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word but there are spellingbooksand even bilingual word books
[inhale] but there are spellingbooksand there are even bilingual
bilingual teaching support and forbooksetc to be available in
books and even bilingual wordbooksin english and other languages
home language or dual languagebooksor listening to bilingual tapes
one of these bilingual wordbooksrandle cotgrave s dictionarie of
even bilingual english french phrasebooksthat he could use and
yeah m954: of the thebookserm i mean the best
amount of stuff in thebooksf606: [audience laugh] yeah m954: that
describe him physically in thebooksf606: mm m954: i said
and they translate lots ofbooksf606: mmhm m954: ehm so
local cultural references into thebooksf606: mmhm m954: or do
round the places in thebookshe asks f606: mmhm m954:
sherlock f606: mmhm m954: holmesbooksthat there would be no
you got a lot ofbooksa lot of books m1110:
by kind of reading factualbooksand reading fictional books and
factual books and reading fictionalbooksand reading poe- poetry around
the books especially the artbooksbut didn t buy we
game at the deil sbooksdeil s books is not
the beriozka and admired thebooksespecially the art books but
deil s books deil sbooksis not a specially north
of books a lot ofbooksm1110: i ve got a
books of poetry and 2booksof criticism this fortnight fellow
i ve read around 5booksof poetry and 2 books
popular books you know populistbooksor nineteenth century novels erm
were m- mainly current popularbooksyou know populist books or
i i can actually readbooksagain that i m not
often read the newspapers andbooksaloud for the loon s
like or you read englishbooksand it says you re
clones they don t readbooksand they don t need
years ago i read doricbooksat home my mother s
i ve got eight hundredbooksat home not read yet
we should have more scotsbooksbecause children can t read
newspapers and i read otherbooksbut not you know not
switch off and just readbooksfor enjoyment as well f746:
obviously i ve read erbooksfrom all of a lot
i aften geed tae readbooksi d cadged fae neebers
try desperately to read thebooksin english because they f606:
go to the cinema readbookslisten to music and are
right you you read thatbooksnow and i ll read
it read up aw thesebookstae try and unnerstaun it
trying to make me readbooksthat i don t really
didn t need to readbooksthey were like a breath
sit down and read thebooksthis year m816: yes new
and i ve got fivebooksto read erm four essays
fur a body the librarybookswe canna read he drapped
from reading about them inbooksin his home language or
i enjoy reading tommy sbookssorry can t help with
s so exciting f809: whatbookscan we buy now f810:
m gonna need to buybooksin september so for my
people go and buy thebooksonce they ve seen the
choice when going to buybooksprinted in a simpler way
and ye d aw yerbookstae buy f638: did ye
what s that f1114: yesbooksa piggy book f1113: a
account book arbuthnott school registerbooksarbuthnott by george clark suttie
account book arbuthnott school registerbooksarbuthnott by george clark suttie
is a a children sbooksbook by a publisher called
this is a children sbooksbook ehm by a publisher
yes f1113: here there sbookshere that book what s
book an some fae printedbooksit wisna that i was
book f1121: i think thesebookswould be fine for [censored: forename]
scots now the children sbooksand the parliament website f948:
all kinds of children sbookseh and all in scots
and they do children sbookseh in what they think
such as the publication ofbooksfor children in the lesser
yeah mmhm m865: children sbooksi mean you ve seen
s du so children sbooksi think there s a
all kinds of children sbooksin in scots or what
of crayons and the drawingbooksshe reminds the children that
aboot emails [inaudible] children sbooksyeah i m all in
to engage children with thesebooksyou have to start with
lead them to the otherbooksf606: yeah mmhm but you
down a lot in recentbooksi think there s f606:
erm so that was likebooksthree to nine f606: mmhm
of a lot of thebooksbefore not that i didn
access to a lot ofbooksboth at home and in
aye choose ain o yerbookshave you got a lot
ve got a lot ofbooksi ve got f1109: aa
erm yeah erm so sobookswere around me a lot
we didn t have rationbooksin fintry so i would
didn t have any storybooksor erm i loved i
f634: mmhm mmhm had rationbooksright up until we didn
didn t change their patternbooksthat often and having put
know erm f1038: yeah likebooksand things f1037: a a
gettin our names on anybooksbut erm we we realise
he did use these phrasebooks[inhale] erm the one that
[audience laughs] the secret behind thesebooksis erm is their modern
and erm hawlin aw thibooksootma cupboard tryn to find
were all erm an- anglophonebooksright they were all f963:
it in reviews of hisbooksyou know erm well in
barclay knox and ballantyne thesebooksand others like them provided
most intimate thoughts in thesebooksand we would hide them
the kist and itchy coobooksare these the kind of
re we re producing thesebooksbut there is no bureaucracy
appear too much on thesebooksit s not because we
beaumont i ve got mybooksbeaumont we ve no come
a big pile of thisbooksf1109: oh you ve got
ve got a few recipebooksf1122: a few re- has
i ve mentioned just nowbooksfrom different parts of the
give you one of thebooksi ve got just sit
we ve got twenty fourbooksnow and we- we ve
dying i ve been gettingbooksout of the library to
mm m762: and it wasbookssome of them i ve
ve got to cart thebooksup and down every single
i come home with 60booksand 3 pairs of underpants
so i literally just pulledbooksoff the shelf at home
one of the many textbooksand a few spare moments
found you know so manybooksand you obviously can t
the first place having theirbooksavailable and also in many
in the many grammatical activitybooksbeing published and only a
been a fan of hisbooksfor many years now i
are named in the historybooksmany are not but all
cause there s so manybookson to- on ton- tom
of teachers or written inbooksor on computer screens many
in promoting through his manybooksscottish history and other scottish
i found like so manybooksyou know just searching for
make tea sadie put yerbooksaway furst will ye gordon
mum sadie just put yerbooksaway gordon sighs right gordon
gairden ye d take yerbooksoot and study for yer
the con- consumerist plugging ofbooksand things and and fine
t unfortunately but no thebooksand things er in the
a month just looking throughbooksand things i think i
about you know the jenningsbooksand things like that with
you know the opie sbookson childhood games and things
things the danger was excitingbooksweren t part of their
have you got postman patbooksat playschool m1108: aye f1107:
and he s got somebooksf1116: one two three that
and er some of thebooksthat i d got out
they were on films onbookson telly even on sport
writing in most of hisbooksso even when he s
in france ehm so thebooksare now happily ehm translated
an emails m865: mmhm f948: booksehm as a medium at
police reviewed one of thebooksin a ehm in a
available poetry and short storybooksin scots as well as
hear scots spoken dad hasbookson celtic art and language
novel in scots containing threebookssupporting poems and a play
revival in at least twobooksthe the scots language planning
and indicated that scots poetrybookswere available for any member
m608: mmhm f637: uniform andbooksand everything so i never
never slow to produce grammarbooksand readers to whet the
janie had seen in storybooksjanie s fear was never
ah never kent the richtbooksti pick an ah lykelie
never written her next twobookswere biographies of male writers
parodying the style of trigonometrybookswith urquhart you re never
class standards and with sufficientbooksand other teaching resources enhance
the production of original bankbooksbuilding society accounts and other
broch ellen knight other recentbooksincluding limited editions by sheena
for las baleares and otherbooksramon llull himself turned to
have a look round otherbooksreminiscent of archie s heyday
know completely different from otherbooksthat were you know had
recognised search for other travellersbookswritings that might spark off
me some teach yourself russianbooksand also a school textbook
jazz chants and passages frombooksand also to give sveta
to do that through thebooksbut also in what in
eh and also all thebooksshe could find that that
to return and borrow somebooksthere met [censored: forename] and also
old age all her remainingbookswere also concerned with male
out the picture the twobooksare companion pieces and complement
he began to write twobooksof epigrams which received little
started off by writing twobooksof little epigrams which still
of them from the protocolbooksor records of two local
was likely to own twobooksthe bible and the works
tomatoes and looking briefly throughbookson stylistics someone in mti
browsing through the beautiful handmadebooksthe music i heard that
through radio television newspapers andbooksthey use it in ordinary
language for humour and numerousbookswere published in the last
producing videos and tapes andbooksand f641: mmhm [cough] f643:
mmhm f951: not non fictionbooksexcept [inaudible] well i suppose
that had influenced us andbookswe liked f963: right mmhm
mean it was all printedbooksand stuff like that that
about writing and publishing fourbooksbetween 1652 and 1653 all
he has bequeathed all hisbooksconnected with it to the
basically gonna get all mybooksfrom the library and just
wan- f1093: hold all theirbooksin for their lessons m1094:
vote for their top twentybooksof all time it was
filled full of 2nd handbookswe spent all afternoon there
nodded there were signing inbooksfor absolutely everything and they
member of the household hadbooksof coupons you were only
translated from fourteenth century frenchbooksthey were for the use
way when the first spellingbookswere introduced in the 16th
i canny dae that thebookswere no kept as weel
were horrified by the earlybookswhich were full of puns
work 1965 1983 devonshire etruscanbooks2003 leonard tom introduction in
work 1965 1983 devonshire etruscanbooks2003 leonard tom introduction in
work 1965 1983 devonshire etruscanbooks2003 p 64 8 leonard
work 1965 1983 devonshire etruscanbooks2003 p 64 9 leonard
more than 2 000 differentbooksabout robert burns his work
diaries and the pile ofbooksassociated with my work the
editing work on three scrollbooksto one of which pn
him back not because thebookshe wrote afterwards weren t
is because none of hisbooksmade much impact at the
is because none of hisbooksmade much impact at the
that it is preserved inbooksmay ultimately die because there
he wrote some good weebooksand did some good wee
the embassy to borrow somebooksand photocopy a couple of
of impressionists some recognisable frombooksothers new to us manets
sent away for some textbooksto go with the tapes
think she started writing thosebooksa while ago and the
uphold and spread in hisbooksafter a long time in
see a display of renaissancebooksand a life size model
produced it onto tellies andbooksand aathing for ye hmm
reputation as a writer ofbooksand articles on scottish topics
table that was piled withbooksand brochures jotters memos and
made wow sounds over ourbooksand brought us dry georgian
had begun to send materialsbooksand citation slips north to
diverted to the purchase ofbooksand equipment recruit more classroom
allocated for the buying ofbooksand equipment that was announced
must have access to thebooksand equipment they need they
takes his bag of schoolbooksand exits sadie looks up
tells everyone to open theirbooksand find the place andy
eh started looking at thebooksand i was f809: [laugh]
is a bigger affair thanbooksand life is pre eminently
well as what your lecturebooksand notes require f1038: i
they are in the copybooksand on the wall charts
a coffee shop and sellsbooksand postcards as well as
fur coats samovars and jewellerybooksand records dolls and carvings
consumers sniffing out bargains inbooksand sweatshirts for the summer
spelling which are printed inbooksand taught in schools as
the publication of new referencebooksand texts revealed to him
question was the most significantbooksand that s a different
than 300 songs in thebooksand there are different versions
whole series of itchy coobooksand what s really disturbing
society and in the anchorbooksanthology a bedtime poem for
about writing and publishing fourbooksbetween 1652 and 1653 to
letters diaries and estate accountbookscontribute the vocabulary of cereal
and accountability to parents buildingsbooksequipment and support to learn
and then rebus cause thebooksexist in real time rebus
and i eventually bought 2booksfor 4 00 a good
linguistic heritage and commends canongatebooksfor reprinting this publication after
kits magazines and perhaps collectbooksfrom school shop mrs a
kist and the itchy coobookshave been excellent eh initiatives
ninety eight translations of yourbooksin circulation and i think
exposure to television and tobooksin such circumstances the teacher
s only a couple morebooksin the series and then
effigies and fishing vessel logbookslodged on 23 march 2001
ryse in 1597 the householdbooksof james vi and anne
and in 1608 the baxterbooksof st andrews have quhatsumewir
purchases of the day includedbookson cuzco and on andean
and pull- pulling out thebooksout of the hat like
manuscript material unique exhibits includebookspersonal effects and mementoes of
doubt having studied the recipebookspotato soup and milk soups
familiar studies of men andbooksskerryvore edn vol xxiii pp
we had to talk aboutbooksthat had influenced us and
just started talking about thebooksthat i enjoyed and pull-
and hoose and bairns andbooksthat makes it worse said
familiar studies of men andbooksthe encyclopaedia article on charles
dundee burgh and head courtbooksthe said schip ladine with
and a wide selection ofbooksthe ultimate aim of the
went on to publish seventeenbooksthirty nine short stories and
a pile of papers andbooksthis is arturo and this
used to decide on thebooksto be sold and displayed
think of the itchy coobooksfor education eh if if
get rich oot o weebookso poems eh or anything
odd to people who translatebooksdo you know in america
think we ll gie thatbooksto [censored: forename] cause you know
drawers are cleared oot anbooksan letters bring their fruit
pupils have compiled their ownbooksof doric poems interviews with
philosopher there are hundreds ofbooksthat take their titles from
was like the top twentybooksor something i think f963:
under glass of salvador sbooksa map indicates his residences
make him stick to hisbooksbut privately to get him
money was scarce for buyingbooksfrom him but his leaflets
he looked back ower hisbookshe wis surprised tae see
learnin as weel for halebookshis been written aboot em
the third of his fourbookslogopandecteision is largely a reprint
inspiration for one of hisbooksthe peace of the place
very well how delicately thebooksare balanced if a london
a boy you take thebookswell done m1110: what s
i choose one o yourbookswell let s see is
you could just keep yourbooksso that in fact you
hauds that there no eneuchbooksan interestin point wis made
that there are not enoughbooksan interesting point was made
the present orthography for examplebookscould be made available in
a couple of large textbooksfrom a prof of anthropology
an absolute mountain of frenchbooksfrom about the nineteen forties
was easily overcome similarly sizedbooksfrom an adjacent shelf would
that have been culled frombookson the list of approved
shift it from the councilbooksto the steering group here
or f639: co colouring inbooksi mean i remember colouring
either she doesnae have readinbooksor f632: no f646: she
yeah yeah f640: s- heavybooksor something on top of
is it the city ofbooksor whatever they re goin
parodying the style of trigonometrybooks[someone in audience sneezes] or he seems to
going to draw up keybooksthat have influenced you or
of a kind but herbooksare not traditional stories with
s a fan of thebooksasked a question in the
me of the top twentybooksf963: [laugh] ah [laugh] yes
travel guides non ficti- fictionbooksin in general websites of
s resolution published by anchorbooksin worlds of wonder caution
ambivalent about adaptations of saybooksinto films the setting of
sign the front of thebookslibrarian nothing to report delegate
one to reads of mybooksmam f1109: would i choose
would you choose of mybooksmam would this f1109: choo-
the dom knigi house ofbooksmoscow s best bookstore briefly
ask the scottish executive whetherbooksof advance tickets may be
oot she is counting thebooksof coupons dod och he
translation of the first threebooksof rabelais is half again
one of the most influentialbooksof recent years metaphors we
sources such as the baxterbooksof st andrews macadam 1903
any of the first fivebooksof the bible as traditionally
has written at least 12bookson a variety of subjects
report librarian requested return ofbooksout on loan before the
m1110: off my pile ofbooksplease f1109: okay come on
l- large baggy monsters ofbookspotentially [laugh] which is the
how the quality of thebooksreflects the economic state of
the maggie s 400 oddbooksthat should take care of
however one of morag sbookswas a maclellan publication called
foot of the list ofbookswhat we re doing on
ll be gieing you yourbooksandy me laughs you re
re openin it up tobooksthere s frodo baggins in
have degrees are used tobooksbut new it is to
[inhale] [exhale] sitting on thebooksf1115: what are you sitting
are you sitting on thebooksfor that s a hard
flowers men are presented withbooksmalts trout rods cufflinks clocks
you are having look atbooksshe was in a chatty
for few are helped bybookswhat will you die crushed
later aye you take thebooksthat s a boy you
to keep them but thebooksjimmy laid them on the
periods keying in words chaptersbooksto design them on screen
tae get teenagers interested inbooksis that what you d
surprises you can keep thebooksthe debris the horrible china
we d talk aboot everythinbookshistory music feelins but there
is show the firm sbooksto mak clear there was
when they appear in bigbooksbeing used in class similarly
ti be in yeir blekbooksfor no makkin masell a
kirnin amon carboord boxes anbooksin een o e rooms
zeal producing seventeen full lengthbooksin under seven years ranging
a dialect word in oldbooksold poems old wordlists but
fact that agatha christie sbookssell in staggering quantities in
for anybody else in thebooksto be the rule breaker
low rate for everyone whobooksby 31 05 02 maps
the remit to produce brawbooksfor bairns o aw ages
linguistic heritage an commens canongatebooksfor reprentin this efter 14
i was born the accountbooksfor the trust show that
an i was lookin forbooksken little bookies tae gie
seen ere s an aafabooksan papers aboot e hoose
bob we ll tidy thebooksaway m1110: what s that
how to pronounce urquhart sbooks[inhale] the pantochronochanon constructs a
here no that s [?]paper it's got[/?]booksis it m1096: aye [child noise]
s been best selling historybookswhich nobody would have guessed
looking at the top twentybooksthat had been allegedly voted
no windows no light nobooksno pencils no nice clean
stair faar i kept mabooksbirds eggs an aa kinna
me i m getting [inaudible]books[singing] [singing] am i goin
get on to the statutebooksproposed subsection 15 says that
leads those who write coursebooksto focus prominently on adjectives
an lychtin up aa mebooksit ir lyin apo me
inch square coloured paper drawingbooksandy looks at the drawing
observer [note: photo: 'the main lodge, arbuthnott. taken from a hand tinted postcard.'] [note: photo: 'lord arbuthnott and hrh the queen mother, 1963. she had lunch at arbuthnott house on her way to stonehaven to open the tolbooth. mrs greig served lunch with two members of the black watch who assisted with waiting at the table.'] [note: photo: 'james riddoch, parkneuk'] [note: photo: 'arbuthnott house, sometime around 1900.']booksheld at the grassic gibbon
the kincardineshire observer [note: photo: 'mr arch greig senior being presented to hrh the queen mother by john arbuthnott in 1963. arch was grieve at the home farm between 1921 and 1961. when he retired, his son, also arch, took over grandson ken is the current grieve.'] [note: photo: 'arbuthnott reminiscence group in 1999. left to right: mrs anderson, mrs fowlie, katy heath, mrs dey, mrs thompson, mrs liz bruce, miss dallas, mrs mary williamson, mrs barclay, mrs armatage, mrs black, mrs hall, mr and mrs duncan mathieson.']booksheld at the grassic gibbon
the princess victoria belfast greystonebooks1990 wigtownshire free press issue
couldna cairry a box obooksa few auld claes sayin
thick as the london phonebooksjim higgins grunted dorothy giddings
it came to balancing thebookslibrarian nothing to report delegate
during the reformation the arbuthnottbookssurvived this period due to
to the campus travel agentsbooksto go to the [censored: surname]
attempt by a milkmaid poembooksto print marked by breaks

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