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the doo says croo fasbinchorin an fas bin hired
hired fas promoted an fasbinfired i ken mair nur
fas bin chorin an fasbinhired fas promoted an fas
stramash wis ower it hidbina bonnie simmer s day
lanks whar their hame hidbina gleg lug an gweed
glentin emerald een it hidbina lang time since the
doon ae side it hidbina quarry since the echteenth
an fore gin ye hidbina reed i wad hae
an fore gin ye hidbina swan i wished that
tho the yird hid aybinan airt fur war an
doctor henderson s car hidbinan gaen an it wis
mony years jed anderson hidbinan ootlinn kent as yon
his faither said denner hidbinan unca strained affair sally
anderson s bluid mither hidbinane o auld joe s
maist setterdays dod mathieson hidbinane o the first men
street wis biggit on hidbinat ae time a bog
fack that jed anderson hidbinat the quarry the day
daffs dr henderson tee hidbinback he micht as weel
blessed an the congregation hidbinblessed cam the anely bit
caur smash efter he dbinborn his da joe hid
year back fin brian hidbinborn the toun wis thrang
consul general o meikleburgh hidbinbrian duguid the final dna
ahin it the aunts hidbinbusy aa evenin washin minnie
snoot the gerbil fa dbinbynamed ned hid biggit nests
culture cairrier neil duguid hidbinbyordnar blythe tae fin oot
an fermers baith he hidbinbyordnar kind tae the troot
wintin siller a contract hidbincancelled at wirk he d
auld mattha her man hidbinchairman tae the widside pairish
comin aa the curtains hidbincheenged even the beds hid
buits war leakin sna hidbindingin doon in blin drift
wioot draain braith it hidbindinned inno him bi auld
god saw aathing thon hidbindinned intae her since she
fermlan aneth the rigs hidbindrawn the feerins raised the
fur the cottar wives hidbineen an cleaned it an
fowk the yird hid anelybinfand bi the ooter galaxies
minnie s sma possessions hidbinflitted tae granny bruce s
dicht them the mcphails hidbinforkin shaves aa foreneen inno
fleer the wee bowl hidbinfull wi haly watter an
kirk as yet hid naebinfullt 6 daith in a
nor americay bit it hidbinfun ettlin till thae placies
o the man that hidbinher faither he hid steppit
hairth o yon place hidbinher faither s luv an
an baith the cairts hidbinhired tae help wi the
puir deid myra anderson hidbinhis birth mither or that
that his uncle hid reallybinhis faither his mither hid
day aff the sweep hidbinin an cleaned the lum
o jed neil duguid hidbinin his bedroom haein his
o the health centre hidbinin twa minds as tae
been born and fa sbinjyled fa hid their simmer
the deid an arthur hidbinkillt bi the war jist
hid sang sin he dbinknee heich tae a chunty
tae the altar neil hidbinlanesome raised in glesga syne
the maiden gin it hidbinlate twid hae bin the
wish aa the fish hidbinleft intil the sea bi
an deprivation neil tho hidbinlifitit frae his mither s
like a cheenge it hidbinluikin unca peely wally i
till mairtinmas the menzies hidbinmakkin ready tae roup ooto
kilrogie schule the bairns hidbinmakkin slidies o sliddery ice
in pairt fur there hidbinmuckle wars that gart the
maister s seekness there hidbinnae cheenge o men at
twis as if kate hidbinnae mair nor thin air
murder bairn rape hid aabinnear stampit oot unner pat
desswid place an hid niverbinnearer than torry tae the
twa pink shells that hidbinnippit bi a labster she
feerins raised the ploo hidbinoot aa wikk on the
wioot him kennin we dbinoot if jock hid gaen
an ah wid ha ebinoot o hid a thegither
war that aabody thocht hidbinower an dane wi efter
yonner because the meenister hidbinower feart nae tae open
efter a bargain isie hidbinpacked aff ooto herm s
time since the lassie dbinpettit the nuns hid named
a wye that arthur hidbinpicked tae fecht nae himsel
human embryos the loon hidbinpitten aa wye through his
his ain name hid jistbinplaced on the bridal queue
da minnie s da hidbinschuled at strathbogie college in
on his lap he dbinshaved his hair hid bin
eh seventies hid wid abinshe wiz filled in tae
the meers he hid niverbinshort o female company an
sars epidemic the toun hidbinsinderit inno sectors warssled oot
stude far it aye hidbinsliced an skewed like a
o minnie mebbe matty hidbinsome coorse bit it wis
cheenged even the beds hidbinstrippit an clean beddin pit
lizard an common gull hidbintaen frae the heid scientist
grey toun o meikleburgh hidbintaen frae yon quarry s
the twa young corpses hidbintaen fur beerial yet the
da his mither jenny hidbintelt bi the doctors that
hid bin late twid haebinthe auld wife an meg
i wished that i hidbinthe loch lay neist me
first sgian o sgian hidbinthe maist feared the maist
o aa their darg hidbinthe septiles an skreichmakkers the
survivors efter the wars hidbinthe strand lowpers fae the
in meikleburgh for thon hidbinthe verra name o the
a peety jock dow hidbintheir first fit o the
sidiewise like its thrapple hidbinthrawed glowerin at them wi
it wiz straps a hidbintied intae the stretcher a
airts niver wis niver hidbintwis aa blethers havers dirt
the room that hid aincebinuncle dougal s full o
sarcastic brither jock dow hidbinup sin five in the
in the wash she hidbinup sin the back o
eggs alec an ned hidbinup sin the back o
bin shaved his hair hidbinwashed an caimbed forbye s
bin put rubbish into thebingow triangle christmas demolition party
before it goes into thebinput rubbish into the bin
rubbish is in the wheeliebinso she sits at the
at home an overdue rubbishbinthat he would take out
variegated contents of a rubbishbinwere the closest approximation to
green bin not a greenbinanswer when its a blue
bin there look in thebinm1106 : [laugh] f1105: where does
committee when is a greenbinnot a green bin answer
throu- oh there s abinthere look in the bin
in empty hooses his niverbinma style raither minnie moose
kirk minnie s fowk hadbinower taen up reddin up
grown up noo minnie dbinpit tae the toon tae
pudden wis brunt matty dbinthrashed an minnie s moo
the grampians it s niverbinheard tae greet i s
faa d disappeared an niverbinseen again in this warld
arthur fur chae d niverbintae africa it made him
little harder ah ve niverbintae edinburgh said aunt marion
amiss tho thon could haebina lee fur the mathieson
the lan tho they dbinfashioned tae win oot in
already tho we ve jistbinhere a wee whylie i
an brian tho they dbinmerriet noo a guid fyew
fowk said tho chae dbinnae farrer frae deeside than
three wikks tho she dbinunca hard caad rinnin efter
a littlin fur he dbinanely a shepherd there fa
isie even matty fa dbingrowin gey gentrifeed fin he
new mairriet cousin fa dbinmairriet on a tarlan fairmer
like shipwrecked fowk that sbinsaved fa thocht they wad
wirkit bit him fa dbinschuled at strathbogie college the
kirk as if he dbina christian body aa his
wad be as he dbina clone hissel ilkie man
kittled her like he dbina halflin grannie leuch peter
sae mony years he dbina sair wecht aroon his
the castle if she dbina thochtie aulder he wadna
grown thegither fin daisy dbinaa legs an lowp sae
his future happiness he dbinan adopted wean reared in
aa the days we vebinapairt are as they d
the machar kirk she dbinbeddit wi the croup fin
in ma beens i dbinblessed wi the gift o
beauty na gin she dbinbonnie aince noo she luikit
noo an then he dbinbooed aff the fleer eftir
bare fac that he dbinborn there in his teenage
mony anither scot he dbinbrocht up on a nor
up orral he d aybincept noo he wis a
him bit he d aybincloser tae her than tae
aroon angus fin he dbincottared there the fermfowk caad
evidence o fit ah dbindoin pulled ma clothes egither
on me we would huvbinhappy if we d steyed
da faith she d haebinhard caad tae chuse atween
the byre far she dbinhelpin the cattleman feenish aff
him lek bit he dbinin eh company so he
hunner years while we dbinin luxor citizens anon israel
she telt us she dbinin sri lanka near the
twa o the faimly dbinkillt the last time aroon
kennin fur since they dbinmerriet she drappit a bairn
cancelled at wirk he dbinmugged ootside a howf some
a setterday sae there dbinnae schule that day an
last time aroon there dbinnae wird frae arthur an
the north sea he dbinnear deed wi sea sickness
at hame she d haebinoot gaitherin the hens eggs
its back like they dbinpreened ruth haived a steen
in the toon he dbinpreses o the dairyman s
dowie air like they dbinpyed tae gyang slaw an
asylum seekin incomers they dbinricht gled o baith the
wis deed bit he dbinripe fur deein foonert an
shair as if he dbinshelled or shot or bayoneted
juice an ran i dbinsmitten wi an irish lilt
caimb fur fear she dbinsmittit wi beasties at kilrogie
skweel as usual there dbinsouns o a stooshie gaun
believe foo chancie he dbintae be gien a kidney
scauld foo pleased she dbintae gie him this the
i climmed as i dbintelt a ghaistie s fitpreints
at the skweel he dbintelt o the traiveller s
sae eident they d aabinthe auld year d gien
his name insteid he dbintrailed back tae the clart
o a hoose she dbintrailed up in ye cudna
a secunt afore there dbintwa fowk there in the
wiz up at ah dbinup till somethin so ah
cowk last wikk da dbinwirkin late whiles he stauns
queen o scots micht haebinat the back o t
bit at least she sbindusted fitiver that micht mean
the pennies he micht haebingewttin ready tae gyang tae
sae maisterfu i micht haebinmerlin takkin a bare bittie
sooth americay gin fowk hidnabinsae greedy oor climate micht
thocht that hell micht haebinthe heidmaist city o yird
the history teacher maun haebina bit o a puppet
brian sangster thon wad haebina thing ower scunnersome tae
year auld there maun haebina wheen sair hairts in
said thon sang cud haebinaboot spikk s wife hersel
perfeck tissue matchin cudnae haebinbetter neither speecially as jed
the hale place sud haebinbrunt tae the grun him
quine s education wad haebinconseered a waste bi the
maun aye they thocht haebinfaes syne in cairo they
gey genteel an wad haebinfair scunnered that a bairnie
bit the deevil maun haebinfell busy yon nicht in
o coull i wad haebinfive year auld ma grannie
troot in the burn haebinfried tae a turn there
rottens een he maun haebingey bonnie fin he wis
normally sally bruce wad haebinhere makkin the dennertime broth
years the lawyer fowk haebinin tae draa up ma
staas far beasts wad haebinkeepit an luikin at a
that his faither cud haebinony ain o her herbour
an neil wad itherwyse haebinresattled in a gloamin hinneycaimb
sae fresh it could haebinscrapit aff an artist s
a reed i wad haebinthe pearlin dyew that sattied
the nest that shouldna haebinthere an incestuous gorblie forby
ordnar wye matty wid haebinupstairs learnin the lessons fur
brakkfest is fit sud haebinwytin sae pranny pits her
the hoose o daviot wadbina shield wi a revolivin
wing maist o them hidnabinborn fin navachitta deed the
wheelan so there s aybina cross over there an
ay summer when we vebina roondin an shearin the
love for ma haert husbinfull ay sorrow an anger
chookie s eggs but ahvbinthinkin ay ye readin they
him jenny it s aybinus thegither nae fair tae
ay oor survival ah huvbinwatchin for ships an the
ken exactly fit she thinksbinfin ye feed her sugarcane
an ootlinned hen that sbinbullied bi the lave in
noo young ruth ledingham sbinkillt bi a larry doon
naethin mebbe aathin i vebinreadin a buik screived bi
airms aroond me it husbina rare long time since
tae ging tae skye hisbinretired since your wee sam
the puddock stew i hinnabinricht since halloween i m
magic spells ma kyte sbinsair since wednesday last it
thair reputations haes nivver ackwalliebinunsiccar gin they wis catch
nichtmares come gin ye vebinwatchin frichtsome films on tv
frustrated now them tims huvbinmonopolizin yon thing fur the
pit that oot in thebinafore maggie comes back and
tae pit aitable things intaebinbags withoot vrappin em up
sickly sweet whit scaffie sbinforgot tae pit the tin
pit them in an auldbinliner an threw it in
oorsels easement nae ill sbindaen ye ken neil s
as iver wis myra hidnabinauld joe s bedmate lang
this lang the war sbinower twa year noo if
o her oo has noobinshaped shank warmers dowp hauders
aside im snufflin roon ebinbags an winnerin fit een
fit wye doctor henderson sbincried in it s lang
in scots fit hiv youbindeein take off your sark
are screived in fit sbindescribed as wattered doon scots
programme on dialect leid sbinon fit aboot producin on
in back court demolition ofbinareas 11 00am sunday 5th
relocating and re building thebinareas and other improvements to
wall surrounding one of thebinareas had been standing for
designees to replace the existingbinareas with more suitable alternatives
there are four rather dilapidatedbinshed areas in the backcourts
for three instead of fourbinstore areas each will have
and put them in thebin5 put all the fruit
wide enough to put abinbag through it but it
paper to put in thebinchanges her mind again takes
put it in the wheeliebinf1136: can you hold the
just put it in thebinin the first place [laugh]
to put it in thebinit s clean m865: how
ve put it in thebinyou shouldna have been touching
i jist trust ye hinnabinbuyin mair crucifixes tae yersel
it expertly into the wastebini jist caa her clytie
sell that ye nott taebine kye in e staa
an hairtin up weel taebinin e tails it didna
the blue the truth sbinrun tae earth nae perth
the wine bottle in thebinas i ging oot to
tak it oot to thebinfan i come doon fae
t went oot in thebingladys it was their ain
bittie litter belanged i thebinan nae on the grun
ken jock the maister sbinbeddit an he s nae
no we no need abinfine sit doon there okay
like somethin the dug sbinchawin at her ma weirs
ta think ma throat sbincuttit we re hyne ahin
thinkin so ma haert husbinfilled wi wrath for the
parrot s cage has aywisebinma creed causin rows in
up drops it in thebinand goes back to her
habits sadie tips ash frombinback into ashtray sadie trainin
at the back o thebinjammy piece t some mealie
answer when its a bluebinat last after a long
o tatties were in thebinneest day september 1998 temp
broth o a loon sbinspiced wi unca ferlies hett
and bacardi naeplace ah huvnaebinafore mind you he added
retrieved a letter from thebinand read it he placed
and chucked it in thebinhe didn t even ask
she wis in sic abinshe throosh puir pranny till
and empties it in thebinrealises she s emulating carolanne
dress rippling like a plasticbinbag whit s up wi
up as tall as thebinhill let s see you
being as tall as thebinhill up high as the
hill up high as thebinhills up high [laugh] m1106 :
an couped us in thebinach well it s no
be near ye it sbingrowin an growin inside me
an idea to keep abinor bag in the house
an chuck it in thebinye know but it was
eh dry dock s aalbinfilled in wi eh buildin
s stuck in the loonybindoll you ve heard it
wars in the language litterbinthey ve left lots of
thumpin ah had id hedbina typical kinda night eh
though peter flett who hedbinfurther roond eh head came
halls there s like thebincloset f810: mmhm f809: and
ground f1135: no the wheeliebins there f1136: huh f1135:
something chuck that in thebinf1144: that s what i
go u1028: [inaudible] no abinf951: it s no a
now beinn alligin pont sbinkerkill is now meallan buidhe
f951: it s no abinno we no need to
a strang electric shock sbinsizzled throwe their verra banes
them empty bottles in thebinthat s all it would
into the bins in thebinsheds in the backcourts please
were in it must hevbina special meetin oh hell
pieces and drops it inbinbefore emptying the ashtray as
the institutions haes nivver raelliebindisruptit in a richt honest
the area or has itbinerased aathegither no except in
paper go m1106 : in thebinf1105: right clever loon ain
pop it through in thebinfor me please throu- oh
thrown the magazine in thebinhowever i thank colin campbell
a body found in abinin glasgow f718: [laugh] [laugh]
dangling their leader topples abinprises the lid ajar then
bile to boil biler boilerbinbind bink ledge at side
got a f1113: okay f1114: binf1113: no no we no
done so just remember abinis not just for christmas
cast oaf yer conditionin tipsbinout make a mess carolanne
a devolved matter could webinthe report and concentrate on
be taken down to thebinand the fire would be
gibson street this is thebinarea behind the large planter
the break down when thebinis full or the heap
are also demolishing the oldbinsheds and some brick walls
have the correct type ofbinto start this off firstly
to go to the slopbinwith everything i remember i
river to stop access bybinrakers these will be between

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