamson faimlie the tamson
an secret tae me haptbithe the yird a skreich
got bigger an bigger tillbithe time it grippit his
flickerin flame kinnelt an keptbithe traiveller s kin cannie
bairntime an i devauled scooredbithe traivellin scent xxiv luv
teepical freudian scenario a psychoanalystbithe windae an the patient
an my haunds were stuggitbitheir jags aince mair she
their sarks washed an cleanedbitheir mither whyles tae gyang
wadna covet the grun ainedbitheir neebors the fermers an
di yi krista aye anbithen the morn tess uh
mertins nest an flie twaebitwae joukin ablo the pentit
on ben an plain lippertbitydeless harmonie it toves wi
characters dae but greig compensatesbiuppin the ante an makin
ma wife ll manage finebiursel sister josephine stood an
about him be little anbiwees the time wure in
an linda thain is taebiwilliam ewart gladstone an quanter
play my hame is scooredbiwin an cauld bit fit
branches bare strippit an scourgedbiwinter s wheep the jeel
the thorn tae see anitherbiyer side an ill thing
the lewis gun an yinbiyin the laddies stuid up
checkin them aa oot ainbiain tae see if the
ain durestep shuirlie it isbiaw the wyce fowk in
the chiel near etten upbihis ain desires yet haudin
ain interpretation on this auctoriteebiofferin a solution to the
halp mirren or protek napierbipittin by hiz ain pleisur
ain wee airt nae touchedbiscythe or plooshare a roch
dinna like wad be stungbitheir ain argyments bizzed oot
faimly gin ye hae ainbithen fooiver maitters turn oot
can manage aw that roadbiyeirsell it s a gey
thou joseph ah hae cherriesbicommand silence tess see mind
tell whit fowk is lykebifirst appearances morag ye hae
a wadna hae ye killedbionie man but me or
they haena been help tbioor deserters we micht hae
the loun hiz tung lowsentbithe exercitioun we dinna hae
hound or the soun madebithe hair that soud hae
t mebbe thocht i twidbiwyse tae hae anither string
f982: ach s dòcha gumbie sin co dhiù ma
ye wul shuirlie obleige mebifillin ma flesk for me
the rungplay he gat felledbima faither wi sic a
jyle whaur a bene incarceratbima inimie s wumpils furby
anaw ah dreme she sbima syde eydent she cairries
m a pass a fistbinatur bit dinna ding ma
s no sleepin peacefu lykebithe by ma dear ah
again abuin ma chaumer herebithe lown lochan at mirrors
ah m owre easie persuaditbithe men whyles ma mither
wul continue in ma gracebiyeir leave hostess they leave
berna yis uh ll awbipunished goad uh ll strike
aw stuid lik stuikies mesmereisedbithe ferlie than the blak
bits us toastin oor taesbithe fire come winter aw
plowterin amang the dubs awbiyeirsell at first lowpin is
be in lanesum left awbiyeirsell ye can theorise as
finiver he wan tae herbisniffin her oot like a
the key entrusted tae himbisteenhillock tae scowp oot the
the warld oot sharny beetsbithe door fire teased fae
parents anither directive pit ootbithe government tae stem the
tuik oot a puckle novelsbithe loon hissel vivian gray
as a bane byornar driedbicauld heat hunger fit mair
faced wi speugs or lionsbimawkins they mair nor doubilt
protopovov onie mair a pausebithe by he s plankit
his writin leuk mair scotsbiuisin words his mooth daesnae
fruit bat hingin twis barbequedbipouer lines far bamboo trees
grun far arctic breezes wheechbitenements far doos convene in
the grun bit dearly wonbithe daith railway loons far
the mukkil pines at gloaminbia lown puil ah licht
ah sklim the cauld benbia stey gait up throu
bogle in a park pykitbicraw pecks ah la belle
ah wul be better fordiltbihogmanay neist year ah soud
eilidh ah m no jaelussbinaitur you ken that but
ah m concerned aboot himbithe by they tell me
nun hauf a clydeside blootertbithe ned storm ah suppose
ah ve ayewis been coortedbithe wagoner s lad he
clerk says the elder bitbibit a ll see he
belt ye again but bitbibit he seen the flesher
tess tess yur een michtbidull lori bit yur hearins
sark bit he wisna impressedbiher antics tho she roared
ventur t esma follow tbime sayin na bit i
spilt mah brew bit nohbimistake pause pare pare blind
bit ye mauna bladd itbitellin her she wadna let
aye unkaimed at nuin stelledbia stick whyles a wee
dr henderson in a hoosebia wee dirt track atween
this unco wee wumman meanbibringin a bonnie lass lyke
meinit pompitie byde a weebithe curlie buss tak yeir
campbells are comin i kenbithe stink the dirty wee
wee lassie she is infatuatedbithis the dressin up the
quaich entries tae be inbi28t februar 2002 mindins tae
bocht tae keep as petsbia wifie wi a gairden
a wird she chynged norbiartifice sikk tae smore t
north east librarians tae storytellbibrakkin up scots ballads like
on the world by beinbicultural makkin for access tae
megalomania gey kittle tae sortbifreud s bletherin cure sin
d traivellit tae meikleburgh taebigien him thirty three year
fin the slums wiz bulldozedbigovernment decree tae makk wye
on lead accordion wi peggybihis side they were tae
tae the fishin gruns beddbihissel up a tenement stair
gear is tae be heldbimen or wummen that haes
stw is bein sent direckbipost tae thae schuils that
twis gien tae cormac mccarthybirobert the bruce in 1314
tae be recognised and yaisedbischuil weans and students this
need tae fyle the wattersbisharin sic maitters wi brian
gaed on tae bei pouertbisteam the herd appent the
it is warth statin anewbisubjeckin fictional characters tae psychoanalysis
nearer tae the scots uisedbithe day s scots speakers
drawn thegither tae the placebithe double tragedy mebbe the
as kneadit dough she dauchlesbithe dyke tae dicht the
new man tae be stoppitbithe security guairds at the
tae haud the don flankedbithe shady willow s dreepin
baists they jaloused them taebithe skreichmakkers fechtin agin the
sent direck tae the schuilsbithe snda we re gled
they d tae gyang roonbithe tradesman s entrance at
jade tae at s wrochtbithis same craftsman s haun
tethered tae the middle powlbithongs threidit ben slits cut
finding them tae be sobitryin and examinin them furthermair
nun who decided tae intervenebitwo in the mornin clydebank
a strindberg owerset intil scotsbidavid purves the ootlaw 1
5m hamelt scots speakers identifiedbidifferent surveys in raicent years
a language that tho recognisedbiscots scholars as a form
thearter it is generally acceptitbiscottish linguists that scots no
the quarry a scots novellabisheena blackhall in a lonely
skweels i m aye welcomedbiteachers because scots can be
a year past the daybithis verra yett yeir face
the nail on the heidbisayin the success is aa
pyochers slivvers aa snochers unkentbiyersels fegs yer as clean
thirdly the picture is complicatitbia concern wi appearances he
ten yeir eftir a trystitbia kyle wi rab in
deaved wi drooth prometheus ettbia vulture wad baith agree
tuim muirlaun wi a lassikiebihiz syde the rid douglas
gin thon s the wardbinoam chomsky wi bein mibbes
she sattled inno the horsecheerbithe kitchie fire wi her
seas efter ye left smittitbiambition youth s disease i
at is i pairt dictatbicircumstance gin ye byde ben
girn we niver thocht atbimischance we d distrouble ye
malcolm whit dae ye meanbithat shona shona naething naething
a see ye re rinkitbithe jewels in scotland s
haed better no grup itbithe tail whitfor soud ye
bin left intil the seabithe time ye ve feenished
verra stert ye ll kenbithis hou ye wir waurit
niver learned in scholar streetbiturns could gar ye rage
funny then ye r herebiyeirsell irena ay it looks
we are still on hisbicentenary being told on all
furth wuzzent murder egged onbihis frein the wolf lamps
intil a socially acceptable formbihis luve for the boyish
years efter the bombs transformedbimarc chagall lauchin throu his
riven affo a deed harebia hungert craa then she
oo wid need that confirmedbidella zeb she would tell
end she haes been exeminedbithe howdie wyfe at tobermory
intil the scentit haze whufftbithe incense burner she draps
lori he s got hurbithe airm robby leave hur
skonsed in hiz favourit binkbithe chimla lug he didna
wyver cockin in its wabbithe ingle he d on
caird that sells the flouersbithe south yett he fair
see him lyke a lambbime macduff but naebodie mang
heard him out then answertbithis cause there ll be
stoppin the bawd wisna merkedbia fusker jist lowpit clean
attention was drawn to thebiannual dundee residential week end
to justify arveragus the franklinbiappealin to fortune seems to
abuin is naitiounheid maistlie wunbiconflik the neist staup is
ithers but the kintra follaedbidemocratie ben it thon suid
in the burn then drapbidrap oan the het girdle
the wyce instinctive child representedbifish benjie i the first
motorists across the eu usebifuel cars for example about
1955 baith the fallean airticlesbigeorge scott ir furthset i
how solid the boulders upbiglencorse quait kintra i the
i the jyle at carlylebihiz faes at sellafield this
the maist braw avyse waatchitbiivverie ei tammas corssed the
place in iceland the ootlawbijohan a strindberg owerset intil
s murdert malcolm what whabilennox it seems the louns
tholed in the gweed roombimatthew bruce because minnie likit
the verra dearest iver laybimy side furthermair i will
that widnae be stookie robbionie chance ay answert the
and dorigen is pit acrossbiour narrator the franklin in
at the pairliament awns atbiowersettin the new testament inti
the fittach breemy wids lozentbipicnic neuks a richt snorrel
enjoy it neist year aganebipittin in entries for the
the narrator echoes anither characterbisayin i the hinnermaist chapter
fu fifty year aye sidebiside we bore the dunts
again i winnae scunner yousbispylin the endin but suffice
chickens the colours obtain tbisquirtin a dye inta the
sattled on the chosen eenbithat same speerit we pray
north gellan we turned richtbithe abyne tarlan crossroads past
caad the hen hoose estatebithe aff takkin locals the
is bent sklef at midsbithe bamboo wattir the lest
anglo saxon origin meanin shelterbithe bog the umquhile maislee
ontil the steikit winnok hingersbithe bricht sunlicht the stramp
best hawd wheesht lori sbithe brig berna kep awbody
stertit up the stey braebithe burn syde lik in
of tsui hao 8th centurybithe ceitie yett a year
in the harem do 21bithe ceitie yett tsui hao
the back end wund bashobithe craw s mankit forleitit
s broo roon banks lulledbithe don s balloo abeen
murlin gin it be offertbithe fairie fowk that bydes
s sang haud the fishiebithe gills rug the knife
the maik is warked alanebithe haund that on the
as thay sat thare thegitherbithe ingil speikin the tane
sovereynetee in mairriage is madebithe knicht a character athin
hen that s bin bulliedbithe lave in brian s
the taxi you turning greenbithe minute looks around that
fitpreints in the sna meltitbithe mornin in the rinnin
the sauchs ir in blossombithe pailace waw the spring
s heid is noddin hardbithe radiator s cosy guff
gied a mukkil din clydesdalebithe rid douglas at sayed
finn daunert alang the saundbithe saut swaws skinklin i
fairm their faces brunt broonbithe sun caff fleein like
ligs haurd by foundert therebithe swurd that foundert you
growne men the ban pronuncedbithe teichar aye hanted z
maumie a tertar fluit wheipilsbithe toun yett a singil
beuk d borth ick waitterbithe umwhile r e scott
hawick archaelogical society transactions 1955bithe umwhile r e scott
1101 31 the south roombithe wattir do 32 the
1036 1101 the south roombithe wattir the chaumer is
easement here in this bigginbithe wattirsyde it is lown
muinlicht singin sentimental sangs alangbithe wattirsyde yeir honor ootlests
fin the schule wisna closedbithe weather tho minnie wore
dangers spores lang sleepin steeredbithe win micht blaa cholera
set out aff for hamebithe wutch s biggin but
leggit it inti the streetbithis wha amang the neibours
a simple fack near sloganisedbitommy sheridan at the maist
this is the furst meansbiwhich it kin be maintained
deemster a wul be gyditbiyeir coonsel the monie fauts
is worth stressing in thisbicentennial year that our school
reprentin this efter 14 yearbipopular deman supported by donald
denner is better hansilt meatbiitsell is better etten at
at wappins sweyed at mebionie man that s born
aye feenisht at storie affbisayin mag wuid bei richt
mah jug tess richt herebiyur side silence berna takes
justifies her repeatedly gettin mairritbireference to paul and for

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