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abeility o the franklin tobiggcomplex narratives that is to
teirannie nou haes skowth tibiggon siccar foonds weir yeir
for the nou is tibiggthe foonds for the new
tyres ooto their hidiehole letsbigga boatie a boatie fur
aabody gin we re taebigga boatie ay they re
five bairns gaithered trock taebiggtheir boatie kieran socht towe
and howp and mense taebigga warld wi nae deevision
and upon his kinrick taebiggit wi mense and wi
wes med at scotland wuidbigga nyow ceitie i gallowa
darg at is necessar tibigga nyow lyfe an the
lown ma wabbit saul taebiggma wa gaen saul he
o yon fine widd tabigga peerie hoose wi ya
o yon fine stray tabigga peerie hoose wi ya
o yon fine stanes tabigga peerie hoose wi ya
aheid an founs o learninbiggculture maun jyne wi culture
jyne their intergalactic airmies taebiggtheir empire makkin eese o
tae heal tae merk anbigga foun a time tae
the singer hard duntit nailsbiggbest ava a bonnie haa
haa smeddum an virr willbiggit braw nae scrattins sma
flees faist his hame taebiggwhile dugs stravaig tae sniff
whaur they haena wrocht tibiggthair hingin nests a hae
tree gerron mister cooncil manbigga hoose fur me raggie
wheech awa thegither we llbigga hous see in ablow
it was a deevil tabiggin though because it wis
ye re brithers here llbiggup yir steidins ance aathing
doun and a time taebigga time tae greet and
the ither sae ye maunbiggyer dyke afore ye plant
jougils wurds is leears theybiggus up ti caw us
deed man sae that yebiggup the name o the
the washing tossing waa ibiggpoems pages whyles hale buiks
ye d try shuirlie tibigga new warld for yeirsell
at duin sae mukkil tibiggthair clachan an plaunt thair
beware bi by biers comfortablebiggbuild binna unless binnd bind
raik up the cinners anbiggthe lowe again minnie tho
say ye widna need taebigga tattiebogle tae flegg the
skeletons aneth the sea taebiggcolonies yonner they d the
tae be ma guidwife taebiggup the name o the
inquered its a bain webiggthaim wirsells it sens a
o wyvin girse they wadbiggan underpass we d appeal
mishanter faa ye for yebiggthe meethe o the prophets
found on whilk ah sallbiggthe eeries and orries o
preschuil groups an schuils willbiggon that foond an on

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