
See this word as a collocate cloud

get strong feel safe youngboxersappear skipping pat staein here
seconds enters in the ringboxerssit in their corners referee
on boxing ring referee callsboxersto fight enter bj bj
me there exit gary andboxersenter george with sara and
steps into the ring withboxersgary stands center ring each
her enter gary with fourboxersgary steps into the ring
jilly punches bj s handsboxersappear in gym box around
pat jilly and bj allboxersappear in gym box around
the mirror and shadow boxesboxersappear in the gym box
llbehereshe llbehere bj then whatboxersappear in the gym jilly
stands inside the boxing ringboxersappear training in the gym
spar lee sits on stoolboxersleave the gym bj naw
d come here watch theboxerssee thum drivin thursell pushin
ay bj exit jilly exitboxersyoungsters appear in the gym
threat lee rab and youngboxersleave the ring cherie and
see her see lee exitboxersjilly starts skipping enter bj
box around the audience exitboxerslights fade slightly lights brighten
stool facing the mirror fourboxersappear in the ring they
stands and watches as youngboxersenter the ring rab helps
and bj look at theboxersin the ring long silence
enter the ring rab helpsboxersput on their protective gear
to bj they watch asboxersappear they box around the
when ah grew up jillyboxersappear training jilly wid yi
at a dug fight boyboxerslee unlicensed dangerous lee you

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