
See this word as a collocate cloud

convener apologies were received frombrianfitzpatrick and murdo fraser the
7 february 2003 trish godmanbrianfitzpatrick bristow muldoon margaret jamieson
brian fitzpatrick thingummy christine grahamebrianfitzpatrick can call it that
tobacco consumption we know thatbrianfitzpatrick can i just tease
a hash symbol s1m 3829brianfitzpatrick centenary of james mcneill
lodged on 4 march 2003brianfitzpatrick christine grahame johann lamont
when brian fitzpatrick is speakingbrianfitzpatrick christine grahame will not
balloch supported by susan deaconbrianfitzpatrick dr richard simpson karen
scott barrie robert brown mrbrianfitzpatrick dr richard simpson trish
jamie stone john farquhar munrobrianfitzpatrick dr sylvia jackson cathy
13 march 2003 angus mackaybrianfitzpatrick dr sylvia jackson s1m
bill this is the onlybrianfitzpatrick i am asking about
uk editions contain tobacco advertisingbrianfitzpatrick i am not really
affected in that way elsewherebrianfitzpatrick i am obliged convener
members want to come inbrianfitzpatrick i have one final
uk national or english titlesbrianfitzpatrick i refer to the
nursing infection control and nhs24brianfitzpatrick i take issue with
to an increase in smokingbrianfitzpatrick i want to pursue
three quarters of an hourbrianfitzpatrick i was dealing with
south mrs warrington in cumbriabrianfitzpatrick i was interested in
real price of tobacco droppedbrianfitzpatrick i would be interested
that other companies would notbrianfitzpatrick i would like mr
a ban on tobacco advertisingbrianfitzpatrick is it your position
on you go bill butlerbrianfitzpatrick is overcome with generosity
take action on youth crimebrianfitzpatrick is right to highlight
position christine grahame only whenbrianfitzpatrick is speaking brian fitzpatrick
dr sylvia jackson nicola sturgeonbrianfitzpatrick janis hughes johann lamont
livingstone mr jamie stone mrbrianfitzpatrick janis hughes lodged on
helen eadie dorothy grace elderbrianfitzpatrick kenneth macintosh gordon jackson
the uk cabinet hugh henrybrianfitzpatrick makes his point very
2003 scott barrie cathie craigiebrianfitzpatrick margaret jamieson paul martin
by scott barrie cathie craigiebrianfitzpatrick margaret jamieson paul martin
duncan mcneil mr john mcallionbrianfitzpatrick maureen macmillan ian jenkins
duncan mcneil mr john mcallionbrianfitzpatrick maureen macmillan ian jenkins
lodged on 22 october 2001brianfitzpatrick maureen macmillan s1m 2337
acute services reviews my colleaguebrianfitzpatrick mentioned them in the
kate maclean mr kenneth macintoshbrianfitzpatrick mr john mcallion maureen
campbell mr alex fergusson mrbrianfitzpatrick mr kenneth gibson christine
eadie johann lamont pauline mcneillbrianfitzpatrick mr michael mcmahon karen
eadie johann lamont pauline mcneillbrianfitzpatrick mr michael mcmahon karen
lodged on 31 january 2003brianfitzpatrick mr michael mcmahon kate
lodged on 30 january 2003brianfitzpatrick mr michael mcmahon s1m
lodged on 29 january 2003brianfitzpatrick mrs lyndsay mcintosh s1m
principle christine grahame oh godbrianfitzpatrick ms grahame makes the
michael matheson mr michael mcmahonbrianfitzpatrick ms wendy alexander trish
of the labour party membershipbrianfitzpatrick murdo fraser duncan hamilton
of the labour party membershipbrianfitzpatrick murdo fraser duncan hamilton
scott irene oldfather s1m 3387brianfitzpatrick new cancerbacup scotland centre
less generous on you gobrianfitzpatrick not at all is
continue to look for loopholesbrianfitzpatrick perhaps i was not
care and in our communitiesbrianfitzpatrick recognised the role of
that measure i also findbrianfitzpatrick s comments in that
ingram lord james douglas hamiltonbrianfitzpatrick s1m 3237 mr jim
lodged on 23 december 2002brianfitzpatrick s1m 3733 christmas card
january 2003 mr tom mccabebrianfitzpatrick s1m 3766 british cattle
28 january 2003 scott barriebrianfitzpatrick s1m 3820 1 dennis
lodged on 30 january 2003brianfitzpatrick s1m 3831 cuban economic
lodged on 5 march 2003brianfitzpatrick s1m 3995 lochgelly high
lodged on 5 march 2003brianfitzpatrick scott barrie mr keith
that we must flag upbrianfitzpatrick so the onus should
are essentially always the samebrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
done so down the yearsbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
working against them 16 15brianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
to consider all the optionsbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
lyon argyll and bute ldbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
the sewel motion 11 22brianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
mcgrigor highlands and islands conbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
members rhona brankin midlothian labbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
health and community care committeebrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
questioning the executive s powerbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
campbell west of scotland snpbrianfitzpatrick strathkelvin and bearsden lab
into the current nhs systembrianfitzpatrick that is a no
commercial advantage from that relationshipbrianfitzpatrick the committee and eventually
the english word for itbrianfitzpatrick thingummy christine grahame brian
links at larbert s1w 34352brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
1998 to date s1w 18262brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24096brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
all hate crime s1w 34196brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24089brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
reform scotland bill s1w 23065brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24091brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
board and panel s1w 18260brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
1998 to date s1w 18264brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
all staff there s1w 18270brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
of this matter s1w 24095brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
acute services reviews s1w 18273brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
across devolved areas s1w 24087brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
sheriff court district s1w 28487brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
in the nhs s1w 18268brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24093brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24090brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
and mental health s1w 18266brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
community schools s1o 5427 5brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24092brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
common agricultural policy s1w 24070brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
in residential gardens s1w 24086brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
proportionate with need s1w 24098brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
and other agencies s1w 24101brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
and community care s1w 31824brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
workforce planning group s1w 18272brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
grampian nhs board s1w 24069brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
united kingdom s1o 6495 6brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
of this matter s1w 24094brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
ssi 2002 46 s1w 34353brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
in the nhs s1w 18267brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
in the nhs s1w 18271brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
year since 1996 s1w 33523brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
nhs dental services s1w 33522brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
nhs in scotland s1w 18269brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
in youth crime s1w 18261brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
measures in homes s1w 24088brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
and 2003 04 s1w 18265brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
community regeneration programmes s1w 28488brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
deaths scotland 2000 s1w 24109brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
1998 to date s1w 18263brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
any such targets s1w 24097brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
its regulatory activities s1w 24100brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
of venous thromboembolism s1w 31848brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
and nhs trusts s1w 18274brianfitzpatrick to ask the scottish
is on people such asbrianfitzpatrick to come up with
butler dr winnie ewing mrbrianfitzpatrick trish godman rhoda grant
fitzpatrick is overcome with generositybrianfitzpatrick were you waiting for
with the consumption of tobaccobrianfitzpatrick when you give us
interruption i say hi tobrianfitzpatrick who has just entered
to value our public servantsbrianfitzpatrick will ben wallace take
that is another jurisdictional issuebrianfitzpatrick will the member give
want specific figures for scotlandbrianfitzpatrick yes i am also
and come back to youbrianfitzpatrick you mentioned canada have
allows them to be advertisedbrianfitzpatrick you said that we
members have communicated to mebrianfitzpatrick your members will have
patricia glasgow maryhill lab fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab fraser
patricia glasgow maryhill lab fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gillon
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gillon
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gillon
patricia glasgow maryhill lab fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gillon
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gillon
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gorrie
west of scotland ld fitzpatrickbrianstrathkelvin and bearsden lab gorrie
monteith lord james douglas hamiltonbrianadam fergus ewing mr keith
douglas hamilton mr brian monteithbrianadam fergus ewing mr keith
mr brian monteith christine grahamebrianadam lord james douglas hamilton
sturgeon linda fabiani michael mathesonbrianadam mr brian monteith mary
mr john swinney tommy sheridanbrianadam mr brian monteith mr
fabiani christine grahame andrew wilsonbrianadam mr brian monteith mr
robin harper ms sandra whitebrianadam mr brian monteith mr
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
central scotland con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
stephen central scotland snp monteithbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
of scotland snp monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
and milngavie lab monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
david lothians con monteith mrbrianmid scotland and fife con
jackson also present iain smithbrianmonteith 1 paper pr 99
murray tosh alex johnstone mrbrianmonteith alasdair morgan christine grahame
gallie mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrbrianmonteith alex fergusson mr keith
2000 mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrbrianmonteith alex fergusson s1m 1161
on 15 june supported bybrianmonteith alex fergusson s1m 51
nora radcliffe john young mrbrianmonteith alex johnstone dorothy grace
annabel goldie mary scanlon mrbrianmonteith alex johnstone mr jamie
fiona hyslop s1m 2 3brianmonteith as an amendment to
fiona hyslop s1m 2 3brianmonteith as an amendment to
between the first minister andbrianmonteith at least hearing that
4 january 2001 supported bybrianmonteith bill aitken david mcletchie
on 18 march 2003 mrbrianmonteith bill aitken lord james
murdo fraser tommy sheridan mrbrianmonteith bill aitken pauline mcneill
donald gorrie s1m 341 mrbrianmonteith botticelli painting for glasgow
lord james douglas hamilton mrbrianmonteith brian adam fergus ewing
lord james douglas hamilton mrbrianmonteith bristow muldoon david mundell
duncan hamilton s1m 1237 mrbrianmonteith british olympic success that
murray s1m 3507 2 mrbrianmonteith broadcasting and the media
matters s1m 3507 2 mrbrianmonteith broadcasting and the media
on 30 january 2001 mrbrianmonteith business bulletin 62 2001
jamie stone rhoda grant mrbrianmonteith cathy jamieson mr john
murray tosh alex fergusson mrbrianmonteith cathy jamieson phil gallie
mcaveety 5 irene mcgugan mrbrianmonteith cathy peattie depute convener
ian jenkins irene mcgugan mrbrianmonteith cathy peattie deputy convener
mcaveety 5 irene mcgugan mrbrianmonteith cathy peattie deputy convener
on 27 june 2002 mrbrianmonteith christine grahame brian adam
kenny macaskill s1m 1223 mrbrianmonteith closing the millennium dome
subject of s1m 2289 mrbrianmonteith closure of scottish executive
david davidson david mundell mrbrianmonteith david mcletchie dorothy grace
doing so supported by mrbrianmonteith david mundell david mcletchie
by mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith david mundell dorothy grace
roseanna cunningham alex fergusson mrbrianmonteith david mundell dorothy grace
in scotland supported by mrbrianmonteith david mundell fergus ewing
gil paterson tricia marwick mrbrianmonteith david mundell mr keith
on 24 october 2002 mrbrianmonteith donald gorrie s1m 3495
on 7 february 2000 mrbrianmonteith donald gorrie s1m 506
on 14 february 2000 mrbrianmonteith donald gorrie s1m 540
a transformation s1m 2125 mrbrianmonteith doors open day that
may 2000 michael russell mrbrianmonteith dr elaine murray mr
supported by michael russell mrbrianmonteith dr elaine murray mr
marwick mr frank mcaveety mrbrianmonteith dr richard simpson mike
donald gorrie rhoda grant mrbrianmonteith dr richard simpson tavish
mike rumbles euan robson mrbrianmonteith dr winnie ewing mr
on 12 november 1999 mrbrianmonteith dr winnie ewing mr
brian adam fiona hyslop mrbrianmonteith dr winnie ewing mr
mcgrigor mrs margaret ewing mrbrianmonteith dr winnie ewing phil
brian monteith s1m 3945 mrbrianmonteith education additional support for
inquiry s1m 172 2 mrbrianmonteith education as an amendment
inquiry s1m 172 2 mrbrianmonteith education as an amendment
stevenson s1m 2236 2 mrbrianmonteith effective assessment in schools
system s1m 2236 2 mrbrianmonteith effective assessment in schools
scanlon mr david davidson mrbrianmonteith fergus ewing donald gorrie
sandra white fiona mcleod mrbrianmonteith fergus ewing mr lloyd
lloyd quinan alex neil mrbrianmonteith fiona hyslop mr david
on 21 february 2000 mrbrianmonteith fiona mcleod donald gorrie
work towards that goal tobrianmonteith for his earlier motion
in battle s1m 1497 mrbrianmonteith glasgow s townhead church
margaret ewing s1m 1493 mrbrianmonteith greenock morton football club
mary scanlon s1m 949 mrbrianmonteith greenock morton football club
kenny macaskill s1m 1017 mrbrianmonteith healthy fathering initiative that
ben wallace s1m 948 mrbrianmonteith hosting the european football
brian adam s1m 66 mrbrianmonteith impact of tolls on
in the name of mrbrianmonteith insert at end and
involvement of young people mrbrianmonteith is to report on
mcneill bill aitken scott barriebrianmonteith john scott keith harding
on 27 june 2002 mrbrianmonteith john scott mr keith
donald gorrie maureen macmillan mrbrianmonteith karen whitefield mrs mary
on 8 february 2002 mrbrianmonteith kay ullrich michael russell
on 7 february 2002 mrbrianmonteith kay ullrich michael russell
canavan dr sylvia jackson mrbrianmonteith kay ullrich mr keith
johnstone mary scanlon david mundellbrianmonteith keith harding bill aitken
johnstone mary scanlon david mundellbrianmonteith keith harding bill aitken
in the name of mrbrianmonteith leave out from and
the subject of s1m 3864brianmonteith location of a new
ewing mr mike rumbles mrbrianmonteith lord james douglas hamilton
tommy sheridan mary scanlon mrbrianmonteith lord james douglas hamilton
on 2 november 1999 mrbrianmonteith lord james douglas hamilton
david davidson ben wallace mrbrianmonteith lord james douglas hamilton
kirkwood mp supported by mrbrianmonteith lord james douglas hamilton
nora radcliffe fiona mcleod mrbrianmonteith margaret jamieson cathy peattie
keith raffan mr keith hardingbrianmonteith marilyn livingstone murdo fraser
michael matheson brian adam mrbrianmonteith mary scanlon bill aitken
grace elder murdo fraser mrbrianmonteith mary scanlon lodged on
brian adam andrew wilson mrbrianmonteith mary scanlon mr david
david davidson david mcletchie mrbrianmonteith mary scanlon s1m 1179
grace elder s1m 301 mrbrianmonteith meetings of the parliament
frank mcaveety irene mcgugan mrbrianmonteith michael russell also present
grace elder alex neil mrbrianmonteith michael russell christine grahame
february 2000 alex neil mrbrianmonteith michael russell fiona mcleod
hamilton mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith michael russell proposed gaelic
on 4 february 2002 mrbrianmonteith michael russell s1m 2691
donald gorrie mary scanlon mrbrianmonteith michael russell s1m 2701
on 7 february 2002 mrbrianmonteith michael russell s1m 2719
shona robison tommy sheridan mrbrianmonteith michael russell scott barrie
kenny macaskill lothians snp mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
west of scotland snp mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
north east scotland snp mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
income bands 15 18 mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
colleagues been listened to mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
kerr east kilbride lab mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
behalf of the committee mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
the first to know mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
tommy sheridan glasgow ssp mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
continue to do so mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
examination systems are wrong mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
in schools throughout scotland mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
full report 10 43 mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
years of primary education mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
eadie dunfermline east lab mrbrianmonteith mid scotland and fife
that because my culture spokesmanbrianmonteith might well say the
gil paterson colin campbell mrbrianmonteith miss annabel goldie mrs
grace elder s1m 1128 mrbrianmonteith motion of no confidence
motivated professional teaching staff mrbrianmonteith moved amendment s1m 1957
at 9 30am 1 educationbrianmonteith moved s1m 3650 that
on 26 march 2001 mrbrianmonteith mr adam ingram s1m
mcletchie mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson mr
supported by david mundell mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson mr
bill aitken michael russell mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson ms
grace elder donald gorrie mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson s1m
tommy sheridan brian adam mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson shona
douglas hamilton john scott mrbrianmonteith mr david davidson tricia
fergus ewing karen whitefield mrbrianmonteith mr duncan hamilton fiona
hyslop ms fiona mcleod mrbrianmonteith mr duncan hamilton mary
andrew wilson brian adam mrbrianmonteith mr duncan hamilton nora
murray tosh nick johnston mrbrianmonteith mr duncan mcneil mr
sandra white brian adam mrbrianmonteith mr george reid s1m
fabiani mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith mr jamie mcgrigor lord
permanent solution supported by mrbrianmonteith mr jamie stone cathie
muldoon mr michael mcmahon mrbrianmonteith mr john mcallion karen
alex johnstone george lyon mrbrianmonteith mr keith harding christine
key industry supported by mrbrianmonteith mr keith harding s1m
murray tosh mr nick johnstonbrianmonteith mr keith harding s1m
100 years supported by mrbrianmonteith mr keith raffan tricia
gillon mr michael mcmahon mrbrianmonteith mr kenneth gibson helen
the vessel supported by mrbrianmonteith mr kenneth gibson michael
on 23 may 2000 mrbrianmonteith mr kenneth gibson michael
mundell mr jamie mcgrigor mrbrianmonteith mr kenneth gibson nick
sheridan ms margo macdonald mrbrianmonteith mr lloyd quinan s1m
mary scanlon nick johnston mrbrianmonteith mr murray tosh mr
david davidson nick johnston mrbrianmonteith mr murray tosh s1m
each year supported by mrbrianmonteith mrs lyndsay mcintosh alex
hamilton mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith mrs lyndsay mcintosh david
supported by david mcletchie mrbrianmonteith mrs lyndsay mcintosh lord
david mcletchie donald gorrie mrbrianmonteith mrs lyndsay mcintosh miss
alex johnstone john scott mrbrianmonteith mrs lyndsay mcintosh phil
rhoda grant michael russell mrbrianmonteith ms margaret curran alex
macdonald tavish scott also presentbrianmonteith msp fiona mcleod msp
wilson mr keith raffan mrbrianmonteith nick johnston cathy peattie
sheridan mr jamie mcgrigor mrbrianmonteith nick johnston mr adam
bill aitken phil gallie mrbrianmonteith nick johnston mr david
social outlook supported by mrbrianmonteith nick johnston s1m 384
tommy sheridan s1m 311 mrbrianmonteith nicola oldroyd that the
aitken mr jamie mcgrigor mrbrianmonteith nora radcliffe tommy sheridan
brown s1m 343 1 mrbrianmonteith northern ireland assembly as
donald gorrie s1m 330 mrbrianmonteith openness in scottish football
fergusson mr keith harding mrbrianmonteith phil gallie david mundell
andrew wilson tommy sheridan mrbrianmonteith phil gallie dr winnie
tommy sheridan donald gorrie mrbrianmonteith proposed home education in
important project s1m 1288 mrbrianmonteith recognition of the success
hearin uises bsl 35 mrbrianmonteith registered his dissension fae
impairments use bsl 44 mrbrianmonteith registered his dissension from
standards committee s1m 291 mrbrianmonteith reinstate home international football
christine grahame s1m 291 mrbrianmonteith reinstatement of home international
david davidson s1m 1101 mrbrianmonteith richard demarco and the
this year s1m 1839 mrbrianmonteith right to faith based
june 2001 alex fergusson mrbrianmonteith roseanna cunningham s1m 2015
june 2001 alex fergusson mrbrianmonteith roseanna cunningham s1m 2016
i add my support tobrianmonteith s comments on scottish
unacceptable can you comment onbrianmonteith s point david eaglesham
way i take on boardbrianmonteith s question about whether
david eaglesham in response tobrianmonteith s question i think
have raised before i notedbrianmonteith s remarks about the
do not necessarily agree withbrianmonteith s solutions we should
kenny macaskill alex fergusson mrbrianmonteith s1m 1011 michael russell
gorrie mrs mary mulligan mrbrianmonteith s1m 1105 fergus ewing
september 2000 george lyon mrbrianmonteith s1m 1168 mmr vaccine
on 31 january 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1604 centenary of
on 1 february 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1613 international rescue
on 1 february 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1615 recognition of
on 9 march 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1716 edinburgh zoo
on 12 march 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1737 rector of
david mcletchie ian jenkins mrbrianmonteith s1m 1757 hosting football
russell mr david davidson mrbrianmonteith s1m 1784 morgan academy
on 27 march 2001 mrbrianmonteith s1m 1796 hepatitis c
canavan mrs margaret ewing mrbrianmonteith s1m 1828 palestine recognition
june 2001 tommy sheridan mrbrianmonteith s1m 2054 rcn scotland
on 27 march 2002 mrbrianmonteith s1m 2950 un children
phil gallie bill aitken mrbrianmonteith s1m 318 cathie craigie
on 3 september 2002 mrbrianmonteith s1m 3203 mr andy
june 2002 iain smith mrbrianmonteith s1m 3260 non use
august 2002 bill butler mrbrianmonteith s1m 3299 closure of
phil gallie mary scanlon mrbrianmonteith s1m 3487 human trafficking
on 20 november 2002 mrbrianmonteith s1m 3613 skye bridge
johnston ben wallace keith hardingbrianmonteith s1m 38 mike watson
wallace mr jamie mcgrigor mrbrianmonteith s1m 392 michael russell
mundell mr murray tosh mrbrianmonteith s1m 393 alex johnstone
supported by scott barrie mrbrianmonteith s1m 3945 mr brian
on 9 february 2000 mrbrianmonteith s1m 507 corstorphine hill
sheridan dr elaine murray mrbrianmonteith s1m 884 mike tyson
pupils and employers cathy jamiesonbrianmonteith said that my statement
lottery fund s1m 1496 mrbrianmonteith school examination appeals that
hash symbol s1m 2126 mrbrianmonteith scottish ballet that the
fergus ewing s1m 145 mrbrianmonteith scottish history that the
hash symbol s1m 1503 mrbrianmonteith sir james shand that
ian jenkins s1m 1499 mrbrianmonteith snowmen that the parliament
cathy peattie s1m 1074 mrbrianmonteith stirling s hogmanay celebration
required to implement i assurebrianmonteith that i cathy jamieson
richard lochhead s1m 355 mrbrianmonteith the education of children
each case s1w 15143 mrbrianmonteith to ask the presiding
stadium is s1w 3434 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
wound up s1w 15072 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
the court s1w 24076 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
schools s1o 107 24 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
are available s1w 24781 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
at hampden s1w 3435 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
four years s1w 27379 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
hygiene s1o 5373 20 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
among haemophiliacs s1w 17749 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
local authorities s1w 19434 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
of scotland s1w 27498 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
the a84 s1w 17750 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
that budget s1w 20861 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
cornton stirling s1w 17678 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
tables s1o 6411 29 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
to date s1w 31089 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
the cancellations s1w 7163 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
craigforth stirling s1w 19674 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
conventional species s1w 16751 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
children s1o 5771 4 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
protection agency s1w 26360 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
2003 s1o 6466 17 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
this matter s1w 22080 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
scientific interest s1w 24732 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
schools s1o 107 24 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
continuing charge s1w 33696 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
from whom s1w 1142 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
training courses s1w 19673 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
b female s1w 24077 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
into force s1w 33699 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
authority area s1w 16826 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
teachers scheme s1w 3433 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
provision s1o 322 16 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
bus operators s1w 27513 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
be maintained s1w 16830 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
informed choice s1w 1434 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
web site s1w 3432 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
been vacant s1w 34191 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
in scotland s1w 1143 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
this represents s1w 1436 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
four years s1w 20862 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
community schools s1w 1435 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
park perth s1w 33701 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
public sector s1w 17677 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
diploma courses s1w 16782 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
2002 03 s1w 15145 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
patient compliance s1w 10858 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
2002 03 s1w 15146 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
current year s1w 26362 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
and hampden s1w 3439 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
angus area s1w 9233 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
authority area s1w 27378 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
control standards s1w 27510 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
paying customers s1w 27511 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
each case s1w 15074 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
security service s1w 14996 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
scotland s1o 214 29 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
national stadium s1w 3437 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
being considered s1w 15144 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
in scotland s1w 1141 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
the results s1w 27512 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
december 1999 s1w 15075 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
subsequent years s1w 14972 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
bus industry s1w 27516 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
and sport s1w 15071 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
factors s1o 4911 2 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
in scotland s1w 14997 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
board area s1w 27499 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
fully operational s1w 33700 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
in scotland s1w 15070 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
services s1o 6400 26 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
disabilities s1o 6329 16 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
stirling area s1w 20863 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
bus operators s1w 27515 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
legal advice s1w 33542 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
act 2001 s1w 27514 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
five years s1w 15073 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
at hampden s1w 3436 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
for marking s1w 14973 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
july 1997 s1w 15089 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
sex offenders s1w 26915 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
on handguns s1w 9211 mrbrianmonteith to ask the scottish
june 2001 donald gorrie mrbrianmonteith tommy sheridan s1m 2058
seems like a robust ideabrianmonteith touched on the new
raymond briggs s1m 1498 mrbrianmonteith tribute to scottish battlefield
issue and i hope thatbrianmonteith will raise his game
for witnesses 2 petition mrbrianmonteith will report on petition
alex neil s1m 352 mrbrianmonteith withholding lottery money from
12 leave out subsection 5brianadam 120 in section 9
the cessation of that conductbrianadam 128 in section 13
of the parties section 14brianadam 129 in section 14
only or principal section 15brianadam 130 in section 15
to court 6 schedule 3brianadam 136 in schedule 3
to sex in line 22brianadam 138 in schedule 3
out lines 25 to 27brianadam 139 in schedule 3
out a written section 27brianadam 145 in section 27
given to the other personbrianadam 147 in section 27
when the exchange takes effectbrianadam 149 in section 28
across national boundaries s1m 1282brianadam aberdeen alternative festival that
of offshore workers s1m 1119brianadam aberdeen angus cattle that
ewing fiona hyslop s1m 1119brianadam aberdeen angus cattle that
sheridan fiona mcleod s1m 182brianadam aberdeen city council lobbyist
scanlon scott barrie s1m 3686brianadam aberdeen council housing debt
smith nora radcliffe s1m 1262brianadam aberdeen sunday car parking
language or i say tobrianadam about understanding the scots
hyslop tommy sheridan s1m 1052brianadam access to wipll and
by brian adam s1m 183brianadam advisory committees that the
ms margo macdonald michael russellbrianadam alasdair morgan colin campbell
grahame colin campbell roseanna cunninghambrianadam alasdair morgan mr lloyd
march 2001 ms margo macdonaldbrianadam alasdair morgan pauline mcneill
to their existence supported bybrianadam alasdair morgan richard lochhead
christine grahame mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam alex johnstone mr murray
munro irene mcgugan linda fabianibrianadam alex neil business bulletin
ms nicola sturgeon shona robisonbrianadam and susan deacon the
fergusson kenneth gibson richard lochheadbrianadam andrew welsh bill aitken
ewing winnie ewing irene mcguganbrianadam andrew welsh s1m 10
fergusson kenneth gibson richard lochheadbrianadam andrew welsh s1m 2
muldoon donald gorrie tricia marwickbrianadam andrew wilson dr richard
gil paterson mr john munrobrianadam andrew wilson michael matheson
mr gil paterson tricia marwickbrianadam andrew wilson mr brian
gil paterson mr adam ingrambrianadam andrew wilson mr kenny
crawford irene mcgugan christine grahamebrianadam andrew wilson mr lloyd
mcgugan christine grahame tricia marwickbrianadam andrew wilson mr lloyd
ewing tricia marwick irene mcguganbrianadam andrew wilson mr lloyd
mr john munro tricia marwickbrianadam andrew wilson mr lloyd
mrs margaret ewing christine grahamebrianadam andrew wilson mr lloyd
mcallion ben wallace michael mathesonbrianadam andrew wilson ms sandra
by irene mcgugan colin campbellbrianadam andrew wilson roseanna cunningham
orr no it will notbrianadam are you able to
protects lawyers interests s1m 2064brianadam auchmill road chaos that
alex neil mr gil patersonbrianadam ben wallace s1m 943
energy in scotland s1m 1633brianadam booking fees for arts
john mcallion ms sandra whitebrianadam bruce crawford mr gil
andrew welsh mr duncan hamiltonbrianadam bruce crawford mr john
john swinney ms sandra whitebrianadam bruce crawford ms roseanna
february 2000 dr richard simpsonbrianadam business bulletin 96 2000
fence money for improvement grantsbrianadam can you give us
ewing shona robison donald gorriebrianadam cathie craigie christine grahame
nora radcliffe mr mike rumblesbrianadam cathy jamieson dr elaine
nora radcliffe dr elaine murraybrianadam cathy jamieson richard lochhead
mcintosh tommy sheridan s1m 3942brianadam chewing gum disposal that
robison donald gorrie michael russellbrianadam christine grahame fiona hyslop
neil donald gorrie michael russellbrianadam christine grahame fiona hyslop
mr gil paterson tricia marwickbrianadam christine grahame fiona hyslop
quinan tricia marwick michael russellbrianadam christine grahame fiona hyslop
marwick alex neil donald gorriebrianadam christine grahame fiona hyslop
lloyd quinan mr duncan hamiltonbrianadam christine grahame fiona mcleod
s trading sector supported bybrianadam christine grahame linda fabiani
mr lloyd quinan michael russellbrianadam christine grahame mr kenny
dorothy grace elder shona robisonbrianadam christine grahame nicola sturgeon
mr adam ingram alex neilbrianadam christine grahame shona robison
ingram alex neil michael russellbrianadam christine grahame tricia marwick
mr kenneth gibson fergus ewingbrianadam colin campbell fiona mcleod
ingram tricia marwick christine grahamebrianadam colin campbell fiona mcleod
christine grahame mr kenneth gibsonbrianadam colin campbell mr john
mr kenneth gibson christine grahamebrianadam colin campbell mr john
members have any further questionsbrianadam currently there is an
murray tosh mr duncan hamiltonbrianadam david mundell mary scanlon
new build affordable rented housingbrianadam demand will not be
muldoon alex neil lloyd quinanbrianadam dennis canavan mike russell
andrew wilson dorothy grace elderbrianadam dennis canavan mrs margaret
s police forces s1m 193brianadam detoxification and rehabilitation services
that shows in the accountsbrianadam does it not appear
things in mind as wellbrianadam does the bill offer
2001 present murray tosh convenerbrianadam donald gorrie patricia ferguson
nicola sturgeon dr winnie ewingbrianadam dorothy grace elder andrew
donald gorrie mr gil patersonbrianadam dorothy grace elder andrew
alex neil mr gil patersonbrianadam dorothy grace elder andrew
gil paterson mr duncan hamiltonbrianadam dorothy grace elder andrew
winnie ewing mr duncan mcneilbrianadam dorothy grace elder fiona
canavan nicola sturgeon linda fabianibrianadam dorothy grace elder fiona
lodged on 12 july 2000brianadam dorothy grace elder mr
mr john munro fergus ewingbrianadam dorothy grace elder mr
for this project supported bybrianadam dorothy grace elder mr
lodged on 12 july 2000brianadam dorothy grace elder mr
supported by ms margo macdonaldbrianadam dorothy grace elder mr
lodged on 10 july 2000brianadam dorothy grace elder mr
tricia marwick mrs margaret ewingbrianadam dorothy grace elder murdo
lodged on 3 december 2002brianadam dorothy grace elder s1m
lodged on 4 july 2000brianadam dorothy grace elder s1m
livingstone ian jenkins christine grahamebrianadam dorothy grace elder scott
mcallion michael matheson tricia marwickbrianadam dr winnie ewing dennis
john munro dr sylvia jacksonbrianadam dr winnie ewing mr
douglas hamilton mr kenneth gibsonbrianadam dr winnie ewing s1m
a hash symbol s1m 1317brianadam drugs detoxification rehabilitation and
mr jamie stone s1m 270brianadam east coast electrification that
mcmahon tommy sheridan s1m 1279brianadam east coast mainline rail
mr adam ingram shona robisonbrianadam elaine smith mr murray
tagging systems have been checkedbrianadam electronic tagging is not
welsh colin campbell bruce crawfordbrianadam fergus ewing mr duncan
scott barrie mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam fiona hyslop david mundell
mcgugan david mundell tricia marwickbrianadam fiona hyslop michael russell
mcgugan john scott tricia marwickbrianadam fiona hyslop mr brian
mr gil paterson tricia marwickbrianadam fiona hyslop mr duncan
morgan roseanna cunningham tommy sheridanbrianadam fiona hyslop mr lloyd
morgan michael matheson tricia marwickbrianadam fiona hyslop tommy sheridan
dorothy grace elder donald gorriebrianadam fiona mcleod irene mcgugan
mr duncan hamilton christine grahamebrianadam fiona mcleod michael matheson
duncan hamilton mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam fiona mcleod ms sandra
grahame fergus ewing kay ullrichbrianadam fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
morrison sandra white sarah boyackbrianadam fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
point further with the ministerbrianadam geoff huggins kindly gave
the number of points thatbrianadam got wrong in his
mcgugan michael russell s1m 2123brianadam grampian university hospitals nhs
11 45 cathie craigie asbrianadam has already touched on
in her speech and asbrianadam has explained aberdeen has
snp s policy richard lochheadbrianadam has outlined the snp
anything to alleviate fuel povertybrianadam has the institute a
neil donald gorrie s1m 323brianadam hepatitis c inquiry that
as tenants choice is concernedbrianadam how will the bill
please move to a closebrianadam i am just about
i have given you figuresbrianadam i am not suggesting
raised by malcolm chisholm andbrianadam i guarantee the inclusion
reid not in the leastbrianadam i have not heard
back to you on thatbrianadam i know that it
it is a brief interventionbrianadam i love the emotive
to suit their best interestsbrianadam i readily acknowledge that
that is not the proposalbrianadam i want to develop
often represent very acute casesbrianadam i want to move
keith raffan mr kenneth gibsonbrianadam iain smith ian jenkins
godman donald gorrie s1m 370brianadam intergrated detoxification and rehabilitation
ingram michael russell richard lochheadbrianadam irene mcgugan mr duncan
ms sandra white michael russellbrianadam irene mcgugan mr lloyd
grace elder ms sandra whitebrianadam irene mcgugan mr lloyd
mr duncan hamilton fiona mcleodbrianadam irene mcgugan mr lloyd
ms sandra white michael russellbrianadam irene mcgugan mr lloyd
radcliffe donald gorrie michael russellbrianadam irene mcgugan ms sandra
the ultimate objective however ifbrianadam is looking for reassurance
no plans to change thembrianadam is the minister satisfied
insufficient to meet that demandbrianadam it would be interesting
eadie margaret smith nora radcliffebrianadam john home robertson robin
lodged on 13 december 2002brianadam john scott s1m 3688
kenneth gibson mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam john young dorothy grace
mcgugan shona robison michael mathesonbrianadam kate maclean s1m 264
tayside or elsewhere supported bybrianadam kay ullrich mr duncan
grahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilsonbrianadam kay ullrich mr duncan
kenny macaskill mr jamie stonebrianadam linda fabiani fiona mcleod
welsh robin harper tommy sheridanbrianadam linda fabiani nicola sturgeon
munro alex neil irene mcguganbrianadam lloyd quinan adam ingram
teams on television supported bybrianadam lodged on 12 april
harper colin campbell shona robisonbrianadam margaret smith mr kenneth
james douglas hamilton pauline mcneillbrianadam marilyn livingstone cathy jamieson
mcleod malcolm chisholm pauline mcneillbrianadam marilyn livingstone janis hughes
nick johnston mr kenneth gibsonbrianadam mary scanlon s1m 1183
paterson alex neil michael russellbrianadam maureen macmillan dr sylvia
lodged on 28 october 2002brianadam maureen macmillan trish godman
alleviate this burden s1m 387brianadam medical use of cannabinoids
significant change elaine thomson andbrianadam mentioned several projects that
harper pauline mcneill ben wallacebrianadam michael matheson kay ullrich
tricia marwick mr gil patersonbrianadam michael matheson linda fabiani
adam ingram ms sandra whitebrianadam michael matheson mr duncan
mr gil paterson johann lamontbrianadam michael matheson mr kenny
mr gil paterson nicola sturgeonbrianadam michael matheson mr kenny
mr john swinney nicola sturgeonbrianadam michael matheson mrs margaret
mcleod cathy peattie fiona hyslopbrianadam michael matheson ms sandra
michael russell mr adam ingrambrianadam michael matheson robin harper
supported by mr kenny macaskillbrianadam michael russell fiona mcleod
supported by mr kenny macaskillbrianadam michael russell fiona mcleod
supported by mr kenny macaskillbrianadam michael russell fiona mcleod
2001 supported by kenneth gibsonbrianadam michael russell kay ullrich
mr keith raffan alex fergussonbrianadam michael russell mr david
by kay ullrich colin campbellbrianadam michael russell nicola sturgeon
ms margo macdonald alex neilbrianadam michael russell shona robison
supported by mr kenny macaskillbrianadam micheal russell fiona mcleod
dr winnie ewing lloyd quinanbrianadam mike russell duncan hamilton
ones sarah boyack i thinkbrianadam misunderstands the purpose of
simpson cathy peattie s1m 1039brianadam moratorium on gm crop
mr keith harding alasdair morganbrianadam mr adam ingram mary
committees outwith edinburgh supported bybrianadam mr alex neil shona
ms fiona mcleod michael russellbrianadam mr andrew welsh mr
tuesday 11 february 2003 presentbrianadam mr david davidson alasdair
phil gallie mr kenneth gibsonbrianadam mr david davidson christine
robin harper ms sandra whitebrianadam mr duncan mcneil mr
ingram michael russell nick johnstonbrianadam mr gil paterson mary
regulations supported by fergus ewingbrianadam mr gil paterson mr
mr kenneth gibson mary scanlonbrianadam mr gil paterson robert
lodged on 25 october 2001brianadam mr jamie mcgrigor mr
welsh alex neil bruce crawfordbrianadam mr jamie stone dr
lodged on 11 march 2002brianadam mr jamie stone tavish
robison christine grahame fergus ewingbrianadam mr john swinney fiona
young bruce crawford irene mcguganbrianadam mr kenneth gibson kate
robin harper ms sandra whitebrianadam mr kenneth gibson s1m
young bruce crawford irene mcguganbrianadam mr kenneth gibson s1m
white fiona mcleod colin campbellbrianadam mr kenneth gibson shona
children of iraq supported bybrianadam mr kenny macaskill michael
tricia marwick mr gil patersonbrianadam mr kenny macaskill ms
white donald gorrie michael russellbrianadam mr lloyd quinan alex
linda fabiani ms sandra whitebrianadam mr lloyd quinan michael
radcliffe alex neil irene mcguganbrianadam mr mike rumbles alex
keith harding mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam mr murray tosh mr
andrew wilson dr richard simpsonbrianadam mr murray tosh ms
crops in scotland supported bybrianadam ms margo macdonald alasdair
mr jamie stone michael russellbrianadam ms margo macdonald andrew
mr lloyd quinan alex johnstonebrianadam ms sandra white dorothy
gibson michael russell fiona mcleodbrianadam ms sandra white mr
wilson fergus ewing linda fabianibrianadam ms sandra white robin
lodged on 17 january 2003brianadam ms sandra white s1m
jamie stone mr andrew welshbrianadam ms sarah boyack robert
solely of these legislative proposalsbrianadam my experience of churn
irene mcgugan dr elaine murraybrianadam nick johnston cathy jamieson
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonbrianadam nicola sturgeon linda fabiani
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonbrianadam nicola sturgeon linda fabiani
ewing shona robison donald gorriebrianadam nicola sturgeon mr duncan
lloyd quinan mr adam ingrambrianadam nicola sturgeon mrs margaret
ewing alex neil donald gorriebrianadam nora radcliffe ian jenkins
quinan robin harper christine grahamebrianadam nora radcliffe mr kenneth
by alex neil shona robisonbrianadam nora radcliffe mr mike
the post of deputy convenerbrianadam north east scotland snp
dr sylvia jackson stirling labbrianadam north east scotland snp
interest of staff and patientsbrianadam north east scotland snp
white glasgow snp committee membersbrianadam north east scotland snp
aberdeen north lab committee membersbrianadam north east scotland snp
can have them 16 37brianadam north east scotland snp
the minister to resist itbrianadam north east scotland snp
the future supervision costs 9brianadam north east scotland snp
welsh angus snp committee membersbrianadam north east scotland snp
wallace north east scotland conbrianadam north east scotland snp
capital investment appraisal per sebrianadam north east scotland snp
ask further questions about thatbrianadam north east scotland snp
our future programme of worksbrianadam north east scotland snp
elaine thomson aberdeen north labbrianadam north east scotland snp
alone to nurse 16 45brianadam north east scotland snp
sturgeon glasgow snp committee substitutesbrianadam north east scotland snp
affirmation tommy sheridan glasgow sspbrianadam north east scotland snp
be taken forward 16 10brianadam north east scotland snp
elaine thomson aberdeen north labbrianadam north east scotland snp
continues to make 12 42brianadam north east scotland snp
godman donald gorrie s1m 324brianadam oil and gas centre
of access harder to navigatebrianadam one cannot get a
sort of answer we likebrianadam one of the consequences
neil ben wallace michael mathesonbrianadam phil gallie fergus ewing
james douglas hamilton shona robisonbrianadam r mr kenneth gibson
shona robison dr winnie ewingbrianadam r mr kenny macaskill
hugh henry mr duncan mcneilbrianadam r nora radcliffe maureen
sturgeon fergus ewing robin harperbrianadam robert brown alex neil
mr kenneth gibson irene mcguganbrianadam robert brown donald gorrie
lodged on 5 february 2003brianadam robert brown mr david
fabiani tommy sheridan andrew wilsonbrianadam robin harper dennis canavan
ullrich andrew wilson malcolm chisholmbrianadam robin harper mr kenneth
cunningham michael russell john swinneybrianadam roseanna cunningham s1m 31
mr duncan hamilton andrew wilsonbrianadam roseanna cunningham shona robison
are delivered in the citybrianadam s second point was
lodged on 3 july 2000brianadam s1m 1063 voting rights
lodged on 3 august 2000brianadam s1m 1096 sbg and
6 july 2000 malcolm chisholmbrianadam s1m 1096 sbg and
lodged on 6 july 2000brianadam s1m 1098 asylum seekers
welsh bruce crawford andrew wilsonbrianadam s1m 13 1 george
hyslop alex neil fergus ewingbrianadam s1m 13 mr alex
lodged on 6 march 2001brianadam s1m 1707 closure of
13 march 2001 tricia marwickbrianadam s1m 1748 scottish executive
mundell tricia marwick david mcletchiebrianadam s1m 1756 scottish working
lodged on 19 march 2001brianadam s1m 1763 specialist clinic
agency in aberdeen supported bybrianadam s1m 183 brian adam
lodged on 19 february 2002brianadam s1m 2731 macmillan cancer
lodged on 6 march 2002brianadam s1m 2843 family history
tricia marwick mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3102 mr andy
lodged on 17 may 2002brianadam s1m 3130 victims of
may 2002 mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3132 energywatch stop
may 2002 mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3133 water connection
lodged on 21 may 2002brianadam s1m 3136 royal opening
may 2002 mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3145 legislation for
may 2002 mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3159 appointment of
june 2002 mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3185 scotland s
lodged on 13 june 2002brianadam s1m 3213 faslane peace
lodged on 18 june 2002brianadam s1m 3217 dalmellington area
christine grahame mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3240 health in
lodged on 21 june 2002brianadam s1m 3242 scottish place
christine grahame mr keith raffanbrianadam s1m 3254 action plan
lodged on 25 june 2002brianadam s1m 3255 william topaz
26 june 2002 christine grahamebrianadam s1m 3257 death of
stone fiona mcleod irene mcguganbrianadam s1m 3590 delivery of
lodged on 19 november 2002brianadam s1m 3593 st andrew
lodged on 28 november 2002brianadam s1m 3657 trade for
lodged on 3 december 2002brianadam s1m 3664 race equality
lodged on 3 december 2002brianadam s1m 3674 cairngorms national
mr kenny macaskill richard lochheadbrianadam s1m 3821 crime in
june supported by nora radcliffebrianadam s1m 66 mr brian
lyndsay mcintosh ms sandra whitebrianadam s1m 808 fergus ewing
lodged on 9 may 2000brianadam s1m 824 breast cancer
lodged on 10 may 2000brianadam s1m 830 racing pigeons
23 may 2000 cathie craigiebrianadam s1m 892 saltmarket centenary
keith harding mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam s1m 895 expansion of
23 may 2000 roseanna cunninghambrianadam s1m 898 scottish tomato
lodged on 25 may 2000brianadam s1m 909 post office
grahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilsonbrianadam s1m 917 glasgow rape
tricia marwick mr john munrobrianadam s1m 919 fergus ewing
kenny macaskill ms sandra whitebrianadam s1m 927 robin harper
2000 christine grahame andrew wilsonbrianadam s1m 933 crown prosecution
kenneth gibson mr jamie mcgrigorbrianadam s1m 948 hosting the
andrew wilson dr richard simpsonbrianadam s1m 949 greenock morton
mr kenneth gibson roseanna cunninghambrianadam s1m 952 dementia awareness
the subject of s1m 3430brianadam safety campaign on diesel
i am sorry but whatbrianadam said was absolute nonsense
margaret smith ms sandra whitebrianadam scott barrie bill butler
tuesday 7 march 2000 presentbrianadam scott barrie cathie craigie
epilepsy supported by karen whitefieldbrianadam scott barrie robert brown
mrs lyndsay mcintosh s1m 1053brianadam sheltered housing wardens night
supported by dorothy grace elderbrianadam shona robison christine grahame
donald gorrie dorothy grace elderbrianadam shona robison christine grahame
affluence supported by irene mcguganbrianadam shona robison colin campbell
bruce crawford mr adam ingrambrianadam shona robison dorothy grace
welsh christine grahame fergus ewingbrianadam shona robison dorothy grace
ewing andrew wilson linda fabianibrianadam shona robison fiona mcleod
can be assisted supported bybrianadam shona robison mr kenneth
stone tricia marwick alex neilbrianadam shona robison robin harper
fergus ewing mr lloyd quinanbrianadam shona robison robin harper
bruce crawford mr adam ingrambrianadam shona robison s1m 1115
will consider all those issuesbrianadam should not there be
translated it is important asbrianadam so adequately showed to
we started the year withbrianadam so are you saying
go into the next millenniumbrianadam so could the 434
2 per cent of itbrianadam so it might get
want to support through itbrianadam some concerns were raised
powers actively to refine itbrianadam some housing associations have
to be brought into playbrianadam south lanarkshire council has
an increased number of housesbrianadam south lanarkshire council s
is a very difficult areabrianadam spoke about the churn
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillbrianadam stewart stevenson fiona hyslop
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillbrianadam stewart stevenson fiona hyslop
ullrich irene mcgugan michael mathesonbrianadam stewart stevenson s1m 2236
of 6 months ending withbrianadam supported by bill aitken
2002 robin harper stewart stevensonbrianadam susan deacon fiona hyslop
receive the benefit of itbrianadam that is an extremely
compelled to produce on demandbrianadam that will become a
beginning to labour the themebrianadam the convener may have
to the community ownership initiativebrianadam the housing scotland act
individual from the source authoritybrianadam the initial motivation behind
think about doing so nowbrianadam the intention is to
has to be divided upbrianadam the scottish executive has
i have only five minutesbrianadam there will be no
dates running in the systemsbrianadam they must incorporate date
are trying to scrutinise todaybrianadam this is the only
grants under social security legislationbrianadam those moneys are often
policy rather than finance areasbrianadam those were concerns of
within hospitals s1f 1590 4brianadam to ask the first
sexual assault s1f 959 4brianadam to ask the first
rural areas s1f 258 4brianadam to ask the first
illness specific grant s1w 7114brianadam to ask the scottish
for the elderly s1w 16758brianadam to ask the scottish
of nhsis services s1w 13103brianadam to ask the scottish
european union countries s1w 1973brianadam to ask the scottish
it will receive s1w 3612brianadam to ask the scottish
selection of jurors s1w 13104brianadam to ask the scottish
body in scotland s1w 9222brianadam to ask the scottish
to do so s1w 7113brianadam to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 101 22brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16759brianadam to ask the scottish
nhs dental service s1w 9190brianadam to ask the scottish
of the a80 s1w 27417brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16764brianadam to ask the scottish
tourism industry s1o 3257 19brianadam to ask the scottish
achieving this expenditure s1w 13102brianadam to ask the scottish
penalties for littering s1w 1066brianadam to ask the scottish
nhs board area s1w 27418brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16762brianadam to ask the scottish
b 1999 2000 s1w 1064brianadam to ask the scottish
2005 06 s1o 6322 12brianadam to ask the scottish
welfare disposal scheme s1w 14982brianadam to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 101 22brianadam to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 14983brianadam to ask the scottish
north east scotland s1w 10879brianadam to ask the scottish
including landfill sites s1w 14985brianadam to ask the scottish
outbreak in england s1w 14984brianadam to ask the scottish
any such research s1w 8743brianadam to ask the scottish
conditions of service s1w 1972brianadam to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 307 25brianadam to ask the scottish
gm trial crop s1w 8745brianadam to ask the scottish
scottish beekeepers association s1w 8744brianadam to ask the scottish
regeneration policies s1o 5432 20brianadam to ask the scottish
to be kept s1w 14986brianadam to ask the scottish
means warrants s1o 5359 6brianadam to ask the scottish
neonatal hearing screening s1w 8742brianadam to ask the scottish
which is not s1w 33290brianadam to ask the scottish
will be announced s1w 10878brianadam to ask the scottish
the legal profession s1w 33291brianadam to ask the scottish
an appropriate licence s1w 33548brianadam to ask the scottish
dentists are located s1w 9193brianadam to ask the scottish
nhs dental service s1w 9194brianadam to ask the scottish
an nhs dentist s1w 9195brianadam to ask the scottish
their own records s1w 33549brianadam to ask the scottish
in october 2000 s1w 9188brianadam to ask the scottish
an nhs dentist s1w 9192brianadam to ask the scottish
assist cereal farmers s1w 9189brianadam to ask the scottish
or residential care s1w 9187brianadam to ask the scottish
an nhs dentist s1w 9196brianadam to ask the scottish
an nhs dentist s1w 9191brianadam to ask the scottish
adults scotland bill s1w 1065brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16767brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16763brianadam to ask the scottish
the parliament s1o 3848 10brianadam to ask the scottish
is necessary s1o 377 17brianadam to ask the scottish
statistics more informative s1w 19652brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16760brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16761brianadam to ask the scottish
opportunity gap s1o 6471 9brianadam to ask the scottish
any such routes s1w 10877brianadam to ask the scottish
trading and shopping s1w 1425brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16765brianadam to ask the scottish
by this budget s1w 16766brianadam to ask the scottish
and museum s1o 294 18brianadam to ask the scottish
remand centre s1o 429 12brianadam to ask the scottish
irene mcgugan mr mike rumblesbrianadam tommy sheridan s1m 187
bridge concessionary tickets supported bybrianadam tommy sheridan shona robison
lodged on 9 august 2000brianadam tommy sheridan shona robison
sheridan irene mcgugan dennis canavanbrianadam tricia marwick kenny macaskill
lodged on 28 october 2002brianadam tricia marwick ms sandra
the opportunity for social empowermentbrianadam we probably agree on
a two way exercise ifbrianadam were a 17 year
view the bill is progressingbrianadam what improvements does the
across the board for tenantsbrianadam what is the view
achieved churn will be reducedbrianadam why do you believe
that further in aberdeen asbrianadam will know that forms
for progress to be madebrianadam will margaret smith give
a significant impact on viabilitybrianadam will the bill help
in a sea of affluencebrianadam will the member take
sips operate are positive stepsbrianadam will the minister give
the investment as it werebrianadam with respect mr wood
figures is an inexact sciencebrianadam would i be right
the budget for future yearsbrianadam would it also be
all in detail 14 30brianadam would it be fair
that is happening already existsbrianadam would it be sensible
12 may 1999 a adambrianjames north east scotland snp
cunninghame north lab against adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
cunninghame north lab abstentions adambriannorth east scotland snp aitken
of scotland con against adambriannorth east scotland snp alexander
east scotland con against adambriannorth east scotland snp baillie
should press yes for adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
of scotland con abstentions adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
of scotland con against adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
of scotland con against adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
cunninghame north lab abstentions adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
cunninghame north lab against adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
and islands snp abstentions adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
be a division for adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
of scotland con abstentions adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
should press yes for adambriannorth east scotland snp campbell
educational institute of scotland mrbrianbishop scottish secondary teachers association
condemns the actions of mrbrianhamilton the so called raider
scotland petition pe369 by mrbrianj rostron on behalf of
the remembered plate a sonbrianjones junior thief mr jones
w r aitken london martinbriano keeffe vol 1 p
higher still programme even whenbrianwilson as minister of state
made things more difficult hadbrianwilson continued in the post
languages was done be ehbrianwilson eh as an act
anderson deputy head of securitybrianwilson security office manager margaret
was not the attitude ofbrianwilson the minister at the
timetable should be met whenbrianwilson was minister of state
controllers elizabeth black david frazerbrianwales shift managers kevin duncan
from what kenny gibson saidbriankelly s argument was that
seedling dr bandara kent fitbrianduguid didna that jed anderson
the navachitta health centre farbrianduguid vrocht wis dr shiran
and the article by drbrianwilliams president of the british
his chaps fyles neil thochtbrianan jenny war that close
furrin merrege cum hinniemeen wibrianas best man an neil
wabbit i ll see taebrianneil you awa ben tae
the recipient wis tae bebrians ain faither neil twis
that ony siller cud buybrians here neil cried inbye
takk her attention awa fraebrianfairly that brian hid swack
awa frae brian fairly thatbrianhid swack hauns fiddler s
coorseness o the consul generalbrianduguid he hid bocht aff
general o meikleburgh hid binbrianduguid the final dna tae
bracelets an elvis cds quobrianfa hid heard the story
sangsters tho neither jenny nurbrianhid a clue far tir
it wis fur his unclebrianhid aince shown him he
verra meat frae yer moobrianhid an allouance frae the
thirty three year back finbrianhid bin born the toun
wis fur jed tae greebrianhid contactit his granfaither pat
his mither jenny his unclebrianhid deid ten year back
the yarmouth quay bi noobrianhid fand jude anderson unlike
bi himsel withoot ony veesitorsbrianhid gien him films o
onythin twis noo 2046 anbrianhid gotten a job as
nae at the foun onyroadbrianhid niver heard o frangipani
wintin this wisnae the wyebrianhid socht tae broach the
tae anither organ broker bitbrianhid speceefically socht fur the
treetlin up the road fanbrianhid taen a fit at
anely his hauf sister furbrians ma hid deed in
did pairt jenny duguid anbriansangster hid decidit lang syne
november 2001 pe417 petition bybriansmith calling for the scottish
john mentioned my name sbriantempleton and i work here
care in scotland that saidbrianclark raised a broader issue
evidence from volunteer development scotlandbrianmagee head of policy active
general register office for scotlandbrianphilp general register office for
on wildness windhorse publ 2000brianduguid wis twinty five year
1960s jenny sangster b 2000briansangster jenny s twin brother
the bill can be implementedbrianphilp we felt that three
wis mair sturdy like norbrianan niver missed a day
wis the time tae tellbrianfa his birth faither wis
listen joe sangster s bairniebrianfa wis gleg i the
wis a gweed faither taebrianfair doted on him an
lichter wark o it thanbrianfor aa that he wis
richt da wis yer unclebrianin some wyes it wisnae
are ye aa richt noobriannoddit his mither wis luikin
didnae raxx tae fantoosh leevinbrians sister jenny wis mair
still caad the hen hoosebriansangster wis twinty fower year
bairns tae dee hereabouts saidbriantae jed wis there nae
an his brither in lawbrianwis a culture cairrier an
s claiss at balbutt skweelbrianwis ae year aulder nor
o music storytellin an dauncebrianwis an offeecial culture cairrier
fur the handlin o tbrianwis gweed at s darg
at the eyn o itbrianwis hired tae fiddle tae
doctors that efter the operationbrianwis the named carer an
wis bonnie wi t anbrianwisnae he wis peely wally
use our time by havingbrianclark one of the service
on 22 july 1999 bybriandoherty currently residing at carstairs
on the glaiss coffee tablebriandrew up a cheer an
add any more to whatbrianhas articulated on behalf of
evidence on scro checks frombrianmagee and isabel bryce volunteer
canna haud on muckle langerbrianneedit nae persuadin tae help
will comment on those mattersbrianphilp general register office for
on a day like todaybrianphilp if i was asked
other boy s fault probablybrians co accused was on

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